I've been a conservative since I graduated college. I've known many conservatives. My black conservative friends seem to really get a lot of grief for their beliefs. I've seen my one friend be banned from family gatherings at a sibling's home because he supported President Donald Trump. I've known black conservatives who have been threatened and even had their house shot at for being a conservative Republican. I always wonder if the left is so accepting of different views, why can't they accept the views of conservative blacks? Conservative blacks have been denied service at restaurants because of wearing a MAGA hat, been accused of having "white privilege." and more. Here are just a few examples.
A black conservative wearing a MAGA hat is denied service at a restaurant
https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/hooters-wai … supporter/
A black conservative is chased out of a restaurant by liberals and called a “white supremacist”
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 80746.html
Black Conservative attacked at health club
https://www.wnd.com/2018/11/black-conse … d-assault/
A black Conservative harrassed at Cheesecake Factory
https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/trum … hat-report
Black Conservatives kicked out of Uber ride
https://newsone.com/3818608/maga-hats-d … atives-dc/
We accept the views of conservatives, I just don't subscribe to them.
Better check that the picture of all those black folks wearing MAGA hats is not photoshop fakery?
But allowing for the fact that the photo is real, I do acknowledge oddities do occur, a "sister" with green eyes. Yes, it happens but I would not be on a wrong side of a bet supporting that outcome as a genetically dominant trait.
I give little or no credit to any rabidly rightwing news sources.
I can't criticize much as we have any number of flash in the pan stories of people calling the police against black folks, for being guilty of living while black.....
I am sure that is the exception rather than the rule with most people. But, Black conservatives in the mode of Trump supporters? That too, has got to be science fiction.
The Trump philosophy has attracted white supremacists and all manner of bigots, and we have those among us who can find common ground with people like this....
I always support free speech, as I would stand in the face of basic principle if I did not. Outside of that basic right, I will grant them not much else.
"But, Black conservatives in the mode of Trump supporters? That too, has got to be science fiction."
Have you seriously never heard of black supporters of Donald Trump?
Have you ever heard of Jesse Lee Peterson, Candace Owens, Sheriff David Clark, the YouTubers "Diamond and Silk" and many more. I personally know several. So, ignoring reality is not a good thing.
"We accept the views of conservatives, I just don't subscribe to them."
No, liberals try to shut them down. Only free speech permitted by liberals is speech they agree with.
https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-ca … king-trump
Based on my experience with both liberals and conservatives, I would have to say your statement is true: "No, liberals try to shut them down. Only free speech permitted by liberals is speech they agree with." Not sure why this true, just my observation.
I hear you, Mike, beside the Bobsie twins, which African American of prominence has allowed him or herself to be affiliated with the Trump administration?
Even Bush had Secy Rice and Colin Powell
Ben Carson is not terribly impressive as he was brought on as a token. The man has NO experience in administration let alone being put in charge of a cabinet level department that Trump holds in derision. Trump needed someone naive enough to volunteer to be the captain of the Titantic already knowing that it is destined to be sunk. That's Carson.
As for being respectful of adverse speech, Conservative groups have nothing to redeem them.
I,for one, do like to see things degenerate to where either side constrains the speech of the other, regardless of the fact that I am not keen on Trumpism and what modern conservativism has degenerated into.
Readmikenow, your post is on target. Black conservatives are deemed to be anomalies in the Black community. Black conservatives prove that the Black community aren't monoliths. Black conservatives, on average, are self-made, independent, & successful people. They refuse to blame outside factors for their successes or failure. They believe in taking hur& being accountable.
They vehemently contend that it is Liberalism that is destroying the Black community. They see Liberalism as the demise of Black people. They argue that Liberalism hurt Blacks socioeconomically & educationally. They feel that Liberals view Blacks as subpar people while Conservatives believe that Blacks can succeed if they want to.
Black conservatives are viewed as threats to the rest of the Black community. They refuse to accept the current societal paradigm as Blacks as oppressed people who need hand out assistance. They further refuse to believe that Blacks need special handling. They feel that Blacks presently have the wherewithal to advance themselves which is in current opposition to the Black paradigm that Blacks are oppressed & that outside forces are mostly the blame instead of Blacks themselves.
