Do you believe that we are better off with Obama or better off without him and w

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  1. janiek13 profile image75
    janiek13posted 12 years ago

    Do you believe that we are better off with Obama or better off without him and why?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    That's a tough question. I go with the lesser of two evils. We definitely do not want Romney in office! That is scary.

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Certainly, one of them is the lesser of the two evils, don't know which one it is, yet.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would have to say Obama. Never thought I would say that. Obama for re-election.

    3. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So you might vote for Stalin over Hitler? The Devil over Satan? Ouch!

  3. Cobrafan profile image76
    Cobrafanposted 12 years ago

    I'll personally be voting third party. I find them both to be quite equally evil at this point.

  4. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    I believe we are better off with Obama because although he is far from perfect, he has done many things that have helped people, especially in the area of health care.  I would hate to see all of his hard work get thrown in the trash can by the other party.

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Many people agree with you, but I am more concerned with what he has taken away, like the space program. Living on the Space Coast, I see firsthand the negative effects he has created. Something that important should not be left up to a few people.

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The Elephant in the Room: Obama's "Kill List," use of NDAA to detain Americans indefinitely without charges trial or attorney, skyrocketing National Debt worse than Bush ($16T), unconstitutional Obamacare, bypassing Congress on War,

    3. bworthington profile image59
      bworthingtonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, most of the debt run up is due to Bush tax cuts and wars (which were added to the books). 

      Obamacare has been been upheld as constitutional by the SC.  You may have missed that.

      Libya wasn't war.  No troops were committed to the ground.

  5. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Obama = Romney = Corporate Party, on every issue critical to the future of America.

    Four years ago, I was lulled by rhetoric. The silver-tongued devil won the White House and betrayed us all. And the Corporate Party media spin made it all sound so patriotic. The tyranny of Hitler 80 years ago also sounded patriotic to his citizens. They were wildly enthusiastic about the erosions of their Constitution, because they had a real leader for a change and they had jobs. Look at the cost!

    America now has a nightmarish level of debt, skyrocketing in 8 years from an unbelievable $5 Trillion to about $10 Trillion, and in 3 years from $10 to $16+ Trillion! That's a Balloon that will Pop sooner than later! When it does, the entire Earth will be toast! Why? Because America is the largest economy and the Dollar is the world's Reserve currency. Why would our politicians purposefully push more fuel into this time bomb? Just look who they're working for. And it isn't the American citizen.

    Obama thinks free speech can be a felony!

    Obama's presidential power to keep you in prison after acquitted!

    These are only 2 examples of Obama shredding the Constitution. There are many, many more.

    So, if you want our own brand of Hitler and Stalin rolled into one, vote Obama!

    Or vote Romney, because he wants the same things, just a slightly different flavor of tyranny.

    If you love America and the Constitution, then vote third party or write in Ron Paul.

    Here's both sides of the Corporate Party killing the voting process:

    RNC Scripted:

    DNC Scripted:

    One-on-One with Obama on Kill List

    Petition against Obama's NDAA. Sign it if you want justice!

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      well done, you have certainly done your homework!

  6. bworthington profile image59
    bworthingtonposted 12 years ago

    As a member of the middle class, I believe that the past four years have been very challenging for the entire nation.  That said, I at least believe that Obama is attempting to do what he can for the middle class. 

    I work on three payrolls, yet don't qualify for health care at any of my employers.  The truth is, I hear people who are against Obamacare, but most of them already HAVE healthcare. 

    I am not FOR gay marriage, but I don't support amending the Constitution to make it illegal either.  Full disclosure, I am not for ANY marriage.

    I take the same stance on women's issues.  I am not PRO-abortion, but I don't want to force my viewpoint on someone who doesn't feel the same way I do.  I will never have to bear a child, so I can never understand having to make such a decision.

    I also agree with his handling of crisis after crisis.  That is not to say I agree with everything he does, but I appreciate the fact that he is deliberate in much of what he does. 

    23 months of positive jobs growth is not the wrong direction for this country.

    The stock market near record highs since the lows of his first day is not the wrong direction for this country.

    Allowing young adults to remain on their parent's insurance until 26 is not the wrong direction for this country.

    Surgical and responsible use of US military resources is not the wrong direction for this country.

    Record corporate profits even while they enjoy record low tax rates is not the wrong direction for this country.

    Increased fuel standards in domestic vehicles is not the wrong direction for this country.

    We as a nation have a long way to go, but contrary to the GOP ticket, we are heading in the right direction.

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well, you are certain in your answer, kudos for your loyalty and for giving so many reasons .

    2. bworthington profile image59
      bworthingtonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  But I'm not loyal, just pragmatic.  Truth is, as a member of the  53% that pays taxes, I know how easy it is to fall in the 47% that doesn't.

      And a president who knows nothing about financial struggle isn't one who appeals to me.

  7. beadreamer247 profile image64
    beadreamer247posted 12 years ago

    How can you answer this question, when you have nobody to compare with how they would have handled the last 4 years? Those were years which started being very messy already and have you ever fixed a mess - it's not easy for anyone.
    But a lot depends on the people and what they really want. Some want their "old" ways of how America has been back, Obama wants to move America forward more like Europe. Some see this as Communism. It is tough to distinguish Communism or strictly Socialism. I think Obama wants Socialism, that each one carries a bit of a burden and to share.
    I agree that we need a Health Care Reform, not sure if the one Obama wants is the right one and if we can handle such a big and complete reform. I think a partial reform in stages would be accepted more and better. I have studied the current Health care for retirement - it is a scary shocking reality.....unacceptable to me. How many people loose everything just because they get sick - which is not even their own fault. Now you get punished for getting sick and loose everything. This doesn't sound right.
    The education has gone downhill like crazy.....this is no good at all for this country.
    Some things have changed so badly, not sure how to fix it and not sure if anyone has a quick fix and solution.
    No matter which candidate we choose....we will only know the facts and if he's worthwhile once he spent at least 2-3 years in the office. Nobody can do a quick fix at this time. If the nation runs against the ideas of the president, it will never be a success, no matter what it is. If the people don't work with the president, no matter who it will not work.

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      well thought out,  I do agree there is more than health care reform in that particular bill.

  8. Miss Tillman profile image39
    Miss Tillmanposted 12 years ago

    We are better off with him. I could go on all day about how great he has been to the American citizens. To keep it simple, Bush put this country in a trillion $$ deficit in 8 years. We were in a recession those 8 years. Obama comes along in 4 years and lowers the unemployment rate. He offers a healthcare plan that is paid for from the tax dollars of the wealthy.  Him and his wife are hands on people, very humanitarian people who are very down to earth. He has fixed as much as he can considering he has only had 4 years to get the job done. I think he deserves another chance to finish the good things he has started.

    1. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      unemployment is actually up

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      People have a misconception that healthcare will be free? No, You still have to pay for it and will be penalized if you don't have it. Just like States have done with car insurance.

    3. Miss Tillman profile image39
      Miss Tillmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Obama has made the healthcare programs less expensive for those that can't afford the plans they need. Everybody needs healthcare, but if you don't qualify for Mcaid, of Mcare then you should be given a reasonable price that fits in your budget.

    4. janiek13 profile image75
      janiek13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Miss Tillman, there is so much more to him than meets the eye, and while that can be said about any politician, I believe Obama has an agenda that will harm us in the long run.

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