If you haven't seen the video in the link below then go watch it now. It's only 4 minutes long but it Terminator parody to get out the vote.
It's definitely a push for Dems to get out and vote but what's your take on it?
I'll just say it I thought it was funny, and that it employs the same fear-mongering tactics used by (R)Inc. But could there be any truth to a future RepubliCorp?
Nasty ad.
I'll never enjoy watching that actress on House again. What a left-wing lemming! It certainly makes her look bad, a woman insulting a woman who's actively trying to change her Nation for the better.
I didn't find it nasty. I found it entertaining with valid fears of the future of this country. I'm by no means a lefty, I'm a centrist and an Army Veteran and I can see how the far Right is chipping away at our freedoms in the name of Patriotism and it's been going on for over a decade and at the same time they place the blame on the left.
I also see how the far left is also chipping away at the "core" values this country was founded on which can be found in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence"
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The values (as pointed out by Carl Herman of the LA Nonpartisan Examiner):
• All human beings are equal in value.
•God gave all human beings rights that no other person or group can remove.
•Inherent rights for all human beings include the right to not be killed, the right to political and civil freedom, and the right to do what one chooses as long as no harm is done to others.
•The purpose of government is to protect the above rights; no more than that.
• The only powers government has are those agreed upon by the people; no more than that. If government unlawfully kills, violates political and civil freedom, and/or acts outside the authority granted by the people, then the people are right to end such criminal acts and establish a new government.
People need to wake up and come to the center. "We the People" need to make a stand and understand that it's lifelong self-serving corporatist politicians on the left and the right that are destroying this country.
Do you notice that there are two distinct personalities of republicans?
One is the same old power hungry entrenched republican and one is a true conservative personality.
They are fighting for control of the party and the RINO's will hopefully be gone one day.
If it costs true conservatives time out of office thats a small price to pay to get where we want to be.
A return to fiscal conservation and a limited role of government would be nice.
Legislation for the sake of legislation is not good for either party and has done nothing but irritate "we the people".
Yes just as I recognize two distinct personalities in the democratic party. The Blue Dogs identify themselves as moderate-to-conservative committed to financial and national security but they too get caught up playing the party line in the name of politics.
It would be but unfortunately we haven't seen that since befor the first world war.
"People need to wake up and come to the center."
Yes, indeed! The problem is that the extremists somehow imagine themselves to be standing on the center line.
I'm not making this up. You've all heard Palin talk about the "Real America."
I'm sure there are extreme leftys who believe the same, and have said so, but I can't think of any. Can you?
' "We the People" need to make a stand and understand that it's lifelong self-serving corporatist politicians on the left and the right that are destroying this country.'
Agreed, but I'm not sure how to implement this strategy. My best strategy so far has been to try to find the most moderate candidate (regardless of party) and support the heck out of them. Do you have any better ideas? (Serious question, friendly voice, not baiting.)
love the way you see things richard, more citizens should have your perspective!
Ha! Pretty good but too close to reality for me.
Science fiction writers have been predicting corporate "nations" for 100 years. Frankly the East India Company was the precursor, so this video isn't really saying anything new. It is inevitable because the collection of wealth is and always has been what it is.
The upside of this video is that she is hawt.
We already have a Republicorp. Its called the federal Government Some times they are called Democrats and some times they are called republicans but they are all the same people
Agreed, but what can we do to prevent the Terminatoresque future which is parodied in the video? Should we do anything?
Are there not strong indicators that promote a corporatist economy which is the underlying element of a fascist government?
Fascism will sneak up on us here in America. There will not suddenly appear a Fascist Party but the parties on the Right will gradually move in that direction. History has given a blueprint oh how an open nation can become Fascist.
Germany, prior to 1933 had everything a first world nation would have, open news papers, celebrities, labor unions, civil and social organizations, etc. Do you think the Germans of 1933 would have openly accepted the initiatives put in place in 1942, "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question." Of course not, it wasn't even on their radar.
Can it happen here in the US? It is happening here in the US.
The End of America: 10 Steps To Fascism by Naomi Wolf is a good read and maybe a bit alarmist but it does make you think. It's been made into a documentary which I think is on Youtube in 8 parts.
well i always enjoy watching her. she was correct . the right is working to eliminate a middle class. all we will have then is the extremely rich and the poor. they want to eliminate minimum wage so they can pay people less than that ha ha ha i have voted already. just get out and do the same!
"the right is working to eliminate a middle class."
I haven't seen that goal stated anywhere.
Seems like some middle class people are seeking elected office.
Of course democrats like their elected officials aloof and out of touch.
