How open are you to a MAJOR change in American politics
If we want to change washington, we have to change ourselves first. We have to change our expectations. We have to raise them. Washington's results mirror our expectations, and polls show we don't expect much.
Depends on what the change is. If the change is MUCH smaller government (like the size our government was before 1900), a return to following the Constitution, and the government getting out of people's lives, I am all for it. If the change is the communist/socialist stuff that our current President and most of the left want us to embrace, then no.
Amen Brother. Some people need a Nanny but many of us don't need, nor want, one.
The change we're talking about at is making corruption very difficult in Washington thus clearing the way for our Constitutional foundation to work.
Question, isn't it a belief of many the more government involvement in our lives, the more they are stripping away our freedoms the country was founded on? What about ending up w too much control? Does it affect checks and balnce systems?
We have needed change for a long time. I am so sick of reading the facebook posts back and forth about this election because frankly everyone is so tunnel visioned. All it is is voting for the lesser of two evils in my opinion. We don't change our government in a drastic way I believe its going to be this nations downfall and the humanity side of this nation is going to deteriorate even further into the pits. No one knows how to think for themselves anymore. They believe what the government or the politicians want them to believe. They don't self-educate or challenge thinking. They could have proof in their hand by empirical data they are wrong in their thinking and they would do everything to say they are right and thats it. There is too much ignorance now a days. Too many people taking the easy road and letting Washington think for them because they don't want to use those priceless braincells god gave them. They are to be utilized people, change is a wonderful and necessary thing. what worked a hundred years ago doesn't always work now. People need to get off their regurgetated soapboxes and start having some meaningful discussions on where we want this country to go because right now? I would prefer to be in London or better yet, Scotland. Hell, I would prefer to be back in Germany. There people think for know how ambarassing it was for me, to be a American who understands German and hear them discussing how American's will believe whatever our government tells us and that we are naive? That we don't stand up and take notice of what is right in front of us? And the messed up part is in German I told them you know you are totally right...I wish the American people could really hear what these people have to say about what they see in our society.
I lived in Europe for ten years during the seventies. It was the same then. I lived in Vienna, Geneva, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. Everywhere I lived people thought of us as naive. They also saw us as violent -- especially after Kent State.
Truthfully I never even thought of us as rude until I had been there a year and new American's got to post and I was talking to ponds guards and stared in horror at their behavior...I turned to him and said god Americans are rude...he laughed
Abby, Impressive comment. You should consider joining our grass roots organization
~ jim
I actually never realized how rude American's were until I was and adult in Germany after being there for a year and new American's had gotten in to the post and I was appalled and told the guard "wow, americans are rude arent they?"
These two can't stand one another but they're both good people. Let em go. Their both rattlesnake tough and won't get hurt. lol
~ jim
I understand and respect that but there are more adult and mature ways to handle oneselves and they can have beef but not in a disrespectful know I am actually offended because I am voting for Obama and I was afraid to say so cuz of that
abby - Well it's nice to know that there are now two socialists on this thread.
Socialism is extremism, which I am opposed to. Believing in certain taxpayer funded govt programs to benefit the lower classes and improve the overall well-being of society is a reasonable comp. between socialism and libertarianism.
Haha Frog, now we are up, nobody will ever take you seriously, you say you have facts, fight with those and keep your childish, bullying remarks to your own "work"!
I lived in Scotland, Germany, and Japan. They said our society doesn't care about each other, they care more about ourselves. We are rude and I did hear violent too. They said we think our way is the best way and we are pushy.
Everything evolves over time. Try going back to visit that nice little town where you were raised, and it is not there anymore.
I recently saw one of Sean Hannity's man-on-the-street interview sessions. He was asking people how they thought McCain/Palin were going to do in this election. Many thought they would do OK, and be good for the country. After a year of being covered up with political ads and smear campaigns, you would think most everyone would at least know who was running for office this time. I would think that anyone not knowing who was running for President/VP by this time is clearly apathy at its finest.
When citizens don't even know who is in office, why would they care what these people do, or don't do? Unless they feel they would personally suffer or benefit from bills that are passed, they pay no attention at all.
Many have adopted a "join the team attitude." They wear a "D" cap, or an "R" cap, and vote with absolutely no knowledge of who or what they are voting for. That way they are not required to do any thinking, research, or evaluating of candidates or anything. Nope, the captain of the "D" or "R" team takes care of all that for them.
