I have been accused by some in HP of being a Trump apologist and defender...
As I explained many times, I am a conservative and call it as I see it.
I did not vote for Trump but I also defend him when I see the criticisms were unfair. I also call him out on things that did not get accomplished as he promised in his contract with the voters...
Lets start a discussion here on some legitimate criticism of Trump...not what he said but what he did or fail to do...as President.
Top 3 on my list is repealing Obamacare, Building the wall and cutting taxes. Follow by infrastructure fixing our roads and bridges. To be fair, some of these require a Congress to act...but Reagan got his policies through. Why can't Trump?
Trump is struggling because he has failed to unite the country behind him - shocker! Its as simple as that. Reagan had support from people on both sides of the political isle; while Trump doesn't have nearly as much support EVEN within his own party as you would like to think. People like you are enablers for Trump's craziness; and you defend him no matter what. Sorry, don't have much respect for that. Do you feel that your fellow conservatives (politicians and regular people, both) who are angry with him about this are also 'in the wrong'?
Here is yet another reason why. Look how similar our beloved POTUS' response was to Charlottesville compared to the 1979 Greensboro Massacre - denial. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles … tice-river
Its not acceptible; and as a person of color, you should be giving a crap, Jack. Why do you keep defending Trump? That is a much better question.
We don't even care about his policies, anymore - this country is so far beyond the question of policies with regards to Trump.
As I said, I defend him when he is being unfairly criticized. You will never catch me defending him when he is in the wrong. There is a huge difference between that and not doing what was expected of him.
Fine. Don't listen to reason and keep defending him. Want to talk policies? I like this GOP Congressman's perspective on most things - read what he says about the wall that you want so badly; and his perspective on Russia. http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/opinions/ … index.html
If you were a conservative instead of a Trump-fan, you wouldn't be so deeply concerned about him being 'treated fairly' as you are. He's been making his own bed. What is he, a snowflake to you? LoL!
No, as a conservative, in case you don't know it, is that we are consistent. I don't blindly follow my party...In Bush presidency, I criticized him when he went off and did some non-conservatives things such as the bailout and the Medicare Prescription D plan... and the deficit spending...
I criticize who ever is in power for doing the things they promised not to do...and not doing the things they promised...
With Obama, I criticized his progressive policies ... and the lies he told, which by the way, the media gave him a pass and even covered for him...
The worst in my opinion was Bill Clinton. Under his watch, we were distracted as a nation with impeachment...which in my opinion lead indirectly to the events of 9/11.
He lied to us on camera and took the nation down this distraction knowing full well he was wrong and for selfish reasons, fought to keep his power and the Democrats stood behind him and defended him...
talk about lemmings...
So with Trump, he is getting the worst from all sides. No???
I though Arnold Schwarzenegger's advice to Trump was really really good (and AS is not my favorite person for Im-on-Marias-side 'girl' reasons - PLUS, he's GOP, LoL!)
https://www.techly.com.au/2017/08/18/ar … es-hatred/
“In fact, as president of this great country, you have a moral responsibility to send an unequivocal message that you won’t stand for hate and racism. Let me help you write your speech a little bit.
“As president of the United States, and as a Republican, I reject the support of white supremacists. The country that defeated Hitler’s armies is no place for Nazi flags. The party of Lincoln won’t stand with those who carry the battle flags of the failed Confederacy.”
If Trump had said something along those lines - instead of getting praise from David Duke for what he said...
This is a conservative perspective, Jack (I think Arnie is considered to be a moderate-conservative) - from the person who took Trump's place for a while on his reality show after he became potus. If Trump had been marginally as sensitive - cuz we don't generally hold him to as high of a standard as we have past presidents - he would not be in such hot water over this topic, right now.
By the way, I have a good memory. I remembered what they did and said about Reagan at the time...
He was a cowboy, a 2nd rate actor, reading his lines, ...
He rose above those criticism and attacks... he was the adult and did what was right in countering the evil empire. He along with Thatcher and Pope John Paul ll was a great defender of freedom and ended the cold war with the Soviet Union.
Where are these people that Trump can count on? No where, not Pope Francis...unfortunately.
You cannot even SORT of compare Trump & Reagan's 'criticisms'.
Reagan's criticisms (He was a cowboy, a 2nd rate actor, reading his lines) are typical childish BS from a political party - very similar to all the crap the GOP projected at you about Obama...
Whereas Trump's criticisms are blantant, valid & DANGEROUS - which is why you keep hearing people say that he's dangerous for this country.
He is dangerous because he doesn't understand that you simply cannot condone ANY part of the actions of white supremacy - and he has not only condoned them by saying what he said about Charlottesville; but he incited the violence long before that by catering to their ideals during his campaign with all his 'locker room' rhetoric that so many people became fond of.
Where are the rest of Trump's supporters during these 'free hate speech' gatherings? You don't see them because they DON'T AGREE with the perspective of these WS; and they don't want to be mixed in with them - understandable!
Why are they SUDDENLY reactivated? Why do they feel so emboldened to spew free hate speech now that Trump is in office? This is one of the main reasons why people rejected Trump: we didn't like the attitudes of the people he was inspiring. What a hateful, spiteful - and yeah, deplorable bunch.
