America, What's GREAT About & What's WRONG With America?

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 20 months ago
    In your assessment, name the 9 things that are great about America.  Conversely, name the 9 things that is wrong with America?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 20 months agoin reply to this

      All I'll say, what ever Canada maybe, the US is likely to be more extreme.  They have very best of things and the worst of things at the lowest levels of hell. Canada has more landmass , hockey,
      coastlines and fresh water.
      Even Leslie Nielsen
      1926–2010 is Canadain and tons of other great comedian.

      1. Nathanville profile image91
        Nathanvilleposted 20 months agoin reply to this

        Obviously I can’t comment about the USA.  But for the UK, just to get the ball rolling:-

        9 Things that are great about Britain:-
        1.    NHS
        2.    Multicultural
        3.    Government Renewable Energy Policy
        4.    Government Environmental Issues
        5.    Public Transport
        6.    Secular Society
        7.    Education
        8.    Voting age in Wales and Scotland lowered to 16
        9.    Nanny State

        9 Things that are wrong with Britain:-
        1.    Weather
        2.    Brexit
        3.    Flawed Democracy e.g. still 1st past the post system
        4.    To close to being a Police State
        5.    England’s controversial rule over other nations (Remnants of the British Empire) e.g. reluctant to allow Scotland it’s Independence. 
        6.    Voting age in England still 18
        7.    Immigration laws too strict
        8.    University is only free in Scotland, not in England or Wales.
        9.    Major Government infrastructure Projects all too often take too long; for various reasons.

    2. peterstreep profile image81
      peterstreepposted 20 months agoin reply to this

      Won't say things about US.
      But will say things about Spain:


      1. Great Public Healthcare System
      2. Open society and open to foreigners
      3. Social communities
      4. Guy marriage and abortion rights.
      5. Friendly and easily invited to one's home.
      6. Food is important. Meals are shared.
      7. Great weather
      8. A multi party system.
      9. A great musical culture.


      1. Corruption - Old boys network
      2. Machismo
      3. Meat-orientated country.
      4. Opus Dei has too much influence in politics (at the Partido Popular party- conservative right party)
      5. Lacks entrepreneurship and self-decisionmaking.
      6. Terrible in PR for whatever event.
      7. Burocracy (Left over from the Franco days)
      8. Difficult to become self-employed ( +-€300 monthly whatever you earn)
      9. Too much rubbish in the countryside. Older generation farmers still use roundup and heavy chemicals.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 20 months agoin reply to this

        My favorite of Europe is Spain, Portugal and Holland. In North America Mexico,  Belize and Costa Rica. Affordable, smart, warm,  romantic women.

  2. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 20 months ago

    1. Opportunity
    2. Individual rights
    3. Frequent elections
    4. All volunteer military
    5. Public education
    6. Rule of law
    7. Willingness to correct historic wrongs
    8. Vast variety of topography
    9. National imagination

    1.Electoral College
    2 Way Supreme Court Judges are appointed
    3. No same day voter registration
    4. Gerrymandering (Computer programs could create districts from census.)
    5. Institutional racism
    6. The rich are too powerful
    7. Christianity hijacked by politics
    8. TV news should be advertising free blocks of time
    9. The Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated (both sides of issues required in news programming)


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