Can you even imagine what the results of an election would be if it was forbidden to put the candidates party affiliation on the ballot? Just "Joe Blow" rather than "(D) Joe Blow," or "(R) Joe Blow." Trust me, many would not have a clue where to put their marks on the ballot. It would pretty much boil down to voting for men vs women, or something equally silly.
Government has evolved into the monster it has become through the apathy of those who own it. Yep, that's right, we own the government, the government doesn't own us, and that appears to have been forgotten. Until we take control of what we own, educate the people, and force change, it will be business as usual.
My biggest pet peeve is when they state their stance on an issue and have no knowledge from self education to back it up...ignorance is seriously something I can't stand
Mike ... Candidates not allowed to take a lable?? Freaking brilliant! Lol .. Man, I love it!
What is truly in a label anyway? Aren't we trying to do away with labels in many facets of social issues? So I agree, why shouldn't they stand on their issues and principals alone, I feel they hide behind these labels. I would support this idea
Great Question...We do have to change ourselves, and I believe this is the key factor. I have been researching and writing for awhile about the consolidation of media and the use of propaganda through media channels. We are a materialistic society, every 3 minutes of any program you may be watching(which their aren't any choices here either) are commercials to fill your every materialistic desire. Americans eat too much! Many years ago, dining out would be considered luxurious living or for special occassions only, but today, any day of the week any hour of the day, restaurants are packed! Diabetes and Obesity running rampant! I can lay out example after example, and I clearly understand why other countries would find us naive...I bet most Americans vote off of commercials, and I haven't seen one TRUE commercial. Most people do not research, they just believe what they are told, and it's very sad. I have been thinking that if Americans could get a grip, and self serve some private austerity measures, learn to be frugal, then we could achieve real change. We over consume, period...People need to take personal responsibily...R's blame D's, D's blame R's, and American People blame Government...We will need to learn to BE more if we can ever EXPECT to see more!
Excellent thoughts Tammy. I want to make a comment about the people of other nations in Europe thinking we are naive. This doesn't reflect thinking America is bad. Considering what these nation's have been through, this should make us think.
Yes, and not repeat...All the way back to the crumble of Ancient Rome, this is the culprit and the challenge
To clarify, German's do like American's but they do question some of our quick acceptance of what is told to us. They are a wonderful cuture that isn't proud of their own government. I think if they didn't care they wouldn't take the time to notice
Not being a (D) or (R) man, and haven't been for decades, many of our political problems are centered around partisanship and blindly following an individual and a party doctrine right into the polling place. A welcome change would be to remove the party affiliation from beside a candidate's name. Now I know some people wouldn't know what to do at that point because they look for the (D) or (R) to make their decisions for them. It's called apathy and a sad state of voter affairs that they have not studied the issues and/or candidates. Removal of the designation might make people start paying attention. Others would develop scabs on their heads from scratching themselves raw in the voting booth.
Or maybe abolish political parties themselves and start with a slate and narrow it down to maybe two or three and select from there via a general election. Call the only party in this nation "The American Party." A return to the US Constitution is critical to the nation's survival. We have strayed far away from the founder's intent of having a "limited" federal government. What has developed is having a federal "Nanny." I reckon that might make some people happy until the federal government runs out of other people's money. Europe should be making the bells in people's heads go off.
Thanks Jim. A return to morality = a return to the freedom our fore father's set up and so many have died for to protect.
I actually kind of like this idea. I still think they need to put a group of minds together in office instead of electing just one president like this group of minds. Collaboration of intelligent individuals that actually make up society is gold
abby - Having read the US Constitution more than once, what you are referring to is exactly the way the founders intended the federal government to operate on a day-to-day basis. We have strayed far away with political agendas becoming the norm.
I respect that and I know that. But having this as an idea doesn't mean that I don't understand the original purpose. My main point really is that something needs to change because what is going on this election isn't working. We need something
I'm a Tea Party member and realize that it will take time to change the landscape so to speak. We've allowed this to go on for too long and it will take time to fix the many problems we have allowed to happen.
Not trying to sound completly idiotic but what exactly is a tea party member...only tea party thing I remember was the boston one and not sure what is is I need to take a refresher college long is understated lol..we need to make time
I have been saying the same thing for many years. "... for the people, by the people..." not for the (R) or (D).
