The Republicans will not get away with this "Better off than four years ago" business. They already said that they will do anything to bring down the government and the first Black president. Apparently, they were prepared to destroy our nation in the process.
For the most recent four years of hell, think of the Tea Party, the Koch Brothers, the corporations, and the Republicans when you ask yourself the question.
We all know that we are not better off than we were 12 years ago when the Bush II regime looted our nation's treasure and stole our economy. We all know that the Tea Party and the Republicans have made things worse with their "do nothing" congress.
Run them out of office and do not put them in office or the past 12 years are going to be the least of our problems.
I don't know anyone who is better off today than 12 years ago. Don't forget, 12 years ago was pre 9/11, too.
Quite by accident, I ended up watching two very disturbing shows yesterday.
The first is referenced in Ralph Deeds' thread about Jack Abramoff's buddy Ralph Reed. Which I see you just commented on, Xenonlit.
It confirmed a long-held suspicion but showed the "exactly how" that just seems like a movie plot, not real life.
I want to go buy the book "The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy,Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted" By Mike Lofgren.
Then, last night when I couldn't sleep, instead of some calming and soothing LNO reruns, I turned on a documentary called "Koch Brothers Exposed." It came out in April.
Of the many, many "that's just so wrong and evil" moments, I think the one about Koch funding candidates for school board in a down in North Carolina to force SEGREGATION was the foulest. That segment had a happy ending as the townspeople revolted and got them kicked out.
If they can do it in that little NC town, why can't we as a country?
To me, the #1 burning issue of our time, because it enables them to spend and propagandize with impunity, is to overturn Citizens United.
I'm not better off than I was almost 4 years ago. I'm paying 2 more dollars a gallon in gas, I live I a nation inching closer to a government controlled boondoggle. The only reason to have any hope is that in 65 days we will have elected a President that actually has experience in creating wealth. Hell, we will have elected a President who has experience in anything. Its gonna be sweet.
And who now controls the government and its boondoggle?
Hint: It's not "we the people." Well, it is if you, like Romney, believe corporations are people.
Who controls it? Please don't vote if you don't know the answer to your own question.
Like lying? Assault and battery on a classmate? Posing as a law enforcement officer? Hiding his money overseas? Killing jobs? Destroying companies? I do not want that psychopath in the White House. His eyeballs don't move.
Always ready with attacks on republicans. Liberals have learned the lessons well. By the way it doesn't matter what you want, the election will be decided by what WE want. We being the ones who don't vote based on a cult of personality.
This is just another by product of the pay to play cronyism of the Obama Administration. There has been high level scandal and subsequint resignations from the beginning. It took over a year for Obama to make his first cabinet appointments because with each of his first choices their skeletons fell from their closets. As Obama was making his way down the short list of potential crony appointee’s, those who were left on the list were running scared, fearful they too would soon come under appointment scrutiny, thus allowing the fact finders to expose their scandalous activities. Obama comes from a long line of scandal, and so does Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Vallery Jarrett, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, and the majority of all those left in his appointments. There were the special campaign favors from Joe Biden’s Amtrak cronies who joe fought so hard to keep the taxpayer cash spigot open for. Don’t forget the special interest rates banks fixed for Joe and his Son’s mortgages. Remember Holders scandalous cover up of fast and furious and failure to procecute New Black Panther thugs for intimidating non-black voters at the polls. Then there’s Vallery Jarrett who’s long been the pay for play go to gal in Richard Daley’s Chicago Politico. Ole Vallery knows so much dirt on the whole bunch they dare not cross her. David Axelrod goes all the way back to the First Crony Lady’s days at UCMC where they hatched their scheme to farm out poor blacks to Chicago area clinics so that UCMC could concentrate on more lucrative patients with insurance coverage, and there was the scandal where Michelle promted UCMC to change policy to give first consideration to minority bidders for University services. a minority contractor was awarded a lucrative computer upgrade contract allowing him to overcharge UCMC $600,000 and placing UCMC’s Accredidation at risk. Who was the minority contactor who won the bid you ask? It was none other than an old millionaire buddy and Obama campaign supporter who gave Barack a job after he lost his first senate bid and was out of work. Obama claimed a transparent administration, and that was one promise he kept…Everybody can see his administration is corrupt.
Yeah, and he rode his dog on the roof of a car...You libs are so pathetic...Obama has killed more American prosperity and subjected millions to third world living conditions and you still want to rank a viable solution to the country's fiscal nightmare according to some dumb action he perpitrated as a teen..and "His eyes don't move"... such a simple mind. The O man looks pretty weird in some pic's as well...
Obviously, if you are not better off than you were four years ago, it is because you are lazy and haven't worked hard enough. You can't control the price of gas, but you can surely control how hard you work so suck it up and make more money by getting a second job or writing a business plan with sound market research and start your own business. Live the American dream! Don't be a whiner!
Or just vote for those who actually are accomplished at something other than a lifetime of idiotic rhetoric. You should try it.
