Would you support a voting boycott next election to insist politicians fix Ameri

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  1. Misfit Chick profile image77
    Misfit Chickposted 7 years ago

    Would you support a voting boycott next election to insist politicians fix America's voting issues?

    We've already seen what happens when most of the country doesn't vote - but, we're still here. People on both political sides have talked about how our election process needs to be fixed, updated or whatever. The topic often comes up, but after elections are over - it doesn't get talked much about again until the next election comes. If we took the time to alter our voting processes for the better - more people might come out to vote because they'll trust the process & feel that their vote will actually count. This 'movement' could become the new tea party, LoL! What do you think?


  2. AmitAlgotar profile image39
    AmitAlgotarposted 7 years ago

    Yes of course, If i was an american citizen i would definitely boycott the next election because it is the only tool through which you can force your govt. to make the necessary rectifications in the system. Nothing else would work out more effectively than Election Boycott.

    1. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Since voting does not directly elect the president it absolutely would not matter if you "boycotted" the election. The status quo rules here, not personal opinion. Become an American citizen&learn the process then talk about system rectifications

  3. Ivan Tod profile image58
    Ivan Todposted 7 years ago

    Boycotting any election in America is a treasonous, anti-American act. If you dislike the process, first you should learn about it then make an informed decision on the merits of its inception. If you are still displeased by it you have three choices; #1 - get over it, vote anyway and hope your choice for president gets enough electoral college votes to win; #2 - simply "opt out" of the process and accept the results, come what may, or; #3 - emigrate and start your life over somewhere else and hope the process there doesn't offend your sensibilities as much as it did in America.

    The problem is that, as per the desires of the founding fathers, popular presidential election votes do not elect the president. So, you can't change that process without throwing out the original intent and ideology.

    "Who selects the Electors?   https://www.archives.gov/federal-regist … ctors.html

    "...Choosing each state's Electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each state choose slates of potential Electors sometime before the general election. Second, on Election Day, the voters in each state select their state's Electors by casting their ballots for President..."

    ...There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. "

    As you can see "the people" only influence the election of the president, they do not determine it, as per the United States Constitution.
    The reason for this process is because the founding fathers really didn't want to leave the election of the president entirely up to the ignorant self serving desires of the masses and that still holds true today.
    So, in order to give the people 100% presidential election authority would undermine the ideology, intent and intellectual forethought put in to the creation of America itself, not to mention it would be an insult to those who died fighting for it. Besides that, imagine what would happen if they did give the people 100% election authority. In consideration of how people acted over President Trumps election we have seen the true volatile and indignant nature of 21st century Americans which would seem to have replaced the ignorant nature of those of the18th century.
    Either way, ignorance or volatile indignance, neither should be allowed to elect the president, and they don't. Should that be changed? With the way people are, definately not.

    1. Misfit Chick profile image77
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If we agree with your 1st sentence, 2/3rds of voters who stayed home bcuz they didn't like either candidate committed treason. We can do that again to make them re-analyze & update our system even if its only 4 tech & consistency across state

    2. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Simply not voting because 1 dislikes the choices is not treason,its neglect of civil responsibility. Boycotting elections is an attempt to undermine the system which IS treasonous. Systemically; anything short of a revolt has no chance for change.

  4. The0NatureBoy profile image56
    The0NatureBoyposted 7 years ago

    I do support boycotting the next election unless the "son of man" causes the impeachment of Trump and enter into the presidency to implement the U.S. Constitution as it is written and not as it is being practiced. If Trump remains president all elections, congressional, presidential and state, must follow the constitution or should be boycotted.

  5. Shyron E Shenko profile image72
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 7 years ago

    I think if we eliminated the Electoral College, more people would vote. That would be the only way every vote would count.

    1. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Most people actually think they elect the president and have no idea what or why the EC even is. Eliminating it won't make people any less ignorant. The system works fine, people need to adjust to it, not the other way around.

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The officials need to uphold the constitution we would not have parties, conventions, and the rest of the corruption in government. The people WOULD question every elected official on the constitution prior to their being considered for electing.

    3. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There's nothing wrong with our govt. The problem is that those who run it are human and have human faults. And guess what, those faulty people running it were put there by the American voters. So where does the real problem reside?

    4. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The People are the government of the USA and need to take the responsibility the constitution provided us over who We Choose and
      Elect to accomplishing the Preamble's intention. We allowed the governors to become corruption; studying it changes it

    5. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The people are NOT the govt of America & the constitution onlyprovides for us to elect the officials who are actually responsibility for picking the president. The underlying "we"of the"preamble"you mention is often misinterpreted to mean everyon

    6. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I understand, you can not comprehend that era's wording, you are entitle to your lack of understanding. The people elect them and DEMAND impeachments per Article 2.4 and Amendment 10 although I am the only person I know to attempt to use is.

    7. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Art.2,sec.4:The Pres.,Vice Pres. and all civil Officers of the United States,shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for,and Conviction of,Treason,Bribery,or other high Crime
      The high crime you want to impeach them for is only in your imagination

    8. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Perjury, felony, a High Crime above Misdemeanor; 9/11, treason none sought to punish makes all electorate treasonous per Article 3.3 and Amendments 10 gave both to The People since states follow fed's corruption. You're asking "what High Crime"?????

    9. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Valid example, yes.Things like that have always gone on and no one did anything about it then either.Seems the evolution of the concept of what is actionable has superceded the law itself. Perhaps Bush's "it's just a piece of paper" is true.

    10. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm working on an impeachment order to get everyone out of government's leadership positions except the 4 I'll use to purge government of its corruption due to 9/11 and wish I could because of WW 1 & 2 and Viet Nam.

    11. Ivan Tod profile image58
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well, you've got more guts than most, I'll give you that! Just be watchful of winding up on some govt. "watchlist". These days it doesn't take much to get a person flagged as a terrorist. And I'm sure you know what happens then. Good luck.

    12. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I've been there and have already had several attempts on my life that failed, I AM THAT I AM is protecting me to achieve e my destiny. https://hubpages.com/politics/Why-And-H … Overthrown is a version of it.


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