When it comes to the White House's attempt to cover up the truth behind the Beng

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  1. bethperry profile image81
    bethperryposted 10 years ago

    When it comes to the White House's attempt to cover up the truth behind the Benghazi massacre...

    Do the newly discovered emails, which prove the White House attempted to coverup.the circumstances surrounding the Sept.11, 2012 massacre in Benghazi, warrant impeachment proceedings against President Obama and/or anyone within his administration? Four Americans died that day when armed gunmen assaulted the diplomatic mission, yet no one in the administration has of yet been held accountable for perpetuating the false notion a little known parody video was responsible. What are your thoughts on this matter? *Please be respectful of the victims and their families when answering*


  2. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 10 years ago

    I'll be respectful of the 66 that died in embassy bombing under Bush. Not one was blamed on that president. Care to explain the difference?

    1. bethperry profile image81
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      lovemychris, we should be respectful of all those that die under the watch of careless and callous leaders.

    2. profile image51
      PerrySparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      yes, there were no lies spread about the previous bombings, so now that you know the difference, will it make any?

    3. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nobody asked! Nobody would even consider that Bush has something to do w it! I'm asking, What's the difference now? Why accuse Obama from the start? Oh,and Bush lied plenty.PULENTY.

  3. junkseller profile image81
    junksellerposted 10 years ago

    I'll be willing to look into impeaching Obama on the day that every American who has voted yes to the past decade of war is willing to impeach themselves. Until then, we are just getting what we voted for: death.

    Even where that to happen, there still isn't even the hint of any actual evidence of wrongdoing and this remains a ridiculous partisan witch-hunt.

    The case can be made for a lack of transparency and team spin, but that's all, and in American politics, that is just an ordinary day—hardly an impeachable offense.

    1. profile image51
      PerrySparkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      the only person that voted for war is already out of office.
      the only person currently responsible for the continuation is still in office.
      the current person lied about Benghazi and 4,320 other acts
      lies are lies, no matter how you spin them.....

    2. bethperry profile image81
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, PerrySpark.

    3. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So why didn't we impeach Bush? Kucinich tried, you know. R's not interested. but NOW they sure are...what's the diff?

    4. junkseller profile image81
      junksellerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think anyone who voted for Obama or Bush or the vast majority of current legislators has voted for war.

      For our purposes, lies are lies when you can prove them, and no one is even remotely close to doing so, no matter how you spin it.

    5. bethperry profile image81
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      lovemychris, I think Bush should have been impeached. But right now there is another man in office, and it is with what has occurred under his watch that our immediate concerns lie with.

    6. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Bulloney. After what Bush got away with, any and all future presidents have immunity, just like he did. After what Bush pulled, and how we were treated who spoke out: people have some nerve now even mentioning Obama! U dont get special treatment.

  4. wba108@yahoo.com profile image83
    wba108@yahoo.composted 10 years ago

    It is a travesty that the Obama administration has lied and continued to lie about the Benghazi cover up. Hillary Clinton i'm told actually told the father of a green beret killed in Benghazi that she was sorry about the tragedy that the release of "the you tube video" had caused.

    They were caught red handed in a blatant lie for purely political purposes. It was a calculated political move before the 2012 election that they could sandbag this issue until people wouldn't care about it.

    At best the events at Benghazi demonstrate a gross dereliction of duty, which should have at least had Clinton removed from office. I see it as a treasonous insult to our brave members of the military and grounds for impeachment of President Obama.

    1. bethperry profile image81
      bethperryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      wba108, I remember hearing about that, too. And I find it hard to believe the fairytale and the timing for its storytellers were coincidence.


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