"WE Gon' put Yall' Back in Chains , A Party outdated?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Absolute political paranoia has somehow evolved into the very DNA of the democratic Party?   How long can the democratic  party  be so stagnant in social advancements , the naysaying of cultural advancements is so damning as to demonstrably  show democratic party  as outdated ?
    Party Hypocrisy Lives  ?
    Is Joe really saying "Want to be enslaved , vote democratic ?

    1. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Of course they are saying such. Think about it. Democrats used every trick in the book to convince the majority of blacks that party was the best choice for the black community. They did little for the black community in return for the votes. Now, with a growing Latino voter base they are turning their sights on wooing that group. With less focus on campaigning to the first community, that community is looking harder at what had actually been done to help it. Little, if nothing. Many are understandably frustrated at having seen little gain for ardent support. Thinking of moving their support. Traditional appeals are falling short. Scare tactics are being pulled out of the woodwork. It's like Hillary crying wolf with so many issues, attempting to gain momentum for her failed bid for the presidency. The majority of black voters are smarter than to fall for such nonsense.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        True , They've evolved however , from the party of total obstruction in racial advancements a hundred fifty years ago  to the ideological enslavement  for a hundred years to promoting racial paranoia today . Its called the "evolution of hypocrisy "  , They did the same with woman's issues FOR votes  and now with the hispanic votes .

        Time for their evolutionary awakening .

        Ask Yourself , Why does every group eventually  evolve away from THAT  party to the party of true
        social advancements and protected liberties as they wisen ?

  2. Credence2 profile image81
    Credence2posted 6 years ago

    An excerpt from an American Conservative article entitled "why don't more blacks support Republicans"?

    So, no bias in my source, yes?

    The Elephant in the Room

    Today up to 95 percent of African-American voters are aligned with the Democratic Party, and the GOP has largely abandoned its legacy of civil rights activism.

    It’s tough to assert being the party of Lincoln while some Republican legislators court Neo-Confederates and other ethnic nationalist movements. They further distance themselves by advocating for voter ID laws, which disenfranchise primarily low-income and legal minority voters. (There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud by illegal or ineligible voters, let alone a single example of when such voting has actually turned an election).

    It is similarly difficult for Republicans to trumpet their role in passing Civil Rights Acts while the Republican National Committee is spearheading efforts to dismantle affirmative action (Former GOP chairman Michael Steele struck a good balance on this). And perhaps most importantly, the conservative emphasis on personal responsibility sounds disingenuous to many blacks when Republicans refuse to acknowledge the profound and continuing effects of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation—let alone the persistence of overt racism, institutional and systemic discrimination, and unconscious racial bias.

    There is an assumption that these issues do not need to be addressed head-on because a strong economy will raise up all Americans. Hence Republicans focus on fiscal matters over social justice. But if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

    Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.

    Addressing these challenges will require both blacks and whites to own up to the roles they have played, and continue to play, in perpetuating these unfortunate dynamics.
    White folks continue to annoy me with their arrogance and pompous nature and that goes right up to YOUR commander and chief. Who are either of you to presume that blacks are being misled by the Democratic Party? Maybe it is not so much what they have done for us, but rather what they have not done against us? if you follow the article. Today's conservatives and Republican Party manages to attract the KKK and NAZI parties like flies. Anybody that attracts them cannot be interested in attracting our group.

    So, let's not be silly, neither of you are qualified to speak regarding the issues that surround our group in this political climate. Without a major change in the GOP, the word Republican is worse than any of the 4 letter expletives, and so it will remain for the foreseeable future.

    1. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Cred, yes, I agree, regardless of the source*, there was more than a bit of bias in your quoted text.

      "... the profound and continuing effects of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation—let alone the persistence of overt racism, institutional and systemic discrimination, and unconscious racial bias. "

      But ... Although I too think many of the Democrat's promoted programs do as much harm as good to some minority groups, I think your remarks contained valid points. Particularly one of those in your closing.


      1. Credence2 profile image81
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You're a man of courage GA, I knew that I could never intimidate you to the point that you would run and hide. This was strong stuff.

        I believe that the text in italics remains quite pertinent today.

        I am waiting for the GOP to propose meaningful alternatives, rather than to continue to attack minorities groups in general.

        For being from a Conservative source, it was very well written and honest article regarding the matters than continue to separate us.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          What might some of these attacks on minority groups in general be?  I'm unaware of any...

          1. Credence2 profile image81
            Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            What might some of these attacks on minority groups in general be?  I'm unaware of any...

            Greetings, Wilderness, as always, you are standing tall.....

            Not to get side swiped, I am disputing the earlier posters claims that Blacks are being misled by the Democratic Party.

            I have to direct you to the excerpt and better yet the article from which it is derived.

            Lets deal with 2 points for starters. 1: any political party that attracts the Nazis and the Klan. There is no equivocating here, Wilderness. We all know the agenda of these groups as being hostile to non-whites period. Any political party that has a platform or agenda that is attractive to these groups enough to gather their support, is taking a position against me, other Blacks and other non-white minorities.

