Has IT Gone TOO FAR or NOT FAR ENOUGH? You Answer

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 19 months ago

    Do you contend that American liberalism has taken culture & society to the ultimate extreme?  If so, explain the 5 main things in which American liberalism has gone to the extreme?   Conversely, do you assert that American Liberalism has not gone far enough?  If so, explain the 5 main things in which American Liberalism hasn't even touched the surface?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      I totally think American liberalism has gone much too far. Here are a few, reasons.

      American cultural liberalism has gone over the line in thinking that individuals and groups should have the freedom to express themselves, and should not be compelled to endorse beliefs or views that they oppose.

      This form of socialism dictates that public policy should be used to redistribute wealth, power, and self-esteem from the privileged groups in society, and redistribute to the disadvantaged.  Making sure to consider racial and sexual minorities and women first. This justifies restrictions they feel need to be put on the freedom and equal treatment of members they deem advantaged.

      For some liberals, there is a commitment to cultural socialism that overrides their historical defense of free speech. They also lean towards the denigration of white American ideologies, and the nation’s past history.  This is somewhat proven by their ideologies in regard to civil rights in schools and workplaces.

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        Elaborate, what do you mean by the first paragraph?

        2. Privileged groups? Is that privilege just bestowed upon them merely because of their being white or is it based on a true system of merit and equal opportunity. Privilege based on some sort of status that have no foundation in merit means nothing to me.

        3. Would you elaborate on paragraph 3 as well?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

          "American cultural liberalism has gone over the line in thinking that individuals and groups should have the freedom to express themselves and should not be compelled to endorse beliefs or views that they oppose."

          In my view liberals clearly feel they can express their views or as I put it, freedom to express themselves. Yet also not even be compelled to respect a view they might oppose or disagree with.

          "This form of socialism dictates that public policy should be used to redistribute wealth, power, and self-esteem from the privileged groups in society, and redistribute to the disadvantaged.  "

          Take from the wealthy and give to the poor -- making sure to concentrate on making sure to consider the poor racial minorities and the [poor sexual minorities as well as the poor women first when considering dispersing the wealth they felt justified to take from the wealthy.

          "For some liberal voters, a commitment to cultural socialism overrides their historical defense of free speech. "

          I truly feel many liberals do not respect free speech for all... Again this goes back to my first paragraph on this.

          I needed to rewrite my thoughts in Paragraph 3.

          Liberals are all too ready to denigration anything they see as white American as well as the nation’s past history.   This supports their thinking on their new politics, that civil rights in schools and workplaces must be revisited, and rules changed to support their ideologies.

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

            "In my view liberals clearly feel they can express their views or as I put it, freedom to express themselves. Yet also not even be compelled to respect a view they might oppose or disagree with."

            I say the same thing about conservatives, from my perspective that is how I see your folks.

            Free speech involves the right to read literature without censorship because it is "woke" that has nothing to do with exposing children to poronography or even this genderbender stuff. It is involves ideas and viewpoints from non white voices that may disturb the white dominated power structure. Here, in Florida we are seeing a great deal of that from Der Fuhrer DeSantis. I am not here to make anyone comfortable by shrouding the truth. Free speech seems to be a complaint only when rightwing ideas are to be promoted.

            You might go further into the meaning of cultural socialism overring free speech, have you an example?

            I am a history graduate, I get a burr in my saddle when actual history is being whitewashed for some purpose of sanitizing it from the unpleasant facts. Because, I want to hear more about American History than "George Washington never told a lie" or that the Civil War was primarily fought over state's rights and not over slavery, it is a dastardly revision and it is unacceptable. In many aspects depending on your perspective, this nation's history has been ugly. But, I am all for balance as long as it Balance and not whitewashing....
            Redistribution of wealth? Lets use Welfare for example

            In spite of the fact that a far larger share of welfare go to a numerically fewer number of  black, red and Hispanic Americans, whites still account for almost 40 percent. That is still enough to say that moral indignation about blaming people of color for wealth redistribution is not warranted when so many whites avail themselves of it.

            The Rightwingers animosity toward non-whites is clear and has a distinctive scent, one that we are going to naturally negatively react against.

            https://www.lowincome.org/2016/04/truth … hites.html

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

              say the same thing about conservatives, from my perspective that is how I see your folks."

              I am sure you do. That's human nature.

              " I am not here to make anyone comfortable by shrouding the truth. Free speech seems to be a complaint only when rightwing ideas are to be promoted."

              I don't see this as true here on this forum. There are forums that would suit that description. However, your truth may not suit mine or others here. We should be able to agree to disagree.

              "The Rightwingers animosity toward non-whites is clear and has a distinctive scent, one that we are going to naturally negatively react against."

              I can't see it fair to put it all in one basket. I think one's life experience dictates one propensity to hold animosity against others, in regard to race, gender, and sexual preference. I don't feel it's as relevant today as it was 50 years ago. Yes, I feel it in some respect has bubbled up due to the Democrats stirring the pot, for political reasons.

              Luckily I am old enough to appreciate what I have learned, experienced, and long ago left any biases I may have learned as a child behind me. Just looking at all equally as human beings. Being a nurse for so many years I learned we all have hopes, fears, and in general, want to be respected for who we are.

              1. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

                No, it is not as relevant as it was 50 years ago, but it is still here. And to deal with the remnant of what remains is not "Democrats" stirring the pot.

                Too bad that your right wing padres seem to more than retain their biases.

                We are both going to our best to advocate for our side, that is human nature.


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