What MAKES Donald Trump so hated, if not vilified in American society & in the p

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  1. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    What MAKES Donald Trump so hated, if not vilified in American society & in the presidential



  2. Link10103 profile image61
    Link10103posted 8 years ago

    His total lack of awareness of common decency probably...

    Bafflingly enough, that's the exact reason people flock to him. If nothing else, that really puts into perspective the american people that support him.

  3. ElvisaM profile image73
    ElvisaMposted 8 years ago

    As a woman, I can not support him. I do not hate him but I can not agree with anything that he said said so far. I mean, he hasn't really given any explanation of what his views were when it comes to real problems US faces. He has said that we need a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it, which is unrealistic. He said that he will ban Muslims which is just ridiculous and is something a man of his "honor" and demeanor should not say especially when running for a president. He has badmouthed women and has said that "You’re gonna make the same if you do as good a job" as if women were somehow less productive. He admires Kim Jong Un and has a book of Hitler quotes bedside. As a presidential candidate, I would like him and everyone else in the race to be held to higher standards and explain how he/she will fix the country and not just say "no one will die under my presidency". Regardless of everything you just read, people still support him and he is still winning the republican votes. I also have a problem with his lies and the fact that he claimed he can't release his tax records because he is being audited, which has never stopped someone from releasing their records before. I really liked him in the 90's. He had very different views back then. Now, it seems like he is saying things to deliberately ruin the Republican party.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree ~ Moreover, "The WALL" will NEVER Happen for obvious reasons and BAN on any Religion including Muslims could never happen either ~ His "FANs" are primarily a small group of "Birthers & Bigots" who seem to be susceptible to his CON-Job ~

    2. Ken Burgess profile image68
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "He admires Kim Jong Un and has a book of Hitler quotes bedside."
      Haha... who is reporting such stuff?  Doesn't matter really,  If I heard that Clinton was sleeping with the Communist Manifesto next to her bed I wouldn't give it any credence. dumb.

    3. RJ Schwartz profile image83
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      But were you OK with a President who took over healthcare, gives Nukes to Iran, and divides our nation racially at every opportunity?

    4. ElvisaM profile image73
      ElvisaMposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Took over health care for the better. Nuke deal - lol, research it. And how exactly has he divided the nation? It is only divided because there are some that don't like him because he is black. Ken, please refrain from calling me names...

    5. RJ Schwartz profile image83
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ocare is a failure - nice try

    6. ptosis profile image67
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ocare was started by Bush43 with the PartD medicare was introduced.

    7. ElvisaM profile image73
      ElvisaMposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How can it be a failure when millions are insured that were not becfore?

    8. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Elvisa, it can be a failure because rates have gone through the roof for most people, because each policy requires coverage for everything - even if you don't need it, because the financial structure to maintain it is falling apart.....failure.

  4. RJ Schwartz profile image83
    RJ Schwartzposted 8 years ago

    He's not beholden to the money lenders - he's blunt and he puts America first.  I think people of all walks of life feel they can overlook his brashness if he breaks the establishment hold on DC

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How do you know he's not "Beholden" to the "Money Lenders" ? He LIES about everything else WHY Not lie about that aspect? Do yourself a FAVOR and investigate this guy, you might not like what you DISCOVER ~

    2. RJ Schwartz profile image83
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sure Mr. Trump has some mortgages, so yes he's in a way tied to banking.  I'm quite happy with him as a candidate.  I'm tired of George Soros puppets like Barry and Hillary giving America away to the globalists.

    3. Ken Burgess profile image68
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I know I would. Its not about PC, or not hurting anyone's feelings (except perhaps Americans) to me its about who will go to Washington and attack it with a wrecking ball... who will ruin the 'lifer' politician's private party of corruption... Trump.

    4. ptosis profile image67
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      investigate his past comments via http://www.ontheissues.org/Donald_Trump.htm

    5. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You want a revolution in DC? Revolutions turn out to be bloody, going out of control, civil war is a possibility. And after the revolution, who do you think are in power? The same establishment, just different faces.

  5. Ken Burgess profile image68
    Ken Burgessposted 8 years ago

    What makes him so hated is simple, its how the media portrays him.
    MSNBC and CNN are supposed to make a villian out of him, thats what they do.  Foxnews shows that it is no longer a representative of 'fair and balanced', its just another propaganda machine of the establishment, and the establishment wants Trump stopped.     
    There is a reason why it doesn't matter who runs Washington, Rep or Dem, for over 20 years they keep passing one law after another that is destroying America and our Freedoms... NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, TPP, Obamacare, etc.... each and everyone hurt our nation, hurt our wallets, hurt our ability to earn a fair wage. 
    The only true Patriot and American running in this election is Trump, the rest are either corrupt, treasonous, or both.  Trump is the only one not beholden to the 'establishment' so the entire corrupt establishment is against him, just like they are against Americans in general.
    No one in Washington, least of all the current President, has been doing what is best for AMERICA... I'm not talking about what is best for Iran, or Mexico, or China... best for AMERICA and AMERICANS.
    It's why he is hated... he is not PC... and he is saying screw them, lets Make America Great Again!