Why? Do you want the POTUS to take care of you? It shouldn't matter who is President; this is the greatest country in the world! Only losers complain about not having enough money for gas, when it is so easy to just make more money! Lift yourself up like Mitt did! He doesn't worry about the price of gas when he climbs in his private jet because he worked hard for every penny! You could be just like him if you really wanted to.
I'm sorry did I say I couldn't afford gas? I thought I simply pointed out the fact it is two dollars more expensive. In your effort to put words into my mouth you neglected to understand what was actually said. Please pay more attention on election day you may vote for Buchanan instead.
Oh, my bad. I assumed since you were complaining about it that you found it difficult to afford. If you can afford it, then you should be proud to pay that extra $2 per gallon, because corporations only charge exactly what they need in order to make a modest profit. Your patronage allows them to trickle down their wealth to the lower and middle classes. We should be grateful when they raise their prices! It means more money for all!
Yes, it was your bad. Hold your red star high.
So if a President, regardless of color, does not improve the national climate why have one at all.
Koch, TP, GOP, Bush, Anytime Tellers, Foreign Governments...anyone can blame...but where's the leadership. The teacher only went for the dog eating the homework a couple of times.. C'mon man, the Dem's would'nt even give the POTUS a vote on that lame buget proposal. Everybody wanted him to succeed, the country was in love with him. He controlled BOTH houses for two years, he never had a clue about a buget because he never had to manage one. If he could just tell everyone NOW that he had a plan, (and propsed one that was rational) everyone would be in love with him again. But the truth is this...he can't propose one; because cuts to entitlement spending is the only way towards a balanced buget, AND WILL HIT HIS BASE and cost him the chance at relection...Therefore he could care less about the economy or the future of the nation because all he values is HIS FAMILIES FUTURE...and their set. So four more years of power to bring his idealogical agendas to fruition is all that matters at this point...THE DREAMS OF HIS FATHER ....
You do realize that President Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress for his first two years, right? You do realize that when he took office national gas prices were about $1.87/gal? That we have had NO budget for 3+ years, Trillion dollar deficits EVERY YEAR going on 4 years, an increase of a minumum of $6-8+ trillion in new debt, higher unemployment, lower average household income, more people on welfare and food stamps etc etc.
How is asking "are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" not a valid question considering all that?
the Obama campaign is fighting back hard on that question,"are you better off."and honestly i think they are kicking ass on it.
Higher unemployment, lower average household income, higher gas prices, more debt, highest annual deficit is that better?
If they say its better then its better. Don't tell them the truth it seems to anger them.
If the goal is to never let a good crisis go to waste...then, I guess it has been a success. Imagine a second term with no concerns about getting re-elected...scary.
This guy has been a disaster and there are so many misinformed people still out there. But some have come to their limited senses.
George Bush.....just remember it's all George Bush.
Oh.....and Dick Cheney. From his moon base.
I think he came out of retirement to summon this last hurricane. W is a menace.
All politics aside, I am doing just about as well as I was 12 years ago.
Speak for yourself. I am. How much that has to do with Obama I don't know.
The country could not be attacked from outside successfully, so it will be imploded from within by a Muslim of Kenyan blood linage and the majority of her citizens are too naive to see it unfolding. No one really expected him to do anything other than he's done, appologize to his Muslim brethren. You all knew this was exacted according to his punishment of the colonies (U.S.A.) Look at what his father dreamed of...It's all in there, he wrote it for all to see, and he isn't ashamed. Obama doesn't need four more years to destroy the U.S. He's already set enough irreversable idealogical systems into action to doom our society as we know it, another term will only enable him to set a couple more far left Supreme Court Justices on those seats coming open to retirement during his next term, and all he had ever hoped to accomplish will be done. I'd like to congratulate those liberals who has their slobbering love affair with this great destroyer, but there's nothing to congratulate them on...because not only have they lost as well, they will also have the kick in the gut realization that it was all a HOPE AND CHANGE LIE.
Is "better off than four years ago" a massive typo or are you indiscriminately changing the words of whoever you are quoting when you suddenly reference 12 years ago?
Do you really believe the repubs are trying to get rid of the first black president, or just the current democrat president?
IMHO, the biggest single reason for our economic problems now was the (mostly) democratic pressure to give anyone and everyone, regardless of ability to pay, their own house. It created the massive housing bubble and is the root cause of the economies woes now. Not to say that there weren't hundreds or thousands of other reasons (peoples insistence, for instance, that someone else pay for their wants and luxuries), but that was the biggest.
Wilderness you said.
IMHO, the biggest single reason for our economic problems now was the (mostly) democratic pressure to give anyone and everyone, regardless of ability to pay, their own house. It created the massive housing bubble and is the root cause of the economies woes now.
It is nothing but BS. Standard rightwing talking points as big a lie as the day is long....
Then how do you explain Barney Franks and Maxine waters telling us Freddie Mac and Fannie may are just fine when in reality it was just the opposite? Hmmmmmm
Either that or you are spouting standard leftwing talking points as big a lie as the day is long....
