What's hidden in Trump's Income Tax returns?

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  1. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 8 years ago

    What's hidden in Trump's Income Tax returns?

    Since there's so much speculation by Trump supporters about Hillary's supposed illegal woes-even if she hasn't been convicted or charged with anything--I'm looking for those same opiners  to speculate on what The Donald has to hide in his tax returns. Russian connections, a low tax rate, questionable contributions etc. Have at it conspiracy fans!


  2. tamarawilhite profile image83
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    I am more concerned about Hillary Clinton's use of the Clinton Foundation as a way to receive millions in international bribes for approvals for exports and removals from human rights watch lists, both an abuse of power and the legal definition of a non-profit. Their collecting of massive amounts of money for Haiti after the earthquake and then using it to build factories that benefit major donors is just one more scandal tied to it.

    1. Yossarian22 profile image60
      Yossarian22posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Still can't answer the questions as asked, eh? Let me repeat the question Randy asked, "What's hidden in Trump's Income Tax returns?" Don't talk about Hillary, Islam, or Haiti. Just ANSWER THE QUESTION!

    2. lovemychris profile image79
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      read kurt eichenwald on twiiter. he scoured the foundation and found no scandal. found they did a lot of good things for a lot of people, and their payout rate is better than the red cross! carville is right. someones going to hell over this.

    3. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yossarian, this was what I actually expected from the Trump supporters as a whole. I asked the question very plainly I thought. Some insight on their thinking processes ? smile

    4. Yossarian22 profile image60
      Yossarian22posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I have noticed that TW is a typical, major repetitive, non-thinking troll for Trump and Conservatives.

    5. Shyron E Shenko profile image71
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ms. Wilhite, you just made that up, didn't you? You really should be ashamed that you want to deprive folks who need help from the Clinton Foundation.

  3. Ken Burgess profile image70
    Ken Burgessposted 8 years ago

    What is hidden in Trump's tax returns?
    What is hidden in Hillary's emails?

    Doesn't matter what "side" you are cheering for, like the mob in a Roman Colosseum craving to see blood, too many are blind to reason or fact, blind to either the faults of Hillary or Trump, while all to willing to believe every slander against the other.

    Trump is clearly an 'outsider' and not part of the 'establishment' which many correctly see as the main problem. Many Americans have caught on to the fact that Rep or Dem don't matter, they all give lip service and then work together to serve the same lobbyists and corporations when they get into office.

    Those are the people supporting Trump, they aren't specifically Republican or Conservative, they are Independent and Democrats as well, they are people that are fed up with the corruption and cronies, they are people in touch with what is going on, and not dependant on being force fed BS by the media to believe in.

    They are the people who were labeled by others Tea Party, just normal Americans that didn't believe in Obamacare and knew it was a bunch of BS, that it wouldn't make things cheaper or easier for them, just make things worse... and it most definitely has for the overwhelming majority of Americans.

    I would prefer a different time, one where we don't have 20 Trillion in debt, where we aren't losing jobs to overseas, where someone with more executive experience like Ronald Reagan or even a Mitt Romney, were the choices... we're stuck with what we got.

    So it doesn't matter what is in Trump's taxes... it doesn't matter what about Clinton's emails... this election really is all about Outsider/Pro-American candidate VS Establishment Cronie/Globalist.

    That's where it will come down... the fanatical Left will vote Hillary, the fanatical Right certainly won't... and all the rest... the other 75% of Americans will decide just how fed up they are with Washington and the lies they have been fed for too many years now.

    And they won't care one wit about Trump's taxes.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ken, is this another non-answer from someone who cares not to vote? Or am I reading you wrong? You didn't make it clear who you prefer to lose....

    2. Yossarian22 profile image60
      Yossarian22posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's definitely another, non-answer. It is incredible how politicians and their fans will not answer direct questions.

    3. Shyron E Shenko profile image71
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ken you are a little late to the party, Hillary's e-mails were retrieved and investigated and nothing to be concerned about. But, this is what GOPs do "keep beating a dead ahorse"

    4. lovemychris profile image79
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      an outsidet who has enough clout to pay off an attorney general? dream on! hes in the club.

    5. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, shortly after Fla. AG Bondi announced she would investigate Trump U the Don contributed $25,000 to Bondi's re-election campaign and held a fundraiser which netted her another $140, 000. Needless to say, Bondi never mentioned Trump's case again.

    6. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Its not a non-answer, my answer is, it doesn't matter, who gives a rats' behind.  Clinton, Trump... one did it through politics and charities, the other through crafty, slick, even sinister business deals.

    7. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's great, Ken. You obviously don't care if Trump has dealings with Russia or Putin in particular. So you won't vote for either candidate. You realize of course you cannot bitch about the way the government is operated if you don't cast a ballot.

    8. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      REAL Law SUITs & REAL Law VIOLATIONs Separate a "Mentally Deranged 2 BIT SWINDLER like Donald & a Highly QUALIFIED Candidate in Hillary ~ Ken should "SEARCH" "FELIX Sater", a FRAUDSTER Closely ASSOCIATED with Donald & a $250 MILLION TAX S

    9. profile image53
      frumpletonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If you want a preview of what Trump would be like as president, take a look at Maine's Governor, Paul LePage.  You can google him and get a taste of it.

    10. lovemychris profile image79
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      many of trumps associates are in trouble...around the world. apparently, his father fred was "friends" with a lot of mobsters. and i know putin is prez, but cmon, he is kgb. people here like to drag down the gvt for being crooks, but what about biz!

  4. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    It isn't relevant. There is no legal requirement for him to make his taxes public. If the IRS is ok with it, then it is Ok.
    He unlike Hillary wasn't a part of the government, and while she could put the country in jeopardy with her actions, Trump can't affect the country.

    Delete this comment if you don't like my answer.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Brad, I'm proud to leave your comment as it proves my point about those who follow Trump. They are dedicated in their scrutiny of Hillary and do not care about the Don's possible illegalities at all. Thanks for not answering the question, Brad. tongue

    2. RJ Schwartz profile image83
      RJ Schwartzposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Randy -? Illegalities ?  The IRS is the decider of what's illegal and he's not in jail, so your argument is moot.


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