How is Sab potentially a hypocrite?
1) Sab consistently retorts to my informative forum posts in mocking manner as though what I am conveying is common public knowledge.
I can therefore assume that at least he knows what I am speaking of.
Examples of such subjects consist of, amongst many:
-The Tlatelolco Massacre in Mexico City in 1968....ten days before the start of the Summer Olympic Games held in that same city;
-The maquila manufacturing industry concentrated in northern Mexico, but increasingly found throughout the country and the ongoing struggles that labor organizers are facing at the hands of largely American companies, along with those of the "accepted" nations...Japan, South Korea, and Canada.
-The Mexican-American War
-On this note Sab has still not factually countered any statements that I have made concerning the unconstitutional and illegal war initiated by the United States. Instead, he only counters with retorts like the one to which I am responding at present.
On a separate note I'd like to use this moment to forward to the reader the motivation to look up Illinois Senator Abraham Lincoln's remarks to the then President Polk concerning this war.
Comparison analysis to today?
- United States domination of the Mexican economy, political development and social policies and trends.
-Within this category I place the subtopics:
-The School of the Americas
-American gang interplay (Aryan Brotherhood and others) of ongoing drug violence and sales across borders and across the United States
-Both Bracero Programs created by the United States directed towards Mexican citizens
- The illegal and unconstitutional deportation of American citizens of Mexican descent during the Great Depression and subsequent acts like those seen in Los Angeles during the 1992 Riots during which President George H.W. Bush ordered in the special task force that took down Panamanian President (U.S. fixture) Manuel Noriega to the streets of L.A. to arrest and deport those they arrested for curfew and other violations that they suspected were undocumented....a quick detainment...a couple hours, and a quicker trip over the border...
Sab instead quips in response.
For sake of length I will stop the list here. Everything I have written above is easily verifiable through a multitude of mediums and I encourage you the reader to verify for yourself if what I have said is accurate or not.....
For Sab is no source of least not unspun..
2) Sab, if you claim what I say is "that same old thing"...or "secret knowledge", then to carry on as you do is to deny what you know to be true and accurate.
That is hypocrisy as far as I can tell....
Thank you for proving my point.
A) You don't know much about what I comment on and you try to pass off that you do through your typically snide comments
B) You pass yourself off as someone who is trying to benefit this nation, but instead intentionally work to undermine it by perpetuation a false delusion of past American grandeur instead of speaking about the forces that created this fragmented society, fermented it, and have divested from it over the past 30 years..
I have posed all this to you before, numerous times. I know you remember well, and the internet never forgets.
Yet to every question you simply ask another question, typically a useless one.
Or you do as you have just done. But this time I don't mind taking the time to respond in full.
There is the possibility that you are so entrapped into one way of perceiving the construction of this and other nations that anything contrary to your worldview is passed off as nonsense....that may very well be.
But I think there could be other intentions.
I am still waiting for something of substance....many months have passed, and one liners don't count for much.
"You don't know much about what I comment on"
There you go again...
"You pass yourself off as someone who is trying to benefit this nation, but instead intentionally work to undermine it by perpetuation a false delusion of past American grandeur instead of speaking about the forces that created this fragmented society, fermented it, and have divested from it over the past 30 years.."
Your annoyingly repetitive comments are never going to affect 'this nation' one way or another no matter how important you think you are, and if you really have as much disdain for the country as you seem to have...well, you know what to do...
If he's the guy I think he is, and from another site as well, he works for Faux. IF it's him. But there IS another one of these misers like him at another site. And he does work for Fox. Paid shill to spew the party line and disrupt anything that might go against mom apple pie and Phony Phox Patriotism, which is really only kissing ass for corporate killing machine America.
The Phony America that overtook the Real one...the Real one, which is made up of immigrants from all overe the world!!!
GOD what a mind- F they have done!
Crazy like a's a CIA is radical right talk radio....
And bloggers like sabby are a staple of that front. In my opinion.
Predictable to the point of banality...
Over and over and over the same pattern:
1) No matter what the topic, you insist on shoehorning in one of a small group of issues that you seem to think are the most important things in the world.
2) You also seem to have convinced yourself that no one but you has ever heard of these things, which makes you oh-so-very special (You went to college? Gee, why didn't you say so? Nobody knew! ) despite the fact that none of it is top secret classified information.
3) You then insist that whatever pet issue (or conspiratorily combined group of issues) you have shoehorned in become the new topic of the thread regardless of what the original topic was.
4) When no one appears to give a rat's behind about your pet issue you get all bent out of shape and complain that everyone is avoiding your glorious 'truth' and/or unilaterally declare 'victory' (?)
5) You do all this predictably and repeatedly rather than giving your opinion on the topic and exchanging points of view instead of exchanging lecture notes.