My biggest problem is that govt. didn't used to guarantee loans that could not be paid back. Then suddenly they did - where did the change come from and why?
With a guarantee that a bank won't lose money, why NOT make the loan? Why was Freddie and Fannie suddenly buying losing loans? Had banks known that they could not sell those loans, that they would be on the hook when the borrower couldn't pay, they would have never made them in the first place. Bankers may or may not be the evil SOB's they are being portrayed as now, but they aren't stupid and aren't in the business to lose money.
Cmon, people the banks were not forced to loan to people that obviously did not have the means to meet the mortgage. It involved the bundling of toxic loans to sell to hapless investors and they banks could have cared less whether the loans to the unqualified were legitimate. I have heard all the stuff about Democrat complicity. But the banks were not put upon as you would have us believed.
You made you point well, Wilderness, with a guarantee that a bank wont lose money , why not make the loan. In that paragraph what did the banks get out of it, toxic investment instruments that were highly profitable to sell to the hapless with no risk to themselves.
I step back a bit both sides are responsible to a certain extent. But the rightwingers non-regulatory, laissez faire crap created the fertile soil for all this to happen. And yes, the bankers are the evil SOBs
What hapless investors? Fannie Mae?
And the bank gets what the bank always gets; paid for their "work" of making a loan. Banks very seldom keep their loans; they almost always sell them, but still make money doing it. If the loans are effectively "pre-sold" there is then no risk to the bank.
And there are no "hapless" investors. Any "investor" that doesn't bother to investigate the terms of a loan they are buying deserves to go broke.
You're right, though, that these loans were virtually unregulated. The regs were changed to something with such low requirements in ability to repay that anyone at all could "afford" a house, and with the loans effectively pre-sold the banks were happy to comply with thousands of new customers.
The toxic loans were bundled AFTER they were created and many were created because the banks were forced to make certain some homework concerning the "Mac and Mae" going back to Carter...surprise!
The funny thing about your post is the same thing that the Republicans fed us at their convention. Are you better off than four years ago referred to the Carter administration and the recession that crippled the country back then. Interest rates were in the twenty per cent range and gas was escallating at a horrendous rate. Inflation was unchecked. Reagan came in and exploded the military spending as a means to pull us out of the recession just as what happened in WWII with Rosevelt. Only thing now is that the escallation has run amuk and we can't get a handle on it.
Obama inherited a full blown depression looming if he did nothing to avert it like Hoover did in the twenties. If you think unemployment at 8.1% is bad the great depression had 25% unemployment and there was no food stamp program. The default rate of mortgages in this recession may eclipse that of the great depression according to many economists.
What about this dance around around the abyss doesn't reverberate with people? I don't agree with a lot of Obamas policy but the dance with debt is the only thing the American people can stomach. How about we enact the austerity programs Europe is experiencing that threatens our abysmal recovery?
I am self employed and when "W" ended his tenure I was almost in bankcruptcy. I have been barely able to survive but give the rich more tax breaks and de-regulate further the industry we bailed out? It is insanity!
The question might be better posed as Is America better off than it was 4 years ago.
4 years ago:
We were losing 700 thousand jobs a month
We were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan
America was torturing prisoners
Banks and auto companies were failing
We were buried in debt from tax cuts and unfunded wars
Job gains are underway, it all depends, if you found a job you are better off, if you are still unemployed Republican austerity is ending unemployment benefits and cutting food assistance.
If you have a child in the military you may be better off or about the same depending on if they are posted to Afghanistan.
Obama called an end to torture
Banks and auto companies have been rescued with millions of jobs saved. But, home owners have been ignored so the rescue funds go mainly to the big guys. The people who call Obama a Socialist ignore these facts to be able to call Obama a Socialist, this is the exact opposite of socialism
We are still buried under debt from tax cuts and unfunded wars plus the stimulus spending. However, economists are in agreement that the stimulus did succeed at saving jobs and keeping a recession from becoming a depression. What everyone ignores is the fact that when the economy starts growing at a rapid pace all this angst about debt will be meaningless. A growing US economy will produce enough taxes to dwarf the debt just like it did in the 1950s. The Republican plan is to use austerity to shrink the government and the debt. They are trying that plan in Great Britain and Greece right now. Britain is back in recession and Greece is in riots.
Wilderness: Haven't your people made outright with threats to bring down the president even if you destroy the nation? That is the most treasonous mess I have ever seen.
And yes, the truth is that America needs to think about Bush before the Republicans lie him out of existence. The Republicans didn't even talk about him at your convention. He didn't even show up. He hid out somewhere, like he did on 911.
This is to make everyone think about who created this mess and who is keeping this mess going. Bush. The Tea Party. The current Republican vice presidential candidate who was caught in at least 8 blatant lies during his major speech. The current Republican presidential candidate who did not create jobs, but who killed jobs or sent them overseas. They are the destroyers and they should never be allowed in power.
