Obama's Presidency is nearing it's end. What is his legacy, in your view?
All opinions are welcome. I am interested to hear how different people view Barak Obama, as Commander-In-Chief.
His legacy is bounded by his failure in the beginning (Obama Care), filled in by social engineering that inflamed the division of the country on social issues, and this added to the division by political parties, race, and economics.
He spent too much time on spending taxpayer money on his campaigning, fund raising and playing golf at expensive country clubs. He also spent over 90 million dollars on his vacations. The most recent one cost the taxpayers over $4 million.
Benghazi will always be his Watergate, along with its result Syrian war where the US is backing the terrorists. He lied to keep Hillary Clinton out of jail.
He is more sympathetic to Muslims, and Muslim Terrorist than he is about the American Citizen.
Finally, in his last year, he has spent his time making the US weak, and pathetic globally.
After the election chose Trump as the next president, he has done everything to make things more difficult for the Trump administration, the country and the American Citizen.
Bringing millions of unvetted Muslims from Syria, knowing that many of them are ISIS infiltrated. This after what we see has happened in Europe and especially Germany due to these type of immigrants.
Now, in the final weeks he has chosen Muslims over our strongest Ally in the Middle East. He has tried his hardest to provoke a real war against Russia, on simple allegations that HE Thinks the Russians pulled the strings of our election. Even though Hillary won the popular vote due to CA, Il and NY where the Hillary voters didn't seem to be affected by Russia or anyone else.
Now, he is going to living in DC and harass the Trump administration for the next 4 years.
A commander in chief Barrack Obama has failed around the world. He created ISIL and taking down Libya and having Syria escalated with over 400,000 deaths is not a win for him as Commander in Chief or for the US. China disrespected hims at the last conference, and China is our biggest threat militarily and economically. He made a bad deal with Iran, and he wants a war against Russia. Considering that the US has lost every war since 1898, the chances of winning against Russia don't look very good.
Obama ZERO accomplished, numerous failures, except at spending US money and lowering his gold handicap.
Is he representative of why many claim we need professional politicians to run for the presidency?
BradmasterOCcal, I think you've summed it up quite well. I appreciate that you mentioned the division he has caused, in the very first paragraph. Thank you for commenting.
Possibly a better golf game for positives.
Negatives: Spending trillions of dollars, more than any combinations of previous Presidents. Taking peoples income tax return if they will not buy insurance because they cannot afford the premiums or other reasons. Putting Americans on kill lists and executing them without due process. Providing misinformation or disinformation about Benghazi for whatever reason conspicuously shortly before reelection. Making race relations worse. Just off the top of my head.
Hi Phoenix....I had not heard of "kill lists," but I will be sure to look it up. Sounds insidious!
Hi Phoenix! My understanding is that this kill list has existed for some time....correct me if I'm missing something. And carrying out executions from this list....really?
His legacy. A legacy is the mark you leave on the world. It’s how you will be remembered but how you will be remembered, especially as a President who is responsible for setting the stage of developments that may be far off in the future, is also subject to how your mark on the world affected developments in the future. So a legacy really can only be evaluated by people in the future looking back on history. We can guess, we can wish, we can conjure up a legacy and maybe be right, likely be wrong because no one can knowingly predict the future or what the impact of a President's legacy will turn out to be.
Jim Rohn, the philosopher who has left an indelible legacy of time-proven principles and wisdom, shares his secret for making an impact.
1. Life is best lived in service to others.
2. Consider others’ interests as important as your own.
3. Love your neighbor even if you don’t like him.
4. Maintain integrity at all costs.
5. You must risk in order to gain.
6. You reap what you sow.
7. Hard work is never a waste.
8. Don’t give up when you fail.
9. Don’t ever stop in your pursuit of a legacy.
Rohn says:
Many people have accomplished tremendous things later on in life. There is never a time to stop in your pursuit of a legacy. Sometimes older people will say, “I am 65. I’ll never change.” That won’t build a great life! No, there is always time to do more and achieve more, to help more and serve more, to teach more and to learn more. Keep going and growing that legacy!
I honestly have a hard time reading this and applying these principles to Barack Obama. I think, has Obama lived his life in service to others, or primarily in service to himself? I guess his legacy may be that he served others as a community organizer? That is what community organizers do, right? Serve others.
Can't say that I have ever witnessed Obama consider others’ interests as important as his own. But what do I know? Maybe someone can enlighten me.
Love your neighbor even if you don't like him? hmmmm that is a tough one. Maybe those people he referred to as "bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." could teach him a thing or two about loving your neighbor. Maybe start with not characterizing people you don't like.
Well I'll leave the rest up to anyone who wants to analyze his legacy, but if you ask me I think leaving the country with 20 trillion in debt dooms any chance of a proud legacy and gives sensationally new meaning to a phrase once used to describe a certain kind of RICH - I tend to agree with Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Obama’s Legacy https://youtu.be/ogpU428s4ng
Thank you for a most eloquent comment, Taze. I'm with you regarding the importance of a good legacy; I cannot imagine that Obama's may be considered good by any stretch of the imagination. My opinion. I see yours is similar.
So many people love Obama that they will approve everything he does. Granted, they also have the same mindset. I've seen children cry because his term is almost up.
Children? When I was a child i didn't even know who the president was nor did i care - neither did any of the other kids I played with. Why has that changed? Parents, teachers, even the media are brainwashing the children.
I do not think Obama has done so badly, but surely every person has his own individual opinion.
Opinions solely based on emotion are meaningless wouldn't you agree? Do you have any facts that support our opinion?
That's got to be the longest non-answer I've heard in years.
Attributing the 20 Trillion to Obama alone is disingenuous.
The truth will be far less partisan. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/20 … chait.html
Obama's legacy testifies to the greatness of America, in that it survived the ravages of a far left radical bent on cutting America down to size.
His legacy should be a stark warning about giving the levers of a world power to someone just because its stylish and it makes you feel good about yourself.
His election should testify to the dangerous and profound ignorance of the American people concerning The Constitution and American core values.
His legacy testifies to the willful ignorance of what made America the greatest nation in world history and the ignorance of the long history of tyranny and misery caused by policies he supports. He truly has learned nothing from the past.
Specifically his legacy includes rabble rousing on a national level, out of control spending and debt, the failure of a government run economy, the tyranny of political correctness, the failure of a purely political foreign policy, and the sickness and treason that's come out of our centers for higher learning of which he's a product of!
This is true but generations of liberal indoctrination in our schools have muddied the waters.
I agree. George Washington University lately decided that History majors are not required to study US History. (Apparently, it offends the sensibilities of some) How dumb is that?
How about this a while ago -
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/greg-luki … 54954.html
Good link, Jack. I'm almost surprised Huffington Post printed the story. You know things are bad when a kid is not allowed to pass out copies of the Constitution. Disgusting.
Jack Lee - Strange that the Huffington Post of all places would reveal the excesses of the totalitarian left, when they support them.
A man who rocked the hegemony to privately owned medicine with his concept of Obama Care. It was something they couldn't bear, so it never really succeeded the way he would have liked it to. But, where the first attempt failed, there will be further attempts, once a leadership which really does care about ALL the people's health comes into being - and, of course, it will one day. It might take a number of attempts, but Obama has already plowed the first and most difficult hard yards.
In the meantime, Americans will go on wondering why nations with far small populations can look after their people 'health-wise.' But in the meantime, the status quo will prevail. Best of health care for the wealthiest and to hell with the poor.
Previous to Obamacare, some states had good health care for the poor. We will see what happens, but increased premiums, huge fines, etc. is not effective healthcare. Even the NY Times agrees.
Obamacare could have been replaced by eliminating pre existing conditions, and extending the age of children that the parents insurance would still cover. Obamacare gave ins companies mandatory customer, didn't set the caps to make it affordable
All Obummercare did for Americans was place a burden upon everyone to buy insurance, whether they want it or not - and it's expensive. That's hardly rocking the hegemony....
Mr. Tom..I C where U state in a Hub, it is vital 2 KNOW who we R & R Not. Prime info for U: U R definitely NOT my Dad, my mentor, nor Life Coach! I don't need nor want UR 2 cents as 2 how to reply to some moronic comment. Hope that's clear.
Paula, you probably know how I feel about getting advice from New Age folks who do not follow their own advice. I understand.
