Holder has to be the worst AG EVER!! He is the poster child for the corruption in this administration!
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art … QD9GMHAS82
The attacks of this administration is now becoming exaggerated to the point of ridiculous.
Yup. That's not the first racist thing Holder's been guilty of, nor Obama either.
Brenda, I saw a story on yahoo about a minister who is performing drive-through prayers. If you utilized this service, you could spend even more time making stuff up about the 98% of the population you hate.
The New Black Panther case was handled properly. Holder is clean as a hound's tooth. But he has been too hesitant to reverse some of the worst rulings of the Bush Justice Dept.
{sound of crickets chirping}
Perhaps your emotional exageration only resonates with you?
Worst ever? Worse than the treasonous Edmund Randolph?
I think not sir.
Holder isn't much... I would agree. But most people if you asked them about him wouldn't even know who he is.
Apparently.... and now I wonder if Obama isn't one also?
As long as the discussion is at a 4th grade level, as we used to say in the 4th grade "Takes one to know one!"
It only takes someone with common discernemnt and ears to know Holder's a racist, as is Obama.
Do you often return to 4th grade debate strategy?
If the "it takes one to know one" is the best way to determine who is a racist then the entire Democrat party is.
Democrats call everyone racist, well except for their leaders who have recently assumed room temperature, he's a hero!
Actually, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck et al and their ditto heads in this forum are the ones screaming racism, not Democrats.
I don't know what they are calling him, I don't listen to them. But usually anyone speaking against Obama or his administration is labeled a racist.
Sure its true, happens all the time, even seen it on these forums.
Seems I hear people calling Obama racist more often than I hear them calling those who oppose him racist.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/15/ … index.html
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-shepp … -president
I'm sure that you do hear the right call him racist and never the other way around, thats usually how it goes.
You said you had seen it said on these forums that those opposed to Obama were racist. I asked for examples from the forum.
No you didn't, you asked for examples, I gave you two. If you need some from this forum I suggest you go back a few days and find a post from lovemychris and you will see one from the forum.
I can't do all the work for you.
Let me rephrase that:
I mean I have seen those opposed to Obama call him racist more often than I have seen those who support him saying that those against him are racist.
You have insulted 4th graders everwhere.
Ahhhhh, the Beck-Heads have taken up the new propaganda assault!!
Make Obama and his administration the racists. White people are now the victims in this country. Right? Yeah, just ignore history, take a class with Professor Beck.
Are you talking about dropping the case against the Black Panther member?
Reprehensible isn't he?
Yet, the Tea-Baggers have been reprehensible too....and they don't carry sticks, they carry guns.
So why you allow it for tea-baggers, but not panthers?
Seems like this makes perfect sense...
We saw all summer long of tea-bags showing up at town hall meetings, rallies, etc with guns. And racist pictures of Obama...
Q: They weren't charged with anything...why the double standard?
A: Cause Professor Beck told you!!!!
We already know!! ahem ahem...professor Beckles speaking: "President Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people."
There, you see? He was starting on this propaganda way back then!
Meanwhile, a 22 yr old black man gets shot POINT BLANK by a white cop.....AGAIN, and we are to believe it's the poor poor pooor pooor white people that are being subdjugated?
Murdered Past CIA Director William Colby: "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
Keep swallowing the racist propaganda...race war is what they want. IMO
What should be done to correct the problem? Congress ( our elected politicians in Washington) needs to enact a ''government unauthorized alien enforcement act ''.President Obama and Ag Holder needs to be subpoenaed to come before Congress and explain why they refuse to enforce the immigration laws. One must wonder if the Senators could demand the answers to their questions as they do when other execs come before them.
Immigration Law
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them
against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against
domestic Violence.
Penalties -- The basic statutory maximum penalty for violating
8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(I) and (v)(I) (alien smuggling and conspiracy) is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or )…….. A mandatory minimum
three year term of imprisonment applies to first or second violations of § 1324(a)(2)(B)(I) or (B)(ii). Further enhanced punishment is provided for third or subsequent offenses.
‘’ We are a nation of the rule of law ‘’, without incarceration and punishment the law is nothing but a farce perpetrated on legal citizens.
A start for a solution to the problem.
1 Deny all non citizens government entitlements ( they will leave )
2. Deny birthright to children born of non citizens ( they will leave )
3. Incarcerate in open air tent city built near the border ( short trip )
4. Incarcerate penalty ( hard labor )
5. No new laws until borders are secured
6. Amnesty will not be considered ( laws have been broken and laws need to be enforced)
7. Any government official not enforcing the laws need to be fired and lose pension payments upon conviction
In Washington today it appears that wrong is right and right is wrong. The people must speak up only because our politicians are mute and irresponsible in not enforcing the law.
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he: assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any
US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
The Constitution is the foundation of our government. Each and every public official including President Barak Obama took an oath of office to defend the constitution and the laws of the land. Public officials in Washington continually remind us that '' We Are A Nation Of The Rule Of Law''.
President Barak Obama, Attorney General Holder and each and every member of Congress ARE GUILTY of aiding and abetting the law breaking illegal aliens who have entered our country without the proper papers. America wake up, it's time for our government to close the border, stop the catch and release program and enforce the laws with imprisonment according to the law.
PS There is an empty prison in Illinois for starters.
Dude...The people of the United States of America...Land of the free...Home of the Brave...is suppose to turn a Illinois prison into an internment camp for Mexicans?
There is a problem. But, there has to be another way. This is not an option.
Quite true. Obama is seeking a fair, practical, realistic solution to immigration issues.
