“Despite concerns with statewide elections procedures, this audit showed us that the election was largely safe and secure,” tweeted Republican state Sen. Robert Cowles, the co-chair of the legislature’s Audit Committee, which ordered the bureau to run the evaluation.
In total, auditors reviewed 60 tests of voting machines, with 59 tests proving accurate counts and the last producing insufficient data.
The review also determined that only 24 people may have two active voter registrations and that just four possibly voted twice, rebutting a common conspiracy theory of thousands of voters casting multiple ballots.
Hard to believe that only 24 people in the state of Wisconsin are registered to vote in 2 or more locations. Wisconsin must have a truly spectacular registration system and police it to the tune of millions of dollars each year.
(Are people required to notify Wisconsin when they move out of state?)
I feel these audits although repetitious, will lead to more moving on. I would guess these adults were the only way to offer some finality to the election results. At this point, it is clear only minor fraud is being discovered. from the seveal audits. It would be acceptable to say minor fraud has been around for a very long time in our elections. And the audits have not come close to changing the election results.
They might point to fraud problems that could be solved with new laws.
You must be joking.
The is no more chance that those who felt the 2020 election was stolen will change their minds, than there was of those who felt the 2016 election was stolen by the Russians would change theirs even after Trump was exonerated.
There is no amount of "audits" or "investigations" that will change people's perceptions... what difference is there between those doing the auditing and those doing the vote counting, what efforts are they making to verify each votes validity? etc. etc.
People's minds are already made up, these "audits" will do nothing to change people's opinions now.
Common sense is on your side. I guess I should have said it might work to have perhaps some move on. I hate to think or even admit to myself that the great divide is permanent, due to American's being so dug in.
You busted my balloon. So weary of all the turmoil.
Sorry for that, it was my initial reaction without much consideration.
The divide of course is being fueled by our MSM sources and by the continued effort to silence opposing political viewpoints on various social medias.
More than that... the divide is being fueled by continuous efforts to push past the boundaries of "normal" and force people to accept what they may feel is unacceptable... be it forcing people to be vaccinated or lose their job, or forcing people to accept that a man is a woman because 'they' say that is what they 'identify' as or lose their job.
Oh yes, they are pushing the envelope. However, in my view, the tide is turning. Social media for one example has people very disillusioned with all (for a lack of a better word) crazy BS.
Americans are as a rule right the ship. Yes, some can buy into the crazy for a time being, but they are quick to distance when the going gets uncomfortable. And let's face it Biden is on a downward ramp, with an icy coating. In my book, the economy is his greatest threat, and it will take some time for us to see any recovery --- much too late for 2022. I mean people are up in arms over rising gas -- it may be hitting them that there is a cost to all the crazy. And I don't think they will be willing to be the ones to pay for all Bidens free free free...
This is only my opinion, but considering I invest in Real Estate, Stocks, as well as other interests and have access to a decent level of information, I have to tell you the economy can (and is likely to) get worse for the majority of Americans.
Some of the very decisions the Biden Administration has taken, such as shutting down America's ability to be self sufficient in its Oil and Gas production, his Vaccine Mandate which has millions of Americans across the country losing their jobs, well educated people, career professionals that cannot be easily replaced... are going to impact the economy in a severely negative way, when the economy was already in crisis before such detrimental decisions were made.
I don't think the American economy is going to be hit as hard as Venezuela's was a decade ago, but then again, with the decisions they are making and the direction this Democratic leadership is taking us, it is now entering the realm of possibility that there will be great hardship put upon the vast majority of Americans for years to come.
I agree the economy is most just starting to show a bit of what Biden's big policy blunders will ultimately bring us. It's almost as if this administration is trying to destroy the country. One thing is for sure, with the failing economy, I would hope most American's will be done to any further push for socialium.
I think you will see the opposite. When the economy worsens more people will become dependent on the Government for survival.