It's rather scary how well we DO understand one another, on most issues! Often, I've not bothered to comment because you've already said what I was thinking!!
Oh dear, it appears you drank the Kool-aid!
Had he provided a decent example of "much smaller countries" with much better health care, maybe we would have taken him seriously. But throwing "stuff" out & hoping it sticks is not valid information.
Obamacare violates basic economic principles. Because of this, it never really had the potential to reduce the costs of healthcare.
funny, it did that. and any good measures were deliberately blocked by people like rubio, to make sure it would fail. but it survived anyway. peoples lives have been saved. that alone is worth more than any bank account of any insurance company ceo
I honestly believe that Barack Obam will be regarded by history as one of the great American presidents, especially when contrasted with the two disastrous ones who preceded and succeeded him.
His failings were not his, but those of his political opponents who thwarted him on every possible occasion. His greatest legacy should have been his health care reforms, which must have saved thousands of lives by making it possible for poorer people to get the sort of medical treatment that would be taken for granted in more civilised parts of the world. However, if Trump undoes the good that Obama did in this respect, that legacy will be lost for years to come.
..out loud, always good for a good laugh but they will never believe it and that is even funnier.
Indexer...Obama's failings were his. As adults, we must accept responsibility for our actions or lack thereof. Your gleanings on Barak Hussein Obama are inaccurate.
Attacking the person and not the argument is always a sign of weakness, Paula. People outside of the 'good ole USA' do "have a clue." That's one of their reasons their countries aren't in such a mess.
Tom so what is your argument. Even the British PM likes Trump. We live here, so we know how bad Obamacare is. Not that the British or Canadian healthcare is good. It is more like the US Veterans healthcare.
Mr.TOM... U C, I am FREE to speak my mind however I choose. I've seen enough of his unintelligent comments! Me "weak??" LOL!! Read my 4-part life series, then I'll LET U apologize 2 me! Never make statements u know nothing about & can't prove!
Excuse us,but R U saying "other" countries R better than the USA Bcuz they learn from our errors?LOL. according 2 U, that makes Indexer's comment even MORE ludicrous! U just shot URself in the foot.U can preach if it makes U happy, BUT NOT TO ME!
He is blamed for not confronting the "red line" in Syria. People conveniently forget he went to Congress for support and didn't get it.
And John, I apologize for the comments that follow. This is what we are in for in the US for the next 4 years.
Going to congress and not getting what you ask for is not an excuse it is a failure. Who failed in Libya, Benghazi, Iraq,Afghanistan, Iran and ISIL. Having to make excuses for Obama's failures is not success it is failure.
I've lost track of Obama's red lines. The truth is that Obama got queasy. He had changed his mind prior to going to Congress.
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/arc … ne/471525/
He found a way to weasel out. 400,000 dead.
Savvy, wasting your time on Cochran - she spreads more fake news on HP than the msm does.
Prez Obama Take heed! There R a few here who seem 2 think U "walk on water". ."christ-like"..."distinguished"..."charismatic" Wow, huh? Looks like we've found U the perfect place 2 live.U can choose ~ England or Australia! Need help packing?
What on earth happened to my 1st. reply to this comment by J. Welford?
Beats me, Paula. When I delete comments, which is rarely, I let the person know what I have done and why.
Strange...but then, a lot of weird things happen at HP!!.
UGH! Don't know where U live, but I am currently being snowed in & under! Blinding blizzard! Can't see even a ft. out my windows! Help! I need Sgt. Preston of the YUKON!! 4 ft.of snow!
I think he'll be little more than a footnote in history...the first half black president in U.S. history and the president who presided over the decimation of his party as they lost the White House, both house of Congress, and dozens of governorships and state legislatures.
Just about everything he accomplished was repudiated by the 2016 election and will be undone by the Republican controlled White House and the House and Senate, with the blessings of the American people (except California, South Texas and New York).
He presided over the most corrupt administration in modern times. Not just corrupt, but in-your-face corrupt. He will be remembered for his arrogance and narcissism, for throwing Israel under the bus, and for presiding over such head-shakers as Obamacare, the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and for throwing the good people of Cuba under the bus by caving in to the Castro brothers without any concessions in the areas of basic human rights, freeing political prisoners, and a free press.
While he will remain in Washington as an agitator, he will be largely marginalized, trivialized and ignored. A footnote in history.
Hi Bob, I hope you are correct about how his legacy is remembered. The one thing I will remember about him is his arrogance and cowardice.
What facts? Did Obama bring down the Berlin Wall, Did Obama end the Vietnam War? Obama allowed ISIL, Libya, Benghazi, Syria, Iran, Allow HRC to have a private email server that contained US Classified Info, allow her to avoid prosecurtion
Brad, why are you discussing facts with you know who - facts mean nothing to her. She should listen to Bob who knows exactly what the truth is and he laid it out - still she makes up stuff, living in a dream world, it's so obvious.
One New Years Resolution gone on the first day.
lol I know, so hard to listen to nonsense without saying something.
bradmasterOCcal - Nixon extended the Viet Nam war by interfering with 1968 peace talks. He ended it years later with many more people from the US and the Viet Nam region dad. Much worse than Benghazi or any other thing conservatives rage about.
Yes, Ralph surely does know what he speaks of. I would suggest he spend an educational week with Leslie, but one of them would not survive....and I love Ralph. I would miss him.
John, so you are going to take the heat off of LBJ who escalated the war in the first place,and putting over 600,000 military in a war that the congress and the American people lost. Yes, the same whiners we see today from the left, lost the war.
President Obama will learn just like every other president in history that he has little to no say in his legacy. His legacy will eventually be made by the people who write the history books. Then by the people who rewrite those history books. That will include being the first Black President, Nobel peace prize, Cuba, hacking scandal and other easy to reference points in history. Over time he will be just another statistic. There are more presidents that have been forgotten that where controversial in their day than presidents with well-known legacies.
Mike, thanks for commenting. I'm not aware of any past president who is responsible for 4.8 million refugees from one country alone & 400,000. dead, without even going to war. Half of America has already forgotten, so maybe you have a point.
His legacy will be built on sound bites and easy to digest ideas not the truth. FDR is remembered for ending the depression and winning the war not all the things he did that where unconstitutional. History is messy and often dumbed down.
FDR may be remembered for ending the depression and winning the war but that actually isn't the truth either http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB100014240 … 2046893848 You are right though, liberals rewrite history.
Thank you that is actually my point. I would say the whole trying to add S Court judges to overturn results was the worst of it. Trying to rewrite the Constitution when it didn't go his way. History is not always the truth.
Mike, Good point about remembering sounds bites, which may be fraught with inaccuracies. The liberal media, as you well know, has largely ignored his insidious activity and promoted a much different narrative. (Unfortunately, many fall for it.)
Then it comes to what people believe perception is reality. When the media provides the perception then they can shape the reality.
Yes. That is where critical thinking comes in. Another good point, Mike.
"Responsible for 4.8 million refugees and 400,000 dead." You do know most of ISIS is made up of remnants of Saddam's (mostly Sunni) forces. They joined ISIS in the aftermath of Bush's debacle Take off the mask Sean Hannity your not fooling anyone.
Most legacies are built on broad themes not details or truth. The details of his presidency are too fresh (still Pres as of this post) for a real (as if any of them are real) accounting of his time in office.
Justin...It is true that Obama created a vacuum in which Isis could insert itself. Besides that, what is your point?
Obama’s legacy is the sort that gets canonized. Because the first rule of Hall of Fame-dom: The times have to suck! Civil wars, World Wars, depressions and recessions. You got to have ’em if you wanna be great. That’s why we rate the Washingtons, Lincolns, and Roosevelts over That Fat Guy with the Walrus Mustache. Like Obama, these Great Men were dealt sucky hands, won big, and left the country better off than it was before. Obama has a few other edges in the long haul of history, beyond specific moments like Obamacare, rescuing the economy, and making America way more bi-curious. Being the first black president of course secures a certain legacy. But what now feels distinctly possible is that, just as Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed, over time he may be judged less for the color of his skin than for the content of his character. That character came across every time haters or Trumpers or birthers tried to pull him down into the mud or question his American-ness.
Overseas he's still pretty much loved. Because he was presentable or can pronounce Huge with an "H". If nothing else, he did make the country look good.
