It Was Two Years Ago; I Wrote About What's in the Olympics, Today

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  1. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago
    Two years ago, biological female athletes were at the start of losing competitions, titles, scholarships, endorsements, etc. (along with their privacy and their dignity) to biological male athletes, who used woke propaganda and messaging, to their full advantage. I attempted to write about it.
    But, no matter the many attempts made, no matter the amount of discretion utilized, Hubpages refused to allow it past my keyboard! They threatened to permanently ban me if I attempted to write about this subject again, and called my words, "Hate Speech".
    Here we are, two years later and the world just witnessed a biological female boxer surrender to a biological male boxer, because she didn't want to die in front of the world! We watched as a female athlete, who has worked as hard as every other athlete there, went from an Olympian, to a broken victim, in the span of less than one minute!

    I am past horrified at what our world has become!

    If sharing this, gets me permanently banned, so be it. I may lose this platform, but I refuse to lose my voice. I WILL NOT be silent.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      Oddly enough, AB. It is probably one of the few areas where I may take issue with my left leaning breathren.

      Biological males and biological females are different and that can't be changed. Allowing for biological differences involving internal and external anatomy, participation in certain sort of sports involving strength need to be separated by gender.

      There are always Amazon women or exceptionally weak men, but they are the exception and not the rule.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image71
      Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      That's weird.

      Thinking that women cannot compete with men... weird.  Women are equal, if not superior, to men in all things.


      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        Lol! But seriously, not physically:

        For instance, if you take the fastest female swimmer and the fastest male swimmer and have them compete, the male would win.

        Now, this match-up really needs to be held to prove to the world what is truly reality.

  2. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    It is a real eye-opener that you felt compelled to begin your comment with "Oddly enough", but I do thank you, Cred, for weighing in.

  3. IslandBites profile image90
    IslandBitesposted 6 weeks ago

    "Two years ago"

    Do you know she competed in the 2020 olympic games? In fact, she was defeated in the quaterfinals.

    Also, you dont know that she is a "biological male boxer".

    Hubpages was right.

    1. abwilliams profile image69
      abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this
  4. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 6 weeks ago

    Sad that folks  would rather spread misinformation instead of simply doing cursory research. The way some are acting , you’d think Imane Khelif was just Mike Tysoning dainty women left and right.

    She has NINE losses. She was in the last Olympics and didn’t win anything! Only 11% of her victories are knock outs! Shes from a country where you’re not even allowed to transition if you wanted to.  I'm to believe that a Muslim country would send a transgender person to the Olympics?  And that the IOC doesn't screen athletes?

    Having done my research, the  cry-baby Italian boxer got outsmarted and boxed.  She started a global controversy because she lacked skill.

    Khelif is not transgender and has never identified as a man. Khelif was born a woman and has identified as such her entire life.

    Sadly, she is just someone to be used in the culture war.

  5. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    "The fight over women's sports—and who can compete in them—erupted anew online Thursday after Italian boxer Angela Carini abruptly withdrew from her Olympic match against Algeria's Imane Khelif, who was previously disqualified from last year’s World Boxing Championships after the International Boxing Association said she failed a gender eligibility test.
    Carini faced off against Imane Khelif.
    Carini withdrew from the fight after being punched in the nose, telling reporters she had never felt a punch like one of the strikes she sustained from Khelif.
    On Friday, the Hungarian Boxing Association said it would send letters of protest to the International Olympic Committee and Hungary's Olympic committee on behalf of athlete Anna Luca Hamori—Khelif's next opponent—and may legally challenge Khelif's ability to participate at the Olympics.
    Khelif was permitted to participate in this year’s Olympics after being previously prohibited from the 2023 International Boxing Association’s World Boxing Championships.
    Khelif was disqualified from the championships after failing to meet eligibility requirements for the women’s competition, the IBA said in a statement, noting she was not subject to a testosterone exam and was instead put through a separate test that found she had competitive advantages over other women athletes.
    The IBA, which is not recognized by the IOC, has said the specifics of the test are confidential—though IBA president Umar Kremlev alleged to Russian news agency TASS last year Khelif had XY chromosomes—a pair of chromosomes typically possessed by men." - Forbes

    It isn't as cut and dry, case closed, as you would prefer it to be.