No one cares about the library books you read in your Mom and Dad's house and every thread does not become your pet issue just because you want it to. And no one is ever going to be as impressed with you as you are so stop trying so hard and just give your opinion based on your personal beliefs rather than deuling indexes. You're not going to 'win' so relax and have a discussion.
*gasp* a one-liner! Call the pretentious police!
Does Chris watch fox?
He sounds like Beck.
Plants at town halls and propaganda shoe-ins online and at groups and meetings.
Gee beck just griped about all that saying Obama and his croonies were doin it.
Funny how that goes.
Fox says something and the left spews the same thing as if they had pointed it out.
Talk about flippin shit...
Still can't give actual answers Sab?
How usual.
I'm glad that readers here can follow along and see how hollow your character actually is.
Good job!
No substance and age discrimination<------Sab Oh.
Who is the real "kid" here? Or rather, who are you trying to kid?
Readers, Sab has transcended mere agism, and has completely stepped into the world of prejudice....where someone creates an illusion out of false information and then projects it onto others.
Where do I live Sab? How do I earn my upkeep? Who pays my bills? What bills do I have?
Still no false as your avatar.
Pay attention Hubbers of this the person that you would side with?
If so, it explains so much.
To Hubbers internationally, worry not.......Sab does not represent all of us....or even a majority.
Keep dreaming Sab...
And support the DREAM Act!!!
I apologize Hubbers for prodding this poor person down tangental roads.
I hope that you can all take the time to read through this thread, and others that this sad person and I have shared our thoughts....
Two very different versions of America and Americans emerge.
I leave it to you, the Hubbers to ultimately decide which poses an actual problem....and who is trying to enable actual solutions to problems.
Way to go win the shining star.
Arnold has surly lost a lot of respect from a lot of Americans. He is only politically pandering to the hispanic vote. Plane and simple. His own state is bankrupt because he continues to pay for illegal alien education, health care and food stamps. I recently learned that in washinton state you dont need any type of identification to get food stamps and welfare. Just go to the office and check I got no ID and then they will just grant you benefits. Sucks to be in such a liberal state and have to pay for welfare.
Welfare people get free schooling, free educatio, free college, free health care, free dental and I just got done paying 3k for me and my wifes root canals and crowns.
People in the US are getting POed at not being helped first and supporting illegals and welfare people.
We are sick of it and why should we take it anymore. Just look at germany. They require all immigrants to speak german, pass all tests for driving etc in german and they have to be able to write in german to become citizens. This is the way it should be.
BTW you all know it is all coming to an end soon. Civilization is crashing in and you should all know it. Get some gold to protect your wealth. War is the only way out of this global economic mess we are in. See you all in hell.....
"Welfare people get free education.."
Wow....did anyone else read this?
This man also believes that the United States...the nation that I was told other modern states are built off of.....should look to the policies of Germany.... Which also means, a nation with global obligations like no other in the course of history and a diverse population of over 300 million and of over 200 years needs to look at the German corner of Europe with its limited international role to and population of 82 million, of which 80-90% are ethnically German.
And they look at the 10% if that was the actual issue.
This man also claims that it is the "illegal immigrant education" that has undermined California, as opposed to the migration of businesses to Asia (probably one of the singlemost issues) and Mexico while oil companies extract our natural wealth and pass down a crumb-sized morsel for public officials to squabble over.
The changes in population demographics has also altered tax bases, and the failed plans of developers in shaping these movements have increased the strain of the people who were hoping and trusting in that American Dream.
Sab tries to mock my writings as the product of only a scholastic nature...but, I now point to my experience as a resident of the City of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley...
Just to the north, in the Antelope Valley, huge suburban tracts were built. The cost for these four and five bedroom, luxurious looking homes was far lower than anything similar that could be found in the San Fernando, San Gabriel, or Simi Valleys, not to mention within the city of L.A. itself.
The future residents and small business owners were promised that this area was just on the verge of exploding in terms of value.
For the residents, they, for the most part, would continue to travel south along the 14 freeway to work in L.A., and then drive slowly all the way back. But there was a dream that said that this would all be temporary. The boom of regional growth would enable them to move their work to the Antelope Valley.
I remember hearing all of this when I was in high school...and I see what has become the reality..
The projected boom busted......and not only has the Antelope Valley suffered from foreclosures...that further srrains its schools and other services..but those who are still going are continuing the long journey....very early in the morning to quite late in the afternoon/early evening.....
I work with youth in Santa Clarita, and unfortunately my prime hours are when they have returned from school.
That means I am stuck in this crawl up the valley's wall just about every early evening of the week....I feel for them. How much of their lives are spent in their cars? How do their lungs feel? I wonder how many packs a day of cigarrettes a one and a hald to two hour per way trip is in tight traffic...
