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Reagan ended the Fairness Doctrine and the result was FOX and :"flavors" of news. Another GOP chip at the block of our moral foundation. Not that 70 million voters care.
It seems clear that many of the millions who voted for Trump were motivated by a desire to change the status quo—something they see as corrupt and driven by power-hungry elites. The frustration stems from feeling ignored by a government that is more concerned with cash and power than addressing the real needs of the American people. We long for a government that is truly "for the people," one that listens to the voices of those who feel overlooked. The current system, filled with what many see as complacent and self-serving figures, has been a significant barrier to progress. It’s time for a complete overhaul—tear it down to the studs and rebuild it to reflect the true needs of America and its citizens. Personally, I’m tired of witnessing the dead weight that has stifled real progress for far too long.
We, the victors, feel a deep sense of joy knowing that change is on the horizon. Our focus and energy are directed toward embracing this transformation, and that is where our attention, and caring lie.
Another example of Trump trying to break the rules with no FBI vetting for criminal records for high positioned office holders. The vetting process has been in place for almost 70"years and serves a purpose as people of trump's ilk would not have the courtesy to not apply even if they know that they have sordid records.
Exactly. He just wants to fill the henhouse with foxes. This is a mafia style takeover. He is a career criminal, and he and his criminal cohorts will plunder and pillage US, destroy US and leave US high and dry all because his cult following is too ignorant to know what they've let in the door.
Yes, indeed, I would have thought that with Trump's less than savory background, he would take a responsible tack once elected, assuage our fears and reassure us all that he was not going to stuff his cabinet with rogues, misfits and criminals. I am disappointed but not surprised.
justmesuzanne: I don't think they are ignorant. I think they have lost their moral center. I don't understand how so many Americans could lose their judgment at the same time. I guess it is a matter of whose influence they are under.
No, they are ignorant. There once was a time when every high school graduate of our once unparalleled system of public education knew our nation's history, understood our form of government, was able to differentiate it from other forms of government, comprehended the contents of our constitutions, was aware of the duties and responsibilities of citizens of our nation and was ready, willing and able to perform those duties and responsibilities in order to uphold, defend and protect our constitution. Thanks to decades of purposeful sabotage of our system of education by the fascist GOP, we now have at least two generations of American citizens who are completely ignorant of all of this knowledge and, as a result, are easily brainwashed, manipulated, bamboozled and hoodwinked.
You make a reasonable point. Good luck on these discussion boards.
There is plenty for you to worry about...
A government spending trillions more every year than it takes in...
Wars spreading across multiple regions of the world... escalating... dragging new nations in as they drag on...
Tens of millions of undocumented people in the country, doing pretty much whatever they want as the current Administration has told the DOJ to lay off protecting American citizens from them...
But hey... lets ignore that and talk about the latest controversial tidbit the "mainstream media" throws out to you so that you can echo their nonsense to all who will listen.
"you can echo their nonsense to all who will listen"
A MAGA quote if ever there was one.
Now that the election is over, and the hoopla and hyperbolic nature of the election cycle has passed...
I offer this video, that should help open your eyes, just listen to what is presented and consider it... it is from a year ago... before the election and all the craziness that went on for the last few months:
The nice thing about 'the current times' it is so easy to go back and look at what was said, so easy to pull up videos and data, review what was real, what was a lie.
Ken, why give air to this kind of conversation? It sort of sinks to the level that we are trying to avoid. I hope they come to some form of awareness that they need to consider what the propaganda media are telling them.
First, it is a ten day old post.
Second, it was in response to a politico link about what Trump MIGHT do... the boogey man might hurt or change the FBI... that's bad... because the FBI is so good... so trustworthy...
The problem is our Alphabet Agencies and the Fed are out of control...
Time and again they are caught fabricating and lying... the Dossier that proved Trump was a Putin puppet... lies ... the 51 Intelligence directors that penned a letter stating that the Hunter laptop was Russia propaganda... lies... these are a drop in the ocean of wrongdoing done...
So yeah... I bring up two very simple... very obvious... very substantive truths...
Since Biden took over we got 25% inflation... or loss of dollar value ... or the poor just got poorer while the rich (people in Congress & DC) just got richer.
