Los Angeles will ban all business with Arizona until it repeals its tough new law targeting illegal immigrants
L.A. Votes to Boycott Arizona
http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/05/05/192 … ycott.html
Stupid. Just what CA needs given the super strong state of its economy (not to mention its own problem with illegal immigration).
This kind of thinking is why Greeceifornia is such a mess now.
Tucson is also "standing up to Arizona." Its city council voted to ignore the new law.
Honestly and I hate getting involved with politics the only thing California is hurting is the people of Arizona. Non of this makes any sense to me because until people deal with a higher crime rate, murders, rapes, shootings nobody will have a clue with what we are experiencing first-hand. Do you believe it is fair for the smugglers to bring there own people here rob them of there life savings, not feed them, rape little girls, refuse to give them water and take away there shoes? Sometimes the illegal immigrants get away and turn themselves in. How horrific to have to endure that pain. If we as Americans travel to any other Country they can at anytime ask for our documents the same law is written in Mexico, if the government wasn't helping us , what else could Arizona do? Arizonans are not saying we do not wish to have anyone come here , we are asking that they are legal, to me that makes sense. My aunt is from Mexico and she had gotten all of her legalization papers, green card etc. before she came here and then she became an AMERICAN citizen.
We lived in California, a majority of jobs are Union so we experienced picketing, etc. so how would a person feel if they were worth $45.00 per hour but they are offered $10.00 because there are people without papers who would work for that amount? Is that fair?
Arnold came to the U.S. legally , did he not? He came in on a VISA so what is the difference? When U.S. Customs finds people in containers that are illegal they send them back to there Country, have all of us forgotten that?
I believe the ban is silly and until our own government protects our borders and keeps not only its citizens safe but stops the smugglers from harming there own people and cleaning out there bank accounts, murderering and starving them Arizona did not have any other choice. Instead of coming in illegally they should take there heart earned money and apply for the correct documentation. If they are rapist, murderers, pedophiles, etc. they should not be allowed into our Country. But it is my own opinion and when people walk in our shoes then there will be a better understanding.
Life is for all and I would rather have them come legally then to be harmed by smugglers, wouldn't you agree? Why take the chance of having there little girls raped, there sons sodomized when they can come here legally and start life anew?
I am sickened by the entire thing and to me they are human beings with hearts, souls and minds do it right and be safe.
Your last sentence expresses your sentiment a good one, in fact a very good one! But all arguments above that look to me to be opposite of this statement. What you do not realize perhaps is that giving such a blind power in the hands of Police (and not court) has a big possibility to be used against Americans (people like you ) -much more than against immigrants. After all main population consists of Anglo Saxon- or more generally European originated Americans and not Hispanics. They will suffer most if such rules against all democratic traditions are passed.
The basic principle of democracy is that an innocent person should not get punished, as far as possible, what ever happens. A judge has to often leave even some body charged with a murder if evidence is not beyond doubt.
Who should decide this? whether you are innocent or not? The main change in Arizona law is not that it is about illegal immigrants. The change is that style of law gives some rights to decide who is innocent or who is illegal to police instead of Judge for short periods. This will result in trouble to average American much more than illegal immigrants.
If you want to know how it can happen, just read about McCarthy era in USA. A time when just a small committee of senators created trouble for some of the best minds in USA (including some of those who created for example atomic bomb for USA) ruined there lives etc. and had potential to destroy all the freedom in USA. Now that was power just to a small committee, here the law is giving power to average Policeman (many of them may not have even be required proper education to make such decisions). You can just imagine the effect.
If you want to see a long term effects such a policy which is direct attack on democracy and giving power to army and Police etc. Just look at Pakistan or similar other countries with feudal and army/police rules. (unfortunately USA is supporting now such countries much more in place of democracies etc. )
Just like you, I have nothing to do with Politics or law etc. I am a Scientist and live in Mumbai India. But I come to USA also very often and have lived there for long periods. USA is second home for me. I like both countries equally. Just try to understand the change this law may bring, I am sure you will see it.
Let me make comment on one more point from your argument, that Foreigners have less freedom in other countries. In India and in many other countries actually foreigners as well citizens often have much more freedom. One may have to show passport some time but no body is asked to carry all the time identification. A police cop in India gets often salaries less than US$ 400 a month, lives in a slum, that creates corruption and not so good law and order machinery (bad jails for example compared to USA but USA jails are much worse than those in Europe ). Many other things are much better in some of these countries. Over all your impression that Freedom is much more in USA is quite away from reality. Do you travel often? Just try it some times to experience your self.
Thank u Ralph. I feel the same often with your comments
No I do not agree.
L.A. should be ashamed of its unpatriotism and foolishness.
3% of Illegal Aliens Do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor;
the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need, this is why we have a problem in America today, American are selling out on Americans to save money, and hire the "IIlegal Aliens" .
I get it now and thanks for your comments
I'd like to point out a job I had 15 years ago making $5.85 an hour where I know a few illegal immigrants also worked, and they were making $7.00 an hour. I was a cashier, the illegal immigrants worked in maintenance.
Where was the company saving money by hiring illegal immigrants??? By keeping my wages below what the illegals were earning!!
... yeah... thank you ... L.A..... your punishing innocent Arizona people, and you're punishing your own group of people.
... can i remind everyone that there is NO magical entity known as "Arizona" that goes around and randomly craps on immigrants?
PEOPLE wrote those laws - specific people with names, who somehow think that treating people like garbage will solve their economic problems.
PEOPLE enforce those laws - specific people with names and families who don't have the courage to say "no" to their bosses.
PEOPLE are abused by these laws - specific people who's only crime was to want to be more free than they were in their home land.
The PEOPLE of the Federal Government need to be chastised for restricting freedom to immigrants.
The PEOPLE of the Arizona state government need to be chastised for their horrible treatment of innocent people who simply want a better life.
The PEOPLE of the City Council of LA need to be chastised for lowering the standard of living for their citizenry and the standard of living of the innocent people of the land known as Arizona.
THE PEOPLE are responsible
As soon as Arizona can tell L.A. what laws they can or cannot pass, then LA can try and legislate what Arizona can do.
LA's Loss. If the federal government will not enforce it's own laws why be surprised when the states take matters into their own hands?
Without the cheap illegal labor, California would be in an even greater depression.
I am sorry I do not understand. I may be a little slow but if the illegals are taking jobs that should rightfully go to US citizens how is that helping anyone? Especially how is that helping the economy of Ca?
It doesn't help anyone, including the illegal aliens.
besides the fact that they are often willing to work in abusive work conditions. something has to change. if we're going to have laws, they must be fair and they must be enforced.
