How will the history books describe the presidency of Barark Obama in 2050?

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  1. WannaB Writer profile image88
    WannaB Writerposted 12 years ago

    How will the history books describe the presidency of Barark Obama in 2050?

    It's often not evident what the effect of a given president's actions had on the county until history later judges him in the light of what comes after he leaves office. How will historians treat Barack Obama?

  2. Brandon Spaulding profile image58
    Brandon Spauldingposted 12 years ago

    Barack Obama is currently recognized as the worst president in the history of America. Obama is a puppet for the far left liberal party. He is a president of convenience. If he and the far left manage to successfully alter the foundational principles of America, America may look substantially different in 2050 than it does now. Depending on which way the American population decides to vote, America could be a socialist nation or it could still stand for right thinking that was developed and espoused by our founding fathers. The socialist will not tell the truth. Traditional America will. If Socialists are telling the story, Obama will be idolized as he is by the far left liberals today. If traditional America tells the story, the truth about what Obama is will be in the history books. He will be described as the most inexperienced, naive, arrogant, president in the history of America. In addition, he will be shamed as the president that tried to redefine the foundational structure of the greatest country to ever exist in the history of the world past, present, and future.

    1. profile image49
      suzi2013posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I can hide in a book and you will never find me. Obveously you don't read. Meaning you are not smart

  3. profile image0
    Gusserposted 12 years ago

    History will judge him as very poor. But he may be in more comic books than history books.

  4. Jennifer Stone profile image84
    Jennifer Stoneposted 12 years ago

    Winston Churchill (British prime minister 1940 - 45 and again in 1951 - 55) is famously quoted as saying,
    "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!"

    It is a fact that politicians do their best to effect how they are remembered by changing their wikipedia entries for example, and by changing their minds to affect public opinion. How will the history books remember Obama? It all depends who writes them!

  5. Bibowen profile image91
    Bibowenposted 11 years ago

    Something like this: "Barack Obama broke the race barrier by being the first African-American (or whatever PC term is acceptable then) president of the United States. Obama faced many challenges as president: an American war in the Middle East, a collapsed housing market, and a sluggish economy. Obama's great triumphs were the passage of his health care plan, euphemistically referred to as "Obamacare." However, this victory was a Pyrrhic one in that it failed to increase the quality of care, and raised the cost of healthcare and health insurance.

    In foreign policy, Obama's great political victory was the killing of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind and financial power behind Al Qaeda and the attack on America on September 11, 2001. However, Obama's policy of "leading from behind" was perceived by belligerent states like Iran and North Korea as weakness. In the end, these states were a menace to peace and stability throughout Asia. Obama's weak foreign policy also resulted in China's increased hegemony in the region.

    Culturally, America revisited Jimmy Carter's "malaise" as Obama continued to promote the culture of death by advocating abortion-on-demand, declining quality in state healthcare, and the promotion of gun-control which had the effect of diminishing both the quality and the sanctity of life.

    For those that voted for President Obama for racial reasons, there was little dissuading them that he was one of America's great presidents. Given that for most of these people, their IQ was lower than the average SPF number on a bottle of sunblock, this was understandable. However, for the most part, President Obama's policies never allowed him to surmount the challenges presented to him by the previous administration. His approach of regularly apologizing for America made many wonder why he ever wanted to be its chief executive in the first place."

  6. R. Martin Basso profile image74
    R. Martin Bassoposted 11 years ago

    2050 History book entry:

    "In 2008 Barak Obama made history when 69.5million U.S. voters swept him into office as the first African American president... 
    As a curious follow-up footnote, by 2016, after Obama concluded his second term, 69.2million Americans collectively made history by petitioning Congress and asking for their initial votes back."

    [insert rim-shot here.]


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