We are in WWIII... we essentially instigated (using CIA and other assets) the conflicts and continue to risk Nuclear War to do so.
So just about everything discussed about Trump is nonsense
We are spending trillions more than we make as a nation...
We are escalating multiple wars around the globe...
Brought to us by Biden... the Democrats who have had control...
So don't bring up anything else... I don't care who Trump insulted or what is construed to be racist or sexist... the other asswipes that have been in control for 4 years have done a whole lot worse... for ALL Americans and ALL of civilization.
I think you well know I agree with the better part of your thoughts. Do you feel beating a dead horse will resurrect the horse? I see you as a rare warrior. But while we fight battles that have been well fought, we ignore the present. I mean come on so much is going on. Should we comply with look here not there when we ignore the present? Ken, I mean read the comments here --- do you rely feel your energy is being spent well?
These are comments that do not align with your point of view making it all the easier to simply dismiss them as a “waste of energy”?
I stand by my comment and make no apologies for it. First, it was a personal response directed at Ken, and I encourage you to consider the context in which it was made. Everyone has the right to share their personal views, just as I do. It’s perfectly fine if you disagree with my perspective—I have no issue with that. I'm simply expressing my point of view. I do feel, though, that many of the discussions here tend to be repetitive, and there’s not much focus on current issues. That’s just my opinion.
Please note the entire context of my words.
Surely, you do not want to be aligned with that sort of thinking?
Credence2 wrote:
These are comments that do not align with your point of view making it all the easier to simply dismiss them as a “waste of energy”?
I was simply sharing that when it becomes clear there’s no agreement on a subject after repeatedly going back and forth, I don’t see the point in wasting energy. I’ll admit that when an issue doesn’t align with my views and has already been thoroughly discussed, there’s no reason to keep pushing it. I’m perfectly fine with accepting that there’s no common ground—it seems more intelligent to conserve energy rather than endlessly revisit the same point. I’m surprised you’d find this stance surprising. After all, you’re someone who often stands firm in your views and doesn’t easily compromise. Why would it seem odd that I, too, prefer not to keep beating a dead horse?
While I have little to compromise with regarding today’s trump based conservatives, I haven’t stop listening to their prospectives. But, I do understand that at a certain point, you are beating a dead horse.
In my view, I see no point in ruminating, in a way I feel like pushing a view to the extent of beating a dead horse can become insulting to those who have made their views clear, and one can see they are passionate and steadfast in their view. I feel it's time to step away.
“and one can see they are passionate and steadfast in their view.”
Who on either side of the divide is not passionate about his or her view?
There is always room for reviewing or reconsidering one's perspective.
That is the point of debate.
When one is just 'screaming' or being 'insulting'... well then, that is not really going to be productive.
No screaming nor insult, just a requirement that information is substantiated beyond mere opinion to command any real credibility, recognizing that most of us have not just fallen from a turnip truck.
Understood. Not trying to imply you were the one doing the screaming or insulting.
In general, if/when things get to that point, its not productive.
A government spending trillions more every year than it takes in...
You've Reagan to blame for that one.
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."
Ronald Reagan.
No... you blame the people that spent trillions knowing full well the damage that it would do... causing 25% inflation...
You don't go back 40 years and say that guy is to blame for the corrupt idiots we have running the country today.
You have no idea how corrupt... how criminal this country has become... you don't work for the US government and never did... you are across the pond dealing with a corrupt EU that is killing its people's economy, you have plenty of your own problems... concentrate on fixing the failing EU.
We have in America whistle blowers getting killed left and right... even the current President elect they have been trying to kill...
Boeing's whistle blowers... all dead...
OpenAI whistle blowers... all dead...
FBI whistle blowers... dead or missing...
And the list goes on.
For example -
There is a lot of really bad crap going on in our government right now... we are very close to these lunatics pulling a rabbit out of their hats to suspend the lawful transfer of power back to Trump.
We are still a month away from Trump being sworn in... they can end the world as we know it with one Nuke. I do know their mindset, these people will use it... happily.
Ken corruption is not a new thing. And it is not only one party who is corrupt. The fact that you can buy a government position like Elon Musk did is pure corruption. So don't point the finger if you own party does the same.
