Have you ever lost it at church, as in you just couldn't stop crying?

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  1. MissMelissaK profile image80
    MissMelissaKposted 12 years ago

    Have you ever lost it at church, as in you just couldn't stop crying?

    Today's sermon touched a nerve in me today.  It was about fathers and how important they are in the spiritual development of their children and how they help to shape their children's lives.  I was never particularly close to my father (my parents divorced when I was little.) and he believes the Bible is a bunch of fairy tales.  Is it painful to see him act this way?  Yes, but all I can do is pray that one day he will realized the value of God's Word and how it is more precious than gold.   I wonder sometimes what it would be like to be raised by a father who loved and honored the Lord.

  2. heavenbound5511 profile image67
    heavenbound5511posted 12 years ago

    No but others I know have. It's like God's spirit touching us and causing healing. Maybe this is the time God wants to heal your heart of the things from your childhood.
    Now I have been at home and felt as you said- couldn't stop crying. Just be sensitive to how God is trying to lead you- listen and act on his direction.
    Even if God brings to your rememberance past events of childhood- it would be for you to pray over those moments- and give it to God and let him heal you by taking the stuff out by the roots-where it began.
    God bless you and I hope this serves as an confirmation.

    Once we have forgiven the person and allowed healing-than we can truly pray for them how God wants- God will have his way with your Father, Just let him have his way with you first!

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.  That was beautiful.  Tears are from heaven.  They allow our souls to bleed.  I definately need to give it to God. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    Yes. When the Holy spirit comes over you, You aren't in control of your feelings. That's the good stuff. Just the mention of His name "Jesus" can bring me to tears. God Bless you Miss Melissa!!

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thnak you.  Isn't that the truth?  It's the Holy Spirit within you that makes every fiber of your being feel in a way that is beyond one's control.  God bless you JThomp42 for the gentle reminder.

  4. Efficient Admin profile image84
    Efficient Adminposted 12 years ago

    Yes.  It was around 1990 I was regularly attending a really good southern baptist church up in Arlington, VA and the preacher was really good and did a sermon on abortion and I just could not stop those tears running down my face the whole time.  The sermon was about how God values us even in the womb - that everyone is very valuable to him and He knows the number of hairs on our heads and knits us in the womb. He knew us before we were ever born. 

    The tears were because at that time in life I just realized that the people who were supposed to love and care and support me were not doing so and never would. They were a bunch of mean users and back biters and I felt really worthless like a piece of trash because that's how these people treated me. I realized at that sermon that God didn't think that way about me. He knitted me wonderfully in the womb and knows my name.

    Long story short those people are not in my life anymore and I am the better for it and my depression has left me long ago. So if anyone has depression problems -- you might want to take a look around you.

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Beautifully said.  I have a met a few harsh critics in my lifetime but now that I have God confidence versus self confidence, their words don't affect me anymore.  I know that God loves me and that I have value because I am his child.

  5. Seek-n-Find profile image72
    Seek-n-Findposted 12 years ago

    Oh yes, oh yes.  Holy Spirit almost ALWAYS brings tears to my eyes.  Tears can be very healing.  I went through a year when I cried--no--BAWLED--almost every day.  I wasn't depressed--I was spending intimate time with God in a lonely season and He was touching and healing deep places in my heart.  I didn't know how to respond or what to even pray for.  I would just barely start praying and the tears would flow.  I believe God set me free from a lot of emotional wounding that had taken place in my life during that crying year.  Keep praying for your father--prayers are SOOOOO powerful.  Not one goes without the Kingdom of Heaven moving on your behalf.  Your heavenly Father knows how to Father you and will make up for what you may have lost from the lack from your earthly father.  Just soak in the Father's Love and let Him wash you clean.  You will have time in eternity (and a lot of it!) where all sorrows in this life will be turned to joy on the other side.  Weep in God's presence and make room for the joy that He wants to fill your heart up with.  Blessing to you!

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That was beautiful.  Thank you for sharing.  It's amazing how the Holy Spirit moves and flows through our lives with such transforming energy.

  6. Vegas Elias profile image62
    Vegas Eliasposted 12 years ago

    Yes this has happened to me several times and I could not even know why tears rolled out of my eyes. Sometimes I have shed tears continuously for 10 to 15 minutes continuously. I am told this is sort of a inner healing by God.

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It feels so good after, doesn't it?  Almost like you're being freed from some type of bondage.  I feel more humble and meek after a good cry, that's for sure.

  7. duffsmom profile image62
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Yes, my husband is (was) a Lutheran pastor.  He suffered an injury and had to give up his work and his congregation. He was their pastor for over 15 years and loved each and every one of them, even the difficult ones.  When he did his final service and it was over and he went to the microphone and told everyone how honored he ws to have been their pastor, my daughters and I sat there with tears running down our faces. We couldn't hold it together. It was so sad for this loving man to lose his entire career due to a freak injury.

    On personal note, every time we do the confession, my eyes involuntarily well up and I am very close to losing it.

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry to hear that duffsmom.  I can only imagine what you and your family are going through.  I pray that God gives you the strength to carry forward.  God bless you.

  8. daleamy profile image61
    daleamyposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely! Sometimes, it has been because of a difficult season I'm going through and feeling God's Spirit wash over me and feel His reassurance that He is bigger than my circumstances, but sometimes it is just the intensity of His Spirit and there isn't a reason. Those are some intense, beautiful times.
    I've been trying to sort through emotions during worship, trying to ask myself, am I crying in response to what God is telling me? Are my tears drawing me closer to Him? Sometimes that answer is yes, but sometimes I feel like my emotions get in the way, that because I'm feeling sorry for myself or focused on myself, I start crying and then I'm not able to worship as well. In that case, I have to try to push those emotions back, because I don't want emotions to get in the way of keeping the worship focused on Him.
    I don't know if anyone else has struggled with feeling like the unstoppable tears are sometimes a hindrance (they're certainly not a lot of the time!) but I'd be interested to hear other's opinions on that.

    1. Vegas Elias profile image62
      Vegas Eliasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I have. You can read my comment above. I really do not know. But this does happen when you really connect with the Supreme Soul. It may be repentance, love or just a feeling of ecstasy that some people do cry ceaselessly sometimes in a Church.

    2. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I understand what you're saying.  I was at my Uncle's memorial and his daughters speech made me start bawling but I knew the focus was supposed to be on him and I didn't want to make a spectacle so I rushed to the bathroom for a great big cry.

  9. Ellana317 profile image70
    Ellana317posted 12 years ago

    Yes ma'am... It has happened to me on several occassions.  Most times I just felt overwhelmed by God and his glory.  Other times it happened because I'd been holding emotions that I needed to let go of.  I will say this though, every time I've cried I felt better afterwards.  It proved to be very therapuetic for me.

    1. MissMelissaK profile image80
      MissMelissaKposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's beautiful.  Thank you for sharing.

  10. profile image0
    rgmg50posted 12 years ago

    Yes, it is the presence of God. Sometimes the crying is for healing, sometimes it is because of the awesomeness of God, sometimes it is truth that comes to the surface, and sometimes it is repentance.


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