The right, the real conservatives, like to keep their elected officials under their thumb doing the work we want.
Glad you voted and I'm glad it was nullified by 5 votes going the other way.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
ha ha ha you haven't heard that?, then just use your head jim.that's what most democrats do.try it!it will be something new for republicans in place of polemic radio talking heads. are you some fortune 500 owner? did you or will you be making over 250,000 a year? you have nothing in common with the rights requests. the only thing that the grass roots republicans has bought in the last year are a set of rims. . . for their house! there is no way that the two of you intersect anywhere except at the voting booth!
wages have remained flat while the bigesst profit margins have been realized and consumer item prices continued to rise since the 1980's.
i watch and see how fired up you are and i think this truly restricts your thinking and that is what they want.it's a shame that a pep rally can make people cut their own throats.when and if you and or any republican turn down the benefits of the new health reform and or policies i will start to listen to you . untill then, what you spout is nothing more than an emotional tirade of empty words!
The goal is obvious. Your inability to see it is expected, I suppose, but the facts are plain enough: the real forces here are the Kochs and Murdoch. All they want is complete freedom to do whatever they need to do to take all the wealth they can.
And you want to help them because they wrap it all in God and Country. Dance, puppet, dance..
"but the facts are plain enough:"
Yeah, there everywhere aren't they.
But its only liberals who have failed that see it.
And Soros is just sitting on the bench, Right ?
Sure, most hedge fund operators only have altruistic motives. (Ha ha) Wonder how much he made in 2009 buying up the collapsed terror and angst of middle America, wonder and wonder. Has Soros given those reaped capital gains of 2009 back to America?????? Hmmm, well he did give a million or so to NPR, what a cheap skate!!!! no doubt he's funding lots more with his well timed dough. I'm glad he was complacent to some extent, perhaps it was bad private polling , and didn't strong arm the media enough to twist the minds of most Americans in this election.
The 2 party system sucks!
I voted libertarian at the last elections!
There's so much under the table corruption existent in both parties that to vote for a candidate in any party is a vote for CORRUPTION!
Exxon is Republicorp!
All politicians bend down and kiss the ass of BIG MONEY!
Why isn't that obvioius to all of you?
We are ALL slaves to the power of the "buck!"
And Libertarians are not immune to the ass kissing.
There is no way to avoid the party system but voting the party line is not the way to engage either. Vote for the candidate based on how closely their agenda fits your agenda and keep the fire under their asses when they stray.
yes that is true but some help with the peoples demands more than big business. now it looks like soon that all politicians will dance to the music of the corporation, only! and soon it will be a us against corporations country, more so than ever before!
We are already there.
Corporations are in control.
The world banking system and the federal reserve are the rothschilds cabal plan to control world economy.
Politics, and "we the people" are its slaves!
we are heading in that direction. the huge old banks they are horrible. funding both sides of a war and stuff like that. but i mean here in america , now we have two parties. both receive some funding from corporations but one party leans more to the people. but now it will soon it will be only a corporate party period. then we can expect (not sure) but i know less pay and less safeguards! we are in agreement. the only recourse to prevent a fast downward spiral is to create an ammendment to the citizens united decision that forces transparency. then we can use our consumer dollars or lack thereof to try to get them in line.
That's an extreme view. It's not quite that bad!
Yes is is extreme and it will only get more extreme.
Never make the mistake of underestimating the power of human greed!
If the bank owns the mortgage on your home, it is in control!
China owns the USA.
Corporations own China.
Corporations CONTROL world economics.
The 10 major world banks and the Federal reserve are private organizations CONTROLLED by a cabal of the Rothschilds. (check their owners and boards of directors)
Those who control world economics control the future of humanity!
Of course there are uncontrollable metaphysical facets of mans character which could and may bring to an end, mankind, as it exists today.
Maybe you should check out EXIT or the Hemlock Society. I find your view of the country extreme.
Hi Ralph:
No doubt about it, it is extreme.
Humanity has taken life and its potential for success as a species, to a negative extreme.
I'm trying to figure out how my opinion, extreme as it may be, makes you think of the "Hemlock Society" and it's concept ref euthanasia???
Can ya clear this up for me?
Your pessimism about the present and our future seems so hopeless that maybe we should just "end it all."
Naw. We've got just one life to live. I'm enjoying this one.
I'll be dead, most likely, before the "blade" falls.
You've read some of my "stuff," so you know that I am, most definitely, pessimistic about the future of we human creatures.
I don't think we have one redeaming characteristic in our basic genetic makeup and the future I see sprawling before us is rife with "facts" that cannot be denied and which, in my mind, will take us to the brink of extinction within the next 50 yrs.
