I've read comments on nearly every War Story and over and over and over... the citizens are ignorant, the media always sides with Obama, and the REAL HERO's those who put their lives on the line... repeatedly loath Obama and his War for Profit Agenda.
"I was stationed in the late 90's under Gen. McChrystal at Ft. Benning GA. He was the 75th Ranger Reg. Commander. If there is one thing I can tell you is that he is the closest thing to George Washington that we will ever see. I can speak for all of us that served under him that we would follow him into a deadly battle. I wouldn't follow Osama Obama anywhere. Just remember, When Gen. McChrystal speaks, the thousands of men that followed him listen too. Rangers Lead the way!"
And this is the guy Obama is going to fire for speaking up and telling it like it is.
sorry, but everyone serving supports the President, regardless of their political leanings. that is because, to them, he is their Commander In Chief.
please don't make sweeping generalizations about our loved ones serving in the military. thank you.
Well of course, McChrystal showed the world what Obama and his admin are really like -- incompetent!!!
Military types trend toward Conservative. I'm sure they dislike all liberals.
It's not a liberal conservative issue... it's simply a money issue. There is big money in War.
People like to think that liberals are somehow against making themselves filthy stinky rich. They are not. They are just more deceptive than "conservatives" who like to flaunt it in the open.
I thought liberals were "giving away our hard earned money to lazy folk." And are "America haters"! And since I live in Georgia, I am not surprised at the conservative spin put on anything in this state. You can't sling a cat without hitting a member of the religious right!
What is the Libertarian idea of what our military should be?
Waiting ... once again ... to see if Mike will answer a direct question.
"What is the Libertarian idea of what our military should be?"
Practically nonexistent.
Real libertarians do not like the idea of standing armies and would like to demobilize 90% of our armed forces, keeping only what is necessary to patrol our borders and keep them safe from actual invaders.
Of course, Conservatives (who are not libertarians, no matter how much they give lip service to Liberty) do not want to cut defense spending, and nobody (conservative or otherwise) who has a base in their state or district wants to do that either.
I don't believe all libertarians today would want the military dis-banded. They are realists also and see the need for a standing army in this day and age.
Only the suicidal left like San Fran's mayor gavin newsome is espousing that, these days.
I do not know of too many libertarians which call for that.
http://civilliberty.about.com/od/uscivi … arians.htm
"Of course, Conservatives (who are not libertarians, no matter how much they give lip service to Liberty) do not want to cut defense spending, "
Has nothing to do with it. Its the Millitary. You speak "out of turn" regarding your superiors in public...and your a General? Yea, your done. Unless your superior is spineless....I guess there is a chance the "media" got it wrong too....
Obama would not fire someone that is the best man for the job. He says that all the time. Most likely he will send the General back to Afghanistan with a Public Relations Officer.
not so sure he is, but we'll find out tomorrow.
the article is worth a thorough read before forming an opinion.
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/ne … how_page=0
in response to the title of this thread, another blanket statement which is not true.
He already has a PAO....There is also two diplomats....There is more too this story than meets the eye. He's gone.
"It's the Millitary. You speak "out of turn" regarding your superiors in public...and your a General? Yea, your done. Unless your superior is spineless."
Yup, that's my assessment as well.
"Has nothing to do with it."
Yeah, that got a bit off-topic there. Sorry about that.
Some people in the military loathe Obama; some don't.
How do you know Obama is going to fire McChrystal? Do you have a plant inside the White House?
What McChrystal allowed to happen is a no-no, especially when soldiers are dying in Afghanistan. It's up to his boss to decide if it's an offense great enough to be removed from the job.
McCrystal is probably correct and completely out of order. If he doesn't get fired, Obama will be painted a paper tiger...unfit to lead. If he fires him, he makes a martyr, much like Olie North. This is what happens when you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to train someone for a extremely difficult and peculiar job, only to second guess him/her. In this case with the ideas of those that are impracticle and baseless.