We are NOT better off than we were twelve years ago, but we cannot lie to ourselves and place the blame on Obama. Think about Bush, Tea Party and the Republican party and never let them duck responsibility.
What exactly do you mean by this? Aren't we all Americans? Aren't Wilderness' people "your people" as well?
This is the kind of divisive statement that makes me think we were better off 12 years ago. Do you remember how united we were, as a country, surrounding these events?:
Y2K in 1999
9/11 in 2001
Airline crashes of January 2000
Olympics in Sydney 2000
The first space tourism in 2001
The world's first artificial heart successfully transplanted in 2001
Anthrax attacks in 2001
So, thus, I believe we were better off ~12 years ago. Financially? Maybe not. But as a nation? Oh, hell yes. We loved this country a lot more, and were a lot less divided back then. Happiness>Economy
Yes, we were a much more united nation before 2000.
Until Bush stole the election.
It went downhill from there.
9/11 was actually a high point of national unity.
Quickly descending into the partisan divide we know today.
I remember it started back then with little ribbon stickers that people put on their cars.
"Support Our Troops."
If you dared to criticize the invasion of Iraq, you were unpatriotic.
And since we're in such a reminiscing mood, let's not forget what happened 4 years ago this week:
Oh wait. How could we forget? We're still crawling our way back up. … nking-2008
It's so funny how nothing is Obama's fault and everything is Bush's fault. Can some of you not see your ignorance in thinking Bush somehow did all this terrible stuff in 8 years? The problems with America started when we decided we wanted big government. This was long before Bush. Not one president alone can take the blame for where we are but collectively they are all at fault. EVERY president has helped get us to where we are now in one way or another. This will continue until we stop asking for bigger government and start telling the government to stay out of our lives!
That is no argument of merit. A lie is a lie. We are better off than we were four years ago. Obama cleaned up a lot of the mess. The Republican Party wants to continue the destruction of this nation. We can't let that happen.
That is simply not true. I see things that most of this nation and the world see. It's the Republican Party that is acting like the clown car of politics.
So you see ZERO fault in Obama? You can honestly say you believe he has ONLY done good for our nation? I am not a member of the republican nor democrat party. I don't let the media tell me who is good and bad. I simply need to use my brain and look around at what our country has become over the course of my life and can see that there is NOT one president that hasn't screwed us up in one way or another! As you said, A lie is a lie, and in my opinion a screw up is a screw up no matter what party name you give them or what good they do while screwing up! They are all screw ups!
A majority disagrees, according to USA Today: … 57158152/1
And CBS, ABC, and Quinnipiac:
Me, personally?
I'm better off than I was 12 years ago, and even 4 years ago. I am in Australia though
For us, it's a mixed bag. Our income is not better, but we are somewhat better off, thanks to Pres. Obama's forcing the mortgage lenders to work with people to get out from under predatory we were able to get a loan modification, and will not become homeless. To THAT extent, we are better off than a couple of years ago.....And, I'd write in some cartoon character before I'd put a REPUKE in office....
Hell yeah.. I am way better off than I was 12 years ago..
Now living in the Philippines enjoying paradise.... no more working 8-8 in the west, paying more tax than I ever stand to see back...
The truth is that very few are better off today than they were 12 years ago - or especially when Obama took office.
The nation is more divided than ever, and this thread is a perfect example. Unemployment is up, food and fuel costs are up. Wages are down. More people are on assistance and businesses aren't feeling the confidence needed to create jobs.
Obama tried - let's give him that.
But, it's time for a change.
The truth is that the rich have gotten even richer and do you think that was a mistake? How else could you make people sell their homes at rock bottom prices and liquidate their assetts at such alarming rates. The rich saw the writing on the wall and how the Bush regime had failed the country so badly so why not create a fire sale? They knew they could block Obama at every turn and wait it out while they bought up all our property. Wait a few years and hit the people with that old song when times were good and replace Obama by popular opinion while the populace forget their history looking for the quick fix again. The rich sell us lies like it is a drug and knows we hunger for more lies and deceit as a means out of the wormhole.
13 trillion dollars that is $60,000 per American. Of course, not ALL people are working. Some are too young to work, some too old. Our dollar will fall hard in value. I remember when we had a surplus with Clinton.
There is no balance the budget talk at all. Just jobs.
It never amazes me that radicals must post a slanderous comment stating the we have the first Black President. The truth is that we have a half-black/half-white President who chose to use his skin color as an advantage to win votes in 2008. The truth is we have a failure President regardless of which color you choose to place befor his title. He chose his color, I chose not to place any color before his title because my President does not have a color but a job to do. If the President does his job, then he is a good President, if he doesn't do his job he is a failure. The President is a failure.
The largest important factor that this distorted vision overlooks is the radical political disrespect that is currently plaguing the USA. Political marauding bandits in the USA have escalated anti-establishment rage, race-war, class-war, and immoral campaigning to derailing levels within the society creating crackpot operatives who independently summon terror-tactics for battle.