If complex man can survive the next 1/2 million yrs, the possibility exists that he may be able to sublimate his genetic propensity for the "kill," and become a successful life form.
Time has all the answers and there's still plenty of it left.
Unfortunately you are right. we are already there I just hope we have not passed the point of no return. If we are lucky enough people have woke up and will voice their intolerance for the fed and the business as usual politics we have been under for decades. This November 2nd is the greatest chance the American people have had in a long time to start the change this country so desperately needs. Its time we had fresh faces int he government who are not from the party!
errrrrr, have you seen any?
Extreme Republican is not my idea of a "fresh face". More like Been there-Done that!!!
That is not change. It is going backwards. A repeat of awful history.
We need to stay on the course we are on now. Only More of it. Unhindered by Corporate Interests....For the people, not the Corporations.
And all the right-wingers represent Corporate America.
Every single one of them. That's what I see.
Lovemychris, have you ever researched to see how much money Obama has received from big business?? Both the Rs and the Ds are guilty.
As I was typing this, I got a call from the DNC, urging me to vote straight democrat tomorrow. Actually, I'm voting straight Republican tomorrow - for the first time EVER. I always supported my blue-dog Democrat congressman until I wrote to him about the cruelties of horse slaughter and a pending bill that would prevent sending US horses to killing plants in Canada and Mexico. His response kinda freaked me out. His opponent is a conservative from my home town, so he's getting my vote, along with the votes from family members. On other issues, the two candidates' views are pretty much the same, so it was the horse issue that decided. I've found that people who have little empathy for animals often have little empathy for their fellow humans.
As usual, most of my votes will be for the "lesser of two evils." There aren't many candidates who think the way I do - I'm pretty much a fiscal conservative and a social liberal on many points.
As for the video, I thought it was kinda funny. But I thought only the GOP and the TP used scare tactics??
Horse slaughter? I didn't know there was a lot of wholesale horse slaughter going on. is this a big problem? Serious question.
I thought the video was entertaining but it also shows that the Dems really believe the future is doomed, not by conservatism but by Right extremism. Of course the Left extremism will lead us down the same path. Extremism on both sides will chip away at our culture and our Grandchildren will not recognize the America we grew up in. Heck, our children have no idea how much things have changed here since the 80's.
Didn't know about the horse issue, what did that congressman say that freaked you out?
I wouldn't let any congressman sway me to vote down the line. I'm an independent and vote on the individuals stand on the issues I'm most interested in. I wish more people would do that,especially in their local races. We owe no allegiance to any party.
HABEE- different pic or is that you? anyway the video was view from the direction we are headed. it was year 2057! by then the corporations will have had enough time to slowly take over and that "is" what you can expect.
also don't through the baby out with the bath water. if you want him out vote him out but you don't have to vote straight ticket. thats irrational.
the horse thing here in texas is bad people will steal your horse to take them to slaughter. it has been an ongoing thing and i don't think it's gonna stop with the next guy you vote in. infact he will probably say. it's freedom and some body is making money from it. to regulate it would mean more gov't and i'm for smaller gov't.
"but you don't have to vote straight ticket. thats irrational."
I bet if she was voting straight democrat ticket you would think that was rational as all hell.
Straight-ticket voting isn't irrational; it's just rather lazy.
I agree, if you can't take the time to get to know each of the candidates in your voting district then you are bound to make mistakes.
To answer your question above Jeff, the best strategy is start at the most local levels of government and get on board with the candidate that best fits your values.
The nature of my business allows me to associate with many aldermen of my city. Here in Chicago, aldermanic wards are run like fiefdoms and the Aldermen carry a lot of decision making power within their wards and depending on how influential they are, the entire city. I'm also a member of a few political organizations which have power in their own right by the numbers of membership (translated into political support) These associations give a strong voice, nudge, push, and sometimes shove to move along with the agenda we support.
For those that live in small towns, getting together with like minded individuals and forming a 527 political group can really help put pressure where pressure is needed.
Hi, Jeff. Yes, it's a big problem for those of us who love horses. Kill houses have been outlawed in the US, but they're still operating in Canada and Mexico, so thousands of US horses are purchased by kill buyers at auctions and shipped many, many miles to be killed. In Mexico, the horses are stabbed to death. In Canada, the horses are usually shot with a rifle, which is not quite as bad.
The shipping process itself is extremely cruel. Horses are crammed onto trailers and often go several days without food or water. They end up with broken legs and other serious injuries. Sometimes mares even give birth on the trailers, in the midst of all the other equines. The meat is shipped to Japan and Europe.