The problems the US has is not a new problem it's decades in the making. The whole healthcare system is rotten in the US. Why? Greed and capitalism. It's no wonder somebody went crazy and went for the greedy Healthcare CEO guy.
That people kill in the US more than in Europe is simple. There are more guns. There are no school shootings in Europe. Full stop. Make guns illegal and kids won't own guns. Very simple
Today guns kill more children and young adults than in car crashes in the US! That's insane!
And yes Europe and the rest of the world has corruption big time too.
Making guns illegal in the US will solve nothing... it will simply mean people who follow the law will no longer have guns to protect themselves.
That also has nothing to do with whistle blowers being killed or an out of control government unofficially going to war against half the world.
We are spending about 3 Trillion dollars more per year than we take in.
1 Trillion of that goes toward interest on our debt...
1 Trillion on interest alone... and climbing.
Hard to keep a country afloat when you are bringing in over 4 trillion in taxation but spending a quarter of that just on interest, another half of it on Social Security and Medicare... don't have much left for BS... or Wars...
The Great Melt-Up Will Strike the USA
And the deficit is set to balloon under Trump's policies. His plans don't bring in enough revenue to offset the giveaways.
Perhaps it's time to tax the super rich with a 98%. Lots of money that could be spent well.
What do you do after you have "well spent" all of their money?
US history shows that, regardless of tax levels, we always spend more than we take in (with only a few balanced budgets in the last 100 years). It seems a safe bet that we would need more money to spend after we take that 98%. Where will that come from?
GA, there is no after, because taxes are collected every year.
And the time we are living in is completely different than US history has ever seen before.
Warren Buffett said himself that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. So a poor person is paying more tax than a rich person. Don't you think that is unjust? And besides unjust, just as I was saying the government misses out of a huge chunk of money they could use to pay of debt and spent on roads, trains or whatever.
Why not take this opportunity and tax the super rich? Why not?
Oh no peterstreep, not the "Buffett" canard . . . ;-)
You are comparing different things: income tax rate vs. investment tax rate. If Buffett earned any income on his labor it would almost certainly start at the top 38% income tax rate. His secretary would probably be around 15% (15-28%).
If his secretary earned any money from investments her rate would have been about the same as Buffett's.
And then there is the actual tax money sent to the treasury. With his lower rate, Buffett paid (probably) tens to hundreds of millions, while his secretary probably paid in the hundreds to thousands.
Millions vs thousands is painted as an inequity with this false comparison. We don't spend percentages. This example is not an injustice; it is propaganda.
*Politifacts offered a good 'fact-check' on this in 2013. Yep, it's been around that long.
Not at all. We are talking about the government receiving money. Like a landlord receiving more money from luxury estate than from simple flats. So the Government can tax Buffet 98% instead of 38%. Why not?
Peter, I don't want to take all of Buffets money, but I can't see why the tax on investments should not be at least equal to the tax on direct income. Why shouldn't it be? It is no wonder that the rich are accused of not paying their fair share, here.
As they say; That is the right question. Why not tax investment income the same as earned income?
A starting point might be; because that investment money has already been taxed as income. What is the justification for taxing it as income again?
I recall an article/diagram about that taxation trail. It started with the first dollar a new wage earner earns. It talks about how many times that dollar is taxed before it is paid to the wage earner, and how many times it is taxed as it leaves that wage earner's hands.. I wish I had saved it now.
I wish that you would have saved the article as well.
I could ask the question why am I required to pay tax on 85 percent of my social security benefits? IRS did not allow us to exempt that from income taxes. So, if I have to pay under such circumstances on a meager income, why should the silver spoon class be exempt, and constantly have the system skewed to their advantage?
I'm not sure what you're talking about, relative to paying tax on 85% of SS benefits.
If you are talking about your benefits being taxed as income, don't the "silver spoon" folks also pay tax on their "85%" of SS benefits? Google says they do.
If you're talking about the earnings cut-off for SS taxes, you have the same limits as the 'silver spoons.' I think.
Do you know why there is such new interest on taxing Capital gains?
Because it has become easy for the common (middle class - poor) man to trade stocks. The fees are almost non-existent... trades happen instantaneously and can be done on a phone ap.
Average people are figuring out how to become 'well-off' and making more trading stocks than they could working.