These prowling crackpots have observed that recently elected politicians and judicial officials within the three pillars have made a mockery of the establishment because the plundering politicians disregard the Constitution and all that it stands for. This grave pandemic decline in moral leadership has produced a “civil-war” vengeance within some citizens that has led to ultimate self-destruction sickness and a national immoral paradox. The infectious moral decline has resulted in a dire infestation of inflamed-madness leading to perpetual degradation of the freedom foundation purposefully provided by the U.S. Constitution.
While it is easy to see that these internal clandestine operations are being thrust upon the USA citizenry, it is difficult to abate their actions due to the abnormal immoral attitudes of some of the citizens. The crackpot decadent agendas also produce a stealthy wall-of-deceit that is not easily penetrated due to the level of socialist propaganda being deployed. Therefore, it is imperative that this detrimental political madness must end, or it will surely be the end of the USA.
I assume the possibility of the president being a "she" doing "her" job is out of the question?
Economy on the upswing. Small businesses are doing a lot better today, then they were four years ago.
Not even close. Many have closed their doors, others have laid off employees and/or reduced wages and benefits.
Obama has NOT helped the economy.
Time for a change.
That is a blatant untruth. He prevented a full blown depression, saved the auto industry, built "the bikini" and did a whole lot more. There is absolutely no support for your statement that Obama has not helped the economy....oh by the way, where was the DOW when Bush was president and where is it now?
The DOW hit its peak in 2008 - why?
Gas at the pump is an average of $2 per gallon higher than it was this time during the 08 election.
Consumer spending is lower now than when Obama took office.
The national debt has increased drastically.
Health insurance premiums and medical costs are higher than ever.
Utility and food costs are up but wages are not.
The Misery Index went down under GWB, but it's back up under Obama.
More people are on food stamps now than when Obama took office and Obama, himself - gave himself a grade of "Incomplete."
Unless a president makes incredible strides in his first four years - the citizens ought to elect someone new.
It really IS time for a change. We've seen what Obama can do - there's no reason to think he will change now. New blood always shakes up the status quo.
It really IS time for a change.
You are wrong about gas prices. They hit and all-time high under Bush.
They are exactly the same right now in September 2012 as they were in September 2008.
You are technically right but also very wrong about the Dow.
Yes, it hit an all-time high under Bush of 14,000+ in 2007.
But under Obama it has rebounded from its lowest point since 1997 (6,547) and is up over 13,000, pretty darned close to the Bush high.
I could continue, but I think you get the drift.
The banks know better than to lend money to people who are not financially fit to pay them back. It makes you wonder if the banks do a thorough check on the client before they consider to give them a loan. The banks should not have been let off the hook so easily. They make sure that when they are not done right that they get paid back their money even if it is the wrong person.
The president is human and people should give him a break. He needs the prayers of our people, not our people but Gods people. Our country needs to have a God fearing man in office. A man who is not afraid to put God back into the nation. As the Pledge of the Allegiance tells us of one nation under God. Our nation has turned their backs on Him, therefore our country will pay for it.
Prayer was taken out of this society unless it's directed towards Allah. Muslims must be provided a private room to pray in many schools, whereas those of other faiths have been disenfranchised. How be it, Allah would be the one a prayer for this president would need to be directed as that is his Kenyan heritage.
I'm having trouble finding reference to any such law about Muslim prayer in schools.
Can you please post a link showing where you got this information?
Many thanks.
Thats Because I never stated it was a law, my niece is a nursing student with two Muslim girls in the class. The State junior college provides them a private room for their prayer times. It's a matter of what has become known as tolerence when it comes to Muslims. Not so for other faiths.
The heritage from his absentee father? One can understand why he is not well-steeped in it.
Don't understand your point exactly, however, The shoes of Obama's biological father were filled by a man he refers to in his autobiograpy as "Frank". This "Frank" Obama effectionatly refers to as a "father figure" to him is Frank Marshall Davis, a well known communist who propagated much of the radical communist movement of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Davis was under the watch of the F.B.I. for his attempts at bringing forth a communist uprising against the United States government. It was Frank Marshall Davis who first used the catch phrase of "Bringing Fundamental Change to the United States" in one of his pro communist speech rallies. Barack Obama was an astute study of "Franks" during his youth in Hawaii where "Frank Marshall Davis" resided until his death in 1987. This is the "CHANGE" President Barack Hussein Obama "HOPES" for America to succumb to.
I am never amazed by the lack of true facts on these sites.
Fact - 911 began the demise of the USA through manipulated currency transfers.
Fact - The world witnessed this same turmoil in 1929
Fact - The terror was greater than displayed on television or in the newspapers because Iran was supporting many sides of terror conflict to keep the media from exposing their nuclear threat.
Fact - The world is in the same position as it was in 1939 when a tyrant led Germany.
Fact - The USA was weak prior to 1939 as it struggled to regain economic strength.
Fact - WWII is the only thinng that brought the USA out of the depression.
Fact - these same events are building to encase a WWIII to end the current economic struggle.
Fact - we do not have a strong leader who can fight a war the size of WWIII.
