Trouble is brewing in my view. Over the past two months, China has put out very clear statements that they will not put up with the US or any nation interfering with their policies.
Biden's approval of a $750 million arms sale last week to Taiwan has once again defied China.
In response to the Biden administration's announcement of the arms sale this week, the Chinese Embassy released a Thursday statement alleging interference in its internal affairs and saying the U.S. "undermines China's sovereignty and security interests by selling arms to the Taiwan region."
The Chinese Embassy put out a statement that the provision undermines international law and "violates the one-China principle and provisions of the three China-US joint communique," adding that it sends the "wrong signals to 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces."
"China will resolutely take legitimate and necessary counter-measures in light of the development of the situation," the embassy added on Thursday.
Not good, it would seem Biden just is not a problem solver but a problem maker. Poking a sleeping panda just as a rule does not work out well.
From a foreigners standpoint: What does the US have to do with it.
In South East Asia they stuck their fingers into Vietnam and almost got them cut off. No lessons learned?
From someone with a little personal experience with China: I remember the 80ties, when a Chinese national (lets say from HongKong) needed 3 passports: 1 British Crown Colony, 1 Taiwan, 1 Mainland China. Any Chinese national from either location was treated to be domestic with no protection by international laws.
Situation has not changed over the past 40 years. Why ... why should it change now?
If i compare Taiwan to the PRC (Mainland China) today, then Taiwan appears to be like an old, worn out, dusty model of what the PRC is today, at least economically. But not only - the island is confucian as well with all authoritarian tendencies.
Chinese are very pragmatic people. As Chinese/American philosopher Lin Yutang wrote: "Chinese don´t dream". And what is true for the Mainland side is also true for the island side. Same culture, same heritage.
What i want to express: Economic reality will simply reunite the island with the mainland. Not today, but probably in 10..15 years. And most of the people will be happy to reunite.
Why should the US mess with all this?
The US foreign policy is that of a wolf. Agressive, always protecting its own territory (wolves patrol and leave marks, the US has aircraft carrier groups that do virually the same).
It takes a lot of energy to patrol territory in remote places. The US actually can´t afford it any more.
China is no wolf. China is a jelly fish. Slowly moving and very gradually expanding its reach. Taiwan is definitely in reach. What can a wolf do about it? Should not be his territory.
Now my personal opinion. You may follow it or not. But i think if China fears anyone, then it is 2 nations with borders to China: India and Vietnam. India because of sheer population size and Vietnam because they are the younger and more agile alikes. Again, my personal opinion, derived from discussions with Chinese collegues and friends.
The US has no part in this. Russia has no part in this.
Why by all means should the US take so much interest? Why should this be any partisan issue in the US. Definitely not worth it.
By our ‘western values’ China is no angel, but I do agree with what Chris says; from this side of the pond the USA is the aggressor. Like Chris, I have Chinese friends (neighbours) from who I’ve learnt a lot about China culture.
Also, with the ‘silk road’ railway line running from China, through Europe and to London, England, the UK is able to trade with China, rather than trying to bully it.
China's New Silk Railway Road to London, England:
Arthur, yes - China is no angel, if we compare to our standards.
In China, after trying this and that, i decided to stay in international hotels, because the internet communication was not as restricted as in remote places. I also always kept my German smartphone for the same reason. They have a lot of internet surveillance bots in place. If you type in something like "Deutsche Bank", it is likely you are thrown out of internet and you can try to reconnect after 15 minutes.
Chinese culture covers this surveillance stuff. It is confucian, hierarchic. People obey to their leaders and in return are taken care of.
China´s new silk road has 2 strategic goals:
#1: extend economic influence into Russia and Europe
#2: get intependent of waterways. So the "wolf" can´t do much with his carrier fleets.
While #1 is coming anyways, #2 has real geostrategic importance.
This is why the "wolf" is messing so much with the Ukraine and Iran and the Middle East. This is why the "wolf" tries to be best friend with Kaukasian countries like Georgia. All action aims at throwing a roadblock into the land connection between China and Europe.
This quarreling about Taiwan is a side stage only.
Thanks for a comprehensive overview Chris; what you say fills in a few gaps, but is very much how I understood it.
I'm concerned that China will see the weakness shown by Biden in Afghanistan and make a move to secure Taiwan permanently - this week is already shaping up to be one of the biggest foreign policy disasters in US History and the world is watching
The CCP is now aligning themselves with Afghanistan, as well.
China has a long history with Biden, they did everything they could to ensure he became President, there were parties throughout China when he won. … reet-biden
They've always known his weakness, they planned on it.
President Jimmy Carter’s administration later made an official change: In January 1979, the US recognized “the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China,” and the two countries established formal diplomatic relations. At the same time, Carter terminated America’s official ties to Taiwan.
But Republicans and Democrats in Congress were unhappy with the president’s decision. Only three months later, lawmakers — including then-Sen. Joe Biden — passed the Taiwan Relations Act, which codified into law a continued economic and security relationship with the island.
It formalized that “the United States shall make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capacity as determined by the President and the Congress.”
The law also stated that “any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means” would be “of grave concern to the United States.” … -ambiguity
I did not know that about Jimmy Carter. He was a spineless dweeb.
And yet, back in the day, Biden came to Taiwan's rescue!!!
Odd isn't it?
And today we can say, "Yay, President Joe Biden!"
... and that's even odder! (and even refreshing!) … er-taiwan/
I think one thing that bothers me is how Europeans are so willing to turn a blind eye to human rights violations, if it is profitable. We have a world gone mad about historical transgressions but won’t lift a finger in support of current victims.
He was far worse than that.
I still remember his Address to the Nation (link below) he was always chastising Americans, always telling them they needed to suck-it-up, do without, deal with decline, etc. etc.
"... may become a National catastrophe"
"...this difficult effort will be the moral equivalent of war"
" will have to put up with inconveniences and make sacrifices"
" worse because moral waste has occurred"
" will get worse everyday until we act"
My Gawd, the guy couldn't have been more depressing and dark if he tried. Iran, Oil Crisis, Out of Control Interest Rates, while he was President the country was a dump and it felt like we failed at everything.
I believe we are going to take on China, eventually.
