Of the 3 EQUAL branches of government, which branch is the FBI considered a part

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  1. Austinstar profile image86
    Austinstarposted 7 years ago

    Of the 3 EQUAL branches of government, which branch is the FBI considered a part of?

    1. The Department of Justice (Judiciary) 2. The Executive Branch, or 3. The Legislative branch.

  2. Genna East profile image91
    Genna Eastposted 7 years ago

    The FBI is one of the organizations that falls under the purview of US Department of Justice, which is under the Executive Branch, and is overseen by the Attorney General.

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      DOJ is Judiciary, as is the AG. But the AG is part of the executive cabinet. Justice = Judiciary. The Supreme court is Judiciary branch also. The courts and lawyers and enforcement are Judiciary.

    2. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The DOJ is not part of the "judiciary" in the sense that judiciary refers to the Judicial Branch and our system of courts. The Department of Justice (law enforcement) is under the Executive Branch -- not the Judicial Branch.

    3. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The FBI is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which serves as the nation's prime federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Departmen of Justice. Look up the FBI hierarchy.

    4. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I know what the FBI is, which I've sated in my previous comments.  You were incorrect about the DOJ is part of the Judicial Branch, or what you noted in your opening question:  "The Department of Justice (Judiciary)" as one of the three Branches.

    5. erin deng profile image59
      erin dengposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      my name is Erin i saw your profile here in hubpages.com and i like it please contact me here(eringdeng101@hotmail.com)i want to tell you something

  3. Shyron E Shenko profile image71
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 7 years ago

    The Executive Branch is over the Judiciary, the President as head of the Executive Branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet.
    I think this is wrong in other words the president should not be able to hire/fire and pick/choose anyone in the federal agencies. 
    Who am I to say that?  I am a voting citizen!

    Blessings my friend

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yup.  The DOJ is not part of the Judicial Branch of government, which is comprised of our Federal Courts.  The Supreme Court is the highest in the land.  Once a decision/interpretation is made by the Supremes, the lower courts are bound by it.

    2. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Genna, good comments!

    3. erin deng profile image59
      erin dengposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      my name is Erin i saw your profile here in hubpages.com and i like it please contact me here(eringdeng101@hotmail.com)is urgent

  4. lisavollrath profile image90
    lisavollrathposted 7 years ago

    You have your branches confused. Here they are, and how they work in terms of checks and balances:

    1. Judicial.
    Comprised of the Supreme Court and Federal court. The responsibility of this branch is to evaluate the laws, and overturn those ruled unconstitutional.

    2. Executive.
    The President, VP, and the Cabinet. The responsibility of this branch is to carry out laws, and appoint justices. The President can also veto laws made by the Legislative branch.

    3. Legislative.
    House and Senate. The responsibility of this branch is to make laws. Congress also approves Cabinet appointments, and can remove the President from office.

    So, to answer your question, the FBI answers to the Attorney General, who is part of the Cabinet. They're part of the Executive branch.

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The FBI is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which simultaneously serves as the nation's prime federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice (wikipedia)

    2. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Good comment, Lisa.  And you are correct.

    3. lisavollrath profile image90
      lisavollrathposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      And the highest official in the Dept. of Justice is the Attorney General. See the flowchart here: https://www.justice.gov/agencies/chart

    4. erin deng profile image59
      erin dengposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      my name is Erin i saw your profile here in hubpages.com and i like it please contact me here(eringdeng101@hotmail.com)there is something urgent

    5. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Erin, you should not give out your email in a public forum. You also appear to be a troll. You may contact me through fan mail here at HP if it's so urgent.

  5. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 7 years ago

    There are no EQUAL 3 branchesof Gov't, Exec and Judiciary have grown in power over the decades

    1. Austinstar profile image86
      Austinstarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Just pretend we still live under the structural rules of the US Constitution then. Does anyone know someone who works at the FBI who could perhaps answer this question?

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