History will show, Obama was hated by the US Military....WE HATED CARTER TOO!LOL
The "US Military" is not a single-minded entity. It is made up of individuals who have their own thoughts and ideas. To lump those individuals together and make assumptions about what they believe is insulting to them.
You wouldn't understand. It would be like playing chess with a cat. It proves nothing....and it annoys the cat.
I see. You have no way to explain yourself.
News flash: not everyone in the military loathes Obama.
Of course not EVERYONE. I interpreted it as a generalization.....a little context and nuiance.....Get it? No...didn't think so....
Try using facts next time. Then you don't have to avoid being questioned about your response. Don't worry about it though, it's a typical conservative fault!
Not a conservative. Try again. Every word of your accusations are what people of the left were saying during the campaign.....Now you turn it on the right, like a childish "tit for tat" game. NEWS FLASH....REAL PEOPLE ARE DYING FOR NOTHING! Not for you freedom, but to clean up some politicians mess!
I'm tired of both sides waffling around. To the left I'm a baby killer or a domestic threat when I come home. To the right I'm a coward or unpatriotic because I don't support the wars. All this by the real cowards who profit and benefit from the sacrifices of others.
Nice avatar...it suites you.
I have made no accusations other than the obvious flip-flop of the neocons. I am still for ending the wars Bush started, but ending them is so much more difficult than starting them. You may disagree with me because of your unknown party affiliation.
Thanks! Your Avatar represents you well, also!
If its so difficult why did he promise 120 days on the campaign trail? Either he was lying or out of his depth...you choose. Of course his new withdrawl date coincides with the next campaign season...purely coincidental I'm sure.
I would hardly say Bush started the war...mismanaged, yes. He inherited the results generated by 30 years of bad foriegn policy.
Do you really want to get into all of the campaign promises broken for the last dozen or so presidential elections? Do you believe everything anyone running for this office says? I was always under the impression these plans were what the office-seekers hoped to accomplish.
Do you expect congress to just say "well, okay" to anything the POTUS suggests? If so, I understand why you are miffed! "Read my lips........" LOL!
ETA I would say Bush intentionally started the Iraq war. He and Cheney had their own reasons. It was well know before 911 they wanted Bush to be a war time president so his office would gain more power. It worked too!
No new taxes...technically it wasn't a NEW tax...it was an extension of an existing tax.
But its a great comparison to a war the left called illegal.....and results in the loss of American lives. Nice going.
"Do you expect congress to just say "well, okay" to anything the POTUS suggests?"
"we have to pass the bill to know whats in it"
Wouldn't you agree that not all campaign promises are equal?
"Wouldn't you agree that not all campaign promises are equal?" Of course not, to you! You choose those which fit your argument! I take none of them very seriously so they are all equal to me.
Did you really believe Bush was going to amend the constitution concerning homosexuals? Please tell me you didn't!
Did Bush promise to change the policy regarding homosexuals? Clinton did though. This should have been resolved. Sounds like bush inherited that problem too. Again great comparison. Some one's sexual preference is such a life and death decision. And it's one thats made for you by your Commander in Chief. Got it.
Look, Obama is in a bad position. Regardless of why the Military is there, its there. He didn't put them there, he said he disagreed with it. He even said he would bring them home. To set an arbitrary date for withdrawl is enough to make the Military folks hate him. Large numbers will feel it makes them look bad. It's false bravado. The troops see right through it. Period. To end it abruptly simply indicates the NEW COMMANDER IN CHIEF is deciding to head in a different direction. Leadership they underdstand and will Respect. Waffling they will mock and despise.
Well there ya go....we got ourselves a TRUTHER...
On the contrary, I totally get it. You're mischaracterizing "the military" to further you own point. I hate it when people do that; it's a pet peeve of mine. It was a skill honed to a fine art by the previous administration and used against those who disagreed with the invasion of Iraq.
Nice of you to continue the tradition of using "the military" to further an argument.
Your mischaracterizing. Your confusing the Military's dedication to duty that compells them to follow orders with their feelings and opinions of those giving the orders. Unlike the previous administration I firmly believe that I can love my Country while disagreeing with my government.