However, Biden and the rest are not strong enough. Why would the democrat leaders show any consideration to Taiwan, when they know good and well it will ruffle the CCP's feathers?
China is prepared to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate ruler of Afghanistan if it succeeds in toppling the Western-backed government in Kabul, U.S. News has learned, a prospect that undercuts the Biden administration's remaining source of leverage over the insurgent network as it continues its startling campaign to regain control.
From: … us-threats
"China on Friday fired back at the Biden administration's announcement this week of a $750 million planned arms sale to Taiwan, calling the move a "vicious provocation" and vowing retaliation at a time of already heightened military tensions.
A story published Friday morning in China's English-language Global Times added that the sale aligns "with a U.S. strategy to create trouble for China in the Indo-Pacific," and said the new weapons and equipment "cannot tilt the military capacity gap across the Taiwan Straits." The Global Times is considered a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party."
From: … the-wolves
Actually, whatever you interpret into something is reflecting on how you think yourself.
If you think China´s rethoric is agressive and war mongering, then what about the USA? Why is it not agressive if loads of war material is supplied to some island at the gate of China? (What was that about Cuba during the hot phase of the cold war?).
The USA has been playing these games for decades after WWII. Now China has also become one the big boys? So what?
Recalling daily life in the US and in China, my personal observation is that military was always present in the US, but very seldom in China. You find barracks, airfields, naval bases all over the place in the USA, chances are high that your neighbour in a garrison city is with armed forces.
This is totally different in China. No uniforms out on the streets, except for occasional parades. Doesn´t mean there are no troops, but population adjusted that is only some 30% of US troops.
Chinese are very pragmatic. If they thought a war was more beneficial than peace, then they would wager war. But that is not the case. Chinese want to do business, that is threatening enough to some, but war? Never.
Yep, China wants world trade, which Americans (who are very nationalistic) see's a threat to jobs, while Europeans (including the UK) see that as an economic opportunity to trade.
The video is 'Fox News' who are renowned for 'Fake News'.
With respect to this Fox News report:
Where is said that China is planning to go to war? It is only said that they will not let anyone touch their sovereignty. And that with a rethoric that every Chinese understands. Not much to object to what the expert said, the Chinese are united in this aspect.
From my personal experience, most if not all Chinese have this trauma of semi colonial times in the 19th century (opium wars, Boxer uprising). And then in the 20th century the invasion of Manchuria and some of China by Japan. This historic trauma of being foreign controlled for more than a century persists and unites all Han Chinese.
At the end of the interview with this expert, he came to talk about the economic ties, investments, business, banks.. between the USA and China. Well, making money is not only what Wall Street want´s to do but also what whitty Chinese want to do. Where does war fit in?
I don´t understand what this old icon has to do with current development. You can see him sculptured all over the place, but nobody is talking of or about him. That is old stuff. Chinese live here and now.
Then why did some of the Olympic athletes from China have Mao pins on their jackets? The people revere Mao to this day.
Even in the city of Mao´s birth i didn´t notice much attention to him, except for tourism. However that was while i was involved in the Yangse three gorges project 30 years ago. But i still have business partners in that region. All i remember is they cook the best food in all of China.
Whereever it took me in China, i was shown historic sites from old dynasties, but never saw a shrine of Communist Party Grandes.
Anyways, i shall ask my Chinese friends about the symbolism and reverence of the sticker during the Olympics. Kind of interesting for me too.
Like with Chris, my experience of the Chinese people is that they are ordinary law abiding citizens just like you and me, and they only want the same things as us, I shall be seeing our Chinese friends at the end of the month when we hold our next BBQ, so I’ll have a chat with them then.
Prior to the pandemic ordinary Chinese people were common tourists in England, and like you and me they are just ordinary people:-
Chinese tourists make new source of growth for UK:
While i am trying to make everone understand the way of Chinese thinking, Chinese tourists are certainly not what is representing China, except that they come in bus loads.
Chinese have a very strategic approach to what they do. In my opinion best expressed by the 36 stratagems
Please observe that these stratagems evolved from domestic struggles inside of China many hundred years ago.
While i think China will never risk a hot war, their long term strategies will outwhit all Western countermeasures. Western democracies think from one election to the next, quickly adjusting the political course if appropriate. That may look like an advantage, but with respect to China it is not.
China is already peacefully eating up Africa. They are investing into every high tech company they can get a hold of (Germany is very vulnerable in the aspect). So .. they are no tourists, but they are also no warriers.
Thanks for the input Chris, educational as always. Yep, I became aware of their long term strategies from appreciating how China is tackling big projects such as climate change.
Arthur, they really do tackle climate change.
They kind of started in the 80ties and 90ties with the Yangtse hydropower projects. By now almost every year they add hydropower with the capacity of 10 times the Hoover Dam near Las Vegas.
I have become used to characterize everything in China with European standards. The factor 10 is quite useful.
Compare the importance of a city: A city like Hangzhou (host of the G20 meeting 2016) with some 9 mill. people has the same importance as Leeds or Birmingham.
A city of 500.000 will be eqivalant to a much smaller place in Europe and probably won´t have an airport. A city like this i would call a remote place.
The other way around: A midsize global player in Europe with some 5.000 employees will be worth at least 50.000 employees in China. And what is the case for Europe also makes sense for the USA.
For someone with little personal knowledge on China, their sheer size of population is threatening and breathtaking. Play the trick like i do and no more need to be afraid, however always be cautious.
Yep, it’s not just the Three Gorges Dam project (Yangtze hydropower project), which when I researched it as part of my interest the transition from fossil fuels to Renewable Energies I was very impressed with the achievement, but it is also the scale a speed that they’re rolling out wind turbines and building solar farms which dwarfs the efforts being made by the whole of the rest of the world put together. And it’s thanks to China’s R&D (Research & Development) and the sheer scale of production of solar panels (economies of scale) in China that the cost of buying solar panels in the UK (and no doubt around the world) has fallen in real terms in recent years; allowing me to finally afford to install the latest solar panels on my roof in the near future.
Three Gorges Dam: The World's Most Powerful Dam:
Likewise, the Chinese first developed the ‘proof of concept’ of the hydrogen train; with Germany being the first country to commercially develop the hydrogen train, closely followed by the UK.
