I simply do not understand why people are fighting health care reform. I have heard the arguments against it and I keep saying how is that worse than being held hostage by the insurance companies? My insurance cost keeps going and in turn I get less and less coverage. They say the govt run health care will mess things up. How is that worse than the insurance company white collars who a without medical background determine what my doctor/hospital can do for me?
How can the govt. do worse than what happened to my mother? She was to have as much of her brain tumor removed as possible. She went in for prep. They shaved her head put a shunt in to her, prepped her for surgery and then sent her home. They told her to be back the next day. When my brother complained they said it was cheaper that way. How can health care reform be worst than that? My family and I used to belong to an HMO that was nicknamed group death. The doctors were forced to see as many patients as they could in a day. They missed my wife's thyroid cancer even though her tumor stood out four inches from her throat. We had to pay our own money for a visit to a naturopath for her cancer to be discovered.
The time for health care reform was twenty years ago but our legislature in D.C. lacked the courage to do it. Now the time for health care reform is critically over due. It's time to stop the bickering and do something to make health care better. Doing nothing again is not an option!
I think people are fighting because they want to have an option to keep their insurance, they want answers and cannot get them. They have heard things like the healthcare for the elderly may not be as good as for someone young, on and on. There are many reasons they could be fighting since they cannot get the answers they need right now and they do not want to be stuck waiting for surgery or not having the option to go out and buy their own insurance that fits their needs.
The sad part of this is that because of the greed of the insurance companies we are even discussing health care reform. They did it to themselves. How come the insurance companies aren't proposing ways to fix this?
That is what I wonder or if the government could do something to help fix it. Why would we have to turn everything over to gov't insurance?
It really made me wonder why we cannot fix what we have instead of everything becoming a big to do.
That is my question as well!! Here is a good one I always go for a well woman check every year when I went to get a normal well woman check I was sent a bill for $1000.00 the claim? Well Woman check is not covered by our insurance,since when? Not only do we have medical debt that is mounting due to my husband's chemo in which our provider will not completely cover but my debt as well. We pay megabucks for the coverage but they cover and pay what they fill should be paid. I would rather have free medical for all then go through all of this garbage that I am personally going through. Insurance companies are afraid to lose money that is there big concern.
Why would anyone want to pay a premium and keep there insurance when they will recieve medical care at no cost? Wait until someone is in my position and they will re-think that position.
The sad part of this is that because of the greed of the insurance companies we are even discussing health care reform. They did it to themselves. How come the insurance companies aren't proposing ways to fix this?
They will have the right to keep their insurance. The Bill (HR 3200) is available online for anyone who wants to read it.
They aren't. Many are against THIS proposed health care reform (for the 1000th time) and the way certain political actors are trying to push it down our throats.
You know, I have health insurance, but pay cash because my visits are cheaper.
I agree with a lot of points you made. As person, so far flung into the undecided category, I don't see how people think that barking at your neighbor is getting the job done. Why don't people just shut up for a while and quit biting people back for their opinions. If I could find one forum that actually had EDUCATED people constructively debating the points back and forth, I'd pay a million dollars. But as it is, how does anyone expect to know anything, when all they do is argue? I'm completely undecided on this issue. I don't know if health care is a right or privilege. And I have a darn good feeling it is almost best to just stay that way. Because this bickering crap is for the birds.
I'm sure I'm not the only one, lost in the shuffle of political hatred and rudeness. It's ridiculous.
IMHO, the way this whole scene is going to pan out is Americans with no healthcare vs Americans with healthcare. Whoever has the majority wins. Oh, and puleeze let's minus the illegal immigrants!
In a large part I agree with you but I think those who have sub par insurance benefits will join the have nots.
will it be fair if the illegal immigrants are not covered?
Besides the point. Medical care is a basic human right.
Answer this: If you saw an illegal alien bleeding and dying on the pavement, would you try to save his/her life, if you had the capability?
Now everyone, keep that thought in mind, and apply it to health care reform.
Along with sunny days, uninterrupted happiness, a new BMW, and anything else anyone in the universe wants on any given day...
I don't live in laalaa land, doggie. That would be you. And I own an Audi. They're better.
