Emails have been spread around claiming that a Federal Court in California will be meeting tomorrow (1/26/2010) to determine if President Obama is qualified as a natural born American citizen to hold Executive office..
This case was, of course, dismissed on October 29th of last year.
This has not deterred people, some of which are my own family members, from believing firmly that 1) the case will be on the record tomorrow and 2) Obama is not a citizen.
When tomorrow passes and no court session convened...will "birthers" go away?
last time I checked, there were over 18 open, pending, and appealed court cases against Obama's presidency...
I think there are valid points to the cases...if he has nothing to hide, why not just present the asked for documentation, and other proofs asked for...why is he spending millions to keep it all "covered up"?
The first thing you have to do in order to run for president is prove your citizenship. Put the tired rumors to rest.
Case in Point...
Or Fake it well and pass inspection...
Perhaps this will help. … e-part-ii/
One would hope this non-issue would go away. This myth is being perpetuated only by those you are desperate for it to be the truth.
Doubt it. The whole thing was and is pretty silly anyway.
Who cares where he's from? If he doesn't get it together let's hope he goes back!
"Get it together"??
It seems as though more people are working to undermine him than help him out.
Remember, this is a democracy, right? If the people, or many of them, aren't working for benefit there isn't much one man can do....... Perhaps you would like to see what the maquilas in Mexico are like and wonder why they are there???
I haven't seen a Prsident undergo so much scrutiny in his first years since Clinton...but this time it's far worse...
At least the Supreme Court Justice Obama appointed, Sotomayor, voted on the right side in the recent case regarding campaign finance....
Obama needs no help from anyone to help destroy his Presidency, he is managing that one real well all by his lonesome. The only thing he has shown any competency in is being incompetent.
NOW, I HAVE READ ..lets hope he goes back....back to are so true about the scrutiny...the real question no one has the brass to anwser is WHY HIM?...ONE CAN ONLY ASSUME. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ASSUMPTIONS.
It's already been presented....I've written on this as well...
Thank you for answering my question though....
What are you talking about?
Bush was incompetant...and showed it every press conference he had....and he served 8 years...and is seen as better than Obama somehow.....
cite one source of "Obama incompetance" many say it, but few point anything out....
One true thing that Obama has done that shows incompetance.....
Lets see, unemployment will not rise above 8% if the stimulus plan is enacted! Uh, wrong! Stimulus will create or save millions of jobs! Nope, classic fail!
As the newly appointed Porn Czar, I am greatly offended by your comment.
You're slacking dude, with that title comes the responsibility to provide grade A porn!
IMO The entire 'Bailout', He should have known that giving billions of dollars to failing and ineptly run companies was not going to make the people running those companies suddenly turn into good businessmen/women.
People have the right to question authority. And when that right is taken away we will have no Democracy.
You are correct about Bush being incompetent, but he has a long way to go before he is as dense as Obama!
The "czars" were not an Obama creation....Bush and even FDR used the monicker....
The entire Department of Energy has the same status...meaning answerable only to the executive branch without any ability for oversight from another branch...
This type of thinking, actually, has more in line with Nixon, Bush, and Cheney.... Bush himself filled 35 'czar' positions...while nominating for over 40...
no memory, or just no research???
Obama has only nominated 8....
So....let me retake that "victory" of yours.....that kind've reminds me of Bush on the aircraft carrier...
You forgot a couple of items, or did you just concede the point?
1. Czars.
2. Liberal Czars.
I trump your play! I'm up 2-0!!
No Texan, sorry...I didn't see them...
Unemployment isn't Obama's problem....again..why don't you thank American businesses who prefer to bring Mexican and Central American women to border towns like Juarez....
What can be done?? The ports of los angeles and long beach are even being outsourced....and it is capitalists like Guy Slim, the Maersk family, and the Waltons who are enabling it...