First I want to say, "Damn, I love this group of people." I love all the comments that have already been made.
I'm not just open to major political changes, I'm praying for them. I'm happy to say that I think the American people are not quite as apathetic as they were just a few years ago - but we have a Long way to go.
A lot of us, including me, talk about how bad it is, however - Jim - you are one of the only ones I know that is actually really working at trying to DO Something. I need to re-visit your Housefire project and see what may be new since the last time I was there.
And I'll say it here. I'm ready to put myself to work for any actions that I believe in. You want to run for President? Let me interview you. I have a pretty large platform through all the different social networks and contacts that I have. Let's get this party started. It's the perfect time to start, because I'm guessing that at least 50% of the people are not going to be happy with the results of this election.
Maybe who needs to be elected into office ARE groups of people like in this group commenting. Maybe that is what we need, I am not kidding either because sometiems several minds like the ones here are what make excellent leadership candidates.
KT - Once upon a time you told me that you would vote for me for President. The problem is that I don't want to have to shower every hour to get the stench off of me.
abby - The intent of the founders was for common people to take turns.
KT and Abby, I second that motion, let's DO IT!
KT - I just want you to remember one thing from one Texan to another. You already know this but beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
KT, Yes, visit the site. It's 99.999% bi partisan and a legitimate third party will emerge out of the Project. Let's get that interwiew rolling!
FP- I damn sure hope you're not refering to THIS Texan, bro.(I was born and raised there) Let me know
I didn't say that the original intention wasn't as you said to take turns...but apparently its just not doing what we as the people want so why not evolve and change and maybe the "people" can collectively find a solution,the people...key words
No jim I'm not referring to you my friend. I know you aren't voting for Obama but there is one here who professes that intention. Pathetic in view of what we see. You and I walk the same walk.
I do have one complaint if you don't mind me saying. What does it matter if one person votes for Obama or NOT. What is important to you politically isn't to them...and in my opinion Romney is no better. I think comments like that demean this disc.
The point abby is that if an individual says one thing in one place and then another in another place where the two contradict then it does matter. I won't call anyone out by name here but that person knows what and who I am referring to.
Okay I than misunderstood or missed something, I thought you were attacking their choice of candidate so I apologize..and yes that is a hypoctrical thing to do if you state one thing than if you change it I would hope there is something to explain it
abby, I do not pretend I am not voting for Obama, I am the same everywhere, you are welcome to check the facts and see my posts throughout forums and read my work. I stand on my principles, and Frog is telling lies about me and I do not appreciate it
One thing people who know me know for sure Tammy. I deal in facts and only facts. I don't have to tell any lies about you. Fact is I don't give a damn what you do or don't appreciate. You know that and most conservatives don't either.
Tammy I don't care if you are voting for Obama. I hated most of the last few attacks here. This is almost like adult cyberbullying. Why do you care if she changed her mind? This underhanded comments are very deeming to this discussion frankly
If you want to talk the talk then walk the walk. Comments like "Let's do it" are preposterous if you know the views of the person involved. I happen to and abby you do not.
I am confused as to what you mean by the talk the talk than walk the speaking out and asking questions and educating ourselves isn't that doing just what that states? Its just the beginning but its got to start somewhere I missed something
KT, Yes, visit the site. It's 99.999% bi partisan and a legitimate third party will emerge out of the Project. Let's get that interwiew rolling! ~ jim
Frog Prince, Please clarify what you meant about the stench and sheeps clothing refrence. Just thrown out there by itself, It sounds as though you may be refering to me. If that's the case I want to know it, my man. If we have a problem, let me know!
~ jim
I clarified a minute ago jimbo. The person I am referring to knows exactly who I am referring to. Now appears to want to champion something Obama sure wouldn't buy into.
Frog, Since you are talking about me let me be very clear, your thinking is the stinking thinking, people can not come together when someone tries to unappreciate that different perspectives makes us a stronger nation, not everyone thinks like you...
Tammy - You outed yourself not me. This forum here isn't suited for an Obammy Mammy.