As an outsider I think that this is the consequence of a two party system. If you had more political flavours the political arena would be more tolerant.
But with a two party system things tend to become black and white. (pun not intended, I meant left or right, yes or no...)
The media prefers moral outrage to facts. Take for instance the outrage over the Covington Catholic kids and Nathan Philips. They are completely backwards with the facts, and still refer to the man as a Vietnam veteran when that has been proven to be patently false.
There is a funny thing during the first season of THE GOOD FIGHT where this is addressed. I thought they did a good job.
"I always wonder if the left is so accepting of different views, why can't they accept the views of conservative blacks?"
I highly doubt that being black has anything to do with it: the key is that they are a Trump supporter. Black, white, brown or green with polka dots, that is an unforgivable sin to some far out liberals.
It's unfortunate, but the little red "MAGA" hats have unquestionably become an extension of Donald Trump, an unstable angry 72 year old who represents a Dark Symbol of Hate, Racism, Bigotry, White Nationalism, Nationalism, Fascism and Public Appeaser of Communist Vladimir Putin, not exactly admirable characteristics:
The hats aren't the problem. It's liberals feeling they have a right to degrade and demean someone because of a hat they're wearing. Liberals are all for opposing views, as long as they are views they agree with. I believe this is called hypocritical.
If the hats were not indicative of the very opposite they represent, it wouldn't be so ironic, Mike. Those hats will one day be viewed as swastikas are now. Get 'em while they're hot!
Randy, your lack of knowledge of history is really and truly amazing. I could go on, but it seems the only participation you can engage in about a discussion is making snarky comments. Can you respond to anything with anything other than a snarky comment? Just asking.
readmikenow: if by "Degrade and Demean" you're referring to the RESISTANCE constantly calling Bozo Trump out for his unabashed racism, misogyny, angry crazed tweet storms about his fascist tendencies and Anti-American HATRED while he does the equivalent of KISSING communist dictator Vladimir Putin's filthy boots right on global television as he did in Helsinki, then YES, we "Degrade and Demean" the most corrupt illegitimate president in modern history:
Honest to GOD, I know his base of followers is dwindling fast and that's a positive sign, but who still listens to this creepy looking racist fool ?? UNREAL
So your resistance involves harassing blacks for the sole reason they support the president of the United States? I think you resistance is just a buzz word for racist. Liberals are always threatened by people who don't think as they should think. If blacks are conservative and support the president they deserve harassment in your eyes. Just admit it, you are afraid of blacks who think for themselves and refuse to think like you tell them..
That's not even close to what I said in my last comment and what you're trying to portray is simply a false narrative, but I did post a disgusting example of Bozo Trump's despicable racism and here it is again:
Doesn't matter if you said it or not. Your resistance = racists. These are facts. Liberals hate blacks who think for themselves. Liberals have to get over it. There is now and always will be black conservatives who support Donald Trump. Get over it and liberals need to stop harassing black conservatives just because they think for themselves.
Here's a video of young black conservatives meeting with President Donald Trump. My friend's son was here. This doesn't seem like the behavior of a president who is racist. Plenty of racism from the left.
https://www.rollcall.com/video/watch_yo … hite_house
Yep black conservatives can't catch a break. They get an appointment to a government position, other blacks call them a 'token'. They have a thought not approved by the democratic handlers and they are labeled by other blacks 'uncle Tom'.
To be honest, I think a black who is openly conservative is probably one of the bravest people in America today. I've watched white Antifa groups call Candace Owen racist and,I've got to say, (as an aside)I've begun to think since Antifa is predominantly white they are the racists. Just hiding behind masks and clamoring to get no one to notice.
Black conservatives are brave people. They are going against the Black paradigm. Many thinking Black young people are becoming conservative, observing what Liberalism have done to the Black community. There are Black conservatives who are rebelling against the liberal mantra preached in their households & communities. Black conservatives are independent thinkers who refuse to be part of the Black liberal sheeple.
First, a clarification. Stats show that Blacks consistently vote Democratic regardless of socio-economic status. And there has to be some correlation between having a high income and being considered "successful" within American society.
