The most amazing transformation in life is watching a human being grow. A great mentor inspires the outer AND inner aspects simply for the love of doing it.
If you aren't satisfied with the outcome of events in your life or you feel as if you want a different result, how long will you wait to act? Here is one small idea to consider now!
I have asked this question a hundred times over the last several years. The answer I received from one student at the University of North Carolina - Asheville was so refreshing, I had to write this!
Birth and Death; we all move between these two unknowns. - Bryant H. McGill
Exploring one mans experience of his shadows. " If you don't deal with your shadows, you are condemned to repeat the same mistake over and over, as a human being or as a society." - Denis Villeneuve
A photo placed on a social media site creates inspiration for this hub. There are thousands of people who'd like to know their purpose or how they can become the best they can be. Here's a few hints!
I am always on a journey of understanding. It seems to emanate from within and so who I am matters. Getting to know ones self is a precursor to living a life of richness and joy!
Patience seems to be a lost virtue. In the world of instant success, instant gratification and instant coffee we often forget that the good things in life are worth waiting for! Please join me.
What's all the protesting about? On Saturday May 25, 2013 in over 52 countries and 436 cities hundreds of thousands of people around the world protested against GMO's products and more! Look here!
Over the years I have enjoyed seeing the bumper sticker that says, "Coexist" alongside symbols for various religions and ways of life. This hub explores and expresses the goal of peace within!
Mother's Day is often a day of great joy, a celebration of the role that mothers play in our lives. It could be a day of sadness for those whose mother's have crossed over or worse couldn't show up!
"Find a place inside where there is joy, and the joy will burn out the pain." - Joseph Campbell. I agree! Let us take the journey to find our joy within so we can experience all the goodness intended!
Life is a joyride when we decide to Live it! Join me in a brief poetic view of living, learning and experiencing it today. I chose a while back to write my Book of Positive Aspects. I hope you do too!
When unconditional love is the basis of the formula for living and growing a man's opportunities for success and happiness advance exponentially. Join me to find out why!
In the hub "9 Characteristics of a Real Man: Traits of Choice" we compared two views of a real man. "Building a Life That Matters" takes a deeper look at each trait and its spiritual significance.
Sometimes the circumstances of life can crush our spirit. However, if just a little light shines through, magical things can happen. This is a poetic view of one such event in the life of an ordinary
We are inundated with information! Is it all good for us? What info is beneficial and what isn't? This hubs aim is not to answer that for you but to disclose 5 books I've read, would share and why.
While the world powers fight over resources, territory and power, two passionate musicians are giving peace another enchanting characterization. If you listen to nothing else today, listen to this!
There are no words to express the joy of writing. Thank you to my friends and colleagues for a fabulous 2012. Lookout Hubpages, 2013 is already here and we are H A P P Y!!! Happy New Year!
Have you ever had an incredibly euphoric experience that was so clear, so good and yet, so hard to explain? If you would like to know more about this phenomena, read this review of a new book by Edward M. O'Keefe Ph.D entitled "Take It From The Top - What To Do With a Peak Experience. Have fun...
TODAY is a fabulous time...depending on your perspective that is! This hub represents the perspective and quotations of some America's finest people. We must remember that yesterday is made up of our previous today's and tomorrow is our today to come. I hope you enjoy this journey of fun and...
One of the attributes I like about Hubpages is the inspiration from reading the works of its authors and their provision of inspiration. This short poetic piece was inspired by recent events and two recently published hubs. They are; 1) Wounded Warrior - Pain and Pride by lrc7815 and 2) Photo...
A short hub to say thank you to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces on Veterans Day 2012.
The greatest lesson of the 2012 election may not be known for some time, but the lessons we learn about ourselves are immediately available and they will reproduce over and over and over again in accordance with their intention. The question is; what do you intend to do with or about your life?...
In the face of adversity and tragedy, a simple reminder that we are at the mercy of nature, yet we can decide to make each moment count, even if what counts seems so far away. Bring it closer you now by a simple act of kindness.
Ever wonder what the impact of your comments are? Well, wait no longer. Hopefully this hub will enlighten you, give you a sense of satisfaction and encourage you to receive and give meaningful and constructive comments. Peace be with you!
If you would like some change in your life, take it from nature. Have the time of your life by exploring the similarities between our behavior and the behavior of other natural things. Then go have some fun! Even if you don't want to change, look at the photos!
If autumn's color changes are one of your favorite times, this perspective of the changing leaves in your neighborhood and in the mountains may be food for thought about your perspective of living and dying! It did for me!
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to character issues. Read this hub inspired by "What is, "None of Our Business?" a fabulously written hub by fpherj48.
Living Life Fast? You might want to take a moment of respite and check out two questions worth asking yourself today, right now! Have fun with the answer and Peace be with you!
