The woke, like all totalitarians, are targeting children

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  1. Readmikenow profile image94
    Readmikenowposted 12 months ago

    I grew up hearing the horrors of living under stalin's soviet union.  This article made me fear for our country.

    "The right way of looking at wokeness and woke culture is as a set of deeply toxic ideas that are force-fed to the populace, in particular to children. Part of the philosophy, and indeed the definition of staying awake to offenses, is to always be seeking new targets for re-education. Racism, sexism and general wrongthink are always lurking somewhere and must be rooted out.

    The insidiousness of wokeism isn’t a twist of fate; it’s a strategy of brainwashing that has affected every corner of our culture. Leftism is deeply unpopular in America, which is why this woke language and behavior gets enforced through social and political pressure.

    The majority of Americans are not woke, and yet, wokeness has an outsized influence at the top of academia, culture, business and across media. The result: the power of this narrative vastly outstrips its actual popularity and general level of acceptance." … r-children

    1. tsmog profile image84
      tsmogposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      As an aside what do Americans think of wokeness? Do they care? Should they? Is the media focus on wokeness a distraction from real problems?

      Americans are Concerned By Elected Officials Using “Wokeness” as a Distraction by the Navigator (Apr 4, 2023) … straction/

      There are eight polling graphics sharing what Americans say with breakdowns for Republicans, Independents, and Democrats and other delinietions.

      According to one study, the key takeaways for Americans on wokeness are:

      ** Just over half say they are hearing about “wokeness,” while pluralities say they are not sure what it means.

      ** Americans are most concerned about elected officials talking too much about “wokeness” at the expense of other issues, and they want Republican elected officials to talk about “wokeness” less.

      ** Two in three say “anti-woke” politicians are “focused on the wrong things,” “trying to divide us,” and are concerned Republicans focused on wokeness talk about taking on “woke corporations” while “pushing for tax cuts for their wealthy donors, the rich, and corporations.”

      Don't get me wrong that wokeness is not contrary to conservative views, yet do Americans really care? Who does and doesn't? Is it really a distraction from what Americans feel is important? Why? If they are misinformed, why? If they are informed and still think it is a distraction what does that mean?

    2. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 12 months agoin reply to this

      "Leftism is deeply unpopular in America, which is why this woke language and behavior gets enforced through social and political pressure."

      Is it? How do we explain the pasting rightwing candidates got last fall?

      Leftism has an exaggerated appearance with all intelligent and thoughtful people, it is the reactionary that is the scourge and who we are determined to keep on the run....

      Any opinion from Fox is not worth the paper it is printed on.

      1. Readmikenow profile image94
        Readmikenowposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        "Leftism has an exaggerated appearance with all intelligent and thoughtful people"

        That is what the Russians would say when justifying their horrible abuses of the eastern European countries they ran with using Communist methods of control.  The Communists and Fascists all believed they were very intelligent and thoughtful. This is what Joseph Stalin thought of himself.  So, this belief of the left just proves the point of the story.

        The Bible, that has been around for over 2,000 years describes such people.

        Romans 1:22 says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"

    3. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 12 months agoin reply to this

      In truth, I don't think “wokeness” is hard to define.   In my view, woke is the belief that America’s social as well as political institutions are mechanisms,  of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of persecution, and that virtually all invidious distinctions between groups can be explained by such oppression.     Racism is simply a fact to the woke. If born black they ascribe to the thought that one's blackness predetermines their outcomes in today’s society.  So in regard to Wokeness affecting children.

      Sak yourself,  does it help to tell kids that their skin color will determine their outcomes in today’s society?  That they need to understand that white people just think they are better, and they as black human beings must seek that white people atone for that belief. Yeah, this could work to really mess up some kids... Black as well as white.

      More broadly, it is the unenlightened insistence that group identity and grievances trump freedom of thought and honest debate.   The woke are intolerant of anyone who prioritizes traditional liberal values, such as merit or even colorblindness, over “equity”.    They support or say they support proportional equal outcomes for every group, regardless of credentials, experience, or performance — Any form of hierarchy needs to be demolished, at all costs.

      So, Do we want a  society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate? Just concentrating on all that they consider bad in our society.

      In my view, wokeness at its heart,  is divisive, exclusionary, and works to instill nonsensical ideologies.    One could also say,  It gives mean people shade to be cruel, and an opportunity to spread false virtue. 

      Wokeness isn’t designed to uplift and unify.   Its purpose is to tear down and divide.   It denies the legitimacy of any competing values. Its messaging is negative and bitter, and so attractive to zealots or those that are attracted to groupthink.

      Should we fear the woke"?   In my view, no. Society is fickled and will move on to the next fad as this one is filed into history.  Like the Pet rock...

      Wokeism Has Peaked
      Wokeism will remain an influential global movement, but in the U.S. at least, it has already begun to decline. … #xj4y7vzkg

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        All things Woke are from the Authoritative Left and are inflicted upon the Left.
        Herd mentality, as Tucker explains, is the problem.
        The right rightly resists the Authoritative Left, (or certainly should.)

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 12 months agoin reply to this


  2. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 12 months ago

    So much Information in this small sampling of the book. I am ordering it today!!

    I get so frustrated in attempts to talk to people, as I write articles which lay out what we are up against, so very often it falls on deaf ears and I get shut down.
    Hopefully, with this book, "Stolen Youth", Karol Markowicz can break through!

    Thanks for sharing Mike.

  3. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 12 months ago

    So much Information in this small sampling of the book. I am ordering it today!!

    I get so frustrated in attempts to talk to people, as I write articles which lay out what we are up against, so very often it falls on deaf ears and I get shut down.
    Hopefully, with this book, "Stolen Youth", Karol Markowicz, can break through.

    Thanks for sharing Mike.

  4. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 12 months ago

    All the more reason to get the book and read it!

  5. Readmikenow profile image94
    Readmikenowposted 12 months ago

    I hope history of totalitarianism doesn't come from the past and take us over today.


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