Nice of you to USE the Military to further YOUR argument.
"History will show, Obama was hated by the US Military....WE HATED CARTER TOO!LOL"
I'm not confusing anything. You're just trying to wiggle out of what you did.
nice kitty....its my opinion. and I'm not "USING" the military to prove a point. It's based on personal experience. HE WILL BE WIDELY DISLIKED/HATED/LOATHED by VETS! It's just the way it is.
HE GOT 40% of the Military vote....The LARGEST in like 20 years! Let's see how it works out for him next time around. Again MINE Was a prediction! READ my words! Predictions are based on personal experiences(past experiences) and data available! GEEZE if you would listen and read, instead of trying to fit me in some stupid political box you would have understood....
60% is not the entire military, CJ! And these days those admitted into it are not as scrutinized for intelligence or ability as they were before Bush lowered the standards to be able to try and win the Iraq war. Also, because a majority votes in a certain way doesn't mean the correct decision is made, as many neo-cons say of Obama's election!
Obviously, the military vote does not decide for everyone, nor would I want it to! Would you?
Thats the point.... Obama, got a larger amount of the Military Vote. Most Democrats don't get nearly as much as he did. Watch how that changes as he runs for re-election. The Military has a unique culture. One you don't seem to understand. All I did was MAKE A PREDICTION!! GET THAT??? He will be HATED by the Military and VETS.
Oh, by vets. That is a little different in my mind,
I think of the military as career lifers. Of course they all become vets eventually if they don't die, but the two words put different images in my head.
Still, I don't see why I'd care. Vets as a group probably hate many things I support. So what ?
Yes, fascinating how you're using a generalization about men and women who die for our country just to further your point. Thank you for admitting it while still trying to deny it.
For the record, many vets don't hate their commander in chief, even when they disagree with his policies.
Your personal experience is just that, your personal experience.
Dead people don't hate. Your point is moot. Go to your local VFW, American Legion hall and let me know how that theory of yours works out.....Besides, I said "HISTORY WILL SHOW" That's a prediction.
LOL! Now, you're really making no sense. I haven't postulated any theory at all.
Got to you, huh?
I'll leave you alone now. I think you got the point even if you haven't directly admitted it.
Carry on.
I don't need you to condone my opinions. NEVER ASKED.
Sorry you are annoyed! Side-stepping the question, obviously!
I believe most in the Military are smart enough to see Obama for what he is.
Yeah, that too.
That is why they grin and bear it with honor and dignity.
And I don't really lose much sleep over what you think, Randy. but yes the amusement aspect of it is mutual, you are a funny fellow.
The difference is, I can tell the difference between the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! Not important to you, as you have shown on these forums, but to those who reference their contents correctly it makes quite a difference.
But keep trying, you might get lucky and guess right once in a while!
"The difference is, I can tell the difference between the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! "
When the horse is dead....GET OFF!
Of course not! But you are still confused!
I am no longer surprised at what you and KFC believe, TM! Still amused by it, but not surprised at all!
I wonder...are the mid-level officers still resigning in droves as they were under the last president?
"How do you know Obama is going to fire McChrystal?"
Well, there's a precedent. It happened to MacArthur when he made certain comments during the Korean conflict...
And don't forget Patton's problems during WWII! (My father fought under "Ole Blood and Guts)!
Yes, I agree there is a precedent, and it wouldn't surprise me at all of Obama fires him. But saying Obama is going to fire him is premature.
Of course he's going to fire him..... or at least he should. What does it hurt Obama? Think it's going to cost him the Military vote?LOL What does it hurt McCrystal? They are only going to relieve him of command....not fire him in a literal sence. They are going to send him home. He will retire and become a hero.....Like MacArthur, Patton, North. Hell he might even run for public office!
What are you saying a General speaks and you jump on the band wagon against the President, and the military "DOES NOT" loathe Obama. "GET YOUR STORY RIGHT".
Do a little research, the general is mad over strategy in Afghanistan and wants more troops and Obama said "NO", you want more troops over there then you run for president of the United States of America, which you seem to think you know how to run a country.