Of course, every single Trump supporter doesn't fall into that category. Its just that the ugly people have always screamed the loudest about him. These kinds of articles are all over the place right now, find a media source that you can trust: psychologist have analyzed Trump supporters; and the last 'two types' get hardly any airtime, and they never have -
which IS sad. Its because the 1st three types won't share the damn microphone. The 'unheard' people are probably not on the internet as much; plus their stories aren't nearly as provocative and profit-worthy for media to cover as well. https://jspp.psychopen.eu/index.php/jsp … w/750/html
Trump is inexperienced and doesn't follow protocols; he makes up the game as he goes; he disregards people - firing them at will to suit his own agendas; he blantantly-manipulates his supporters - catering to them and whipping up their emotions with rallies, 'fake news' and twitter rants on an almost daily basis; he can't connect to 'normal people' beyond his base; he's innapropriate & acidic even to people in his own party - picking fights in public as if our media was a playground for school children... I could go on with policies that are more important to you, Jack; but his disposition has always been my biggest complaint about Trump - so I'll stop here, for now.
O.K. M.C. We are on the same page, but the Office of President is greater than Trump-Reagon failed to condemn apartheid in S. Africa; he said "In 20 years we may know if MLK is a Communist." after signing the bill for his holiday; the Soviet bloc collapsed, we only watched and took the credit-believe me-it's a man who is the president. We are full of faults, but I think Reagon was a great president like Obama. Trump has shed his body of that Bannon guy, he may get better. In the meantime, he is great unto himself.
If I recall, I think Reagan's first term was my first time voting for potus - and yeah, I voted for him twice because (at the time) I was a good conservative girl who only voted for the party that pledged to end abortion.
I'm a lot older now and I don't hold the same convictions. I do remember what people were saying about him (as Jack said); and I remember my mother reminiscing about him being an actor. I was too young to know Reagan as an actor; although I've watched a couple of his old movies since then just to see. (I've also seen modeling pics of President Ford - dang! LoL!)
I remember watching Reagan do the 'taunting stunt' at the wall and proclaim, "Mr. President, tear down this wall!" or something like that... How many people got a patriotic thrill from watching that? It was American propaganda at its finest - and it has worked.
I didn't like Trump long before he ever started running for potus. He already had a reputation. I knew who I was going to vote for, and why. I didn't really care who won in the end, at first - because I really thought that the people who voted for him had put more than just 'hype' into their decision-making process. I thought that they really MIGHT have elected him for good, sound reasons that I hadn't even considered - but was now forced to.
But, they didn't... They voted for him for previous right-wing propagandaized agendas that are so freaking old, I can't believe we're STILL dealing with this crap. We are so long past the time to start moving forward; and I am so sick of 'the right' and 'the left' being pitted against each other while the entire country remains in stagnation and suffers.
There are some major reasons why there is a huge difference between Reagan and Trump, and why things won't turn out the same.
1) The U.S.S.R. still existed on the world stage as a nemesis to America and all 'Democratic' countries.
2) Politics were more civil at that time, and the media was far more diverse, and there was no 23x7 news
3) Reagan did not alienate a sub-culture in our society, was not so divisive, during his campaign.
Reagan was the enemy of the U.S.S.R., where as today the alt-left, neo-liberal crowd at fixated on Trump being in collusion with Russia. This is not the truth of course. Whatever Russia/Putin did has to do with Cliinton's direct efforts to subvert and influence the elections in Georgia and Russia back in 2011/2012. It's called payback, it didn't matter who was running against Clinton, Putin despised her (as so many do) he could have cared less who was running opposite her.
Reagan was calling on the U.S.S.R to 'tear down that wall', no one in America was going to be against that. Trump has been calling for the building of a Wall, and that has many in America (for sure the millions of illegal immigrants) up in arms, they want open borders.
Reagan rode a wave of optimism and support into the White House, while there were Democrats out to get him, they weren't calling for his Impeachment on the day he was sworn in. The Democrats (with the help of some Republicans like Ryan and McCain) have been sabotaging his every move that they could, calling for investigations into nearly everyone who surrounds him, from the outset there has not even been an attempt at civility from the minority party in Congress, nothing Trump puts forward goes uncontested.
This of course should have been expected and anticipated, when you run a campaign where you are insulting everyone in D.C. (rightful as those accusations and insults may be) and telling voters you are going there to 'Drain the Swamp'.... one shouldn't expect co-operation.
America was still the de facto world power and dominant economy during Reagan... today China is the dominant economy, dominant industrial nation.
Back then our allies wanted America to succeed because they feared the alternative, rule under the U.S.S.R. Today you could almost say our 'allies' are our worst enemies, we may not have been the world's police force back in Reagan's era, but today we are the world's mercenary force, we fight to enforce our economic interests and global initiatives.
I could go on like this long enough to write a book about how drastically different the situation is.... even if Trump has the economy in America chugging along like we have not seen in half a century, there will still be an overwhelming amount of MSM and D.C. politicians and powerbrokers that will be set against him, that will do everything in their power to oust him.
I think I understand Jack-he doesn't want the President to be a failure- but glaring facts are overwhelming. He failed to work with Congress to create a health care bill which would help Americans; he treats our oldest allies with unquestionable disrespect; minorities to Trump are irritants; his generals didn't like his views on race relations; he still makes fun of people with disabilities; he appoints people to cabinet and department positions who are completely opposed to the missions of those departments; and on and on.. I could be that Energizer Bunny on this, but I won't. In America, we believe in hope. I hope he turns it around because we certainly will, with or without him.
My biggest criticism is his redundant Tweeting. We all know that the Media and those dug in in D.C. do not have our best interest at heart and we do not need to be reminded of that constantly.
Jack: You keep saying Trump has been treated unfairly. Help me understand in your mind how is he treated unfairly? Please give me some real concrete examples.
A prime example is calling him a racist when he clearly is not.
Also, charging him with Russian collusion when he clearly did not... if anything, Democrats colluded to steel an election... for Hillary.
I can give you many more and it won't matter to you because you are convinced this guy is no good no matter what he says or do... right?
