Trump Economy In Doomed Irreparable Chaos And Disarray

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  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Unprecedented instability, we’ve never experienced anything as chaotic and destructive as this: Greatest stock market crash in history, Unilateral trade wars with our allies instigated recklessly by Mr. Trump which is killing jobs for his own voters and everyone else, Americans dropping out of the work force because they can’t find livable wage employment, no pay raise as promised except for trillions in corporate welfare tax cuts that enrich his elite Wall Street pals, gas prices through the roof, NATO collapsing due to Donald’s delusionally reckless anti-American thought process and his obvious and documented allegiance and obedience to our enemies:

    All tallied, it spells a gigantic economic mess, except of course for extremely high net worth Wall Street greed mongers who believe they are entitled to pillage the United States of America and pay nothing in return, they’re doing just fine under Mr. Trump: How on Earth do we reverse Mr. Trump's doomed economy?

    1. Mike Hardy profile image72
      Mike Hardyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      So I see this morning that Canadians are boycotting US goods and cancelling travel,plans to the states.

      When you loose the hearts and minds of Canada, you’re doomed. I’m pulling back on equities over the summer. I think it will go over the cliff in November.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        What , You don't think these minor situations happen normally in trade negotiations ?    Perhaps we can convince Mexico to stop the illegal immigration  by the same standards .     Canadians and American always vary in inter-tourism mostly because of the dollar values .  If America cannot stop the manipulation of SOME extreme trade deficits with Canada or any country you pay for it in the price you pay for certain products , foods and even activities , doesn't that bother you at all ?


        1. Mike Hardy profile image72
          Mike Hardyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Nope...not in the slightest.  To me living in Michigan, Canada is almost another state. What this administration is doing to Canada relations is pathetic.

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I agree Mike, and it's not only pathetic that Mr. Trump is swiftly and unapologetically severing our once strong, unmovable relationship with our close ally Canada, but it has caused a national security and economic crisis for us here in the United States:

            Only someone like Mr. Trump could possibly find a way to turn a peaceful, solid and loyal country like Canada into a foe from a close friend while coddling our arch enemies: UNREAL and dangerously absurd:

            Extremely reckless and imprudent action by Mr. Trump which is already hurting his own voters and the rest of us, all because his mind tells him he must simply do the exact opposite of what is normal, good and righteous despite the detrimental consequences:

    2. Ewent profile image58
      Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      The best analogy that Trump supporters hate most when you remind them that Trump's claims of unprecedented economic success is due to the Obama policies is this.

      Republican president, Ronald Reagan, suffered a massive 2nd term recession. George H.W. Bush was not re-elected because Reaganomics carried over into GHWB's one term presidency.

      Americans were not fooled then and we are not fooled now by Trump's false claims.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely Ewent: We need more rational sensible truth telling voices such as yours around here more often considering it appears as if HP is unfortunately rapidly evolving into a crazy right wing lunatic ‘Alex Jones / Breitbart’ factless conspiracy style site, just look at all the 'conspiracy style' discussions in the menu for politics

        But you are correct, cry baby conservative republicans like Sean Hammity and the rest whine and moan all day long about socialism as a replacement for FAILED republican capitalism which transfers all of our money to extremely wealthy mongers, but then say absolutely nothing about Bozo Trump’s billion dollar socialist bailout given to our farmers to try and solve a massive economic problem that Bozo himself created by implementing his insanely reckless tariffs which equate to a massive tax increase on American consumers: How’s that for absurdly dangerous incompetence?

        The incompetent old man in the oval office creates a massive problem for our farmers by implementing unnecessary, price inflating tariffs that almost every expert warned him not to, then he finds out later he needs to give them billions in socialist bailouts so they can try to survive: That's the INSANE  place we're at right now:

        UNREAL: and many former Trump fans are finally catching on to his con-job: Mr. Trump apparently disregarding the experts and doing his level best to sabotage the incredibly robust economy President Obama generously gifted to him with his crazy reckless trade wars WITH OUR ALLIES !!!!: Insane: Is he that dumb or is there something more sinister at play here, like perhaps orders from Vladimir Putin to undermine and weaken the USA and her allies, because that's his only major accomplishment to date:

  2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Breaking BIG ******* : If you think Mr. Trump's nose bleed gas prices are killing consumers at the pump, just wait until the detrimental effects of his recklessly insane 'trade wars' start kicking in: Mr. Trump, otherwise known as Russian sympathizer extraordinaire, truly believe he's getting some kind of 'peace prize' for 'nuclear war' brinkmanship, so what kind of prize should we give him for doing exactly what Vladimir Putin would want him to do, sabotaging the global economy?

    "Canada hits back at U.S. with dollar-for-dollar tariffs on steel, aluminum, maple syrup"

    "Canada is countering the United States' move to slap punishing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports by imposing dollar-for-dollar tariffs of its own on everything from steel products to maple syrup.

    Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canada is hitting back with duties of up to $16.6 billion on some steel and aluminum products and other goods from the U.S. — including beer kegs, whisky, toilet paper and "hair lacquers." … -1.4685242

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      So , let Canada hit back !     Jake come to the border here watch the Canadian trucks cross the border or at the Mexican border , Go to SF harbor , LA. ,   Do you think for one minute that Trump won't protect America first , who are YOU actually rooting for ?      Do you ever wonder why Trump followers despise your hatred of all things Trump , No matter the trade beneficiary

      Never mind , we ALL know who you Root for .

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Destroying our economy and intentionally inflating prices of EVERYTHING Americans need to purchase and driving many into poverty by instituting his insanely reckless trade war with just about all of our allies is protecting Vladimir Putin's and Russia's interests, not Americas nor its peoples:

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Jake "wake up call ",  poverty in America ?   Show me poverty in America  Jake ,  I'm  not talking about the chosen homeless  either ,  As the rich have become richer in America  so too have the poorer become better off .
          Fact !     I'm sick of the "poor " in America who have the best cell phones ,  I pads ,prescription drug addictions ,  couple cartons of cigarettes every  week ,  medical pot , nicer cars than I have , FHA  mortgages ,.......and every excuse to NOT work known to modern man . This  "poor " is all over the place  , show us the real poor .

      2. Mike Hardy profile image72
        Mike Hardyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        This administration is woefully ignorant of a JIT economy. We ship engines to Canada from Dundee, Michigan and Canada’s does final assembly and ships back minivans. The steel tariffs are going to drive the cost of trucks and SUVs into the six figure range in a few short years. I see all the actions that this regime is doing has the final act and dealt rattle of the GOP. Sad.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          If the tariff adds $1,000 to the cost of the steel in a car, what makes you think the price of the car will rise by $70,000?  Are you simply exaggerating, or do you honestly believe the manufacturer will profit an additional $69,000 because of a $1,000 tariff?

          1. Randy Godwin profile image59
            Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Where did you get the $1000 figure from, Dan? And are you sure the steel would be the only thing affected in a vehicle?

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              A guess.  I highly doubt the tariff will add that much, but others might claim so.  Do you have a better estimate, given the ton or so of steel in a SUV?

              Does it make a real difference, given the $70,000 projected increase in cost?

              1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Okay, I just wondered if other parts in the vehicle would be affected by the tariffs. When we were in Whistler I bought a pack of cigarettes for $20 and wondered why they were so high. Turns out we charge a 370% tariff on tobacco products imported into Canada. So these tariffs work both ways.

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Didn't realize we were charging a tariff on EXports.  Give our state of trade imbalance, that doesn't make much sense.  I know we charge an IMport tariff on tobacco, but that's to reduce consumption more than anything (use the pocketbook to enforce desired behavior).

                  Are you sure it wasn't Canada charging a tariff?  They want a pretty heft duty/customs for travelers bringing tobacco into the country...

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                    Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    The way I understand it is Canada charges a 240% tariff on imported dairy goods and we charge them a 370% tariff on exported tobacco products. I heard this from an economic guy on TV so I can't swear to its accuracy.  We have tariffs working both ways we don't really hear about so it's hard to get a handle on trade deficits.

        2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Mike Hardy & Randy, you're absolutely correct: Mr. Trump's recklessly insane trade wars with the world has a severe detrimental 'chain effect' and the total cost to consumers could be astronomical just like when the auto industry was in dire straights under George Bush Junior, it not only jeopardized the auto workers, but all the second and third party sub-contractors which supplied parts and services to the auto industry:

          Fortunately the industry was saved once Mr. Bush left office:

          If they hadn't already, I guess his voters are finally discovering Mr. Trump really could care less about the little guy or the working class as long as his elite Wall Street pals are enriched with corporate welfare tax cuts on our dime:

          Mr. Trump is reckless, ignorant, mentally unstable and so out of control even the ultra conservative Koch Brothers are going to war with him: Many of Mr. Trump's own voters will be forced into poverty and or bankruptcy because of his mind boggling actions and I'm not surprised to hear Canadians are boycotting American products, how else could they possibly respond to Mr. Trump maniacally blowing up the global economy for absolutely no reason other than the fact that it's the exact opposite of normal, good and politically correct?

          You know you're on the verge of impeachment and or indictment when the Koch Brothers are preparing to CLOCK you:

          "Koch Network Planning Major Campaign Against Trump's Tariffs"

          "The political network backed by billionaires Charles and David Koch said Monday it’s planning a “multi-year, multi-million-dollar” campaign to promote free trade and oppose President Donald Trump’s moves to impose tariffs on billions of dollars worth of imports.

          The effort will include advertising, voter mobilization and lobbying in an attempt to “transform the way Washington and the rest of the country consider and value trade with other nations,” according to a joint statement from three Koch groups."

 … -s-tariffs

          1. Mike Hardy profile image72
            Mike Hardyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I’m tired of smuggling Caramilk, Smarty’s and Molson Export back to the states. I wish it was more open. I would like to see a HBC shop near Detroit.

  3. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 6 years ago

    If the damage is irreparable, and worse than the great depression, why are you still here?  Any reasonable person that knows such a thing would be long gone.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You stayed during Obama's terrible years in office, didn't you?  That "why don't you leave then" BS works both ways, Dan. tongue

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        ??  How so?  There was never a chance that we could not recover from Obama's machinations, but Jake says the end of the country is very near, that we cannot recover from the horrors just around the corner.  "Irreparable chaos and disarray" was the terminology.

        Under those circumstances no one that could hitch hike to the Mexican border and go south to Guatemala would hesitate!

  4. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

    I've never in my life felt such confidence in a President of the United States of America. I've never in my life felt our economy was as secure as it is now. Hey guess what? The actual facts back up my feelings. You know, it's the opposite of being delusional.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That's so deep, Wesman…..

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Wesman, That IS IT exactly ,  The American people have spoken this exact  language for decades and finally someone is listening , Trump !

