Why is OSHA hiding adverse reactions to the Covid 19 vaccine?

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  1. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    This is what OSHA is doing.  It is a fact.  Here is the OSHA website so you can see for yourself.


    The question: "Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?"

    The Answer..."DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward."

    Soooo, the federal government doesn't want to report the adverse effects of the vaccine because that would discourage other people from getting it. 

    Is is me, or does this seem to be very wrong?  If the vaccine provides so many adverse effects it may discourage people from getting it, why still encourage people to get it?  Don't people have a right to know about these adverse effects from this vaccine?  They are pushing this vaccine too hard for some unknown reason.  They are pushing is so much they've decided to hide all of the adverse effects from the American public.  Why?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      We have the right to know any adverse side effects of the vaccine. Like any other therapeutic substance, we put in our body.  Adverse side effects are provided with each prescription to inform of side effects and adverse reactions. 

      It would be very beneficial to offer all information as well as statistics on any side effects of the Vaccines. I think it would show the vaccines thus far are not causing a high incidence of side effects.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you.  It is bad enough they are not recording the adverse effects of the vaccine, OSHA is bold enough to openly put it on their website and act as if it's acceptable.  I've always held the believe that the federal government thinks Americans are too dumb or weak to challenge anything they do, they may be right.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I have not found any sufficient facts on just how many citizens have experienced side effects after taking any one of the vaccines.  I have found a report here to thee, but nothing of stats. I felt OSHA would have, but no luck.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know why you would expect to get information from OSHA.  I provided a link to OSHA website that stated they are not keeping records of adverse effects of the vaccine. 

            OSHA is not hiding the fact that they are not keeping records of adverse effects of the vaccine because the don't want to "disincentive" people from getting the vaccine. 

            I read that a couple of time and still couldn't believe it.  If there are so many adverse effects of the vaccine OSHA won't record them, what are they?  What are the numbers?  Why is it such a government secret?

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Have you stopped beating your wife?
              If there are so many adverse effects of the vaccine OSHA won't record them, what are they?

              There is zero indication that there are "are so many adverse effects of the vaccine OSHA won't record them" - that's purely an assumption on your part.

              Keep in mind that OSHA's task is not to monitor the personal lives, the health, or the results of people's actions outside of the workplace.  whatever bad reactions one might get from a vaccine is not an on-the-job accident, and that is OSHA's sole responsibility. 

              You are asking that private employers record health information of their employees and forward that to the federal government.  Is that really what you want?

              Whatever the numbers are, it is not OSHA's task to record or make them public.  That you declare those numbers to be a "government secret" because it is outside OSHA's purview doesn't make sense - it is a conclusion that the facts do not support.

              1. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I suggest you read up on 29 CFR 1904.  "OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination"

                It is not OSHA's responsibility to keep records...it is the employers job to record illnesses of workers and to report them to OSHA.

                There is zero indication that there are "are so many adverse effects of the vaccine OSHA won't record them" - that's purely an assumption on your part.

                So, what indication would you like if the records are intentionally not being kept?  How would you know?

                "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

                If you are unable to respond to a conversation on a thread without being personal...then don't.  If your IQ is not sufficient to enable you to engage in a conversation without being personal, let that be your problem.  Don't put it on display for others who want to discuss a topic.

                IF this was an attempt at humor or sarcasm...you failed terribly.

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I did read it, and that's why I responded as I did.

                  It is the employers job to report all job related illnesses to OSHA.  That the employee had the flu, or a cold, or any other non-job related illness does not mean the employer must keep tabs on it and report such things.

                  You're right - it is an assumption that there are not a large number of vaccine effects.  But it is YOU that assumed there was, to the point that you ask why that large number is not reported.  It is incumbent on YOU to prove that those numbers of non job-related illnesses are actually there, not I.  Then it is up to you to discover that OSHA is now tasked with reporting those non job-related illnesses, a task outside it's normal duties.

                  Apologies if you took the statement about beating the wife other than intended.  I used it as a common logic error example when you simply assume, without proof, that there are large numbers of severe vaccine reactions.  "If there are so many adverse effects of the vaccine OSHA won't record them, what are they?".  True, it is not an exact comparison because you did use the "if" at the beginning of the sentence, but I get the strong impression that you are trying to get a reader to agree that there are that large number of adverse effects without ever showing it to be true.  In that regard, it is similar to the wife beating statement in that unwarranted assumptions (there are large numbers of negative effects; the wife is being beaten).

                  So, again, there was no insult intended; it was merely what I perceive as a common logical fallacy.  Moral of the story; don't be so quick to assume insult, for I never intended any insult at all.


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