NO, he is seeking a way to create more people who can vote for him because as it stands he has 0 shot of being reelected in 2012.
Practical? Ralph you know better, the republicans have already tried ammesty....3 million. It didn't work! In fact I would say that it only created 12 million more illegals.
I had to listen to this nonsense at my poker game last night. I kept my mouth shut and concentrated on my cards and ending up separating them from $20 and change (this is 10 cent ante poker, so that's a killing).
Of course these folks are old enough to remember the Black Panthers from way back, so they already wanted them rounded up and tucked away. Just the name alone gets them upset.
Cases do get dropped for political reasons, of course, but this just seems so far fetched..
People forget history and ignore the present.
The Black Panther Party had legitimate reasons to exist. As did The American Indian Movement. Those reasons are still here in certain parts of our society. The Justice system being one of them. Voting rights being another, as it was just 2004 when so many people of color were denied the right to vote.
Oddly, Traficant put in his required signatures to run for office, and 1,000 of THEM were discounted....
Keep stumping for the powers that be under the guise of being outraged and "taking back your country".
The country you want back is long gone. You can't put old wine in a new bottle.
"White makes right", "Might makes right", and "It's a Man's World" are ovah!
Until any of you have your rights trampled on, who are you to talk?
Ah, vengeance is what you're after.
Vengeance against people today who never did you nor your ancestors any harm.
Just like Obama and Holder.
Just like the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright.
In your hatred for people whose skin color is different from Mr. President's, you are, like Wright, and like the Obamas, calling for "the chickens to come home to roost".
How very mean your agenda is.
Uhm, it's not people who make the chickens come home to roost, it's God. Just as vengeance is his, remember?
The injustices of the past cannot go un-noticed. Every action produces a reaction. All those years of horrible evil cannot be erased as if they never existed.
They did exist.
People were massacred for their land.
People were bought and sold like cattle.
People were whipped, beaten, raped and murdered for the color of their skin.
You want to say chickes coming home to roost? I say Divine Justice.
God's Will.
Time to even up the playing field, FOR REAL.
No more black kids being shot point blank by police.
No more unfair bias in the criminal justice system.
No more ignoring the fact that so many people are not given an equal opportunity in this country.
This is not hate at all....it's saying "Come on, enough already!"
They already have all their rights, praise God! And I'm glad. They deserve them.
Everyone is equal.
Now no specific group has any reason to call for civil rights, and especially not special rights.
How come a white man can still kill a black kid and get away with a slap on the wrist?
This is the work of Satan, not God.
Only "special rights" that exist are for white people.
I don't know what you're talking about. Funny thing is, neither do you apparently!
If there is such an isolated case, then it's no more of a valid cause for your agenda than any other isolated case, some of which are white people being harrassed or killed by black people.
Do you suppose I should hold a vengeful focus on the street gangs (who were mostly black and still are) in the biggest city near me?
Do you suppose I should hold every black person responsible for those gang actions including all the drive-by shootings and killings of both blacks and whites?
Should I hold all blacks responsible for the gangster-style of dressing and the hateful radical rap "music" that has infiltrated our past several generations of youngsters?
Get real!
Slavery is OVER!
Denial of black rights is OVER!
Take your vengeance and hatred and control it yourself instead of spewing it out onto people who had nothing to do with slavery nor any of your current excuses for whining.
"No more black kids being shot point blank by police."
What about the ones who are firing at the police do they get a pass?
What case are you referring to? Or is it just anytime a cop shoots any one of color then they were murdered?
A former police officer who is white was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter Thursday in the killing of an unarmed black man in Oakland, California.
Johannes Mehserle, who was a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer at the time of the incident, was accused of shooting 22-year-old Oscar Grant on an Oakland train platform on January 1, 2009.
Sorry, i should have been more specific. To me it flowed. You said "Sure its true, happens all the time, even seen it on these forums." I said "examples?" To me that meant, on the forums.
I'm outta here, have writing to do no time for this...
Oscar Grant,Saun Bell,young man tasered to death in back of police car while handcuffed, Rodney King are just some who come to mind.
Troy Anthony Davis is schedules for execution even though there is proof he is not guilty, and a black friend of mine was framed for the murder of a white woman and sits in prison.
Also, just recently, that Chicage Police Sargeant Jon Burge was convicted of lying about torturing black prisoners for years. He was torturing confessions out of them. Had a special unit for it. He wasn't doing it to white prisoners.
80% of people convicted of drug crimes are black, yet they are only 13% of the problem. Whites do 72% of the drug crimes, yet are convicted only 20% of the time.
LEAP is an organization of police officers that want drugs legalized because of this injustice.
Ex officer Stamper says the justice system is a continuation of slavery.
Unemployment is higher in the black community. Shitty schools, poverty, violence.
And then there are the Indian reservations which are the poorest communities in the country.
What more do you want?
If you can't see it, it's because you don't want to.
There is such a thing as white priveledge in this country and you and the Fox network personify it. IMO
I'm glad your opinion doesn't mean anything to me.
Great post, John Ewall. Unfortunately liberals don't care about the law, they only care about "social justice" aka entitlements and trickle up poverty.
Equality of outcome for all. Welcome the Soviet USA. We'll be standing in a gray world warming our hands at burn barrels waiting for the government food truck to come by if this bunch gets their way.
I agree, this administration and the DOJ needs investigating for failing to enforce the law for purely political purposes.
Just like the former administration were followers of the law? HA! Breakers of the law more like it....with YOUR blessing no doubt.
You have 0 credibility.
Any one who doesn't call for the prosecution of the Bush administration is a hypocrit to the enth degree when talking of LAW.
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