And I still believe that health care (among other items--there actually is an international declaration of human rights--although you are probably, obviously unaware of that) is a basic human right.
Yes, there are certain sorts who view 'Human Rights' as some catch-all into which they can throw any and every thing that they want to have some mythical 'government' provide for people under the lie that it is 'free.' Of course this leads the very notion of human rights down the road to meaninglessness.
Yes ,they would (or should) have healthcare from previous country, to tide them over, til citzenship. If they dont register as residents ,no citizens sorry then I would assume they dont want anything logic.
If it's going to be the insured against the uninsured, just wait a few years. With the insurance companies profits up 1000% in the last five years, it won't be long until rates are so high that the uninsured will out number the insured.
Amen. Amen. Amen... Thanks for telling your story. I believe it to be closer to the actual truth in America than the empty and loud blatherings we are hearing from the 'opposition.' Or should I say from those who have let themselves be thrown into a frenzy of fear by less than honest, indeed unethical propaganda campaigns put forth by interests that are heavily invested in seeing any health care reform fail.
Or should I say from mean-spirited, bored and not-to-bright trolls on the Hubpage forums?
It's about as pretty, ingenuous and honest as the cigarette lobby.
(Initially posted on your other thread...you accidentally posted twice? )
Why are they fighting it? Simple. Once you've got socialised health care in some form or another, people end up pleased with it, which means it is permanent. There's never been a country where they had socialised health care and the public said "let's dismantle this". Usually it's the opposite, and they demand more of it. It's much like state pensions, or social security as you lot call it.
The insurers etc know this, which is why they are fighting to the death on this.
You guys need to support your president and not let him get trashed the way Clinton was trashed when he attempted reform.
After all you all knew healthcare reform was on the agenda before the election, Mr Obama was upfront about it. He was elected, ergo he has a democratic mandate and the right to enact that mandate. The idea that he should ditch his election promise, one endorsed by the majority of voters, just eight months into his presidency, just because the people who lost the election are making a noise, is absurd. If people objected to heath reform they would have voted McCain. So stand by him and stick it out.
Most people--indeed, countries...agree. Please see Article 25:
But not dogs from Boston or where ever.
The real pisser to me is that nobody said you can't still have private coverage. The "free" stuff is going to be a humongous tax burden, absolutely for sure, and the utopian folks claiming preventative medicine will make up the difference need to hop back on their unicorns and ride back to the fairy meadow.
However, as horrific as the expense of it will be, letting families lose everything, homes, college funds for kids, ... literally everything, because they have to wipe themselves out to pay for a huge illness or injury is just insane. So is paying absolutely absurd insurance premiums that make affording basic necessities out of reach. Who spends a third of their income paying into a "I might get sick some day, here, insurance man, hold on to my money for me in case things go bad" and does without shoes for their kid or buying groceries? It's like, dude, really? That's our system?
And, rich people can still get fancy, private, better than everyone else medical care. They just buy a little extra coverage (that will totally be available). The greedy and ambitious doctors will still save the best stuff for the rich, so, if you can afford the experimental or "above average" treatments, you'll be fine. The rich will still be able to live far longer than the regular folks. So, everything will be fine, the "worthy" shall endure while the peasants still die before them. Nothing is really at risk except a few medical bill based forclosures. The banks will just have to find other ways to take people's homes.
I find it bizarre that people are fighting this tooth and nail. I come from a country with public health (but staying in the US temporarily) - it is not a perfect system but it works pretty well. It is definitely not scary. I will never have to mortgage my house in case I need to have surgery. If I want better coverage I can get add-on health care insurance that is a fraction of what it costs here. I can't understand why you wouldn't be happy to see that your neighbors are covered.
I recently went to the Doctor and needed one blood test. $139 for the blood test alone, without the Dr's visit included. At home it would cost me about $30 for the Dr's visit and the blood test.
Sure you should debate what is on the table and how to improve the legislation, but I'm telling you now, the world doesn't end if you have public health. I can't believe for such a wealthy country, the health of all your citizens is not a priority.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill - you can always count on Americans to do the right thing....after they've tried everything else. This IS going to happen, decent healthcare in America will cease being only for the privileged few. It appears we're going to go the wrong way at least a few more times, but we will get there. The only question remaining is how many more people will face catastrophe before we finally grow up on this issue.
