When do you cry?

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image83
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    When do you cry?

  2. profile image0
    KEPitzposted 11 years ago

    Oddly enough, I'm most prone to crying when I get extremely angry. It's embarrassing and frustrating and makes me MORE angry! Then I cry more! It's a vicious cycle.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is, indeed, a vicious cycle--one that many suffer from: you are in good company, it is not "odd" at all. I, too, cry when I am angry like this.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    When do I cry? When I cry Laura, I cry when I am alone. I do not think anyone can go through life without the tears flowing at times.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Only when you are alone, JT, or because you are alone? Curious.

      Indeed, everybody cries, sometimes. I cry when I am sad, lonely, frustrated/angry, sentimental (weddings), happy... I guess I cry a lot, but it's my emotional outlet and then I'm fine.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Laura, When I am alone. smile

  4. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    When I read some of the absurd questions on here and read the abysmal English being used.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If this troubles you to tears, perhaps an anger management class is advised.

      Your comment is not a full sentence. And, your question, "Why do people equate IQ with inteligence?" is no less absurd (2 Ls in intelligence; IQ = "Intelligence Quotient").

  5. haydeecartagena profile image60
    haydeecartagenaposted 11 years ago

    tears are tears but they can fall for different emotions and feelings, not just being too happy or really sad. its also away of getting through something.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I love the way you phrased your answer, the cadence of the words... It's almost like a poem. Do you also write poetry? If not, you should give it a try!

      I agree, too, that tears can help you get through "something" (for me, something good or bad).

  6. PaoloJpm profile image80
    PaoloJpmposted 11 years ago

    at times when my smile can't handle the emotion within. and my sorrow begun to explode and and scatter my world. also when my anger can't be handled I burst into tears as well.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      PaoloJpm, thanks for answering. I love the way you phrased your answer, "when my smile can't handle the emotion within". That really resonates with me, and probably others who've answered this question, too.

  7. grand old lady profile image81
    grand old ladyposted 11 years ago

    I cry a lot at movies, and sometimes when reading books. I cry when I feel really, really sad. I also cry at kindness. For example, when someone yells at me I'm rock hard but when someone responds in kindness but is really angry I cry.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, I know just what you mean. I do the same thing if I'm actually very sad but someone hugs me or says something nice, then I might just lose it. For example, getting a hug at a funeral or sometimes a wedding will do it for me.

  8. wetnosedogs profile image60
    wetnosedogsposted 11 years ago

    I cry when I am angry. It doesn't last long. I guess it's something I gotta do when I can't or shouldn't respond.
    A couple of surprises in books or movies will make me cry. I don't care to cry and it just irritates me.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree 100% with what you've said! We're two of a kind. It just annoys me to no end when I cry; except sometimes I don't mind crying if I'm reading a sappy part of a book in private.

  9. Emanate Presence profile image70
    Emanate Presenceposted 11 years ago

    To respond to this, I first reviewed my life for moments of crying which stand out. I came to the scene where I stood over the casket of my younger brother, Mark. He was 17.

    There had been some days between being told of his death in a car accident, flying from Maine to Colorado and being with family, until the moment of seeing him lying there. All that aliveness, sensitivity, wisdom and beauty now lying cold in the casket. That is when I faced that he was really dead, and I wept deeply.

    At least his body had moved from life to what we call death. As he had written in a song a few weeks before being hit by a drunk driver,

    "Silver threads of a golden dream surround me.
    My being will be free."
    - Song of the Star-Gazing Wanderer

    Another time was just last week. It took me by surprise. I re-watched the movie 'Avatar' and when the humans were bent on relentlessly destroying the sacred beauty of Pandora, I wept more deeply than I have touched in many years.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, E.P., for answering this question. It is amazingly precognitive or highly coincidental that your brother wrote those lyrics just before his death. I am glad he did, for it must give you comfort and peace. Drunk drivers--so selfish; shame.

    2. Emanate Presence profile image70
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are right that Mark's song brought comfort & peace. The words still touch deep chords. The driver, owner of a Denver bar, had just had a fight with her husband. The story is in Death Transformed - the Song of the Star-Gazing Wanderer.

  10. whatonmelodysmind profile image58
    whatonmelodysmindposted 11 years ago

    I cried once I watch a dramatic show (especially if it is documentary and based on real life drama). I easily get affected of it.

  11. profile image0
    Pamdoraposted 11 years ago

    There are lots of different things that can get me to crying.  My kid sister committed suicide during March, long ago, and I still have a tough go of it at this time if tear,  I'll cry (in private only) when someone has hurt my feelings, even though I know mine are hurt way too easily. 