But Fact - he prevented a full scale depression
Fact - he saved the US auto industry
Fact - he got the best change in medical care coverage since Medicare
Fact - don't forget the Bikini!
Fact - he got Bin Laden when two predecessors could or would not.
Fact - the Dow is at 13,000
Fact - He did this with a do nothing Congress full of Tea Partiers.
Your Fact - he prevented a full scale depression does not contain the truth about the depression that is continuing as the nation continues to lose jobs. During his Presidency, he has lost more jobs than any prior period including the Depression of 1929-1939.
Your Fact - he saved the US auto industry does not contain the truth because the auto industry has lost more jobs after his fantasy bailout than it saved.
Your Fact - he got the best change in medical care coverage since Medicare is not truthful because my brother received the same treatment under medicare/medicaid prior to the change you shout about.
Your Fact - don't forget the Bikini! is not truthful, becuase you gloat about the magic math that is used to deceive the voters.
Your Fact - he got Bin Laden when two predecessors could or would not. is not truthful, because he did not get Bin Laden, the Seals got Bin Laden. And during missions in Afghanistan, the President has lost more Seals than any other President or combination of pior Presidents.
Your Fact - the Dow is at 13,000 is another gloating position orchestrated by the magic math of the Administration using the same tactics that led to the 1929 collapse.
Your Fact - He did this with a do nothing Congress full of Tea Partiers. is a rather huge exageration since he did this through Ececutive orders that circumvented the Constitution.
Folks - the next great depression is on its way...........
WWIII is not far behind.
Patriots - prepare yourselves for an internal conflict because we will be fighting this next war on all 7 continents.
Xeno - you sure have a way of spinning the facts.
I spin the truth: Bush took us into the dumps and Obama has done an incredible job of keeping us from the bottom---despite obstructionist Republicans who only want to win.
Xenonlit, You state, "Bush took us into the dumps and Obama has done an incredible job of keeping us from the bottom". We have HIGHER Unemployment at over 8% for a RECORD 42 straight months (even higher among ethnic minorities and women). We have a LOWER workforce participation level then when Pres. Obama took office. We have MORE people on Welfare and on Foodstamps then when Pres. Obama took office. We have had 4 years of $1 TRILLION dollar deficits per year (never before in our history). We have a National Debt that is almost DOUBLE what it was when Pres. Obama took office. We have a larger, more intrusive government then ever before....How is this not the bottom??
You also state, "despite obstructionist Republicans who only want to win." Pres. Obama had Democrat controlled Congress for his first 2 years and even now still the Senate. What did he want to pass that was obstructed directly by Republicans? Cite specific economic policies that were blocked. Remember that his Budgets didn't even get a single Democraty YES vote.
Why would you seek to deny a strategy that the Republicans have made NO SECRET of since Obama was elected?
This shows the actual bills obstructed by the GOP.
If you for some reason don't believe this source, there are about 1,000 more out there, all showing -- not opining -- the same thing. … d-recovery
OMG they blocked bills they *agreed* with like the extension on the student loan bill and are even now blocking the violence against women act. Nothing of significance has moved in the last 2 years unless the media got involved.
Considering the magnitude of the problem, I'd say the "lamestream" media has done a piss-poor job of reporting it.
Call me Pollyanna, but it seems to me that if Americans knew how much their current misery is tied to these deliberate blocks, they'd raise holy hell and vote a whole lot of obstructionists out in November.
We need to send them back into the dark corners from whence they slithered. CNN and FOX news literally gave the Tea Party it's power and now I will boycott them until they change.
Nobody gave the Tea Party movement anything ! Let alone this power you speak of, If they had any power they would control both houses and could have blocked Obamacare. The conservative movement known as the Tea Party have failed because they are unable to stoop low enough to pander to welfare recipients, illegal aliens, women who want to kill their babies and have their birth control paid for by everyone, and for those who would have the difinition of marriage changed to suit them, and don't forget those who love Obama's race mongering. The TEA PARTY was formed from a grass roots organization of citizens tired of being fed bull$hat. They were just not capable of, nor do they desire to be as tastless as the Obama cabal of Liberals. Fox just so happened to be the only news outlet unbiased enough to cover the Tea Party. Mainstream media is controlled by lib's, this is why you know whats on Obama's ipod instead of his idealogical aspirations and his life long yearning to bring the United States to ruin. Power to you Lib's is code for someone who disagrees with you.
Oh aren't you a treat. I won't bother with most of the nonsense but one part was too funny to ignore.
"Changing the definition of marriage to one that suits them"
You really don't get it do you?
It's called compassion, I am not gay, most supporters of gay marriage aren't either, it doesn't suit us or affect us. It's that we care about others, abut equality and freedom not oppression and bigotry. Don't worry I know you won't get it.
I care about people. Doesn't mean i want to pay for their lives.
