Can the United States afford to have free health care for all? Why or why not?
No, because it removes any individual responsibility for managing personal health.
I don't smoke, keep my weight down, exercise daily and eat a good diet both for better health and to avoid the huge expenses of bad health.
We have the most obese country on the planet and the illnesses and medical expenses that come with obesity. I shouldn't have to pay extra taxes to take care of irresponsible people.
If anyone should pay a penalty, it should be them. That said, medical care should be affordable for all, not free for all.
Yes, and I answered it, although maybe not in the way you wanted. I'll try another way.
The lack of individual responsibility removes an important incentive to keep costs down. It's one reason why it's so expensive now -- because too many people get away with not taking care of their health.
If we make it free, that incentive is gone and costs will go even higher, making it unaffordable to the country.
The idea of free health care for all is beyond preposterous. Just like the idea of free college for all. If one wants something, either pay for it or...…...DO WITHOUT!
Maybe temporarily, or would socialized medicine cause a breakdown in the medical system? I say this because on a trip to the Soviet Union in 1990, I spoke with a Russian student who complained about growing up poor. She said her mother was a doctor and made about $300 a month under the socialist medical system. She was astounded that doctors in the U.S. made around $100,000 a year at that time. I wonder if we went to socialized medicine, would our young lose interest in becoming doctors because they would feel like they would not be making enough money. (Today doctors who accept Medicare patients complain of being shortchanged financially.) Would we suffer a shortage of doctors? After all, today's doctors in the U.S. are in a position of prestige and wealth. Today it is easy to tell which doctors are in it because it is their calling and which ones are in it strictly for the prestige and the money. Even the latter do provide services that are badly needed.
I agree with all the above, but to answer the question, no we cannot.
American Corporations - Big Pharma, Insurance, Inter-state healthcare groups, are all going to fight against true 'socialized' medical care.
With a market worth more than $3 trillion, drug firms, medical providers, and health technology companies have an incentive to maintain a system that lets them set prices instead of negotiating with a single government payer. Both the GOP and the Democratic party are under the influence of the medical-industrial complex.
In addition our doctors and medical staff are the highest paid in the world, the average American doctor makes about $160k general practitioner and $235 specialist while Canada for example averages $100k gp and $160 specialist.
Another problem is population, Canada is a country of about 35 million, which has 65% of its population engaged in its workforce, the United States with a population of 325 million sits at about 60%.
Canada's healthcare system is not burdening its population with paying $500 dollars for a $5 dollar pill, or $15k for an insurance policy that doesn't cover anything until you have spent through $5k in deductibles.
So the factors are that we have fewer workers (percentage wise) contributing into the system, meaning more are depending upon it.
And we have much higher costs across the board for medical expenses. It would require a revolution (overthrow of the current system) to displace, as these Trillion dollar medical industries would never allow the politicians to push through a law that would change things and kill their profits.
Anything they pass would just be another major 'screw the working American' system like the ACA was. … alth-care/
Of course we can afford health care for ALL Americans, Bozo Trump and his Russian republican accomplices just gave trillions of our wealth away to elite Wall Street Hoarders via their corporate welfare tax scam:
If we can afford that massive money give away we can certainly afford health Insurance for ALL:
I agree. Thanks for actually answering the question.
We're not done yet ..................
Wishing it doesn't make it so .
Maybe you can answer your own question too with your reasons for thinking that way.
You're welcome lovetherain: But be aware and don't fall for the conservative LIE that Dems are in favor of 'free' healthcare because that's not the plan and they know it even though fox loser channel propagates this falsehood to a sickening degree:
Who actually gets 'free' money a 'free' pass the right and entitlement to 'free' load off of the backs of the American people and the equivalent of welfare? In this most corrupt and evil impostor trump administration, the already filthy rich do in the form of republicans corporate welfare tax cut scam that was recently passed:
Unaaceptable and must be REPEALED ASAP:
Democratic platform ;
-Free health care
-Guaranteed minimum wages
-Free higher education
-Free day -care at work
-Free voting rights for illegals
-Free Clean energy
-Free pre -pre-school
If Fox is the republican news channel, and republicans are in power, then logically, Fox is the WINNER channel, and not the loser.