Since Obama took office: Homicides have dropped 13%, but gun sales have surged. (It's still shockingly high) The economy has added more than 9 million jobs, and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median. There are 15 million fewer people who lack health insurance. Corporate profits are up 166 percent; real weekly wages are up 3.4 percent. Wind and solar power have nearly tripled, and now account for more than 5 percent of U.S. electricity. The federal debt has more than doubled rising 116 percent and big annual deficits have continued.
And I too think history will, once the revelations tumble out, judge Obama harshly indeed. He staked everything on being highly regarded but any normal person would regard him as even middling since he couldn't present the country with, for ex: WAR victory (who did?) or something America really care about. He wrote two autobiographies (& will certainly write a third) so the Lame Stream Media in the fading liberal corners of the world will strive to pump him up when needed.
All he needed perhaps was more TIME? Maybe 8yrs isn't enough? Who knows...
It’s also why we downgrade the Jimmy Carters or Herbert Hoovers. Were they as bad in real time in history? Probably not. But they were dealt sucky hands, only played one round, left the country feeling worse off. Legacy— Game over.
Canonized? What? Asif, I welcome all comments, whether I agree with them or not. Great men are first great leaders. Obama could never bring himself to reach across the aisle. Ever. A great man doesn't whine about his hand. Rather, he rises above.
No no, you got me wrong. I was being sarcastic (I thought I was) I was trying to say that being the President of the US is kind of a big deal. All of them are already in the history books whether we like it or not. So Obama will also be remembered...
Well now Asif, our new friend..As Queen of Sarcasm, I must say, ya could-a fooled me too! Amazing. It usually doesn't get past me.OK, we forgive U this time.& now we're on 2 U !!
I promise, U will never need 2 wonder if I'm being sarcastic! LOL
Paula — now you're just being fluent in sarcasm...: )
Asif u make the point the Clintonistas made after 911.They lamented that if only 911 happened on Bill Clinton's watch it would have given him the chance to be great.How's that for narcissism of Bill who said he had a chance to kill BLaden?
Bill/Obama's—self-centeredness comes from their failures to distinguish themselves from external features of political sphere disarray. Bill had personal & Obama had professional grandiosities. But Bill was ok, to a moderate extent, professionall
Actually, it was tried on WTC during Bill Clinton's watch. he failed to get Osama and 2nd time it worked. He had the chance to take him out and decided against it.
Answering the question, "What is Obama's legacy..." clearly depends on what side of the political aisle you sit.
Democrats will mourn his departure, swear to his great accomplishments, and rue the day Donald Trump became his successor. Republicans will allege that he was an even worse president than Jimmy Carter, believe that he weakened the US financial and military strength, and left the job of president better than he found it.
In my view, Obama's legacy is that he is the most narcissistic person I've ever seen. In his victory speech in Minnesota, he admirably declared "...The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations..." and in the next breath made Messianic statements, "... this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..."
I was hopeful that our first black (and white) president would heal the nation's divides and accomplish great things - but that never happened. From his dictatorial stand on passing legislation (I've got a pen and a phone), circumventing congress and senate with his executive orders, and passing "his" Affordable Care Act (ACA) - even that being labeled with his name - by handing out thousands of pages and requiring congress to pass it before they'd even read it.
Perhaps the epitome was, when campaigning for Hilary Clinton, he declared that if people wanted to keep his legacy alive they should get out and vote for her (confirming that she would be a third Obama term).
Yes, for me, Barack Hussein Obama's legacy will be his ego maniacal, inflexible, blind narcissistic love of himself.
You know, Elizabeth, Obama's huge ego and possible pathological narcissism is the one thing that Always comes to my mind whenever I hear his voice. Thank you for adding snippets of his speeches for us to view. They tell all. Great observations!
The thanks belongs to you, for also reminding us of his dictatorial stance. The man is a phony, and that's putting it mildly.
Find me a Politician (especially POTUS) who isn't Narcissistic & I'll find U a Dead Politician. OK girls, Find me a MAN who doesn't think he's God....please?? Just one. I'll PAY you!! LOL Paula
Paula, I do not put all politicians in the same line-up as Obama. That is where you and I disagree. As for the other thing you mentioned, well, I don't know quite what to say. I imagine men wonder the same thing sometimes.
Doubt Paula lumps people together,she uses hyperbole to make point&she uses it well.What she says seems to be the rule&r always exceptions to the rule.
But why would Dems mourn BO?He handed all three branches to the Republicans in 8 years!
Paula, I'm a man and I don't think I'm God - not usually at least. If I did think myself to be God, I'd have competition from my cat.
Yves...just my twisted sense of humor combined w/ my gift of sarcasm. I really do admire & respect a "few" politicians. Oh, & men too! LOL.~~DTMB, UR hired as my defense attorney4 my next criminal trial!~~Hxprof..tell UR cat, MY CAT is God! L
LOL you do crack me up. I require a retainer btw. Oh and we'll have to postpone the trial until I pass the bar. From the politicians I know who are all lawyers that bar must be set pretty low.
DTMB..Yes, please "pass the bar." In fact, I think U should pass ALL. the bars! I don't want U showing up drunk 4 my trial. Bad enough my surgeon had 3 martinis B4 performing my brain surgery.
& jot that down as evidence in my defense!
Elizabeth, First let me comment on your writing. Well written, but be honest - Your last paragraph describes Donald Trump to a T.
Interestingly these appraisals, both the negatives and the positives, pretty well sum up what former president Obama's legacy will be. some Hubber could do a wonderful summation of these.
Demas, Jack Lee said he has written a hub about this, and I'm sure others. All I know is that I won't miss Obama's lofty, arrogant and ultimately, meaningless speeches. I prefer a plain talker who gets things done.
Very good analysis in deed. Only thing is politics will remain like that - following your party man !
Betrayed the Constitution by pushing for and signing NDAA indefeinite military detention of US citizens.
Ralph, thank you for contributing to this question. Your topic gives us more information. I have seen articles on this topic. May I ask you to submit a link you find most accurate? I would be most appreciative.
Here is the link I like, BBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR7aIzII5LU
Fascinating. I encourage all to listen to this interview. In essence, Obama has withdrawn the right to due process for any American, as he sees fit. The power of a life is held in the hand of one man. A dictator's dream. Thanks for the clip, Ralph!
Yes, Obummer did this - thanks for the reminder Ralph. We need to remember this next time our defense budget comes up for discussion in Congress. Detention of US citizens must be removed from the NDAA; Senators and Reps need to be held accountable.
While I don't agree with the act, what excludes US citizens from being treated the same way as people from other countries are treated by the USA?
Not accurate. See 5th & 6th amendments. That video, Tess, is of some guy screaming about the US. Not relevant.
I don't think he has a legacy. I think he will be remembered for not fulling his promises to all of us.
I believed he cared for the middle class and found out that was a lie. The health care act took away my full time job and thrust me into a check to check situation.
I believed he cared about the over weight issues of our children, another lie. Instead of allowing schools to give the children more recess time, they changed the foods our children would eat at school. I've not seen any skinnier children as a result.
I believed having a black president would bring our groups together, finally undivided to rule the country, another lie. Every chance he had he blamed the color of his skin as the reason no one would vote on issues. When the violence grew he fueled the fire. Now, I worry that those flames will take even longer to put out than we fought the civil war.
I am hoping we as a nation will wake up and remember, it takes all of us to keep us alive. We are stronger together than standing alone.
Amen, Annette. Although I didn't vote for him because he was too far left, I was more than willing to keep an open mind. But like you said, he did not keep his promises & although he won huge amounts of white votes, he played victim & caused
Welcome to HP Annette, what you say is so true and I'm so glad you are discerning enough to notice. Some around here aren't.
Obama is not, and never was, President. For nearly eight years, we have not had a legitimate President.
However for newly four years, we have had a legitimate President-elect: Mitt Romney. And before Romney, the legitimate President-elect was Mr McCain.
Everything Obama has done - including all bills that he has signed, all Executive Orders, and two fake Supreme Court appointments.
Obama does not meet one of the Constitutional requirements for that office: Natural Born Citizen. At the time that the Constitution was debated and subsequently approved to replace the Articles of Confederation, NBS was understood to mean born in the country of parents (yes, that's plural), who were themselves citizens.
Obama's biological father was British. (That's what his birth certificate says.) Why? Because at the time time of Obama Junior's birth, Kenya was a part of the British Empire. Obama had dual citizenship. He renounced British citizenship when he reached adulthood.