It was never intended that average people could bypass fund managers and investment firms in the way they do now... the government wants to arrest the ability for average people to become 'well-off' without getting a good chunk of that.
So that they can fund more wars.
I think I can rationally defend 'Why not?' on points we both have probably heard or used in past discussions (with others) on this topic.
I would start with "because it's not your money, and you can't just claim it is because you want something you can't afford," and then hit the moral, ethical, and real-world justifications for that answer.
You (generic) have only two emotional rationalizations: I want it and they can afford it.
And whether it's after a few comments, or dissertations of details, we end up back where we started. You will still believe your perceived need outweighs my rights to the money I earned.
Do you have a different answer to why they should be taxed at 98% instead of the 38% we 'normal' folks would pay?
On a reread, this wasn't intended to be a curt or sarcastic response. I'm just guessing that we have both been in this conversation before and a point-by-point rebuttal wouldn't change anything. Unless you have a different answer to 'Why do it.'
No GA "because it's not your money". is not an argument.
You can say this with all taxes, so why pay tax at all.
The government needs tax to run the country. It is also a way to organize a country. It is not just a money thing. You tax more on cigarettes, less people are going to buy cigarettes and less people die of long cancer. A direct influence of what taxes do.
The conversation started about the debt of the US. Well you can do two things. Or you spent less. Or you find a way to earn more.
A way to earn more is to tax people who have a lot to spent.
So far I'm saying nothing about moral or ideological directions.
Yeah, I was right. Your answer is the same.
My perspective on taxation is that its purpose is to finance government functions. Using taxes for 'desired' behavior modification shouldn't be a government function. That we do it all the time doesn't make it right.
Can you address it morally? Can you justify taking 98% of someone's money because you want something you can't afford?
We already accept a progressive tax system because we accept the reality that it is necessary for our form of government, but that acceptance has limits. Your desire for more doesn't.
The purpose of tax is much more than government functions. In every country. As said it is not just using the tax for something. Putting tax on something also has an effect. It's not just a money thing. You can create a tax haven as a country, but this country will look different than a country with tax. or with extreme taxes.
So it is where you extract the money from which is just as important as where you use the money for.
And governments know this and use this all over the world. If you are looking only at the spending of the money and not were it comes from you only see a small bit of what taxation does.
You ask me to take a morally perspective on the 98%? I can tell you that, but I wanted to avoid ideologies.
If I understand you correctly, you think it's not possible for the US government to increase the income by tax. In other words the spending should be less.
In what section should the government cut costs?
My thinking isn't that government revenue couldn't be increased by raising taxes, it is that it shouldn't be the go-to option.
You ask where to cut, and there are books written to answer that question. It doesn't take a book to see the obvious first place to cut. Cut the increase in spending. No spending increases without matching cuts or revenue increases.
That, too, is fantasy, when has that ever been done? I been hearing ideas like that since the Reagan era.
We all have been hearing that since Reagan. Maybe all the hoopla about this time will end like all the other times. Or, maybe it won't. This time might be different.
Yes, you could increase the spending on the military complex with a half and still spend more then China and Russia combined....
So perhaps that will solve the problem. (saving 400 billion dollars a year)
Plenty of reasons...
The government gets over 4 Trillion a year... what do they do with that?
Clearly they have spent tens of trillions of dollars over the last 30 years on wars we did not need and did not win.
We pay for millions of migrants that don't belong on taxpayer support.
We pay for senseless, useless grants for things as stupid as the mating habits of frogs in Japan.
We pay for millions of government workers that collect good paychecks... for almost no work... we have a bloviated bureaucracy that could do with a lot less 'employees'.
The bigger the government, the more waste, fraud and corruption... America has a very big government and it is as corrupt and wasteful as any that has existed on this earth.
And just where do you think Musk's promise to slash 2 trillion will come from?
What a pretty picture...
Where on there is the 17 Trillion spent on Iraq and Afghanistan?
Maybe that's where HALF of our national debt came from?
And we are so much better off as a nation... world... for those wars.
Spending on Ukraine is not bankrupting this country.
Using fiscal year 2023 as the denominator, Ukraine spending came to 0.78 percent of spending. Other sources claim U.S. support for Ukraine to date is closer to 1.5 percent of our federal budget.
