Why does the mainstream media continue to attack Mitt Romney?

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  1. Skarlet profile image76
    Skarletposted 12 years ago

    Why does the mainstream media continue to attack Mitt Romney?

    Now that we know Mitt Romney has paid MORE than his fair share of taxes and donated millions to charities, why do people keep demonizing him? Obama came out after four Americans were murdered and said, "well, we've had a bad week," before reminding the crowd that there is an election coming up. Seems like Obama has displayed a lot more in human coldness than Romney ever has, and no one picks up on it.

  2. tussin profile image58
    tussinposted 12 years ago

    Because he always puts his foot in his mouth and has all the personality of cardboard.  People the Obama is a do-nothing president...I can't imagine Mitt doing any better.

    1. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Middle class disappearing, Obama killing business owners to the point of firing & leaning out business+ hurting people who invest. But, you said it. They want  personality, so they vote for a guy who sings .BTW-Foot in mouth=Biden. But, that's Ok

    2. lostdogrwd profile image60
      lostdogrwdposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Miss Skarlet ,like most of the people of the United Sates you know nothing about the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act . the main reason that no job are being created here,  commercial banks only loans to who have and drain any others for Wall Street

    3. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @lostdogrwd- you, like most liberals are quick to judge people who do not think as you do. I am well informed and educated. I Run businesses and I know very well why I am not hiring. Strangling democratic policies!

  3. poetvix profile image55
    poetvixposted 12 years ago

    The lame street media continues and will continue to in future dog Presidential hopeful Romney because they are desperate in more than one way.  First, the ones surviving from the last election backed the current President in a major way and we all know it.  They continue to sing his praises though they know half the nation thinks them to be flat out liars or total idiots.  They have to continue to back their own play or they admit publicly how very wrong they were.   They will never do that.  Secondly, when Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotoro, or whatever name he’s going under now loses the election, he will hopefully lose his control and power over the media.  Just maybe TV journalism can return to some semblance of an honest reporting of the news rather than a dissemination point for such one sided propaganda.  Lastly, they will continue to dog Presidential hopeful Romney because they are too far gone to turn back now, like some pathological liar that actually starts to believe his own particular brand of BS.  They are not about to risk their paychecks, ratings, or the rush that is being on TV over something as small as the truth, the good of the American people or America itself.

    1. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your response. You really put what I am seeing into perspective. Its absolutely crazy the way people just follow along with the craziness that is being fed to them. Thank goodness some of us have both eyes open.

    2. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The real problem is we have too much media exposure. We have 24 hour a day broadcasts and its to the point one network has to out scream the other network. I was a reporter. There are very few reporters working in television today.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I think they are desperate.  What really irks me is the hatred of him because he is wealthy and they claim he cannot identify with the common man because he has never struggled.

    Well the Kennedy men (John F., Robert, and Ted) all grew up wealthy, never struggled but were considered kind, compassionate, and could identify with the common man.

    Why doesn't Mitt get the same courtesy--I don't know.  There is a trend today to hate someone who has done well and has money.  It is a troubling trend.

    1. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. The Kennedy's, all cheated on their wives & never worked in the private sector, but were accepted for relating to the common man, & being kind. Romney did work in  private sector.  Anyone who does that has done that can relate. Also, no

    2. duffsmom profile image60
      duffsmomposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    3. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He doesn't get any courtesy BECAUSE he didn't struggle & is trying to cut funding to those who truly need it & is blaming nearly half the country of being lazy free loaders. And he thinks middle income is $200-250K. I work fulltime & don'

    4. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ThompsonPen- Wow! Liberals think that only certain people have the right to courtesy. Who dictates those rules? He DOSE NOT think middle income is $250, but the liberals are trying to say he does. BTW-Obama is rich and did not EARN $$ working.

    5. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's not what I said at all. I said people are not giving him that courtesy because of that. And it was a direct quote that he said on good morning america with George Stephanopoulos 9/14/12

    6. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Obama SAID numerous similar things that we overlook because he either did not say it correctly, or because it was not what he meant. ect.  I don't believe Stephon Lib. or the Huffington liberal post, they are both connected 2 lies, propaganda.