According to the Constitutional definition, we have had at least two previous fake presidents: Chester Arthur (1881 - 1885) and James Buchanan 1856 - 1861.
The latter's lackluster leadership contributed to the American Civil War (which was about slavery), in which 600 thousand Americans were needlessly killed.
The British outlawed slavery approximately 20 years earlier. How did they do it? By buying off the slave 'owners'. Crude, but effective.
The concept of NBS was created by French philosopher Vattel. NBS was NOT mentioned in the Federailst Papers. Why not? Because most educated Americans at the time knew what it meant.
Why is NBS in the Constitution, in the first place? To avoid divided loyalties on the part of the President.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts failed to do his job: upholding the Constitution. Why? Because he swore in fake presidential candidate Obama twice: 2009 and 2013.
The Constitution also has an age requirement for the presidency. What if the Democrats had run a 10-year-old boy on the ballot, and if Roberts had sworn him in? Would that child be legitimately regarded as El Presidente?
Does the Constitution mean what it said in plain English during the late 18th Century? You're durn tootin'!
We had a bigger Constitutional crisis immediately after the Civil War, and somehow we survived. We can do the same thing again in the 21st Century.
Good points, and we should have a vetting process for the US pres to make sure they are first eligible to run under the constitution, and second that they can pass the requirement to get a top secret clearance.
I thought NBS stood for natural born spitters. Anyway, I thought to be a natural born citizen you only needed 1 parent to be a citizen and you could be born anywhere. Where's evidence otherwise?
Taze, I thought it was one parent. That being said, the point of Article II, the Natural Born clause, was ratified to ensure that anyone running for US President would have a “natural, undivided allegiance” to the United States.
Larry, most Americans do not face realty that the Indians were here before Columbus, and prefer to quote that America was founded on Christianity & Christ's principles. Protesters in New York say Trump & his wife are not their White house te
President Obama will be remembered for many things, unfortunately many won't be positive.
1. The National Debt grew under Obama to over $20 Trillion dollars. When he took office it was $10.6 Trillion. The majority of his spending came in the form of adding to social programs; what's even more scary and not something really discussed is the $100 Trillion un unfunded liabilities related to these social programs and other government employee benefits that will need to be dealt with down the line.
2. Obamacare will be something America remembers, but mostly because of the bureaucracy and partisan politics surrounding it. The sheer volume of pages, the party-line passage of the bill, the later and highly disputed Supreme Court ruling, and the failed promises of lower costs and the users ability to "keep their doctor."
3. Race relations have degraded in America under President Obama. America has become more divided rather than united.
4. His failure to get things done in Congress drove him to use Executive Orders, which are easy to rescind.
5. Obama has taken 554,590,000 acres of land out of use for private citizens; he's used the Antiquities Act of 1906 much more than any previous President to create parks and monuments, angering many state governments for what they feel is an excessive overreach.
6. His policies, both foreign and domestic align closer to those of the United Nations and other globalist bodies, making many feel our sovereignty is at risk.
7. He ignored his own Party - his style of governing with it's myriad and complex rules and regulations failed to produce newsworthy "wins" for the Democrats. It's probably the biggest reason why many pro-Obama writers find it challenging to write a list of big-time accomplishments, instead relying on a long list of little things.
An Excellent, comprehensive list, Ralph. Each paragraph gives us relevant information regarding the before and after, as well as the consequences Americans are suffering due to the wrong & even unethical actions of BHO. Thank you.
I don't agree necessarily, but very well thought out and argued.
8. Solely due to his failed presidency,in a short 8 yrs Democrats went from controlling 2 branches of the federal gov't to losing all 3 branches & the vast majority of state gov'r ships & legislatures to the Republicans.A JOB WELL DONE!
WRONG?Leslie we all have your number stop making things up.The Republicans now control congress,the presidency&will put a constitutionalist on the SC.No longer 4to4.State governors&legislatures overwhelmingly Republican now.Thanks to Obama
thanks to dirty tricks! n carolina isnt even considered a democracy with their suppression of black voters. re-districting and simply taking power, as shneider did in mi.dems get more votes, they dont get seats. this is not of the people. its rigged
Per usual, my man Ralph knows what's up
"... as Commander in Chief."
Let me clarify this common mistake. Even the supposed educated media get this wrong more often than not. The president (no matter WHO it is) is NOT the "Commander in Chief" of the United States. He is "Commander in Chief" of ONLY the armed forces of the United States. That is it. No more.
There is a very important legal distinction about this, not just pettifoggery nitpicking over words.
When I was a military member my Constitutional rights were limited in many ways. One significant way was that it is ILLEGAL to criticize the president past a certain point, even in private conversation. If you go too far in your speech by expressing contempt or bringing approbation down upon him you could be punished for it, up to going to actually going to jail.
It also means that I had to obey any legal order he gave me, whether directly or passed down thru the chain of command. He said, "Jump" and we jumped. He said, "go to war" and we went to war. His mere command had the force of any law in the land upon us in the military. (Again, as long as it was a legal command.)
Could you imagine these rules/laws being extended to the general population? Yet, THAT is what "commander in chief" means.
As a civilian I can state what I want about the president how I want to, and when I want to. And I can go tell him to jump in a lake if I don't want to do what he wants me to do. Because he is NOT my "commander in chief" anymore once I walked out of the military.
It has nothing to do with the person in the office of the President, it has everything to do with the way the nation's government is structured.
Jack, You have made an important distinction. Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate it. Technically, my explanation is incorrect, even though I am also interested in how he is viewed in a military context.
generally he is viewed dis-favorably by the majority in the ranks. The harm he has caused to the military will take decades, if ever, to wring out of the system. Focusing much more on being politically correct instead of winning wars is not good.
Thanks, Jack. Not hard to imagine that any part-time liberal adjunct professor would have any clue how to win a war or be particularly favored by anyone who has literally fought for his country.
Well, dear, it might depend upon who you're asking, and the media that informs them. He might go down as the man who tried to punish America for what he believed to be its evil, imperialistic greed, and failed.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he doesn't get all but lost and forgotten as insignificant in the substantial and pro-American shadow it appears his successor is poised to cast.
I voted for Barak Obama. I hoped for hope and change. The man was enormously popular, and I believe he tried to ride that wave for eight years. He inspires, but he does not lead.
The Affordable Care Act gave us one-third what was promised. Yes, twenty million more people have health insurance. But we were also to receive lower premiums and lower health care costs. Both of these increased to levels that are nearly unbelievable.
His policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have been disastrous. The initial invasions of these countries were also disasters, but what was done was done, and it was wrong to attempt to pull all the troops out simply to keep a campaign promise made before he knew what he was talking about. The only answer to Iraq and Afghanistan now is a strong multinational military presence for decades to come. It is that or let the warlords have both countries.
President Obama had the opportunity to lower the tensions between the races. He is the first African-American president. Why couldn't he have had more of an impact on his own people? He has the ear of every police chief, sheriff and law enforcement officer. Why couldn't he have made a difference? Because he had no plan, no ideas.
In the end, I must agree with those who have said that Barak Obama wanted to weaken this country. He wanted us to be more on the level with Western European nations. He did not want us to continue to be a superpower. Therefore, his policies led to slow, weak growth of the economy rather than a robust growth. This is the only thing he wanted to do in which he actually succeeded.
This is the legacy of President Barak Obama, the free fall of America from being the lone super power of the world to being a lethargic, economic and military sloth.
Chris, a balanced argument. I love your comment. Thank you stating that BHO had the perfect opportunity to unify. After all, he won. Most did not care about his color. Instead, he deliberately divided this nation. I truly despise him for that.
Goes to show you how out of touch with reality Democrats r.Obama controlled congress when he took office.If they pursued legitimate policies instead of forcing frauds on America Dems would rule forever."Ucan fool all the people some of ..."
I wrote a whole hub on this a while back. You can read it - "the Obama Legacy - in his own words."
Thank you, Jack. Feel free to read one of my hubs as well.