    Most of all, I cry when the rage hits, as an outlet to keep my self control, so I don't clean the other person's clock on the spot.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Pamdora, I'm so sorry about your sister! I can certainly imagine that you have a tough time of it this time of the year. Don't  judge yourself for your feelings being "hurt way too easily"--you're just an emotional, caring being! That's good!

  12. sdelandtsheer profile image61
    sdelandtsheerposted 11 years ago

    1) when a good movie makes me cry
    2) when my wife and I had an argument and end up cry on each other shoulder after resolving a tension
    3) when I feel miserable. This does not happen often lately...

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like reasonable reasons for crying, sdelandtsheer! I'm so glad to hear you don't often feel miserable lately, too.

  13. Passionate Pepper profile image59
    Passionate Pepperposted 11 years ago

    I cry at different times for different reasons;
    I cry during a great movie that has moved me.
    A good book has made me cry...impressive!
    I cry when I am that angry, it makes me feel better.
    I cry at beauty....
    I cry at sadness..
    and I cry at love, its many many forms!!

    Crying is lethargic and cleans the soul sometimes!!

  14. kristenaugusta profile image60
    kristenaugustaposted 11 years ago

    As I have grown older the opportunity for tears has expanded expotentially.
    Loss is a big one. Funerals, misplaced objects, homes, childhood, etc. can bring the weeping on.
    Music: OMG! how some songs resonate with times gone by, dreams yet to be fulfilled, and the persistant presence of yesterday.
    Commercials; movies; plays; etc.: I suspect there may be a subconscience connection with the background music but the depicted scenarios are ultimately tear jerkers.
    The written word: Sort stories, novels, poems, advertising script, etc.: Properly written and presented I can go from misty eyed to full blown floods of tears within a phrase or two.
    Expressions of affection: Unexpected hugs and sweet kisses from friends and family and lost loves can break my heart.

    Crying has always been totally irrational and has gotten more so as I age. Wisdom may come with time, but so do tears. I think tears are a reflection of who we are as compassionate individuals for unless our hearts have never been touched or broken by another; unless we have never seen the beauty around us, lost ourselves in the stories of another, danced to the familiar rhythm of a favorite song or felt the welcome comfort a compassionate hug we would never have a need to cry.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "The persistant presence of yesterday"... Wow, that's a powerful phrase. I love it! I'm quoting you and putting you up on my wall.

      I think your last paragraph pretty much nails most aspects of tears, especially.

  15. vinayt89 profile image58
    vinayt89posted 11 years ago

    when i feel like loosing someone.........

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't fully understand your answer, but thanks for sharing. I can tell by the number of "......."s at the end that you feel very strongly about it and I am sad for you.

    2. vinayt89 profile image58
      vinayt89posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Laura you understood me......

  16. UndercoverAgent19 profile image70
    UndercoverAgent19posted 11 years ago

    I cry mostly when I'm angry or frustrated, not usually when I am sad. And I try not to cry in front of people. I cry when watching movies or reading books that are especially sad.

  17. dharminderkumar profile image59
    dharminderkumarposted 11 years ago

    When i my wife does not talk with me and fight with me for the little things.

  18. sufyan rana profile image59
    sufyan ranaposted 11 years ago

    There are many reasons to cry as same there are many reason to laugh......
    Mostly I cry when i feel Bad With My Work

    1. Laura Schneider profile image83
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are absolutely correct, about laughter. I'm not sure they balance in all people, but I understand what you're saying.

      You mostly cry about work? Wow! I'll hire you any day! You've got work ethics that work overtime! haha

  19. Valorie Esquilona profile image60
    Valorie Esquilonaposted 11 years ago

    I cry when my Mom gets mad and shouts at me.  I cry when I lost my loved ones.  I cry when everything is getting worse and I cry when I don't know what to do to just feel better  anymore.

  20. The Unlearner profile image66
    The Unlearnerposted 11 years ago

    I cry quiet a lot actually. Normally before 'Moontime' but most of the time it occurs when watching a movie or reading an article that moves me. I have been homeless 3 times, lost family, been critically ill, and everything in between. Sometimes you need a good cry to let all the emotion out. Great question smile

  21. profile image51
    rojameeranposted 11 years ago

    I cry when am scared of something might happen in future..that might be my fear or my guess....The thing is most of thing never happened as i had feared...for which i had wasted my tears..but something had happened as i imagined but.,.when the unwanted thing happens..i had not cried..may be i had already cried for the same when i was scring that the bad scene is gonna happen..........


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