Cheesus. You're all smoked out, bud.
P.S.: The only people who 'free load' off the backs of the working class and all other Amercians in a FAILED Russian republican controlled capitalistic white house and congress, are the filthy rich who truly believe in their warped, twisted, greedy little minds that they are entitled to use workers then TAKE all of our wealth without giving back one red cent in return to the community:
It's long past time Dems change the corrupt failed capitalism running rampant in the most corrupt impostor admin in history where Wall Street gets trillions and a Bozo implant in the oval office sabotages our healthcare system:
That was easily the dumbest comment in the history of the Hubpages forums. Well, I guess someone had to win the honor, and who better but captain hyperbolic bovine scat.
You ever consider publishing articles out of your prose? You'd publish under news and politics, but the moderators would have to move your stuff to comedy.
Have you ever considered making a claim you could actually prove about ...anything? Of course you haven't. CNN and MSNBC are your fantasy fiction shows, but you are the last man in America who thinks that stuff is real. Besides bozo Godwin, I mean.
Russians aren't able to register as republicans, and they aren't allowed to vote in the USA. Again, if Trump isn't POTUS, then where is Donald Trump? Who is he if he isn't Donald Trump? Do you even have the ability to comprehend what the definition of the word 'impostor' is? I guess 3 syllables are simply too much for you.
Just nevermind economics, and the facts about the world's largest economy booming, and unemployment being very very low. 'Economics' is four syllables, and there is simply no chance the concept behind it could be explained, at all, to a CNN fan.
Wussman, personal attacks do not add any credibility to your claims. But you already know that as a Spanky adorer. You are just like him in many ways.
Randy, I always thought there were TOS Rules about personal attacks from one HP member directed at another: Maybe they have changed? ahorseback and Wesman seem to attack me and others uncontrollably simply because the truth apparently is not acceptable to them:
The truth that everything you say is delusional nonsense, and you refuse to back any of it up? Again, for the 20th time, if that isn't Donald Trump in the White House, then who is it, and where is the real Donald Trump? Could it be that this is a writing site, and it is offensive to people here to have someone who types his delusions in these forums all the time, and he doesn't even seem to know the definition of simple words like 'impostor?' Yeah, I think that is it.
So again, for the 21st time, explain your impostor comments? If you fail to do so, then it will become clearer to everyone that you are a delusional person who lives in a CNN fake news fantasy. I feel they should be paying for your problems, as the two seem so very very intertwined. Or is it MSNBC?
a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.
synonyms: impersonator, masquerader, pretender, imitator, deceiver, hoaxer, trickster, fraudster, swindler; fake, fraud, sham, phony, scammer
"it turned out the meter reader was an impostor"
It turns out, Donald Trump is your President. So he isn't an 'impostor,' and you're misusing the word. Did you even read the definition you posted, or are you not capable of comprehending that Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.
Are you saying the person who claims to be Donald Trump is someone else? Who is it? What has become of the real Donald Trump, who we've been seeing on television and in the news for most of our lives?
You are, in fact, the only person in the entire world who I have heard say that Donald Trump isn't really Donald Trump. Do you have secret knowledge often?
I wish you lived in my hometown. I'd know just who to call. See, I wonder if you are okay. It seems like you may be having some problems.
Jake, as I stated, most of Trump's fans are like him in many ways. They have a strained relationship with facts and are angry when they have no real defense of the cretin in the WH. Therefore, they call names and insult just like their hero does. Brilliant!
And yes, personal attacks are against forum rules, but they have to be reported before anything is done by the mods.