Stimulus was the Bush plan that was still in legislation when Obama came to office.. this is comparable to Kennedy carrying out the Bay of was organized under Eisenhower's watch.... this all you guys have??
Doesn't stack up to much...
I like the blame Bush doctrine being employed by democrats. I will let a supporter of the President tell you what an epic failure Obama is. … ing-wrong/
Many Americans believed that OBAMA could fix many of the issues that were given to him over-nite unfortunately many of us needed a reality check including myself. It takes time to re-build a nation it did not fall apart over-nite hence it cannot be fixed in a few months or even a few years. It will take our Country years after OBAMA is out of the White House to correct so many issues. Many of us have forgotten that BUSH started the mess and passed it on to OBAMA. OBAMA has made promises that is correct, but with all of the mess that was handed to him and a limited budget because our Country was already in the RED he has to figure out something. Many of us should be the solution and not the problem, let us ask ourselves, " If we were President, what would we have done differently?"
Let me see if I have this straight, Obama promises but when his incompetence nukes his grand scheme its Bush's fault? Its just this simple, you cannot jump start an economy by lining the pockets of Congressman and Senators with stimulus cash! You are right about one thing, it will take years to clean obama's mess up.
He is not the only one who made a mess so did our former President between both of them I believe we should have voted for a Woman she could have did this job much better. Women do not give money away the spend it on themselves, lololo by the way you were picking on my sister, shame on you!
I agree with that.
Without a magic wond Obama could not have done much better.
It will take a lot of time to see the results of his actions, but one thing is for sure; we were at the very edge of a big precipice and at least for the moment we have not fallen yet.
If the ones wishing Obama fails keep pushing their agenda we may not be that safe and actually see Rush celebrate his wish for a total disaster
It isn't a matter of 'correcting' the do you "correct" outsourcing/offshoring?
How do you "correct" the recent supreme court ruling throwing out major portions of campaign finance law?
Labor has lost in America.....and they're running around blaming a man who has had to face more economic calamaty than any other head of American state....
is he a crony? perhaps to some degree....but so was his predecessor...and it goes back...Reagan was a major crony...thanks again for bank deregulation....and for the deregulation of the trucking industry as well Gipper!!
Texan... I am a registered Republican....don't jump to conclusions...
I am just more aware than my "fellow pachyderms."
Obama is trying to accomplish too much at one time. And where's the C-Span coverage of health care legislation? I would really like to see who is for what, along with who gets what for voting yes. This could have been a wonderful bill, if only...
If only they had stuck to the real issue with health care, cost! Find ways to reduce the cost not a way to cover everyone which will make it more expensive.
Yes, the fact that he threw so many balls in the air at once is his biggest fault. In the other hand, when the house is on fire, you can't concentrate only on saving the livingroom because that is where you have your art collection.
He had little choice, eccept for the healthcare that could have waited another 6 months or so. Having a plan bill is not enough, we need a good and fair one. Because of the rush, now democrats have to start allover again. How is that better than coming up with a decent plan in the first place?
As for C-Span, that would have been great and Nebraska would not have happened.
We have been promised transperancy, but I still don't see it
I don't see how brought up party affiliation first....
creating competition was the way to lower cost....
the government option was meant to do that....because the corporate side/private side is already monopolistic...
But people are/were too caught up in nonsense rhetoric of "takeovers" and "socialism" would have provided a type of check and balance.... but there is a trend in government over the past 40 years or so to do away with checks......
I have the VA by the way....I don't pay for anything except a small 5 dollar or 10 dollar payment at the pharmacy....I wish more could have the care I do...
I didn't even schedule the MRI I had recently....the waiting list was a month long...but one doesn't have to wait in line just find out who doesn't show up to an appointment.... I call it "same-day" service for FREE!!
Who else has free health care here????
Again, the bailout was a Bush plan that was postponed for passage until after Obama's election...
And Obama should have known it and been able to stop it....