What will happen in America is a greater divide between those that merely exist/survive and those that are thriving.
It will become harder to be "Middle Class" the days of being a hard worker who makes a good living working the factory or assembly line are gone, all work in the future is going to require clean backgrounds, field education and specialization, there will be very few "living wage" jobs for those people who are not "smart" and "licensed/degreed".
The Pandemic Shutdowns began this in earnest, many small businesses have failed, are continuing to fail due to continued restrictions and mandates in most States; robotics and software programs are replacing people at an accelerated rate elsewhere.
When you go shopping they have automated checkouts... before you know it they will have trucks making deliveries with AI driving, technology is making many jobs obsolete in warehouses, factories, etc.
The people who do not see this coming and are not preparing for it, either through education (in a STEM field) creating a business or buying up Assets (or all 3) are going to be the ones with no job, no future, and totally dependent on their government to survive.
I think we will have a certain segment of the population become more so dependent on the Government for support. However, the very speedy way our economy has faltered under the new administration; the fact the problems that can be easily traced to the new administration; and the fact that most American's are being affected by inflation which was created due to poor decision making. It's very possible American's will get out and vote heavily against Democrats in 2022.
"What will happen in America is a greater divide between those that merely exist/survive and those that are thriving " --- Very possible
All you have said is very common sense, and foreseeable. It would seem the scales are tipped in the direction you predict. This all was predictable, and we as a country have really paved the way with our own apathy. So, we many are very willing to just slither in into some form of Socialism.
How did we get here? I am sure we could write a book on that subject.
I hold onto one bit of hope that there are enough American's left to pull us out of this quicksand.
At this point, we have no one at the helm in Washington. No one at all.
This was decided over a decade ago:
"Affording basic food, clothing, shelter, and access to health care is the core tenet of the Universal Living Wage. In order to establish the basis for a Universal Living Wage, we have chosen the United States as the logical socioeconomic black board to begin the paradigm shift."
That dropping unemployment rate and super high stock market are blunders? Weird.
Inflation was expected with the lost year of profits, not to mention pumping 30% of all US currency into the economy in the year 2020. The result is that people have a lot of money saved and so little product available that leads to the rise in prices.
Only in your own mind is the economy failing. And you clearly do not understand what socialism is.
The "super high stock market" is the result of the influx of dollars created over the last 18 months. Trillions were "created" and given over to "trusted investment firms" like Black Rock, the minimum reserve requirement banks had been held to was waived 18 months ago, etc. etc.
89% of all stocks are owned by Institutions, not individuals, though I would bet that what is owned by individuals is mostly millionaires or richer types... almost no, as in practically 0% of people who would be considered "Middle" or "Working Class" have a years worth of salary or more invested in stocks... unless you consider the retired or wealthy as "Working Class".
Two major things are impacting the Stock Market today.
First is the influx of "money" given to the institutions and firms by our government/reserve (trillions of dollars) to loan and to invest with.
Second is the ease for individuals to invest with Apps like Robinhood making it something trendy for those with expendable income to do.
So while the Stock Market is inflated, it is that way because the Government/Reserve authorized trillions to be created and injected into the banking system and into investment firms which used it to inflate the prices of most stocks since March 2020.
One third of all "dollars" in existence right now were "created" in the last 18 months. In other words... the value of things didn't go up, the value of the dollar went down.
I agree the stock market is overvalued, for sure.
I guess I am one of those practically zero percenters then as I make middle class wages (less the 50k/year), yet have 4x that in stocks aside from the 4x that in retirement savings.
As the supply of anything in demand is limited, its value increases. Economics 101. The fact that more money now exists just increases the demand even more, hence larger inflation as supply is limited yet people can afford to demand more goods thanks to an influx of cash.
It is interesting that you hold the perceptions you do, considering by your own admission you are one of the "rich" of the top 10%ers in America.
If you don not think yourself such, you are mistaken, as 99% of the world's population is not as well off as you.