Like I said, on other issues, the two candidates are very similar.
Not to derail the discussion, but why the heck would anyone sell a pregnant mare for slaughter? Doesn't make sense to me, even if you're raising horses for their meat.
I had no idea that there were folks raising horses for meat in the US, though. Thanks for the heads-up.
Jeff, unwanted horses have become a HUGE problem in America. Many owners just can't afford to feed them, and most horse rescues are at or over capacity. Owners have few choices. If you take your horse and horse trailer to a show, while your horse is competing and the trailer is empty, you'll often return to find that someone has left an unwanted horse in your trailer. Sometimes owners "set them free" on roadways or in national forests and state parks. Euthanasia and getting rid of the carcass isn't cheap, either. Some owners just let the horses starve to death. There really are no good solutions.
I don't think people in the US are specifically raising horses for slaughter, but when they want to get rid of a horse, they sometimes sell it to kill buyers. Many auctions, especially those near the Canadian and Mexican borders, buy truckloads of unwanted horses. Sometimes the owners don't realize that the buyers are purchasing horses for slaughter.
"Lovemychris, have you ever researched to see how much money Obama has received from big business?? Both the Rs and the Ds are guilty."
Yeah, but Dems want to curb it, Repubs want business free-to-do-as-they-please.
And I am voting straight Dem.
The repub gv candidate here (Baker) says the 1st thing he will do is cut gvt jobs. OK..so then you have more people joining those already looking for jobs, because the business community has taken those jobs out of America.
And you have the same people who helped those jobs go, saying they don't want to extend unemployment for those whose jobs left.(Scott Brown) Now there will be more people needing unemployment, which the Repubs will block. ...as they say it makes people lazy.
This will mean families on the street...no way around it.
Meanwhile, the taxes on the very wealthy will go down, allowing their saving to grow, while the number of homeless grow as well.
So heartless and nasty. I can't stand them --really can't stand them.
They have used the gvt to benefit wealthy people and big corporations.
That is their base. And people just buy their CRAP about caring for anyone else! They don't!!!
Richard, I found his response very callous - something like, "It's just a horse. Owners can do whatever they want to with their animals."
Joe, that's hubby in the pic. I've heard that the horse issue was really bad in Texas. They're so near Mexico that it's easy to get the animals to a kill house.
"China owns the USA.
Corporations own China.
Corporations CONTROL world economics."
WHO are they throwing money at to win this election?
Says it all doesn't it?
Yeah. It reveals your inability to perceive reality.
great video. i voted mostly dem yest. most of my folks lost. the election results scare me. many of the winners ignore science and disbelieve man's effect on global warming. makes me think they are impossible to reason with.
Do you actually believe that AGW is legitimate science? Have you not paid any attention to the scandal of immense proportions the climategate issue turned out to be?
Seriously, anyone who believes in science NO LONGER BELIEVES THEM. It's been wholly corrupted.
climategate was overblown mega. it did not call the basic science into question. bet you get all your news from those non-fact-checkers at fox.
the union of concerned scientists, thousands strong, lobbies congress to deal with climate change before it is too late.
"makes me think they are impossible to reason with."
I second that. It's their way or the highway.
You can see that in their attempt to derrail this president and those of us who voted for him....they just can't stand to give us anything!
You're right. I refuse to give you anything. You need to earn it all yourself.
LMC, you ought to get on Airforce I with your man and go see the festival of lights. While you're there, ask him why he needs another vacation at a cost of 2 billion.
Uhhhh, we had an election in 08......we had a winner......we had a derailing campaign since 07.....
Undermining America...what your Repubs do best. This is NOT your fathers Republicans! Your father's had some honor among thieves. Not these guys.
BUT--we now have the blue-print...an election means nothing. And this mid-term doesn't either...
At least this much is true...Republicorp cannot cry foul at ANY dirty tricks--they have used them all.
It's crazy, isn't it? Same thing the Dems did during the Bush years. Just butt heads with the president. I think this new crop of freshmen conservatives are going to do things differently.
Bulloney. Bush got near everything he wanted. His war...which btw-was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
His tax cuts, his prescription medicare plan, his outsourcing of jobs overseas, his tax policies that favor the wealthy, Cheneys Haliburton getting all the contracts, Blackwater mercenaries privitizing the war...he got it all.
And NO ONE yelled LIAR at him during a speech. No one brought guns to his public meetings. No one called his wife trash.
These Republicans have brought our country to a new low...lower than low.
And they will get the same in return from this American.
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