      Listening and doing !

    3. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not suggesting that Wesman and shorseback are two of the afflicted, but I find cult victims typically think the same way: I guess some people enjoy paying $500 per month for gasoline instead of $250 per month or even less as it was on average during President Obama's tenure:

      This Trump economy is in utter chaos and spiraling rapidly toward hell, and that's a fact, hopefully Mueller's criminal investigation of the Trump campaign will be accelerated soon to a final result for Donald, or Stormy's law suits will stop him in his tracks before we hit rock bottom never to return to the greatness we had before:

      Even republicans in congress are turning on Mr. Trump and his insanity of executing an agenda that Vladimir Putin would be proud of: They should be commencing impeachment hearings ASAP against Trump for his ineptitude, retardation, criminal acts and acts of treason, but I guess for now until all Russian controlled republicans are REMOVED from congress in NOV, this is a start to stave off his evil doings: 

      "Congressional Republicans lining up against Trump on trade"

      "Washington (CNN)Republicans on Capitol Hill were fuming after the White House abruptly announced it would begin imposing steel and aluminum tariffs Friday on US allies Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

      The move Thursday came after Republicans had tried to convince the administration for months to target China with tariffs rather than US trading partners, and it could trigger Republicans on Capitol Hill to consider taking action against their own President on trade." … index.html

      1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        CNN is fake news. Everyone knows this. Have you been living under a rock, or suffered some sort of TBI where you think CNN and Mother Jones are actual sources of factual news? LOL What a trip. It's hard to believe someone literally thinks CNN is credible for anything other than satire. or parody.

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Wesman, I understand Trump fans are loyal regardless of what he does to them, but I'd appreciate if you'd refrain from the personal attacks:

          Before you dig yourself a hole all the way to Trump's China, a place where according to the constitution, he is currently engaged in illegal business dealings, are you saying the report about republicans turning on Mr. Trump's crazy trade war plans which will benefit only Russia is untrue? Because I can provide much more factual evidence that it is indeed accurate:

          If you own a car, truck, van, motor home or moped, how do you like Mr. Trump's nose bleed gas prices?:

          1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Trump's gas prices? Is this your first summer in America?

            Do you think the POTUS sets the gas prices? Where did you go to school?

            I'm trying to guess at the education level of a person who thinks the POTUS sets the prices for gasoline. Oh man, that's an education I very much wish to be informed much more thoroughly about!

            I beseech of you, Sir, please tell me where you got the idea that the POTUS was the person who set the prices for gasoline.

            1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
              JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              No, generally the POTUS is a little more intelligent and careful not to ignite instability in the middle east, but we don't have a real president now who is concerned with the USA or how much money you need to spend to survive as long as Melanie his wife has health insurance, he's a little more concerned with cowering to Vladimir Putin and enriching himself, so for Mr. Trump, shooting off his big dumb recklessly inept mouth just comes naturally for him and so do extremely high gas prices as a detrimental consequence:

              His retarded threats to Iran, moving the embassy and bombing of Syrian targets and his general chaos, are just a few reasons why you pay about double in gas prices and they may even continue to rise precipitously going forward so buckle up:

              BTW, you still have failed to tell us what is inaccurate about that damning CNN report I posted previously which indicates republicans will try to stop your heroe's insane trade war notions: I guess CNN is pretty good at what they do after all and your assertion that they are fake is actually fake:

              1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
                Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                So the middle east is stable when Trump is not POTUS? Did you ever study history, even in the public schools?

                Everyone knows CNN is fake news. There is no reason for me, or for anyone to look at a CNN report to say whether or not, or what or not is fake in the report. It is CNN, and that is quite enough to discredit everything or any one thing said.

                It's not something new. CNN has been fake news for decades. How could you literally not know this?

                Oh wait, you're a person who thought the middle east was stable before our greatest POTUS of my lifetime was elected.

                ...and you really have the gumption to call our POTUS retarded. Sir, have you ever owned or even looked into a mirror?

                1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                  Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Let me guess Wesman, you trust Sean Hannity to tell you what to think? lol

                  1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
                    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Even a clown who lost his big red nose could do better than that, if only he tried. Hope you still got your clown shoes, Spanky Godwin.

                  2. Moderndayslave profile image60
                    Moderndayslaveposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Actually , whose telling you what to think. Mika? 
           … ple-think/

  5. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    If you think Mr. Trump caused nose bleed gas prices and overall severe economic instability, this is just the beginning, wait until his insane tariff trade war kicks into high gear: In his wildest dreams, Vladimir Putin couldn't conceive of doing a better, more detrimentally efficient job of dividing us from our close, historically significant allies while decimating the U.S. economy: … iffs-97685

  6. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    Jake the latest is NY AG is suing Spanky and family over the Trump Foundation's using it for paying legal bills and other unrelated expenses it shouldn't have.  This one gets the attention of the Liar-In-Chief I bet! :lol

    1. Ewent profile image58
      Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Randy, If it was I Or should that be "me?," I'd want to know where all that RNC re-election campaign money that is paying legal bills for those who require lawyers before they appear before Mueller.

      For example, most of these lawyers are high end who get $1000/hr. And with this type of investigation coming out with new evidence every day, these legal beagles are likely to be paid on a 24/hr retainer basis. Not even the RNC can raise that kind of money. But, we know who can...the Saudis and Russians who are now implicated in helping Trump win an election.

      Most of us in the NY/NJ Metro area didn't believe it was possible Trump could get one past the government goalies. But, the more evidence that comes out, the worse the Trump campaign is implicated.

      Now, that meeting in the Seychelles with Don Jr., Manafort, Eric "Blackwater" Prince and a Russian Oligarch is know to have been organized by Michael Cohen, the lawyer Trump threw under a bus calling him a "coffee boy" and saying he didn't see Cohen very much.

      With regard to the US economy, I am fairly certain that wheeler dealer Trump won't lose a dime of his profits he's gained so far from his WH occupancy. But since he is now making deals with China, Russia and the Saudis, he smells more profits, not for the US but for himself

      Already, it is a fact that Iskanka and Jared Kushner are suddenly $22 million richer than they were prior to Daddy Dearest sitting in the Oval Office making business deals for his little Princess and her Prince.

      All it would take now if for North Korea to back down from its so called flimsy agreement and invade South Korea, a 5 generation dream of the UN dynasty, and the richest men in the US go dead broke.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, Jared and Ivanka made over 80 million last year while being "advisors" in the WH. The entire family is profiting from China since Spanky is cutting deals with China's tech industry. Ivanka got a sweet deal herself from daddy's admin.  Make Trump Great again!  lol

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          You mean, we have to make Trump great again 3 more times.

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Turns out it's a felony to do business with criminals and corrupt entities:

            "Why Ivanka Trump should be worried about the Michael Cohen investigation"

   … stigation/

  7. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Breaking BIG ******** : The continued undermining and sabotaging of President Obama's once strong and vibrant economy by Mr. Trump's recklessly insane trade wars and foreign policy failures which are destroying Trump's own voters in Ohio, Wisconsin, PA etc: A clueless, mentally unstable 2 bit con man is out of control in the oval office:

    Where's the republican congress to stop this madness before the ailing, frail economy sinks even further into irreparable chaos and disarray?

    "U.S. and China Expand Trade War as Beijing Vows to Match Trump’s Tariffs"

    "WASHINGTON — The Trump administration said on Friday that it would move ahead with tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese products, drawing a vow of retaliation from Beijing and escalating a trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

    President Trump’s decision to impose the penalties is the latest twist by a White House that has vacillated between taking a tough stance on Chinese trade practices and declaring that the trade war was “on hold.” It comes after the president has ignited trade spats on numerous fronts, including levying tariffs on metal imported from allies and adversaries around the globe and sparring with Canada and Mexico over the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement."

  8. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Breaking BIG ******** : Mr. Trump's Insane Massive Tax Hikes Trigger Canadian Boycott of United States:

    It takes a very special kind of ignorant reckless fool like Mr. Trump or perhaps a Russian asset, to do the impossible, turn Mexico and Canada, two of our former greatest allies and national defense partners into our enemies: "Making America Red and Russian":

    More chaos and destruction of the local and global economy caused by the reckless actions of Donald Trump: More jobs lost. more revenue and tax receipts down the drain, more shops and factories shutting down and more workers driven into financial distress and or bankruptcy: UNREAL


    "After President Donald Trump derailed the U.S. relationship with longtime ally Canada, launching a trade war and exchanging barbs with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canadians decided to boycott Trump in solidarity with their leader.

    Trump blamed Trudeau for his decision not to sign a joint communiqué with other members of the G-7 during the close of their meeting last week. Canada’s leader had announced his intention to impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports because Trump establshed tariffs of 25 and 10 percent on aluminum and steel from Canada and other countries. The announcement angered Trump and led to the breakdown of his participation in the G-7 summit in Quebec." … ons-977467

    *Special Thanks to Mike Hardy for bringing this dire economic situation to my attention:

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Jake, the NYT just published an article about Roger Stone meeting with a Russian to get dirt on HRC. Not another Russian connection with a Trump crony? I never dreamt such....   Bwahahaha!!  lol

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Randy: Everyone knows Mr. Trump's close friend Roger Stone is gone if we still have laws, just like  Mr. Trump is: I believe I heard Mr. Stone say he expects to be indicted soon which is no surprise to anyone: Possibly another 'flipper' against Mr. Trump?

        Mr. Trump -----> Roger -----> Wiki*Leaks -----> Julian Assange ----- > Russia = Conspiracy, Treason & Treachery:

        You know your days are numbered when the owners of the conservative party begin a campaign to crush you and your crazy trade war proclivities: The Koch Boys, owners of all conservatives, are planning a media blitz to halt Mr. Trump's insane tax hike scheme which is destroying his own voters and those who contribute to the crumbling republican party

        It looks like the Koch Brothers have had just about enough of Mr. Trump's reckless, anti-American scam which is severing our close ties to our once strong border allies and European allies, a mad plan which can only serve one purpose, weaken the U.S. economy and appease Vladimir Putin:

        "Free trade puts Republican megadonors on collision course with Trump"

        "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups backed by powerful Republican donors Charles and David Koch said on Monday they will champion free trade and oppose tariffs with a multimillion-dollar campaign that puts them on a collision course with President Donald Trump." … SKCN1J02C0

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Jake, Spanky's voters would not care if Putie was staying in the WH and advising Spanky personally.....instead of doing so by phone as he is now.  yikes

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Not so sure about that Randy, I think they care but just don't know yet: But middle America absolutely cares about all the jobs they are losing and countries beginning to boycott the USA because of Trump's insane tax hikes, trade wars, alienating our allies and presiding over the worst point stock market crash in history, that's why Mr. Trump is getting crushed by the blue wave in special elections and the owners of the republican party the Koch Brothers, have had enough of Mr. Trump and will pour millions into a campaign to REMOVE him and his anti-American, job killing schemes:

            1. Randy Godwin profile image59
              Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Yep Jake, the trade wars are already costing the American farmers problems and they have to plan on how many crops to grow this year and what kind. China's tariffs on soybeans alone with cause problems for the many farmers who depend on at least a small profit from the crop.  It's not as if the bankers will understand if they cannot pay for their seed, fertilizer, land rental, machinery cost, insecticides and pesticides, not to mention labor cost.