It does not matter who started it, who planned it...He (Obama) Did NOT stop it... and that is a man that did not do his job, 'was incompitent at his job.'
The President of the United States by definition is the 'BEST' man in our entire country....NOT.
If he can be fooled, or manipulated he has failed.
Which President can we point to in the past 50 years doesn't fit into that category of yours Mikel?
Bush ignoring Katrina.....
Bush igniting and ignoring financial crises.....
Both the Republicans and Democrats failed on this account (finances)...either in the legislature or elsewhere..
Why point to one man what harm a larger system has wrought?
If Obama is incompetent, then so have most of our recently past presidents...
We Need A Hero, one who cannot be fooled and or corrupted.
GM just announced today that they will have paid back the government by June of this year....
not such a bad thing..
But referring back to the original topic....
Will the 'birthers" cease and desist?
It is in the nature of Humanity to complain and disagree.
The only way that can be stopped is by Obama putting on the red cape and flying around performing the acts reserved for heros.
If someone really believes something, I doubt they'll cease and desist. Look at the Truthers and Global Warmers.
Area 51...
conspiracy theorists...
who killed JFK...
absolute proof, which cannot exist by defintion, is the only thing that can stop something absolutely.
Hey...Operation Northwoods is a real piece of work...
I'll have something on that in the near future...that linked with Executive Order 11110 make for a very interesting theory..
It was done..and there is plentiful evidence to prove it...
What evidence do you have that this wasn't done??
I actually believe it was the government that killed Kennedy, to many circumstantial 'events' for me to think otherwise.
Sorry I was unclear.... no, I was referring to Paul's post..
In order to even qualify for candidacy has to verify proof of citizenship... all this was done. I remember when the "examinations" were done...
Everyone saw except those who didn't want to see...there was a video clip released last year where Republicans congressmen who claimed to their constituents and other groups about doubting Obama's citizenship were then confronted on the street with video camera's and a man asking (nicely) if they would go on the record and say that the President was not a citizen...
Several ran down the street, away from the cameras....a few gave ambiguous answers, but would not deny that they had seen the birth, and only one, of the many questioned stated anything man of congress who said that the President is the Commander in Chief, and is a natural born citizen...
I am looking all over the net for it...but I can't find it anymore....
probably the only time on video that you will see the legislators running down the street..
Will "birthers stop? Yeah sure right when the JFK and Roswell people admit the true story.
Americans like conspiracy theories and Obama has a good one.
He claimed to visit Pakistan at a time when Pakistan was a no-fly zone for American citizens.
What passport did he use to visit Pakistan By his own admission?
The Birthers will never stop Barry O aka Barry Soreoto aka Barak Obama aka Barack H. Obama aka Barac Obama etc.... will be long gone and Birthers will still look for the birth certificate.
Oh, is it the 26th??
Birthers...why don't you go out and report to this forum the latest "update" concerning the "birth certificate trial" is the Supreme Court....
Not tired of being wrong yet are you guys?
Just a thought? … on-in.html
Keep arguing over this and similar crap people, keep arguing. They will have more time to run away with your money
I agree that the bean counter mentality of chasing down this argument is another ploy of the politicians to keep more pertinent subjects out of the publics eye.
A few that come to mind would be the endless wars that are bankrupting the country and making some people very rich, the heathcare debacle that does nothing to reduce the expenses because of the healtcare industries lobbying, the loss of jobs while the president espouses more government intiatives to create more jobs, the mess that the public school system is in and the continuing fall in world educational competitiveness, the whole lobbying congress and bought elections...etc.
No we would rather argue over a stubborn refusal to accept that Obama is president and that he was elected by the country to do a job. It is all so stooooopid!
I just wanted to jump in for a second.
The reason for our current recession is, basically, a credit crunch caused by poor investment decisions and massive losses on the part of many banks. You could argue about the roots of this, but the basic cause remains. Banks stopped lending because there had been too many years of easy money, and the money was suddenly disappearing.