I wonder how good their health care is.....
When I am driving, especially in slow traffic, I like to observe the drivers around me...I always have since I was a child..thinking about where they were coming from, what their backgrounds were, and how it was that they were placed about me on the road....and I still do this...
Except now I ponder on if they have children, if they are happy with their lives and predicaments.... With every person is a story, a significant perspective on the world...
I wonder how many people think like this..and further, I ask what our society would be like if more people thought in such a way. see that you evidently agree with this mentality, aside from that last part perhaps, this opens a wealth of perspective into your own self.
With your evident experience of years, can you please offer me some sort of actual occurence or specific observation that you have made?
Can you rise above your usual self please....just for once...can you indulge the willing reader?
I am writing this now only because I had to cancel my first appointment of the evening, but now I must be off to my second... I wish you could join me Sab...I'd like to see your teaching in action.
Apparently you don't understand the welfare system? People on welfare do get free education - as it is the entitlement of all American citizens whether or not they pay taxes. Did you know there are people out there who don't have school age kids (or no kids at all) yet pay a school tax? You don't hear too many of them complaining. Why? Could it possibly be because they understand the value of an education?
I also think you didn't pay attention to what Tilecleaninghub was really saying about Germany. Seriously, Germany made mistakes in the past but nobody's perfect, right? Just because German made mistakes in the past does that really mean they don't have the right idea now in regards to how they handle immigrants? If you are truly a perfect human being who is incapable of making mistakes and learning from them, then go ahead and hold onto your beliefs about Germany. If, on the other hand, you enjoy learning and growing, perhaps you could look past the mistakes of others to learn from them.
"Sab tries to mock my writings as the product of only a scholastic nature..."
NO, I 'mock' them as pointless and self-serving
I am glad you two are able to laugh at yourself.
That would be "yourselves." Come on poet, keep up.
"How much of their lives are spent in their cars? How do their lungs feel? I wonder how many packs a day of cigarrettes a one and a hald to two hour per way trip is in tight traffic..."
Oh no! Stuck in traffic?! Call the UN, it's a human rights nightmare!
And, maybe, just thinking about not smoking?
"When I am driving, especially in slow traffic, I like to observe the drivers around me...I always have since I was a child..thinking about where they were coming from, what their backgrounds were, and how it was that they were placed about me on the road....and I still do this...
Except now I ponder on if they have children, if they are happy with their lives and predicaments.... With every person is a story, a significant perspective on the world...
I wonder how many people think like this..and further, I ask what our society would be like if more people thought in such a way."
Wow, you are like a saint, you really are. I wonder if any of those people know just how much you are doing for them?
" see that you evidently agree with this mentality, aside from that last part perhaps, this opens a wealth of perspective into your own self.
With your evident experience of years, can you please offer me some sort of actual occurence or specific observation that you have made?
Can you rise above your usual self please....just for once...can you indulge the willing reader?"
What exactly are you looking for?
" I wish you could join me Sab...I'd like to see your teaching in action."
Yes, I've often thought about how much I'd like to spend some quality time together
Welfare system?
The people who do not understand the welfare system are the same people who have no need for it.
Provide any type of personal experiences you wish that are relevant to what is being discussed...
Apparently.....but much more than that has been discussed within this forum...
Always playing games Sab?
That's just another reason why you can't be taken seriously. seems as though you do a good enough job of derailing your own topics...
And your continued song and dance routine to avoid substantive response only places the joke on you.
While a few might actually agree with you, there are many others who don't.
Just because you don't like to use your brain actively and research doesn't mean that everyone else is as useless.
As usual Sab, you win the booby prize.
Again....try learning...
"From Coolie to Model Minority"
Demonstrate you actually think as opposed to simply guffawing.
And there he goes...right through all the steps I oulined...complete with the appeal to popularity...
by Doug Hughes 14 years ago
From CNN -Washington (CNN) -- The Justice Department on Tuesday weighed in on one of the most explosive issues in American politics, filing a lawsuit to overturn a tough new Arizona immigration law that has sharply divided people along partisan, ideological and ethnic lines.It also asked the...
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What do you all think about this one? Seems like some good fodder for my fellow hubbers.
by tobey100 14 years ago
The Federal government has sued a sovereign state, Arizona, claiming its law and policy regarding illegal immigration usurps the authority of the Federal government and violates Federal Law and guidlines. At the same time the Federal Government turns a blind eye to those illegal immigrants...
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Recently, with regard to illegal immigration, Califronia and other states and cites have decided to refuse to enforce federal laws. They have chosen to disobey federal laws and not help ICE in enforcing our immigration laws.Is this legal? Are there any precedence on this?Where is the Supreme court...
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