I did not mention gay people, you did. I harbor no ill will towards gay people, since you interjected them into the post. Marrige is a union between a man and a woman under the law. Compassion has nothing to do with it. I personally have compassion for everyone, including gay people. Some folks just doesn't believe that the U.S constitution should be ammended to suit every idealogical whim or lifestyle choice that presents itself. Where do you end it? If a sector of society should rise up who believes it's their constitutional right to wed their house cat, and in the event of the humans death the government shall pay the humans social security benefits to the cat. You may decide to change the definition of the sun to be a planet of super heated snow flakes, there will be many who doesn't conform to your new definition no matter how passionate you are in your belief of the new definition. It doesn't hurt though for some new found compassion for any sector of society who may cast a vote for your candidate. I find it amusing that Obama and Joe couldn't have their coming out for gay rights party in 08 when they were flying high on all the hope and change BS. Their positions changes according to any cause that will pander a vote now that they're faced with explaining why the country is nearly bankrupt. Thats weakness for an aspiring leader of the free world. No platform, no spine and no shame. Might not hurt to get some catnip stored up.
627 bills and resolutions passed in this session alone. … atus=6,7,8
Libs need to remember that the 2010 election was a mandate (Obama called it a 'shellacking') of the Democrat party. Voters threw Dems out on their ears because they did not agree with the bills. If the GOP does not agree now, they might be representing their voters - not just obstructing.
And it takes two to pass bills. Both sides are guilty of not writing good bills.
The student loan bill you refer to was chock full of new pork spending. The mainstream pundits that hand feeds the liberals will make no mention of the portion of the bill that sends 100 billion dollars to the fat cat highway contractors who in turn kicks back a share to Baracks campaign coffers. The Dem's killed the portion that included removing the beauracratic red tape which would have freed up construction of the Keystone Pipeline. They'll be quick to point out the 1.8 million jobs this so called "investment " in infrastructure will bring. What about the remaining 20 million or so who are unemployed? What about the 1000s of jobs keystone would have created while reducing our dependency on Arab oil. The Dems readily admit the "highway" portion of the bill will be unfunded in 2 years and doesn't have a backup plan to fund it thereafter. The bill removed the environmental impact studies that could hamper the millionaire road builders. However, the environmental impact of the Keystone Pipline remains a loyal war cry for the liberals. There is a nice part of the pork filled student loan bill that includes "Biking and Pedestrian Programs" for our future when Obama's war on oil and coal puts America on bicycles. But hey, bicycles are the main mode of transportation for Kenyan's, should be here too, Right? Winter's at the door, Lib's can thank Barack everytime Americans pay $4-5 a gallon for gas, and when the cost of heating oil for homes is forgone in order to feed their children. All of Obama's "Investments" in infrastructure will be an empty place in alot of American stomachs. Student's won't have that nasty interest to pay though, nor will they have a job to pay the principle.
We agree on that. Nordquist is unAmerican.
But the truth is, Nordquist did threaten that to GOP members of Congress who did not sign.
Here's a nice quote to put it in perspective: "There is no rhyme or reason to Norquist’s pledge except, as Norquist says, “to drag the government into the bathroom and drown it in a bathtub,” and if he can “inflict pain” on the American people in the process, then as John Boehner is wont to say, “so be it.”"
Norquist Pledge is about as relevant to the failures of the Obama administration as the price of cheese on the moon. The Obama administration should have never seen the entry to the White House, much less the bathroom. Had our citizens been more involved in their political process and less involved in Snookie's life they may have vetted their President elect more stringently.
You cannot claim obstructionism by the GOP unless you know the content of each bill proposed by the Dem's. The Dem's are good at proposing a bill to save newborn baby koala bears and stuffing it full of pork for their home boys and girls, then painting the GOP as so called obstructionist to the public for not buying into the bill.
Old old old old old Dem trick to make you look
Better known as BS.
Not really.It's not related to bill content. They're even stepping on bills they support.
To make a stand. It's a commitment this Tea Party infused Republican Congress has made.
First, there's "The Pledge" which they must sign or be punished by Nordquist (Vee haff vays if making you zign!)
Grover Norquist is not interested in compromise. He likes things ugly and takes no prisoners. Those who refuse to sign the pledge or backslide are subjected to primary fights against well-funded opponents, backed by Norquist.
There's also the stated top priority of GOP leaders: McConnell, Cantor, Boehner et al. … ical-goal/
There are FEWER people employed now then when Obama took office. Unemployment has been over 8% for over 42 months when he promised that if the Stimulus was passed it wouldn't go above 6%...those that voted against it were right then, and right now. If your household were in debt and out of work, you would not borrow money to get out of debt. That's what we tried.
Spin the Facts? Thats about the biggest bunch of Democratic Brainwash Horse$hat ever spoken and they really belive it. Down deep in their souls, they believe it !!! Man I give Obama credit for one thing, that dude has hipnotic persuasion...He could sell DOPE to the POPE.
" Fact - he saved the US auto industry" - Really??? GM is at less than half the share price it would need to be at just for the federal government to break even on the amount of OUR money it threw away in the bailout...Without smoke and mirrors, the company is failing again and possibly looking for more money. Above and beyond that, where is the Constitutional authority for the federal government to, for all intent and purposes, buy companies?