The UK's first Hydrogen train:
As you said; no need to be afraid, just cautious.
Below, one of our BBQ's with our chinease friends in the centre of the image.
The discussion so far is interesting to me. I have little knowledge of what China has impact the world. Seriously, I don't have a basic or fundamentals of her history in the area being discussed. But my eyes are open to the fact that she is not as agressive as she is painted. If it is, it is Bruce Lee's karata sport fight whoooo! That said, and apart karata being a sporting fight or entertainment window, it has make many weaklings become strong to ward off intruding theives anywhere and anytime. But I am yet to see China doing commercial business in Nigeria like a Mall or Supermarket. But they are building a railway in the western part of the country. Aggressively, my history tells me China sent the Brits packing via the Boxer and or Opium War. Other than that, I had not know China being warmongering in other parts of world, unless it would be the 1st and 2nd World Wars?
Mao? I understand it best as a cultural revolution. It is a Chinese internal affair like Trump's 'America First'! However, the man, Chairman Mao Se Tung is very intrigueing in Chinese history. His death rather than his fall destroys every aspect of the cultural revolution. Had his name remove in history book and every aspect of national life. His wife and fellows cannot help it.
The people have been indoctrinated to revere Mao. The plan of the CCP is to dominate the world. They feel they are entitled to do so.
The Chinese people have heir traditions but not their religion. What can happen in a country which has no devotion to God? - where Catholics are murdered? What will happen to a world which does not recognize the aggression of a Godless power-hungry country?
Please leave god and religion out of this.
I know how sweaty "god" is in China. I followed my interpreter all the way up hill to the highest temple, so she could pray for her daugthers admission to university. Chinese gods can be quite exhausting.
When i stay in Shanghai, my favourite hotel is the Renaissance Yangtze hotel close to people square and Nanjing lu (the equivalent to NY 5th ave). Next door is a Christian church … _25619.htm
I never noticed anything unusual, except the church architecture being dwarfed by sourrounding skyscrapers.
Everything in good shape and used for service. Absolutely no comparison to the atrocities during the Cultural revolution, example: … _Gansu.jpg
Don´t let yourself be deceived by propaganda.
It was Karl Marx who said: "Religion is opium for the people". Well, that is not true: At least Opium expands your state of mind. Be careful with religion.
Yeah, it’s mainly America that tries to paint China as being the bad guy because I think America and Americans feel threatened by China not through war, but through ‘trade’ e.g. Americans fear that cheap imports from China is going to threaten American jobs.
We had the same issue in the UK in the 1980’s but our Government tackled the problem by making any goods that didn’t meet strict minimum safety standards illegal e.g. that was a time when a lot of cheap imports from China were dangerous. These days, in Britain, we welcome trade with China because as well as importing products from China (often good quality these days) it gives the consumer greater choice and also gives our manufactures the opportunity to sell to China (Export); which is good for our economy and helps to secure British jobs.
Who are thore Democrates that sold out the USA to get Bden in? Shame on them. And let vile women laugh on them.
That would be Democrats, and they didn't sell out the USA. They voted in record numbers to elect a President. That is what is known as democracy in the United States of America. Only some people can't handle the truth.
Africa and China … 8c63bf5930
Japan, US and Taiwan vs China … able-shift
Iran and China … -deal.html
Philippines and China … gn=3144890
Central America and China … l-america/
India, Pakistan, China and Afghanistan … -iran.html
India and China–20 … misheshina
America and China … ependence/
As far as I can see from the articles, in essence, it’s only China’s desire to expand its world interest in trade e.g. it’s willing to put more investment into the poor countries than any Western Country is willing to do; and therefore quite rightly reaps the benefits of building close ties with them.
Britain obtained world dominance during the heyday of the British Empire initially through military force, conquering other lands, and enslaving their peoples; the USA took over the mantel from Britain post world war and kept its world dominance since, often by flexing its military muscles around the world. So now maybe it’s time for China to take up the reins for a while; excepting America and Americans feel threatened by another nation being superior to them?
Of course, America and Americans should be.
When you consider the complexities of global trade, the World's use of the Dollar as a reserve currency, the dependence on foreign sources of energy, any American should be concerned.
This transition from America being the global leader to China is not going to go like it did when it went from the UK to America.
Our cultures are significantly different, our languages and alliances different. Transitioning from the UK to America was nothing practically, we had the same alliances, spoke the same language, shared the same culture.
The shift from America to China will shake the foundations of the globe, it will shift power and wealth away from North America and EU and to Russia and China, BRIC nations, and the ASEAN-China alliance.
When the world wakes up to the significant differences between a China driven global trade and an American driven one, it will be too late. The Financial Institutions on Wall St. that have poured hundreds of billions into developing China and the Corporations that sought their cheap labor will all pay the price for their greed and short-sightedness.
The CCP does not care for their interests, their rights, their wellbeing, they allowed them into the country so they could use their wealth and technological advances, and once they have served the CCP's interests they will be done away with, partnerships with China last only for as long as they benefit China.
I appreciate what you say Ken; an honest appraisal of the situation as you see it, without any BS; which I respect, although our perspective and thus opinions and views remain different on the issue.
After thinking about what you said, running at a slight tangent I thought of what it must have been like for the Brits when the Romans invaded and occupied England for five hundred years and the chaos Britain was left in for centuries after the Romans abandoned Britain in the 5th century and withdrew back to Rome.
Yes, our languages are similar (British English & American English) and there are strong similarities in our culture; but English is not a language in its own right, it’s a hybrid of old French & German mixed in with elements from various other languages, and to this day is still evolving:-
• Old English: Evolved from c660 to 1150.
• Middle English: Evolved from 1150 to c1480
• Early Modern English: Evolved From c1480 to c1800
• Late Modern English: Evolving since c1800s
English is not the only language in the UK, and the British culture isn’t the only main culture in Britain; and there are 24 Official Languages in the EU:-
• There are 14 indigenous languages currently in use across the UK, including Welsh, which is the Prime language in Wales (taught in Welsh schools as their main language); and in recent years the Cornish (Celtic) language in Cornwall, England has had a revival.