What happens when a friend posts a photo of their grandchildren playing in the sandbox of life? Answer: You never know! It might just catch the eye of someone who sees beauty in every situation or chooses to see beyond the world we live in to the place we came from! Enjoy! I know I did.
Poetic appreciation to those who have made the HubPages experience a safe place of solace and peace in my wild and whacky world, and to those who have read and commented on my hubs. Pass it on!
A simple word of praise or gratitude is enough to change a life. We have all experienced such a time. In this hub I ask you to share that simple feeling of kindness or goodness with a friend or foe in need. Be the giver of life today and do it through a word of praise! "Your the best" or "I...
A short limerick about men and the choices they're left with when arguing with a women. Choose wisely guys. There may be a lot of fish in the sea, but most of them went to the same school! Hahaha
3 Simple questions is exactly that. This hub is for you, a must read if you want to begin a journey that may never end. A fabulous awakening if you dare to allow yourself to believe it is possible. I did and I'm never going back!!!
Watching a parent teach through imagination if a very cool, satisfying and totally heartwarming scenario. Watching the product is even better. Please spend a moment in Maine with me and have a little fun!
There is a shift occurring in the world, a growing movement of what I call "Socialpreneurs," people interested in the planet and its inhabitants, fostering a quality of life beyond the status quo and considerate of posterity as well as prosperity. Take a look at one such enterprise.
What will tomorrow look like for you? Is peace important or is it just another nebulous term with no real impact in your life? Here are a few questions to consider. May Peace be with you!
Great writing inspires thought, expression and well...more writing. This hub was inspired by Hub Pages Author ChristinS whose hub entitled Metaphysics: The Twelve Universal Laws Explained in a Nutshell, spawned a desire to dig a little deeper on one of those laws from this authors perspective....
This hub broaches a much talked about but little used subject. Almost every one of us acknowledges there are choices in life. How many of us face them? This is an account of one man's trek toward making his own choices.
If you want an inside view of what it takes to write on HubPages or what it means to be a part of something cool, check out this hub! Characteristics of a HubPage writer!
Like life, the road to happiness is a mysterious path. The road to happiness can be a path filled with intrigue, adventure and sometimes even disappointment, when that disappointment turns out to have been in our best interest. Come join me for a moment or two and perhaps you will see a new road...
Do you sometimes feel you aren't being heard? Well, how are you're listening skills. Some are better than others, but I get the feeling most of us are in the same boat when it comes to listening. I hope this hub will give you pause to think! If not, I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Part 1 of this series focused on the contribution Coaches make to Building Winning Teams. Part 2 is the players turn. Meet some of the truly amazing athletes, the games they played and have some fun while you're at it!
Won't you join me for a musical celebration? In this wild and whacky hub we'll share some of the coolest music and musical artists ever! And all of it is intended to celebrate life at Hub Pages. So c'mon, join in as soon as you can and share this with your friends!
The hardships of parenting or even watching what parents go through in trying to raise their children is an experience in itself. My heart goes out to those parents who have endured parenthood. It's also a reminder there is a time to let your children go.
I have always wondered what was in the mind of Albert Einstein. This hub will give you a few clues and just might be fun reading too!
This is an update for the 2012 Presidential and other Elections.The really sad part about this hub is that I wrote it for the 2008Presidential Election and decided not to publish it then. Some things never change, but I still have hope!...and a few suggestions!
A poetic expression of celebration and gratitude for just one day with the woman I love! Thank you for being who you are!!!
I have read some very powerful poetry here on Hubpages. I am often astounded at the authenticity of my fellow hubbers. In exchange for their genuine creativity I offer this short poetic form of gratitude! Hope you enjoy! You me the world to me!
Have you ever said "It's just another day," or "Tomorrow's another day?" Well, I'm not sure they are! In fact, I'm positive and I can prove it! Answer this: Ever experience the same day twice?
Did you ever try to do something for all the right reasons and fail? This is one such story.
Self talk is an oft made declaration that plays over and over again. It may be a belief, a value or an inadvertent phrase, intentionally or unintentionally learned or adopted that either becomes a force that propels us to act in a positive way for our benefit, or it may become an obstacle which...
Just one man's interpretation of time and life.
My wife has surprised me on many occasions. She has introduced me to people I'm so grateful to know. She has taken me to events that wowed my soul, and she has looked after my health with greater fervor than I like to admit, but it's the truth. This was a special surprise!
If you're a writer, aspiring writer, historian, hiker, world traveler or just someone looking for a little inspiration, this is a must read. It's the true story that began as a Saturday hike at the Estate of American 3 time Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Sandburg and wound up as a lesson in living.
There are thousands and thousands of teams involved in recreation, competitive sports and business. What separates the not-so-good teams, in terms of performance, from the good and the good from the great? Here is one man's view of the biggest factors in "Building Great Teams."