Top 10% in America have a net worth of $1.2 million and above. From what I listed, I'm not even close to that. Tope 25% is only $400,000 in net worth.
As for my perceptions, I'm not a greedy, selfish human who only cares about myself. I do not make others live by my religious doctrines. A government should exist to help its citizens, including providing checks on businesses that exploit workers or pollute.
On a totally off topic note, I was considering the law in CA where shoplifting less than $950 is no longer considered a chargeable crime.
If I had to move, I would move to CA... shoplifting $940 a day X 4 stores = $3,760 a day in assets, per person.
If you get that down to a science, those assets in turn can be sold on Ebay, Facebook, etc. for at least equal to the store sale value.
This means that in CA shoplifting can be a $1,316,000 business, per person... and that is with taking two weeks off a year.
So if you incorporate a family of 4... and work 50 weeks a year at it... that family can make over $5,250,000 a year!!!
America, STILL the land of opportunity!
America, STILL the land of misinformation!
Penal Code 459.5 PC is the statute that makes shoplifting a misdemeanor offense in California. This section defines shoplifting as entering an open business with the intent to steal merchandise worth $950 or less. The crime is punishable by probation, fines, restitution, and up to 6 months in jail.
You are correct. However:
"If you have been arrested or cited by police for shoplifting, you will typically receive a civil demand letter informing that you must pay restitution or you will be sued."
"Based on this legal definition above, the Los Angeles County prosecutor has to be able to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, certain “elements of the crime” in order to convict you of PC 459.5 shoplifting. These elements include the following:
You entered an open commercial establishment
During regular business hours
With the specific intent to steal property valued at $950 or less
As you can see, it’s important to make note the legal definition specifically states entering a store during normal business hours with intent to steal at the moment you entered. How can a prosecutor prove what you were thinking when you entered beyond a reasonable doubt? This means it must be proven you harbored the intent to commit a theft of $950 or less prior to entry." … ode-459-5/
More Importantly, they will not prosecute in many parts of CA, even in the rare chance that a officer make an arrest.
"We probably shouldn’t call it shoplifting anymore, since that term connotes the idea of a person trying to conceal their crime. In San Francisco, there is no attempt to conceal theft, and there is almost never any effort by store employees, including security personnel, to confront the thieves. The most they do is record the thefts with their cell phones.
Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.
Because of this law, California is extending an open invitation to anyone to walk in and take. Just like that—since they know that police or prosecutors won’t bother with a misdemeanor complaint and that store personnel won’t stop them.
It is not just pharmacies that are being ransacked. Recently, San Francisco’s Neiman Marcus was targeted by thieves who had a hankering for designer handbags and hit the purse department hard. The video shows one after another, after another, running out, as apparently there were 10 thieves, and they stole over the $950-per-thief misdemeanor limit." … california
On a totally off topic note, I was considering the law in CA where shoplifting less than $950 is no longer considered a chargeable crime.
If I had to move, I would move to CA... shoplifting $940 a day X 4 stores = $3,760 a day in assets, per person.
If you get that down to a science, those assets in turn can be sold on Ebay, Facebook, etc. for at least equal to cost.
This means that in CA shoplifting can be a $1,316,000 business, per person... and that is with taking two weeks off a year.
So if you incorporate a family of 4... and work 50 weeks a year at it... that family can make 5,250,000 a year!!!
America, STILL the land of opportunity!
I think I will trust well-known economists for information on the economy. I will also take into consideration what is coming out of my own pocket --- that is what the majority of American's care about. Filled your gas tank lately?. Polls show the economy is the number one concern of American's. … ation.html
I don't respect your view of my knowledge in regard to socialism. Nor do I care about your personal views of socialism.
Oh, please cite those well-known economists. Many note that the inflation you refer to is being caused by the influx of cash from 2020 and the broken supply chains, also created in 2020.