• As well as the British culture, we also have thriving Scottish, Irish and Welsh cultures, and there are cultural variants across the whole of England.
For what it’s worth, I’m just trying to make a point that nothing is static, and more often than not the fear of change is worse than the change itself. Regardless to whether China takes world dominants or not, daily life in the West will continue as normal, and most people will not really notice or care about the world shift in power.
Languages and culture are constantly evolving; and if a dominant China adds to that mix then there are a lot of good things about China culture that could be adapted to Western life.
But yes, I acknowledge that for Americans and America, worried about the dollar being a reserve currency, and your dependence on foreign sources for you energy that you would quite rightly be fretful about an uncertain future.
You are correct, there is variance... but you are wrong as well.
Focusing on the big picture... it is the English Language and the English culture that has dominated, it transformed America, Canada, Australia.
The Philippines, India, Hong Kong, and so many other places were heavily influenced by the UK and then America, the hand off from the UK to the USA was little different than if I went from NY to Montreal, yes there is a difference, but there are far more similarities and social customs that are the same.
China is a different culture, looks at the world differently, has a different language (written and spoken) in no way is it possible that a Totalitarian Communist State will transition to world power and be as benevolent toward nations like the UK and Australia in the way the USA was.
I completely agree to that. Chinese as a language or culture has not in anyway significantly impact any African country or nation. Besides the Chinese culture is Communist in its entity. If China is going to profoundly impact Africa or India, it will be only in the area of trade technology, and whoooo...martial arts. The English Language or English is a different thing. I am here not talking the American English, but the British English. The later impact the America and gave it its identity. So it does to other continents like Africa, India. But English fail to surbdue or dominate local cultures. Chinese pangara. Whoooooo! Trade is not something to be afraid of. It's an exchange of money for goods and or service. Whoooooooooo!
Yep, if/when China takes over the mantle of world power from the USA they may well want to impose their stamp on world affairs, just as Britain did when it sent missionaries to third world (poor) countries to indoctrinate in what we saw as savages to Christianity; we weren’t exactly benevolent then.
But yes, I think Miebakagh has a point when he says below “But it would be absurd to think that due to transition in trade and technology, the whole world will go communist after China.” Yeah, China might want to impose some of its philosophies (not all of which are bad) on the West, but short of war (which I think China will want to avoid) there are red lines that the USA, UK and the EU will not cross.
'China might want to impose some of its philosophies...' That is great. But only with the vihecle of English. Either, Arthur, Ken, or me is not expect to learn Classical or local Chinese. Whooooooooo! It is much better if street kids were impact with that. That is the norm with every harbinging culture.
Yep, that was one of my previous points in this discussion:-
There are 24 Official Languages in the EU, and there are 14 indigenous languages currently in use across the UK. The Welsh, the Scots, the Irish and Cornwall, England all have their own distinct Celtic languages, taught in schools and broadcast on TV and Radio in those areas; but they all use English to communicate with the English. The Annual ‘Eurovision Song Contest’ (which gave rise to ABBA) with over 180 million viewers annually was originally presented in French; but in recent years the presenters have spoken English; which puts the nose out of joint for the French, but it doesn’t detract from its popularity throughout Europe, and beyond.
Yep, as you say, China may well wish to impart some of its philosophies on the West (many of which are good), but also like you said, no one in the West is going to speak Chinese, we’ll all retain our own languages; even in England there’s no uniform English, which is something that amazed our Australian cousins when the visited us in 2019 and spent three months touring the UK e.g. in England you only have to travel 20 miles in any direction and the accent and/or dialect can change. I speak Bristolian, which is quite different to London’s three modern English dialects - And that’s not going to change regardless to which power rules world trade.
Very interesting facts and information. Whoooo! Let the Chinese come on. Trade is an interesting venture. They is money in the bank for that.
Yep, my sentiments.
As regards to the diversity of languages and dialects in the UK, just a few tasters below:-
• This is BBC ALBA (Scottish TV Channel):
• This is a Welsh TV Channel:
• A TV Advert in Cornish:
A Bristolian Song (the dialect I speak) “Thee's Got'n Where Thee Cassn't Back'n, Hassn't” which translates into “You’ve got it where you can’t back it out, haven’t you”:
I think William Shakespeare speaks better archiac English than the Cornish and Bristolians?
Cornish is a Celtic language e.g. Cornwall was never occupied by the Romans nor the Anglo-Saxons, so it retained a lot of its Celtic Roots; while Bristolian in Bristol is an English dialect.
Free Cornwall - Cornwall is not England:
Yep, William Shakespeare spoke Early Modern English which dates from c1450 to c1800; a very flowery language.
Another favourite of mine is Chaucer (c1340-1400) who’s famous for writing the ‘Canterbury Tales’; Chaucer spoke in Middle English which dates from 1150 to c1480.
Want to know what ‘Old’ and ‘Middle’ English sounded like, the two short videos below is a good taster of what the English language once sounded like:-
• Readings in Old and Middle English:
• The Canterbury Tales in Middle English with translation, lines 1 to 18:
I agree with pretty much all of what you are saying.
So trying to project into the future... what does a world look like when it is dominated by China?
How they act towards other nations today, as they work to usurp America, may be far different in the future, when they no longer have America to worry about.
How they view other nations, may surprise you, clearly it would, or you would have more concern for this.
Ponder this:
Look how North Korea has done with China as its benefactor.
Look how South Korea has done with America as its benefactor.
Kathryn, are you sleeping or something? Come on. You need to wake up to reality.
Our collective NOW has led to the fall of Afghanistan.
Our woke-ism which we tried to bleed into their culture
We had to get out of there ASAP. Probably, some threats from the Taliban to the US occurred. So Biden folded.
Trump wouldn't have.
Biden has no sense of American strength, dedication or power, as Trump did.
Does ...
What we need NOW is an election do-over.
No, not at all...
We need another 3.5 years of Biden at least... maybe 7.5.
If you really want to fix things, just leave Biden in there long enough, when the Pendulum swings the other way it will be epic.
Once not long ago Americans looked at their leaders like Rock Stars, or even Gods, a portion of the population supported and believed in them with a fanaticism. Reagan, Obama, Clinton, were charismatic enough to pull it off (the Bush family not so much).