Huh? First of all, when you make a moral equivalence of racists and people protesting racists, you just might be a racist. Secondly, you say he's clearly not colluding with the Russians? Based on what? That he hasn't been indicted...yet? Democrats colluded to steal election for Hillary? Based on what evidence? Yeah, keep defending poor Donald because all those mean journalists are reporting on HIS WORDS, HIS ACTIONS, AND HIS LACK OF UNDERSTANDING HISTORY.
You hitched your wagon to a con man Jack.
There you go... so predictable. When a liberal can't debate the ideas, they reach for the race card.
Call me what you want and believe what you want... it is a free country, but I know when my time is up. Life is too short to waste it on the clueless.
Little sensitive Jack? You assume my post paints you as a racist? Trump made the moral equivalence but if you want to make the same comparison, do so and I'll have no problem calling you out on it. Debate ideas? Jack, I'd debate ideas with you anytime. The days of the conservatives being the party of ideas died November 8, 2016. Ironically, it's the very man you vociferously defend who will be the death to conservatism. It's sad because I hold some conservative ideas and believe the conservatives are an important component of our democracy. Sad.
M.C., like you, I voted and carried the Conservative banner for a while-my dad served in the military for this country-We loved Colin Powell. However, the right wing has become a home for radicals who reject the founding principles of the nation. I agree. Trump needs to clarify that the party of Lincoln is no home for such crap.
But in the 1960's, when LBj took up the cause of the poor as a Democrat, the Republicans rejoiced, claiming "We now have the Solid South." This referred to those White people who had no use for desegregation or thinking of his fellow man. That's where we are today. That's why the Nazis and like flock to the Republican party. Those in that party need to move ferociously to get rid of them.
This is the major failing of Trump-he refuses to call this stuff what it is. These people want a history that never was; a planned phony existence that we rejected as Americans and fought several wars to make sure the world knew this was not our way.
Yet, I have hope for Trump; initially, Lincoln held back on involving slavery as a cause to fight for the Union. He specifically focused on keeping the Union together. However, he made slavery the main focus point later; the right call. Maybe Donald will grow with the job or wind up unemployed by the people.
How do I count the ways? Pick up a newspaper, read a legitimate news source online, watch a major network evening broadcast. The only reason you wouldn't know the actions that will be listed here is because you haven't wanted to know.
90% of the news media is against Trump from the very beginning...
I would not rely on them to be fair and balanced.
That is why the credibility of the media is in the toilet...do you deny it?
90 percent of the news media see the guy for what he is. Having said that, even I am surprised how little they hide their contempt. It ain't professional.
What do they see him to be - Trump? Does that conform with reality?
The big problem I see is that they don't like him or even hate him... so they allow their "feelings" to cloud their judgement when reporting on him....
Therefore, the people who reads this stuff, gets a distorted view about Trump...
And the cycle spins out of control...
Trump's public life and persona is an open book. He is not a new phenonmenon. He has been in the public eye most of his adult life, with controversy and success and all...
The press needs to study this and understand who he is before trying to paint him to be something he is not.
They have been successful in the past using this strategy with Romney but this time it is not working...
The reason is simple. Trump will not stay quite and cave like others. He is a fighter and will counter punch...and his supporters knows it. That is why they supported him, knowing all the warts about him. They are willing to let that slide as long as he is championing the ideas and policies they want. These GOP leaders are clueless. They put their finger up to the wind and gage public opinion and fein outrage...about Trump. They are spineless and turn the people off. We don't need a McConnell or McCain or Graham on the right. They are RINOs.
Jack: You are absolutely right. What you see is what you get with Trump. That is the problem. People don't like what they see and hear with Trump. In his case actions and words speak loud enough so that we draw our conclusions. His supporters and you are willing to overlook all the bad things about Trump, thinking there is some good that will come if we just all give him a chance.
His counter-punching is bad. It is done by insults, insinuations, and false accusations, leaving issues open-open ended, by his design, deflecting, distracting, deception, and lying over and over again. You are so loyal to him, that you can't see his actions and behavior. The press has already studied him and they know who he is. You and his supporters also know who he is but are holding out for some kind of rainbow with a pot of gold and it each end. I doubt very seriously that will happen.
But he is one scary dude if you really see him for who he is. I given you 16 examples of why he is a racist, but you have not commented on a single one. You believe all the other news outlets except fox news are fake news, just the way Trump wants you to believe. Why don't you try watching CNN or MSNBC for just 30 minutes. I do that with fox and there is a world of difference, but at least I get to see both sides of the equation.
That is your problem, you watch CNN and MSNBC and you think you are getting both sides...
There ratings are very low. They are preaching to the choir. That is why they are surprised by the election results...they just assumed Hillary would win by a landslide...right?
I am not biased despite what you and others paint that of me.
I am conservative and proud of it. As a conservative, I am also consistent. I will critize and praise one and all due to their policies and not their personal individual traits...
I was disappointed when my guy Carson and Cruz did not win however, as it turned out, Trump was the better solution. Can you imagine what the media would do to those two?
They cannot handle the attacks like Trump can.
Trump is beating the media at their game and they don't even know it.
I guess I should explain a bit more about the media.
Fox news is on of the few that are giving its viewers both side. Even though it is a more conservative outlet, it has many liberal commemtators to debate and present their side...
On the countrary, CNN and NBC and CBS does not do that. They are not even aware of their own bias... they think they are moderate or in the middle when it is clear to everyone that they are left of center.
My one suggestion to you is to read Drudge report once in a while and you will have a better pulse on the country oveall and not just the east and west coast and washinton dc...
I can recommend a few more media outlets if you like and you will get a more balanced view, not only that, you won't be bombarded with fake news...