But, after some thought, I have come to the conclusion that it may not be curtains for the GOP yet with the Black community. Noticing a Trump event where young aspiring African American entrepreneurs attended, made me wonder.
The younger generation, under 30, may be fair game. The past and my experience has made me hopelessly cynical that conservativism can ever be an acceptable philosophy. But for the young and idealistic, they may regard the past as irrelevant and can truly focus their hearts and minds on the proposition that, in America, one can rise as far as his or her abilities and hard work will take them, all other impediments aside. The is the universal mantra of the conservatives. The young are willing to go with this idea at face value. I won't lecture them about my experiences in warning, as maybe from their perspectives my concerns are irrelevant for them, today. Perhaps, we have moved far enough along, and while I am not as certain of that, I give them the right to find out the truth for themselves.
And if our young discover that the reality is as the conservatives say, the conservatives may begin to crack through a solid Democratic constituency. But, the conservatives had better be right as our young decides to test the waters, based on a conservative's idea of faith in the system, and they don't want to be disappointed and have my generation tell them "I told you so". So, if just for sake of our young, I hope that the conservatives are right, this time.
The majority of Blacks vote consistently Democrats because of tradition & indoctrination. Blacks were inculcated by parents & relatives to view Democrats as saviors of Black people. They see the Democrats as sympathetic to their so-called plight. Democrats offer social programs to lift them up. Many Blacks feel indebted to social programs as a result of the Great Society. They also view Democrats as gods because of programs such as Affirmative Action, Open College Enrollment, & other such programs. The Democrat Party also made many Blacks entitled.
Conversely, the majority of Blacks view the Republican Party as the proverbial demon. They feel that Republicans are alienated from the Black community. They maintain that Republicans are for the elites, not the common person. They also see the Republican Party as the party for Caucasian people.
Who are you talking to, Grace? That is steady rightwing nonsense, and so standard, so textbook. Looking at their positions and candidates over the last 2 generation rightwingers and obviously, you as well, expect me not to believe my own lying eyes. For conservatives to think that they and their political party is not embraced by AA because we are ALL being deceived is a sign of disrespect and that continues to translate as a vote of no confidence. I am afraid that with attitudes like these, lack of respect, we are not getting anywhere. The kids may well find that I was right all along and my instincts are still good. I still wonder about you at times....
The party has problems will all minority groups, so why are blacks the only ones 'on the plantation' just because we dismiss GOP bull crap out of hand. The only demographic that vote for them in overwhelming numbers ARE white men, since you are so wise, why is that? Does that mean that everyone else is stupid?
That is more than a perception, how many sources do I have to present, even Fox will acknowledge that?
Why attack blacks who choose to be conservative? A black person in this country can't just be a conservative. To do this is to experience a lot of grief. I've seen it with my friends. It only makes them more determined. The one thing most black conservatives have in common, that I have seen, is that they are usually very successful.
I can't explain that, why attack white supremacists?
For myself, people can believe what they want and be given a stump in the public square. I will listen but have not been convinced of any of their positions which parrot Rush Limbaugh diatribes. But, I can sit and have a cup of coffee and engage in pleasant conversation with anyone, as long as we step lightly concerning different topics.
As for their success, good for them. I do not find rude behavior toward anyone, regardless of their stand as appropriate. But, until, I can be convinced otherwise, I will not support the Right in any of its manifestations, regardless of ethnicity, race or gender of its proponents But, again that is just me.
I have been around for a while and you can bet that I come to my views through observation, analysis and indefatigable logic, sorting out the wheat from the chaff, as it were. So, this idea of blacks operating on "groupthink" is BS. The GOP has earned the lack of support from our group. Are the Dems the panacea? No, but the slide to oblivion has less of a steep incline when compared to the GOP. But, again, that is just my opinion, and from my perspective, it is just as valid as the opinion of any Rightwinger.
But, the GOP had better widen out as there are only so many old white men around. The demographic trends are going to visit changes in the electorate that will bode ill for them.