But over these last few years, the people have seen that’s not true. The corruption, the fabrications of false charges brought against Trump and Kavanaugh, especially, the relentless persecution of Trump in the media and the silencing of a sitting President by Social Media giants Facebook, Twitter and Google.
A new reality is materializing in America today, an understanding within the majority of the populace, no matter what their political affiliation... Politicians are no better than the rest of us. In fact, most of them are far worse than the rest of us, corrupt, privileged, condescending of their constituents.
At a time when Governors and Mayors in States like CA and NY are restricting rights and freedoms like never before, in the rest of America people are demanding equality, a fair court system, a reliable police force.
They see their leaders in DC for what they are... really old. The likes of Pelosi and Biden do not belong running this country, and no matter what side of the aisle a person sits, this is becoming abundantly clear to all of us.
It isn't a matter of IF there will be a overwhelming response to these corrupt cronies being in control and Social Media efforts to silence dissent, its just a matter of when, and in what form it will come.
The populist wave that elected Trump will be nothing like what comes next, whenever the pendulum finally swings back.
With each successive swing, the extreme has become more severe, starting with the Clinton Impeachment, and then the Bush - Gore election counter which gave us a Democrat controlled Congress and Obama Presidency which could have worked out fine.
Unfortunately the arrogant egotist Nancy Pelosi got up there and told the American people that they would have to wait to find out what was in the Affordable Care Act... eventually America found out, and for tens of millions of Americans it was neither affordable or fair.
America responded, they called it the Tea Party wave, the people voted out Democrats and RINOs and stripped Congress of its Democrat majority.
Democrats hit back, getting the media to paint the Tea Party movement as racist and anti-American, they used the IRS (and other government agencies) to hinder conservative and republican efforts, and Obama was re-elected.
Things simmered along until the DNC stole the primaries from Sanders and awarded Clinton with the nomination, America rejected Clinton despite overwhelming MSM support and an all out effort to paint Trump as a card carrying KKK rapist who would be worse for the world than Hitler if he got elected.
The people with power, those that controlled the media, those in Silicone Valley, the Hollyweird snobs, the Big Foundations and Big Government, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, Steven Spielberg, Jeff Bezos, all of them were in shock, outraged, indignant that the American people would elect someone they worked so hard against.
So for four years they pounded that propaganda down America's throat while they slowly silenced supporters of Trump, by the time of the election they had all but silenced Trump himself.
After a year of hyperbolic pandemic coverage, lockdowns, and riots, the American people were dazed enough to allow bumbling Joe Biden to become their President.
As you look back over the last twenty years, you can see the efforts required for the Established Elites to maintain control takes more and more effort, and the slanders against those that don't support them become more and more severe....
I think they made a critical, massively bad error, in choosing Biden and Harris to be their puppets with which to control the country. I predict these two will be despised by the majority of Americans by the time 2024 rolls in... on top of the fact that Biden and Pelosi will be too old to continue their reign of contempt on America... the backlash will be more severe than ever, more overwhelming than the wave that elected Trump in 2020.
They could have salvaged things, they could have kept this from ever occurring by giving the people someone who related to them, someone willing to stand up and fight, someone competent enough to make rational decisions (which Biden can't)... Tulsi Gabbard could have pulled that off, she was one of the few that could have.
But the thing about the arrogant elites that back someone like Biden, they have total contempt for "average" people, they don't want to do what's best for them or the country, they want CONTROL they want to FORCE their will upon the American populace, well, they want their puppet politicians to do that, while they live in their mansions and go on MSM sites and play the hero.
You have a pretty good crystal ball !!! Your's makes good sense. Mine is unrealistic and faulty. Lol: re-electing the ever audibly-offensive Trump! He was judged by his appearance and manner; looks alone. They couldn't see past it.
And that's where we are in our consciousness.
My prediction is Trump will never be back. I actually like Mike Pomppeo at this point. But, as you say, the times must become black as night before any whiter shade of pale is allowed to glimmer.
So, Thank You for your reading.
Sorry for that rambling reply, you've heard of 'run-on sentence'...
Well that was a run-on reply of half thought out points.
The point of all that... Biden's Presidency will be a terrible one for most Americans as well as for our Nation's foreign affairs.
Give Biden and Pelosi enough rope... and they will Hang their Party.
I enjoyed the rambling!
- second link was supposed to be this one:
"What we need NOW is an election do over". I am
"What we need NOW is an election do-over". I am not such what the American Constitution takes on that. Could be a good thing to hand over power to "Real" Donald Trump to complete another four years in the White House? Still I am not certain. Could also be a good idea. Honestly, Biden is afraid of China and Xi JinPing, because he was China's foreign mini or pick-up god. Biden, is also afraid of Afghanistan! Who or what next?! The point is that Americans do not like Trump! Former VP Mike Pence hardly give Trump a helping hand during hard times. Except when he was told to remove Trump, via constitutional powers. Trump tried to please Xi JinPing to buy American wheat. But unknown to Trump, Biden had done with bribe. God save America!
Yes Ken, I do ponder it, and on that one example you have a valid point, but fortunately (or unfortunately) things are never as black and white as that; if it were then the UK (United Kingdoms) would truly be ‘United’! And perhaps Afghanistan might still be safe hands?
Part of the reason North Korea is the way it is, is because it’s run by a tin pot leader who supports communism; and China being a Communist country sitting on its doorstep sees an ally in North Korea. Yes, China is imposing its draconian rule on Hong Kong, and it would like to in Tibet and other regions that China considers its territory. The British Empire was no different in its heyday.
I’m sure that back in the early 19th century slave workers in the West Indies didn’t think Britain to be a good benefactor. China’s prime interest is ‘trade’ not ‘war’, so who’s to say that given some respect by the West that in the future China is or isn’t going to be a mature International ‘trading’ nation rather than a warring nation intent of conquering the world like Britain tried to do during its Empire days.
I’m sure the Boxer Rebellion is a constant reminder to China on how benevolent the West can be when they occupy foreign lands! Not.
The two halves North and South Korea are what they are because of how their benefactor nations have supported them.
North Koreans take trains into China to work as cheap labor, China purchases its resources. North Korea is the way it is, because that is how China wants it, cut off from the rest of the world, a buffer state and a servant state.