If you believe Fox News is fair and balanced then there's no use talking to you, Jack. I see this a lot as those who only watch Fox are similar to religious zealots in that they care not for facts.
To each his own... I don't watch fox exclusively. I use it as one example. I also watch One America News. I read many websites of various bias... I also listen to talk radio. Some hosts I like are Mark Levin and Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh.
Yes, I even read the New York Times...
Levin, Savage, and Limbaugh, eh? No damn wonder......
What do you know about anyone of them except second hand spin...?
This is not a trick question. You obviously have an opinion about these individuals...
what do you really know about them?
Do you know they education and background and accomplishments...
Do you know they are well respected in their fields...
Do you know their audience is 10 times the numbers at CNN or NBC...
You don't know very much except what you hear from Media Mmatters or some other left wing blob pay by Soros...
Really Jack, I listen to Savage and Limbaugh on the radio almost everyday. I do this to see what the latest spin on the real news is. This is only one reason I hear their latest slant. The other is they amuse me immensely with the depths they go to explain why Trumps screws up so much.
So, like your opinions on Trump, you were completely wrong about me not knowing the character of these "characters" LOL!
And I've never checked out the "Left Wing blogs" you mentioned. Durn, are you wrong all of the time?
A challege to you...I will match the credentials of these three to any 3 news pundits on our side.
Fair enough?
If you listen to them as you claim, where are they wrong? There coverage of the election has been spot on unlike the main street media.
What credentials? As respected| journalists? As people who have served in the govt.?
And neither has any experience whatsoever in politics, just like Trump. Both are simply talk show hosts who--like most of those on Fox News--are simply opinion people and not professional journalists. So what credentials are you going to start with as you're on.
I use the term credentials broadly to mean something people have experience in for long periods of time...
Who have knowledge such as expertise on the law, or other disciplines...
Who have consistently been correct in their assessment of various events and policies...
Someone who can be trusted to give the truth even when it hurts and
Someone who is not afraid of controversy...
If you are up to it, give me your top 3 persons that you trust to give you the news or opinions..
We can compare them side by side...
How about it?
Randy, by the way, this exercise may just be educational for both of us.
Rather than digging our heal and constantly stating our positions...
We may get to the source of our beliefs...
Lets see who is right.
Jack, if you didn't mean real credentials, then you're--as I said earlier--perfect Trump fodder. You watch Fox News, you like, not reputable journalists, but simply talking heads with no actual experience in politics. How can I argue with you if do not know what "credentials" equate to in politics and journalism Limbaugh and Savage indeed!
Give me an example of a real journalist in your opinion? One that you trust to deliver the news.Is that someone like Brian Williams or Dan Rather? give me a break.
Faux News giving both sides? I got a good laugh out of that one Jack.
You can make fun of Fox news all you want but guess what, there ratings consistently beat CNN and MSNBC combined...
In a free market system, ratings = value = money = viewers...
Get it. Unlike PBS or Public radio, they don't need to compete... they only need to spread the propaganda and the tax payers pay.
I get it Jack. I get the fact you trust your news sources because you think they are good Americans and have integrity. I get that you think you are the smartest guy in the room. Sad.
Gee Jack, that means there are more ignorant people than I originally imagined....
Or, you are hiding your head in the sand and watching people who goes out of their way to deceive you...and most Americans see thru the bias and the fake news...
You remind me of the pot that calls the kettle black...
"90% of the news media is against Trump from the very beginning...
I would not rely on them to be fair and balanced.
That is why the credibility of the media is in the toilet...do you deny it?"
When you are covering a duck and it walks and talks like a duck, how do you report that it is anything other than a duck? You people want to put Trump in the same category as other presidents and he doesn't come close to being the same. When are you going to figure out that they are not unfair and unbalanced - he is.
BTW: Any news organization who calls itself "fair and balanced" is a telltale sign they are anything but.
"Fox news is on of the few that are giving its viewers both side. " How do you know? If you already know what has happened, on both sides of an issue, then you don't need to watch the news. If you don't, then unless you watch and read several news outlets, you can't begin to discern the facts of any situation - from any side.. Legitimate news outlets must have no less than three independent sources before they put any story on the air or in print. If you are watching outlets that just sit around and discuss what people think, you will not get anywhere near the facts.
Jack: Please google Kellyann Conway, Jeffery Lord, and Kayleigh McEnany. These are all Trump surrogates on CNN. I will not accept your judgement of CNN unless you watch it. Here are some of Fox News falsehoods.
http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/23/media/f … index.html
https://thinkprogress.org/fox-news-come … 6b849a824/
http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/fox-news … ice/329291
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/fox … suit-says/
Hello Jack, some months ago, you posted an article called "My Reservations on the Trump Presidency."
Your main concerns were as follows:
"Here are some reservations I have on Trump.
He is not a conservative
He is not a Constitutionalist
He has a big ego
His temperament is a question mark
His checkered past does not demonstrate he is the ultimate outsider
His core principles have fluctuated or perhaps "Evolved"?"
How have his actions and words over the last seven or eight months to set your mind at rest?
Remember he came to power with the understanding he would 'drain the swamp' in Washington and then went onto plunder Goldman-Sachs to fill many posts in his administration. Goldman-Sachs is the very definition of the swamp he was supposedly intending to drain. With his most recent firings, he has now virtually rid his administration of the extreme-right platform he used to obtain the necessary support to become president. He has now become the oligarchs' globalist president he suggested Hillary would be. He's fooled and betrayed almost everyone who voted for him. At least you can stand proud and say" I didn't vote for him" (if true that is, which by the evidence of your current standpoint seems highly dubious,) even if you seem to be strangely supportive of him at this point in time given your earlier concerns.