              You see, I'm a retired farmer and know well about soybeans and many other crops. People do not understand about how expensive it is to produce a finished crop of anything. Sometimes it takes many acres to break even before a small profit begins to be made.  Not knowing if a crop will be profitable will be extremely troubling for a farmer planning his acreage.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I know, I am a part-time farmer too. Most food in Canada comes from 1500 miles away.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                  Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Here, most of the produce is wasted in the fields due to there being too much for the market to handle. After a few weeks the market is saturated.  Diminishing returns and all that..

  9. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Breaking BIG ******** : "Trump's Great Stock Market Crash of 2018 Continues":

    I suggested a couple weeks ago that the Dow Jones was on very shaky ground, unable to recover from Trump's great stock market crash of 2018, and unfortunately for IRA and 401K holders, in hindsight, my words seem prophetic: The Dow Jones has severely breached a key support level of 25,000 and in my opinion, unless it recoups lost ground in a relatively short period of time, a recovery is highly questionable at this point in time given the current economic instability and downturn in confidence induced by Mr. Trump's recklessly harmful ideals:

    Mr. Trump has threatened reckless tax hikes, instigated trade war insanity with our close allies turning them into enemies which has jeopardized our national security, Trump's callous world war 2 type crimes against humanity at the Mexican border where children are unlawfully segregated from parents seeking a safer life, dispair, overall negative sentiment, white house incompetence and chaos, unsolved N Korean nuclear crisis, nazi and seemingly Russian control of our white house, confusion and disarray is at fever pitch level: Hence a weakening USA which equals a stock market in turmoil:

    1. Mike Hardy profile image72
      Mike Hardyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      There is one equity that looks to benefit from Trumps current handling of border crossing. GEO Group Up 2%.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this
        Mr. Trump's caged children atrocity:

        It's unbelievable where we are now at Mike: It was previously unimaginable in the USA: Mr. Trump's criminal acts of atrocity, the practice of caging children bolsters 'prison equities', the only opportunity for a person to gain financially in Trump's collapsed economy where the stock market is crashing, trade wars with former allies are raging, NATO is fractured, gas prices are climbing, farmers are going bankrupt, and of course trillions of our hard earned money was simply gifted to elite Wall Street CEOs in the form of a republican corporate welfare tax cuts scam:

        Will we ever finally reach the bottom of Mr. Trumps pit of darkness before he's removed?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          More Mexican are killed over the broader drug wars than killex over in Afghanistan. Just legalized weed, solves most of that problem. Where Trump says Colorado Marijuana experiment is not working. What a liar.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image59
            Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Canada just legalized recreational pot nationwide, Castle. The dumb asses down here are still treating it as the "Devil's Weed."

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Like woooooow dude , wonder they don't want us to change NAFTA .

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Hey, the highest profiteering from marijuana are prison guards, lawyers and Drug Cartels. I can't find in my soul the same compassion for their corrupted profession.

                1. profile image0
                  ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  But hey , let's not talk about placing a burning cancer causing habit into our mouth and inhaling" the smoke from a [not so ]distant fire ."

                  Ever think about the absurdity of that act alone ?
                  Let's see -Liberals = clean living habits ?

                  Ah , Nope !

  10. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago


    My right hand works with my left hand. They don't fight with each other, or nothing get solved.

    You smoke anything it can cause cancer, people really need to get educated.

    TTAC » Cancer Treatments » Cannabis and Cancer: How “Marijuana” Helps the Body Heal
    Even For Dogs: The Safest Cannabinoid..
    Heart-Healthy & Cancer-Fighting Foods in cannabis.
    7 of the Best Heart-Healthy Foods
    By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS
    Reversing Tooth Decay
    Lung Cancer: Causes and Promising Natural Solutions

    The cannabis plant has been used in just about every culture for centuries. Its included in the 50 fundamental herbs within the cornucopia of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been cited in ancient texts as having a healing effect on over 100 ailments. In recent years in the United States, the collective mood is changing in regards to cannabis/hemp (aka “marijuana”).

    Don't get me started on the other 50,000 products from cannabis, not to bore you. Bar none it is the most important plant in the world. That is one example why good guys are looked up in a cage. So the bad guys can run the country. Grass root People power changes things positive, not the Greedy Bastards.

  11. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Mr. Trump gives trillions to his elite Wall Street buddies in the form of gigantic corporate welfare tax cuts, no pay raise for workers, stock market, pensions and 401k savings plans crashing to the ground, farmers forced into bankruptcy, nose bleed gas prices crushing workers and Mr. Trump's Putin approved crazy trade wars with our allies like Canada have yet to kick in: We all knew he'd be a disaster but even this catastrophe couldn't be imagined by the best screen writers in Hollywood:

    When the ultra- conservative billionaire Koch brothers begin a campaign to crush you, it might be time to start thinking about fleeing to another country that will take you for asylum:

    "Koch Brothers Groups Will Spend Millions Fighting Trump's Trade War"

  12. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    DEVELOPING Now ******** : Dow down 300: Constant Turmoil and Chaos: The Great Trump Stock Market Crash of 2018 continues: I mentioned a couple weeks ago that technical and fundamental indicators pointed toward the potential for another massive downward move in the Dow Jones and that unfortunately has come to pass: Now, if the DJIA fails to hold the next support level which is 24,000, it's more calamity, chaos and lost fortunes as the ultra conservative Koch Brothers go to war with Madman Trump's insane trade war tariffs which are partially to blame for this nightmare of a stock market:

    Trump's incompetence, uncertainty in N Korea, instability, allegiances to enemies and constant assaults on American values and institutions are just a few reasons why the stock market and your savings are suffering drastically:

  13. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

    Breaking BIG ******** : Developing NOW : Crash within a Crash: Not a pretty sight as Mr. Trump's horrible stock market crash of 2018 continues to sink with no recovery in sight except for perhaps a few technical blips: 401k plans, iras and pensions suffering drastically as statements reveal horrific results: ALARMING: As I mentioned a few days ago and previous to that, if the Dow Jones Industrial Average fails to hold 24,000 we could quite conceivably realize severe long term damage to the underlying financial fundamentals, a crash within a crash:

    Where are the Koch Brothers who announced they are investing millions to obstruct Mr. Trump's insane, Putin appeasing trade war with our friends and allies while delusion prone Donald wanders the white house in a lazy daze pretending N Korea is no longer a nuclear threat?

    "Koch Brothers Groups Will Spend Millions Fighting Trump's Trade War"

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this


      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this


    2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

      MORE alarming news from the commerce department: Millions of jobs in jeopardy as a direct result of Mr. Trump's reckless tax hikes: The destruction of our once great economy continues unimpeded:

      "Trump trade policies threaten 2.6 million US jobs, Chamber of Commerce says"

      "President Trump's strict stance on trade could put 2.6 million American jobs at risk, the head of the Chamber of Commerce says.

      Tom Donohue, president and CEO of the business organization, issued the forecast in a memo to the board of directors Thursday that was obtained by CNNMoney.

      The memo, citing outside studies, adds the possible job losses from tariffs both threatened and enacted by the administration, plus a possible US withdrawal from NAFTA, the trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.

      A NAFTA withdrawal would kill as many as 1.8 million American jobs in the first year, the memo warned.

      In addition, tariffs against China could cost 134,000 US jobs, steel and aluminum tariffs could cost 470,000 jobs, and tariffs on autos and auto parts could cost 157,000 jobs, Donohue warned." … index.html

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Mr. Trump's insane, massive ongoing tax hikes on the consumer, shear incompetence, complete lack of knowledge in economics and reckless disregard for American companies and the American worker perhaps due to his public allegiance to Vladimir Putin, is causing More turbulence and loss of value for the Dow Jones Industrial Average which has lost about 350 points in the last 2 trading days: Failure to recover from Mr. Trump's greatest Dow Jones Point Crash in history: INSANITY:

        Commerce department estimates millions of American jobs will be lost and many companies are already planning to export jobs to foreign lands due to insane tariffs which ultimately cost ALL Americans who need to purchase consumer goods:

        Ask yourself this question: WHY is Mr. Trump doing this? WHY is he doing everything he possibly can to disrupt, intercept and ultimately torpedo the ultra vibrant economy he inherited from President Obama? He's driving our economy into the dirt just like he destroyed Atlantic City casinos in a relatively short period of time and economists have warned him what the severe detrimental results would be to no avail:

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          As a direct result of Mr. Trump's chaos, crazy instability and complete ineptitude, his weak stock market is crashing once again: His reckless tax hikes in the form of tariffs imposed against nations which were once our allies, jobs fleeing the USA for foreign lands to avoid his insane increased commodity costs and rising gas prices as a direct result of his incoherent and reckless middle eastern attitude remain at the extreme high end:

          Right now, I pay almost twice as much to drive the same distance: Unnecessary expense due to Mr. Trump's chaotic and dark white house of lies, insanity and deception:

          A once great and vibrant economy handed to Mr. Trump by the Dems is now being eroded to the point of no return: UNREAL:

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            What else has changed about your driving costs Jake?

            Gas prices have only increased about 20% nationwide, a far cry from "almost double."


            1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
              JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I'm looking at a report that indicates a 31% increase in gas prices from memorial day of 2017 to memorial day 2018 and I'm sure they have gone up even higher than that: Fuel expenses are demonstrably higher in the last year under short timer Trump:

              In any event, the dangerous and alarming instability Mr. Trump has created globally including in the middle east, has unquestionably POUNDED the gas purse and wallet of all Americans which causes a considerable financial strain unless you're filthy rich, and that doesn't factor in his insane, reckless tax hikes and his insane unilateral revocation of the fuel efficiency regulations President Obama put in place to save or air, planet and population::

              Sick of winning yet GA? Or, will you join the resistance and party big when he's indicted or impeached which should come very soon if we still have laws in this declining, once great nation:

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                No worries Jake, I was looking at July 2016, (Pres. Obama's last year), to July 2018 on . I can accept your 31% for this conversation.

                That's still a long ways from "almost double," so you must have had other Trump-caused increases in your driving costs. That's all I was asking about.