Bozo Trump claims his allegiance is with the USA then caves to Vladimir Putin expressing his support for him against our own law enforcement agencies:
Bozo Trump claims his allegiance to the USA when in private secret meetings with republicans he's sabotaging our healthcare system:
Sorry, but that's the truth and just two factual examples of WHY Bozo Trump is an impostor:
So you're dropping the impostor claim? Very wise of you.
Getting rid of the individual mandate was the right thing to do. Government has no business forcing persons to purchase products. How would you like it if someone pulled out a gun, forced you to hand over loads of cash, and left you with some shoddy product you didn't want or need?
Well, that's what Obamacare did. They never got a penny out of me though, I'd really rather go to jail than be a part of any of that thievery.
Thank God for Donald Trump! Oh, and our FBI colluded with the Clintons and the DNC to try to prevent the lawful election of our greatest POTUS of the modern age, the 45th POTUS, Donald J. Trump. They failed. I hope to see some FBI personnel in jail before it is all said and done. That would make me very very happy.
Oh you want my personal information? Are you Bozo Facebook now? You may have noticed no one is interested in yours. I'm totally flattered though. Totally.
So I'll just assume you're getting a check from the govt then.
Randy, Wesman just corroborated my last comment by his admission that Bozo Trump is indeed sabotaging our healthcare system:
Jake, what do you expect from a Hannity and Limbaugh fan?
I would just ignore him Randy: Let him do what he wants to do and believe what he wants to believe: Healthcare is probably not on his priority list as it really should be and Bozo Trump sabotaging his and his children's healthcare behind closed doors in private apparently doesn't move him so let it be, let it be, let it be, oh let it be, whisper words of wisdom:
I don't know why he's calling everyone else 'Bozo" but here's just one example of many why Bozo Trump is known as Bozo Trump, the embarrassment of America: This sits in the oval office? Really? UNREAL:
I wonder how he'll feel when his idol is standing before a firing squad or waiting on the gibbet for the hatch to fall. Treason is still a death sentence as far as I can tell. But his fans will still believe his lies...
I would be interested in seeing your rigorous mathematical analysis of what it would cost and where the money would come from (all of our money is already earmarked for something).
Failing that, your guess that we can afford an unknown amount because we allow people to keep what they own is absolutely worthless. Just another nonsense statement you can't back up.
There is no such thing as 'free.' So it is very impossible to have an imaginary thing, except for as a distraction in one's head.
A nonsensical question can't be dodged. Your question was about like asking what the color red tastes like.
You just don't like the answer to the question, which is "Yes".
You do not 'deserve' things that you do not earn. Someone may give something to you, and that is perfectly fine, but you do not get to decide how to spend other people's money
+100000000000000000000, couldn't said it better!
EXACTLY! If one wants a service, PAY for that service. Either pay or DO WITHOUT!
No, it cannot. It cannot because it cannot. why do you ask, because you want free health care? Nothing is free so what you want is an
I L L U S I O N ! ! ! !
Have fun with that.
By the way, pot is bad for you and sugar, and too much alcohol and pharmaceuticals, and drugs of all sorts, and junk food, and lack of sleep, and no money and no job and no education and no friends and bad friends and no family and bad mothers and no fathers and ... where is this nation headed? ... what is good about modern society, I'm starting to wonder??
I think we are headed for some sort of catastrophe, what with the way kids are being educated and raised on technology and becoming addicted at a young age to smart phones, computer games and TV and colorful talking toys ... then both parents must work and the kids are stuck in school/daycare for twelve hours at a time, including preschoolers, and yes we need free health care but it is impossible to have so my advice is don't expect it anytime soon ...
Maybe figure out how to stay healthy and how to live without drugs and pharmaceuticals. Know how to prevent disease. Natural healing can be had. It just takes a little knowledge of how the body works.
I would say that, today, thanks to Obama Care, going to doctors and hospitals is very scary and dangerous.
What's the value of anything that's free?
I have said this before in other threads , The State of Vermont a very liberal , primarily democratic majority of legislators AND residents studied this very point to death a few years ago . It was stated that free healthcare ; Obamacare , the AHCA , in Vermont they had their own name which escapes me right now , would effectively more than double the states projected yearly budgeting. Vermont , already an overtaxed , over regulated , underinsured , understaffed state would have suffered a catastrophic taxing increase .
