SYNGENTA develops, markets and sells five product-lines for pesticides.
1. selective herbicides,
2. non-selective herbicides,
3. fungicides,
4. insecticides
5. seed care.
Three seed-product lines include corn and soya, other field crops and vegetables. In 2014, sales from crop-protection products accounted for 75% of total sales. Field crop seeds include both hybrid seeds and genetically engineered seeds, some of which enter the food chain and become part of genetically modified food.
In 2010, the US EPA approved insecticidal trait stacks including Syngenta's AGRISURE VIPTERA™ gene, which offers resistance to certain corn pests. Syngenta cross-licenses its proprietary genes with Dow AgroSciences and thus is able to include Dow's Herculex I and Herculex RW insect resistance traits in its seeds. It sells a VMAX soybean that is resistant to glyphosate herbicide. Atrazine, a triazine herbicide, is used to prevent pre- and post- emergence of broadleaf weeds in corn and sugarcane crops. Atrazine has been banned in the European Union… The European Commission decided to suspend use of the company's insecticide Cruiser (thiamethoxam, TMX) on crops pollinated by bees, yet it is one of the most widely used herbicides in US.
Check out: Meeting Behind Closed Doors … teams.html
Key Syngenta brands include:
Actara (Thiamethoxam)
Agrisure (corn with Viptera trait)
Alto (Cyproconazole)
Amistar (azoxystrobin)
Avicta, Axial, Bicep II
Celest, Cruiser (TMX, Thiamethoxam),
Golden Harvest
Northrup-King (NK)
according to wikipedia
How can deregulating protect the environment the regulations put in effect are there to protect? I don't see how anything Trump is doing will benefit the United States' people nor territory. He is like an arrogant child who knows nothing but because he can achieve his unconstitutional demands knowing the constitution ignoring congress will allow his plans to be put in effect.
This is why Trump is defending corrupt sleazeball Scott Pruitt. Pruitt is doing the dirty work of dismantling environmental regulations.
Why do you think Trump wants such deregulation?
He has so many investments in environmental destroying industry that he will profit from it is what I believe.
I know he has investments in the oil company he allowed to cross the Lakota's land in violation of the Treaty with the Natives (See Article 6). Their territories are their's independent of US governmental control which they are allowed to protect from undesired access. That is an impeachable act since he took the oath to protect the Constitution.
So, somehow he will get monetary profits from it.
That is right. I was hoping Kathryn, who I believe is a Trump supporter, would consider the question of why corruption is tolerated at the highest levels while deregulation occurs. This dismantling of regulations that protect us, the little people, is happening in other agencies as well, not just the EPA.
Look Out Everyone The Sky is Falling ! OIl is running in the streets , coal dust is falling from the sky , Space junk is colliding with high rises , the ocean is in flames burning , does anyone smell that global warming ?
Now we not only have Trump Obstruction we have mass public delusion .
Its what I was waiting for: A reason to not believe him. A reason to not belive in him.
I really don't believe he even believes in God. Whoever believes in God also believes in NATURE/ Big Spirit.
Its one thing to be an honest atheist. Its another to state you believe in God, but in all actuality DON'T.
There are serious ramifications for lying about one's belief.
He needs to prove his belief in God/ Nature, which includes US.
Heck no, of course he won't. Deregulation is what gets us into a recession every time, then the Dems get back into power and regulations are passed again. It's a never-ending cycle, and one day it will go past the point of no return. Nobody ever learns a lesson. King money rules! We have the Trump thumpers who think that everything Trump says is the gospel.What's a little carbon in the air?" they say. "So what if people die of cancer from these pesticides and other leaks into the environment?"
??? Deregulation, allowing companies to do more work, hire more people and earn more money, brings about a recession? You lost me there - can you expand on that?
I don't need to expand. One word explains it all. BANKS. But then I could add savings and loan institutions. Remember the 1980s? Our taxpayer money bailed out Bank of America et al. Savings and loans went under and were either dissolved or bought out. Some of the forced buyouts were banks that did not want to buy out a bank in trouble. Some deregulation, huh!
