A clean sweep. The big Trifecta. Republicans win the House!

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  1. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 2 months ago

    Republicans win House in major boost for Trump's agenda by BBC (Nov 14, 2024)

    Or, pick and choose. Google landing page for search phrase, 'Republican win House'
    https://www.google.com/search?client=fi … win+house+

    A surprise?

    Thoughts, criticisms, accolades, and/or commentary?

    1. IslandBites profile image92
      IslandBitesposted 2 months ago

      Good. No excuses. Lets see those concepts of plans in action. lol

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 8 weeks ago

      Trifecta!  The Trump trifecta is a strong indication of a promising path ahead. With the Congressional majority in hand, Trump has a unique opportunity to push his bold unique agenda forward. What stands out the most is his ability to assemble a team of like-minded individuals who share his vision for the country. The unity among his supporters strengthens the chances of achieving real change.  The combination of a powerful political position and a focused team sets the stage for significant progress, and I have faith he will deliver on his promises.

      1. Willowarbor profile image58
        Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

        He didn't accomplish much of anything with his last trifecta. Couldn't even negotiate a border bill.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

          I wonder if the atmosphere in Congress is the same as 8 years ago.  At that time Trump had about as many enemies in the Republican camp as he did in the Democrat, with many semi-cooperating only because of the party.

          Now, I'm not so sure that is still true.  I think he has quite a few (a lot, actually) of support from Republicans.  Real support this time, not just party driven. 

          What do YOU think?

          1. Willowarbor profile image58
            Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

            The margins are still narrow and the Republican party has shown itself to be rather chaotic and ineffective.  I'm sure they have learned some lessons from their squandered majority during the first administration.  They have a few more maga  members. But to pass anything consequential in the Senate they'll need Democrats support... That will mean some substantial concessions.  And if they want to advance immigration legislation, they'll have to give in quite a bit to demands that didn't exist with the previous bipartisan bill.   If they want Democratic votes on the border, this time around,  it will include increasing pathways to legal immigration or there won't be a deal. The Dems will be in the driver's seat for sure.... Just like Republicans were with the bipartisan bill.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

              So don't propose a immigration bill.  Just keep deporting while liberals cry crocodile tears until they accept that we are not the dumping ground for the world's poor.

              There is lots of room between the open border we have and zero immigration.  Competent legislators (from both sides) that actually wish a solution WILL find one. 

              Doesn't say that Congress is competent, though - I think we mostly agree that they are not.

              1. Willowarbor profile image58
                Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                "So don't propose a immigration bill.  Just keep deporting while liberals cry crocodile tears until they accept that we are not the dumping ground for the world's poor."

                Lol and you don't think lawsuits are teed up for the second Trump acts in a manner that breaks immigration law?  He can't impose actions that are illegal.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                  Wow, and you know all this--- so impressed.  You just seem to know what will come---are you a mind reader?

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                    Ken Burgessposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                    Unexpected... but not shocking...

                    Democrat led States in conjunction with other political DC entities are creating a "Shadow Government" to oppose Trump and represent America.

                    And there you go, there is your real "threat to democracy"... the Democrats... who want to create their own government because they don't like how Democracy or a Republic works.

                    1. Willowarbor profile image58
                      Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                      Hey, states rights are good for more than just forced birth.

                    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
                      Sharlee01posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                      Ken, I did hear that report, and it’s almost laughable. They don’t have any real power left, and any attempt to push back will only infuriate more Americans who are already on board with Trump’s agenda. I’ve always trusted in human nature, and it’s one reason I believed Trump would come out ahead. The Democrats have made a spectacle of themselves, and I don’t think they can keep pushing down this path of chaos much longer. If they try, in my view, they’ll only be doing us a favor.

                      Trump is poised to expose so much corruption and absurdity that it will be hard for anyone to keep up. I’m just glad to witness this pivotal moment in history. The time has come for real change, and it’s going to be incredible to see it unfold.

                      Trump has endured every vicious attack they've thrown at him and stood his ground. He's not slowing down now. He’s ready to dismantle the corrupt system we've come to know as the government. Honestly, who’s left that hasn’t been exposed as a fool in this bunch?  Obama lost his fourth term... It has always been said that --- 3  strikes you are out!

                      It will stand to reason that deep blue states will be the first that feel the pain if they choose not to cooperate with his agenda. Regarding sanctuary states. Trump has out and out shared he will be cutting the FEMA program Biden created with his pen... These states are already suffering financially due to supporting migrants, imagine when the piggyback is empty of FEMA funds. I mean where will migrants head knowing ICE will be doing the job they have been ordered to do? Yeah, sanctuary cities. Which will pressure their taxpayer to suffer.  Trump need not do much else but cut the cash.

                  2. Willowarbor profile image58
                    Willowarborposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                    Well when the law is broken, lawsuits ensue. Plus, he has a track record.  No president has been sued for immigration actions as much as Trump.  His administration did not fare  well in the courts, with major legal setbacks stalling important parts of its agenda, particularly on immigration and deregulation.  Federal courts  ruled against his administration policies at least 70 times.   Why would I expect a new different this time?

                    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                      Sharlee01posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                      I see you are offering up more predictions ... Did you predict Harris's Loss? Did you predict that Biden would ruin our economy or let millions walk into the country?   You have no idea what Trump will do or what the Democrats will do to try to stop him from keeping his mandate. Hopefully, they act up...  What I have asserted Americans are well done with what I just call crazy. (That would be the Democratic's MO for about a decade). Yeah, I just summit all up in one word, crazy.

                      Maybe it would be wise to understand we have voted in a man that has a mug shot... That should tell you we are done with the status quo. That not a prediction that's a fact.

                    2. abwilliams profile image70
                      abwilliamsposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

                      "No president has been sued for immigration actions as much as Trump."
                      Why do you think that is?
                      Why various lawsuits?
                      An immigration system which we all agree is broken, right!?
                      Yet a President, attempting to fix that broken immigration system, gets sued at every turn, so that someone like you gets to say, nothing will change.
                      I don't get it!

          2. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

            I think that type of resistance will be (is being) tried again...

            I believe this time Trump (and Co.) understand what they are up against...

            We will see.

    3. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 weeks ago

      Proof the Democrats are turning a new leaf... moving forward from this defeat with new ideas, a closer connection to the American voters!!!


      Nancy Pelosi FILES For Reelection, SHE IS 84 YEARS OLD

      84 years old... and she has been there since the 80s... the 1980s!!!

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 8 weeks agoin reply to this

        OMG --- what can anyone say?  OMG

    4. abwilliams profile image70
      abwilliamsposted 8 weeks ago

      If Dems truly cared, they wouldn't load up a bill with a bunch of pork which has nothing to do with the issue at hand!

    5. abwilliams profile image70
      abwilliamsposted 8 weeks ago

      This isn't a game.... our daughters and grand daughters lives are at stake.

      https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1857556 … A&s=09


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