Readmikenow, Black conservatives don't make excuses whereas Black liberals are quite fond of making excuses. I have seen this among my extended family members. Black liberals love to make excuses & believe that they are victims of society. They maintain that any obstacle they encounter is the fault of the so-called man. They refuse to look inside themselves.
Many Black conservatives come from impoverished conditions but they refuse to let poverty prevent them from succeeding socioeconomically & educationally unlike Black liberals who consistently whine about oppression & oftentimes use this to remain socioeconomically & educationally impoverished. Black conservatives REFUSE to use excuses-they MAKE their way. Excellent post, Readmikenow. Black conservatism is a contentious topic for many. One can say that the topic is controversial in its scope.
Ok, mike kudos to you for having the courage to step where even angels fear to tread.
Where are all these Exceptional and successful AA? Are they apolitical, why can't the GOP, the Conservative party, bring more to the forefront to make their case? It is much like finding a "moderate conservative" in the age of Trump, a little hard to come by. You all speak of your friends and examples, but they are never visibly seen making a case for the virtues of conservatism. Are they ashamed to come out and speak ?
So, where are they? The Blacks that I know that ar successful are not defined as neither politically nor culturally conservative
Cred, you have really been letting me down with your comments lately.
You used to offer plenty to argue with. What the hell happened? You haven't moved to Colorado have you?
How about a little substance behind the comment, I did not start this thread and you know that the falsities put forth could not go unchallenged.
What is your "beef" about my comments? Is it a bias regarding progressive viewpoints?Conservatives shut down when can't agree with a premise presented from the other side and do not say why.
I will challenge and back up what I say and will just as quickly acknowledge error. But, I will not capitulate without evidence as I stated in a thread regarding "changing ones mind".
BTW, doesn't fence sitting hurt in all those special places where things can hurt most?
You need more substance to understand my comment?
It must be early for you, here's a clue: What is the opposite of not finding something to argue with?
Wait, if it's early that's probably a hard pull too. How about this ... I ... agree ... with ... most ... of ... your ... comments ... because ... (well, you can figure out the because part)
As for sensitive parts, mine aren't in as much danger of "hurt" as some of the folks that picked the wrong side to land on. (you can figure that one out too)
Chill. Your response seems like you felt challenged. Is this fence post on an exposed flank? (ha! get it ... exposed flank ... post ... that would hurt)
GA, could you have meant by this "you used to offer plenty to argue with"
that there is much less daylight between our points of view now as compared with the past. If that is what you meant, I could have misinterpreted your earlier comment.
My inspiration for starting this thread was created after speaking with a friend of mine. A very wealthy and successful black man who supports Donald Trump. He told me a story where he went to a club he has belonged to for years. He wore his MAGA hat into the club, the bartender refused to serve him until he took off the hat, he was told he'd have to leave if he kept on the hat. My friend said it was just a hat. If a black person was refused service at a restaurant, told to leave, the people who did this would be all over the news and labeled as racist. This didn't happen because he wore a hat. He's still black, was denied service at a club, told to remove his hat and asked to leave if he wanted to wear it. Without a hat this is racial discrimination. With a hat, it is acceptable treatment by many blacks and the liberal media. What should I say to him?
You should say to him that what is occurring is unlawful discrimination in a public accommodation, and to file a complaint. That presumes, of course, that there not exists a general restriction regarding the wearing of hats in a swanky place the way one would require patrons to wear coats and ties?
I'm sorry, but more than one lawsuit has been brought against establishments who have refused service to supporters of President Donald Trump. Judges in New York, Los Angeles, Wisconsin have ruled these establishments are within their rights to deny service. Here is a link to one of the in New York cases.
https://nypost.com/2018/04/25/judge-bar … upporters/
Credence2, give it up. Blacks have a right to be conservative. Tell me, as of late what has Liberalism done for Blacks? I'll wait. Liberalism has degenerated into socialism in my eyes. My tax dollars are supporting inane social programs like welfare which should be reduced at least 85%. Liberalism is creating an entitlement, rescue me, gimme, & dependent American culture & society. I for one AM SICK of THIS. As I get older, I am becoming more disgusted with the "Democratic" Party which has evolved into the Socialist Party. I find Black Conservatives to be refreshing. At least, they are PROACTIVE & DON'T MAKE EXCUSES......