As is occupied Mongolia, as will become Tibet, Hong Kong, and all that fall under its authority and control. They will exist to serve the needs of China, they will be drained of resources, wealth and freedoms.
The British Empire being no different in its "heyday" does not make it OK.
The world taking a 100 year step back in its humanitarian evolution is not OK.
China enslaves people, harvests organs from people it herds into its "re-education camps"... where America rebuilt Japan, Germany, South Korea, in its "heyday", China is subjugating the nations it has gained control over as it enters into its "heyday".
Yes today America fails in its efforts, like with Afghanistan and Iraq. America is a declining State and America no longer enjoys the huge advantages in industry, technology and education it did during its "heyday".
China has quite literally become superior to America at all critical levels necessary to propel a nation to become a World Super Power. Today China is the Industrial heartbeat of the world, not America, today China is the vanguard for technological advances and building new infrastructure and trade abroad, not America.
We are deep into this transition, and unfortunately with such an inept President currently in place, there is no hope that America will even be able to maintain its place as world leader amongst its allies, let alone all those that oppose it.
This why we need to resist. Not tip-toe through the tulips. I would post that Tiny Tim but I HATE that song and that performance.
What are you resisting?
The complete failure of our current leadership is on display daily.
Biden was laughed at by world leaders at the G7, Harris is equally incompetent, her total ineptitude was on display to the world when she travelled to Central America.
Our leaders sabotage our Nation with their greed, corruption and incompetence.
Yep, I can’t disagree with anything you say; but short of military invasion, the West is not part of China’s territory, and China’s International interests isn’t in war, it’s in trade – So realistically, I don’t see our western culture under threat from a Chinese Military invasion.
No, you are correct, we are not going to see a military invasion.
China will control through University teachings, through Political lobbying and buying Political favor, through financing projects and then foreclosing on them when a payment is missed, by purchasing the Media outlets and then forcing them to produce propaganda that supports China's interests... etc. etc.
Western culture has been able to evolve to where it is today, due to its wealth and abundance. It will lose much of its freedoms, liberties, and evolved social ideals when it is no longer where the world's wealth resides. It will be the Nation(s) that holds the wealth that will determine the direction societies and humanity takes.
Obviously I don’t know enough about the USA to be able to make any comments about the USA; but I do know enough about the UK & EU Laws to know that in the UK and across the EU much of what you fear is unfounded. Taking each point you raise in turn:-
• University teachings: In the UK it’s the UK Governments who legislate how universities are run/funded etc.
• Political lobbying and buying political favour: Unlike the USA, in the UK much of what you are suggesting is a criminal offence, and is monitored by Independent Government bodies that are not answerable to the Government (but only answerable to Parliament) e.g. the electoral commission.
• Through financing projects and then foreclosing on them when a payment is missed: I know that is a big problem in the USA, but in the UK there are laws that protects the borrower so lenders can’t foreclose if a payment is missed; generally there has to be three missed payments, proof of lender sending the borrower reminders, and a court order; all of which can take six months to get before the matter can be foreclosed.
• by purchasing the Media outlets and then forcing them to produce propaganda that supports China's interests: Firstly in the UK the Monopolies Commission wouldn’t permit it. True to say we still have ‘Freedom of the Press’ for newspapers published in the UK, but British TV is already heavily regulated by the Government to prevent biased or fake reporting, and currently, in the pipeline is legislation that will make other Media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube personally responsible for all material published on their platforms, meaning that in the future, it’s them and not the person who post ‘fake news’ who will be prosecuted by the British Authorities. The British newspapers have agreed to self-regulate if the UK Government doesn’t include them in the Legislation; and they know that if they don’t take self-regulation seriously it would be a simple amendment to the Legislation to also include British newspapers.
A few years back the British parliament debated on whether Russian TV (RTV) should be banned from the UK, but decided against it on the grounds of ‘Freedom of the Press’.
OfCom (Office of Communication) the UK Government’s watchdog on communications (Media) recently banned CGTN (China TV) from Britain for a while, on the grounds of an infraction of their franchise broadcasting licence in the UK; albeit that matter was later resolved diplomatically on Appeal, and the UK Government then gave China their franchise licence to broadcast in the UK back.
Ofcom in the UK REVOKES broadcast license of China’s CGTN:
As regards loss of freedoms, liberties and culture; yeah, in times of occupation they are supressed e.g. the Anglo-Saxon’s influences over the Celtic nations in the UK; but no one is talking about China’s occupation of the West, and even when smaller nations are under occupations there’s often ‘push-back’, as we’re seeing in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Cornwall.
Free Cornwall - Cornwall is not England:
Arthur, thanks. Each point you take on is so vital. Not even a tiny banana country will let such subtaranean influence to run their country. Nigeria, at present contract a trade relation with China to develop her railways and trains. The agreement does not seems good to certain persons/pressure group(s). And the matter(high cost of the project) is in a High Court of competent jurisdiction for review. Though work is still going on the railways and trains. If China cheats, she will be sent packing back to country. Whooooooooo!
Yep Miebakagh, international investments are common place; some examples include:-
• China’s investments in the UK = £50 billion ($68 billion), including China’s bailout of £1.2 billion ($1.65 billion) in British Steel, saving 3,000 British job; when the UK Government refused to bailout it out when the British Steel Industry was on the brink of bankruptcy.
• UK’s investments in China = £10.7 billion ($14.7 billion).
• UK’s investments in the USA = $560 billion.
• USA’s investment in the UK = $890 billion
Arthur, thank you. I just noticed that the China-Nigeria trade stood at $10.6billion on the balance.
Ken, i would agree with most of what you wrote. My comments were aimed to display the pure economic and pragmatic approach of China on international relations. No place for military conflicts or wars.
Concerning western culture, i would be more specific. Wealth and abundance (as you write) could only be accumulated by making stuff. That is what is tradeable. Shipping something domestically by UPS that was imported from abroad doesn´t create any wealth. And that is the problem of many western societies. These societies are too complacent to stick to service only and not do manufacturing.
The USA has an additional special burdon because a significant portion of its manufacturing resources go into the military. And there it is good for nothing, except frightening other countries.