Also the deregulation of broadcasting. Many of us in broadcasting lost our jobs due to deregulation. The industry became automated, the General Licenses for engineers were abolished and the requirement that all stations have an engineer on duty if their transmitters were a certain wattage or more, or have an engineer on call if under that wattage, was repealed. My husband was both a station engineer and a consultant, so there was no need for him or others in his profession. My 3rd class license was abolished, and I was no longer a licensed broadcaster. That deregulation affected my family directly because there were five of us who were broadcasters, me, my two sons, my husband and my ex-husband (my children's father).
I guess you are too young to remember the deregulation of the 1980s. But you will recall the housing boom/bust of 2008, when a similar mortgage loan fiasco occurred. The stock market fell and I lost 20% of my investment in that "just a little adjustment." But only 20% was lucky. I know people who lost their entire IRAs and pensions in the fallout that followed.
Your answer is one of naiveté. Deregulation results in just the opposite. Fewer jobs, requiring people to do the work of more than one person, poor quality workmanship, sending jobs to countries with cheaper labor. I put in 80 hour weeks during 80s deregulation before I lost my job in the industry. Yep, it's all a big naive bubble, and there is no trickle down. The 1980s proved that.
We never learn. We are about to repeat the cycle. This time may be the point of no return.
Hello again MizBejabbers, It seems you are talking about different types of deregulation. The easiest to understand is the deregulation of the financial interests. As your examples show, the deregulation removed consumer protections that served a protectionist purpose. And your use of that example is more than appropriate, but your broadcaster's license examples are a different matter. That deregulation seems to fit the acceptance of technological advancements. I understand it was harmful to your family to lose those protections, but wouldn't those changes relate to the union-busting rules that eliminated the requirement, (a kind of regulation), of 'oilers' on the newer diesel and electric trains? They just weren't needed any longer for the function of the service.
Technology made those Engineer and broadcast license, (well, at least the Engineers part), jobs unnecessary. Deregulation only alleviated an unwarranted burden on station operations.
**I know that gives short shrift to your example, but it does address the point.
Sounds like you made the proverbial mistake in the eighties "putting all your eggs in one basket " , EVERYONE lost in the eighties because of the empty valued housing bubble burst , too many banks put ALL "our" eggs there but deregulating didn't cause that , the accounts we all signed without reading the "fine print" did , like house mortgages , car leases ,face book accounts , insurance coverages ......etc.. .
GA. Deregulation is deregulation, and I think you got off the subject of the environment anyway.
AHB your explanation doesn't hold water. Deregulation caused the "fine print" to be allowed. You ultra conservatives can't see past your nose.
"So what if people die of cancer from these pesticides and other leaks into the environment?"
I'm appalled. He can commit adultery all he wants …(not really, that was bad enough,) but adulterating the environment?
adulterate |əˈdəltəˌrāt| verb
render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one
adulterator |-ˌrātər | noun
make impure, degrade, debase, spoil, taint, contaminate; doctor, tamper with, dilute, water down, weaken; bastardize, corrupt; cut, spike, lace, dope. ANTONYMS purify.
His sons shoot big game in Africa.
He says he prefers golf.
The decedents of the original Native Americans are "laughing all the way to the bank," when they get back their lands. But they will be dead and polluted. Hopefully, In time, they can restore this nation to its natural wonder.
Yes, I do believe we descendants of the invaders of this land will kill ourselves off ...
If Trump and future leaders allow/promote pollution of water, soil, seeds and vegetation.
We need regulation in many instances. Its too late in the game to get rid of them.
As with all human endeavors meant for good, sometimes we go too far This applies to both regulating for the protection of all of us and deregulating for the benefit of businesses. Sometimes, we don't discern the right balance until it's too late.
Very true. One has only to look at some of the old mines, or at Flint, to see the effects of under-regulation. Or at the NW logging industry and the spotted owl to see the opposite.
Of course, the right balance is never apparent, and doubly so when we have such loud voices on each side, screaming for the ultimate both ways.
What we are witnessing now is the beginning of this civilization's termination and, accordingly, this U.S. of America is supposed to a place where its merchants "stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!" and is to happen prior to the destruction of the rest of the nations. So, it will be somewhere around 91+ thousand years when the natives of this land will regain it.