There is nothing to give up...
Blacks have a right to be conservative without being harassed or treated disrespectfully. They are free to make their case in the public square. So, lets here from more of them.
Socialism is defined as the government owning the major industry and means of production. I don't really see that, this is a capitalist society, we all know that. The danger in my eyes is failure to curb the abuses of the Capitalist system. That is the real and present danger. The cry about socialism from conservatives is just more of "the sky is falling" stuff.
What ever rights blacks have obtained are due to the efforts of liberals and progressives, while conservatives, true to their very definition, proved resistant at every stage and that has nothing to do with political party. At one time the conservatives/rightwingers were Democrats at least in the topic of race. Not true today. Conservatives don't give me a reason to vote for them, they have done nothing but lecture about people pulling up themselves by bootstraps without any shoes. Attempts at disenfranchisement and disrespect of the group as a whole and while the Democrats/Liberals may be accused of pandering, the Conservatives/Republicans have shown open hostility particularly in this Age of Trump. So, I will always take the lesser of two evils, thanks.
Yes, welfare needs to be evaluated for necessity and abuse. But, I don't like the waste normally associated with the Pentagon, so whose ox get gored?
You sound like a Rush Limbaugh broken record, and who in their right mind assigns him any credibility? Whether we like it or not this society is interdependent, 325 million people can live in no other fashion.
Oddly, enough the older I get the more liberal I become when I realize that all the dogma that I was indoctrinate to believe was bullsh*t. It was not until the University and afterward did I see the lies promulgated by the haves (Capitalist class) in order to keep the 'have nots" powerless and disorganized despite their greater numbers. One hell of a balancing act and with the most elaborate and sinister techniques, keep people chasing after a carrot that can never be obtained, in reality.
While I resist socialism, I loathe plutocrats and aristocrats, and oligarchs all the more. There is never a question on whose side that I am going to find myself.
Black Conservatives are your imaginary friend. If they are so wonderful why isn't the GOP trotting more of them out there to show the world that they are, in fact, the Big Tent, attesting to all the success of Black folks that subscribe to their values and principles?
I would say the GOP doesn't 'trot more out' for your particular perusal because most Republicans are not divided by race. Your color isn't important in your politics, in the Republican party. It would lower my opinion of the party to start showcasing people, based on race. I realize the democrats like to tout they have more diversity, but do they, really?
All the Democrat party appears to me to be is a disparate group of polar ideals bound together by absolutely nothing other than they aren't Republican. It doesn't appear the democrats say no to any idea, no matter how insane, divisive or extreme, as long as the speaker votes Democrat. It's a recipe for national disaster.
https://news.gallup.com/poll/160373/dem … white.aspx
Well, as for the concept of diversity this Gallup poll provides a little background with the numbers and explanations for them. Unless there is something out there that says that Gallop pollsters are guilty of bias?
We,as progressives, have ideas and ideals, they are not accepted by Republicans, that's all. You have your view of Democrats and I believe the same about Republicans, protecting their plutocratic base.
So, I from my standpoint the factual differences amounts to the difference between 6 and half a dozen....
Some conservatives try to claim that the diversity of the Democratic party is the result of identity politics when the reverse is more accurate. The Democratic party is currently a more accurate reflection of America, demograpgically, than the Republican party. One party drives away women and minorities with their policies and rhetoric and we both know which party that is.
I, for one, look forward to a resurgence of a strong Republican party that turns away from those who disparage women and minorities rather than embraces them.
I read the article, Mike, and just because I lean strongly left does not mean I am a hypocrite about the principle of freedom of expression, which I liked to believe was part and parcel of being a progressive.
How is discriminating based on political beliefs and different than any other kind of discrimination without cause? These were wrong headed rulings that I am appalled that a Judge could make with a straight face.
The justification for this discrimination would basically make a mockery of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Actually the interpretation of the law by the Judges in the cases made in the article makes inappropriate exceptions to the no discrimination in places of public accommodation provision.
Notice the title of this thread, and Republicans say they are color blind.