It isn't.
You understand perfectly.
Don't let em confuse ya.
So its OK with you if Pablo Cruz replaces Tom Cruise in MI4?
This joke might work better if everybody knew who/what Pablo Cruz was.
The Arizona law mirrors the federal law.
Why get upset at the state and not the feds?
The Mexican Consulate announced there's going to be a mass exodus of illegals from Az to other states. LA is one of there favorite destinations, and they're mad. Wonder why? Maybe it's the cost of the new cases of welfare they're going to be paying.
Once it passed here, they said they were going to boycott the state.
The ordered chaos is about to begin in the U.S. of A.
The damn politicians want what they want, business wants what it wants, and the citizens get screwed as usual.
What next? Hmmm.............
What next... is the left keeps inflaming and promoting racail hatred and bigotry. Till there is a race war. And the white people once again annihilate and enslave all the other races.
History just loves to repeat itself.
Oh well.
Seems to me you are one of the ones promoting racial and religious hatred and bigotry, right here:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Islam-Socailism … oy-America
Not to mention lies and misinformation.
I don't know about that. There were rather large protests against the AZ law. Al Sharpton himself flew out to participate. How were so many people gathered together so quickly in such a short time, in a state where 70% approve of the new law, including most legal immigrants? The protests were obviously organized by somebody, labor for one (SEIU) and Sharpton, who tried to appease his members which also are overwhelming against illegal immigration. The protests were rater violent as well with bottles thrown at the police, etc.
Put that all together with the fact that the protesters were calling the bill racist, I'd have to say they (which I think we can assume are on the left) were the ones promoting the racial hatred.
Your comment to my comment is completely out of whack, kind a like your individual way of thinking is.
I heard today on the news that Arizona lost out on the republican convention for 2012 because of the political atmosphere there, guess who got it? yep, florida. tampa bay. should be crazy.
maybe it will bring some traffic to our florida hubs.
We had the convention? Good God, why? The idiots we have running this place are enough. We didn't want a convention full of them. And I would sayy that agin, if it was the democrats holding a convention. Politicians suck!
Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Tampa were the final choices. They announced Tampa today. it will be a big boost to our economy. but lots of crazy republicans running around.
They definitely hung themselves passing this thing, but it got the attention they wanted over the border problem. Not going to change anything though. Brewer waited ti sign it, and I think it was to see if it'll be overturned. It should. I think that's why she signed it. Just another ploy by politicians to screw everyone around them, and make themselves look important..
Politics in Arizona are crazy. Napolitano, a Democrat, was the previous governor. The vast majority of Hispanics are Democrats.
The Tucson city council voted to challenge or not enforce the law. The budget deficit is such that the highway rest stops were closed by the state.
The San Diego City Council chose the boycott too. But all except for a guy named Carl De Maio all of them are legal gangsters. So if politicians are opposed It gets me skeptical. I lived most of my life in LA and these guys make Blago look like a Saint.
For your information, 40% OF LOS ANGELES IS OF MEXICAN DESENT.
We are a nation of the rule of law, the politicians keep telling the people.
You cross the border without permission ,you have broken the 1986 Federal Immigration Law and are subject to arrest.
The problem with the Federal Law is that our government's idea of enforcing the law is to catch an illegal alien and then sent the illegal back to the border.
No law that punishes the violator with the above can be take seriously and is a waste of time, taxpayer money and a violation of ones oath of office. The federal government is inept in doing the job. The Government and Congress are the problem.
Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 upholds the federal law with one exception, Arizona intends to enforce the law.
A recent article in a local paper stated:
Immediately after the law was passed the number of people visiting the Mexican consulate to apply for Mexican passports and Mexicans birth certificates for their US-born children jumped from about 20 a day to 100 a day, indicating that many people were considering leaving Arizona and returning to Mexico.
For those protesting in defiance of the laws and supporting those people who have broken the law need to understand that 70% of the people agree with the ARIZONA AND FEDERAL law.
The press and media have distorted the Arizona law. Check it out at foxnews.com/yourworld ,it's only 16 pages long.
In today's world it seems that right is wrong and that wrong is right, that's not the America that I know.
The Arizona law is NOT anti-hispanic. It's simply putting teeth into the enforcement of ILLEGAL Immigration.
Illegal is not a race... but the mainstream media doesn't want to cover that.
If there were 460,000 people wearing turbans living illegally in Arizona the media would be all over it like it was big news.
You either protect American Citizens or you don't. But lets stop the pretending that the only bad guys in the world wear Turbans and live in caves eating crickets.
The People of Arizona have a right to protect themselves and their property.
Thank you to the people of Arizona for standing up for all of us legal Americans who believe laws should be enforced. If I break the law, the government comes after me - why should illegal alliens be any different.
It's time to secure the borders and let legal Americans compete for jobs among ourselves. It's time for us to have to stop educating illegal alliens and paying for their trips to the hospital.
This is the nuttiest thing I've ever heard. Why would anyone boycott a state for upholding the law and keeping illegal immigrants out of the country? When are these illegals going to be punished or deported?
"I am sorry I do not understand. I may be a little slow but if the illegals are taking jobs that should rightfully go to US citizens how is that helping anyone?"
Ohma, undocumented immigrants actually create jobs as opposed to taking them from Americans. If this were not the case, at the height of the undocumented surge (before the economy collapsed for reasons having nothing to do with them) American unemployment would have been huge, and not the 5 percent that was seen as normal.
Jobs boom where employers know that they can get access to cheap labor, legal or not...just look at how the Inland Empire and other communities around California have boomed in size...and in the Inland Empire, the distribution centers that now cover former farmland employ a new labor force that is at least 50 percent undocumented. These are jobs that did not exist before...as opposed to taking jobs away from people.
The DREAM Act serves as both an excellent utilitarian and humanitarian tool for remedying part of the undocumented resident/immigrant issue for both the individuals and the larger American society.
In California alone it has been shown that there are not enough university graduates to meet the demand of business and government. The Baby Boomers are leaving us....
Through the DREAM Act, undocumented youth and adults could gain residency and a path to citizenship by going to school through university and/or serving in the military. They would have residency while proving themselves, and by showing honorable achievement and behavior they would then be afforded the opportunity to become Americans.
I see nothing wrong with this. It is a win-win for our economy and our society.
With this said, the Arizona law will throw a wrench in the implementation of the DREAM Act if it were to emerge from deep within Congressional committee and gain passage.
What a way for "conservatives" to take something potentially very productive and positive and turn it into something else...
"The Federal government has failed to act."
The Dream Act alone has been killed by "conservative" legislatures twice, if I remember correctly, and has had difficulty leaving committee over the past year. If "conservatives" regain control of the congress in November, this bill will again die.