This is really what I was just yelling about on my facebook, we are intelligent people and we don't need to attack another, we can disagree and we can get into heated debates but when its like this it makes us no better than school yard bullies
Frog, I amsure Jim and probably nobody else here agrees with you there, this is certainly the wrongest place for you to act like a child!
abby - When a user comes looking for trouble, and it is apparent that is why they are there, then it will usually "be on" as the old saw goes. If you stick to facts that is best. Emotion is useless in politics. I write politically.
Frog, you are ruining the thoughtfulness behind the forum...YOU attacked me, and you should be ashamed, Sorry Jim, I told you about this, never thought he would act this way on your thread...
I am not acting on any emotion, I am stating fact and only fact. What you did was use a very derogatory term against tammy for her I said before I understand if it changes than that ask why. What u said was not appropriate. Its wrong
I attacked you? Who? Really? I never mentioned you at all. Why waste my time Tammy. You have shown your stripes too many times and conservative users have taken you to task for it. Live with it.
Okay, okay ... My mail box keeps filling up with all this back and forth bickering. I'm just nosy enough to check every one amd I'm not doing anything productive! This ain't the place!! Lol
Frog you are not ever speak to me or about me again...I hope you understand, I am not kidding...Sorry Jim, we will talk later..
I respected all your views here, and I respected what you all seemed to stand for with intelligent conversation but in the end, I won't sit by as a silent bystander and not stand up for tammy because how you have talked to her is wrong on all levels
Tammy - I have no intention of ever talking with you nor giving you my personal email address. So buzz off. abby there is more to the story than what you see here. Believe that. Tammy has had her lunch eaten on Hubs before.
It doesn't matter why you have a problem with her or why she has one with you; strictly with the way you communicated with her this whole time is rude and offensive. You made snide comments and I strictly respect her ability to say hey its me
abby - Go back up and read again. Tammy decided to out herself. When she did that she became fair game. I did not mention any person's identity here now, did I? I communicated to jim offline primarily.
You are right, I just hate to see adults engage like this publicly and its none of my business. I am not judging anyone at all but it bothers me because of the way people use things to hurt another and sometimes words we use we don't c hurts them.
I went over your site again. Some of your plans will require constitutional amendments. The demanding of DNA samples will proves what? The FBI check--the FBI director is appointed by the President. I could write a Hub about your site but will not.
I'm for the people are being ROB BLIND BY CONGRESS AND MAJOR CORPORATION. every law pass it to milk the people of their money to go to a corporation. our government seem to me is at war with its own people but it the people that letting this happen. The Repeal of Glass Steagall Act, the UN Patriot Act, to N D A A. to other act and law pass against the people of The United States. the very very sad thing about this is it can be easily fix if the people see our elected official as the sellout Congressional people that they are and run or put every day people in office to do the people work for the crooks that there is only looking out for themselves.
Here's how you can help. Take 5 people to the polls with you to oust all the useless incumbents who have picked our pockets for decades on end. It will take a few election cycles to turn the tide that was begun in 2010.
I am only recently educating myself on a lot of this so can I ask what encompasses a useless incumbent, I assume if they are there on the docket at the olls that in some way its important to someone. I am curious as to how it affects our pockets 2
join us and let's do something about it! Here's somethingh I wrote about it and there's a link to the Housefire Project. … tuff-Sucks
You partially answer the question I would ask you, and that is what do you define as a major change. I am not sure our system of government needs a major overhaul. I would certain not be in favor of trying to write a new constitution. I believe we have to change the people who represent us in government. I think being a Congressman or Senator should be a full time job. I think they should spend more time in Washington. I have no objections to a Congressman moving his family and residence to Washington, as long as he comes back to visit his state once and well, other that in an election year.
Congress needs to do some housecleaning regarding the number of agencies we have and the rules they use to hide and bury bills and secret appropriations.
The concept of our government is good, we just have less than stellar team representing us.
Larry, My organization proposes changes that wiil put us back on a path to the Constitution. It's about changes on how we elect our leaders, what we expect from our leaders, and how we accomplish that at
I looked at website and your mission statement. It sounds like you want to lobby the congress from dealing with lobbyists. Do not be offended, but what you proposed to do is what lobbyists do--influence congressmen. Different goals--same methods.
Dont know how to make this work so that I am commenting to Larry's second response about influencing congressmen. Hope this is working like I want
Larry, please read the website and mission statement again. Its about policing, not influencing.
