What would Ronald Reagan say about today's world and the state of the USA?

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  1. Kasman profile image82
    Kasmanposted 12 years ago

    What would Ronald Reagan say about today's world and the state of the USA?

  2. Skarlet profile image73
    Skarletposted 12 years ago

    He would be disgusted and saddened, but he often warned us not to take our freedom for granted. What do we see now? People taking freedom for granted and not respecting the America that was so beautiful.

    1. Kasman profile image82
      Kasmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed. All he preached about was small government and more freedom. Self-reliance and reliance on God Almighty. Thanks for the comment, it's right on.

  3. Anne Pettit profile image64
    Anne Pettitposted 12 years ago

    He would say:  "My policies on trickle down economics and  mental  health  care  reform were self serving, and started this nation on a long down hill slide.  I am sorry "

    1. xstatic profile image61
      xstaticposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely! And it was a huge mistake when I was governor of CA to close the mental hospitals and set this country on a course where mental health care was only for the wealthy.

    2. peoplepower73 profile image81
      peoplepower73posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      xstatic:  Amen brother...finally somebody telling it as it is.  I remember when he did that and there were a lot of people on the streets that should have stayed in  institutions

    3. Kasman profile image82
      Kasmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I'm definitely not a fan of how the mental health needs of people in this nation are not being met now. We can definitely agree on this one.

  4. Jason Matthews profile image84
    Jason Matthewsposted 12 years ago

    I think he would be very disappointed. He would be disappointed in the leaders of this country and the world, but more so, I think he would be disappointed in the people of the USA. The United States government was setup to be "of the people, by the people, for the people" (Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address). It is the people that keep government leaders accountable. However, the people, pursuing other interests and enjoying their seemingly "free" freedom, say things like "politics isn't for me" or "I avoid politics." What has resulted is a people that, by and large, are not concerned about the political direction of their country. A lack proper accountability allows for corruption, greed, and power mongering to set-in. The government grows as it promises to "solve" the problems of the people, but few investigate or challenge these claims. Reagan would be disappointed that the people are more interested in enjoying liberty than trying to preserve it.

  5. Pjpavalone profile image60
    Pjpavaloneposted 12 years ago

    He would say that the United States of America needs to continue to be a global leader through promotion of human rights, freedom, democracy, security, and justice throughout the world. Furthermore, he would say that the United States needs to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the the International Criminal Court, work to put an end to impunity, suppress international crime, and put an end to global corruption within governance.

  6. kalinin1158 profile image92
    kalinin1158posted 12 years ago

    He'd say: "Where are all the E.T.s? I thought they'd be here by now."

  7. CrescentSkies profile image67
    CrescentSkiesposted 12 years ago

    "Obama, Bush, Clinton, get your butts in that office and wipe down my chair. Then get the hell out of my office..."

  8. Cordelia Bay profile image62
    Cordelia Bayposted 12 years ago

    Tear down the walls of immorality! Reagan was a man or morals and principles and had insight to the wisdom and timing of a voice greater than his own.


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