    1. ElvisaM profile image73
      ElvisaMposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      To be fair and honest, I don't (alway) listen to what the media has to say, I simply listen and can't believe what I am hearing from the man that wants to run the country.

  6. lions44 profile image90
    lions44posted 8 years ago

    You are who your friends are...and if you look at the people he has around him, whether they be his campaign manager Lewandowski, his Apprentice sycophants, or those weird ladies that show up on CNN all the time as his PR flacks, the picture we get is one of either goofiness or a man unhinged.   And I say that as a Republican. We're suppose to be the party for grownups. Instead, those two women sound as though they're part of a cult. "Mr. Trump this.." and Mr. Trump that..."  I cringe whenever they are on the panels.

    I'm all for mavericks and others not beholden to "outside interests."  But there's a huge gap between coherent candidate and a self-aggrandizer.  He's more Charlie Sheen than Ronald Reagan. 

    Having grown up in NYC, I saw Trump in the newspaper every week or sometimes for days on end.  Trump was part of the culture. He was rightly admired for turning around many deteriorating parts of Manhattan like Riverside and lower 5th Avenue.  It took guts and $$ to do that.  We hardly ever heard a bad word spoken about him either by his employees or business partners.  A very rare thing.  If anything, there were rumors that he was too nice and loyal to a lot of his inner circle. 

    I suspect he is not the character he is playing on TV.  At least I hope so.  Either way I can't see him winning the general election.

    1. ElvisaM profile image73
      ElvisaMposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, the blonde and Ms. Pierson?

    2. lions44 profile image90
      lions44posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Elvisa, yes. But that guy named "Dean" is starting to be worse.  Very strange crew that follows him around.

  7. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    I guess because people can't come to terms with the truth.
    That is why most people don't tell you what they really think of you. Only your best friends, family or your enemies will tell you the truth.

    People are not used to hearing the truth in political campaigns.
    Tell me what truths that you have heard from the other candidates in this presidential campaign. Most of them have attacked each other, and especially attacked Trump.

    These candidates has public records of their actions in office, but we don't have these actions put out in public, or if they do go public they are not verified for their veracity.

    1. ptosis profile image67
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      VoteMatch political philosophy quiz developed by OnTheIssues.org if a way  to find out quite easily. http://presidential-candidates.insidegov.com/compare

    2. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Can't you think for yourself?

  8. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    To the liberals, he's horrible because he stands up to social justice warriors where many Republicans roll over and apologize when name-called.
    To the Republican elites, he's bad because he has tapped into their base and taking control of the party. And to the heads of the Republican party, it is worse to lose control of the base and their power than lose yet another national election to a Democrat.

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer here I might add!

  9. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 8 years ago


    People don't hate him, that's all political kabuki to gain higher view or ratings. 

    Check out Trump vs. Trump debate:

    Or maybe just pick one issue on print:

    Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts:
    We didn't have a free market before ObamaCare
    ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed & replaced:
    Don't cut Medicare; grow the economy to keep benefits
    ObamaCare deductibles are so high that it's useless
    Save Medicare & Medicaid without cutting them to the bone
    Kill ObamaCare before it becomes a trillion-ton weight
    Increase insurance competition across state lines
    We must have universal health care

    From ww.ontheissues.org/Donald_Trump.htm

  10. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 8 years ago

    I'm not sure hated is the wright word. I do not hate Donals Drumpf and I don't think many people do. But many people are strongly against his points of views and his way of expressing them.
    Donald Drumpf is proud that he says it like it is and does what he says.
    Well first of all somebody who quotes Musolini in a tweet as a positive thing supports fascism. Somebody who lies about his campaign funding is not trustworthy as a president. (His campaign funding is not payed by himself but by supporters, nothing wrong with, but don't lie and say that you're independent and pay all by yourself.)
    Drumpf is a racist, xenofobe and a bigot. He doesn't believe in climate change and above all doesn't care about human life's.
    A man who says: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Is a dangerous man because he sees himself above the law. Nobody is above the law. Only dictators see themselves above the law and if Donald Drumpf will be elected as a president he will make himself and his imperium above the law.
    I do not hate Drumpf just as I do not hate Hitler. Drumpf simply is a disaster for the world that's why I am strongly against his campaign.

    1. ElvisaM profile image73
      ElvisaMposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Agree. He seems to be mirroring Kim And Adolf.

  11. profile image0
    roobposted 8 years ago

    The quran incites violence and he wants to calm down the rise of the religion in our country. If you don't believe it is violent, look it up. My Bible says God will take wrath for us, not that we should kill people.

    Also the illegals don't want to have to go through the immigration process. Our country has too many people & it is setup so the illegals just take from the system. They can steal and just get sent back over the border. They get the benefits we do but without the responsibility. Illegals need to go back they are hurting the people who cross legally. That is sick and they are greedy thiefs taking from those who play fair.

    Also people don't like change, they say if we haven't all died yet lets keep trying it lol.


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