Someone needs to answer that simple question that no one ever answers ; How do you pay for free healthcare that doubles taxation ,
Oh that's how we do it ! Brilliant !
Now who suffers , infrastructure , Medicare -caid ,education , welfare , state wages , benefits , retirement funds , policing , universities , ...............?
With all of the above underfunded and the people paying over taxed , where does doubling it come from?
It's a very, very simple question .
BY the way , You're asking a front loaded question .
bombs and guns. do we really need to spend billions on those?
Bombs and guns are necessary and cost way less than the twelve percent or so of our nat.def. budget , of which most is not actually bombs and guns but things like paychecks and benefits .
Next ?
Healthcare doubles our whole budget , keep that in mind.
The price of freedom was paid in blood. In the future it will again be paid in blood. So yes, we need bombs and guns.
So many Americans erroneously contend that health care is a right. NO, it isn't. Nothing is free. Services should be paid for. What is wrong w/people wanting something for nothing? It doesn't go that way. If one doesn't have the money, well too bad, go without!
Actually, health care is a constitutional right and there is no plan for 'free' healthcare from Dems that I know of, that's just a LIE fox loser channel and hand out queen Sean Hammity invented in their little minds: What Dems will eventually succeed in getting is healthcare for ALL Americans by raising taxes but eliminating current healthcare premiums and deductibles as an offset which will actually save consumers money:
Guess who just got FREE Stuff in the form of massive troves of cash? Filthy Rich people like weasel Steve Mnuchin that's who, they got it from Bozo Trump's and Russian controlled republican's 'corporate welfare tax cut scam' recently passed which gifted Trillions to Wall Street elites:
And Bozo Trump is STILL sabotaging your health care system: NICE
And you thought the working class was gonna get a pay raise once Bozo Trump infiltrated our white house? Well, surprise, all you got was a wimpy 72 year old who sided with Vladimir Putin on national television against our own law enforcement:
Why do you think republicans are getting pounded in special elections and why Trump will soon be indicted? Well, this is one reason:
"Actually, health care is a constitutional right"
Why do you so consistently post such outright falsehoods? You know better - why do you then say such things?
I would urge all to read the constitution, declaration of independence:
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence:
An impossible task without comprehensive health insurance and medical care:
An impossible task with comprehensive health insurance and medical care, too. We all die.
Try again, but this time without putting your personal take on our Constitution. And using the words of the Constitution, not some other document ("Actually, health care is a constitutional right")
Full context (for the aforementioned quote):
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. - END
I grant you, that based on how you interpret the above, one could see your position has merit, but I would also say there is nothing explicit there that states HEALTH CARE is a right that has to be bestowed to you by the government... in fact I would ague against your position, and have.
I would argue instead, that they left open for us to amend our government to provide for such, if 'we the people' determine that is what we want our government to provide.
As it stands, we have a right to LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, however wretched or exemplary is NOT part of what government is supposed to provide, even though we have gone a long way to making it the government's job in this country to do so, because 'we the people' continue to demand and expect everything to be handed to us by the government, which will lead to the Nation's quick collapse once the balance of the scales has tipped to far to one side. Many would argue we have already crossed that threshold, and the scales have tipped to far, evidence would be our unpayable debt and deficit.
*stamping foot and scrunching face* I DON'T CARE! I want the maximum health care that science can provide (and more), and I want you to provide it because I am incapable of providing for myself!
Now, about that Lamborghini, sea going yacht and Lear jet that is necessary for my "pursuit of happiness"...
Thanks for corroborating my statement Ken Burgess: YES, healthcare is indeed a right per our 'Declaration of Independence":
As hard as I try, I can't find the word "healthcare" anywhere in there. Not "doctor", "nurse", "hospital" or anything else concerning medical treatment. Not even "insurance", as you claimed the first time.