Whether you are a mentor or a person being mentored, you might want to take a look at this hub for some additional insight into one of the most rewarding relationships of life.
A personal "Thank You" to Hub Pages and all its contributors who have made this such a rewarding experience. To each of you I say, Thank you and may you always know Peace in your heart!
A pictorial essay connecting the art, practice and effect of gratitude with the incredible joy and experience of happiness!
How important is making or earning a million dollars? You already have all it takes. It's not that hard.
A moment of reflection, gratitude and thanksgiving for a very special place and time of education!
This article is a request to honor our men and women who have served or are serving our country in the military and law enforcement by making an ever so slight shift in our perception of peace.
Have you ever wondered what to write about next and weren't sure where the idea was going to come from? Take a deep breath and read this article for a few hints.
Taking another look at what it takes to be successful in this world. One of the most successful people of our time tells us how...
Wayne Dyer is an icon in the world of personal development and achieving inner peace. Well, I'm not Wayne Dyer but, I did write this article!
One of the best compliments anyone could receive is to be emulated. But even greater, perhaps, is to view the masterpiece...a result of their inspiration! Join me in this 2 part look at one such story!
Gentle and timeless, love shows its eternal qualities in the present, in the now! Won't you join me?
They say that the flapping of a butterflies wings can be felt around the world. Love too, is like that. Try it here!
Sometimes there are events in life that are so subtle, yet so profound. If we blink, we often miss them. And some, like this one, are hard not to notice!
Our daily lives are filled with decisions. Some of them about big events, others small occurrences. But do we know how it all will turn out? Here's a quick view of the possibilities and a nifty quote by W. Clement Stone! (A Little Difference in People)
A very short piece describing the emotion of writing and the encouragement to continue to do what you love to do!
This article takes a slightly different perspective on men's health.Hopefully it causes you to take your health more seriously, ask more questions and be more proactive about taking care of your health business!
Perception is a crazy thing and it applies to every area of life we know, including our idea of a real man. Everyone has an opinion of what a real man is or should look like. Here are a few thoughts on the subject. "Just sayin!"
Ask a few questions, get a few answers and voila. You have a new outlook! Ok, maybe not; but even if you didn't change your mind, you could have. It's better than being stagnant.
A simple quote, a simple lifestyle equals a life of honesty, integrity and joy. We never know what the terrain will be, but we can choose the journey and where we arrive. Peace be with you on your trip! Triumph is optional!
A simple look at the value of thinking, visualizing and applying ourselves each day. It is the authors view of living a life of joy, contentment and prosperity. Enjoy and be at peace!
Is the American Dream the same for you today as it was when you were a child? This article takes a look at the portrait of the sale of that American Dream just for the almighty buck and the encouragement to change our minds and hearts for the sake of something better.
A retrospective look at the life and choices of one man and the impact of a slight shift in attitude - particularly in the area of gratefulness. Watch a clip narrated by Brother David Steidl-Rast on his perspective of gratefulness.
One man's perspective, experience and opinion about learning, education and the human spirit. Quotes from JFK and Einstein encourage and inspire imagination and innovation. A good read!
A brief and somewhat opinionated look at today's "Education-fest" and all the wonderful employment opportunities it may bring! Maybe! More so a piece on knowing what you believe, what you want and who you are in relation to living your dream!
An introspective look at priorities and one man's choices and changes. Every one is entitled to their opinion and this is one of many about how we invest in this life of ours! The question is are we choosing to live our own lives or are we still following the Jones?
A few bits of bigger, better, faster mixed with just the right conditioning and you could be overwhelmed and on the brink of disaster. Or, you can view the experiences of just one man and see a different way of living!
If mentoring means anything to you, this is a must read. It may be poetic but it is from the heart of a man who needed mentoring as a youth and didn't receive it. Today, he helps people understand the impact! Like the purity of the young magnolia flower the honest relationship between Mentor and...
Go inside the mind and heart of a self described life architect to find a couple questions you can ask yourself to help lead you to what may be your purpose here on earth. At the very least you will learn something about who you are!
One fabulous photo and a few very poignant questions that examine the legacy of your life to date. The answers absolutely lead to more questions but, hopefully you'll find a raison d'etre!!!! What a fabulous journey we are on!
7 great tips and a couple of quotes to help anyone help themselves overcome the daily obstacles we all face. Help in defining success and failure with real life examples.
An article aimed at the 20 something generation through the power of hindsight, 20/20 vision and the wisdom of experience. Speaking to a younger generation with 7 tips on the value of time and living a life of integrity from the get go!
I know! Like you really need a reason to find your purpose. It's still a great exercise in exploring yourself and this is just 5 reasons to do it! Have Fun and give it a go!