You ask a very good question and I will be honest in my reply. Just to be clear, I did not vote for Trump or Hillary. I chose to skip the top ticket and only voted in my local elections.
All my reservations were true...before he came into office. I decided to take a wait and see attitude.
I didn't focus on what he says or tweets. I only care about what he does in office.
On the legislative side, he has been a big disappointment and this I also blame the GOP leadership in Congress. I don't need to name them, you know what they are.
On the Supreme Cort nomination, he gets a win in my book. I wanted an originalalist to the Constitution and judge Gorsuch is one.
On the economy and cutting regulations, I am optimistic. His decision to scale back the EPA and to pull out of the Paris Accord is a win for me. I am a climate change skeptic and have written extensively on this topic and debated doc_snow here on Hubpages.
I am disappointed in the Federal Reserve have not raised interest rate at a rate I would prefer.
On immigration, I wanted the wall as he promised. Not just the wall but the crack down on sactuary cities and passing Kates law. All these are in progress...I hope.
Finally, I support the infrastructure capital spending. I do think it is a major problem. It affects many aspects of our daily lives. I complainted about the bridges and the constant construction on our roadways causing traffic nightmares.
In 7 months, he gets a B- grade.
I do want to address the democrats and the opposition and the media. They seem to be one and the same. One of the silver lining of Trump administration is the way the democrats have self imploded.
On issue after issues, and fake news after fake news, they just keep digging a deeper hole.
I must admit it is almost comical to watch them trying to take down Trump and end up doing themselves harm.
The bottom line, I did not vote for him, now that he is president, I want him to succeed.
How can I compete against you with doctor Shopper Limbaugh and Doctor of Botany Savage on your side? Here, you deserve a break!
I guess you are not up to my challenge... so be it.
Just like you refused to match Trump's lies against Hillary's. You just make a false claim and refuse to back it up. Your claim of "credentials" for fake news broadcasters totally killed yours. Any attempt to enlighten you with facts is doomed to failure.
I was going to let this slide but you goaded me with your ignorance.
I will outline briefly why these 3 individuals command respect and I value their opinion...
1. Mark Levin is a constitution attorney, who served in the Reagan administration. He has authored many best selling books including Men in Black, a book about our Supreme Court.
He is also the scholar at the Landmark Legal foundation who have fought our government through FOIA requests to expose corruption and abuse of power.
He is also the host of his own talk show on WABC and affiliates every evening from 6-9 pm. Recently, he started hos own TV channel where he delft into issues on a deep level and discuss with news makers and guests...
He is a conservative and I admire his work ethics and agree with many of his ideas.
2. Michael Savage is the winner of the National Radio Hall of fame award. He has been on radio for 30 years. He has a PhD from Berkeley and has degrees in nutrition among other talents. He is one of Trump's earliest supporter and has been absolutely correct about events leading up to the election and probably has a hand in helping Trump win. He is the author of several best selling books including the latest Trump's Wars... you might want to check it out and learn something...He has been talking about our immigration problem for 30 years. Borders, Language and Culture... are what defines a nation.
3. Rush Limbaugh, king of talk radio. He was a drop out from college and never earned a degree. He has been awarded numeroous honorary degrees. He has a regaluar listening audience of 20 million. Noon to 3 pm monday thru friday. He is also author of several best selling books. He is atrue conservative and a Washington outsider. He comments on daily political happenings and has a knack for pointing out the most important aspects...
He is very entertaining and knows how to gin up the opposition. His one MO is to be use absurdity to illustrate the absurd. He will say something controvertial but explains it in context. The drive by media will often quote him on this and flag him as obscene... he thouroghly enjoys this and knows exactly how to manipulate them to his advantage. Why do you think he has been on top for 30 years?
Randy, I gave you a brief summary of these three very accomplished individual celebrities. You can choose to ignore them and denigrade them as right wing nut jobs... guess what, they are successful and others who criticize them are not. What does that tell you?
Have a nice day.
It tells me PT Barnum was correct about those who made him wealthy. With one exception of course being, the birth rate of such individuals have increased many fold since PT's profound pronouncement.
That is very funny...you made my day, haha!
Perhaps there is some hope for you, Jack. You got it.....
I am so tired of this discussion. People believe what they want to believe and won't be swayed by reliable information. It's easier to call it fake news and stick their heads back in the sand. If someone only quotes Fox News and no other sources, they've made my point.
With all the Trump bashing and criticism of him, his looks, his lies, his bigotry...
When a forum was presented to actually air grievances...it is surprising how little people posted.
What happened? Can't they find something legitimate to criticize him on?
What did you think of his first Speech to the nation?
Jack; "Give me an example of a real journalist in your opinion? One that you trust to deliver the news.Is that someone like Brian Williams or Dan Rather? give me a break."
Watch 60 Minutes with Scott Pelly, Lesley Stahl, Steve Kroft, Lara Logan. Watch the Global Public Square with Fareed Zakaria on Sunday mornings. He has prominent dignitaries guests from all over the world on his show. He is the Chief Editor of Time Magazine.
These are not bimbos like on Fox News that sit on a couch with their skirts hiked up to their who who's who are there just to entice men. These are real journalist. Not like Sean Hannity who has no journalistic background and was a general contractor and who's net worth is worth 80 million or Rush Limbaugh who failed many times as a new caster, but is now worth 550 million. They don't even believe what they broadcast. It's all about the money with them. They have prostituted themselves.
I know you are not going to believe me, because you will never verify what I write, because if you did, what you want to believe would come crashing down like a house of cards. Therefore, here are the links to the information.