Along with the foregoing, Trump is not supposed to complete this term, maybe not even another 2 months, and the "son of man" is supposed bring world peace before the foregoing happens. When/if the "son of man" gets in control most of the things happening even what … overnment/ is saying will change. What he is talking about is Biblically called Lucifer's fall from power and becomes like the rest of us. That is supposed to happen and allow, according Christian's beliefs, 7 years before the finial termination of this civilization.
That is the way prophecy should be interpreted to say. Israel became a nation in 1948 (Isaiah 11:10-12 interprets Matthew 24:32-34's fig tree budding and passing of a generation per Psalms 90:10), 80 years from that year means civilization is to no longer be in existence. Prior to that the "son of man" is to bring a world peace (Isaiah 2:2-4 & Revelation 7:1-3) for the sealing of those to survive, 10% (of world population) virgins per Matthew 25:1-13 with only 5% surviving.
Revelation 13:5 say this nation is only supposed to survive through 42 presidents (months) and the 22nd & 24th were the same person while Harrison discarnated 31 days after the oath without doing any presidential services eliminates him which make trump the president the "son of man" takes of=ver from to bring world peace.
That's how I read them.
Kathryn , Are you an environmental voter ? Did you know that California has ten of the worst polluting cities in America , is it true California pollutes so much that they actually get to write their own EPA pollution standards ? Is it True that's why the rest of us have stickers on our lawn mowers and weed whackers saying "This machine cannot be sold in California ?" Last question , a side issue , Of all the native American tribes , did you know that California has one of the worst records of treatment of native Americans in America ?
"Are you an environmental voter?"
I study environmental issues very carefully, so as not to be tricked into voting unwisely … for more taxes.
"Did you know that California has ten of the worst polluting cities in America?"
No, I did not.
"Is it true California pollutes so much that they actually get to write their own EPA pollution standards?" I had no idea!
"Is it true that's why the rest of us have stickers on our lawn mowers and weed whackers saying 'This machine cannot be sold in California?'
"Of all the native American tribes, did you know that California has one of the worst records of treatment of native Americans in America?"
I have a book explaining how Father Serra's soldiers treated California's native people.
Jerry Stanley in "Digger" writes: "They (California Indians)) didn't wear much clothing because it wasn't needed. They lived in temporary villages, which enabled them to move and keep their diet healthy. if disease hit a tribelet and no cure could be found, they burned the village, moved to another site, and started again. Their shamans, or doctors, used elk clover to heal sores, buckhorn cholla to soothe burns, and milfoil (yarrow) for stomachaches, colds and sore eyes. One fourth of all the medicines developed in the United states came from the hundreds of plants the native Americans used." Page 23.
On Page 35:
"Serra was never able to control the soldiers and make peace with the Diegueno, let alone persuade them to help build the mission. So he used soldiers to capture Indians. Mounted on horses and armed with guns and ropes, the soldiers rode through the villages, seizing Diegueno men and women, who were marched, force to live in it, and put to work building it. The practice stared in San Diego , was followed in the early years of the other missions: forced labor and forced instruction in the Spanish way of life, along with the inducements of food and clothing. One priest called the gifts of food and clothing, "the bait for spiritual fishing," and he said that without these inducements, and the soldiers, and the soldiers,the priests would have failed to build a single mission."
Trump takes credit for saving Monsanto jobs.
I am not allowed to live and grow healthy food on my off the Corperate grid village. I gave up , because agenda 21 is coming.
I knew that some of that was true, including some people being fined for going off the electrical grid. Does that mean that you can't even grow a personal garden?
They have stop many people from growing gardens, telling us it is not safe. They want to destroy the country living and farming and force people to live in the city for total control. About 80℅of our food comes from 1500 miles away.
Gosh, that sounds unconstitutional. Whatever happened to "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" Oh, I forgot, you are a Canadian. I don't know what your constitution says, but some off the grid folks are persecuted here is the U.S., too. My son has purchased some acreage in the Texas Hill country and is clearing the land to build an underground house. He plans to live off the grid. I don't know what Texas laws are, so we will see what happens.
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Why is it so hard for people to realize that our environment is being depleted at a fast rate?
by Phoebe Pike 13 years ago
I know a lot of people say we aren't doing enough to protect the environment, while others say we do too much, which side do you belong to and why?
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