Do you think killing Osama Bin Laden was the "best" idea?

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  1. puddingicecream profile image69
    puddingicecreamposted 13 years ago

    Do you think killing Osama Bin Laden was the "best" idea?

  2. Writer David profile image60
    Writer Davidposted 13 years ago

    Was killing over 3,000 innocent people the "best" idea?  I'd say no..  Was killing Osama bin Laden the "best" idea?  Absolutely, unequivocally YES.

  3. drdspervez profile image68
    drdspervezposted 13 years ago

    Killing somebody does not mean end of terrorism,you have to find the roots of terrorism and that is not an easy task.    smile

                                                    DR.DURRESHAHWAR PERVEZ

  4. strikerman profile image60
    strikermanposted 13 years ago

    Osama Bin Laden is a simple to Al-qa'ida

    sure killing Osama will not end alqa'da  but his death was a best idea yeeeeeeeeeees of course

    and killing the next leader also will be the best idea and the next..etc

    they are make our blood cheap and free

    and we should fight forever , they will never stop so should we too

    long answer sorry

  5. profile image0
    vinsanityposted 13 years ago

    I think that the majority of the world wanted him gone, but with any political action, there will always be an opposer to the idea.

  6. KK Trainor profile image61
    KK Trainorposted 13 years ago

    Yes. He was the number one enemy of the U.S., by his own choice, and he paid the price.

  7. WindMaestro profile image59
    WindMaestroposted 13 years ago

    It was absolutely the best idea. Capturing him would mean endangering our homeland even further, with a violent response from radical Muslim extremists. Killing him was the best idea, because he was key to the running of Al Qaeda. In a cut the head off of the snake scenario, many planned acts of terrorism have been stopped cold, or at least temporarily out of qualified leadership. Instead of the "hermit" image portrayed of Osama in his compound, he was actually the motherboard of the entire operations of Al Qaeda. (He had even planned a 10th Anniversary terrorism plot for September 11, 2011)
    So yes, killing Osama Bin Laden was the "best" idea, because it eliminated a wanted and powerful enemy in a very swift and professional way.

  8. Ken Barton profile image61
    Ken Bartonposted 13 years ago

    Killing Osama was an appropriate response.  He waged war on the USA and thought nothing of killing 3000 innocent Americans.  He would have killed every American in the world if he had the chance.  Taking him out quick without hesitation took care of any double dealing and politicking that might have taken place otherwise.

  9. kwade tweeling profile image70
    kwade tweelingposted 13 years ago

    The media told us numerous times that he had key information on strike plans, bases, and procedures that would have been very useful for "combating terror." If this is all true, I cannot see how eliminating him and creating a martyr for a bunch of psychos, without first extracting information, was good.

    Barring that, I'd say his death was a necessary event.

    (I get the feeling based on popular vote, I will be voted down for this. It seems people are voting down on here because they don't like someones opinion rather than relevance. C'est la vie.)

  10. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    not at all in the grand sceme of things. capturing him would have been the right thing to do but i'm thinking there was a reason why he was killed that few want to talk about. we can't prove if he is alive or dead because they say he was burried at sea which in itself is the stupidest thing i've heard in years. i have no problem with killing someone like him but the way they did it was not only very suspicious but by saying he had to be burried within 48 hours for religious reasons makes me wonder what is really going on. if your foolish enough to believe the U.S. government, you haven't learned anything.


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