                As for the rest, and your "In any event..." I wasn't talking about "any event" stuff, just your claim of always being factual, re. your driving costs.


                1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                  JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Well GA, this is what I know: During President Obama's tenure I paid approximately $2 per gallon of gas, shortly after Mr. Trump was embedded in our white house by Vladimir Putin, yes you heard that correctly, gas prices have skyrocketed primarily due to his recklessly insane mouth, so over the past year or so, my average per gallon cost is roughly $3.60:

                  You can do the math GA, but without using a calculator I believe that's nearly double the expense under this tenure: It's quite an increase in cost and when you combine that with Mr. Trump's insane, mal-advised tariff mania applied against what used to be our friends around the world, the average American is getting wiped out in a big way while the filthy rich continue to rake in our wealth with the assistance of Bozo Trump's corporate welfare tax cut scam recently passed by his Russian republican congress-persons:

                  Did working Americans really believe a pay raise was coming their way under this soon to be imprisoned 72 year old crumb? I sure hope not

                  But today, I'm still trying to figure out how an ignorant incompetent fool like Donald Trump who is has virtually no idea what the 'nuclear triad' is or what it's even used for, and who gave our Russian enemies top secret info in another betrayal of this once great nation, was allowed to abuse his power AGAIN by unilaterally revoking the security clearance of a patriotic American like intelligence chief John Brennon who spent most of his life protecting us from Russians and who has attained an enormous mental file folder of experience the likes of which Mr. Trump will never have the capacity to acquire:

                  1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                    JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    In Trump's doomed economy I'm still paying almost double the price for a gallon of gasoline: It still cost me twice the amount of money to travel the same distance with no let up in sight due to Mr. Trump's insane middle eastern rants and his immense unnecessary tax increases on a myriad of essential products: INSANITY:

              2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                Kathryn L Hillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                "...that doesn't factor in his insane, reckless tax hikes and his insane unilateral revocation of the fuel efficiency regulations President Obama put in place to save or air, planet and population." (!)
                " ... the dangerous and alarming instability Mr. Trump has created globally including in the middle east ...  HUH?

                1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
                  Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Jake thinks using lots of adjectives legitimizes his hysteria.

    3. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

      Clueless Bozo Trump, friend of our enemy Vladimir Putin seems to be executing an agenda designed specifically to sabotage our once great economy ignited by the brilliant President Obama: UNREAL: Just remember, another round of higher tariffs on China and other countries means even higher consumer goods prices paid by Americans right here at home to go along with extremely higher gas prices you're already paying at the pump arguably caused by Trump's reckless big mouth, which of course means another strain on your finances:

      But of course Bozo Trump we'd assume at this point doesn't really understand economics and how the world is now intertwined nor does he seem to care to learn about the dangers of his reckless actions in between crazy angry twitter outbursts which seems to be all consuming for his little midget mind, and furthermore, after observing his self absorbed crazy public actions over the last dreadfully nightmarish two years, we could easily conclude he could care less about you, your family or your financial burden and the stresses his insane tariffs are now costing you:

      Look out below, WSJ reports more economy crashing insanity in the works:

      "Trump Says He’s Preparing Tariffs on Further $267 Billion in Chinese Imports" … 1536340041

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Trump's doomed insane economy continues to hurt some of his own voters the farmers: Perhaps that's why his approval ratings continue to sink and the republican party continues to rapidly shrink and what else could he possibly expect:

        Mr. Trump has already approved billions in socialist style bailouts but why not just reverse his recklessly insane massive tax hikes on American products instead?

        "Backfire economics – Trump’s tariffs are hurting US farmers and workers and putting the entire economy at risk" … s-at-risk/

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Bozo Trump and his Russian republican accomplices just LOVE socialist hand outs of our money to filthy rich fat cats in the form of corporate welfare tax cuts and farmers to try and fix the massive financial crisis he himself created with his insane trade war tariffs:

          Is Bozo Trump's destructive behavior toward our once great economy an order from Vladimir Putin?:



 … ng-farmers

    4. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 6 years ago

      Yes Obama was King for sure , I really enjoyed the high costs of gas and heating oil $5.00 a gallon    being part of the ten + percent unemployment and having a president who didn't give a shyte about any of it .

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        WRONG as usual ahorseback, Bozo Trump has inflated gas prices because of his dangerous big mouth and unpredictable insanity while President Obama inherited 10% unemployment from conservative republican Bush Junior and produced a miracle of salvation and left Bozo Trump with 4% unemployment and now, Bozo is doing his level best with his socialistic billion dollar bailouts given to alleviate an economic disaster he himself created and made the rich richer and poor poorer by transferring trillions in the name of socialism to filthy rich Wall Street  CEOS and Officer: UNREAL:

        1. profile image0
          Ed Fisherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Jake , Your party is losing more and more seats as at the same time the scream for socialism demands grow higher and higher , figure it out dude ,  your message is falling on deaf ears as everyone here sees your party delusions ,   Why can't socialists be more like Michael Moore and some of the others -Take your stolen millions , your socialist failures and go elsewhere .

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback, I'm not sure if HP appreciates dishonest comments like yours which is rapidly giving this place a reputation for publishing nonsensical and bogus info to the world, but in reality, progressive democrats have been taking away seats from nut case republican politicians in RED districts for months now and slippery Ted Cruz and that strange looking senator in Nevada are in very deep trouble, along with many others:

            How can these crazy radical republicans expect to win on a platform of sabotaging our healthcare system? I'm sure scarecrow Mitch McConnell and spaced out Russian sympathizer Rand Paul can continue to hoodwink their gullible voters in deeply impoverished states like Kentucky where they know no better, but the rest of us are RESISTING and will continue until Bozo Trump and the rest of the ultra-corrupt republicans are tossed out on their heads:

            As usual with my comments, these are just easily verifiable facts:

    5. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 6 years ago

      Your last line says all I need to know ,  the delusions of the left aren't your fault however Jake . Just don't take it personal as your party platform of late disintegrates before november's very eyes .

      Where is your party's cohesive political platform Jake ?  There is none but  the ."Gimme shimmes " of wanna be socialists . Bernie was killed off by Hateful Hillary ,  your DNC is broke and swallowing Russian  Black sea water , Warren is insane ,  Cuomo can't leave NY , who is left Nancy Pelosi ?   Your party can't decide between playing the ole' Mao Tse Tung harp or  Rosie O'donnell singing in drag ,

    6. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

      When are the last remaining Trump fans going to realize he could care less about them or their families while he executes an agenda only Vladimir Putin would approve of ??? "Trump’s tariffs are killing more than 450,000 jobs" : Mr. Trump's unprecedented ignorance, megalomania, mental impairments and shear crazy recklessness is causing massive job loss and unprecedented consumer price increases here in the USA: INSANE:

      "Trump’s tariffs are killing more than 450,000 jobs"

      * If all announced tariffs are enacted, long-run GDP will decline by $148.33 billion.

      * Roughly 460,000 jobs will be eliminated due to the tariffs.

      * The tariffs will offset a third of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

      "The Trump administration has enacted trade tariffs which will affect goods that come into the United States from several countries, and those countries — such as Mexico, China, Canada and others — have responded with tariffs of their own.

      These tariffs will not only affect the prices U.S. consumers pay for goods and services, they will also affect jobs. According to the Tax Foundation, the tariffs already imposed and those to be implemented could eliminate nearly half a million U.S. jobs." … lp00001361

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        MAJOR Breaking *******: Another Trump induced stock market crash happening now: Major POINT Drop for the Dow Jones: DJIA DOWN roughly 600 to 700 points in 2 days: Phony N Korea nuke deals, phony NAFTA deals all adding to the instability and chaotic white house recklessness: Not good for the overall health of the markets nor the collapsing economy:

    7. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 6 years ago

      Jake , I swear to God , you are at least entertaining ...................politically way out there , but entertaining none the least.

    8. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

      Here's how much Jake and CNN lovers know about economics. … 018-10-05/

      Trump is the greatest POTUS of my lifetime. Thank God he won.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        "Backfire economics – Trump’s tariffs are hurting US farmers and workers and putting the entire economy at risk" … s-at-risk/

        1. profile image0
          Ed Fisherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Here Jake use this for your next piece of political brilliance against Trump , always willing to help .

    9. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years ago

      1. profile image0
        Ed Fisherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Except liberals Already did that under Obama ,  you can't have two realities Jake .

        And Democrat's wouldn't know the difference anyway.

    10. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Another BIG crash day for the stock market: In the last 3 days it has plummeted by almost 1000 points, maybe Bozo Trump is going for another point crash record to appease his boss Vladimir Putin? He already holds the record for the biggest point drop in dow jones history due to his ineptitude and chaotic recklessness and that's no surprise, all the experts knew if he ever infiltrated our oval office it would spell disarray and doom for a once vibrant Obama economy:

      Say goodbye to a wonderful chain store called dollar tree which many working Americans depend upon for low priced products, so low they even beat walmart's pricing but farewell and adieu and you can thank Bozo Trump for this, yet another of his economic catastrophes:

      "Dollar Tree, and its customers, feel pain of tariffs on Chinese imports" … 498752002/

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Wed, 10-3 at 9:30 AM, Dow was 26888.72.
        Monday, 20-8 11:13 Am, Dow was 26334.89

        Difference: 553.83  That is hardly "almost 1000 points" no matter how you slice it.  In addition, a loss of 553. from 26888.72 is 2% in 3 days.  Hardly a "plummet" then, anymore that 553 is "almost 1000 points".

        Just more gross exaggeration from Jake.  You should consider teaching Trump how to do it; He's a piker compared to you!

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Anyone can build their own DJIA stock chart and they will discover that in the last 3 trading days we are down almost 1,000 points, just another crash week for the markets which are in unprecedented Bozo Trump turmoil:

          Gas prices skyrocketing because of Bozo Trump's big dumb reckless mouth, wages stagnant and going DOWN, huge increases in consumer product prices because of Bozo's insane tariff wars with China who is cleaning his orange clock: Bad Bad Bad news for Americans, tremendous news for the filthy rich:

          Despite Bozo Trump's socialist bailouts, farmers are still going under because of his tariffs:


 … ng-farmers

    11. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Despite the obvious, some dummies still fall victim to pathetic, charlatan con-men, even those who look putrid orange and gross like this one:

      had enough of Bozo Trump's gas prices through the roof?
      Had enough of Bozo Trump's crashing stock markets?
      Had enough of Bozo Trump's crazy tariff wars with our former allies?

      TIME to REALLY clean out the slimy DC Cesspool by evicting the KING swamp slob liar Bozo Trump and his despicable republican accomplices in congress:

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        LOL  Gas prices in my area are the lowest they've been in years.  The stock market is the highest it's EVER been. 