Also i would not overestimate the financial influence of China on the international scene. Can´t speak about the US but current status of German/Chinese relations is: Trade is balanced and with investments German investments outnumbers the corresponding Chinese investments by 2:1. Currently some 1 mill. jobs in China a controlled by German money, while only 60.000 jobs in Germany are controlled by Chinese money.
Kind of reflects my rule of thumb: Everything in China has to be 10 times as big to have the same importance as in Europe or North America.
May that also applies to the military and then you can all calm down.
Who says the Chinese were out to harvest our(reproductive) organs? Lol!
I think there will be war on the ground here, eventually. China is a Godless country. This means they have no need for fairness. The love in their hearts is crushed by how they are treated and what they must put up with. The Chinese people are just people, yes, but there are youth leagues where they are trained and indoctrinated by the government to be devoted to the country and its ideals based on Mao's legacy and Marxist values.
In the almost 30 years that i have been visiting China, i never met anyone with adherence to Marxism and Maoism. There is always respect for the achievements of Mao to free the country though, but nothing more.
I met party secretaries and government officials. I learned they were highly skilled organisers and managers. But nobody had the "Mao Bible" in his pocket.
Chinese deeply inherit Confucianism, acceptance of hierarchy, with a touch of Taoism as a kind of "glue" in society. This is it, and this is what unites all Chinese people in South East Asia.
Who are the largest foreign investors in China? Taiwan and Singapore, Chinese populated countries (Macao and Hongkong i wouldn´t call foreign any more).
Kathryn, i think you have a totally wrong perception of China and the Chinese. And - as i try to comment only where i can contribute from my own experience and not what some mass media had published, i came to know a different China as what you write and some media suggest.
"Although the human rights situation in mainland China has improved markedly since the 1960s (the 2004 Constitutional amendments specifically stressed that the State protects human rights), the government remains determined to prevent any organized opposition to its rule. Amnesty International estimates that the PRC holds several thousand political prisoners. Although illegal, there have been reports of torture by civil authorities."
We are the flowers of May,
Who embrace the age of youth;
We are the rising sun,
Who ignites the future with life.
The torch of The May Fourth Movement,
Aroused the awakening of the nation.
A magnificent career,
Inspires us to carry on the future.
Glorious! Communist Youth League of China,
Glorious! Communist Youth League of China.
Mother named us with communism.
We are creating a new world. … e_of_China
Kathryn, if you don’t like the anthem of the Communist Youth League of China then you will certainly not like the national anthems of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall; all of which are revolutionary, and anti-British. And neither would you like the anthem of the British Labour Party either:-
Below - The Chorus of the British Labour Party:-
The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyred dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its every fold.
So raise the scarlet standard high,
Beneath its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
"The Red Flag" - Anthem of The British Labour Party:
Below – the opening lyrics of the Cornish Anthem:-
A good sword and a trusty hand!
A merry heart and true!
King James's men shall understand
What Cornish lads can do!
And have they fixed the where and when?
And shall Trelawny die?
Here's twenty thousand Cornish men
Will know the reason why!
National Anthem of Cornwall:
Even the USA National Anthem Is based on war; so sorely the phase applicable here is “He/she that is without sin among you/us, let him/her first cast a stone."
Kathryn, if you’re prejudice against China on the grounds of their apparent lack of religious belief; then surly you should be prejudice against Britain on the same grounds e.g. with two thirds of Brits having no religion, Britain is no longer a Christian State, but these days is a secular State.
And for your information, the four main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam.
Those religions are of the distant past. Believe me I know because I took classes Asian history, having worked downstairs in the in Asian Art section of a local art museum.
... and those anthems are very innocent with no mention of communism and the creation of a new WORLD.
... Those religions are of the distant past ..
I am no expert on religions, but the philosophical background of Buddism and Taoism is driving the Chinese society of today. This is no relict of some "distant past".
Kathryn, if you are interested in Asian history and philosophy, then read this guy:
His books and analytics are 80 to 100 years old, published before any Chinese communism surfaced. I found that his writing reflects perfectly the Chinese society of today. I recommend "The Importance of Living" published 1937, a real treasure and eye opener to understand China. Does your local museum have literature by Lin Yutang?
Are we not talking about the influence of the government? I am happy to hear that the people feel free enough to explore and keep in touch with their cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs. It is counter to what I have heard from someone I know who has also been in China and experienced terrible things involving entrapment, censorship and threats.
My museum has been shut down due to Covid. But I would love to read what you have recommended. Thanks!
If you understand the history of China and the philosophy of Chinese people, it makes you also understand that there is no foreign threat except commercial influence through trade.
This does not mean that there are no issues inside China. Certainly there are. From simple surveillance bots that kick you out of internet if you type in some innocent western vocabulary, harsh methods to control religious groups that don´t adhere confucian values in the "Wild West" of China, the Sichuan procince and Tibet, to strict economic controls, China has issues, but they are all internal, domestic.
And China is no monolitic block. There is fierce competition between provinces. Leads to economically high performance but also creates problems. Some anecdotes:
From discussions with my Chinese friends early last year at the beginning of the pandemic: Hubei province officials and central government had serious issues with each other. Sending troups to the province was only partly due to contain the virus but also to show strength from central government.
Another one: I was lecturing at a Chinese University in one province and at the same ran a consulting firm that was owned by Chinese investors from another province. I had to stop teaching, because i was supposedly smartening up the competitor, the enemy.
If Chinese see "enemies", they are inside, not on the international stage.
Kathryn, yeah they are ancient religions’, which is why you learnt about them in Asian history, but as Chris says, they are still popular in Chinese Culture; which my Chinese friends, who live just two doors up from us, can contest to. And you still avoided the point I made that if you’re prejudice against China because you believe they lack religion, then by the same token you should be prejudice against Britain for the same reason.
How can make an assertion that the anthems in the UK are innocent while the Chinese anthem isn’t, just because the Chinese anthem mentions communism and the creation of a new world; China is a communist country, so nothing sinister about using the word communism in their anthem, and creating a new world can be interpreted literally or metaphorically – I would suspect the latter e.g. another way of saying ‘turn over a new leaf’.
Whereas, there is nothing innocent in the words of British Labour Party Anthem, the chorus being:-
The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyred dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its every fold.