            2. The vote id laws has been seen by many of us as an attempt to disenfranchise. I point to how it was used in Ohio in 2012 to restrict voting during certain times, those time being suspiciously consistent with when Blacks went to the polls, generally on Sunday. Since there is no national holiday to vote, poorer people do not have the option of going at appointed times.

            You can debate this, but 95 percent of our folks are not voting GOP and those are some of the reasons. If you look closely enough, you can see a reason why the GOP gets a virtually unanimous thumbs down by the black community. Imagine, that covers us all regardless of economic circumstance, from Oprah to those on the bottom of the economic ladder. That is what unanimous has to mean, is that not consistent or what?

            1. wilderness profile image90
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              1.  Are you serious in this?  A political party that the Klan chooses to endorse is automatically labeled as "attacking minorities", not to mention you didn't mention just how it was done?  Did you consider that there are smart people in the Klan, people that are quite capable of deciding that endorsing one party over another will drive voters FROM the party they endorse and TO the other (Democrats in this case)?

              2. Voter id laws has indeed "been seen" by many as an attack on blacks, apparently under the theory that black people cannot obtain that id.  You know and I know that it isn't true.

              But you lost me when you say voter id laws has something to do with voting on Sundays, and that blacks only vote on Sunday.  Or even that poorer people (whether minority or not) won't vote because they aren't paid to do so.

              Yes, I can debate it forever, but neither one is an "attack on minorities", which was the question.  It is true that voter id has been made out to be such an attack, and it is (probably) true that blacks and the poor have swallowed the liberal party line that it is, but it was not, and is not, any kind of attack on any minority.  And your #1 is just silly - blaming the GOP for what the Klan does is, and can only be, pure political spin aimed at gullible people.

              1. Credence2 profile image81
                Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                "1.  Are you serious in this?  A political party that the Klan chooses to endorse is automatically labeled as "attacking minorities", not to mention you didn't mention just how it was done?  Did you consider that there are smart people in the Klan, people that are quite capable of deciding that endorsing one party over another will drive voters FROM the party they endorse and TO the other (Democrats in this case)?"

                Does not matter what you and your folks think, Wilderness, any party that attracts the Klan of  which a few inthe GOP have been courting is an enemy and an attack. That is what WE say and that is how WE vote. You associate with the Klan and get their endorsement, you are accepting their agenda and make an enemy of me andmine, it is just that simple. Understanding GOP types, the Klan is not concerned about driving people out from their chosen team. Conservatives can absorb Trump and his race baiting style, it is not too much of a stretch for them to buddy up with the Klan, is it not?

                2. Voter id laws has indeed "been seen" by many as an attack on blacks, apparently under the theory that black people cannot obtain that id.  You know and I know that it isn't true.

                A little background, on the voting thing.
                https://www.thenation.com/article/ohio- … r-to-vote/

                when it comes to buying the "liberal party" line it is going to be natural that I going to believe my own eyes and ears and those of 95 percent of my group, before I believe you, that does not sound too unnatural does it?

                It ticks me that you think that we all are so stupid, ignoring what is right in front of us, while you conservatives tell us that you are so smart and that we imagine things, when there is nothing that the GOP in particular, nor conservatives in general have done in the last 60 years that would make them more attractive to support over the Democrats.

                So, for those that want to know WHY, that is why....

                1. wilderness profile image90
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  "That is what WE say and that is how WE vote."

                  Yes, I fully get that.  But that that is how you vote, or even that you view a political endorsement as an attack on you, doesn't make it so.  The question, then, still stands - just how are minorities being "attacked" by the GOP?

                  Skimming your link, and another one from the one you provided, I didn't catch anything about voter id.  But whether it is there or not, requiring ID before voting is something I fully support, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the race of the voter.  Just that they are legal to vote.  Are you saying that most blacks are not legal to cast a vote?  A felon, perhaps?

                  1. Credence2 profile image81
                    Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    "That is what WE say and that is how WE vote."

                    Yes, I fully get that.  But that that is how you vote, or even that you view a political endorsement as an attack on you, doesn't make it so.  The question, then, still stands - just how are minorities being "attacked" by the GOP?

                    But your view that the political endorsement is not an attack does not make that true, just because you and the Right say so....


                    "Skimming your link, and another one from the one you provided, I didn't catch anything about voter id.  But whether it is there or not, requiring ID before voting is something I fully support, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the race of the voter.  Just that they are legal to vote.  Are you saying that most blacks are not legal to cast a vote?  A felon, perhaps?"
                    Ok, let's not wander, voter ID is ok as long as it is free and is part of a motor voter campaign or such so that everyone has time to acquire one.

                    Conservatives are probably attacking Wikipedia now as "liberal", like they always do when something does not toe their line.

                    There are plenty or reasons for us to distrust the GOP in general and Donald Trump in particular. But here it is, and this is unprecedented from any commander and chief in this or even the last century.

                    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_ … nald_Trump

  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Perhaps what Trump is really saying is that almost all race related issues in America  that were made up of false cause and importance during the Obama era are false?  When record numbers of people are working again ,  enjoying all of the economic benefits of US citizenship ,
    -unemployment down
    -female unemployment down
    -youth employment down
    -incarcerations down
    -violent crime down
    -opportunity for higher education up

    Trump ,Where's the beef ?


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