The fact is that liberals/Democrats "attack" (your word) conservatives, period, just like conservatives/Republicans attack liberals.
All you have to do is look at the threads started in this forum to see who is more divisive.
I think the let's obsession over a hat is evidence of Trump Derangement Syndrome. A hat! In their minds, a good person turns into a bad one...because of a hat. That is deranged.
Naw, you have it wrong. Wearing that hat doesn't make you a bad person, it merely indicates you are a gullible person who was duped by a lying con man. And probably Russian propaganda.
Except for the babies, of course, they can't be blamed for their parents' choices.
I know...Hillary's emails.
Glad to give you a hoot this morning. I LOL'd at the hat post. It's funny because there is some truth in it.
I wasn't even thinking about emails. Or Hillary. I simply find it pathetic that you can't accept that reasonable, intelligent people can use the same information and form different conclusions. That's all.
I can accept that. What I can't accept is those same people repeatedly and willingly denying their own eyes and ears to the point of defending an obviously corrupt lying con man. At some point, ya gotta give it up, if you want to have any credibility left.
Well, when it comes to losing credibility, again. We all have access to the same information and reasonable, intelligent people come to different conclusions as to who has lost credibility.
If you say so. I suppose we'll eventually know whose judgment was sound, won't we?
Not really, considering the shuffling two step all politicians do to transfer blame and obscure culpability. To know, for sure, whose judgment was sound you'd have to look at individual issues, long term effects of any particular position. Long term being longer than the 2 weeks the media uses to attempt to prove anything right or wrong.
Either way. Long term evolves into positive and negative. I might think positive outweighs negative and you might disagree. Which would mean there would be no clear agreement on 'sound judgement'.
My Gawd.
It was obvious from the beginning that Trump was a compulsive liar about big and small things. Then we discovered he was a self-admitted sexual assaulter of women, a self-admitted pervert who intentionally walked in on teenage girls in various stages of undress, a shady business man who bilked others out of their money and was such a business pariah that American banks would no longer lend to him. That is just a small fraction of the negative stuff that we all knew about Trump before he was elected. It was clear as day that he was not fit to be president.
So, now that he is being shown to be a lying, corrupt president, we're supposed to be surprised? We're supposed to believe that "reasonable, intelligent people can use the same information and form different conclusions"?
In this instance, I don't think it was reasonable or intelligent to elect this man as POTUS. All the signs were there. Trump voters chose to look the other way.
Let's just hope they eventually learn to believe their own eyes and ears.
Oh. I now realize we are talking about your disdain for the fact the candidate who stole the Democratic nomination was so vile that even Trump was considered a better alternative.
My bad. Yeh. I would love to have had a better set of options.
See what I mean? Hillary's emails. It always comes back to that.
Hillary's emails? If it all boiled down to just that I guess I'd see your point.
Lol. All I can do is laugh. I remember now. A defender of a sexual predator was worse than a self-admitted sexual predator.
That judgment thing rears it's ugly head yet again.
Btw, there were other options than voting for Trump or Hillary. I can understand not liking Hillary. I cannot understand putting a mark beside that man's name and I will never believe that was good judgment given that he did little to hide his disgusting character, behavior, and background.
That wasn't it either but it's funny there was so much more than the things I found offensive.
I bet you would have liked everyone who couldn't stomach Trump, and hated Hillary,to just avoid the process or do a write in so Hillary could have won.
Again, you honestly don't get it. Wool. Eyes. Self delusion. It's all getting clearer.
What s not to get? You and a bunch of others thought Trump was a good choice for President.
Given two options only, he was the better choice.
And still feel that way. No way of actually knowing, of course, but there is little doubt in MY mind that he will do more positive, and less negative, for the country than Clinton would have done. Given the same two choices again, I would vote for Trump again.
Although he has some negatives, he was THE BETTER choice for president. Well, his positives far outweigh his negatives. The Democratic Party has veered SO FAR TO THE LEFT that many Centrist & Moderate Democrats in addition to traditional Liberal Democrats are either going to vote or become Republican. I have NO RESPECT for the present Democratic Party.