Not in the form currently being pushed it's not. Hell, the dems are already fracturing over parts of it.
Ah yes, the "privileged few" 82%
So anyone who doesn't support the plan currently being pushed isn't 'grown up'? I guess the majority of voters aren't grown up then.
I have more than decent health care and I'm not priveleged.
What else do you want the government to buy for you? A car? Clothes? Food?
I'm worried about being required to carry mostly worthless insurance. I want improved access to good health care, not access to mediocre insurance.
What if the government gave free healthcare to all, but allowed private practices to exist where people could pay for extra special care?
Just like most of our schools are public schools, but we have private schools for those who can afford them. Would that be acceptable? (that's meant as a question, not a sarcastic poke, as I'm looking for opinions)
That is the plan. The private sector is not going to be shut down.
Then I can't see why it's such a big issue. I'm willing to give to help my fellow American, as we are all part of the same country.
Illegal aliens? I'm kinda on the fence on that one ... I would never walk past an injured person (regardless of where they came from), but I also wouldn't want thousands of people crossing the border, just because we have free healthcare, and having none of them work to pay for it as we would.
I'm afraid the only way we will ever solve our illegal immigrant problems is if we offer more incentives for these people to become legal citizens or we run America down to the point where it becomes a ghetto and then we all cross into Canada.
Or how 'bout we actually defend our borders for a change?
Having lived in a state bordering Mexico, I can't begin to tell you what these people will endure to cross our border. As desperate as many of these people are for a better life, it's nearly impossible to hold them all at bay, though I do share your frustration.
Fences can be climbed over, guards can't cover every inch of the border 24 hours a day, and any electronic countermeasure will eventually be foiled.
I suppose that's the price to pay for a prosperous nation being so close to one that is major need of an economic overhaul.
We could sure try a lot harder than we are now, but I see your point.
Don't overlook the fact that, when an illegal is caught and put in a INS camp, WE pay for their health care. It takes months, sometimes, to deport them and we are footing all their bills for that amount of time.
What 'camps' are those? (and the INS is not called INS anymore)
They are like prisons. It is where the illegal aliens go to await being deported. You can look them up. We have a few of them in Texas.
They are called "Immigration Detention Facilities" in this link.
http://www.calehrlaw.com/immigration_la … ation.html
Here's a link to one, in particular.
If people breaking our laws are imprisoned that's a good thing, but the site said nothing about how long people are commonly held.
I have a friend who was busted and deported to Wales. Her case was expedited and she only had to stay three weeks. The Mexican cases take months because there are so many Mexican detainees.
According to this article, it is an 8 month wait in Dallas. The backlog of cases is even higher in Houston and San Antonio.
http://www.txcn.com/sharedcontent/dws/n … 30493.html
Look at the second link. I sent you a link to an actual detention facility. Are you looking for someone in particular? I just thought you were contesting my knowledge that such places exist. You are a sweetheart, aren't you?
Not only would that eventually drive most private insurers out of business, but then you would REALLY have inequality in that the wealthy would have good insurance and most everyone else would be stuck with gov. cheese.
That's pretty much how the National Health Service works here in the UK.
Key emphasis on your phrase "the government gave free healthcare to all, but allowed. . .".
First, the govt doesn't "give" anything. You pay for it all. Second, the govt doesn't "allow". It is either a right, or we don't live in a free country. I'm not being sarcastic. I think your proposal is a very good one, to have both options. But the main stickler for me in this whole issue is one of govt control and interference in our lives. Not something I ever want.
I'm assuming it would be like it Canada that you have to actually have a health card with you or you have to pay? Of course, there is probably a market for forgeries but I doubt it's that widespread a problem, here at least.
I think its just a matter of change
Its scary for some people
I think a better question is why are there so many damn threads about healthcare. Can't one or two suffice?
May as well ask Admin to create a Healthcare forum
This is not aimed at the OP
Link to "Immigration Detention Facilities"
I've been amazed by the uses patriotism gets put to in this debate in so many hubs and elsewhere. It's nice to see a thread where it hasn't been abused.