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      The IBA...

      "The reasons for the disqualification is extremely murky, as is almost always the case with the IBA. The governing body has revealed little about the nature of the tests, including what was tested and who tested it. This lack of transparency would be unacceptable in major Olympic sports, and the IBA has been banned from the Olympics since 2019."

      The IOC noted Thursday that the boxing association's own documents say the decision was made unilaterally by the IBA's secretary general.

      Those documents also say the IBA went on to resolve at a meeting that it should "establish a clear procedure on gender testing...after it had already disqualified Khelif."

      What?? They think they should have a clear procedure on gender testing but they disqualified her anyway?

      "Khelif also received support from peers like Amy Broadhurst, the accomplished Irish amateur who beat Khelif in the 2022 IBA world championships.

      "Personally I don't think she has done anything to 'cheat,'" Broadhurst wrote on social media. "I (think) it's the way she was born & that's out of her control. The fact that she has been (beaten) by 9 females before says it all." … s-backlash

  6. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    P.S. and here I was thinking, this, a topic, we could all agree on.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image71
      Ken Burgessposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

      No, for the Progressive Agenda to reach its full potential, it is not enough that women are allowed into men's spaces and into jobs historically done by men (IE - Firefighter, Army Ranger) for obvious reasons.

      It is equally important that anyone who wants to identify as something other than a man, be accepted as something other than a man, and be allowed the full spectrum of opportunity for what they identify as.

      This is to include, in this instance, women's shower rooms, women's sports... as sex identity does not really exist, it is a social construct.

      This is all part of the changes being implemented that cannot be stopped...

      We will soon abandon the dollar for CBDC, this is already part of the plan for the Harris Administration.  We will all have Digital Wallets assigned to us, a Harris Administration intends to implement an incentivizing system to reward users’ virtuous behaviors that contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. … -inclusion

      Harris has already spoken about there being an effort to confiscate weapons, call it a Freudian slip, but we have all known this was a goal of Agenda 2030 and the Democrats. … wners-to-/

      And of course, Harris is tougher than Trump on the border, so that will be fixed as soon as she is officially in control. … on-georgia

      All these things, from no-sex differences to digital wallets to open borders, all are going to be implemented whether you like it or not... just like Harris is going to be our President whether anyone votes for her or not.

      I like how they are doing away with pretense and pomp... the Party has chosen Harris to be the next President, screw you voting on it, deciding you like JFK or Tulsi better, you aren't going to be given the option.

      It didn't work for them in 2016, the people wanted Sanders... they told you your getting Clinton.  In 2020 it was clear no one wanted Biden, they told everyone else get out of the race and put your support behind Biden, or else.  Now they are just tired with the semantics and the primaries period, Harris is your choice, get behind her or get wrecked.

      1. abwilliams profile image69
        abwilliamsposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this

        Consider me a crash scene.

  7. IslandBites profile image90
    IslandBitesposted 6 weeks ago

    Worth repeating:

    "The fact that she has been (beaten) by 9 females before says it all."

  8. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    Says all, about what?

  9. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    Yeah if the powers that be, within the IOC, wish to persist with their modern day "Woke Games", they might want to consider (or reconsider) the competitions where an athlete could actually --- die!

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 6 weeks agoin reply to this


  10. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 weeks ago

    "That at least Khelif—if not also Lin—has high T."
    "To explain this, it said in part that T levels don’t matter, that lots of females also have high T. This is intentionally misleading.
    Female athletes with high T—including those with polycystic ovaries—have T levels towards the top of the female range, not outside of the female range or inside the male range. Their sex is not in doubt. As I explained above, “high T” in an athlete who seeks to compete in the female category is code in international sports for either doping with exogenous androgens or being biologically male with bioavailable endogenous androgens."

    "There’s no indication that either Khelif or Lin is doping."

    Doriane Lambelet Coleman
    Professor of Law
    Duke University

    The article in its entirety:


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