So you want to blame Biden because he hasn't fixed those issues yet, but many well-known economists note that it will likely take another year to fix those issues caused back in 2020.
And gas prices have risen globally. But you go ahead and blame Biden for something that is a global issue.
No interest in a Google contest with you on economists.
However, due to Biden's lack of common sense, we now have oil 80 dollars a barrel, and Yes he has the entire world pissed at him. The US pretty much controls cost per barrel. And Trump due to having great problem-solving skills had us energy independent, and the world paying about $55 a barrel. We are now back to 2014 begging OPEC to pump more. Yeah, the world just loves Joe.
As of 2018, OPEC member countries held 79.4% of the world's proven oil reserves and produced about 40% of the world's oil output.12
However, the U.S. under Trump was the world's largest oil-producing country in 2019 with nearly 19.5 million barrels per day.
We selling instead of begging. We were very close to energy-independent. Closer than we have ever been.
Yes, the gas prices have risen globally, and always do, when the US drives up the price of oil.
I will stick with my prediction the economy will get far far worse in the next two years, and will be very slow to return until we get someone with a couple of brain cells in the White House.
Oil prices are dictated by demand., and the US has great demand at this point. Sorry about that would Biden decided to go green. I totally blame that fool for the current gas prices, and I think many American's feel the same.
The supply chain is all on Biden and Mayor Pete. Is he back from paternity leave?
OMG, what a bunch... Your guy is under the quicksand. Not sure how or why you would defend his policy blunders. Oh well, you are consistent with your well-worn media opinions.
Your 2019 numbers completely discount what happened in 2020 when US oil production dropped 8%, the largest annual decrease on record.
Again, your partisan hate of Biden lets you omit crucial facts about when and why the production of oil actually began so you can lob your false claims out into the world.
In 2021, the levels will be 11.1 barrels per day, down just 0.2 million from 2020 numbers and then rise again in 2022.
The supply chain broke under Trump. Oil production reduced under Trump. Not sure why you ignore such facts when trying to back up your clear falsehoods. Your guy broke things. My guy is tasked with fixing what your guy broke. Oh well.
Blah Blah Blah --- how much are we paying at the pump -- And can't imagine what heating bills will be this winter. That's What American's are concerned about. I made my point clear we were very close to being energy independent. Not interested in your Google metrics.
And I certainly never proclaimed to "Hate Biden". I have shared I feel him incompetent, and not fit for the job, and that I actually feel sorry for him. It well appears the Majority of American's may share my view in regards to Biden's JOB performance. In June polls showed him as high as 57% approval. Today he has 50.6% of American's disapprove of his job performance. 43.5 are in your corner. … al-rating/
It appears many are dissatisfied with Biden from many age groups --- Anti-Biden rap song ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ reaches top spot on iTunes chart.
Following Biden's Town Hall, #IncoherentJoe Trended on social media. … bc881a5c03
And then there is the independent he is toast with them --- … ll-1641946
Could your view of Biden be part of the minority's view?
So, why go after me for my views in regard to Biden I seem at this point to be in the majority.
Google metrics? How about acknowledging basic facts that the slowdown in oil production that you wrongly blame Biden for started in 2020 during the pandemic and under Trump.
I'm sure many are frustrated with the job he is doing since he has not gotten his agenda through Congress yet. When that passes, his approval will swing back up.
My view of Biden? I haven't given my view of Biden. I'm just trying to stop you from attributing every problem in your life to him. Your constant whining gets annoying.
Yes, Biden needs to push and push hard.
Failure is not an option as we will be up to our necks in GOP crap due to his inaction by next Fall if he fails to get the point across to moderates and liberals now....
The day Trump left office the price per barrel Jan 21 $54.77
Need I remind you what it is today?
Here is a good chart. Note the steep climb as Biden canceled all the wonderful policies of Trump in regard to energy were canned. bt Biden. … velopment/
The stats were great all of 2020 --- 2021 not so much until Biden walked in and started to cancel all that was Trump. That's why none of the Dems have noses any longer. They cut them off to spite their faces.