Now, as much as I hate the fact that the money went to Wall Street moguls and not to average Americans who were losing their jobs and homes, I want you to imagine something with me.
Imagine that you work for a corporation. Most of you do.
Imagine that your corporation goes to the bank this month, to get the loan they get every month - the one they use to buy inventory and/or make payroll.
Despite the fact that your employer has been getting this loan every month for the past 10 years, the bank refuses. The bank is overleveraged in too many different places and is losing the equivalent of your salary every few seconds.
This month, your employer cannot buy inventory, and/or cannot make payroll. What happens next?
That was the situation we were in around October 2008.
If there had been no bailout, unemployment would be unimaginable. This current recession would look like an extended spring break in the Bahamas.
Americas economy is like an alcoholic who has been smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years. We basically just woke up in the emergency room. In a situation like that, you can't just quit drinking and smoking and suddenly expect to be better the next day.
No, most people do not work for corporations, they work for small businesses that do not go to bank once a month for a loan! The rest of what you said came from a very vivid imagination.
Small businesses are corporations too, unless they are a sole proprietorship, which means that no one except the owner works there.
And most businesses borrow money.
You want to dispute me, show me some figures that prove me wrong.
I work for a sole proprietorship along with two others and the owner.
I run a small business and do not borrow money - if that counts
I work for a small business, a corporation. We do not borrow money either. I also work part time for another small corporation that is in debt up to its eyeballs.
You can't generalize from any one case.
However, my original point was that the bailout was intended to restart the commercial paper market, which is exactly what I described in my post:
From 2007: … dit-crunch … /index.htm … d=13920432
from 2008: … pikes.html … ilout-fund … ets34.html
Sure, I know some small businesses are corporations, most people work for small business, its funny that you offer up lots of claims and never provide proof, but you demand it when someone else does it!
I never offer proof? I think you missed where I provided links to 6 different articles about commercial paper and the bailout.
I'll look at your link.
Americans have a short attention span due to watching too much TV. We expect solutions that everybody loves to come quickly and have everything wrapped up in an hour. about the opinion of the presiding judge in the recently dismissed case:
"This Court exercised extreme patience when Taitz endangered this case being heard at all by failing to properly file and serve the complaint upon Defendants and held multiple hearings to ensure that the case would not be dismissed on the technicality of failure to effect service.
While the original complaint in this matter was filed on January 20, 2009, Defendants were not properly served until August 25, 2009. Taitz successfully served Defendants only after the Court intervened on several occasions and requested that defense counsel make significant accommodations for her to effect service. Taitz also continually refused to comply with court rules and procedure. Taitz even asked this Court to recuse Magistrate Judge Arthur Nakazato on the basis that he required her to comply with the Local Rules. See Order Denying Pls.’ Mot. For Modification of Mag. J. Nakazato’s Aug. 6, 2009, Order; Denying Pls.’ Mot. to Recuse Mag. J. Nakazato; and Granting Ex Parte App. for Order Vacating Voluntary Dismissal (Sep. 8, 2009).
Taitz also attempted to dismiss two of her clients against their wishes because she did not want to work with their new counsel. See id.
Taitz encouraged her supporters to contact this Court, both via letters and phone calls. It was improper and unethical for her as an attorney to encourage her supporters to attempt to influence this Court's decision. Despite these attempts to manipulate this Court, the Court has not considered any outside pleas to influence the Court's decision.
Additionally, the Court has received several sworn affidavits that Taitz asked potential witnesses that she planned to call before this Court to perjure themselves. This Court is deeply concerned that Taitz may have suborned perjury through witnesses she intended to bring before this Court.
While the Court seeks to ensure that all interested parties have had the opportunity to be heard, the Court cannot condone the conduct of Plaintiffs’ counsel in her efforts to influence this Court."