Is this the journalist you speak so highly of ?
You will never find any of the 3 people I cited use language like that...
Are you sure?
And worse
PeoplePower: You are a better man than I, Gunga Din! There is a limit to how much I will suffer fools.
Jack: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin are not professional journalist. They don't know the first thing about investigative reporting. I don't care how many books they published and how many awards they have won. Fareed Zakakria, Scott Pelly, Leslie Stall, et al are professional journalist.
Your Fox News people are amateurs who made it big because they say what conservatives like you want to hear. If Reagan didn't remove the fairness doctrine, they would be nobody. Fox news was born out the removal of the fairness doctrine. They may say they are fair and balanced, but they are not. They bring liberal shills on their shows to make themselves look good. Did you even look at the links I posted? Or can't you even handle the truth?
Mike, I never claim they were journalists by training. They are opinion makers, or editorial page for the news papers...They are better in some way than biased reporters who claim to be down the middle objective reporters like dan rather and brian williams...
what they do have is integrity and a love for our country and they have one other trait that most liberals don't have and that is they are entertaining. They combine political commentary with an entertaining format. That is why 20 million tune in daily...
Where are your liberal talk show hosts? They don't exist. Oh yes, Al Franken who was one of the better one ended up being a Senator...
They are opinion makers, or editorial page for the news papers...They are better in some way than biased reporters who claim to be down the middle objective reporters like dan rather and brian williams...
And that in a nutshell is the problem. Millions of people like you Jack take what Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin say as fact. Their opinions don't need to be based on facts. Fox News doesn't even claim to be a news organization. They are an entertainment organization who might on occasion report the news. You are entitled to your own opinions Jack, just not your own facts.
Jack: I've given you my best shots. You asked for real journalist to pit against the credentials of the people you listen to. I give you real journalist and you tell me your people with opinions are better than the real journalist. And by your own admission, they are just entertainers, but that's what makes them popular.
You say the reason that liberal news is not as popular is because we don't have any talk shows. I have news for you we have political satire, like Saturday Night Live...that imitates Trump, and Sean Spicer. We have Bill Maher, who Trump sued for one million dollars and retracted it. We have Trevor Noah who points out the hypocrisy of Trump and the conservatives in almost every show. We have Stephen Colbert, who has had Trump on his show many times and also points out the hypocrisy of the republican party...and then we have the real news like, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN that Trump calls the fake news. And the biggest crime is that people like you buy into his fake news scenario.
You make these judgments, not based on verifiable facts, but your opinions. I presented to you the credentials of the people you believe and you say nothing.
I have this to say to you and then I'm through with you in this forum. "The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge."
And for Trump's tweets, You get assertion, but no argument. You get attacks, but no justification.
I respect your conservative convictions, but not your judgement. One of your favorite presidents, Reagan said, "Trust, but verify" You trust, but you don't verify...and as Trump says, "that's sad, very sad." I'll still read your articles and see you in other forums.
Mike, you seem like a nice guy but you are missing the big picture.
Saturday night live and colbert report and daily show... though they are entertaining and left of center but are not in competition with rush limbaugh or make levin...
They are not on the same level.
Commentary are well thought out and based on policies and our law opand our Constitution...
Which has been lacking in the mainstreet media.
Why do you supoose the popularity of these talk shows?
People have found a voice that is defending and presenting their side.
I am sorry you are leaving the forum but to each his own...
Good luck!
Checkout this -
http://www.mrc.org/special-reports/libe … ic-—-and
"The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. And for Trump's tweets, You get assertion, but no argument. You get attacks, but no justification."
Very very well articulated - and we have to get highly specific & articulate now, don't we? Not that it has helped, much. I mean, how many times have our best-attempted explanations to these repeated arguments about Trump been brushed off as 'the left not being able to identify a real issue' - as if we have said nothing. Its a-freakin-MAZING how tone-deaf T-fans are (and were before he got into office). That's kind of what you were just accused of doing in this original response, Jack - ignoring reason, cuz you're (at least partially) tone deaf to anyone else's opinion aside from those who are as mesmerized as you).
I would add that Trump's rallies are also in this mix: you get attacks & hyped BS that his 'supporters' thrive on; while Trump, in turn, gets the thrill of being worshipped NO MATTER WHAT. The two are like a perverted & shameless sexual addiction to each other (in public!) - DO ME, THEN I'LL DO YOU!
No apologies nor attempts at unifying a nation he insists on continuing to divide deeper & deeper. Last night's 'rally' in AZ was the last straw for me. I will no longer even sort of attempt to give this man the benefit of the doubt. He's toxic and seriously needs to be gone.
His 'fake news' excuses are getting really OLD. If his supporters were not aware of how the news & media worked before now - then it is high time they catch up! Surely, they have become more aware?! But no, they just continue to insist that Trump is telling them the truth...
The media TAKE SCREEN SHOTS of his stupid Twitter rants! They report what he says WORD for WORD while HE is the one who insists on 'editing' things to twist them to his advantage - like, he keeps wanting to delete the last few words of his first remarks on Charlottesville (while defending them in the news conference that we WATCHED).
Its kind of hard to twist those things... But of course, JUST because Trump (or Fox?) says something - IT MUST BE TRUE despite PILES of evidence!!
And in the middle of all this arguing, we forget the reason why these white supremists have become emboldened to suddenly start holding these free hate speech rallies, again... Thanks so much, for thinking that his hateful rhetoric was 'no big deal', 'harmless locker room talk'; and insisting on a non-PC potus, T-fans. Really.
Nah, Trump's supporters are not frustrating at ALL. LoL!