Raising awarnewss about rampid corruption, holding Washington accountable through masssive petition and 5 strong initiatives makes it happen. Not lobbying, bro. Nothing like us out there anywhere. Watch us in 2013./ Hey Red, how my girl?!
Petitioning our nation's leaders relentlessly, in large numbers on a state and federal level, in behalf of the American people.
That is one of your five goals.
That is lobbying. Using influence to reach a goal is lobbying. Not enough space here.
Larry write a hub about anything you want. Send me the link. Spending my energy, money, and time to do something. I'm not just banging a keyboard. I've got some pretty smart folks including sittting judges indorcing me. Write Hub. I'll be there
You misunderstood. I do not agree. That is my right. I think your plan has problems, my opinion. I am not trying to start a battle. I think your plan has constitutional flaws & some points I do not like. I will watch your effort and respond if ne
No problem Mr. Wall. We're all dirfferent. That's what makes the world spin. Good luck to you.
Government is like... a Godzilla sized magnification of the sovereign. In America... "We the people" are the sovereign. I think that we are a selfish, derisive, narrow minded, arrogant and ignorant people these days. All puffed up with a sense of our own self worth and blind to our many many flaws which all human beings possess. Thus... government is all that and worse. In my opinion... the answer is to be better people. Which.. you know.. will be hard since we are sure that we are right about everything all the time.
Thanks for weighing in. Bob we agree on something!!! As I said. "if we want to change Washington, we have to change us first. Washington mirrors our own lives and what we accept and expect. Thanks pal!
~ jim
FIS...we agree on something too...we have people who want to be ignorant and our children no matter how we try to raise them are getting more and more restricted and they want to be the same way. Humanity is declining..government needs change,
I did want to add a couple of things my list of negatives seems incomplete without greedy and violent but I also should point out that there are very positive things about the American People as well, which can also be seen in Government.
Of course there are positive. but its the negative ones increasing at such a high rate..dumbing down of society. And yup you nailed the greedy and the violent against festering in our next generation of adults...our teenagers...easy to give up
All it takes is one person. One TRUE leader. People by in large want to be good. With out a role model people tend to fall into some pretty bad habits. I could give an example, but this only lets you type so many words. Then it just cuts you o
Now that I just said this you can give your example
You bet .... John The Baptist, Jesus, and a One star General who landed on the beach in Normandy when the soldiers were pinned down and getting picked off by the big German guns. He stood up there right in the line of fire and took charge.
Politics is a lost cause . It is like playing musical chairs all the time.Your turn , My turn kind of thing and nothing gets done.The major change I would like to see is to extend the term of the presidency to more than 4 years.Four years in the Oval office is not enough for someone to prove themselves given the magnitude and size of the country and all of its problem. Obama is clear example.The man inherited a ton of problems when he got in office and people expect him to make miracles given only 4 years to fix everything. Even if he gets re-elected and have onother 4 years to play MR FIX IT GUY,realistically, the man can only do so much considering the amount of problems he inherited from the previous administration.
Thank you for mentioning that Obama inherited a lot of problems because a lot of people forget that he isn't totally to blame for everything. I think it would be nice to think aobout for a day at least the things he DID do...negativity is draining:)
Abby, I just posted a forum a bit ago that has the top 50 things Obama has done during his Presidency
Take France.The French president has 5 years to be Mr Fix It to 66 million people & a land area of 211,208 sq miles.The American President has only 4 years to play Mr Fix it to 314 million people & 3.5 million sq miles.Big difference! GO FI
I just went to go look for it tammy and its not on your profile.
Abby its in the forums, explore at the top , it may be a couple pages back now,lol some catch on others don't,lol
OH..yeah I read forum and my brain prcessed hub:) Now that would make some sense
Ignorant voters and the government complies. The beauty of cause and effect.
What do you define as MAJOR? I thought having a black president was major. Maybe a woman? Maybe someone of another culture -Asian? Hindu? Arab?
I am not sure what answer you are looking for, but I think if the change is a person - with no party or affiliation comes into office with a solid, realistic plan to get us out of debt, then YES!!
I would like to see a major change in world politics. My vote is for green and education every time.
We need to make change in our local areas, but really we need to think of the whole planet. We all depend on each other.
Right now, I am wishing we stop wasting so many resources on politics, (among other things) and just figure out a way to decide what is best for our planet and our people, and cut out all the wastefulness.
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