Where are you getting that free medical care is a right?
Gonna have to back you up again, Wilderness. There is a legal definition of "right," not just someone's opinion. Black's Law Dictionary online does not seem to give a Constitutional definition, but constitutional lawyers have explained to me that a difference exists between "right" and "privilege". They said that constitutionally it is everyone's right to have a child, but it is only a privilege to have a job. So it is your right to have a child (if you are fertile, of course), but your privilege to support them, not withstanding the fact that the government will get you if you don't. If this holds true, I would say the same applies to health care.
What is more disconcerting, is that many believe it with a conviction that borders on extremism, facts be dammed.
Of course they do. They also believe that they have a "right" to anything they want and that the government is an infinite supply of money without anyone ever providing that money.
It's called greed. Wanting more than you have or can afford. The left likes to pretend that only the rich exhibit the tendency, but it is very much alive and well in ALL economic classes.
Wow, and you falsely accused me of falsehoods?
In reality, there are virtually zero similarities between the financial condition of the average working American trying to survive and a greedy Wall Street slob like Steve Mnuchin who believes society owes him another 50 million dollar yacht for doing absolutely nothing, except maybe ripping off a few innocent people here and there:
Please quote from my post anything about the financial condition of the rich vs the poor.
The post was about greed, not financial position.
I'm not going to argue with you over semantics, but your entire comment was about "financial condition", trying to compare a greedy filthy rich person to those who may be less fortunate which is indeed a false comparison:
In reality, a filthy rich greed monger like Steve Mnuchin is 'greedy' out of choice, he doesn't NEED any more money or assets he's just a pig, and in contrast, the average American worker must pinch pennies to save and work overtime to make as money as possible just to stay afloat: BIG Difference:
Readers should just simply go back and take a look at the previous comments:
No, it's not, and your efforts to turn it into financial condition are fruitless.
The fact is that people in every class want more than they have. It doesn't matter how much they already have, some will always want more. It's called greed (particularly when the demand is that someone else provide it) and is not dependent on what one has or what their financial condition is.
Nor is it always a bad thing; without greed (and laziness) there would be very few innovations or improvements; if what we have is good enough, we'll never try for better.
States don't build bombs and guns, and that is where the tax money comes from.
Rearrange how? to get rid of all the big corporate tax breaks or to add more taxes to the already overburdened middle class. Or do you cut out welfare payments to those who don't work? Do you cut money to schools, to children's programs, or to highway and transportation? That is an easy statement to make if you've never worked in state government, especially in the area of budgeting.
Should we find a way? Certainly. Can we create an effective single payer system that doesn't result in fraud and poor health care for the masses while bankrupting the nation? Hard to say.
Jake . GREED ? People who want something without having to pay for something ex / Free Health care for all .
Solution ; Get a Job pay your own way .
I agree w/ahorseback! A Liberal is in concurrence w/a Conservative. I am of the school that if people want service, they ought to PAY. If people PAID their way, there would be LESS taxes. Since the *******Great Society programs instituted by LBJ, America has become more parasitic. My solution to this malaise: cut welfare by 90% & other social programs by 80%-85%. Let people DO for selves!
Excuse me for butting in to this debate, but the provision of healthcare here in the UK is a political hot potato at the moment and it's a subject close to my heart. You might like to think upon how our system is working.
There is no such thing as 'free' health care. It is paid for by tax deductions taken from wages and salaries through the PAYE (pay as you earn) scheme. Our tax system is progressive - those who earn more pay a higher rate of tax. The basic rate of tax is currently 20% of earned income, after personal allowances of tax free income have been deducted. Healthcare might appear to be free because no money changes hands at the GP surgery or at the hospital. But the reality is that the health services are only free to those who don't pay tax - the unemployed and their dependants, or very low earners who don't earn enough to pay tax on their income.
Well heeled people are free to buy private health insurance, or pay for their care in private hospitals, if they choose to, but they still have to pay into the NHS scheme. Our National Health Service costs vasts sums of money.