Actions are being made, but the same people who back the Arizona law are the same who destroy the potential of the DREAM Act..
Talk about killing the idea of the American Dream...
Simplistic and misleading liberal talking points. Does the professor give you a cracker every time you repeat it?
Man. Liberal logic is so backward it is almost perverse.
Probably not...those conserves usually only like "Lock them up and throw away the key"...unless it's their own criminals that is, then it's "Oh that was in the past....fughetaboudit."
ANY good idea is squashed by them. And there are good ideas out there...every person in Congress is not an idiot, like they would have you believe.
They sure take an awful lot of pay for doing an awful lot of nothing.
Thats okay. Us American racists will get to Cali soon. Don't think we won't get around to chuckin those illegals out also. And that includes thier Mayor.They can keep pissin on our leg all they want. That will just make it that much sweeter when we do it.
And to all you leant leftist liberals, progressives, democrats and illegals. You better get used to the fact.
No More Amnesty!!
Deporting 12 million people isn't realistic, let alone fair. Even under the current system ICE is splitting up families, deporting people who have lived nearly their entire lives here and confining thousands in for-profit prisons in deplorable conditions.
I take it like Eric Holder, you haven't read the law either. The outrage over this law is "astroturf anger" by folks that wish to politicize a problems that is simply not being addressed by the responsible party, ie the federal government. This law was passed in desperation in an effort to get the feds to act, as they should in securing the border.
What would it mean to be a citizen of the United States, if as a country anyone could come here for any reason unrestricted and participate in all of the advantages of a citizen? Why would any of us want to be a citizen and pay taxes or participate in elections?
By not securing our borders, we devalue citizenship and we expose ourselves to possible terror attacks. Arizona currently is number one in kidnappings. Phoenix has some of the highest rates of crimes in all of the country, most of these perpetrated by illegal aliens that traffic in drugs or humans and deal in kidnappings. Many of the people that are smuggled into the country by "coyotes" suffer violence and abuse some are even held for ransom and many die in their efforts to cross hostile land without sufficient water.
Honestly, can anyone really support this abuse? Arizona has the right idea and hopefully the federal government will act to preserve the values of American citizenship, and to protect innocent people from abuse.
Ok, here's the deal. The Arizona doesn't make "new" law it doesn't even quote old law. It states that they will enforce the federal law, if you have a problem with the law you don't attack the Police do you? NO! you protest the law, by electing like minded people to office and changing the law. Arizona is just stating they will enforce the law, THE FEDERAL LAW. If the federal law changed then there would be nothing for Arizona to enforce.
And be honest with yourself most want illegal immigrants because they are cheeper to pay, you don't have to pay taxes on them, and they will do jobs most Americans feel are beneath them. So all this hullabaloo is because America needs a new bottom caste.
Not actually.
They undercut the wages for the jobs done by Americans. And both sides suffer from that. There are jobs that once paid 15 to 18 $ an hour that now will only pay Mexican wages of 8 to 10. That is a bad thing for workers o both sides.
Not to mention the jobs in China that pay 90 cents an hour and those in Cambodia that pay 20 cents an hour. Clothing manufacturing is moving from China to Vietnam, Bangladesh and Cambodia.
When the great wall is finished, and the 12 million illegals are deported, white Americans will be more than eager to apply for jobs picking lettuce and strawberries while moving from one disgusting campsite to the next to follow the crops.
Additional immigration laws seem very redundant to me. However, it's clear that the Arizona law is an attempt (as stated by others) to jolt the Feds into action. Deporting is the only option for the Feds at this point, because who is going to pay for jail time for prosecuted illegals? Who is going to pay for court costs? WE ARE. Obviously there needs to be some serious updating and revision about how to handle illegal aliens in this country. That is probably one of the key points that need to be addressed. What to do with them when they are caught so that they won't feel enabled to continue to trespass.
If the law smacks of racial profiling and is proven to be that, then it won't be long before the law is repealed. We are now a society that scrutinizes rights for Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig. But the point of the law is clear. And where Arizona does have a very high incidence of certain crimes, probably similar to LA and other cities close to the border, then there probably isn't anything wrong with "shaking it up" in an effort to improve conditions for American citizens.
"Liberal" "Liberal" "Liberal"
Sounds awful like "Marcia Marcia Marcia"
How is the DREAM Act a "talking point"?
"Conservatives" in the 1960's thought Civil Rights legislation were just "liberal talking points" as well..
It's funny how many people here write the same types of messages or argumentation found on the Ku Klux Klan web page.
That isn't to say people here are racists per se....but it just shows that their alignment would be with the Klan before it would be with us "liberals."
What tripe.
Man it is just a joke any time a liberal or democrat brings up the civil rights acts. Which were crushed into subcomittee by the dixiecrats in 1865-66 and and trampled down till needed to minipulate a voting blok.
The bigger joke is your ignorance of political history. At this point in U.S. history, the Republicans were the liberal party, the Democrats were the conservatives - States Rights, Jim Crow laws etc.
In that order.
To answer the DREAM ACT question as a talking point, let me re-phrase your comment from above as follows:
Through the DREAM ACT illegal aliens can gain citizenship (not residency as they are already here) by going to school using funds confiscated from American citizens. Or they could serve in military that already has more Americans applying than it can use (great thought, that - we really need a military composed of mercenaries).
I would certainly agree that it is a win for the illegal alien, but I question how the lack of funding for American students (that has been given to illegal foreign nationals) makes it a win for them? Or the person (myself) that has helped pay for the education of an extra-national criminal instead of a disadvantaged American? Or the American citizenry that now depends on mercenaries for it's military?
You put a great spin on the DREAM ACT, but it is just that - spin. No substance of the positive variety.
Whatever man. your liberal scholorship is BS. The dixiecrats crushed any chance of the blacks gaining rights, or the chance to vote in the south at that time. It is a matter of fact. you don't like it too bad. Of course if that taught that they would also have to point out the KKK being the terrorist right arm for the dems also.
Now, what's left of the KKK is the terrorist arm of the GOP.
Are you a democrat? If so, I don't think you want to be making any comments about any kkk stuff given that party's history.
Racist southern Democrats are ancient history. Now they are all Republicans thanks to Nixon's and Reagan's southern strategy.
In many ways this board reflects the same issues that plague our government today and showcase why they can't get anything done. Instead of focusing on the problem, they are focused on the politics, on how to get and maintain power. It's really not a difficult problem or a divisive issue. Secure borders or not?
Yes, the borders should be secured so far as it's possible to do so, and a reasonable pathway to legal status and/or American citizenship established for the 12 million immigrants already here.