Here is another one I wrote this weekend -
http://hubpages.com/politics/President- … he-Numbers
I will always just remember him as the guy who screwed myself and the majority of the middle class. He came into his presidency as a lion and went out as an bigger idiotic lion. Obamacare is slowly draining my life force away. I work 60 hours a week and now can barely afford to pay for the healthcare that was forced upon me. I always feel like one of those people who have fallen through the cracks. I'm sure there are tons of us. I make too much for all the free healthcare for my children and myself but crackhead Judy up the road can provide for her 10 children just fine between free health care and all the food stamps they can stand. I get zero help from any government affiliated organization because on paper I don't meet their required standards. In truth we struggle paycheck to paycheck because the cost of the insurance is breaking us. The simple fact of the matter is I would be provided all the help in the world if I chose to stay at home and not work. The system is broken. I don't know if Trump will be the answer. I must admit I could barely take him seriously when he first showed up on the scene. So the fact that he has actually won the presidency blew my mind at first. Who knows though? Maybe what we need is someone without all the political training. I wouldn't go so far as to say Trump has lived a semi normal life or what most consider to be normal. He may be the closest we have ever had though. Most of these men are trained from day 1 to shoot for that big white house. All I know is I'm open to seeing some of that change for the better that was promised by Obama 8 years ago.
Jen, there is no question that ObamaCare has failed. The good news is that Trump is cognizant of this. It will take some time to undo all of Obama's damage, but I believe there is a chance that things will improve for the better within 4 years.
obamacare has saved lives. even one would have been worth it. if we go back to dying for lack of money, the wrath of god herself will be upon this republican regime.
Leslie, for once, try to keep it real. Everyone knows you have no interest in God or the wrath of God. If you cannot add anything relevant or substantial to the conversation, then kindly bow out, take care of your child, and stop posting nonsense.
i will quote the person you claim to worship and adore:
"those who be without sin may cast the first stone"
this applies to hubpages so much, as to be EPIC
'worship & adore" are not words I have used or tend to use. That would be Norine. That being said, I have the greatest respect for Jesus Christ. Am I a Sunday school Christian? Obviously not. Yes, I believe in God. Yes, I defend Jesus.
Wow, Leslie, to quote from the Bible from an atheist, I am impressed. The Bible is the word of God and it has wisdom beyond all ages. Those who read it and abide by it, will be blessed.
who said i was an atheist?i just dont follow the awful christianity revealed here. because if you respect someone,you try to abide in what they say.and i can honestly say if somone asked me the trait of so-called xtians here, it would be meaness.
I don't like to generalize but as a group, I found HP to be quite reasonable and open to debate. There are a few who engages in name calling but in general, most are respectful even when they disagree. There are many on the left who are unhinged...
I personally know Barry, and he is sad to be leaving office. He's trying to "pave the way to a smooth finish" with the incumbent, Donald Trump. In an off-camera chat, Barry shared his thoughts with me regarding Hawaii: 1) He *really* wants to take a vacation for about half a year, 2) He thought he did a good job for the people of the nation, 3) He really is likeable and wanting to reach more Non-profits in his post-Presidency.
How's that for a story?
How's that for a story?A bunch of BS. The usual BS that comes out of his mouth. Proof the only people who still believe anything he says are his friends - not exactly objective sources
Guys, I think Pam was just being sarcastic.
He will go down in history as the President who oversaw a slow, but steady economic recovery in the wake of the worst recession in the US since the Great Depression, after being handed an economy that was literally in free-fall.
During his Presidency, the US's reliance on Mid-East oil was greatly lessened as fracking took off, which unleashed copious amounts of oil and natural gas, and as solar and wind energy dropped in cost by huge amounts, making them big players in the field of energy production going forward.
He will also go down in history as one of the bravest Presidents, given how many people hated for either his views or his background.
As far as the deficit. Obama (and no President for that matter) has not spent any money to increase the deficit. Presidents do not initiate money spent by the United States. It is Congress that actually spends money. The growing US debt (which will only grow more under the current Republican Congress that wants to give away money, but not actually pay for it) will only grow more over the next four years under President Trump. But again, Trump will not spend it, Congress will.
Obama will be known for his failed Obamacare policy. It will be repealed this year.
He will also be known for the foodstamp president.
He will be known for taking race relations back 2 steps. And for the death of many police officers...
Why would he be known for the death of many police officers? Police deaths have dropped sharply since the 1980s: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/won … .d74fc4af8
His comments after a police incident causes division by race and the rise of BLM movement. This year along, a 63% rise in police deaths. Race relations is at a 30 year low. Shall I go on...
He'll be known primarily for singlehandedly delivering all three branches of the federal government and the vast majority of Governorships and state ;legislatures to the Republicans, or should I say to We The People.No more commie Zcars
President Obama will be known for leaving office with an approval rating twice that of his predecessor President GW Bush. Bush handed an economy that was falling apart. Obama is handing Trump an economy with one of the longest growth streaks ever.
Bush was bad he got us into wars, and the country tanked, but Obama more than doubled the debt he got from Bush, and without the war and the economic meltdown. And now since the election he has been mucking up the country even further.
Sue, John's comment does not portray the truth. Why would you thank him for comments he cannot back up with actual facts. This is the problem with many Americsns. They let their feelings override the need for critical thinking & verifiable data.
"He will also go down in history as one of the bravest Presidents..." A joke right? Far more men have accomplished far greater things in that seat, during periods of far worse distress. Obama is a shameless ideologue, and a failed one at that.
I honestly Feel Obama should have been given the chance to run again in office he opened a lot of doors, maybe made a few mistakes but fixed them however he opened doors for the lgbtq community that President Elect Donald Trump plans to ruin. Aside from making minor attempts to get more jobs for America he is to concerned with building a wall in mexico and charging them for it and yes I have seen a lot of his political crap on the news. which media is media whether they get paid to portray someone I'm against trump I think hes the anti Christ. Anyone who can play two sides of the fences is just ignorant to me. I'm a bi sexual and I don't look at straight communitys any different than I think anyone should look at me but I don't practice religious beliefs but everyone has their own opinion. I just know I'm really gonna miss Obama being in office,
One more important legacy - the total destruction of the Democratic Party. Under 8 years of Obama, The DNC has lost the Senate, the House majority, and many State houses and State Governorships...
The liberal media has convinced you that Trump is against LGBTQ. He is not. It is too bad, Jolee, that you are not better informed. Nevertheless, thanks for chiming in.
&soon the Supreme Court.All thanks to Obama.O,Yeah the Democrats still love him?Wait 8 years & they see what the SC looks like.Republicans owe him a debt of gratitude for driving the whole country&all branches of fed. gov't to the right!
I think the trend towards the Republicans was occurring in many states long before Obama was elected, especially southern states. The House of Representatives has been gerrymandered to favor Republicans by additional states under Republican control.
It couldn't possibly be because the country has been floundering for the last 8 yrs?
Perhaps, but looking at long term trends, it appears to be more of an extension of the trends going back 50 years, especially in the once solidly Democractic south. It may have reached its near-term peak with this election. Only time will tell.
John, you seriously expect us to believe that? A 50 year trend? What part of, regular people got tired of getting the shaft from Democrats, don't you understand? Quite a lot, apparently.
Honest anslysis shows he is just parroting left wing talking points - he really has no thought of his own.
Puppet...The “myth” of pure evil ; Psychologists call this a myth because believing in this fiction often blinds one to the reality that evil is in fact perpetrated mainly by ordinary people, who respond to perceived harms, including “tribulation and suffering” by their victims, in ways they feel are reasonable and just.
His legacy is clear. It's the complete replacement of all Democratic control in every single level of government in all of the USA. Good job ole boy you really did swell. America loves you so much that you've been nearly erased from history.
M. McNabb....I believe you. Nevertheless, so as not to be accused of sound bites, or mere opinion, will you take the time to give us a factual reference. Thanks.
Sure, I can back up my simple statement.
In my eye's Mr. Obama is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He done one thing for us. Hurt us more. Bye bye Obama, hello New.
To answer this honestly I would have to be unkind. I am afraid President Obama will soon realize that like all president he will have little to no say in regards to his legacy. The pundits, media, and historians will determine his legacy once he is out of office. Another thing to consider the new president will be privy to delve into each and every thing President Obama did while in office, the unknown may work to soil his legacy? One other thing that could effect his legacy, the past few weeks he has been trying to play catch - up for the past 8 years, this will not reflect well on his legacy.
Hi Sharon....I have to agree with you on the "catch up" thing. Unfortunately, it will be Trump's problem to undo the bureaucratic mess, and that will take quite a lot of time. BHO has made sure of that.
best part is making sure no one can drill in the arctic and atlantic anymore...saving our planet, thank you obama. sorry putin/tillerson. no $500 billion oil deal orchestrated by dumpy trump.