Hospitals are currently struggling to maintain their high levels of service due to inadequate budgets, increased demand, and staff shortages. Our present 'free' system is fundamentally unsustainable - for complex reasons, including an ageing population that is living longer than previous generations and the very high costs of some procedures and treatments, aftercare, and medicines.
The government is unable to allocate more funding for health and social care unless it increases taxes and ring fences the increased income for the health budget. But the conservative government is wary about upsetting its supporters by increasing the burden of personal taxation.
The general population would strongly resist a move to a system of private health care and any political party that put it in their election manifesto would be most unlikely to be elected to government. That said, there is a suspicion that the current government may try to introduce some measures to partly privatise the system.
The fundamental question is how much a society, and the individuals in the society, values those people who are unable to pay for their health care and social needs. That is usually decided through the ballot box. I suggest to you that the mark of a civilised society is the willingness to care for the needs of those who are unable to care for themselves.
Excellent points all , Your last paragraph is the greater point of contention in America , we have , as many nations do a growing populace of seekers rather than earners , also an aging population and an over using younger generations with families , "The mark of a civilized society is its willingness to care for the needs ..............." Yet in America we already do the same with public and private entities of charity and , philanthropic corporations , individuals and government itself. The USA is a capitalist society ,that of only a free enterprise that provides a competitive atmosphere in healthcare , insurance companies and hospitals , for a fee , for profit and for the overall livelihood and health of a constantly changing dynamic . Our system works well except for the successful lobbying interests in government of OVER-regulatory health care oversight , extreme pharmaceutical profiteering , highly regulated hospitals and almost unlimited doctors profiteering ,......a few other issues like exorbitant insurance company costs and regional regulations that need desperate changing ! On and on ....however , There are too many , especially younger ,people in American now that are expecting "something for nothing " across the board and have neither paid in long enough to the system or care to engage in society as "paying your own way " or actually working for a living .
Of course your system is struggling, you have taken in millions of 'refugees' who use your welfare and healthcare system without contributing to it.
When you have millions more to care for that was never anticipated or never contributed you get "inadequate budgets, increased demand, and staff shortages."
ahorseback, I really don't buy the argument that a significant proportion of young people expect something for nothing. There is less demand for low skilled and unskilled workers nowadays, due partly to computer technology and in part to it now being more competitive to manufacture overseas - largely in the Far East.
My first job was in a large firm of insurance underwriters - over fifty years ago. The clerical staff occupied two floors of a building. I was engaged transferring client information from paper files on to cards, in preparation for input to a mainframe computer. This is one example of clerical work that was once done manually by around forty people now probably done by only a few people working on computers.
Most of the clothing manufacturing industry, which was once a major employer in my part of the country, has now disappeared because many people want to buy cheap goods made abroad.Similarly, light engineering in the town has declined. There are very few jobs for young people - mostly warehouse work, slinging burgers, or working in a hairdressing salon. I am so glad that I am not young anymore. It's a tough world out there for anyone who has not had higher level education - and even graduates find it difficult to find jobs.
.Businesses move their manufacturing and call centres to places where they can maximise profits by paying low wages, low rents and low business rates. Consequently, we have ended up with globalisation that is detrimental to the West. So who do we blame and who can rectify the situation by restoring competitiveness in our countries?
One market there is a shortage of in America is service sector people , maintenance , plumbers , electricians , builders , HVAC , tech workers , unemployment is very low , too many stay in college too long , Young people in America have more opportunity than similar ages thirty ,forty , years ago. So no , the jobs are here , yet the ambitions not so much .
The idea of democratic-- socialism is so popular in america at present that THAT is the coming wave of "needs ,wants and desires ", free education , free healthcare , minimum guaranteed income , free daycare etc..... I worked my entire life in building trades and every thing I hear today from past worker associates "Nobody wants to show up for work anymore " , same thing from the big box stores and yards .