Yep. It's as simple as that. It isn't the rocket science the left seems hell bent on twisting into something else.
In response to the hat post, the left appears to be fabricating reasons to display racism and hatred, and advocate violence. I read where a Hollywood producer advocated killing kids who wore MAGA hats and then said it was satire.
What's up with the insanity coming from the left?
Mike be careful now. When some see this poster, they will go into...….ATTACK MODE. There are people who blindly go along w/their party line. I believe in being discerning.
I agree, the truth will have some people who believes what their party tells them go ballistic. Nothing will cause their blood pressure to rise more than a conservative black female speaking her mind. You're right, I need to be more discerning.
Mike, I wasn't talking about you but me in terms of discernment. I am a Democrat but I see so much wrong w/the party as of late. I refuse to go blindly w/the Democratic program. To return to the topic, conservatism is threatening to so many people. They view conservatism as an evil. There is good conservativism & bad conservatism as there is good liberalism & bad conservatism. I see this & will point it out. I like this post, Mike. It is one of the best posts in the forums. It is a shame that Black conservatives are viewed & treated as pariahs in America.
GMwilliams, Thanks.
Any minority who is conservative should expect abuse. It's not just black conservatives, who are not permitted to joint the Congressional Black Congress, but others. There are very conservatives gays called Log Cabin Republicans who are regularly thrown out of gay establishments. American Hispanic Coalition is another one where conservatives are regularly dismissed and treated poorly. So, I think the message today is that you can be a conservative if you are a minority, but you do so at your own risk.
This is better. This restaurant bans EVERYONE who wears a MAGA hat.
Refused service because of a hat.
http://www.fox5ny.com/news/san-francisc … -swastikas
Well, I think you could effectively argue that if liberals are going to ban people for wearing MAGA hats, then conservatives should be able to ban gay people from their establishments - or not serve them or whatever based on their religious beliefs.
I support neither position. If you operate a public business, you should not get to ban people unless they are violating some rule, like a dress code.
How many businesses though, are banning people with MAGA hats. Just because you can find one example of something doesn't mean it's an epidemic. It generally means there are a few intolerant, stupid people out there.
That wouldn't work. There are gay conservatives. Ever heard of the Log Cabin Republicans? Here's their website.
There is also there is the Republican Muslim Coalition. Here's their website.
Two organizations you won't hear about from the main stream media.
It's not just being denied service at restaurants, it is being forced to leave cars driven by Uber drivers, banned from clubs, yelled at and screamed at to leave restaurants. Riots have happened at colleges when conservatives have been asked to speak there and more.
NONE of this should happen. It occurs because liberals are hypocrites. They are open to opposing opinions, as long as they are opposing they agree with.
There is so much irony in this post it's hard to fathom. You're actually saying a lot more about conservatives, assuming you're just not being hyperbolic, than liberals.
Is this a common practice among conservatives - to use a couple of extreme examples to draw a conclusion about an entire group of people? Or is this just how you come to conclusions? Because if you can conclude that liberals are hypocrites based on a few examples, then I can clearly conclude that conservatives hate gay people based on a few examples.
What's more, Fox News and others clearly love to publish these stories which are generally uncommon to whip their viewers into a frenzy. So do I conclude that all conservatives are easily duped? Because I can provide counter-examples of liberals being very tolerant. Certainly, not all liberals are tolerant, but saying they're all hypocrites based on a few examples is just ridiculous.
That said, this kind of logic would explain a few things to me. I do see a lot of conservatives ignore mountains of evidence on global warming. There are literally thousands of scientist - in fact, most of the scientific community - who understand and explain global warming. Yet I see some conservatives look for non-experts to cite to claim global warming is a hoax. I also see some conservatives cite false studies about vaccines to conclude that vaccines are unsafe.
Based on your own logic, I can use these example to conclude that all conservatives are dumb, I guess. That's not my logic, mind you, but your logic. It's also not something I believe, but you have provided me a method whereby I only need to cite a few examples of extreme behavior to paint all conservatives a certain way.