If the infrastructure passes on its own he could have had a win. BBB if passed will not only kill the country but the Dem party.
I really have nothing to whin about, I am one of the lucky that his crazy won't affect. But, I am one that is enthralled by politics. I find them interesting.
If you are annoyed by my information, you should not read it. I do keep my stuff current, and I can see it is a lot to take in. I will admit it's hard to keep up with all that is going on in the country since Biden became president.
Your own chart undermines your point, price per barrel in January of 2020 was $63. The reason why it went down was because no one was driving due to a pandemic, not because anything positive done by Trump. You know what happened in January? Vaccines went out and the economy started to reopen. Gas prices then rose back to 2020 rates and then a little higher to make up for lost profits of 2020.
What did Biden cancel? A pipeline that wasn't producing any oil since it had not been completed. So, no change then.
Well, the difference is that multiple intelligence services and Congress all said that Russia did interfere in the election - that the timely release of Clinton e-mails right after the Trump Access Hollywood groping admission did dampen the effect of those revelations - and that multiple Russians were indicted for their crimes pertaining to that interference. So why would anyone change their minds about the Russians helping to steal the elections when their interference was proven.
Let us know when US Intelligence, the courts, elections officials, the DOJ...dang, anyone other than Trump...presents any credible evidence to back a further audit.
No less than half the country does not want Biden’s agenda pushed forward. The failure of our government to ensure bipartisan approval of measures that affect all of us is sad. Biden did not have a mandate when he entered office. Many voted against trump, not for Biden. The far left needs to understand the term ‘far left’ is just that. Far from the center and where the majority of voters stand.
A Wisconsin sheriff who has charged that state officials – on the Wisconsin Election Commission – not only broke the state's election law but "shattered" it during last year's presidential race, now has referred recommendations for criminal charges against five of the six commission members.
Already retired Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, Michael Gableman, reviewing the situation, said he'd uncovered evidence of those changes in election procedures, which were not allowed to be made.
And the state Supreme Court has ruled that "election officials wrongly allowed tens of thousands of Wisconsin voters to skip voter ID requirements and file absentee ballots by declaring their concerns about COVID made them 'indefinitely confined,'" Just the News reported.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., formerly headed the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which oversees elections, and said Schmaling's revelations might "only be the tip of the iceberg of fraud in the 2020 election." … s-charges/
Well, since 'Just the News' reported it, it must be true and you should repost it here.
Now here is the official site of the Milwaukee's government take:
Under Wisconsin law, voters do not need a reason or excuse, such as being out of town on Election Day, to vote absentee. Any voter who prefers to vote by absentee ballot may request one. … nteeBallot
From your article
"Photo ID Required
Unless you are a military voter, permanently overseas, or are indefinitely confined, you must provide the Election Commission with a copy of your photo ID to keep on file. If you are not sure if you have an ID on file already, feel free to contact us. The address on the ID does not need to be current. For a list of acceptable photo IDs, visit BringIt Wisconsin.
Voters who are indefinitely confined (meaning they have difficulty getting to the polls due to age, illness, infirmity, or disability) may request a ballot be sent to them for every election by checking the box on the application. Indefinitely confined voters are not required to provide photo ID. "
From MY article
"And the state Supreme Court has ruled that "election officials wrongly allowed tens of thousands of Wisconsin voters to skip voter ID requirements and file absentee ballots by declaring their concerns about COVID made them 'indefinitely confined,"
And from the 2020 election audit performed in Wisconsin.
"So these 29 municipalities had 23.93% of all the 1.96 million absentee ballots cast in the November 2020 election.
The Audit Bureau physically reviewed 14,710 absentee ballot applications or 3.13% of absentee ballots in the 29 municipalities.
