Why the police?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    Why the police?

    why do so many people call the police instead of settling problems themselves? wouldn't it be more effective if someone messes with you, for you to settle the issue yourself? wouldn't it show the offender that they can't push you around?

  2. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    I guess it depends on the issue. I do think a partticularly weak and pathetic thing to do is to call the police on a neighbor when there is no life or limb at stake.

  3. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 12 years ago

    In just about every fictional program on TV and I suspect most thriller video games, the one answer to every conflict is:  Pull out you your gun and shoot!

    So where do you thing you might get different ideas from?

  4. profile image0
    Sarra Garrettposted 12 years ago

    In some instances there is no way to communicate with an outraged neighbor/person or even compromise with them.  However, if someone is ruining my property or threatening myself or my family the cops would have to come into play.  Then again, if someone breaks into my house uninvited they are going to get a big surprise.

  5. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    Depending on the situation, it is better to call the police for the following reasons:
    --If the dispute leads to litigation, you have an official record of the event.
    --If one of the offenders cannot be reasoned with and becomes violent, you have help.
    --Police (at least they are supposed to be) are trained to handle stressful situations.
    --Sometimes, such as the music being played too loudly, a knock on the door by the police will solve the problem with the person never know who called in the complaint.
    --If there are guns in the house and someone has a short temper, it is best to let the police handle it.
    --If what you think is a minor issue escalates to a major confrontation, then the proper authorities are on the scene.

    I am not against telling your neighbor that you believe his cat scratch your car, or that the party got a little loud the night before. However, if the neighbor does not respond positively, then you have only two choices, ignore the problem, to keep bugging the neighbor about it, which will probably result in as much or more hostility than you had in the first place. If you can ignore  that the tree limbs are hanging over your driveway, or that he revs his car in the morning before you have to get up, they maybe you have at least accepted the problem, but you have not settled it.

    1. lone77star profile image71
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome answer, Larry. I believe in communication, but some people do not. I tried settling a problem with a noisy apartment neighbor who did loud banging at 3am, regularly. I complained. They were moved, but my car was broken into that very day

  6. profile image0
    huckelburyposted 12 years ago

    Because there are bad guys out there who would hurt you or your family if given the opportunity, and we as individuals can't be everywhere at once. Besides, if there were no police, we would be back in Dodge City in the 1880s, not a place I want to visit.

  7. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 12 years ago

    I agree it is good to stand up for yourself. Calling the police can be a little bit like the kid being picked on in the school yard telling the teacher on the bully. I'm personally not a fan of the police most of the time. I believe what they are meant to stand for is good, however, I also believe a lot of cops let the power to go their heads (several time I have seen police run red lights without their lights on, I have been stopped while walking in the pouring rain in the middle of the night to be mocked by them, and there were two cases in my town in one month of cops shooting dogs for merely barking at them, not even attacking).
    They represent protection, which is what they are meant to be. They are supposed to be protectors of the innocent and the law. Calling the police shows that you are serious about a matter. It's showing a symbol to show the level you're at, essentially.
    I had a roommate problem. Every morning he would come into my room and scream at me because he said he could hear my cat walking at night. When I say morning, I mean anywhere between 5 and 7. He would scream at me for walking in from work, for anything. He called me names, he threatened me, he threw my cat's litter box, food dish and water bowl off the balcony, and he made me terrified to be in my own home that I had welcomed him into when he moved in. I went to the police to sort it out because I couldn't do anything else. He was bigger, much older, and stronger than me. The police told me they couldn't do anything about it. He wasn't doing anything illegal, and they gave me a number of a mediator.
    When I went the police, I didn't really want them to do anything about it, I just wanted it on record that I made a complaint against him, that I had gone there afraid, in case he did anything more than just scream at me and throw my cat's belongings around. I went to them to essentially create a record, which they didn't do either. They didn't take his name or my name. So it was a pointless venture, but it was the only think I could think of to do.
    I also didn't tell them I wanted to create a record or file an official complaint against him either. It is however another reason to go to the police. A record of an event that is mildly getting out of control now can probably help you in the future if and when it's really getting out of control later.

  8. howlermunkey profile image68
    howlermunkeyposted 12 years ago

    You are presuming alot in that question. I am going to presume that you feel you can handle yourself, perhaps with martial arts, a gun collection or both. Which is great. But what about those people who cannot? (Elderly, Children,...)

    You are also presuming that people only call the police for violent, or "aggravating" situations .... "When someone messes with you".......
    There is alot more going on then simple battery, assault, theft, rape and murder....

    What about illegal drug activity? Piracy? Fraud, ie.... crimes that take a little investigating. And even the day to day activities....State Troopers for example....

    Noone likes tickets, but the fact of the matter is, if we had lawless highways, fatal accidents would increase ten fold.

    Our Police deal with matters that the average citizen just doesnt want to care about, or deal with.

    If you prefer a society with no real policing, I can suggest a handful of foreign countries you might actually enjoy.

    1. howlermunkey profile image68
      howlermunkeyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I just thought about your question (and my answer) for 30 minutes lol. Bro, believe it or not , I know where you are coming from.
      *** Should people handle their own business? My Answer, depends.......
      (awesome question, got me thinkin hard lol)

  9. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    The police are better prepared than I to deal with some threats. It makes sense to call them when they're needed. Some people, of course, abuse the system to demand that the authorities to handle every interpersonal conflict and difficulty they encounter. For example, there was a city beat report here the other day about someone who called the local police department because a fast food joint ran out of fries. People like that have a social problem.

  10. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    why so many of you automatically thought about guns is kind of creepy. shooting someone should be the last and most extreme action taken. what i'm talking about is neighbors that show no respect, peeping toms etc. i don't own a bunch of guns, i'm not some tough fighting machine but i'll be damned if when someone peeps into my windows at night or if a neighbor parties till 3 in the morning if i'm going to call the police. personally i would and have went to them and bluntly stated that if they don't smarten up , i;ll make their lives a living hell. ignorant people will respond to this a lot better then when you call the cops. peeping toms get a bat to the knees.

    1. howlermunkey profile image68
      howlermunkeyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I had to think about your question for a few, and your answer above clarifies. the other side "of the coin" to my first answer, People do call 911 for trivial matters, Sometimes neghbors will continue to party after the police leave the scene.

  11. abbykorinnelee profile image53
    abbykorinneleeposted 12 years ago

    I believe in some cases; especially with youth that are confronted with a person punching them first, that they should defend themselves and fight back.  In fact, my son did just this and the school got upset because I condoned it and didn't instruct him to call the police.  I explained that 1. he has the right to defend himself as long as he doesn't throw the first punch, he can hit someone back if there is no other recourse.  2. It shows the person that hit him that he isn't afraid of fighting back and they are less likely to start something with him later.  3. If it happens a second time and there is time to call the cops and you don't need to throw a punch back than he is to call the police.  Because he already stood his ground and he doesn't need to prove that to anyone anymore.  This resulted from the fact he was bullied for years and didn't fight back, did tell teachers who didn't do anything, did tell other adults that didn't do anything, kids kept picking on him more and more...finally he fought back for the first time six months ago...he has only done it twice but both times the kids stopped bullying him right away and there was no need to further get any authority involved.  Now, I did report the incident at the school because the kid need repercussions and unfortunately my child got in trouble too but I told my son sometimes the right thing to do isn't alway what others will support and you may have to take the consequences for it so be sure you are willing to if you do.  Also, I told him to always tell the truth about what transpired so he is believed when he does have to call the police.


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