All of them who meet reasonable criteria, e.g., no felony convictions, and completion of the requirements for attaining legal status or citizenship.
No amnesty. They can get out.
The back of the line starts in thier own country. Too bad.
12,000,000 illegal immigrants given a reasonable pathway to legal status? Are you serious? As an American Citizen, born and raised, I have found no such thing exists for me in terms of getting ahead in life. (speaking of reasonable pathways) Why should it be handed to illegal immigrants? Like a silver spoon?
Ralph are you saying that in all the South there is not one racist democrat?
What do you mean? A democrat, by definition, cannot be racist, violent, bigoted, or anything less than pure, unadulterated goodness.
No. I'm saying that nearly all the old racist Democrat senators, congressmen and governors have been replaced by Republicans. When I was growing up in Louisiana the governor's race was settled in the Democratic primary. Now Louisiana has a Republican governor. And I will concede that the current Republicans and not as racist as were the Eastlands and other Democrats.
The KKK is left.
the N.A.Z.I.s are lefties.
Socailists are lefties.
Mason.....you really need a history class...
Civil Rights legislation is a 1960's thing...the Reconstruction Acts are something else....they had to do with civil rights, yes, but there is only one era in American history known as the "Civil Rights" period...
The only whining I see on Hubpages is coming from the likes of you Mason and your own ilk.....
"whining"....."pining"....those words reflect your own statements....
For others, like myself, Ron, and Ralph here, there is the use of actual facts of history.....
"round them up boys"....."foreign idiots"......that sounds like emotion based, fact-less whining babble to me.....and you are one of the few doing it...
Good job living up to your own hype...yet again.
@ Ron
1- check your facts. Just dusted the acts off and passed them after supressing them for 90+ years.
2- As far as whining... we see and hear quite clearly who it is crying. From everything about AZ. to Healthcare. OHHH Waaa give us gimme give gimme.
Believe me it is well known which side of the isle cries victim all the time.
Show me the lies in the Socailism And Islam Hub. You cannot Ralph. It is all fact. Or as you two seem so fond of saying, it is history. Go read and learn.
Okay, I'm afraid I don't understand. Is there anybody here in favor of eliminating our borders and allowing anyone to come and go as they please?
Or is there anyone in favor of a secure border?
Forget about all the people that are already here. Which is it?
Well, I'd like to know...why now? Why not this uproar when Bush was pres? He didn't do anything to secure the border...all this stuff was going on. In fact, he and Fox were best buds.....
Also in fact, Obama has done MORE about this problem than Bush ever did. Hilda Solis is awesome! And they have targeted the right people, imo..the business owners who hire illegals!
But just as the tea-bag protests, and asking them, where were you for 8 years of the Bush administration?
Where were you people in Arizona for 8 years of Bush? What about McCain??? He didn't do anything to secure the borders...his solution involved amnesty. No big blow-out then.
Who is firing up this ruckus? Now, when it's been going on for a very long time. Hell, Bush even threw 2 border guards in prison for shooting a drug dealer, remember??
Not even a whisper from Arizona or the Repubs about that.....
Why all this anger now?
Actually Bush did try to pass comprehensive immigration reform, but there wasn't an appetite for it in congress or with the American people. He also approved millions for a camera system that didn't work to well and was finally scrapped.
I don't know why you're asking "why now", when this issue has been talked about for years. There has been plenty of anger, but the most recent anger seems to be over the AZ law and it seems to be the illegals that are the ones that are angry.
All that aside, are you, or are you not in favor of secure borders?
Yes, I'm for secure borders, but I don't know how you would do it, It's so massive.
And of course you know that even WITH security systems in place, plenty of illegal workers for corporations and drugs for the CIA drug racket ALWAYS get through! (geee, wonder why?)
Seems to me you are picking on the LEAST of the problem.
If they could make it at home they wouldn't be coming here....
Mexico has to address this problem, but also we have made it our problem by recruiting the cheap labor, and allowing American companies to go down there and ruin neighborhoods, pollute the place and pay slave wages.
And who did that?
Same as always causes all the trouble in the world...big money. big business. big greed.
Here's my solution: Let all the wealthy people go to Dubai and be waited on hand and foot. Live like Kings and Queens.
Then the rest of us can go to our respective countries and SHARE THE WEALTH THAT WE ALL CREATE.
Stop the CIA drug racket. Stop selling guns to anyone who wants one with no background check or anything?
As you can see, I don't know what the answer is....
But locking up families is not it.
NO man. We are not socailists. I for one will not be told by anyone to, "share the wealth". And we will not be locking any families up. There is still plenty of room in the back of the bus.
And gun laws are plenty strict enough.
We tried it already during the 20th century, many times over with the same devastating result.
I don't know....I think the Scandinavian countries have a handle on it.
Or maybe did have for a while.
There's just got to be a better way than having all the wealth float to a few at the top.
It's incredible to me that we accept homelessness and poverty in a "rich" country.
Here's something I heard on the radio today:
This man was talking about schools, and how where his niece lived, they had 32 after school programs for the kids, while in is neighborhood, the schools didn't even have enough books to go around.
This is equality?
Prison system....equality? HA! Favoritism, Racism and Classism.
And what will you do about the companies that hire illegals?
Where's the bus for them?
Man I have been saying get out for the past 40 years.
Where were you?
Neither I, nor America have ever been for giving illegals amnesty. Yet they have shoved thier shit down our throats over and over. Both sides have screwed us... over.... and over... and over again.
Now they can screw off.
No, I actually think it's more like this: A hubber named Williams posted an article that said the Republicans were orchestrating this brue-haha to get the illegals out because they see them as a potential votes for the Democratic party.
A big base of votes for the DNC, and they have to be booted out pronto, since Repubs want power back.
That makes more sense to me, because like I said, they did not cause such a stink over it when Bush was pres....it was a problem, but never did Arizona do this before...and the same gv was there, wasn't she?
Is she Republican?
If so, I think she got her marching orders from someone, and they all took it from there.
"They all" meaning the Republican Media Machine.
I am for secure the border(S). Notice the plural.
Then deport them all. Black, white, brown, yellow, gay, straight, other, undecided, etc..
If'n your illegal. Your outta here.
Why doesn't anyone look at the bigger picture? Meaning - illegal immigrants come to America from Mexico & other Central American countries because of their poor economies. Makes absolute sense to me. There is no way a person from these countries could ever save enough money to enter the US Legally within their own lifetime. Think about it. One Mexican Peso, right now, is worth $0.08 American Dollars. http://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html
The real issue here, is and has been, how to improve the Mexican Economy in order to save the Economy of the World.