So raise the scarlet standard high,
Beneath its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
The very words are revolutionary, and talks about the sacrifices and bloodshed that took place during the struggle between the working classes and Authority (the elite) in the 18th & 19 century that gave rise to the birth of Socialism in Britain, and the Labour Party.
And the Cornish anthem reflects on the bloody conflict between Cornwall and England; reminding the Cornish that the English are the oppressors.
Ken, it is always and only about power, influence, might.
There is no difference between the British Empire, Soviet Union, USA, China. There is no way to whitewash the USA.
... rebuild Japan, Germany, South Korea in its "heyday"..
Wasn´t it more reaching out a hand to have someone fight with the USA against "evil" Soviet block? And financially any aid was just a drop of water on a hot stone. It takes Germany roughly 2 months of trade surplus to the USA to equal the total Marshall plan funds (12 bill. USD in 2020). Again all the USA did was only for power and influence.
China is no good guy, but neither is the USA. As far as i understand, Chinese interests are in trade and commerce. And Chinese are pragmatic, they simply do what serves them best and being strategic planners, they don´t butcher the cow who gives milk. Why go to war with your customer? Why go to war with your supplier?
That is awful and terrific. I learnt also and I think it was on facebook. That a Chinese brat is sayying that China's gold or currency should replace the American Dollar. How real that will be, it is up to the world to watch. Basically, power transists from one nation to another. The classic case being from Great Britain to the USA. But it would be absurd to think that due to transistion in trade and technology, the whole world will go communist after China. Where leadership is more worship than a god.
Those links are interesting stories indeed. I don't see anything wrong in a legit trade or business deal. Honestly, I would not support any undercut or cut-throat deal that undermine the economy of a stronger or weaker nation. Fair is a deal. I believe it was after the Nigerian Civil War that a short history book about the 2nd World War fall into my hands. I was impressed whth Japan's post war effort and economic development when she open her country to the outside world, having been on self-isolation for decades! Whoooon! What is America afraid of Chinese trade, or is it a question of envy? Nigerian's significant trade with China is to develop the railroad and train which Great Britain and later Rites of Indian abandon. If China cheats, Nigeria will deal with her in the courts of law! Whoooooooo! Chinese pangara.
"President Nixon once said he feared he had created a “Frankenstein” by opening the world to the CCP, and here we are."
From: … ds-future/
I think Ken gave a wonderful comment. Further, I will state that the Chinese culture is totally alien to the culture of most of the English-speaking world and that includes India which has over 400 million people who know English and it is the official language of the country. The British and Americans at some places were high-handed but overall they spread a lot of goodwill and goodness around the world. You can never expect that from the Chinese who are basically having alien values and extremely volatile and intolerable as we have seen in the colonization of Tibet and Sinkiang. I am pretty sure that China will never be able to become the global Supremo and sooner than later there will be an internal implosion in China. This is the law of history and I do not think it is going to get negated.
But they will try to dominate the world, the sillies!. And we will have to stop them from trying. It will be doable, but not pretty,
My prediction is that we will win.
... and winning takes effort, enthusiasm and commitment all the way to the end.
I agree with this.
To understand the difference between how the two value allies and alliances you need look no further than to the differences between North Korea (China backed) and South Korea (America backed).
This I disagree with this, they will achieve Global Supremacy, but you may be correct in that they will lose that lofty position of power and control soon after achieving it.
The primary reason I see success coming their way is because the rest of the world is too weak and too indulgent to put a stop to it.
As far as you know.
I still think we will wake up and do the right thing for the right reasons.
Have we rejected vaccine passports yet?
Oh, don't prove me wrong!!!!
Let's be real, this country can't save itself, it's in no position to stop China's ascension.
Really, we have a President whose son's firm received 1.5 BILLiON from a Chinese bank 7 days after he and VP daddy visit Chinese officials.
The media buries that story but spends four years attacking Trump saying he's a Russian puppet. With no proof.
Our MSM is worthless. As corrupt as our politicians & serving the same Masters.
Biden... From his basement, running a campaign of Open Borders, Harsher Lockdowns, and Defund The Police... Won the election with 81 million votes? 13 million more than Obama could drum up?
You think we are going to "wake up and do the right thing"?
This unfolding we watch or listen in comfort, but when the boots and the guns come, then, of course, Americans will have to wake up.
Hopefully, I won't be around to witness combat and war on this continent.
In concrete reality, or virtual, in some manner, at some time Americans will wake up to protect their freedom and preserve their constitution. Of course, you and I won't be around. Until then, We'll only be watching it all on screens.
... or what? It's interesting to peer into a crystal ball, based on current events, but perhaps there is a more wholesome spirit approaching which will overpower what I call the left-over and by now exaggerated and distorted ideologies of the hippie generation. Once we see they don't work and they are unsustainable and ineffective we will finally abandon them.
Kathryn, ken, and me, Miebakagh will all be here when it all happen. We are much stronger, healthier, and fitter. Our knowledge of health and nutrition, exercise and fitness has increased manyfold. And do not forget the doctors impact on our wellbeing. These all make longivity very profound. Honestly, I am into my 70's. I will securely and safely cross into the !00. I have look into the timeless crystal ball. All is okay on the other side.
Years ago, when Nancy Pelosi, was Governor, I tip her as such an one that should become Speaker. I was correct because Nastrodamus nor Zoroster did not see into that. But then she got very friendly with the bad boys. Especially, with all those that do not mean well for America and Their America. Pelosi, soon become the mole that is at the crossroad of Trump re-election. Pelosi made a first in toreing the annual State of the Union address. Did she mean well? How many Democrates stand up against her for such a foolish act? That would tip the pendulum a little favour for Trump. And so Biden walk into the White House with over 81 million votes! Correct?
Interesting discusion indeed. What China can do in science and technology, America or any Western nation can. These technologies that are being brag about were in the first place borrowed or copied, or exported. Sad to say some are stolen! The Concord Jet plane already grounded for lack of profit, built by Great Britain and France are examples. That said, I think it is the American Dollar that is dominant in trade. It check and keep things in balance. Almost no day pass that the dollar will not be apply to express cost in the international marketing.
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