A phrase that gets used a lot in politics in the UK is- patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrel.
Thanks, Will. Amen.
I'm embarrassed for our country and cannot believe the amount of propaganda people are parroting without even knowing why. I must say I don't think it is necessarily all about patriotic interests, but the interests of big business that these "patriots" are unwitting tools of.
I am glad that advertisers are finally beginning to see that the lies and viciousness that shock jocks like Glenn Beck are spreading is not good for their bottom line and are pulling advertising. I'm ashamed that this debate has to be so much about money and not more about the fact that basic health care for all people is a moral responsibility, as it is a human right.
ooohhh. Nasty big business.
Have you ever asked a poor person for a job?
You obviously have no idea what he talks about. You certainly have the freedom to tune out his show, but if you insist on passing judgement, perhaps you might want to hear what he's saying.
It's only fair, right?
Apparently a lot of people are "tuning out" the Beckmeister. There is a story today about the many sponsors who are abandoning his show as a result of his moronic "commentary"
The Free Market has Spoken!
There is no content to your post, Nicomp, sorry.
Yeah. Simple math. Blleuhg. Duh. Get IT. Industry not bad. What is this, junior high debate class? But the interests of the market must be balanced by the interests of governance and welfare for all citizens. 'Twas always thus...every civilization that ever existed was a balance of these. Um, public roads?
And as far as Glenn Beck, I've not only watched the b*st*rd, and noted what he has said, but I've researched a few of the 'issues,' including the cars for clunkers fiasco (what an idiot...yeah, the government is accessing all the info. on your computer and controlling your life), and his accusation that President Obama was a racist (to which, several advertisers pulled sponsorship, and Beck went on an 'iffy' vacation from the network just recently).
All your posts contain, in general, is stereotyping of quote, quote, 'liberals.' They contain not much else. This must be fun for you, I guess, (maybe?), but to some of us they seem rather childish.
Content is in the eye of the beholder.
Thanks, Mrs. Marx.
Ah, the tolerance of a liberal/progressive/democrat; call him names while delicately *ing out the vowels. Yay free speech!
Childish when your ox is gored. I get that. Anyway, I have no idea what you tolerant folks wish to be called these days.
Point is, I'm not even a traditional liberal. I wouldn't define myself as such... But off you go, "debating," (such that it is) against a strawman.
And I think your posts prove my points about your 'style' better than anything I can say, so I'll let that stand for anybody reasonable to see.
I don't know what a non-traditional liberal might be, so I gotta go with what I got. Solly.
Nice work with the Strawman blast. You're obviously a mean-spirited non-conservative, so if you'd like to suggest another moniker for yourself, please do so. I'm stumped.
You implying I'm unreasonable? Cool. From an L/D/P I'll eat that up.
Yeah, I'm mean spirited, absolutely... lol If I told you how I'd define myself, you'd have to do some reading other than basic Fox news, MSN, or etc. That probably wouldn't be fun, so...nevermind!
I'm implying you operate on a very stereotypical level concerning politics or theory. It isn't even interesting. It sounds very Glenn Beck, yes. So...I suppose if you want to take that as a compliment, there you have it.
Very Glenn Beck of you!
Hmmm... you attack me, you profane the lineage of Glenn Beck, you impugn my writing style, my content, my choice of words....
But you're certainly not mean-spirited! You're just brimming with rainbows and kittens!
I certainly did not. I imply your stuff is as fascinating and intelligent as Glenn Beck's. Absolutely. I'm SURE you should take that as a compliment.
Here's a thought. If you can, give me three advantages and three disadvantages to the Cash for Clunkers program. And no Googling.
She always runs away when I bring up an issue!
Standard procedure. Throw some insults, declare their own brilliance, then beat feet.
The proper phrase, which originated in Texas is, "Big hat, no cattle." It's good to have sources, and check sources.
That's over y'all's head, but that's OK.
I'm simply not interested in talking to people at this level. And I am a writer, and I have writing to do.
You both have as good a day as it is possible for you to have!
Sorry, Lita: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/t/trac … attle.html
Anyway, run along as you promised to do several messages ago. Feel free to come back when you can discuss an issue. That's more engaging than spelling profanities with stars instead of vowels.