It is Mexico's job to improve the Mexican economy. It is the US government's job to protect the US borders.
Where have you been for the past 25 years? We now live with a Global Economy!
Seriously, though. It's a worldwide problem due to the interdependency of the worlds countries.
The global economy does not obligate us to fix every basketcase country. It is up to them to get their $!#@ together if they want to participate in that global economy. Or do you want us to invade, overthrow their corrupt government, mercilessly annihilate the gangsters and drug lords and make a government for them?
I think his point was that if the Mexican economy were better fewer Mexicans would be sneaking into the U.S.
Yes, Ralph, exactly! I'm also saying it's up to the World to improve the Mexican economy, not the US alone.
If the Mexican government were more responsible fewer Mexicans would be sneaking into the US with the encouragement of that government. I hope they do improve their economy and their government. It would be better for the Mexican people and it would be better for us. We have proven to be willing to help, but in the end it is their responsibility. And no, whining about living next to a bigger, more stable and successful country is NOT taking responsibility. Shameless race-baiting is not taking responsibility. Using us as their relief valve for excess poverty is not taking responsibility. Dictating what laws our states can enact to protect our people is not taking responsibility. And certainly, masterbational, empty, academic theories about 'macro' effects of capitalism and competition is not taking responsibility.
Thier idea of improving thier economy is to siphon ours off.
I will say it again.
No Amnesty. Let them build thier own shitty ass countries up. We don't need to make our country into Mexico in order to satisfy the worlds whimpering.
They can piss off.
I agree with No Amnesty. However, I also realize we live in a Global Economy and since we do I don't believe the flow of illegal immigrants will stop or even slow down until Mexicos economy improves! Mexicos poor economy is tied to the rest of the world since Mexican Citizens are so willing to immigrate illegally to America rather than work out the issues of their own country.
Mexicos ecomnomy is capable of supporting and generating wealth for Mexicans. But the corruption is so rampant it will never happen.
They have alot of oil.
Where is all the money?
And that is just the surface.
You cannot help someone or a country. Who doesn't want it. They would rather come here and cry a little and be handed everything to be the good lil victims and vote democrat.
They have no impetus to repair and rebiuld thier own society, When they can just run here and be coddled.
Mexicans have to fix Mexico.
That is just an indisputable fact.
I would love to see Mexico up and runnin well. But.... I don't think they will ever try if we don't force the situation.
I've worked with lwagals and illegals. The best in school any of thenmm had, was8th grade. They don't even know the problems of their country. Not many even had TV's or newspapers. How can they fix, what they don't know? They just knew they had no work. Or, $1 an hour jobs.
I speak of Forcing It through World Leaders who dreamed up the Global Economy because it was supposed to be so good for us. A Global Economy is not a good idea when so many countries in the World are enemies or at War. The world is not ready for a Global Economy. There are too many issues within individual countries that nobody wants to fix or nobody knows how to fix them.
(America fought for Independence for this?? Insanity!! )
A 'Global Economy' is nothing new and has brought opportunity and prosperity to corners of the world that otherwise wouldn't have known it for many centuries on their own. Any misguided attempt at fearful isolationism would condemn millions of the poorest in the world to starvation, privation, and death.
oh misha so confused again : but wanted to say hi
kinda grumpy, better eat *wink*
My boyfriend is now howling at you magoo
now I'll go eat too
see you soon xoxoxoxo
Man I am an isolationist of.
I would close our borders and restrict trade right off the top. We do not need the rest of the world. America is perfectly capable of being self-suificient.
That is not to say there are not those I would allow to be a part of our economy. But it would not be socailist and communist countries. Those are parasitic economies by definition.
If we were to trade with them and in effect support them, as in the past, again. They would drag us down again.
You are like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand and thinking nobody can see its ass up in the air.
It would help if we stopped buying their drugs.
Also. The law is to be applied equally in this country. So what about all the people in jail for breaking the law. They should all be givin amnesty, if your going to give it to illegals.
Do we empty out the prisons? Should not all Americans recieve amnesty and have thier records washed?
Not a bad idea for all the people in prison for possession of small quantities of drugs and other minor, non-violent offenses. Thanks to the failed war on drugs and other excessively punitive sentencing laws we have among the highest percentage of our population in prison of any country in the world.
The "share the wealth" concept is a misconception, exposed by my hub on it. The ideology behind "share the wealth" is full of ambiguity and lies of political officials, so as to create divisions in citizenry.
Here's Obama's view:
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too... My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business, you're gonna be better off [...] if you've got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you, and right now everybody's so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
SEE? Not give to me from you, but have enough for everybody to make it go around.
As it is now, we have this creep Blankenfield(Frankenfield) paying 26 million dollars CASH for an apartment, while millions of school kids go to schools without books!
Is this crazy, or am I?
This is assbackwards, and people act as if it's perfectly normal!
ps; it's not. This was not happening when I was a kid...not on this ridiculous scale. Please tell me.....why does one person need 26 million dollars? How much sh*t can he buy?
And why do we let kids go to school without books? Oh excuse me...CERTAIN kids.
And how is this great?????
USA USA USA.......who's USA?
Our values have been perverted. By perverts. Just ask them what they do for fun. You don't wanna know.
Hey Lovemychris, just to let you know, I have a couple of hubs about those you speak of - Joblessness is one of them and Poverty Solution Revealed. If you care to read them.
Just a thought....
Sab and so many others keep saying "Mexicans need to fix Mexico"....
Well, it is hard to do this when your northern neighbor, the United States holds your nation's economy, government, and military in their back pocket.
Have you travelled to Mexico at all Sab? (aside from maybe the tourist spots?)
American Humvees, M-16's, flak vests, and union busting....remember the TLatelolco massacre? What was the American response to this blatant, murderous government abuse....did we boycott the games and show solidarity with the Mexican citizens who were butchered?
Perhaps, during the American Revolution (when Britain's property was being stolen by "Americans" the "illegal/traitorous" Americans should have "taken care of themselves" as you put it Sab...
Those French should have stayed home and kept out of it....Spain as well.
But, in the Mexican comparison, the people of Mexico want change, but instead of being like France during our own Revolution, we are making sure the elite are staying in power....
What a contradiction...
We want things "legal" in the U.S.....and we are founded on the most illegal of all acts that a person or group can perpetuate against their state....
When you're a traitor, what respect for law do you actually have?
"Oh, but it was because of no taxation without representation..."
Can it.... The American colonists paid less in taxes than the other English subjects living in England....
"But Britain was abusing its power.."
