Will President Donald Trump lower the bar for "once vulgar" offensive language?

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  1. dianetrotter profile image61
    dianetrotterposted 9 years ago

    Will President Donald Trump lower the bar for "once vulgar" offensive language?

    Consider him repeating a supporters reference to another candidate as a female body part.  Will it be appropriate to make fun of and belittle people?  Will he do a 180 after election?

  2. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years ago

    What you see is what you get.  If he did a 180 after being elected, then he would be there under false pretences....surely?
    But my bet is Yes, he will.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm waiting for the boom to lower on him.  He hasn't presented his tax return yet.  I have heard that he is a very charitable giver.

  3. tsadjatko profile image76
    tsadjatkoposted 9 years ago


    You know he doesn't suit my taste of what is Presidential but at least he is real and doesn't have a history of all kinds of lies, isn't embroiled in congressional and FBI investigations or spent eight years of selling favors from the White House:
    http://www.investors.com/politics/edito … meetings/. .

    From what I see and hear on TV, in society, on social media, frankly everywhere, the real vulgarity and offensive language is rampant on the mouths of virtually everyone today, those who make a big deal about a few things Trump has said probably say worse and use worse language in their daily living every hour of every day and unless you live in a monastery you know this is true. (Like Obama and Biden don't drop the F bomb and words like P#$$* all the time in private (or as public as you can get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHKq9tt50O8 ) If they are willing to do that you know there are no limits to their vulgarity, and certainly Hillary, known to call the secret service pigs (according to her own daughter http://usercontent1.hubimg.com/12329500_f496.jpg ) is no exception. http://selwynduke.typepad.com/selwynduk … gar-m.html  .

    So how is it this is such a big deal? I mean the media wants you to think Trump's behavior makes him un-presidential while people like President Obama and Secretary of State Hiliary Clinton lie to Americans every time they open their mouths, Former President Slick Willie with a history of sexual assaults and denigrating the office of the President. Yet they are the media's darlings? They are Presidential?

    This country is facing serious problems and to focus on such trivialities as "offensive" language while ignoring the red flags of national security breaches http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/02 … erver.html ), cover ups by pathological liars like Hiliary and socialist (probably more like communist) policies like Bernie Sanders proposes (Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago honeymooned in the Soviet Union - who does that?)

    Yes my friends the inmates are running the asylum, let's vote for someone who has never been an inmate in this asylum otherwise known as inside the beltway.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      TSAD, I continue to think of impressionable kids.  I listened to the lyrics of Beyonce's song.  I thought she had given up after Bow Down B*tches; however she found a new way to say it for Super Bowl.

    2. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Impressionable kids? You mean like this http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/12826715_f260.jpg

    3. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      HOLLER!!!!  Bad TSAD!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not in the least bit funny.

    5. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      One of the few times I have to agree with Allen,not the least bit funny& not meant to be.Meant to demonstrate real vulgarity of people like the Clintons& the example they set with THEIR offensive behavior when it comes to impressionable kids

    6. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Obviously this is an issue for many people.  Trump is promising to stop using fowl language.  We'll see.

  4. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
    bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years ago

    You don't have to vote for Trump, so why do you care what he does?
    You probably won't vote for any Republican.
    You probably reach less that one hundred people here, so why bother?

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Aha!  You must be new!  I recognize the usuals - less than 20. I certainly don't hope to reach a hundred.  I had a thought and posted it.  My Hubs give some insight to how I vote.

    2. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      14 months new. I don't think your voting will be a surprise, looking at your question. But, I will check anyway.

    3. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't find any political hubs that mentioned voting?

    4. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I give up Brad!  Whom do I support?

    5. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Do you have a hub or question that already answers that question. I couldn't find it. I would say, based on the white woman that encouraged you to go to college, And congrats on those degrees.


    6. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Brad why u think Diane wouldn't vote republican?And I don't see her promoting Hilary I mean who in their right mind would?among the 1/3 of all voters inNH who said"honesty and trustworthiness"most important qualities of a cndteSanders won95-5

    7. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      I am sure she will tell us her voting choice, but based on her past, I would say that Hillary would be up there for her choice.
      She dn like Trump, none of the republicans look promising. Some one with her degrees wn be socialist. So yes, final

    8. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Looks are deceiving Brad!!!  I haven't voted for a Democrat since the 80s.  I took an online test that said my values line up with 1) Christie, 2) Bush, and 3) Carson in that order.  I love Christie.  I think Bush is sincere and knowledgeable.

    9. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't vote for any party, because neither party has solutions, but they both contribute to problems.

      The GH and GW Bush let us dn. B Clinton, Obama were not better.
      I would take Trump over your choices, but I was born in Manhattan

    10. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I knew you were in your right mind Diane! I took a quiz and came out 98% with Cruz and 3% with Hiliary! No surprise there

    11. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If I was American I could never vote for Cruz.  He's Right Wing christian for a start.  And from what little I have seen of him on YouTube, he only says what he thinks the crowd wants to hear, and I would not trust him.

    12. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thankfully bigots like the way you think are not the rule in America. There are more important issues at stake than the candidates' religions which in this case is closer to the founders of America than people like Hiliary and Barnie Rubble

    13. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I could never label myself Democrat or Republican.  I don't whole heartedly agree with one side because that is the side I am supposedly on.  I go by the issues.

    14. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed Diane,both parties have let America down tremendously but that is not so much because of their platforms but the fact that the politicians they elect don't deliver.EGUnderBush smaller government,no pork spending&debt ignored. Too many CPs

  5. profile image0
    David Bucknerposted 9 years ago

    Well let's all hope and pray that he doesn't get into office first off. If he does, I don't think a President really has the power to change the level of vulgarity or foul language in a country. Social Media will do this before any President ever does.

    1. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hate to digress to SciFi, BUT  back in the day, a good monster picture was a good monster picture.  Today, all of a sudden a super sex scene pops on the screen, nothing to do with the plot, but writers are fixated.

    2. tsadjatko profile image76
      tsadjatkoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly what I said David in my answer. But i have to say I'd vote for Trump any day over anyone the Democrats have to offer as I demonstrated in my answer. Hiliary's way more offensive on multiple levels, Sanders wants communism.

    3. dianetrotter profile image61
      dianetrotterposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I know that whomever the Lord allows to win will be president.  I pray daily that Christians are being responsible with their votes.  Rather he wins or not, we should be activists for doing the right thing.


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