        And yes, it's all Trump's fault that these things are happening.

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          wilderness, I don't believe you because my gas prices have almost doubled under Bozo Trump but if what you say is true in your area, maybe it's because nobody else lives where you do so maybe that's why they couldn't give gas away for free if they tried and NO, you're simply wrong, the dow jones is not at the highest it's ever been and I urge readers to research on their own to discover I'm correct:

    12. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Tell us all  Jake , Is it hard on the psyche being Trump hungry ? For there is no one else saying the same thing about our economy , corporate confidence , our record low numbers for unemployment ,  minority jobs , sprouting small business  climate etc, .................

      We want to know what it's like to be the only one hungry ,cold , poor and destitute in America  today .Honestly ...................

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Despite warnings, some sheep just keep falling for the con job over and over and over again:

        "Gas prices nearing highest levels in four years, adding to calls to repeal gas taxes"

        "Crude oil and gasoline prices are on the rise after President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. Now, many consumers are seeing their extra money go to rising gas prices, potentially undercutting a key pillar of economic growth this year. USA TODAY"

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I want a yacht with a dozen hot babes. Help the community with gambling casinos and expensive hotels. Travel by jet and eat red meat and vodka every day. That is what evey common man needs, when he is a sleep, dreaming the American dream.

    13. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      We were warned by the legitimate experts Donald Trump, a total incompetent who actually drove casinos into the dirt, would be a disaster for the USA: Dow Jones already DOWN about 250 points: Looks like another dark, turbulent downward correction day for the markets: White house madness, chaos, more resignations, inside patriots trying to save us from Mr. Trump's insanity and unprecedented political instability equates to extremely volatile stock market instability:

      1. profile image0
        Ed Fisherposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Keep pumping out that anti-Trump crap ,  you're reminding me lately of the dairy farmers around here , spreading manure in all the green fields stinking things up for the next couple of weeks .............

        No one believes you anymore , ........noticed ?

        November is coming .

        Yes, I'm likely to rub it in .

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Donald Trump is his own worst enemy, he needs no help from anyone else and the facts pertaining to his documented history of blunderous business failures is on display for the entire world to see:

          Now, not only does he get to Maniacally destroy his own business, he gets to destroy the national economy:

    14. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      W*A*R*N*I*N*G **** Major Trump Induced Stock Market Crash Happening NOWWWW with ZERO oversight and or mitigation from a mega-corrupt republican congress **** Dow Jones D*O*W*N 600 Points and FALLING ****:

      Dow Jones DOWN **** Over 1,000 Points in 5 days **** Unprecedented White House Instability **** Discount Stores such as Dollar Tree under unnecessary margin pressure due to Donald Trump's reckless, insane trade wars which are significantly pounding consumers including his former supporters our farmers:

      Chaos, Madness, Clandestine Operations by Patriots trying to mitigate Trump's damage from inside of our white house, wages stagnant or declining, racism, war risk, nuke conflict risk, impeachment and indictment risk, hurricane Michael pounding Florida into submission all playing into an explosive detrimental economic situation:

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Breaking BIG *******: Blood Bath HORROR Show for the Markets: When Russia embeds an idiot in our oval office who instigates an agenda Vladimir Putin could only dream of, what else could you possibly expect but the 3rd largest point drop in dow jones history ?? 832 points shaved off the dow jones in just one day:

        Bozo Trump's reckless and crazy mouth and ideas also caused the largest point drop in dow jones history just months ago: Our once great Obama economy is now under siege by an orange 72 year old madman named Donald and if you're one of the very few who still refuse to accept this reality you're failing the USA:

        "Dow falls 832 points in third-worst day by points ever"

        New York (CNN Business)The Dow plunged nearly 832 points on Wednesday, the third-worst point decline in history.

        "All 30 Dow stocks were in the red, sending the index below 26,000 points for the first time in a month. The index fell by more than 3%.
        The S&P 500 posted its fifth straight decline, plummeting nearly 3.3%. And tech stocks got hit particularly hard. The Nasdaq dropped more than 4% in the worst percentage decline since June 2016." … index.html

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Breaking BIG *******: STOCK Market Crash: The biggest and third biggest point stock market crashes in history were caused by Bozo Trump's insanity assisted by an impotent and mega-corrupt republican congress who has either facilitated his madness or turned a blind eye to his horror:

          "Stocks set to drop again after broad rout; major indexes below key levels"

 … 2018-10-11

    15. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Breaking BIG *******: Another HORRIFIC Trump induced stock market morning crash, dow jones down 200 points and counting: Waiting for a technical bounce but hopes are dimming:

      Dim outlook for Trump's erratic and chaotic economy, wages static or falling with a trillion dollars plus in corporate welfare tax cuts going to the extreme wealthy CANNOT be sustained: An immediate REPEAL of the insane corporate tax cut with workers tax cuts remaining in place must be executed NOW:

      A Mighty Blue Wave of Democratic Congress Persons should pursue this ASAP in NOV:

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps we should label this, another horrible meltdown day the "Bozo Trump Kanye West Economic Crash to Hell ": UNREAL:

        Believe it or not, the entire world is witnessing the once most powerful white house oval office being swiftly and possibly irreparably degraded into a disgraceful, shameful Freak Show Carnival of Clowns: Today featuring Bozo Trump and Kanye the Creton West:

        DOW JONES DOWN another 545 points: But how else would you expect financial markets to react when the world sees the most incredibly bizarre, horrific and mindless display of gruesome stupidity and incompetence exhibited by two retarded  weirdos sitting in the oval office wasting our time acting like two morons ??

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Looks like a DEAD Clown stock market bounce: Where else but off a cliff did we expect our economy and social morality to go after witnessing another globally televised gruesome desecration of our white house oval office by 'Bozo' Trump and 'Kanye the Crazy Clown' as they commiserate and turn our country into the greatest laughing stock in history while Florida sits in rubble?

          Phony Trump N Korea deals, phony Trump NAFTA deals all spell disaster but most of us knew this would be the outcome of an illegitimate recklessly inept Trump presidency: Pathetic:

          "Black Wednesday? The Day Every Stock Went Down"

    16. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      DANGER *****: Economic Meltdown CONTINUES *******: Bozo Bounce in the financial markets which previously sustained the third BIGGEST point drop in recorded history: To evade a major depression and regain a strong vibrant economy of pre-Trump 3 years ago, we must immediately REPEAL the corporate welfare tax cut scheme Bozo Trump and his republican accomplices enacted months ago followed by an IMMEDIATE REPEAL of Bozo Trump's gargantuan tariffs he imposed on our global trading partners which simply results in an unnecessary massive tax increase on ALL Americans who buy consumer products:

      I'm confident Bozo Trump is clueless as it pertains to the massive catastrophic damage he's already done to our weak frail economy and the financial strain he's caused workers and senior citizens who are simply trying to survive on a fixed income in Bozo Trump's Circus of Retardation:

      "Trump's tariffs now cost Americans more than Obamacare taxes" … care-taxes

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        "Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before"

        Trump economy and stock market falling off a cliff ******: Companies now under Trump are shipping jobs to foreign lands at an accelerated unprecedented pace, workers wages dropping or stagnant, Mr. Trump's insane trade war tariffs killing U.S. Companies with drastic and deadly climate modification just over the horizon:

        Bozo Trump's "NIGHTMARE and Horror Show" continues:

        "Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before"

        “We’re just shipping company after company after company is leaving this country and leaving jobs behind,” president Donald Trump said on the campaign trail last year. “And I’m going to get it stopped.”

        "So far, not so good. A group that advocates for federal workers says government records show (pdf) more than 10,000 jobs at federal contractors have been sent over overseas since Trump was elected. That’s more than double the average annual amount during Barack Obama’s presidency. The organization, Good Jobs Nation, funded by unions and faith groups, wants the White House to hold these contractors accountable." … an-before/

    17. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Another GRUESOME Bozo Trump Crash Day in the Crumbling Markets of what was once a great nation******: Every expert WARNED us of this Bozo Trump Republican Scheme before it happened, maybe now it has sunk in: Deficit Explosion as a direct result of the corporate welfare tax cut scam signed by Bozo and his mega corrupt republican stooges months ago: Companies EXPORTING our Jobs and Wealth to foreign countries: UNREAL:

      OFF a Cliff we go and into the dark financial mess of an abyss: Republicans couldn't manages the finances of a McDonald's franchise and now they are ripping off AMERICANS to give to the filthy rich: ABOMINATION:

      "Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin" … 986236002/

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, another GRUESOME day the Dow rose 333 points.

        Can we get some more of those, please?

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Have no fear wilderness, I'm confident you'll get your fill of Bozo Trump's and republican's GRUESOME rapidly collapsing economy before he's bounced out of our oval office on his flat orange head:

          For his sake, I hope they have a hefty supply of yellow replacement hair plugz, greasy fried chicken, mental health clinics and glossy orange spray paint in prison, if of course his sentence by the judge is NOT more harsh:

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            "Have no fear wilderness, I'm confident you'll get your fill of Bozo Trump's and republican's GRUESOME rapidly collapsing economy..."

            I highly doubt it, for so far it has been extremely beneficial to me personally and to everyone I know that either works or has a retirement account.  Your gross exaggerations and outright falsehoods are not making it go away.

    18. hard sun profile image78
      hard sunposted 5 years ago

      Michael Hicks: The causes and effects of this growing trade war … 592767002/

      A few paragraphs as I'm confident not many here will give it a click through:

      "Over the summer, Indiana’s economy showed clear signs of weakening. This same story played out across the manufacturing and farming-intensive states of the Midwest. To be sure, it is still easy to paint a rosy picture of our economy. Jobs are plentiful, pay has finally begun to rise and tax coffers are full. We are less than a year away from tying the longest recovery in U.S. history, which began in early summer of 2009. Still, the warning signs are clear.

      Nationally, manufacturing employment growth has slowed since April, and here in Indiana, it dipped into negative territory for two consecutive months. The index of leading economic indicators declined modestly since spring, and auto sales dropped sharply across spring and summer. The manufacturing portions of the Fed’s Midwest economic index have been negative for four months. It’s risky to draw conclusions from a single six-month period, but growing evidence suggests manufacturing growth stalled over the summer. There’s more.

      This is a stunningly beautiful season in the Midwest, when combines harvesting beans fill the fields on warm October days. Driving by these fields, I often wonder what majesty and dignity a modern Winslow Homer might portray in this setting. However, even in these idyllic scenes, all is not good. Most of these fields contain crops that will be harvested at a painful loss. Prices are down, and that fact is revealed in the slowing purchases of farm machinery across the Midwest."

