How Americans describe the Democratic and Republican parties by YouGov (July 8, 2024)
"A new YouGov survey asked Americans which positive and negative traits they associate with the Democratic and Republican parties. Each party is described as corrupt by 34% of Americans, and similar shares describe each political party as dishonest." … rties-poll
See graphics for . . .
How Americans describe the Democratic and Republican parties - Positive descriptions
How Americans describe the Democratic and Republican parties - Negative descriptions
How Republicans and Democrats see their own parties
How Democrats and Republicans see the other party
For a deep dive into the demographics go to . . .
YouGov Survey: Political Party Descriptions … esults.pdf
Thoughts, criticisms, and accolades?
Yep, those percentages are the Independents. No one who sticks with a party will admit to it being corrupt.
Looking at the deep dive demographics for who says the Democrat party is corrupt we discover
All = 34%
Democrats = 4%
Independents = 35%
Republicans = 65%
For the Republican party we discover
All = 34%
Democrats = 56%
Independents = 38%
Republicans = 8%
There were 1,105 respondents
Democrats = 369 (33%)
Republicans = 313 (28%)
Independents = 423 (38%)
The demographics are in my mind quite interesting and revealing. For all the demographic categories (age and etc) other than party the highest for Democrats being corrupt is age 65+ at 45%.
With the Republicans it is Black at 51% for corrupt.
The demographics are
Vote intent
Family income
The weighted is revealing too. For instance of the 1,105 respondents 716 were white, 607 were female, more were from the south of the regions, and the rest were pretty much even.
What I liked about it is it 'may' dispel myths or at least give an objective view of the 20 positive and negative characteristics. There is so much bias these days, which is natural.
There is truth in that statement.
I found the reactions to the attempt on Trump to be enlightening and sad.
To have the hate for that man that some people professed, wishing him dead, that is not representative of a healthy, civilized society.
What is the cause?
Main Stream Media messaging is a large part, politicians that have called him a traitor and worse for years, and Universities that teach hatred as their Major.
It was very revealing, that we have deep rooted issues, that we have a spreading moral and mental decay within the main body of the populace.
These are no longer fringe individuals voicing such hatred, these are becoming the average American, repeating the nonsense fed to them by the very people (politicians and media) that look down on them and consider them deplorable.
An interesting video I watched is worth considering in relation to the issues that are impacting our society today...
I don't know the cause (unless it is a refusal to compromise, a demand that we get our way or nothing), but I have to question the result.
Is the result you're seeing also the root of our fascination with killing people, for which we blame the gun instead of ourselves?
That is not what I was noting.
If you look at how the nation reacted to Reagan getting shot, I don't recall Main Stream media sources saying he deserved it, or people saying publicly that the assassin should have been a better shot.
Reagan was a controversial figure, a lot of Democrats may not have liked him, but not to that extent.
The despise for Trump is a reflection of 10 years of Main Stream Media painting him as KKK, Hitler, a Traitor, etc.
It is also a result of Conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters being suppressed throughout the Social Media platforms while those who oppose him can rant about killing him, call him and his supporters Nazis, and Biden giving speech after speech on the highest platforms that Trump supporters are Terrorists and Traitors to the Nation.
The people who hate Trump have been brainwashed into hating him, the worst thing is that they don't realize it and they are just as culpable and willing to do evil as the Germans who were supportive of Nazis... they are, in fact, programmed to support the very evil that they claim Trump and his supporters are.
That Biden has been so deplorably bad for our country, that his Administration has done more harm to our international relations and economic future than any four previous Administrations, of your choosing, can only be denied by those who buy into the BS our MSM sells them, people, whom I have to assume, really do not comprehend the ongoings overseas or how the economy works.
That, or they are just people who hate America, the concepts of Freedom and Property rights, who want to march us into some form of Communist or Socialist utopia... including outside forces like China that pump billions into elections and politician's pockets... or the WEF/UN alliance of many national governments and international corporations.
Your points about brainwashing and MSM in this matter are well taken. I suppose that it isn't just the propensity for violence by our people that is causing the reaction you speak of, but other factors.
I retract the suggestion/question.
We have made things a lot more complex than they need to be, all in an effort to deny the very core of what we are, our humanity, our sexuality, what our true purpose is... nothing if not passing down our wisdom, knowledge, and hope to the next generation.
You know, one of the most poignant, insightful and deeply touching scenes of all the Star Trek productions I have seen was a bunch of nobody actors, playing unknown characters, and yet it went to the heart of us, of who we are.
First 12 minutes of this movie...