"The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. And for Trump's tweets, You get assertion, but no argument. You get attacks, but no justification."
You're right - it is well articulated. And it is seen all too often; the assertion that Putin swung the election for Trump, but no justification for saying it. That Trump is racist, but no justification. That we should no build a wall, but no justification. That Trump uses hateful rhetoric, but the only justification is personal opinion. That Trump did not condemn legal groups acting in a legal manner with the only justification that it wasn't done in the first few minutes after an illegal group began the violence at an otherwise peaceful demonstration. Attacks but no justification, just as you say.
(I'll leave it to you to find those from the pro-president side; I'm sure you will do so)
For those of you here on Hubpages forum who thinks Trump is a racist...
Check this out-
Would Bill and Hillary attend the wedding of a known racist?
For the kazillionth time - Trump ENABLES racists, THAT is the POINT!!!
PROVES my point AGAIN that you're tone deaf) LIKE I SAID:
"we forget the reason why these white supremists have become emboldened to suddenly start holding these free hate speech rallies, again... Thanks so much, for thinking that his hateful rhetoric was 'no big deal', 'harmless locker room talk'; and insisting on a non-PC potus"
How does he enable them?
Can someone force another person to be a racist or are they raised that way from their family up bringing?
You can say that about anything then...
Did Obama enable BLM or OWS? He didn't condemn them.
Perhaps you are understanding how conservatives feel all tihe time...
Being called a racist when people disagree with our positions...
We can say we are not a zillion times... and it doesn't seem to matter...
The common perceptions and stereotype of conservatives are - bigots, racist, homophobes...
You're wrong... Not sure why you keep forgetting about #NeverTrump conservative GOP folks; as well as ALL the GOP peeps who ripped Trump as badly as 'liberal media' did over this issue.
Someone was able to get to him, and actually got him to correct what he said about Charlottesville - and then the day after that in that press conference, he just couldn't help himself and reversed course.
I told you what GOP Arnold Schwarzenegger said - do a search, yourself.
That accusation is just more of T-fans being tone deaf to any other reasoning aside from Trump's: he keeps saying it, so it MUST be true - despite PILES of evidence to the contrary.
Jack, read this: http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/po … na-speech/
Holy cow Jack, is that really the type of perspective you want to use to buttress your position against a biased perception?
I will say, from a "semi-neutral " perspective, that article read like something as slanted as you would find on Breitbart.
Like I've said I don't know how many times... ALL MEDIA, whether it is from 'the left' or 'the right' or anywhere in between IS SLANTED toward a moneymaking goal; and it has been for decades, now. This is one of the reasons why so many people are 'brainwashed' - because they never allowed themselves to become diverse readers/watchers, only sticking to what they are familiar with or what was the most 'suspenseful' - as if they were choosing a good movie to watch.
Left-media writes stuff like this; and Right-media writes the opposing fluff - for their SPECIFIC audiences in a way that will make them the most money. This is why fake news is so profitable, you can create all kinds of neat stuff to steer audiences any way you like. You can EVEN retract it later as being erroneous - but by then, the ideas are in people's heads and damn near impossible to undo.
It really is too bad that so many Trump supporters didn't realize this - and now that they are, EVERYTHING is fake news aside from a few 'just as twisted' sources.
I like interviews, and for some reason - you all keep ignoring the link I keep putting up here of this GOP Congressman (probably cuz it is a CNN link, LoL!) http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/opinions/ … index.html
So that you don't have to patronize CNN, here is a big splash (oddly, this guy reminds me of a GOP verson of Obama, LoL!):
"Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, who told CNN he wants Trump "to be successful because I believe in his policies he ran on and won on. But it is hard when there is so much chaos and confusion." (Believe it or not, MANY of us started out with this attitude - including me.)
For Rep. Will Hurd, it was Trump's vow to build a wall along the US-Mexico border that prompted the Texas Republican to reiterate his opposition to the proposal just days into the Trump presidency. And, in May, Hurd was one of 20 Republicans to vote against the House GOP leadership's health care bill.
Opposing the President and your party leadership is a lonely place to be, but Hurd, a former spy, shrugged it off in a recent interview...
Hurd is not your stereotypical congressman. He is not a lawyer, a former state senator or a business tycoon. The Texas Republican cut his teeth on the streets of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan as a CIA operative. Hurd was a "spy master": Essentially he "ran spies" in each of these countries, but is careful not to discuss too much about his previous employment. "I was the guy that was collecting intelligence from individuals that were helping the United States with our threats overseas," he said. Engaging in legislative battles on Capitol Hill or fighting for his political life every two years seems trite given what Hurd saw during his time in the CIA and growing up in South Texas, the son of a black father and white mother in the late 1970s/1980s.
We had to brief some of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence [members] and one of the members had been on the committee for five years, and the question was, 'Why was Iran not supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan the way Iran was supporting other groups in Iraq?' And I started explaining the Sunni, Shia divide and this member of Congress says, 'Hurd, what's the difference between a Sunni and a Shia?' And I'm thinking, he's getting ready to make a really inappropriate joke and who am I to deny him this opportunity. My response was 'I don't know congressman, what's the difference?' His face goes bright red and he didn't know that difference. ... For an individual who's making decisions about sending our boys and girls to places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, that's unacceptable. For someone making decisions on how billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars is being spent, completely unacceptable.
So, border security is important, but building a concrete structure from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security. It is 2017, we have sensor technology that can determine the difference between a bunny rabbit and a person. We can deploy a drone to determine what the threat is and confirm there's a threat. Then track the threat until you can deploy your most important resource: your human capital, the men and women in Border Patrol, to deal with that threat. And all of that can be done, 75% of that process I just described can be done with computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence and for a fraction of the cost of building a 30-foot high wall.
