Pence gets cold shoulder in Munich on Trump policies.

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  1. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 5 years ago

    When Mike Pence gave a speech about Trump's foreign policies in Munich yesterday, he received a deafening silence for his efforts. Unlike Angela Merkle, who earned a standing ovation for her efforts, Pence was clearly perturbed by his cold reception on the world stage.

    This was no surprise to those of us who abhor what Trump has done to alienate our allies and join Russia as a threat to world peace. His kowtowing to Putin was an embarrassment we still haven't recovered from. Thoughts?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      No, it's not a big surprise that closing the purse strings, rejecting the notions that the US is an endless source of funding and socialism in general would produce silence.  Not surprising at all.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, it was all about money then?  Were they taking more of your money for the European union? Dang Dan, you do seem to be paying more than anyone else....

      2. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, that's all it's about. Just money.


        1. profile image0
          promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          The constant praising of Russia and constant criticism of our allies had nothing to do with it.

        2. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          You are correct.  Germany doesn't care if we build a wall.  It doesn't care if employment goes through the roof and it doesn't care if we ban abortions.

          It DOES care when the money dries up and we begin to take notice of unfair trade agreements.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image61
            Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            But does Germany care if Trump's in bed with Putin though?

          2. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I know that you think everything revolves exclusively around money because that seems to be how you operate, but believe it or not, some world leaders consider the long-term security ramifications of a POTUS who aligns himself with dictators while alienating and undermining our allies.

            1. Randy Godwin profile image61
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              The look on Pence's face said it all. He represents a con man on the world stage and apparently wasn't aware of it.

              1. lobobrandon profile image91
                lobobrandonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Many people on the global stage respect Trump more than Pence and that's saying something.

                1. profile image0
                  promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Really? Why do you say that? I had the impression from many sources that it's the other way around.

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                    Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    From the look of things yesterday, neither Pence or Trump's name appears on any of the foreign leader's birthday lists.

                  2. lobobrandon profile image91
                    lobobrandonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    From what I've gathered it's because Trump is direct and open about what he wants whereas Pence seems to be governed by his morals and instead of putting the best interest of the nation in front of all else, which Trump in all honesty thinks he is doing, Pence believes he is enlightened by God and let's his morals and beliefs govern policy/the way he acts. 

                    Trump may not be liked, but he has some level of respect. Pence doesn't have the respect of the people. I say this based on what I read on /r/Europe on reddit. It's not personal opinion. But I prefer Trump to Pence too.

                    Pence doesn't believe in equality and without equality you cannot have progress. It shouldn't matter to me, but what happens in the US does have global repercussions.

            2. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Fair enough.  And I recognize as well that because Trump insists on "America First" and does everything he can to promote that, it means, to you, that he is selling out the country to Russia, or N Korea or China or whoever he spoke to last. 

              I get that.

              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Way to completely mischaracterize my thoughts on the subject.  I have no problem with Trump putting America first, if that is what I thought he was actually doing.  How is it putting America first to stand next to Putin and tell the world you believe him over your own intelligence agencies?  That is just one very glaring example, but we've been over this ground before.  It is clear we disagree about the importance of that move and others.

              2. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                So, we say "America First", the Germans say "Deutschland Uber Alles"

                So while everybody is playing patriot games, how do they advance meaningful dialogue between nations within the international community?

                1. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  You have to wait until the alpha dog is acknowledged.


                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Alpha Dogs???

                2. lobobrandon profile image91
                  lobobrandonposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  No the Germans do not say that.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks, Lobo, I stand corrected, a little research revealed that the title of that song was banned as a result of the defeat of Germany after WWII. But, too bad, I have to admit the former anthem did have a pleasant melody. I confess, I have not heard the replacement anthem.

                    But the point remains, if America First is valid, why cannot any other nations seek the same perspective for themselves and their people?

                    The U.S promotes a posturing attitude that gets us all nowhere.

  2. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 5 years ago

    To further expand on my OP, Angela Merkel received a loud ovation for her speech and so did Joe Biden when he stated the US would be back supporting our allies in the near future.

    Good ole Uncle Joe!  smile

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds exactly what I said: it's all about the money.  As soon as they were told the purse strings would open once more, providing what the EU doesn't want to pay for themselves, the applause erupts.

      Free money has a way of accomplishing that, doesn't it?

      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn't tell you, Dan. Never got none!  :p Worked hard most of my life and was pleased to help those who never got the same breaks as I.

        And Germany has their largest auto plant in South Carolina hiring many folks as well. Yep, It's all about the money...

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image68
          JAKE Earthshineposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          FAKE Christian "Squinty" Mike Pence must be in very deep legal trouble with the criminal investigation veering into Bozo Trump's transition team as it should: He lies way too much to be innocent, he must know much about the crimes and maybe that's one reason WHY you could almost hear a paper airplane made out of a leftover worthless Trump University Diploma flying through the room in Munich when he opened his sin filled mouth: Just like here in the USA, very few legitimate world leaders can stomach the dimwitted 72 year old, especially when he's WEAKENING our NATO allies:

          Did you see the typical blank dumbfounded look on Ivanika's face when Angela Merkel had to school her on the fact that many BMW's are made in the USA ?? Don't be surprised if they PULL Out of the crumbling USA:


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