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        You're correct hard sun, they probably won't read it because it doesn't include a rant by weirdo "Schmucker Carlson" expressing "TWD" "Trump Worship Disorder: But Here's another dark dire report about Bozo Trump's collapsing economy: Even his and his republican accomplices socialism efforts to try and keep farmers afloat until the Dems take power again is failing: But what else could we possibly expect from a clueless bona fide con man stooge who obviously has alternative motives ??

        "Backfire economics – Trump’s tariffs are hurting US farmers and workers and putting the entire economy at risk" … s-at-risk/

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting..saying close to the same thing. Also, the link I provided is written by a long-time conservative economics professor.

    19. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      If THIS is a "collapsing Trump economy " then I want more of the same please .   

      Want to see a collapsing economy ?

      Watch as Trump stops the foreign aid next to Mexico , Central America and South American countries at the threat of another human migration chain .......of course , you have to HAVE an economy for it to collapse .

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        People losing good manufacturing jobs here, people I know. I'm working more and getting less than I was in the Obama economy. The numbers are confirmed in the article you don't want to read. I guess you're lucky..hope that good string continues.

        1. profile image0
          Ed Fisherposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          All jobs and job markets fluctuate but you should know that ,   Anyone not doing better in this Trump economy actually doesn't want to do better.   Never before so many unfilled jobs ,  so many new jobs , so much consumer confidence  ,  corporate confidence ,  growth and SBA start ups .  Why do you think even the illegals are running towards America in higher rates at this point ?

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            "Anyone not doing better in this Trump economy actually doesn't want to do better."  Dude, you're something else..tell that to all the people losing manufacturing jobs and the farmers hurting in the Midwest. You won't even attempt to read the links will you? It might not fit with your Trump worshiping ideal. The unfilled jobs are in low-paying retail and restaurant service around here...that's it. America should have higher standards.

            Illegals running here...maybe you should take a look at what they are running think being better than that is something to brag about? Are you aiming high for Murica or what? Besides, I thought Trump was gonna make him scared to come here? Must be an unfulfilled campaign process? Oh, I know never.

            All bad job markets fluctuate also. You should know that. What's the point?

            The main company I work for sent an entire department to the Philippines a few months ago..nothing has changed and it's only getting worse.

            1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
              JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Absolutely hard sun: And those unfilled low paying service jobs will remain unfilled until hard working undocumented individuals fill them because our former immigrants refuse to work them:

              In addition to the mass exodus of jobs from the USA to foreign countries which is directly caused by Trump's insane recklessness, ignorance, incompetence  and massive tax increases applied to companies and ALL Americans who buy products, your company is experiencing this deportation of jobs and a relative of mine in the aerospace industry which at one time not so long ago was BOOMING here in the USA, is contemplating a move to Mexico:

              Jobs moving to foreign lands has accelerated due to Mr. Trump's total lack of knowledge and understanding of tariffs which are a massive tax on Americans: But nobody could ever be accused of voting for Donald because of the size of his brain right??

              Welcome To Bozo Trump's Mad Chaotic Economy Circus:

              "Aerospace Industry Clusters in Mexico"

     … powerhouse

              1. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Ouch, yeah, and the economy isn't something I want to fail just because Trump is not a man.

                I hope the economy doesn't take a nose dive but signs are pointing otherwise here and other areas as well. I should note that I work for a company out of Texas, so the company shipping jobs out of the country is nowhere near where I live. And, two factories, about 300 jobs just left the city where I do live.

                At any rate, if the economy does take a massive nosedive before the next Presidential election, Trump is sure to lose. I don't care what his excuse makers say or who has control of Congress. Presidents take the heat for a bad economy.

                1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                  JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  hard sun, good jobs are exiting the USA at a record pace under Bozo Trump and we are experiencing yet another rotten, erratic unstable drop in the Dow Jones today to reflect this mad republican white house which appears to be locked in a state of perpetual crisis and corruption: Trump's Doomed Economy appears to be incapable of recovering from the greatest point crash in history and the 3rd greatest point crash in history, both of which occurred under his illegitimate incoherent tenure:

                  If we still ave laws in this country which is a major, open unanswered question at this point, Bozo Trump and family members should be indicted very soon for major crimes: That leaves the GOP with the decision to select another presidential candidate: I'm pretty sure OJ Simpson, child molester Roy Moore and the bones of Charles Manson would be available to accept that evil mantle from charlatan Bozo Trump and believe it or not, unfortunately, either of them would serve this crumbling nation much better:

                2. Ewent profile image58
                  Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I live 45 minutes from Wall Street. Here in NJ, we always joke about being able to tell the real truth about Wall Street just by looking at the faces of those who get on NY buses to their Wall Street jobs.

                  In the over 4 decades I've seen some of these faces, this is the first time I have seen so many looking as if they've seen ghosts.

                  If that Maggot Man is not removed and soon, these Wall Streeters know their jobs and the entire stock market will be in Putin's control. It almost already is due to his finagling with Maggot Man over US steel, oil, agricultural products and the government departments Maggot Man now totally controls.

                  Learn to speak Russian. You'll need it.

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Interesting but not good...exactly what Middle America is concerned least the portion of us that didn't decide it was best to turn our nation over to Trump and defend him till the end, no matter where he takes us.

                    1. Ewent profile image58
                      Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                      Two of my friends are financial consultants in NJ. All I can post is that one of them is concerned about how lax the SEC has been to rein in the usual trading violations, most of which would result in the collapse of a market that can be depended upon for factual results.

                      I'm no financial genius and I don't always get what he tells me. But, it sounds as if he is worried that without any oversight of the markets on Wall Street, all hell will break loose.

                  2. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                    JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Absolutely Ewent, and those white faces on those Wall Streeters just got even paler and sicklier this morning if that's possible: I think as they crawl into their firms, there's a guy at the front door handing out 'barf bags' for the ride and safety nets for those who decide to jump out the penthouse suit window:

                    Dow Jones OFF another cliff DOWN 500 points AGAIN and many of these greedy Wall Streeters are republicans and I assume voted for 'stubby' Trump and now look at what they've got: They were warned by all the legitimate economic experts that Bozo Trump and republicans would drive this country into the dirt perhaps due to complete incompetence or perhaps at Vladimir Putin's demand, But seriously, what else could they have possibly expected from an ignorant, corrupt, serial liar who drove cash cow casinos into the dirt ??

    20. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      God Save the USA: Another Dark Morbid Chaotic Day in Once Great America: Dow Jones OFF a Cliff Again, DOWN 300 Points and Counting: The good news? A possible short lived technical bounce is possible in this weak Trump economy but the underlying fundamentals spell continued disaster:

      "The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump" … rump.html/

    21. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Maybe your in the wrong state or trade  ,  come to New England , companies are begging for help .   I worked construction during the Obama fiasco and changed jobs four times because of pending layoffs , anything is better than that era .   Job exporting in some industries has been happening for decades but you need to blame Trump , don't worry we understand .

      You're really gonna blame Trump for the end times of the Farm Aid decades ? Come on , get real .

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I just layed out the scenario here and provided a link where a conservative economist predicts that things will get much worse if the trade war doesn't end soon.

        Trump's trade war..and Trump did say he was going to stop companies from moving over seas or some such. I'm not blaming Trump for all jobs being shipped overseas, but you sure are defending him. Should I not question our President's promises and standards at all?

        Why so defensive? Lots of Dems in New England huh? I hope things turn out great for the economy always, all across America...we will see.

        I am curious. Is there anything that a President is responsible for if it is even a little negative nowadays? What happened to it starts from the top? I do agree that presidents get too much credit and blame, but..come on, you wouldn't blame Obama for job's going overseas?

    22. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      There can be no doubt that the economy is better now than ever ,  is it perfect ? Never .  "trade war " is a major exaggeration however as tariff adjustments have to happen from time to time .   Farmer's haven't done well since the fifties in America  ,  They overbuild , overinvest and  overspend where they shouldn't , Why are some farmers highly successful and others fail ,  some just aren't good businessmen .Anyone in telemarketing or unskilled Mfging . should be looking for better trades.

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, ok. LOL

        1. Ewent profile image58
          Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Really? It is better? For whom? The 1% who now pay less federal taxes than you do? The Big Corporate CEOs stuffing their profit offshore instead of returning OUR favors to them of tax cuts and tax subsidies up the wazoo?

          And Don't even go there with that "Free trade and Capitalism BS. Any American at 5th grade level knows BS when they hear it.

          Liars like the Maggot Man in the WH cannot be trusted. That's why they lie in the first place. If they had to be obligated to be trustworthy, they would never be able to game the system.

          How many times have YOU gotten money laundering warnings and a money laundering fine? Or is that now acceptable?

          How many times have you cheated your employees out of the wages they WORKED for so you could pay a money laundering fine?

          Your post only proves how low the bar is that you allow but when it begins to bite all of you Maggot Man lovers in the butt, don't you DARE blame anyone else.

          WE know what is right and wrong. You obviously prefer to slide under the bar of right so you can enrich yourself.

          This isn't about anything more than MEN who so fear being deprived of sex, money and most of all POWER, that any low is not low enough.

          Some of us do not associate with sleaze. We were not raised in DogPatch where Lil Abners are moochers of our federal tax dollars and Daisy Maes are their only recreation.

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I'm guessing this is meant for Mr. Ed Fisher to whom I replied. I'm with you 100% on this...I think everyone who comments here knows that by now so I don't have much else to ad, lol.

            1. Ewent profile image58
              Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              It was meant for Fisher. Sorry if there was some confusion about that. The only thing those of us who place little value on ideology and highest value on our country's democracy can do at the present is fight back with facts and truths and resist their attempts at mind control.

              I just watched a very interesting documentary about Putin. Russia is obviously not high on the list of tourist sites for travelers for many reasons. According to a friend of mine who was a choir master who took his children to Moscow back in the late 90s, anyone who goes to Russia feels as if they are watched from minute to minute.

              Russia is also not a great place for jobs unless you want to be a highly paid computer hacker or spy. But that job could mean a fatal "early retirement" if you know too much.

              The only other jobs are dictated to you by Putin. Age out and you end up in Siberia where you freeze to death.

              Putin himself lives constantly with the fear of losing power just like Trump, Republicans and right wingers do. Deprive them of power and they are ready for the Grim Reaper.

              Putin has already killed more than 30 journalists and the number of dissidents is not even possible to count.

              When the famous Anthony Bourdain traveled to Russia, the railroads were like something out of the early 1900s and once outside of Moscow, the poverty is inescapable.

              It's like when Trump knows there are thousands of protesters and he refuses to allow cameras to show their number.