Lately, the neo-cons seem to be griping about Obama not bringing the troops home quick enough. When Dubya was in office the same ones were against ending the Iraq war. Now they are mad because Obama doesn't want to increase the number of troops? Didn't they once like to use the words "flip-flop" describing a democrat? LOL!
This is not a Democrat war this is a war started by the so called true Americans, known as Republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break we did not start this war.
Actually, this war was started by Al Qaeda cells supported by the then-government of Afghanistan, not by any Americans, Republican or Democrat.
Oh there you go throwing logic around....lol It's wasted.
He is mad cause his men are dying while Obama refuses to fight a real war. He has already said we are leaving. To keep our men there while the enemy knows we are cutting any day is retarded and a waste of American lives. This war is lost... we should cut and run already... we have already forfeited.
That is somewhat of a trick question.
I do not agree with the timeline or the ROEs, but he gives the orders and that is the order. So why are we staying there when there is no serious effort to win this war.
He quite... simply by ordering the with-drawment of forces by a specific date. you might as well have said just shoot at us till we leave... cause we are going.
And how did Dubya do any better? "I am not concerned about Osama Bin Laden at this time" Remember his denial of this statement? It was proven he said it though! Were you really impressed by his attempt to "get things done"? Oh, I forgot, you are an independent and not favoring the right! Sorry!
No I wasn't impressed with his attempts or his strategy in afganistan.
Have never stated I was randy.
If you want to know something just ask man... no need to be so snide about it.
So who did you think was the person who could have done a better job, TM? McCain? And if he croaked, then Palin? Ron Paul? surely not Obama?
You have got to be kidding me, this is a trick question right, of course Obama is doing his best, or can you do better?
Sure it was a trick question! I wanted to see who TM voted for! But for some reason he neglected to mention this. I am sure there was no better choice than Obama, considering the conservative nominee and his running mate.
None of the above... we don't get to choose the president... we choose between the two progressives they put up. Did you really think the last few elections were any real difference.
I would've liked to see someone like Romney if I had to have picked out of that bunch.
But again, it hasn't been our choice for years.
No mattter how much anyone complains about Obama, America has spoken and he is our president for better or worse, just as George Bush was, or who ever the next President will be. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
I still wonder what this is supposed to mean.
If the military does hate Obama does that mean I should apologize for my vote and hang my head in shame?
The vote was close. We can say that 20% or more are fools who really shouldn't be voting at all, and we could argue about which side has the larger number of ignorami, but no matter how we slice it, we have to accept that there are a large number of reasonably intelligent people who - gasp! - look at the same facts and come to different conclusions.
Given that, should we be hating anyone over political differences?
Well, the troops should really hate Romney! He's the one who was asked why none of his 5 sons had signed up to fight in Iraq, since he was such an ardent supporter of the "war".
He said, "They are serving their country by helping me get elected.".....
And I guess we forget easy...it was McCrystal who lied and covered up about Tillman's death. He didn't want to the military and Bush to look bad, remember? SCUMBAG! imo
Gen. Stanley McChrystal is prepared to submit his resignation at a meeting with Obama on Wednesday at the White House, two military officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
I frankly think that McChrystal wants to be relieved of his duty. It's the only way not to deal with these dunderheads known as the Obama Regime.
Maybe so, but if that's the case, the gentlemanly thing to do is to resign his commission.
That's what a lot of officers did during the previous administration.
I wouldn't compare the resignation of a junior to mid grade officer to that of a flag. There are statigic benefits to causing a "stink" so to speak.
During all wars there is an increase in desertion and resignation. The problem gets worse after 24 months. There are many contributing factors. For instance a unit operating out of its area of expertise. Example and expeditionary force serving as an occupying force. They get bore, disgruntled.....
The mid-grade officer resignations more than likely has to do with rediculous ROE's. These ROE's have not gotten better with Obama.
You're going to have to explain the TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) to us civilians if you want us to grok (understand).
Sorry, ROE = Rules of Engagement. These are the guidlines under which you are allowed to engage the enenmy.
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