    7. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm just saying it's not propaganda, he said it on television. filmed and everything. You're right, Obama probably does say silly things. I"m not saying he's perfect, no one is. I'm just saying why I'm not voting for Romney

    8. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      U R not voting for Romney because he said 1 thing that U interpreted negatively. Obama has told business owners that we did not build our business. Used the murder of  Ambassador as campaigning platform, ect. Its all on film too.

  5. The Frog Prince profile image70
    The Frog Princeposted 12 years ago

    The Lame Stream Media has been in the tank with the far left for quite a while now.  They anointed "The One" the last presidential campaign rather than do their traditional job which is to vet the candidates.  You see what they did with Sarah Palin.  They were afraid of her.  Now you see what they do with Romney.  It's all about fear on the medias part. 

    Those people are no longer journalists, they are sensationalists who want to become the news rather than report it.

    The Frog

    1. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh honey they weren't afraid of Sarah palin. They were laughing at her. And so was I.

    2. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Frog is right. They were afraid of a woman who has a handsome doting husband as compared to Hilary and her cheater. Plus, she was a Mayor and Governor. The idiots who are brainwashed by liberal media were laughing because they listened to the BS.

    3. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      we are all prone to social programming

  6. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 12 years ago

    its not an attack if you keep saying you only for a certain type of people and to hell with the rest. Romney is a business man running as a politician. sorry that U S citizen got kill, but HOW MANY OF THERE PEOPLE WAS MURDER BY OUR COUNTRY. If you want Romney as you man buy Bain Capitol stock where he the CEO and looking out for that type of person. The United State is a melting pot of ALL TYPE OF PEOPLE,  and Romney made it very very clear that he care nothing about the other people

    1. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You seem to be worried about a corporate type gaining control taking advantage of everyone who is not rich.  It's a legitimate fear.  Obama has done it since the day he was elected!
      America needs a businessman not someone who wants to enslave us all.

    2. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't you think that's why a businessman would do? You don't make a profit off of health care, or helping off government funding, and I personally rely on that funding in more than one way. I'm a hard worker and not lazy, like much of the other 47%

    3. lostdogrwd profile image60
      lostdogrwdposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      corporate has gain control of our government. its call Fascist. these people only come to the people of the United States to con you to vote for then, we are enslave with the Repeal of Glass-Steagall act to the NDAA

    4. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He does not keep saying he is for a certain type of people and to hell with the rest. That is what the liberal media is trying to tell you he is saying. Obama DID talk about the election after our Ambassador was murdered. FACTS!

    5. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He said he doesn't care about the 47% "free loaders". That's saying to hell with the rest.

    6. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ThompsonPen- Is it not obvious that he was saying, he can not be concerned about trying to get votes of people who are on welfare? Not- that he dosen't care about the people! What about the poor people who can't afford Obamacare?

    7. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ ThompsonPen - No, I do not think that’s what a businessman would do.  A good businessman, who has a working knowledge of economics as future President Romney has, knows that if you put your target consumer into bankruptcy you put yourself into bank

    8. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @poetvix- Beautiful!  I get so tired of people saying crazy, and mindless things about business. Its interesting how Mitt Romney's business sense bothers people, while Obama's lack of knowledge and experience did not.

    9. Conservative Lady profile image71
      Conservative Ladyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ThompsonPen- Romney did NOT say he to hell with the 47% he said it is obvious that the 47% who are on the Government dole are going to vote Democrat so he was not going to waste campaign dollars trying to change their minds - I would call that WISE!

  7. Writer David profile image60
    Writer Davidposted 12 years ago

    Because the "unbiased news media" views Mitt Romney as a threat to The Messiah.  It's that simple.  Nobody cares about the unemployment numbers or the economy.  All that is is important to the news media types  is that Obama is reelected.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING else matters to the news media.

  8. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    Hi Skarlet,
    Thanks for asking this question. ......and just as you said, I know that Mitt Romney has donated millions of $$$$ to charities, and yes, has paid his share of taxes as well......He cares about the American people, and he always worked hard to get where he is at!.....No one has handed him anything on a silver platter.....He started his own business and made money the hard way.....he actually worked for it....
    Well, it seems to me, that many people have everything backwards.....that is, the people that are for Obama!.....they want a man who doesn't really care about us, who wants power, who gives billions of $$$$ to planned parenthood.....thinking that abortion is just fine and dandy, when it is murder!.....I say that if those people who think backwards want to fool themselves, and if Obama gets re-elected, they are going to end up crying their eyes out after he is in there for another four years!!!..........All I know, is that I want a man in the White House for the next four or eight years hopefully, who really likes the people of America, who is a real guy who loves his family, neighbors, and who is doing this for all the right reasons!....