"Fact - he got the best change in medical care coverage since Medicare" - Really??? Increasing taxes to mandate that citizens purchase a product or service whether they want it or can afford it is a Constitutional idea? Setting up a federal program that will force doctors to leave the industry (already are), increase costs (already is) and reduce quality and increase wait times is a good thing?
"Fact - he got Bin Laden when two predecessors could or would not." Really??? I thought it was trained military servicemen that got him...the one's that Obama and the left want to cut their budgets. The one's that used intelligence gathered from source Obama wanted freed and by means Obama wanted stopped...
"Fact - the Dow is at 13,000" - And unemployment has been above 8% for more than 42 months when he promised it wouldn't go above 6% if his Stimulus was passed, and it was! He said he would cut the deficit in half and yet we have the 4th year with record $1 Trillion+ deficit per year. The Debt is over $16 Trillion and growing. QE1 and QE2 did so well (sarcasm) that know we face QE3...and gas prices continue to rise.
"Fact - He did this with a do nothing Congress full of Tea Partiers." - He had a Democrat Congress for his first 2 years and passed ALL his major "promises"...and even his own party voted unanimously AGAINST his budgets.
Simply put - No, I am not in the least better off than 12 years ago. Most people I know aren't. 'Nuff said from my perspective.
I just remembered that 12 years ago, the government was taking in more money than it was spending. Now we are in debt. So, yeah, much better off 12 years ago!
As a non-American here, I will just ask... exactly what does a president do? And then I'd ask - what IS the president actually doing. Is there a difference?
Because if there is, then here's the good news. There is a difference in just about every other "Democracy" everywhere else. Very few leaders do exactly what it "says on the tin", so to speak. How do you think presidents get elected? Where does all their money come from? From the Rich. From Rich businesses.
Some industries are doing very well, and some economies are doing very well, in the rest of the world. But oil has risen, and so has the price of many other things, all happening in a time of economic hardship. For those who find prices going up and their incomes not rising or even falling - they are not better off.
What is happening globally is not just something that one President can fix. It takes a big effort and many people to fix those problems. But that will take a very long time. The solutions needed right now require joined up thinking. And now is not the time to be doing that if someone is only interested in Profit.
Even the wealthy bet on failures of other economies and currencies. George Soros did it on the British Pound. he succeeded. Hong Kong had its economy almost ruined by speculators who bet against its currency, betting it would fail. it almost worked, were it not for the actions of a handful of smart men, chosen to save it. (No one has ever made a film of it, but it would be a great movie!)
Plotting downfalls is all part of modern life now in Politics. In Europe some countries have had other entities making bets on economic failures, and made profits on those bets. Anyone betting on Greece to fail, will be happily rewarded. It's the new sport of the rich.
There are many who are better off. Why make peanuts creating businesses or jobs when they can bet against entire countries and their troubled economies. That is a far richer more exciting game. And it is happening right now. The rich are finding new ways to make a pile of moolah. And what can we do.
We can watch it happening on CNN while we have our dinner.
So yes, there are some who are better off.
Actually, Obama is the first president in recent history to get much of his first term campaign money from small donors! That is how he taught the Democratic Party machine that someone else needed to be available.
The party had put up two losers in a row and we did not want a third. While Hillary acted like the presumptive next in the royal line of accession, most Americans did not want to vote for her. It takes more than a candidate's fans to elect a president. It takes the majority of voters to elect a president.
You are right about "the game" and I appreciate your insights.
The Current administration just infused our economy with QE3, "Translation" ...Billions in new stimulus..."Funny Money", Borrowed from China and payable on the backs of future generations. Buying up bonds to shore up the presidents reelection. When the government prints new "Phoney Money' the real dollars in Amercan Pockets decline. You never spend your way out of debt, this is elementary economic taboo. Yes, it will take a long time for this economy to ever recover, but first there must come a leader who will initiate the direction to recovery. It's not this leader or his policies. Y There will never be a perfect world where every boy gets to be the pitcher and bat every inning of every game. Nor will there be a time when everybody has exactly the same weath; because human nature dictates that we make things better for our children, so some works hard and some don't. An ancient voice said we "would always have the poor"...and in order to have the poor we must have the antithesis.
by The Frog Prince 12 years ago
Are you better off now than you were when Obama assumed office in January of 2009?This weekend I watched the news shows and not one Obama surrogate gave a straight answer. So now I ask you since the past 4 years has taken its toll on you.
by Flightkeeper 13 years ago
Obama's Presidency: Are you better off now that you were a year ago?
by Mary Krenz 12 years ago
Do you believe that we are better off with Obama or better off without him and why?
by Marlene Bertrand 11 years ago
Were you better off before or after Obama became the president?Tell the truth! I'm not referring to the nation's economy. I'm referring to your personal household.
by Judy Specht 12 years ago
<link snipped at request of poster>
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
Obama administration? Why? Why not?
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