We used to say "Too many people want to start at the top of the company today ", looking for perks , now I fear the ambition in younger generations is sorely lacking .
I wonder why lack of ambition is the problem? One thing that has been said here about the free movement of labour within the EU is that young Polish people who have come to Britain are prepared to work very hard - many in the building trades that you mention.
Here growing up in entitlement home situations , I believe, is the downfall or leaves a learning curve problem , Where Central American immigrants and as you say eastern European , Anyone who has experience a life "without " economic opportunity , hunger , poverty , is far more motivated to earn to learn. Of course in America there are those who are taught well that earning your way is the key . But America's younger generations in general have an expectancy attitude . " I'm educated so I deserve more ".
New cars , Trucks , seven hundred dollar smart phones , big screen TV's , homeownership at a young age , It's changing here ,the dynamics are very fluid I guess .
That is part of the problem, Wilderness, but I've watched our government itself contribute to the problem. For about 20 years the trend in education was to do away with trade schools that trained people to work in the service industry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, you get the picture. These trade schools were turned into junior colleges to make young people "educated" enough to go get baccalaureate degrees. Many young people are not intellectuals and actually enjoy working with their hands. I heard my boss fuss about this very educational trend and say that one day society would suffer. I think one spinoff of this was to make hard core trade workers desperate for an income turn to making meth (short on Shakespeare but long on chemistry). I could be wrong, but statistically there certainly was an increase in meth labs during this time.
It is good to feel that one deserves MORE. However, one must work to get MORE. MORE just doesn't fall into one's lap. If one wants MORE, one had better WORK, WORK IT...………..
Health is not a right. Health is a reward for good habits, self mastery and discipline.
Healthcare is not a right. Healthcare is self-care.
Healthcare Insurance is not a right. Since when is having insurance for ANYTHING a right.
You and you alone are responsible for coverage of whatever you need insured. Who will give us free car insurance?
Yes, we are forced to pay for car insurance.
And yes, we are (were) forced to pay for human body insurance.
Just because you can't afford insurance for WHATEVER you need insured, you should be supplied the means to purchase it
by others
who are better off than you?
W H Y ?
+In total concurrence! Nowadays, people feel entitled. They want FREEBIES whether it is healthcare, education, & other things. What happened to WORKING & PAYING for housing, education, etc. People are starting to develop a welfare mentality-gimme, gimme, owe me, you owe me!!
Sounds just like a perfect description of Wall Street execs who believe they have the right or are 'entitled' to use this country and her workers to rake in trillions without the obligation to pay taxes to help maintain the very same country they just raked over the coals:
Bozo Trump's / republicans recent corporate welfare tax cut is the greatest wealth transfer scam in modern history, it did absolutely nothing for the worker or senior citizen and that's a crime: If we can afford to give filthy rich greedy weirdo Steve Mnuchin another mansion or two, we can surely afford healthcare for all:
And by the way, the fox loser channel talking point of 'free' healthcare is just another LIE they spew daily just like 'open borders' etc:
In reality, healthcare for all would require an increase in taxes to pay for the program but current healthcare premiums and deductibles would be eliminated as an offset to that expense: So whenever anyone says 'free' healthcare that person is either uninformed which is expected if he or she is a fox loser channel viewer or, he or she is just propagating a ridiculous made up falsehood: That's reality:
Precious Melania Trump just had surgery, I'll bet she had health insurance to cover the major expense, just like I'm sure Lord Barron has health insurance, weirdo Steve Mnuchin and all of Bozo Trump's corrupt little cronies are certainly covered but not your children: NICE country in serious decline we live in:
Bozo Trump sabotaging our healthcare system, trying desperately to burn up your children's health insurance policies, just one of an infinite number of reasons why women and independents are dumping him by the droves and Dems are WINNING in special elections:
From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
What others have actually belongs to you if you think you "need" it more than the owner does.
Easy boys think happy thoughts , then rewrite a real Trumpism .
Randy is too modest to advertise his fashionable men's shoes online. But I like them, and I know they fit Randy very well.