None of that saves the planet from anything.It actually raises the price of oil&provides more money to enemies like Iran, Russia & ISIS who get their money from oil.Obama turned his back on Christians&Muslims around the world,gave us ISIS
Understand - the pundits, media and historian will determine his legacy once he is out of office. I heard Obama speak before he became president, after the speech people of all races were impressed , and ask that he run for president.
Sharon, I agree. A legacy by definition is long lasting. It is not a trait such as a person's looks or eloquence... It is real policies that has long lasting effects on our country and citizens for years to come. BHO missed a great opportunity...
Indecisiveness, especially in his first four year term. Gross inflation of the National Debt leaving the USA mired in a bog and in danger from international bankers. Failure to veterans. Loss of international leadership. Wider gaps between the elite and the man on the street, and increased racial tensions. Insufficient control of the nation's borders. Failure to enforce laws he personally disagreed with despite his role as the nation's Chief Executive. Absence from the fray at times when his leadership was especially needed. Lying that The Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") was not a tax. And...the list goes on..
A comprehensive list, Demas. Everything you stated is accounted for---in print. There is no denying these facts. Also, as others here have mentioned, Obama had deliberately turned his back on Israel, in favor of Hamas, a terrorist organization.
anyone with a shred of decency would turn their back on what israel is doing. and how come you dont mind that they "murder babies in the womb"? and u hate on american women for it?
Nobody has brought up that topic. Furthermore, HP disapproves, as outlined in the Terms of Service. But yes, Israel is a democracy. They are also secular/liberal on some issues. I would think you would be fine with that.
Compare Israel against real terrorism from Palestine, and the rest of the terrorist, mostly Muslims. Which do you prefer Leslie?
The only way some people care, is if they experience in-their-face-terrorism, on their land, in their homes or at a beloved family member. Otherwise, it is a non-issue for them.
I read it once about a great general who was laid to rest on his side of the battlefield. His forces lost, the graveyard destroyed. What legacy was on his tombstone? Who cares? It has been completely destroyed. We shall see a man with a legacy that will be obliterated in short order. His sparkling city will resemble Cartage which was salted under.
Could a legacy be "that which lasted the shortest in time with no redeeming aftermath"?
I for one am sad that he failed me and did not leave the mark that he had promised. For sure a great guy but a worthless president.
In President Obama's mind he has succeeded beautifully. He has accomplished what he wanted to do by executive action if not by law...
He brought America down a notch. He apologized to the world for our sins. He wanted a one world order UN.
Yes, and in his own mind (and only in his mind) Jimmy Carter was the greatest President of the twentieth century .
One other person here answered that Obama is a great guy, but a bad President. Honestly, I have no idea what that means, or if that is even possible. Someone, please enlighten me. Is this just a way to be politically correct? I don't get it.
Savvy, I once was joined at the hip with a great gunnery sergeant. He was a great guy. But he failed to lead well and so men died. You are a great person but fail to grasp the difference between being a great person and a great leader.
Lol. I doubt that you think of me as 'great.' In any event, Eric, I would imagine Obama is fun to play golf with. I will assume you are using the word 'great' loosely, as in a fun or cool person to hang out with.
Lol, yes that is exactly what I meant by "great". Like you said golf would be fun as I am sure he would let you cheat, as long as you let him. But I also love the phrase "rules are made to be broken". Sorry but he could not babysit my children alone.
That's why many call him "The Commander & Speech" , "Podium & Chief "or "Teleprompter & Chief " So if true maybe we should remember his speech writers rather than the man himself?
No....Bcuz no matter how great any speech....It's ALL in the personality, attractiveness & talent of delivery. Some got it...some don't. Obama has it, no doubt. At State Dinners too! He was more charismatic than entertainment Pros!
Using that logic then we should just elect an actor. Martin Sheen made a convincing Pres charismatic and entertaining. Or maybe Kevin Spacey?
youve done one better: youve elected a reality tv star!
I would prefer Martin Sheen or more importantly Jed Bartlett. There is very little reality in reality TV. Congress and the Senate are reality stars for the TV news. Just as fake.
Paula, I think it has to do with syntax, which causes some words to be more pronounced. If only he had decided to be a poet instead of a politician. The world would have been better off.
well, trumps amazing isnt he? you heard him the other day,"youre fired"....omg, the sheer poetry!!!
There is an anthem entitled, "Lift Every Voice and Sing......".
Obama will go down in history as the first back president, and a president who served two terms.
"first back president" Does that refer to turning his back on America's future or stabbing America in the back? Or did you mean to say half black president?
Whatever you perceive him as, most of us see him as African-American. Achievements as Obama winning the presidency simply counts as an achievement for black America. Do you remember Clarence Thomas?
Is this the Clarence Thomas - Supreme Court justice that was left out of the Black History Museum that opened recently in Washington DC? It is funny how politics trumps everything these days. Winning the Nobel Peace prize without doing anything???
Why is Obama being elected an achievement for black America? He has done nothing for blacks whose contemporary plights are now worse than ever. You know being half black he could have been born white, so how is his color an achievement?
Good question. I'm a minority, too and I don't view the world that way.
I know,to make raceTHEreason for an achievement is actually racist.Remember what MLK said?"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin,but by the content of their character."
Lying like BO=lack of character
My beef? They don't see BHO's contempt for the working man. Obama, for whatever strange reason, thinks he knows more than the guy who has to scratch for a living. Obama, Hillary, Al Gore, Biden, all lie to those they claim to serve. Disgusting!
Watch it Savvy, you know all of those you just mentioned will tell you it is the beef that are causing global warming, you don't want to call them "my beef" :-) Yeah, you are so right, they have all lived in the bubble their whole lives
obama was raised by grandparents and a single mom.he had to scratch.unlike trump, who was given a fortune and still screwed it up.yeah, lets give him keys to the country. his supporters will regret it before we do. they rely on the gubmint he'll gut
False. Obama was the son of privilege. Sotero came from a well-to-do family. Mom shipped Barry to the grandparents who had good jobs & lived in good neighborhoods. He traveled often, went to private schools & then college. BO's grades? Not so
well, if thats the case, doesnt the same apply to trump? trump was just as privileged as obama. what does he know about having to scratch for a living?
I'd preferably be colourblind than isolated mankind in light of the skin shading.
Speculatively Martin Luther King jr. was the real "Black" President (Leader) for US since he made a distinction regardless of having a much darker skin than you or me.
Leslie, the typical liberal. Just make things up as you go, Or mindlessly repeat left wing talking points which are always lies.
Yes. the Clarence Thomas, supreme court judge. Do you know of Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. Du Bois? Du Bois founded the NAACP which still exists. Garvey founded the UNIA which is not as popular today as the NAACP. The legacy of Garvey still exists..
Have not heard of Marcus Garvey, but will look him up. He is before my time. I am a fan of MLK and his approach of non violence protest. He would teach BLM a lesson today.
I think President Obama is a good man with shortcomings, just like most of us. He seemed unable to compromise at times and lacked leadership ability or inclination when it was needed at times. However, he obviously cared deeply about humanity and the environment and tried to do what he could for both. He guided our economic recovery and reduced our dependence on the Middle East for oil.
I have read some of the most humiliating, downright hateful and vicious comments about him and his family for eight years and they all handled it with grace. That counts for something, in my view, grace under fire. Having your wife called an ape in heels on social media cannot be a pleasant experience. Yet we all expected that they smile and go on, and they did. "They go low, we go high." I don't know if I could have been so composed, reading some of the things that were said about their children, yet they always were.
The things most perceive as weakness, I perceive as strength. He tried to make us all see that the actions of a few do not define a religion, a country, a race. I am confused because many of my fundamentalist friends, the ones who speak so often of the Golden Rule, are the ones hungry for blood: "Blast those *** to hell. Kill them all, etc." This leaves me confused. Do we merely talk the talk? Are our beliefs only for Sunday morning or do they apply elsewhere?
President Obama is not perfect, but he did do good and will be remembered for the good and the bad. I am not perfect, President-elect Trump is not perfect, and neither are any of you. I've always felt our judgments of others should reflect that. I am almost 71 and have seen a lot of Presidents. Unlike many of my friends, I am willing to give President-elect Trump a chance. I think it's ludicrous to hope he fails. The attitude for many years seems to be that bipartisanship "helps the other side." We need to decide whether partisan politics or our country are more important. I have always been and always will be an independent, not a Republican or a Democrat: an American.