Russia is our adversary. They are not our ally. The Russians, Vladimir Putin is very clear, he has one goal and that's to re-establish the territorial integrity of the USSR. And he can't do it militarily, he can't do it economically, he has to use asymmetrical warfare and that means eroding the trust in democratic institutions. That's the US That's the EU. That's NATO. And one of the issues, one of the ways that they do this is with disinformation or ... covert influence operations. Which means we, the United States, have to have a counter-covert influence strategy, which we don't have.
I stand behind the intelligence community assessment of this as well. The Russians were trying to manipulate our elections. Now, did they impact the vote tallying machines? No. So, President Trump won the election fair and square, but that doesn't change the fact that there was attempts of manipulation. The Russians have been doing this for decades in Europe, they're doing it now and they are going to continue to do that. ... I think it is frustrating when we allow the Russians to continue to win, and what do I mean by that? The Russians' goal in their activity was to sow, was to drive a wedge, whether real or perceived, between the President, the intelligence community, and the American people. And by the discord that continues, that allows those goals to continue to be achieved.
I sit on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and we are doing our review. We are going to be methodical, we are going to be bipartisan, and we're going to be thorough, because that's what the American people deserve. I think folks want to see something sooner rather than later, but to do this right we have to pursue any lead that is out there to ensure we get to the truth and that is what we are going to do.
I have addressed each one of these things individually several times in long-winded posts that I sure as HELL have no desire re-composing - you've read some of them, I'm sure. You are just tone deaf like Jack - to anything other than ideas you are brainwashed with and mesmerized over.
the assertion that Putin swung the election for Trump, but no justification for saying it
- the 'assertion' is that Putin meddled in our election to create chaos. They succeeded, and neither Trump nor the GOP (nor any of their diehard supporters - others have questions) have ever cared about getting to the bottom of that since they won. The GOP have allowed Trump to continue ranting about 'fake news' over it while not saying much to correct him. Well, a few have. I have respect for them. http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/opinions/ … index.html I also really like this GOP Congressman's perspective about building the wall.
That Trump is racist, but no justification - see last paragraph.
That we should no build a wall, but no justification - see article above. You've heard me say that accusations about Obama on immigration issues have been swayed WAY out of proportion - simply because it is one way GOP can easily-manipulate people who only care about being 'briefed' shortly before elections so they can 'make a good choice'. Their propaganda machine is always working; and FEAR has always been one of the main weapons to keep people in their fold - and it works over & over & over again is so many infuriating ways. The truth is, Obama's reputation on Immigration stances was on-par to his predecessors; and contrary to populist brainwashing - Obama was not responsible for fixing every damn broken thing in this country that was already broken - especially with as much resistance as he met at every turn from the obtuse opposition.
That Trump uses hateful rhetoric, but the only justification is personal opinion - another example of being tone deaf. I won't infuriate the audience by posting my extensive portfolio of Trump quotes in the form of memes - cuz they are so much easier to ingest that way, LoL! I'll just remind you that I have them; and advise that perhaps you should go do a general search on 'what has Trump said that has been construed to be racists' or something like that - probably use simpler keywords.
That Trump did not condemn legal groups acting in a legal manner with the only justification that it wasn't done in the first few minutes after an illegal group began the violence at an otherwise peaceful demonstration. Attacks but no justification, just as you say.
Since this last one is semi-new (and proves my point AGAIN that you're tone deaf) LIKE I SAID:
"we forget the reason why these white supremists have become emboldened to suddenly start holding these free hate speech rallies, again... Thanks so much, for thinking that his hateful rhetoric was 'no big deal', 'harmless locker room talk'; and insisting on a non-PC potus"
"- the 'assertion' is that Putin meddled in our election to create chaos. They succeeded"
And yet...not a single action from Putin has ever been shown to have affected the election by even one vote. "Chaos" did not happen in spite of your claim - the election went smoothly (except that your candidate lost, of course).
And this is what I'm saying. You continue to spout the same nonsense without providing a single shred of evidence. Make the claims, yes - we continue to hear that Putin caused the win - but never any evidence to that effect. Instead we hear that someone, somewhere, met with Russians (without knowing what was said) and even a dyed in the wool liberal has to understand that that does NOT mean Putin had any effect whatsoever on our election. But the claim still lives, doesn't it?
"The truth is, Obama's reputation on Immigration stances was on-par to his predecessors"
On this one you are correct: Obama basically continued the same failed programs that force the taxpayers to support millions of illegal aliens. That is not to his credit and it IS to Trump's credit that he is at least attempting to correct the problem caused by previous congresses.
"Since this last one is semi-new"
Yes, a semi-new form of baseless attack. An attack without reason or objectivity; just another barb to throw at someone the speaker hates. Which is what I said, isn't it?
Yes, much like they did to Obama while he was in office.
"the media was far more diverse" You're kidding, right? Do you really think that the few sources you read now from are the only sources? Have T-fans not been complaining about 'left media' and 'fake news' (that isn't always fake)? There was no Internet with SO MANY DIFFERENT news sources back then to create a conspiracy theory around every little thing.
I'm sorry that so many of Trump's supporters can't understand the country's issues with him. I will remind you again of ALL the #NeverTrump people who refused to vote for such a divisive candidate with such a raging ego. I don't know why you're all so surprised that these arguments were going on while he was campaigning; and continue since he was elected - because he DIDN'T become a 'uniter' (except for hate groups - they are all 'on the same side' now).
Trump's fault, and he keeps exacerbating the situation with his all-encompassing, debilitating ego that his supporters apparently see as being his biggest strength.
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