The Progressives want to deny that a woman is a woman, a man is a man, etc... society is built on concrete realities that efforts like DEI want to destroy... if allowed to continue, the only things it will lead us to is our destruction as a nation, as a people with a culture built on that which this nation was founded upon, a Bill of Rights, a Constitution, a Republic.
A previous "sad" experience, here . . .
Years ago (2012 - 2013), there were several active Brits in the forums. We had frequent challenging and enjoyable exchanges. They were liberals (at the least) in their ideology but they weren't nuts. Our discussions were lively and good — until 2013, when Margaret Thatcher died.
These folks were ecstatic. They were celebrating, verbally 'hi-fiving' each other with comments like quoting the 'the wicked witch is dead . . . ' song from the Wizard of Oz movie.
I was stunned. These had seemed like reasonable folks ("everyday people"). That was the last time I interacted with any of them.
Thankfully that hasn't happened here (yet?) relative to the Trump assassination attempt. Myesoteric and Cred have walked right up to the line—with their partisan zeal, but they didn't cross it.
Yes, I have walked up to line and it is only an act of God that I don't cross it.
You keep missing the message, it is not just about partisanship but two very differing ways governing. The approach the Democrats have is to my favor. I don't like authoritarian and strong man approaches in a truly Democratic society, obviously you and other conservative don't mind, but I certainly do.
As I have said before Trump, his Agenda, and those who support him I can have no affection for, simply as a matter of survival. Conservatives and Republicans are they exist today are my true adversaries/antagonists regardless as to how they disguise themselves and their true motives.
So, excuse me if I am fresh out Kleenex and handkerchiefs in the face of Trump's mishap last week.
What I have been trying to express, poorly I'd imagine, is that your belief that Trump = authoritarianism is a fabrication of the Main Stream Media and Politicians on the Left.
It didn't prove out in his first term. If anything, he was the least authoritarian and least warlike of any President we have had since Clinton, if not going further back than that.
As for stories put out there by Leftwing sources that he sleeps with Mein Kampf by his bed, or that he is a KKK member, come on... they say that about Bush and Romney and any Republican running for the Presidency.
You know, I have some in-laws that have a copy of Mein Kampf in their small collection of books in the living room... considering that they are Jewish, very progressive, and work at Harvard and MIT... what am I supposed to make of that? Are they Nazis for having read and owning a copy of that book?
Do you feel a person running for President should have read that book and made an attempt to understand what occurred in Germany at that time?
I have never enjoyed "defending' Trump in these forums, especially not in the past few years, but my goodness, the hatred some people on here have for him is simply not rational.
I despise what the Biden Administration has done, I said 5 years ago he was the worst of all possible options. I have pointed out all the actions and decisions he has made that were, and/or will be harmful to our nation.
But I don't have the vehemence for him that you have for Trump.
You should take a peek at the link I left in the post I made in this thread, about two or three above. It is an interesting perspective/perception the kid making the video comes up with... today's authoritarianism comes not from the Conservative wing of our politics, but from the Progressive/Liberal wing, he makes a compelling argument.
I have been busy lately, Ken, but I wasn't going to let this go by without comment.
What are the Core Attributes of Authoritarianism?
Rejecting democratic rules of game.
Denying the legitimacy of opponents.
Tolerating or encouraging political violence.
Curtailing the civil liberties of opponents.
Breaking down social cohesion to divide and rule a society.
What are the Top 10 Elements of the Authoritarian Playbook?
Divide and rule:
Foment mistrust and fear in the population.
Spread lies and conspiracies: Undermine the public’s belief in truth.
That is Trump to a "T"
Destroy checks and balances: Quietly use legal or pseudo-legal rationales to gut institutions, weaken opposition, and/or declare national emergencies to seize unconstitutional powers. ( he is well on the way in this area as well)
Demonize opponents and independent media: Undermine the public’s trust in those actors and institutions that hold the state accountable.
(His phony challenges of election results and his actual mention of personalizing Executive Branch Agencies on his vendettas has been documented, don't make me me have to present the information, because I will)
Undermine civil and political rights for the unaligned: Actively suppress free speech, the right to assembly and protest and the rights of women and minority groups.
Blame minorities, immigrants, and “outsiders” for a country’s problems: Exploit national humiliation while promising to restore national glory.
(All this " antiwoke" is just racism in disguise.) Their contempt for DEI is another way of saying that only white males are truly deserving and entitled) standard Third Reich Hitler speak.
Reward loyalists and punish defectors: Make in-group members fearful to voice dissension. ( isn't that Trumps playbook? You don't have to be a rocket scientist recognize it, Look at how he behaved with Nikki Haley?)