Hi Sue. Welcome and thank you for commenting. I will say that 'Go high instead of low' is a nice phrase. I could provide you with numerous examples of how that statement was nothing more than words. Your articles look interesting. I plan to visit.
Sue, you seem like a nice person and I get where you are coming from. However, for a lot of us on the right, it was not about hate but about his policies that we oject to. The small minority that chose to use personal attacks is not who we are...
Thanks, Jack. Furthermore, it isn't Republicans who are committing all of these recent hate crimes.
I think his biggest legacy is the level to which he has grown the power of the Federal Government in general and the Executive Branch in particular. The biggest threat to individual freedom is a powerful central government full of folks who are convinced that they know better how to live your life than you do.
Obama was the ultimate busy-body. He knew what we needed, and by God, he was going to make sure we got it whether we liked it or not. From shoving the ACA down our throats, to putting coal power plants out of business, he knew best. And we suffer for it.
I'm afraid that subsequent administrations will be just as abusive of the new power of the executive. God help us if this is the case.
a combined wealth of $14.5 billion...whew, glad we got commoners, not elites this time. SNARK
you mean like billionaires and stuff? lolol!
I was happy when Obama becomes the first black of United States but after the first mandate they change completely on opposite way almost 180 degrees... start to push, push Israel into the terms to humiliate them into United Nations and Internationally with lobby's , this proofs Obama leads an new Muslim Brotherhood under popularity decisions like LGBT rights, which themselves can't survive into an Islamic regime ruled by Sharia Law or probably Obama think are possible build an mix up ideology more liberal like Indonesia?? Also has invented racial problems emerged upon hate with no since... destroying Christians values of the foundations of America Constitution and retiring bibles by hate, those attitudes show's hate instead love (they join on beginning to meetings on evangelic churches they received support to, after deceive them... an pure traitor an person with double personality)... to end up my message I will say, I believe Obama will be arrested or destroyed by his 'friends' - enemies of Muslim world!
President Obama should go down as one of the worst President's in the history of the United States. However, liberals re-write history at an alarming rate so I am not sure what history will show. In my mind I never thought we would survive his 8 years in office. Partisan Obamacare destroyed our health insurance, the Middle East is on fire, the slaughter of innocents by evil has never been so bad since Hitler, releasing prisoners from Gitmo to go back to the fight, his executive power abused and the politicalization of the IRS and Department of Justice beyond the pale. The shameful abuses in the VA where administrators get big bonuses and the vets get put on a waiting list. Never before have we seen such violence against police officers and a brazen lying press. He added more to the National debt than any President before him which our grandchildren will have to pay. What a mess he made in 8 years!
From everything I have seen, I think Barack Obama's legacy is a United Nation that accepted the difference between them. As a great politician, Obama helped almost everyone see it's not about color, ethnicity, ages, sizes, genders or other things that make us different; he showed us that what it is really and highly important is what we can apport to humanity, to our country and society. He teached us to live different but treated in the same conditions.
He was humble and kind, even though he was the most important person on the US. He didn't care about being not other thing but a HUMAN, thing we've lost trough out the times. He served people who served him, he loved his family, his wife, the people who worked with him. He played with childs, with his co-workers, he helped people who needed his help like the refugees he created for poor or immigrant people who hadn't enough money for their maintenance or for health issues they had to cover.
He was a great man, who fought for what he wanted, leading a powerful country, reason why he made it more powerful; he will truly be missed.
Rennie, you must be from another country. Obama has made race relations worse. He has played race politics.
http://nypost.com/2014/12/28/holder-and … ng-hatred/
I changed my mind, Obama's legacy wil be this -
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-o … president/
i agree with you 100% rennie. he is just a kind, happy, caring person. he took a lot of abuse, never gave it back. he will be missed, and his legacy wont be destroyed.
A bad Jimmy Carter act with a much worse attitude. Obama = Ineffective, too much golfing and vacations, too much national debt, too many meaningless "red lines", too much race baiting, really sorry cabinet picks, leads from far behind, negative on police and military, arrogant and stuffy, not transparent, not much of a patriot, not one successful domestic achievement, not one foreign policy success (keep in mind that our military got bin laden, not Obama) Obama has a poor relationship with allies and enemies, Iran Deal was a US gift to Sharia Law ayatollahs...could go on but I think you get the idea.
Ha! We definitely get the gist. You packed a lot of information in a small space. Impressive talent you've got there, Doug.
The tip of that iceberg for sure,we just don't know what else is lying unrevealed under the water.Probably 90% of the corruption & incompetence that we see in the tip of this iceberg is lying there waiting to be discovered as it melts away.
I think the health care issue was good, but his association with countries and their leaders that will bring war to the US because He thinks he can talk them into putting away their weapons. I personally think he will one day try to join one of these countries and become allies with them against us here in the United States.
It was a bunch of nothing. He did nothing substantial and his words fell on limp hands, unable to write or create anything substantial. Trump, the disastrous nominee, will continue to relish on Obama's divisive presidency that led to the most violent, racially charged era in the U.S. since the 1960's. On a positive note, he's a likable guy.
A staggering 85 million taxpayer dollars spent on personal vacations, the final one being estimated at this point for 3.5 million, seems noteworthy. I'm not sure whether that includes the in house personal entertainment costs, but either way, it's still staggering.
I hate that we had to pay for his vacations because he did not have the balls to call Senators on the phone to effect real legislation. Nevertheless, what do you mean by 'the final one at 3.5 million? What is the 'final one?'
Wow! That is a lot of money. Will you give us a link? 3.5 million for a (how long) Xmas vacation is relevant...
Links take up huge amounts of space not allowed here. Google ABC News, Andrew Malcolm's Investor's Business Daily Politics on Obama Vacation Costs Uncovered, and Judicial Watch's reports on the travel costs for a progressive look at the topic.
given what he has done, I would be glad to pay for his vacation all 8 years... haha
Lately, releasing notorious terrorists from Guantanamo takes staggering to a new level. There aren't decent words for such actions so it's difficult to say how the legacy can be recorded. The consequences are expected to be telling, however.
- when you are at the highest level (President) you can pretty much do or say what you want. However, this doesn't mean you are above accountability. I agree, as stated here that Pres. Obama has managed and pursued his liberal agenda quite successfully, in spite of and with little respect for True American Values. How could he possibly have true American values anyway with his imported views of just about all political decisions he has made while in office? The facts are that he came into office with non-traditional values, another entire religious belief, outside influence that led him towards increasing racial unrest while increasing immigration of Arab- Muslim people, education revision to streamline muslim arab curriculum, global propaganda agenda, and non- standard views of sexual preference. Lastly, in my opinion he was and is a foreign interest mouthpiece planted in the United Sates with the purpose to set up foreign agents in our government, military compromise and deletion, unlawfully appropriating 50 billion and probably much more with the recipients being enemies of the USA. Our Congress, Senate and all of the American People will be paying the bill and collateral cost/damage to our core of Security and general Welfare for years to come.. He will be on the sideline, gone but not gone, maybe still able to direct the inside system he's created within our judicial and defense departments. I do not believe his intention ever was to uphold United States Virtues, Values, Constitution or anything else. Traitors in the first century of the commonwealth of the United States were proclaimed so for far less Anti-Freedom and Anti-Equality and Anti-Constitution activity. Out of It all I hope we have learned our lesson. In one Sense; It can all be summed up by saying that all the unrest and ruckus created during this presidency will go down in history as a cover up of the biggest internal worm- virus of an entire government. Opportunity knocked for the third world who wants to conquer us and see us fall. WE were blindsided and we voted for our own destruction. I'm not saying America has fallen, but it has as least come to the brink, and even the Clintons legacy and downfall has been used to cover up worse rot that has sunk into the White House during the last few years. For instance. Obama care is non other than the Clinton Care health plan that they handed to him to implement. His reward was it would be his legacy, not theirs.