And the same American elites that came to power after the Revolution were much of the same who made vast fortunes off illegal smuggling and the like...
Criminals who would have been arrested, and probably deported back to their mother country if they had been caught...
It is funny how a nation built by criminals could become so "straight and narrow"...
But that is only an illusion...
you were ignoring us mike...
We know we were once all scum.
But you know we have to move on.
You know get over your failings and shortcomings and get on with life.
Now we are nice people, mike.
Too nice.
Everyone wants to take what is ours and we are just going to smile nicely and say, thank you.
What ever.
They can go try to fix thier own country.
We will fix our own.
Oh... And I am sure they will like it even les when we're done fixing it.
"Well, it is hard to do this when your northern neighbor, the United States holds your nation's economy, government, and military in their back pocket."
I said it before: Whining about your bigger, more stable and successful neighbor is NOT part of taking responsibility for their own country. Neither their whining nor your excuse-making will do one damn thing for Mexico.
"Perhaps, during the American Revolution (when Britain's property was being stolen by "Americans" the "illegal/traitorous" Americans should have "taken care of themselves""
And we did. If Mexico would display 1/10000000000th of the resolve of the American Revolutionaries their problems would be long since solved.
"Those French should have stayed home and kept out of it...."
The French would not commit significant forces until we had demonstrated that we could stand and fight with the British ourselves. We have demonstrated a willingness to help Mexico. It is up to Mexico to address the corruption, mismanagement, and human smuggling on their side of the border.
"We want things "legal" in the U.S.....and we are founded on the most illegal of all acts that a person or group can perpetuate against their state...."
Complete, off-topic nonsense.
""Oh, but it was because of no taxation without representation..."
Can it.... The American colonists paid less in taxes than the other English subjects living in England....
"But Britain was abusing its power.."
And the same American elites that came to power after the Revolution were much of the same who made vast fortunes off illegal smuggling and the like..."
If you think the American colonies should not have fought for independence that is your considerable problem. You can go to England (or wherever, I don't care) and apologize and beg them to take YOU back any time you want.
this just goes to show the world that the USA is not entirely the saint it claims to be, the world is watching
But wait a minute! that's illegal! Who would that profit??
Oh yeah...the prison industry..........lock up all the competition, sell the rest, have plenty of money for our "pet" projects...you know, like Iran/Contra....buying off Iraqi's, Afghani's, drug lords, politicians....yeah. we ARE quite capable aren't we?
Gee, wasn't Bush great friends with ole Vincente?
sly like a fox.
and deadly as a scorpion.
Ron Paul: "Dismantle the CIA."
It is good to be the top organize crime family at the table.
Mail out the fishes to our critics.
See who is funny then.
Crime doesn't pay.
Honesty is the best policy.
Never bite off more than you can chew.
woolman60: So what do you want? Open borders? Do we allow in anybody who wants to come here? This isn't about the Arizona law. It isn't about "boycotts." This is about people entering this country illegally.
So I ask again: What are you -- and others who share your thinking -- advocating? And don't reply by saying we need immigration reform. That's too generalized a statement. Immigration reform will take Congress years to debate. In the meantime states like Arizona are facing a deperate situation.
So to appease woolman60, let's open the borders to Mexico, Central America, and the world. Then see what happens.
(By the way, Arnold's proposal to eliminate $90 billion of California state debt will mostly target welfare recipients. And the majority of those are Latino many of whom are in California illegally. So now Californians will start boycotting their own state to protest. This is over the top!).
(Make that, over $19 billion -- not $90 b. But I'm still confounded as to what people want. We can't let in the world. Or can we?)
Of course we can. All we have to do is become another Somalia. With the amount of shipping on our shores we could then afford it. Living space might be a bit limited, but there's always Alaska!
""woolman60: So what do you want? Open borders? Do we allow in anybody who wants to come here? This isn't about the Arizona law. It isn't about "boycotts." This is about people entering this country illegally.""
I never said what I wanted, you just assumed I did, I asked what you thought, and you gave your answer!!!
It's a blame game and you know it, "debate, don't hate", and thanks for your comment and input.....
I may be totally wrong here; if so, someone please correct me.
Los Angelos has declared a boycott of Arizona, including travel and business with any Arizona based companies. Is this not a form of interstate economic warfare and thereby banned by federal laws?
Also, if the city I reside in does not use a low bidder there had better be a very good reason. Failure to do so has resulted in more than a few lawsuits. I don't really think that a statement to an Arizona business that "Well, Los Angelos politicians don't like the laws of your politicians so we won't hire you" would carry much weight in court.
I wish the USA would take of the sissy sally persona and start the whoopass already.
I disagree with L.A completely. States have their own rights and they should be respected. If L.A decided to legalize gay and lesbians getting married, and the majority of the citizens of Ca voted in favor of it, well than that state has the right to do so. Those who disagree with the passing of the law can move to another state. I'm sure you would have no problem with that! Yet Arizona tries to do what it thinks is best for it's people, and the rest of the country is all over them. It makes me furious! I have strong convictions as to why the LAW SHOULD BE ENFORCED, but plain and simple… Their state has the right to do what is best for their state as long as it does not go against the will of the people!!!(That is, the will of the people who are not breaking the law.)
There's a much bigger issue at stake here. I'm not sure what that is. Nobody on HP has figured it out. Nobody in the mainstream media -- including Fox News -- has determined what that issue is. But I get a creepy feeling that something big is looming in the shadows, and it has nothing to do racism, or profiling, or boycotts, or states' rights.
The White House knows what this secretive mission is as do certain members of Congress but they aren't talking. Is this a prelude to the Amero and a North American Union? Certainly the potential collapse of the EEU wasn't anticipated by the powers in D.C.
Regardless, the arguments presented by dissenters of SB1070 simply don't make any sense. Everybody is skirting the central issue, that tens of millions of people are entering this country illegally and then expect to be provided for.
Greece, and now California, have proven that a culture based on entitlements simply does not work.
"a culture based on entitlements simply does not work"
well said. Might i add, "government doesn't work" to that statement?
Sab....again, you try to twist an argument using your imagination and fail to see reality...
Honduras recently showed what happens if you elect someone into office that "is not approved of."
American trained School of the America's graduate/head of the Honduran Air Force creates a coup, arrests the nation's president in the middle of the night and flies him out of the country....to American dominated Costa Rica....
And while marked as a blatantly illegal act, completely against the constitutional laws of Honduras, and while President Obama even claimed that the president would be restored.....what happened....regardless of what the Honduran people wanted?
Did he ever come back to power?
Was justice ever done?
Who's weapons arm the Honduran Army? Where do their officers and staff get their training...from whom....