Encourage or condone violence to advance political goals: Dehumanize opposition and/or out-groups to justify violence against them. (January 6th, 2021, referring to undocumented as invading vermin)
Organize mass rallies to keep supporters mobilized against made-up threats: Use fearmongering and hate speech to consolidate in-group identity and solidarity. (That is Trump)
Make people feel like they are powerless to change things: Solutions will only come from the top. (I am your retribution)
Of course rightwing types like yourself promote the "conspiracy theory" that the press is lying about Trump. But his threats have been personally verbalized by him, himself. Why should I believe you and your interpretation of events?
I smell a rat, and that is Trump. While I have served the country and its people thru the Armed Forces and Civil Service, I no longer recognize them. The country while flawed in the idea of equal justice for all, at least there was always the attempt to make it better. This society is going backward and that renders it no longer a habitable place, in my mind. That is not True with Trump, the handsmaiden tale applies both latently and patently. That would include Trump with racist and xenophobic stuff spewing from his mouth daily. What happened on the "Black jobs" thing? Did he dare to declare this a second time after being criticized regarding it the first?
You have more than often professed a return to the past " when everybody knew their place". Well, we are not going to sit or return to those places without stirring things upon protest all while I preside over America's decline on the international stage because of the rise of fascism here at home.
So, yes, I despise Donald Trump as a personal threat to me and mine probably more than you do Joe Biden
Yes, my communication have become dark because that is the place we now find ourselves.
I won't reply to this (I found it really interesting in that nearly all the evil you ascribe to Trump is being carried out by Democrats) except to say that you find yourself in such a dark place for a reason. Anyone so consumed with hatred WILL find themselves there; it is a natural reaction to what is inside.
I have others consumed by that same hatred, that also live in an exceedingly dark place they have chosen to build for themselves...because and only because they have given their life over to hating Donald Trump. It is not rational.
I don't understand what you are trying to convey "rejecting democratic rules of game".
But if it has something to do with weaponizing the Justice System and using the Alphabet Agencies against opponents of the ruling Party, I agree. But it isn't Trump that did so.
I agree, this has been done to Trump since before he won the nomination in 2016.
Bush: Trump Is "Not a Serious Candidate" … -candidate
And then after he won the nomination, they really went to town.
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump would be Putin’s ‘puppet’ … index.html
It was an endless barrage of politicians and media sources denigrating Trump before, during and after his Presidency.
Consistent messaging is the critical element of all propaganda and subliminal messaging/programming.
I agree again, should not be tolerated, like these examples:
Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials … index.html
Biden attacks Trump and MAGA Republicans as threat to American democracy … d=89121094
Raiding their homes, ruining their careers, putting them in jail:
DOJ says at least 1,000 Trump supporters arrested for Jan. 6 Capitol riot … eople.html
Bannon Joins List of Trump’s Allies targeted and Convicted … onvictions
Trump wasn't even in office and they were creating ways of entrapping or fabricating charges to bring against his supporters... such as Mike Flynn
They did an excellent job at that, first creating the Floyd Riots that went away as soon as Biden was elected, and then they sent Biden out there over and over again to proclaim Trump and anyone who supported him as the biggest threats to Democracy and Domestic Terrorists... Biden... the guy who ran on unifying the country... of chilling the rhetoric and animosity and getting things 'back to normal'.
Biden attacks Trump and MAGA Republicans as threat to American democracy … d=89121094
You fear Trump would do the very things...
That the Democrats and Biden Administration HAVE done all along and ARE doing still.
In addition to the political strife caused, they have attacked Parents for questioning what is going on in their schools, sicking the FBI on them...
they have forced women to accept men in their spaces, in their sports and in their shower rooms. They have made Equity and Pronouns required acceptance within the government. They want to take away Parent's rights to protect their children and control their access to sex change hormones and surgeries.
Whew... you don't realize this is everything they have been doing to Trump and those who support him for almost a decade now... and you turn around and attribute it to Trump.
All I can say now... is ... whew... wow.
Biden Says MAGA Republicans Are an Extreme Danger to Country
Repeat the lies over and over again, for years on end, and some people are going to take it to heart.
For this... this is what you want running the country:
I got the message bud. I have understood it — relative to your participation — and we have spoken about it many times.
This week I am loving the Republican Party! What a Convention thus far!
God, Family, Country, Patriotism...
Standing for what matters! Not falling for what doesn't matter, in the least!
I love this, I am energized!
God Bless America!!
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