Completely shutting down support for Ukraine will amount to throwing pennies at Musk's goal of cutting trillions.... They're going for the largest slices of the pie. Social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
There’s no doubt that our national debt is out of control. Do you think the new administration will make progress in reducing it? Economists like Stephen Moore, Larry Kudlow, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, and many more prestigious economists have expressed confidence in Trump's ability to address economic challenges and steer the economy toward growth. Trump is determined to tackle the issue. Plus, he will have DOGE working on paying down debt. Any faith that we will see a better economy with a declining debt?
You have to have people willing to go in there and do the unpopular thing...
And also piss-off the wealthiest corporations and entities in the world...
That is the only way this gets 'fixed' someone like Trump & Musk who will go in there and FIRE two-thirds the government... overhaul vast sections of the government and do-away with Agencies that no-longer really serve the needs of today's world.
What needs to be done makes a lot of enemies...
Look what happened when Twitter was taken over and Elon got rid of all the useless people that 'worked' there... people the company clearly did not need as X works better now and offers more abilities now than it did just a couple years ago.
THAT needs to happen to our government... millions needs to be jettisoned into the real world... where real work is required to be done to get a paycheck.
Until then... our government will continue to spend trillions it does not have on things it does not need, or wars we do not want, or people who are getting a paycheck to do nothing.
How dare you insult federal employees? Who are you, what do you know?
The inane Trump /Musk plan is.doom to failure from inception. No one will tolerate the level of cuts that would require. Musk in my opinion is a goofball despite his wealth.
As an enemy, count me in as one of them, proudly....
Been dealing with them all my life...
If we got rid of half the government employees it would not only save money, production would improve and people would realize that whole concept of 'produce or be fired' really is the best way to go.
Well, I was one, and I resent the implication, it is so "rightwing" of you and yet you expect so many of us to view your opinions and observations with a presumption that you are impartial. OK.
What about the military, if they are not members of the "Seal Team" do we cut them as well, as you imply there has to be a lot of non-warrior bureaucrats in 'the ranks.
Regardless, of the Musk scheme, politically, it will never happen, maybe then he will get lost and go grapple some more of his insane ideas.
Military gets paid peanuts... and you know that.
The money is in government contractors, in a variety of agencies with bloviated bureaucracies and double the positions needed...
I have been responsible for government contracts, I know how many billions get wasted a year funding Non-Profits that enrich themselves and pay themselves well and have nice dinner parties... they do everything but really help those they are there to help.
You take it as a personal insult... but you know I am right... there is much waste and fraud... including a good percentage of people picking up a paycheck that are all but useless.
Over the past four years, the United States has significantly supported Ukraine through military, economic, and humanitarian aid. As of December 2024, Congress has approved nearly $175 billion in assistance to bolster Ukraine's defense and resilience amid ongoing conflicts.
As of December 19, 2024, the U.S. Congress is deliberating a budget bill that includes a request for an additional $24 billion in aid to support Ukraine. This request, recommended by the White House Office of Management and Budget, is intended to bolster Ukraine's military capabilities and replenish U.S. weapon stocks.
It looks like Biden did not get the memo Trump is considering not funding as Biden has funded regarding aid to Ukraine, Trump has previously indicated a preference for providing support in the form of loans rather than direct assistance.
President Trump is urging Republicans to vote against the current spending bill and push for renegotiations. His stance reflects an effort to reduce overall spending, prioritize addressing pressing domestic issues, and eliminate unnecessary pork projects added by members of Congress. These additions, often unrelated to critical funding needs, contribute to inflated budgets and divert resources from more urgent national priorities.
Ukraine is 1.5% of the budget... Why would they grab a sliver when they can snag a hefty slice?
Just where will 2 trillion in cuts come from??
They won't. The only way to reduce the deficit is to raise taxes, which could easily be done on the top 1%. It's not about the percent they pay. It is about the amount.
Like guns, this is a problem with a common sense solution. We just won't do it.
And the "common sense solution" is to make someone ese pay the cost. Just like the Great Gun Grab of liberals.
Thank you anyway; I would rather we all share equally in the costs for the things we want for our country.
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