              Probably the one thing about Russia and Putin is their never ending internal revolutions. The Kremlin today is comprised of a handful of men who got wealthy by ripping off the rest of the country. While they live on White Russian Beluga caviar and "wodka," the rest of the country is told how they can spend the few rubles they are allowed to earn.

              Russia is a cold, barren country once outside of Russia and Putin knows it has nothing to offer other than a lust to be a world power.

    23. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      CODE Red ******: Bozo Trump's Self Inflicted Economic Calamity: This is what happens when a crazy delusional elderly 72 year old person who has publicly expressed his allegiance to our arch enemy Russia gains illegitimate control of the USA assisted by complicit republicans :

      "Trump’s Tariffs Are Pushing American Companies to Leave"

      * "America’s closest trading partners, including the European Union, became subject to the tariffs after President Donald Trump ended their exemption."

      * "When tariffs are imposed, companies affected need to balance these extra costs to stay in business."

      * "The end result of increased tariffs will be a combination of qualified workers not getting hired, other workers losing their jobs, and families paying higher prices." … nies-leave

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Pain ~ Suffering ~ Anguish ~ Dow Jones DOWN 200 points ~ Stock market headed straight DOWN into Bozo Trump's pit of eternal chaotic hell:

    24. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Soon we will all be hungry , baby needs shoes ........

    25. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      CODE Red *******: 300 Point DROP: Until this incompetent orange madman is is indicted and imprisoned for life or worse, who at this mega-dysfunctional chaotic white house in perpetual crisis will step in and unilaterally REVERSE the job killing economy wrecking tariffs which are systematically destroying the foundation of the once great USA ??

      Dow Jones Meltdown in Spades: Stock Market DOWN another 300 Points: MADNESS just complete unmitigated Madness that can be stopped if Bozo Trump's crazy Russian notions are reversed IMMEDIATELY:

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        CODE Red Emergency Alert *******: DOWN 100 Points: National Deficit EXPLODING, Crazy Massive Tariff Tax Increases on ALL Americans: Threats from Mitch McConnell and republicans to cripple your social security and medicare: Serial LIES and instability from Bozo Trump: What else can we possibly expect from a catastrophic Trump economy but another CRASH day in the stock market ??

        Dow Jones falling off another cliff AGAIN:

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          May God have mercy on this crumbling country where demonic forces of evil have penetrated the highest power: ANOTHER 250 point collapse in the dow under Trump's and republicans disastrous, hopefully short term tenure: For the LOVE of God, save the USA from total extinction:

    26. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      ANOTHER Bozo Trump Crash Day: Crash 608 Points Crash 608 Points Crash 608 Points: What is Trump shooting for Dow Jones at ZERO ?? Vladimir Putin would indeed be proud of his little apprentice:

    27. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Ewent , Hard sun , For those of you in who's brilliance use terms like  "........Maggot Man in the white house ......."  You are highly unlikely to influence me or anyone with your slanderous "know it all " attitudes about our economy or the importance of free trade  in America for that matter ,    Over half of Americans don't even pay income taxes yet you'd have us all believe that corporate America is our greatest enemy ?    How shallow your understanding of the overall importance and success of free market economies truly is , this capitalist economy not only puts food on the table for all of America but is the primary driver of ALL economies in the world.  Hence even the proliferation of capitalism throughout the world  countries  like Vietnam , China , South Korea , Japan ,  the UK. 

      And now ? "........Trump controls the cameras following ALL the protestors around ............"   Really ?    Tell that to CNN , Msnbc , advice ; get off the anti- "Maggot Man" kick and get a real focus on the importance of the last successful economic machine in the world , your collective 60's mentality is so old that it's begun farting dust !

    28. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Red ALERT: Stock Market CRASH Again*******:Texas companies paid $654 Million MORE in tariffs than they did the same time last summer: Social Security and medicare under republican assault: With Bozo Trump and republican extremist Ted Cruz in charge of this once great crumbling country, trade wars which achieve nothing except to place a massive tax on Americans and American business, are driving companies large and small, into the dirt then into bankruptcy:

      How big of a cliff will the dow jones fall off of when all is said and done under Bozo Trump's illegitimate white nationalist style tenure? How many good jobs will be lost and how many farmers will be forced into bankruptcy by Bozo Trump's insane trade war?

      "Texas companies paid $654M more in tariffs this summer than the last amid Trump's trade war" … -trade-war

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Huh.  Another "crash", is it?  While the market has closed up for the last three days.  Some "crash" - can we have some more of it?

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Don't worry wilderness, weakling Bozo Trump's insane trade wars going unchecked by "Lyin'" Ted Cruz and republicans, which are resulting in what all the experts warned us would result in, MASSIVE tax increases on ALL of us including farmers which are going under because of this ignorant narcissistic mental case in the oval office, you'll absolutely get what you're wishing for, MANY Many More stock market crashes to come:

          "Texas companies paid $654M more in tariffs this summer than the last amid Trump's trade war"

 … -trade-war

    29. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Jake , I'm going to take my SSI raise from January on and donate it to the Trump 2020 Campaign .

      You ?

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        If you've ever worked a full time job here in the USA you'd better take a good look at what the Russian republicans have in store for you if they win on NOV 6th:

        I hate to break it to you Ed Fisher but you got that raise because of President Obama, not Bozo Trump who is destroying our once great economy and it republicans maintain control of congress Bozo, Mutt McConnell and ALL republicans will begin work to STRIP you of that raise and MORE and that's a hard core fact:

        Worked a full time job in the USA, if republicans God forbid maintain control of congress after NOV 6th, get ready for the battle of your life:

        "As GOP Moves to Cut Medicare and Social Security, 60% of Americans Say Repeal Trump Tax Scam Instead"

        "Working families shouldn't have to pay for the GOP tax bill. The rich and big corporations must pay their fair share of taxes!" … p-tax-scam

    30. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Jake , Less than half of working class American families pay into our tax system . How big is your tax return ?  Friend of mine always got back way way more than paid in , Why ? "Earned income credit " he had FOUR kids , $4,000 -$5,000 in returns , paid in way less.  he's kind of like most liberals in bragging about it .

    31. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      RED Alert *******: Trump's Economy Continues in NOSE Dive Free Fall: Stock Market Falling Off a Cliff as precursor to Collapsing GDP now in Contraction Mode: What happened to all that "MAGA" crap?

      Major shrinkage of GDP from 4.2% DOWN to ------> 3.5% - Economy in Disarray:

      Current GDP Growth:

      Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased 3.5 percent in the third quarter of 2018, according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter of 2018, real GDP increased 4.2 percent.

      Texas Companies get POUNDED from Mr. Trump's insane trade war tariffs which are costing ALL Americans and companies billions in higher taxes:

      "Texas companies paid $654M more in tariffs this summer than the last amid Trump's trade war" … -trade-war

    32. CJWood71 profile image68
      CJWood71posted 5 years ago

      I just discovered this discussion and found it informative and highly entertaining.

      The third quarter GDP grew by 3.5%, which (according to CNBC) beat expectations. Still, it did grow at a slower rate than the 4.2% we saw in the second quarter. Never realized an economy could grow at such a rate while in "contraction mode".

      As an active investor, the thing that surprised me the most was learning about all the stock market crashes we've experienced this year. I must be making wise choices because I missed out on all that calamity. 2018 has certainly been a volatile year in the market, but nothing particularly out of the historical norm.

      The market did enter into a "correction" in February and some sectors briefly entered correction territory over the last few weeks. Corrections are fairly common historically, happening every year or so on average and are a far cry from a "collapse".

      Good thing I wasn't following the news sources you follow, if I had I would have sold all my investments and moved to a cave in Idaho.

      We certainly have issues that need to be addressed, but the sky is not falling and shouting that it is will not lead to productive dialogue.

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, the economy is in 'Contraction Mode" considering GDP just like the stock market is falling of a cliff because of Bozo Trump's big muth, reckless ideas and insane trade war tariffs which are inflating the prices of almost ALL consumer goods and resulting in massive taxation on ALL Americans and of course many American Companies:

        Current GDP growth: GDP DOWN from 4.2% to 3.5% which is a tremendous correction in Gross Domestic Product:

        Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased 3.5 percent in the third quarter of 2018, according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter of 2018, real GDP increased 4.2 percent.

        "Texas companies paid $654M more in tariffs this summer than the last amid Trump's trade war" … -trade-war

        In reality, as a result of Mr. Trump's chaotic, perpetual white house in crisis and his insane economy killing trade war tariffs and utter incompetence, the Dow Jones experienced a major CRASH roughly 9 months ago, it was the greatest point drop in recorded history and it has yet to recover: Over the past few weeks and into the future perhaps, the Dow Jones once again collapsed causing the 3rd greatest point drop in recorded history and who knows when or if it will ever recover again:

        Who knows, a double top formation in the Dow Jones could be a sign of horrific things to come, especially if republicans maintain control of congress after NOV 6th and Bozo Trump continues to drag this country into the dirt:

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Where is this "cliff" the stock market is falling off?  The Dow is up 2.23% for the year: are you confusing "falling" with "rising"?  Do you not comprehend that when it goes UP it is not "falling off a cliff"?

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Go look at the charts and read the financials, you'll get to the truth sooner or later wilderness, if that's actually what you're searching for:

            Might wanna' start here, obviously caused by the perpetual crisis, instability and insanity of our white house:

            "Will the Global Market Crash of 2018 be the Beginning of the Greatest Financial Crisis the World Has Ever Seen?"

   … ever-seen/

            1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
              JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              RED Alert *******: Watch the Dow Jones today: FLASH: Failed early to hold on to a small 90 point gain: Technicals and FUNDAMENTALS of the stock market are Horrible caused by the most erratic, chaotic and reckless illegitimate white house admin in Human History:

              ANOTHER Crash coming? Seems Losing money in Mr. Trump's crazy stock market seems to be the norm in our crisis calamity:

          2. Mike Hardy profile image72
            Mike Hardyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Detroit - General Motors is offering voluntary buyouts to salaried workers in North America, acknowledging Wednesday that if it does not get enough takers, it may consider layoffs early next year.

            Crosstown rival Ford also is working to reduce its salaried workforce. Ford has not provided specifics on how many jobs will be cut or over what time frame in its $11-billion "fitness" plan.

            The job reductions are meant to keep GM lean as it faces sales plateaus, rising commodity costs, a trade war and impacts from currency fluctuation.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              It has been my observation over the last 50 years that large corporations have a strong tendency to slowly grow their salaried workforce with useless middle management jobs and positions.  The decide it's time to clean house, lay a bunch off and start all over again.

              Which has nothing to do with the stock market "crashing" as it grows, does it?