Those are the words of Federal Judge/former U.S. Marine David Carter presiding in his official opinion.. … 159006.pdf
again...when the case was dismissed in October of last year...
In California, the most people are employed by the government...through county/city/state/and federal branches....and California is the breadbasket of the nation...
You cut government you cut jobs...there are no other jobs around....
small businesses here struggle....and Sam's Club throws tons of perfectly good food away every night....and lock up their bins...
Yep all part of the human greed , ie I cant make a buck so you cant have it for nothing ....
As far as Obama's citizenship , I have never heard a country talk so long about such a ridiculous claim. ( Seriosuly has anyone ever heard of another country sqawk so long about is their leader really this , or really that ...crazy!
They all have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt eligilbity, so why would any educated person ever query this.
California is a welfare state unable to control there spending, it doesn't surprise me the biggest employer is government. California should serve as a lesson for how not to run a state.
The bigger question is Obama guilty of treason?
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
We have a UN Ambassador but in his narcissism Obama felt he was elected president of the world and sat himself as head of the UN security council.
Does he have permission from Congress?
I never cease to be amazed at the writings of so many's both interesting and disturbing...
The man (men...cheney too...even more so) who planted the seeds for this current time, sit out in luxury and Obama is the traitor....
What are people smoking?
Eagle...the U.S. has a legacy regarding "citizenship" that few Americans even understand...
In terms of ignorant people (self-ignorance more so) the U.S. citizenry takes the cake....we win that race...
It is unfortunate....
Some of Obama's friends and colleagues:
Bill Ayers the unrepentant terrorist
Jeremiah Wright the angry preacher at Obama's church for 20 years
Kevin Jennings the NAMBLA lovin scary school czar
Van Jones The self avowed communist
Anita Dunn Looks to Mao as her favorite philosopher
Cass Sunstein Regulatory czar would like to outlaw free speech and marriage
John Holdren Science Czar would like to sterilize the population through the food supply.
I cannot wait until the campaign starts. lol Ignorance yeah OK
Commenting on only one misrepresentation: … ted_as.php
As a writer just because you comment on what others have proposed does not mean you endorse it.
I speak for myself Texan, don't you worry...
Uninvited is hard for liars to admit to their treachery....
That is an excellent article.....
Your probably correct American's will not even consider these people in 2012. They are not paying attention right.
They are too ignorant?
We will see!
An investigation of the newly appointed Porn Czar?
Dick Cheney....the man who's Halliburton stock value grew as American operations overseas developed.. … _1011.html
is war profiteering....and the manipulation of a nation into an unjustifiably war not treasonous??
Oh wait....the U.S. has done it over and over again....
The "Indian" threat....lets take a look at Wounded Knee...and all the actions before and most since by the United States that have caused harm that can almost never be recovered from...
The "attack on American soil" that sparked the Mexican American War was entirely fraudulent...
The Spanish American War.......
and a great many Americans are too busy/brainwashed/entrenched in false-pride to know the truth or to think to really seek it out...
Money is made....resources acquired....egos stroked.....and common Americans defend the atrocities of the elite, as if they are going to get something for their unbending loyalty....
http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory. … /1050.html
no booby prize...sorry.
Socialist California?? The state built by private enterprise??? The wealth generating subdivisions of physical-social and political selves has needed a lot of maintenance that its envisioners didn't care to check in to..
They got the government funds (illegally at that to a large extent), built it up...peopled it, and took off....leaving the residents behind to clean up after them...
You want to see an example of a city run by business?? come down to the City of Industry....I'll show you around... check it out on Google Earth.... look at it...try to imagine what the residents there have to deal with..
I'll share more later..
We agree on that!
There are also some questions I would like to see Bush/Cheney answer under oath.
We can sit and talk all day about different countries past idiocy,if you think the US is the great evil empire then do something about it. Obama is not changing anything about anything, he is a one term President and the Democrats have backed the biggest mistake since Jimmy Carter.
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