    Romney wants to become president to make a difference for us......he truly will be able to do this.......unless too many backward-thinking people decide that what they want for another four years, is someone who lies to the american people, who does not truly care for us, who wants to be president because he wants that power.....Sure, he can smile real nice for the camera, sure he can say the right thing, but that is all a scam......and yes, Romney doesn't always have the perfect thing to say or the perfect smile, and is not a "yes man", saying what sounds good to get votes!   He is a man who stands solidly for what God wants, and is accountable to God for his actions.....a man of true integrity, who does not care if there are some foolish people out there who don't like him......what he cares about is doing the best that he can for our country, for standing firmly in what he believes in as the best solution for turning this country around, and I know he will be able to do it, because he trusts in the Lord......

    And it will be a terribly sad day if  Mr. Obama does get re-elected......there will be many tears, and I'm sure a lot of anger and disbelief!......I believe there may even be many riots and protests, and that he will most likely get impeached if he is voted in again.!!!!

    1. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your comment. You are so right. Obama supporters are not even addressing the question/explanation.  Instead they change the subject to Romney is rich. Obama is very rich too, but he did not get rich by earning in the private sector.

    2. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's been released that in 2011, Romney paid 14% less tax than the rest.
      Planned parenthood is more than abortions. It's protection from STDs & unwanted pregnancy. My body, my rights. Not your's, not the government's. Mine.

    3. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ThompsonPen- He paid  required limit of the law which is what anyone would do, including u.  Its a free country. Those who do not agree w abortion should not be forced to paying for it. George Soros has enough $ to support  if he were so charitable.

    4. ThompsonPen profile image66
      ThompsonPenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, one should not pay for abortions if they don't want them. I'm pretty sure Planned parenthood is run by donations, and I'd like to see where Obama was giving "billions of $$$$" to planned parenthood. & if he did, i'm not sure it was our t

  9. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    Skarlet.....Whether it's Mitt or any other....Politicians, in general are sitting ducks for attacks of all sorts,by everyone.  Most certainly during election campaigns, it is inevitable.   Once they're out there, it's one mud slinging contest after another....accusations, digging up whatever can be dug....the media goes berserk and the uproars are ludicrous.....
    WHY?  As much as we may hate it or disapprove, I'm afraid it's quite obviously, "the nature of the beast."    I know, I know......it is a shame, but nonetheless, reality.

  10. aykianink profile image60
    aykianinkposted 12 years ago

    There is a lack of trust towards Romney.  Now, Obama isn't passing every test with flying colors, but he sure seems to try.  Romney seems to look down on the people.  (See his recent comment about the 47% of America.)

    Wouldn't you want to back someone you can trust instead of someone you think would knife you in the back?

    1. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying we should trust Obama?  The man who promised debt reduction and spent almost 6T by himself?  The man who promised transparency and shoved Obamacare down our throats from behind closed doors while Pelosi admitted no one read it first?

    2. aykianink profile image60
      aykianinkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do you trust Romney more?  The idea of a man helping the majority, in this case, helping people with "Obamacare" is a good thing to me.  You must be rich enough that you've had insurance your entire life and have never seen someone's financial life c

    3. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Of course you realize that many people will not be helped by Obamacare, they will be stuck paying the fine. Romney gave the best idea yet for healthcare. The only smart & efficient plan I have ever heard.

    4. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I"m not rich nor have I ever been.  I have paid off medical bills over time as have many of us.  Obamacare won't help the poor.  It will kill them.  You need to actually read it.

    5. aykianink profile image60
      aykianinkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Touchy.  I've heard of the opposite more often.  Not everyone can pay their medical bills.  Some people are grateful their loved ones die quickly.  A month in a hospital can be too much for some to pay off.

    6. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My cousin died under government healthcare at 43. The hospital was short staffed by U.S. standards. After a minor operation she had a headache & there were no MDs around to catch what was happening. She had a grand mal seizure & died.