One of my close neighbors, and my mailman, served in the U.S. Army in the late 1970's and early 1980's....and he has told me about what he was doing in Honduras....
Human rights/labor rights workers are killed amid the "drug murders"...and are then not even mentioned....and, as before, if your government can get away with murdering, publicly, students and workers...
and the world does not call out....and there are no protests by "free, democratic" nations like the U.S.....instead we continue on as if nothing happen, and still have our Olympic Games and such....then what can be done?
In the past five years we saw the protests of teachers and students in Oaxaca, in southern Mexico, but what of this news?
Americans profit from a weak Mexico....they make huge profits in maquiladoras....where workers can be treated in ways that are illegal here....
Keep hiding behind your world of imagination Sab.... When one wears blinders it can be easy to see nothing...
You know mike... your right.
I think America outght to stop hiding it. We ought to just go back to the way it was. We war, we take and we own.
Just like ole Rome.
All the second raters can pay us a hefty tax... and then we can have that socailist dream of a country the left wants.
We would then be able to affor it. And.... it would shut up those who want to run around saying we are doing it behind everyone's back.
Yup. I am all for American Military World Domination.
And No. I am not kidding.
We should subjagate the world, before our enemies do.
Too late buddy, you are collapsing already. Pretty much like Rome collapsed. Or any other empire after it.
We are not an Empire so the comparison does not hold.
"Engdahl's newest book is reviewed below. Titled "Full Strectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order," it discusses America's grand strategy, first revealed in the 1998 US Space Command document - Vision for 2020. Later released in 2000 as DOD Joint Vision 2020, it called for "full spectrum dominance" over all land, surface and sub-surface sea, air, space, electromagnetic spectrum and information systems with enough overwhelming power to fight and win global wars against any adversary, including with nuclear weapons preemptively.
Other means as well, including propaganda, NGOs and Color Revolutions for regime change, expanding NATO eastward, and "a vast array of psychological and economic warfare techniques" as part of a "Revolution in Military Affairs" discussed below."
"Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order"
Review of F. William Engdahl's book
by Stephen Lendman
Global Research, June 22, 2009
An isolationist who advocates U.S. military domination of the world. Do I detect a minor inconsistency?
Man... Three government entities doing something retarded, and no one seems to see the forest for the trees.
The federal government seems to think that immigrants are evil despite the fact that we're all immigrants.
The state government of Arizona seems to think that it has the right to treat people like gutter-trash.
And the City of L.A. seems to think that it'll make everyone in Arizona and LA better off by starving its citizens trade to Arizona and it seems to think that punishing innocent Arizonans (amongst who are the illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants, the descendants of immigrants, and even white folk who disagree with racism).
Gotta love government!!!
Here's a hint: get rid of the government's power to act in such tyrannical ways and we'll all be better off.
Let's make sure we understand things properly:
1- LA is wrong to be doing such a thing: denying trade to all of Arizona hurts THE PEOPLE, not some sort of mystical entity known as "Arizona" - real people will suffer from this trade embargo, be it through loss of jobs or just through higher prices at the supermarket.
2- The politicians in Arizona are trash: they don't have ANY right to treat people like garbage.
3- The Federal government of these United States of America needs to open immigrants with open arms: who the hell is "Obama" or "Pelosi" or "Bush" or "Cheney" or any of these jackasses to be treating people who yearn for freedom and a good life like garbage? --- what? just because I came out of my mother on some hunk of soil known as "the USA", I have more of a right to freedom than some one else who was born in "mexico"?
...hooray for government... ... ugh.
I am NOT an immigrant! My ancestors were, but I was BORN in the USA by parents who were BORN in the USA, who were born by parents who were BORN in the USA.
Face it, after legal citizenship is established descendants born in the new country are BORN as LEGAL Citizens of That Country! At least that's the way it used to be....
And of COURSE you don't ANY right to treat the criminal who broke into your home, stole your TV and raped your daughter as garbage. Instead you must feed him, clothe him, school him, and provide his medical care. RIGHT!
Of course we should welcome all who would come to America! But who the hell are YOU to demand I give up the fruits of my hard labor to provide for them? I am not garbage for you to do with and steal from as you please!
I am not an Immigrant. And I am teired of hearing that.
I was born here... as were my parents, and thier parents, and thiers.
You can shove that... "We are all immigrants", shit.
That is just another liberal hog swallow.... I am not an immigrant. I am an AMERICAN!!!.
Too bad if you don't like it.
ANd you seem to be forgeting the word ILLEGAL.... as in illegal immigrant.
See how that works.
Some have claimed that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
I'd like to dispute that!
Very funny and fast Ron!
"The Federal government of these United States of America needs to open immigrants with open arms . . ."
Once again, in my eternal quest for truth and absolute wisdom, I fail to see what that means.
Welcome with open arms: Does that mean open our borders? And if so, to how many? Some people call these illegals refugees. But these "refugees" don't want tent cities and meals ready-to-eat only to return to their countries. They want the same rights, privileges, benefits, and quality of life that citizens have in the United States. And they demand this by merely stepping across an imaginary line.
I am extremely perplexed that proponents of illegal immigration take this emotional "racist" stance on this issue yet offer no clear-cut solutions. Politicians in Arizona are not garbage. They have a sworn duty to protect and serve their constituents. Arizona is dealing with cross-border incursions by private armies, a rampant drug trade, and foreign nationals entering illegally at will. American citizens are being killed and kidnapped. And where's the feds, who enacted legislation that was supposed to prevent this?
Now Calderon is having lunch with El Barack to protest Arizona's feeble attempts at defending itself. Yet Calderon and the Mexican Congress are fully responsible for this genocide. And genocide it is. This is little more than a systematic attempt to depopulate if not exterminate the lower classes of the Mexican society from the very country they love the most.
Yet Calderon emerges as a hero while Gov. Jan Brewer is depicted as a criminal.
If you are advocating open borders then have the guts to say so.
I do not agree with the use of the terms 'genocide' and 'exterminate'.
The fact is the illegal immigrants come to this country, obtain fake 'legal' documentation, obtain employment with the fake 'legal' documentation, apply for and receive government assistance with additional fake 'legal' documentation, send money home to their family who either use it to cross the border themselves or use it to improve their lives. All of this while over 26,000,000 legal citizens of the United States of America are currently unemployed.
What the Mexican president does is encourage this behavior rather than attempt to prevent it.
Yes, Calderon -- as did Fox -- "encouraged" these people to risk their lives, and the lives of their children, to flee Mexico for the United States. They provided maps and even water for the trek across the desert. Did the Mexican government use guns? No, at least not directly.
