Do you believe our elected officials are being honest with us?

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  1. Born2care2001 profile image71
    Born2care2001posted 11 years ago

    Do you believe our elected officials are being honest with us?

    There is so much information concerning impending financial and environmental crises, do you feel out government warrants out full faith and trust?

  2. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I want so badly to write YES - but I am afraid that no, they are not all honest and feel they "know best" and keep information from the American people.

    1. Born2care2001 profile image71
      Born2care2001posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your answer duffsmom. Keeping information from us may not be the half of it!

  3. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    Bruce...It may be that I am much too politically cynical to respond to your I give you fair warning...
    I believe that it is about as much an OXYMORON as can possibly be, to use "elected officials"  and the word, "honest, " in the same line......or even in the same article, on the same page.   Literally impossible to connect the two in any positive, realistic manner.................Well, I warned you.
      Until and unless a miracle occurs to change my attitude/belief.........I am DONE with politicians.  I help to pay them, but they do not represent me, nor speak for me nor make my decisions.   It is as though we PAY them, to destroy us......OUR country.  How smart can we be?

    1. Born2care2001 profile image71
      Born2care2001posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Paula,
      Flattery will get you everywhere! LMAO!

  4. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    When their elections are paid for by the Corporate Party, they no longer belong to the citizens. When the Supreme Court declared that Corporations are people, too, we should know that the door of tyranny has finally closed on America.

    So much of what goes on in politics today is borne out of 9/11, and yet the politicians say, "don't look," "believe us," and "if you talk 'conspiracy theory,' then you're a tinfoil hat wearing loony tune."

    Well, the sad fact is that the Bush "conspiracy theory" seems to have avoided that "loony tune" label.

    Perhaps a bigger question should be asked: "Should we trust the Corporate Party media with our lives and our futures?" They are masters of mind games to sell us on complacency and division. If you don't believe this, just look at the Academy Award-winning documentary, "Inside Job," and then ask yourself why we paid nearly a Trillion Dollars in bailouts to criminals, instead of locking them up as they did in now prosperous Iceland?

    Trust must be earned, but it's very difficult to earn it back after betrayal.

    For 10 years, I believed the Bush "conspiracy theory" of 9/11. Ignorance is no excuse, but I simply had not looked at the evidence. Now, it's painfully obvious: 9/11 was an inside job and 19 Arabs (some of whom are still alive and innocent) did not hijack 4 planes and crash them. They were patsies in the biggest False Flag the US government ever perpetrated -- far more intricate than the Operation Northwoods the military wanted to do, but couldn't get off the ground, in the early 1960s.

    The politicians tell just enough truth to keep us docile.

    But violence and conflict are not the answer.

    Boycotting the Corporate machine is part of it. Forgiveness is a bigger part.

    Get Corporate Party lobbyists out of Washington and stop all campaign contributions by Corporations. Hopefully then the politicians will owe their allegiance to the citizens -- not Corporations.

    (Oh, and get rid of those hackable electronic voting machines.)

    1. Born2care2001 profile image71
      Born2care2001posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A very well thought out and provocative answer Lone77star. I will watch "inside job." Another interesting and informative video is "Crash" by Chris Martenson. You can also google for his website. The evidence is mounting and action must soon follow!

  5. Dennis AuBuchon profile image62
    Dennis AuBuchonposted 11 years ago

    I do not believe all of our elected officials are being honest with us but I do believe there are some who are honest but get lost in the political climate which is Washington.  Elected officials are like any other segment of society, some will be honest and some will lack this trait.

    Good thought provoking question

    1. Born2care2001 profile image71
      Born2care2001posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree congress is representative (pun intended) of the rest of the country. It makes it all the more sad. But we can work together to change the direction! Thanks Dennis!

  6. Knoggin profile image62
    Knogginposted 11 years ago

    One prominent politician told us in a meeting that people want to hear what makes them feel good Even if they know it is not true. So in order to be successful you must deliver what is expected.

  7. TerryK81 profile image60
    TerryK81posted 11 years ago

    No. 9/11 and sandy hook. look into both. And JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Osama Bin Laden (who was NOT killed when we are told), tax hikes, and our "Chief". But then again, we all know what we know and can provide evidence wink

  8. Tarun Bajaj profile image59
    Tarun Bajajposted 11 years ago

    they are just power hungry and don't respect the likes of people. what people want , they never pay any heed to it. I have not seen a single honest official who works sincerely. It's the system or whatever but they all seem to be lost in it. Nothing new comes, its the same corrupt story every time after'before the elections.. so i don't believe our elected officials are being honest with us.

  9. kingkos profile image62
    kingkosposted 11 years ago

    No! In philippines some celebrity became officials just for money,Wish my country vote wisely this coming election (summer). Godbless my country with good official and wish all corrupt official must vanished.

    1. TerryK81 profile image60
      TerryK81posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They will vanish in one of the following ways: pigs fly, they learn honesty, or when Jesus comes back


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