Unless you're really not all that busy?
No googling, SIR, Gotcha! SIR, lol
What a joke!
As I said. (And you dissected my post...which was not written to you, btw..I was simply replying initially). I repeat, I am not interested in talking to people at this level.
And yes, I'm busy. I'm trying to write three hubs, do some writing for work, and figure out my next real estate investment, all to make a HUGE PROFIT.
And I'm just not interested in this conversation. Very very sorry. Get along and make a college tuition payment for your kid or something... jeez.
You have a great day! If ya can, Really.
I am sore confused. You have time to compose pseudo-intellectually condescending meta-responses but not time to dig into an issue that you brought up.
Too bad. Some of us are very busy with the free market and increasing our wealth. Maybe you should be, too. Sorry for the confusion, but ya know, that's how it goes when you see things in a stereotypical fashion. lol
You have a great day! If ya can, Really.
Nope, sorry. I still don't get it. Just take a few minutes out of your wealth building and condescending to discuss an issue with me. What harm?
Standard procedure. Throw some insults, declare their own brilliance, then beat feet.
An effective 'debater', for lack of a better word, understands both sides of an issue and can verbalize arguments from both sides.
I asked Lita to list three pros and cons for the Cash for Clunkers program. Since she is too busy making money, I will present both sides.
I went ahead and started a new thread on this topic.
Good for you! Positive creativity. Something came from all this, . Excellent... And no, I don't have time, and if you really looked, you'd see debating that program was not my point.
But really...if positive energy comes from anything..even something negative, I'm impressed.
Yep, we took your negative, vitriol infused, mean spirited, intolerant, bigoted hate speech and made lemonade. That's what conservatives do.
Now, get back to making money. You're obviously too busy to roll around in the much with the commoners.
I guess I'll figure out my own schedule, but thank you.
Who is being nasty now? And you are the one who dissected MY post in response to Will Apse with your vitriol hate speech. There is right and wrong. This, on this post, is clear to see.
And just because I don't think your 'argument' is all that, doesn't mean I don't find other 'conservatives' argument interesting. I do not HAVE to give you the time of day. It isn't a requirement. And yes, I'd rather write about art or have a debate with someone else.
You sound so VERY Glenn Beck! It's a deep, deep compliment.
Yep, too busy to address an issue. Not too busy to condescend.
She truly has herself in a bind now. If she ignores me she's lost the debate, if she addresses me she owns up to being a h*p*cr*t*.
I assume 'y' is a vowel in this usage. Not really sure.
Now! Would a captain-(ness) of capitalism take the time to address you all?
Really, ya think?
Then why should I? Time is money and it flies!
Seriously, in all seriousness, for real, no lie; you're just making yourself look small. An hour ago you said you were too busy to discuss an issue that you brought up. In the meantime you continue to post condescending vignettes to the thread. It's almost as if you have nothing better to do.
See above. (If you can get through...I've no real idea about hubs when unpublished.) You want me to post some job references, too? Since I have to prove soemthing? Would ya like that?
And I'm just having some fun. Likely, those who I consider reasonable and friends can see this. Others? Don't care. Once I've formed an opinion of someone over a period of time, it usually proves to be true.
Challenge to you? YOU stop posting. I've ended this like, 4 times. Have a good day,
by Georgiakevin 15 years ago
I simply do not understand why people are fighting health care reform. I have heard the arguments against it and I keep saying how is that worse than being held hostage by the insurance companies? My insurance cost keeps going and in turn I get less and less coverage. They say the govt run...
by leeberttea 14 years ago
http://www.marketwire.com/press-release … 303313.htmAn independent study of compliant and non- compliant insurance companies has found that compliance with the new health care reform laws could lead to bankruptcy of insurers.Ah! Everything is going according to Obama's plans!
by Julianna 14 years ago
The reform passed how do you feel? What do you believe are the pros and cons? Do you believe your Congressman of your state made the correct decision? The forum is open to discussion.
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President Obama again demonstrated his considerable ability to speak persuasively. His advocacy of his health care proposals was powerful and convincing, in my opinion. He explained the details of his proposals, the reasons for them and the way they will work. And he debunked the lies that have...
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