Problems discovered by the Audit Bureau with the 14,710 absentee ballots included: only a partial witness address, no witness address, no witness signature, or no voter signature.
Of the 14,710 absentee applications the LAB physically reviewed, 1,022 had only a partial witness address or 6.95% and not the full witness address which is clearly required by law.
Section 6.84 (2), Wis. Stats., indicates that notwithstanding s. 5.01 (1), Wis. Stats., the statutory provisions that require certificates to have witness addresses are mandatory, and the ballots accompanying certificates that are missing this information shall not be counted. Section 6.84 (2), Wis. Stats., similarly indicates that ballots accompanying certificates without voter or witness signatures shall not be counted during a recount." … it-report/
Immediately after the election, the State Supreme Court sided with the voters on the issue of absentee voting in these instances you claim as fraud. … 1c4b041964
The Issues with the absentee ballots had been using guidance since 2016.
The commission’s public information officer, Reid Magney, said this guidance has been in place since October 2016 and was brought forward that year by Republicans on the commission. Indeed, an Oct. 18, 2016, memo states that clerks are required to “take corrective actions in an attempt to remedy a witness address error.”
“The guidance has been in effect for 11 statewide elections, including the 2016 presidential and presidential recount, and no one has objected to it until now,” he said.
According to the commission, clerks can "reasonably discern" a missing witness address by using voter registration records or any personal knowledge they have about the person's address. They’re required only to contact the voter before correcting the envelope if they can’t find the address using outside sources.
In the State Supreme Court ruling: “Wisconsin voters complied with the election rulebook,” Dallet and Karofksy said. “No penalties were committed and the final score was the result of a free and fair election.”
And I'd rather read the actual report than someone's interpretation of it: … 19full.pdf
The ruling was that three of the lawsuits concerning the fraud allegation was filed too late. They weren't wrong, they were not filed within the statutory time limits.
"In the 4-3 ruling, the court’s three liberal justices were joined by conservative swing Justice Brian Hagedorn who said three of Trump’s four claims were filed too late and the other was without merit. The ruling ends Trump’s legal challenges in state court."
You are right. And page 43 confirms what I previously posted, because it is taken from this report.
Our review of the 14,710 certificates found that: 1,022 certificates (6.9 percent) in 28 municipalities had partial witness addresses because they did not have one or more components of a witness address, such as a street name, municipality, state, and zip code, including 799 certificates (5.4 percent) that did not have a zip code and 364 certificates (2.5 percent) that did not have a state; We physically reviewed 14,710 certificates in 29 municipalities. Our review found that some certificates had incomplete witness addresses or did not have some statutorily required information.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS ❰ 43 15 certificates (0.1 percent) in 10 municipalities did not have a witness address in its entirety; 8 certificates (less than 0.1 percent) in 7 municipalities did not have a witness signature; and 3 certificates (less than 0.1 percent) in 2 municipalities did not have a voter’s signature. Our review of the 14,710 certificates found evidence that municipal clerks had corrected witness addresses on 66 certificates (0.4 percent). This evidence included clerk initials or pen marks in the ink colors that clerks had indicated were used to make corrections. As noted, WEC’s written guidance in October 2016 indicated that clerks must include their initials next to any corrections to witness addresses. On Election Day, poll workers remove the returned ballots from certificates, which are retained separately from the ballots. As a result, almost all certificates we reviewed no longer contained ballots. However, we found 17 certificates in 3 of the 29 municipalities contained absentee ballots. Clerks in these three municipalities indicated that the corresponding ballots were likely not counted on Election Day because of oversights. Most of these 17 certificates were not in the 14,710 certificates in our sample. Statutes require municipal clerks to write their initials on certificates in certain situations, including when individuals request absentee ballots in person at clerk offices."
So, now it goes to whether the judgment of the clerks was or was not correct.
Michael Gableman, the former judge leading the review, admitted days later that he does not have “a comprehensive understanding or even any understanding of how elections work.” … an-errors/
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