    7. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Obamacare requires a "panel" to decide care based off societal contribution.  READ IT!  Hitler had a similar panel.  Free health care sounds great until you consider that the panel will stand between anyone needing the care and those providing it.

    8. Chad Claeyssen profile image89
      Chad Claeyssenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, everyone please do as she says and read it. This  "Death panel" rhetoric has been debunked by every fact checker out there, over and over. Also, there is someone standing between you and your healthcare provider now, the insurance companies.

    9. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'l take anything over government healthcare. I'm a nurse & have tremendous experience w it. Business men telling healthcare professionals how to diagnose. It does'nt work, & the patients are the ones who suffer. "Fact checkers" R not trustwo

    10. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Amen Skarlet!  My mother is a retired nurse of over 30 yrs. and she agrees.  Any panel determining care is crazy, fact checks or not!  One used to get care by right of being human.  Now that gets ranked too.  It's wrong.

  11. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    People who like Mitt Romney do not like to hear anything negative said about him. The same is true for President Obama. In this thread of answers, there have been some inaccurate comments. I am not going to debate them. I am hopeful that the debates will clear the air on a lot of things.

    I was not pleased with the choices I had in the last election.

    I am not pleased with the choices I have in this election.

    However, I have said in Hubs and other question, the Black vote and the liberal Democratic vote is not going to let Obama lose. Romney is not helping himself, because of a poor campaign strategy and like John Kennedy, he has to battle the religion card. Kennedy overcame that, but only because he came across better than Nixon in the first televised presidential debates. Obama is a better speaker than Romney. That is going to give him an edge in the debates. It is not a matter of mainstream media or liberal media or conservative media (we have all) itis a matter of which candidate leaves the best impression after the three debates. McCain stood little chance against Romeny and the debates did not help him.
    Romeny is not going to come across as a great debater, unless he has practiced a whole lot more than has been demonstrated thus far. Obama is going to throw out an improving stock market, a decline in the deficit and the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
    The results are going to be interesting.
    The one thing Romney needs to remember is that he cannot repeal the affordable care act, or cut spending or anything like that. He will need the Congress to accomplish those goals and at this point, no one knows how the Congress is going to shape up for the next term. Cooperation by the Congress will be the real key to whether the next president is successful or unsuccessful.

  12. Chad Claeyssen profile image89
    Chad Claeyssenposted 12 years ago

    I think that media outlets are businesses and the owners of those businesses do what they think their customers want them to do, in order to make money. MSNBC thinks their best business model is to air shows hosted by mostly liberals who attack the right. My opinion is that if you call your business a news organisation, you have some duty to fairness and truth. Do you think that FOX news, which has more viewers than any other "news" channel, is right to push the agenda of the right and constantly attack the left, while playing loose with the truth themselves?

    1. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Having been a democrat in the past and decided to seek out some truth a few years ago, I hav found FOX nowhere near as biased as CNN. They also hav liberals and libertarians with their own shows, & presenting those viewpoints. Its apples and oran

    2. Chad Claeyssen profile image89
      Chad Claeyssenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What libs have a show? If you think it's apples and oranges than FOX has done its job! Both sides have biased "news" outlets doing their bidding. No point in arguing, but that's why you asked the question, right? smile

    3. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I just told U I was a democrat & became independent. News was biased. I discovered FOX is the least biased. I watched all channels to make that conclusion. All u can do is hurl brainwash insults. I spent time on it.  Geraldo is a lib on FOX for 1

    4. Chad Claeyssen profile image89
      Chad Claeyssenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think FOX is a tool of the right and MSNBC is a tool of the left. I've watched all channels to make that conclusion. Am I brainwashed? We all have our opinions. BTW, I was a hard-core Republican that became a lefty. Voted for Bush 41 and Obama.

    5. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know how u could have truly been republican if you are now a liberal. But whatever! I grew up in socialist countries & will never merge left again. Life experience is a sobering teacher.

    6. Chad Claeyssen profile image89
      Chad Claeyssenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same way, I changed due to life experience. If you lived in socialist countries than you know that U.S. Dems are not very far left. Maybe we can agree that it's good we live in a country where we can argue about it openly.

    7. Skarlet profile image76
      Skarletposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, democrats are not as far left as socialists, but they are leaning in that direction more & more. My goal is to hold onto my freedom as much as possible. Romney/Ryan 2012


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