I've been fairly conservative since my first job as a teenager when I took a long, hard look at taxation in America and realized, "THAT'S what my paycheck is going to?!" That said, I don't think Obama was the worst President as many of my fellow conservatives seem to. He certainly wasn't one of the best, but he dealt with a lot of ignorance and blame from square one and handled it with grace from his inauguration to his farewell speech. I have infinitely more respect for President Obama than I do for most of his followers, and while he's made many policy decisions that I fear will have lasting consequences for our nation, I do believe he genuinely thinks he's doing what's right, for what that's worth. Like Bush, he's just one of those people you like, even when you don't like the things he does.
That said, man, the ACA is going to take a while to clean up. To me, that's the legacy of his policy. An idealistic system that sounds great but doesn't actually have the infrastructure or funding in place to work right. Countries run on hard work, not dreams alone, and the ACA may be the darling of those who are enjoying the benefits now, but when it comes time to pay for those services? I know doctors who have been in practice 20+ years and planned to go another 10 who left because the ACA quite literally put them out of business. With the Boomers approaching seniorhood, this program is not something we have the luxury of experimenting with. Factor in the surveillance scandals, his inability to work across the aisle (and yes, I recognize that much of that was the other side's doing, but it is what it is), and lackluster response to the need for welfare reform, well... not a great legacy, but again, not the worst.
Also, as an *actual* small government conservative, I think it's ridiculous that it took him as long to get to civil rights for LGBT Americans as it did. It also cracks me up that his most ardent supporters say Trump is somehow homophobic when he's quite literally, policy-by-policy, the most pro-LGBT President Elect this country has ever had. But I will always be grateful to him for protecting our LGBT troops and ensuring that they can serve proudly and openly. I'm also impressed with the gains he made as far as reducing our dependence on foreign oil and slashing unnecessary federal regulations, which, for a liberal is darn near unheard of. Take the good, take the bad and there you have...the Obama Administration, I guess.
Thank you for a thoughtful answer regarding the actual question. I agree that Trump has zero issues with LGBT. Truly.
You are more generous toward Obama than I would ever be (I despise his arrogance & hypocrisy) but I do appreciate your comment.
I am glad to see him go like millions of other Americans who realize this country is headed in the wrong direction. I still respected him as my President though. Not once did I hear anyone say that "He is not my President." We accepted it and dealt with it unlike many others who are showing disrespect to President Elect Trump. Not once did I hear someone say that they would move out of the country if Obama got elected. People need to grow up and act mature. What kind of message are we sending to our children and young people? BTW, I don't think one celebrity has moved yet. I knew they were all talk. smh
Lastly, what he did to Israel was horrible, but not surprising. I say not surprising because the Bible talks about the land being divided in the latter days before Jesus returns. He does not know the Bible because it says "I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel."
From Washington DC, the following 10 will be remembered for a long time to come:
1. 143 years after slave trade was abolished President Obama became the first black President of the United States of America. Nobody in the African American community had ever attained this feat. To prove his popularity which wiped out further doubts, good old America re-elected him back into the White House for a second run. Remember, Obama's successor has started with protests and demos even before parading himself from Capitol Hill.
2. Despite the economic free fall after President Obama's ascent to office, lots of jobs have been added to the economy in each of the last 75 months. Economists call this "Job creation".
3. As Commander-in-Chief, President Obama exorcised the demon of Osama bin Laden once and for all, making America to sleep peacefully after many troubles.
4. Obama's reign saw a partisan toil in legislative matters triggered by republicans who swore to oppose President Obama throughout his term in office. Republicans preferred to shout Obama out of office instead of helping to build the nation.
5. The Commander-in-Chief sweet-talked Iran out of manufacturing nuclear weaponry thereby averting an international atomic threat.
6. The Commander-in Chief prevented America's military machine from being drawn into the Syrian crisis thereby saving USA lots of dollars.
7. President Obama legislatively protected environmental marine eco-systems, curbed carbon emission, boosted renewable energy and crowned it with a ratification of the Paris climate accord.
8. "Obamacare" extended Insurance cover to tens of millions of US citizens who had no cover. This is a gain that republicans might try to snatch from Americans.
9. President Obama refused to be weighed down by "colored tension" triggered by police shootings of unarmed citizens and hence scored big.
10. President Obama improved US relations with Latin American and the Arab world in his 8-year tenure.
Lastly, like no other political outcome, President Obama's election was celebrated the world over by people of all races, not just Americans. Many people can only dream of such international acclaim.
There is indeed something to write home about.
I guess it depends on your world view, you can see it as half full or half empty. On every point you mention, except getting Bin Laden, I can counter with how terrible a job President Obama did...
Former President Obama has been thrown under the bus from day one. Being the first Black American man to become president of the USA is a legacy in it's self. He doesn't need anything else.
Before him, there were 43 other presidents of corruption. Not to mention the 8 presidents that were elected under the Articles of Confederation. An army of presidents couldn't undo all the corruption that was done since the Articles of Confederation and since the birth of the new Constitution of the USA.
It would take more than two terms to straighten out the mess the US was in before he took office. His legacy? He is a legacy in his own time, that's my view. Further more, you haven't seen anything yet. Wait and see the turmoil that is coming!
Although this answer comes late in this post, the crucial thing about Barack Obama's legacy to remember is that we as a nation overcame institutionalized racism and bigotry to show that we place more value in a good leader over the color of his skin. One of his legacies will be to have endured constant war--abraod and fighting to prove his legitimacy at home. He accomplished better health care for all (although flawed) and prevented the telecom industry from taking the airwaves completely from the poor. It's curious we have done a one-eighty this time around.
There was a time when dignity and courage characterized our leaders and insults were not the general rules. President Obama had to be almost perfect in everything he did and now we give unusual behavior a pass. In the way he made us proud to be Americans, he was much like Reagon and Kenedy, in the way he cared about social justice, Johnson, in the way he left us proud to be Americans--uniquely his own,.
I was not an Obama Supporter.Personally, I feel when he was in office he sunk us more than saved us. He is the one that began the whole "black lives matters"lingo, instead of giving the military,the police officers,etc the respect they were due.He turned his back on them and never stuck by them while others bashed/attacked them so harshly.Obama always found a way to side with the criminal rather than seeing the other side of the coin, thats the main reason I cannot ever respect him. Our premiums and co pays went up with Obama Care, and I have had to see my loved ones struggle to make ends meat because the insurance did not cover a certain procedure as a whole. While crisis was going on he was doing tangos,going golfing and taking vacations.Obama never truly got to the heart of the problems but was always concerned with being politically correct.
I think Obama's legacy is largely one of unfulfilled hopes. I think he began his presidency under the expectation that he would be a progressive departure from many of the policies of Bush.
Unfortunately, he represented continuity with Bush in many regards, both in foreign policy and domestic. He ordered military action in seven countries in the Middle East, strengthened domestic surveillance, and did little to curtail the influence of Wall Street on domestic policy.
Despite these obvious setbacks, there was some progress. The Affordable Care Act, while modest in its substance was an advance over the previous version of healthcare in the US and his diplomatic move to normalize relations with Cuba was a welcome development for Latin America.
Ultimately, I think we will see the legacy of the Obama administration in many of the unchecked executive powers that he is now handing over to President Trump. Among those powers is the power to extrajudicially assassinate terror suspects in other parts of the world (the so called drone program). In all, this paints a bleak picture for historians.
Interesting comment, Xavier. You brought up some things (like drones) that no one else had, and ....assassinations. As we speak, Trump is undoing Obama's executive orders, one by one. Obama's Legacy was his pen. Now even that is being eradicated.
You understand how our Constitution works, separation of power, 3 branches... Obama was a Constitution law professor and knew better. He chose to use his pen instead of working with Congress to pass meaningful legislation. He failed as a leader...
he used his pen becaue of insurrection by congress. now your hero is using his pen to erase 8 years that the majority of us voted for. we are ruled by 20.7%. it wont hold. cali paid 1 bil to fed gvt, and their 4million votes didnt count.we are change
No. Obama didn't even bother trying to work with Congress approximately 80% of the time. He made himself a King, and ignored Congress altogether. Probably it interfered with his golf game. The problem with Executive orders is that they can be undone.
One of the key things that Trump will bring into the Obama Congressional void is because he is an outsider to politics he can cross the aisle. long as there is an aisle there is a void. Trump to accomplish his goals, a bridge is necessary
What I do know is in the business world, Trump knew how to engage people. That is a huge positive. So let's see. Obama simply did not have the talent to build bridges. None whatsoever. That is why we have this great division. He was not a leader.
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