The point is that Mexico can do much more to provide for its people. But with the highly corrupt Mexican Congress at the helm, dictated in large part by drug cartels and corporate interests, Mexico finds it more expedient to send their uneducated and poor to the United States. These people are then brainwashed by toxic activist groups like La Raza into believing that they have a right to be here without even stopping for a health checkup.
The fact is that these Mexican poor are being used as pawns in a larger game of control and domination. Not only are they being worked at pittance wages by businesses large and small, they are being conditioned into being the next voting bloc.
Yes, this is a systematic attempt to not only depopulate Mexico of its poor but to get these poor amnestied before the next Presidential election in 2012.
Genocide isn't strong enough. Nor is my use of extermination. How many Mexican poor have died in cattle trucks, refrigerated semis, in packed vans? Why did these people flee a country they love? Just because they weren't rounded up as the Jews were by the Nazi, doesn't exonerate Calderon from the murder of his people. My disgust at the Mexican government knows no bounds.
Rafini 22
our government, president Obama, attoney general and congress has not enforced the immigration laws to the fullest. Catch and release is not punishment for breaking the law. Illegals have no fear that our government will act only because there is enough support in Washington for their illegal activities.
To start to correct the problem is to vote those who favor doing nothing to stop the illegal aliens out of office.
um, I understand that...? Is this really directed to me? and, if it is, may I ask why?
I agree 100% with Arizona. For one thing, I want a job!! A job that equals more than poverty level employment.
No, none of this is directed at you Rafini nor anyone else in this forum. Sorry for my outburst. There are just too many people in positions of power who have taken too many liberties. And innocent people have died as a result. Unless, as Jon Ewall suggests, we take action in November and again in 2012, this situation will only worsen.
Los angeles did a great job in boycotting arizona and their racist law.The papers,please law is racial profiling there is no doubt about it.I doubt police will ask for papers when a white person is being pulled over.To my disbelief i can't believe that 64% of americans support this type of law only tells me that racism is still rooted in this country.
Emotion without fact or reason is an empty waste of energy and usually leads to no good.
The law, in fact, specifically prohibits racial profiling.
The AZ immigration Law is 10 pages long ,check it out on foxnews.com/yourworld The public is being fed all kinds of inaccuracies by the press, President OBAMA, Union activists, and other Radical groups.
Attorney General Holder made all kinds of comments when the AZ SB1070 was signed into law. Guess what ! Erick holder admitted before a government judicial committee on 5/13/ that he did not read the bill ( 10 pages ) as yet.
I guess that's the way our elected officials do it in Washington, they read all the propaganda that the free press puts out to help them make decisions..
How about Arizona boycotting California by not selling them water and electricity. Tit for tat, let them be in the dark and thirsty.
They could go to a wine standard and maybe they can start pumping oil and create their own source of power.
The politicians tell us that '' We are a Nation of the Rule of Law ''
I guess the laws exclude them and other non citizens .
This law is flawed. Granted, it is opening national and international dialog on immigration, it is flawed. It puts our local police force on the front line as immigration offices, not as police officers. Secondly, and most importantly, this law is patently racist. We have a White Power Sheriff Joe Arpaio who has openly said "round up first, sort out legal status later."
This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Americans need to WAKE UP before it's too late. So after Gov. Brewer signs this idiotic law, she wants us to approve state tax hikes for public safety and schools. A very bitter pill.
"It puts our local police force on the front line as immigration offices, not as police officers. Secondly, and most importantly, this law is patently racist. "
If the federal government did their job the local police wouldn't have to and Arizona would not be forced to do it for them. And the law is not "racist" no matter how many Eric Holders who haven't read the thing cry that it is.
I would have to disagree, Dink. A while back we had the same national guard that is in Iraq patrolling the streets of New Orleans - a police job. Now we will have police enforcing a federal immigration law. You use the tools that are available and as the federal tools are made unavailable the local police is what's left.
"Patently racist" - it is not racist to allow police to enforce a federal law. While I expect at least some racism from the police doing the actual stops, the new law itself cannot be racist - it expressly forbids any racist activity and any officer that acts in a racist manner is guilty of violating the law.
On the bright side, the new law may eliminate the necessity for further monies for public safety and schools as 10's of 1000's leave the area.
The subject is illegal immigration and the present federal laws
The federal government's irresponsibility in not enforcing the law
The politicians say '' we are a nation of the rule of law''. The US constitution spells out the rights of their citizens.
Break the law and you will be punished according to the law. What is racist and why are certain people exempt from breaking the law?
What Arizona is saying to those who enter Arizona is that if you break our laws you will be punished according to the laws of Arizona.
According to the constitution, states have the authority to make law for citizens of the state. Elected official voted into office by the citizens can vote to make law.
If you or anyone don't like the laws on one state they are free to go to any other state.
The premise is '' you are presumed innocent until you are found guilty'' by due process of the law.
The Arizona law will start to be enforced on July 29th. That gives any illegal sufficient time to '' get out of town ''.70% of Arizonians support the law .
The federal government's refusal to enforce the law is inexcusable and indefensible. The government is the real problem not the state of Arizona.
Sab....I love how you continue to publicly show your own hypocrisy.
There's an article that I think you should read Sab...
"From Coolie to Model Minority" by Jan Junn
by tobey100 14 years ago
The Federal government has sued a sovereign state, Arizona, claiming its law and policy regarding illegal immigration usurps the authority of the Federal government and violates Federal Law and guidlines. At the same time the Federal Government turns a blind eye to those illegal immigrants...
by TheSituation 14 years ago
What do you all think about this one? Seems like some good fodder for my fellow hubbers.
by ptosis 14 years ago
How many states does it take to negate a federal law? 25 states? 35 states? Why not?Arizona Medical Marijuana is now law. That's 15 states now. If all 50 states were to have the same kind law - then should there should be a process that has the majority of states overriding Federal...
by tobey100 14 years ago
I support the Arizona Immigration Law and I'll gladly tell you why....I've read it. All of it. I've been slammed from every corner for supporting profiling. I always ask my critic, "Have you read the law?" the answer is usually a resounding yes yet, when I ask them...
by Sharlee 3 months ago
These statistics show that illegal migrants with criminal records have entered the U.S. under multiple administrations, with a noticeable increase during the Biden administration.NOTE --- Please consider that my original point is focused specifically on the deportation of illegal immigrants who...
by Doug Hughes 14 years ago
From CNN -Washington (CNN) -- The Justice Department on Tuesday weighed in on one of the most explosive issues in American politics, filing a lawsuit to overturn a tough new Arizona immigration law that has sharply divided people along partisan, ideological and ethnic lines.It also asked the...
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