Btw, I play in a weekly poker game. Most of us are liberal. Some are non-affiliated probably, but most are left of center. We have a friend who is one of the best-known conservatives in the state, who plays in our game. We don't exclude him. In fact, we enjoy his company. He's a great debater and provides interesting information. He likes us. We're friends. This example is counter to your example and, by your own logic again, proves that liberals are not hypocrites, right?
I'm afraid there are two concepts that liberals are not able to grasp. They are common sense and logic. Everything you wrote just proves that point. I'm sure the liberal mind would understand it. Those who dwell within the realm of reality will find this a good attempt. It does miss the mark on many levels.
Sadly, if you read what you wrote and how you came to your conclusions and what I wrote and how I came to my conclusions, I very much doubt any rational person concludes that you win the common sense and logic battle, but believe what you want.
The fact that some gay people are Republicans and some black people are Republicans does not mean that you can draw conclusions about any of those groups based on the data you are presenting, particularly when those people are a small percentage of the total members of that group.
Again, the analogous relationship seems to be: you have 100 scientists. 99 of them say that global warming is a serious issue and caused by humans. 1 scientist says that it's a hoax. You decide it's a hoax based on the opinion of the single scientist. I see that rationale used over and over again to draw conclusions.
If I were in the area I'd buy a hat just to go in, order and when it was placed on the table, put the hat on. With as many friends as I could round up.
And then you'd be surprised when the owner kicks you OUT? MAGA hats are nothing more than a dreadful throwback symbol of Hate, Racism, misogyny, and Allegiance to Communist Russia which is unacceptable attire here in the USA:
Business owners in Cali reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and I can't think of a better reason to refuse said service than to those who
sport little red "MAGA hats" on their heads:
DESPICABLE Racist Public Behavior Caught On FILM:
"MAGA hats are nothing more than a dreadful throwback symbol of Hate, Racism, misogyny, and Allegiance to Communist Russia"
These are stupid thoughts that are thought by stupid people. There is nothing that can get past this level of ignorance. What a shame such weak-minded, emotionally needy individuals have to behave this way.
+1. The hateful rhetoric of the left has grown pretty thin. If some can't grow up I wish they would shut up, until mature enough to participate in adult conversations.
readmikenow: lol, I just posted irrefutable evidence of Bozo Trump's blatant racism and you simply ignore it like a pre-programmed robot would which is an astounding response, so here it is again in repulsive living color, an ugly 72 year old disgusting dark karma racist wearing a "Maga" hat:
Your refusal to acknowledge and or ignore FACTS is one primary reason why your dwindling minority LOST the Midterms by a record breaking margin of votes and it's exactly WHY Russian Republicans will LOSE the senate to Dems in 2020: lol, Keep IGNORING the FACTS !! PLEASE !!
From the outside, JAKE is like the alternate universe version of Mike from the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of Star Trek.
by Readmikenow 4 years ago
This is worth watching. It shows the experience of black conservatives in the United States. It is very powerful. I challenge everyone to click on the link I've provided and watch the movie's trailer."The film simply asks: “Why is there no respectful disagreement in the black...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
To Black Conservatives and/or Republicans, what are the 10 ways that the Democratic Party and/orLiberals impair, fail, and even destroy the Black mindset and community? Give detailed, insightful, and analytical answers.
by chipsball 11 years ago
That's right...Black GOP Conservatives are now playing the victim card to draw attention to themselves. They now claim they are victims of vile name-calling from the Democratic Party, the Congressional Black Caucas and the "liberal media" because of their conservative values and for being...
by Credence2 8 months ago
The Scientific American article is not terribly long but...But it reinforces for me why I am on the correct side.But I hear that conservatives distrust higher education and scholarship. What is the palatable replacement for them? I would hazard to guess. So here are some excerpts for those without...
by mintinfo 11 years ago
What makes you a Conservative or a Liberal?Did you make a choice based on your personal world views and ideals or did you follow the opinions of others based on race, culture, family or friends?
by VC L Veasey 8 years ago
White cops shoot blacks because blacks are violent? Or White Cops are racists? What's your view?Among those we do know were shot by police, black teens were 21 times more likely to be shot dead than their white counterparts.“The 1,217 deadly police shootings from 2010 to 2012 captured in the...
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