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not even sure what you're saying wilderness, but the stock market is indeed CRASHING Violently for many reason which have to do with the constant state of chaos, crisis and treacherous actions of our illegitimate president who sides with our enemies over the USA:

                Mr. trump's reckless, mindlessly insane trade war which he is losing horribly and is only resulting in a MAJOR tax increase on ALL American consumers and companies is just one reason WHY we are experiencing a monumental collapse in our stock markets and economy:

                Texas companies getting slaughtered by Trump's insane trade war tariffs and that he's LOSING Horribly:

                "Texas companies paid $654M more in tariffs this summer than the last amid Trump's trade war"

       … -trade-war

                Trump's GDP Major CONTRACTION: DOWN to 3.5% from a high of 4.2%

                Current GDP growth

                Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased 3.5 percent in the third quarter of 2018, according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter of 2018, real GDP increased 4.2 percent.

    33. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      Detroit has been dying because of organized labor and in financial straights for decades ,  No auto company will do well in an American economy because of tax cheating , over investing ,  unions .

      When WAS the last decade GM was financially successful?

    34. lobobrandon profile image83
      lobobrandonposted 5 years ago

      The largest importer of Soya in the world just decided to cut imports from the largest producer by 94% … _to_trump/

      Jake, I'm glad to see people who can see reality from a larger perspective still have the determination to voice their opinion.

      Also, a few questions I don't pretend to understand world ecomomics very well, but I would like to know something about these points:

      Just out of curiosity, I wonder why it's not okay to stop dealing with Saudi Arabia after the whole Khashoggi issue, if it were any other country in the middle east Sanctions would be launched on the next rocket to space. But no they are friends and a rich-rich country because they give you what 40k or is it a million jobs? … ep-growing From trumps own mouth, no twisting in his words here. This is a huge 2400% increase in the number of jobs he says the deal brings.

      But the Iran sanctions must proceed when all your allies and the rest of the world do not agree. When entire economies depend on imports from Iran the US does not care, but losing 40k jobs because of a Saudi deal is the end of the world and no sanctions will be placed. I'm sure given the chance Iran would love to buy something from the US and generate 40001 jobs. Will this take away the sanctions? Stupid, I know, but this is what it seems like when you think in clown (funny) logic.

    35. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      11/ 06/ 2018 Crude oil  ---$63.00 a barrel .

      Democrats analytic brilliance and message ," Doom and Gloom doom and gloom "?

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        "West Virginia poverty gets worse under Trump economy, not better" … APAvZJkyhc

        For once, you are correct Ed Fisher, "Stubby" Trump did come with a "Wrecking Ball" and that's the reason WHY this once great nation is collapsing before our very eyes:

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, that was my thought. Not a well thought out meme.

    36. profile image0
      Ed Fisherposted 5 years ago

      So  like people who don't know what their talking about to now blame a states poverty on a President in office less than two years ?
      Shallow opinions like you two's are just that !

      Worthless .

    37. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Well there you go, Dems take control of the house and the Dow Jones Rallies 400 points, one of the BEST market days in a while, however still under the influence of Mr. Trump's recklessness and erratic behavior:

    38. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
      JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years ago

      Aside from Trump's impending inevitable Indictment / Impeachment, The new year brings new HOPE and positive direction for Trump’s economy: We are just a couple adjustments away from getting this once great economy back on the right track, back to President Obama’s steady, strong, consistent 8 year growth pattern without the unnecessary chaos and volatility that Bozo Trump perversely wallows in:

      When Dems take control of the house in January, an EMERGENCY session is necessary to IMMEDIATELY Cancel Republican’s / Trump’s insane Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scam which implemented “Up Side Down SOCIALISM” by transferring trillions of our money to filthy rich elitists who simply hoard, box and ship OUR money to foreign countries for their benefit not ours, and we must Halt “Mr. Tarff-Man Trump‘s” insane trade war tax hikes which are a detriment to our once close relationships with our former allies, a tax hike on Americans and hurting our farmers:

      A 2 step process toward success and a vibrant economy once again:

      1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
        JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        'Time is of the Essence': The first major step toward stabilizing this volatile market and returning to strong, vibrant, steady high end job creating growth we experienced under President Obama is for congress to IMMEDIATELY begin the process of cancelling the insane Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scam republicans implemented months ago which unconscionably transferred trillions of our wealth to the filthy rich and ballooned our national debt:

        1. Ewent profile image58
          Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I believe that is already one of the major first steps Speaker of the House Pelosi mentioned in her TV interview at Trinity College, her old alma mater when she was hosted by Joy Reid on MSNBC on January 2.

          Already, if you watch CSpan, you see the House Dems have passed 6 bills. Ryan couldn't pass 6 bills which is why he was such a failure.

          The 1% lie when they say they pay the highest taxes. You should be so lucky as to get the flush of tax cuts they get and not to mention tax subsidies that reduce what they pay in taxes to 6% while we all pay 28 to 32%.

          There is a very big reason Maggot Man in the WH loves the power display of shutting down the government. How else can he crash the IRS?

          And if that stupid wall is soooo important for our national security why then take the risk to furlough TSA agents at our airports?

          And if that stupid wall is such an "emergency" that he said he'd keep government shut down "for years" how much of an emergency can that wall be?

          Let's get real here. The states doing the loudest whining about the border wall have already gotten tens of billions every year in border funding for more than 2 decades. They could have built 3 walls by now.

          That money is not for a wall. Trump is trying to extort taxpayers because he knows that when he got those government fines, he considered them "loans" the government owes him. Now, he's in a position to call in those loans by faking a national emergency to bypass the House and Senate so he can have free access to the US Treasury.

          Study his past as an extortionist. He has found more ways to scam people out of money than Ponzi.

          1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
            JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Ewent, I couldn't have presented a more comprehensive legal and moral case for Donald Trump's sinister actions, recklessness, utter incompetence and total disregard for the BEST Interest of the USA because he obviously just doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself, and that probably includes his children who must be just waiting around patiently to inherit what's left of Daddy Granpa's assets if there are any remaining, and if so given reports of his debt and reliance on Russian Cash, that can't be much:

            I'm extremely happy to see Nancy "Powerhouse" Pelosi taking over so she can begin to correct Trump's ship of state which is veering way of course and on the verge of sinking: YES, Progressive Dems must immediately begin the process of cancelling the republican's abominable Corporate Welfare Tax Cut SCAM which re-directed trillions of our wealth to the filthy rich allowing them to do what they always do to evade taxes and that is boxing up OUR cash and shipping it to foreign lands by the truck loads, repealing this abomination is indeed the first step toward re-vitalizing President Obama's STRONG, Steady Growing Economy:

            The second item on Nancy's Agenda should be to CANCEL any and all authority Donald has to impose insane tariffs which is only in essence a GIGANTIC Tax on almost all products and services Americans purchase:

            This oval office insanity must end soon, and progressive democrats must be allowed to begin the process of FIXING this catastrophic republican mess which all reputable experts accurately predicted would fall upon the USA if and when the extreme orange darkness was allowed to infiltrate our oval office, and God help us it has in spades but Thank God the MASSIVE Blue Democratic WAVE wiped out CONservatives in the midterms giving Nancy Pelosi the first opportunity in 2 years to begin the massive clean up effort: She will pass many bills to benefit the people and they may just sit on "Mutt" McConell's desk while he decides which prison he'd prefer, but at least Nancy and the Dems will force republicans and Donald to vote down vitally important legislation which would have benefited we the people:

            If the last midterm election was a Record Breaking WIPE Out for republicans and what else could they possibly expect when hooked up to a dangerously absurd CLOWN like Donald, wait until they get TROUNCED again in the senate in 2020 after this unbelievable made up border crisis, don't be surprised if DEMOCRATS pick up enough senate seats to control a Veto-Proof Majority rendering Donald useless as he truly is:

            1. Ewent profile image58
              Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Right now, Trump is already raising money for his "campaign." He sent out 2 emails yesterday that were asking for $500 from each of his supporters for his "Build the Wall" campaign. Both were signed by his MAGA election campaign group.

              It is long past time for an investigation into "how" Trump is using all of those campaign donations. Trump is nothing if not an ace at "bait and switch."

              Those 2 emails were intended to get a response pre and post his faked SOTU last night.

              The Dems have every right to an itemized list of the costs of that wall before they give him $5 billion. His Republicans in the House and Senate last year handed him $2 billion. He's only spent 6% of that money. Where is the rest?

              How do we know that he isn't funneling money to Russian hackers and meddlers for 2020? After all, Russian oligarchs are all billionaires aren't they?

              1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
                JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Ewent, at this point, I'm no longer surprised at the dark, evil sewer level amorality and un-Christian anti-patriotic behavior of this clown in our oval office, but last night he actually turned what was supposed to be some kind of warped, retarded dire televised warning about his illusory perception of immigrants into just another CON-JOB Money Making Scheme !! UNREAL: facts show his dwindling base is rapidly shrinking, but how can the last remaining few keep falling for this bs over and over again ??,

                Anyone who would still even think of sending this guy a solitary red cent should go do a search on the soon to be defunct "Trump Foundation" first:

                You've raised so many legitimate questions about this most corrupt administration in United States History and yes, you are correct, we must get to the bottom of where exactly the tens of millions which were already appropriated for border security is actually going: There's such a dire emergency at our borders that ONLY 6% of previously appropriated funds has been spent ?? What kind of emergency is that ??

                Hopefully the congressional investigations will shed some light on these extremely important questions which need to be answered:

                1. Ewent profile image58
                  Ewentposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I have several friends in small business. One of them has an interesting take on how we in the US got here. Since its inception, the Republican Party has been the party of Big Business and the smallest government possible.

                  When Big Business in the US began to move further and further into the global economy, with it came their interface with some of the most unsavory and corrupt international business associates.

                  Business deals were flying globally and the US was the only country still not allowing the biggest businesses to run amok and have the most influence over our politicians. What these global associates didn't have until Trump was power over our elections.

                  My friend believes this was an inevitability given the unsavory characters these big businesses CEOS were making deals with. More than 80% of it all was centered around oil. How to drill for it, where to drill for it and who would do the nasty business of refining it.

                  it was a violation of Big Business for them to have to be concerned with how their big businesses would affect the health and human life in this country. As soon as the EPA was created, the war began. Not just with Big Oil USA but around the globe with OPEC and Russia.

                  In order to justify their beauguarding of oil in other parts of the world, the military industrialists had to get in on skirmishes globally to raise fear among Americans for major control. That control would keep Americans hostage for 17 years in Afghanistan as it did in 1842 when England's military was massacred in Afghanistan all for the same reasons: a display of supremacy to put the fear of God into those Big Oil and the military industrialist needed to make their profits and keep them stored offshore in the trillions untaxed.

                  Who better, then, than Trump to lead the country further into the arms of Big Business where taxes are for the little people and work is too?


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