That's the difference , Some people" Held" a job and others worked them until the end .
This is way to easy Wesman .
Yeah. I don't actually believe it when someone says they've had a job when they make a point of spending a lot of time fantasizing about how to spend other people's money, like the modern Democrats do. I guess busboy at the nearest greasy spoon is technically a job though.
I was just trying to remember , I know a few alt-left democrats and am trying to place one of them with what they do for a living ? .............
Nooo, I can't seem to do it. Sorry .
Antifa baby sitters? It's a new children's club, I hear.
Oh yea the MASKED ones complaining because the arrested names were released by the arresting cops .
Those poor children !
I don't believe you've ever had a job doing anything as you seem to be ashamed of telling anyone about it. I don't blame you if you're getting a disability check though. Makes sense...
Well your time is accounted for. What you do all with your life is easy to see. What I do with mine, isn't the business of a clown.
When you aren't wearing a big red nose and making balloons for terrified children at parties, you are on the web doing your second clown routine.
I see why you feel so ashamed of what you contribute to the economy. I've always held down two jobs with one of them being a full time farmer and the others a professional musician and building contractor among other jobs I've been successful at.
You're more than likely getting a govt. check or living off your parents.. I suspect the latter....
So you work two jobs at night? I didn't know farmers worked at night. For the 8 years I've been looking at Hubpages, you've spent all day of every day you were allowed right here in the forums with a big red clown nose and goofy shoes on.
So you've either not slept in 8 years (which would make sense, considering the depth of your commentary) or you are fond of lying.
Ha! I've been retired for 5 years, Wussy. I've always been self-employed and my own boss. Why are you afraid to say what you've done to earn a living? If you ever have....
My experience with your ilk from the right is they are usually afraid to give any details about their personal life, but are the most vociferous in giving their frightened opinions. You are such an example..
Yes , the left after all is so open with their identities ?
But Can They Spell Hypocrite ?
I'm really not used to having old clowns express such an interest in me. I'm not into men at all, especially one that reminds me of a clown in a book I read in high school. Hanging out in sewers with paper boats and such. It's really pretty creepy.
It's also all beside the point. But you never had a point. That comment you made about the POTUS in front of a firing squad? I'd recommend you see a doctor for that. Your commie fantasies are bleeding through in your text.
So all of a sudden liberals actually recognize and have standards for people getting a disability check or living off their parents ?
Flip -flop -flip flop.............?
Now you guys are really confusing me .
So all of a sudden liberals actually recognize and have standards of shame for people getting a disability check or living off their parents ?
Flip -flop -flip flop.............?
Now you guys are really confusing me .
by ngureco 12 years ago
Why Can’t A Large Economy Like US Provide “Free” Health Care As It Is In UK And Canada?
by Money Fairy 12 years ago
I am wondering why non-citizens(mainly mexicans) are allowed to come over here and have their babies for free in our hospitals??? And me a tax paying citizen with no health insurance has to pay $180 at a clinic just to get a prescription for penicylin for a cold or flu. Thank goodness I have been...
by vshining 15 years ago
We all know affordable healthcare in America do not exist and it's sad because America is suppose to be the land of the plenty, but yet we have people dying because they can't afford healthcare.I appreciate the President for wanting to help the poor and middle class people that can’t afford...
by PrettyPanther 5 years ago
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Wednesday that "Medicare for All" will not move in the Senate as long as Republicans control the chamber. "Not as long as I'm majority leader. It ought to be Medicare for none. …So, if Mitch had his way, no one would be...
by Peeples 12 years ago
Curious as to what people who are against everyone having healthcare think should be done for those who really can't afford healthcare. What are the other options? Continue down the same road we are on now?
by Silver Rose 15 years ago
I don't normally get involved in political debates, but had to wade into this one. Some foolish American magazine has made the following comment:"The controlling of medical costs in countries such as Britain through rationing, and the health consequences thereof, are legendary. The stories of...
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