Love Is All That Matters-So Why Does Everyone Spend More Time Making Money Inste

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  1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
    wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years ago

    Love Is All That Matters-So Why Does Everyone Spend More Time Making Money Instead of Making Love?

    A utopian society cannot be realized within the constraints of Capitalism , warmongering Imperialist regimes, and punitive measures implemented by the city,state, and federal government to extort revenue from the citizenry. Dropping bombs on innocent civilians only creates more animosity and tension. America long ago ruined her chance at greatness by enslaving the African and committing genocide against the Indigenous. The insatiable lust for personal financial gain at the expense of human life is destroying the human race. The answer to my question is cowardice, indifference, and greed.

  2. lovemychris profile image83
    lovemychrisposted 7 years ago

    The potential for greatness is still here. The potential for ending this war-mongering, planet-killing paradigm is alive and kicking. It will happen with or without our consent. Its cosmic, and we are mere pebbles on the shore of this magnificent, incredible universe. As one who came 2000 years ago said, all your tears will be dried, and you will cry no longer.
    We have potential. Its buried underneath mounds of BULLSHIT, but it is there.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. But the tyrants won't give up without a fight. For them, a world where they would no longer have power and control would be like a living hell.

    2. lovemychris profile image83
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Kind of too bad for them. Cause its going to happen. No fight neccessary, just refuse to go along w it.They may think they can kill us off and replace us with robots, but the Human spirit is stronger than that.As it says, we stand higher than angels.

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    Since I am keeping vampire hours, I will respond to the question at hand.  Money is an extremely important currency in this world.  Money is the difference between living a cultivated, civilized life & just existing at the basic animal level, constantly worrying about food, clothing, & shelter.  Smart, intelligent people want to make as much money as they can for they realize that money affords them a better lifestyle through housing, clothing, food, medical care, education, travel, & things beyond the rudiments & bare survival.

    Don't you realize that the majority of people are one-half to one & a half paychecks away from destitution & homelessness.  Even the solidly middle & upper middle class are approximately two to three paychecks away from destitution & homelessness.  So people are right to concentrate on making money.  The question you pose is totally adolescent, even puerile in nature.  Love doesn't put food on the table, protect one from the cold, & guard your future- however, MONEY does that.

    Money for the most part, rules societies.  Those who have money are on top of the game & they OWN.  They have power.  They have the power of influence whether it is politics, religion, fashion, business, & other issues.  Those w/o money are at the mercy of society.  They have to take & put up w/what they can get.  So money is EXTREMELY important, if not the most important thing.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Money is an abstract concept  created as a means to subjugate the masses. Once money has been made obsolete evil men will no longer have control. Money is not required for a vibrant economy. It is only required to keep tyrants in power.

    2. ptosis profile image68
      ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You are talking about the discredited theory of social Dawinsim. The Iroquois were not 'cave men' &  were more sophisticatedicated in human rights than conquering Europeans. So ...... Get off you high horse Ma'am.  Errrr. Not talking about Aztecs

    3. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The Arawak, the  Taino people were healthy and happy when Columbus arrived.  He revealed this in his journal. They did not have a monetary system such as this. This is a system of slavery.

    4. lovemychris profile image83
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Ive seen it called babylonian debt slavery. Watch katy perry video "chained to the rhythm" on depiction of our situation

  4. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 7 years ago

    "Love Is All That Matters-So Why Does Everyone Spend More Time Making Money Instead of Making Love?" Because making love (legally) won't pay your bills.
    The only way this ideology would work is if everyone became 100% self-sufficient not requiring products or services from anyone else. In other words build your own home complete with furnishings, grow your own food, and figure out ways to generate power and create your own plumbing system.
    I imagine before there was an agreed upon money/banking system people used the barter system for exchanging their skills and services along with products they own in exchange for other products. Having more money gives one more "options" and the ability to live a more comfortable lifestyle. Very few people would be content with the basic needs.
    1. Air
    2. Water
    3. Food
    4. Shelter
    5. Clothing
    All of the above can be had in any jail or prison.
    It's our "wants" and "would be nice to haves" that motivate us to make more money.
    Given a choice between being "equal" or "special" most people would choose special. Just about everyone loves VIP treatment.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We R currently living in a prison, as there are degrees of captivity.Your outlook is based on propaganda.There R enough resources on Earth 4 all to enjoy an opulent lifestyle.But the problem is that the rich would be powerless without the poor.

    2. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Your outlook is based on propaganda" Really?
      I know myself well enough to know I'm better off buying a home than living in one that (I) built. I'm grateful we live in an era where we can buy from each other those things we lack skill to make.

    3. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You outlook is based on a capitalist paradigm. From a perspective within  "their" system U are correct. But without a system of money you could also have your house built by a professional builder.

    4. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this


    5. lovemychris profile image83
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Who made it important?

    6. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's only important because tyrants have made the rules and forced everyone to follow. When the people  agree that the Emperor is naked the house of cards falls down.

  5. Stella Kaye profile image83
    Stella Kayeposted 7 years ago

    Because love doesn't pay the bills or put bread on the table.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You are absolutely correct. Now, please examine the "why". When you explore the "why" of it all  you will find you are staring at a big empty black hole. Because there is no good reason why.

    2. Stella Kaye profile image83
      Stella Kayeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The 'why' is because we're all cogs in the wheel of civilization that keeps on turning. We need money to survive, only when you have enough do you think about things such as love or you'll end up an impoverished, lovelorn poet starving in a garret.

    3. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Go farther  down the rabbit hole! A man dies of liver cancer, but the greater truth may be that it was because of AIDS. The "why" here  is the lie, and the system created by tyrants to enslave the masses. Destroy the system and love prevails.

    4. Stella Kaye profile image83
      Stella Kayeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If you google Dr. Guy Mcpherson, one of his quotes is ''At the edge of extinction only love remains.' He's an environmental biologist who thinks we're nearing the point where civilization collapses due to abrupt climate change and extinction follows.

    5. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That is very poetic. I wish I had said that. I will search for him. Thank you! I have only composed one quote, or axiom: "Being born is the most severe form of suicide. Not ending in a moment. But one moment ending for a lifetime".

    6. Stella Kaye profile image83
      Stella Kayeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have a few quotes of my own. Here's one which I think is appropriate for this thread as money doesn't come into the equation:

      'We all have red blood, share the same rock and breathe the same air'

    7. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like that!  "Hold the sugar and cream, just give it to me black.". I found  "Human Extinction Inevitable" on YouTube. I'm watching now. Thanks! I'm not a very happy go lucky sort of guy. This will be right in step with my dystopian world view.


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