Stupid is as Stupid does, the plan of the right in a nut shell

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  1. Stump Parrish profile image61
    Stump Parrishposted 14 years ago

    What's in a name? When you take the lack of education and common sense that is being so common place in this country, it's everything. Tke politics for example, We sarted out having Dems and Repubs, Then it became liberal and conservative and now it's the left and the right. Why is this a problem you ask. Well look at the. typical moron in this country that celebrates mononicity and you get this line of reasoning.Ya know Bubba I dun been thinkun that we has gots to be best for this country, cause we's the ones thats on the rite and that means them other ones has gots to be the wrong uns. I rekon I showed em jus how good I dun with my 6th grade edukashun.

    Same mentality works for the abortion debate. To be fair to both sides, the only way to label the two sides are Pro-choice and Anti-choice. By consistantly referring to it as por-life and pro-death, Bubba and his klan come to this conclusion. I'se for babies bein borned and I dont wanna have no bidness wit no peoples that wants to kill dem babys . If I is pro life they must be pro death and that mean we gots to get some of out dumbest kin to go kill them evil doctors who is killin dem kids of ourn.

    By constantly working to destroy the educations of all future children the right is making the job of leading sheep to the slaughter easier. They do this by raising dumber sheep. And they claim it is their right to do so and the whole kountry can kiss their ass if they dont like it.

    1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
      Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The terms Left, Right, Democrat, Republican, Conservative and Liberal have been around all about the same time. There have always been people who do not consider themselves Repiblican, but are opposite from Liberal. These people sometimes use the term Conservative. Have you ever heard the term Conservative Democrat? Or Liberal Republican? Probably not.

      Moving on, you mentioned that the right is constantly working to destroy the educations of future children. The government has no place in education. It has no Constitutional authority to have any say in education. It's primary purpose is to protect the people, (thats you and me) from crimes, foreign and domestic. Can you guess who started the DOE? A Liberal. Not just any Liberal. A Progressive, Socialist, Left-wing nut job (enough name dropping for you?), Jimmy Carter. Because of this, text books in schools today only teach one side of every major historical scene from our country's past and the majority of it is the sympathetic tree hugging side and the government, thanks to Carter, controls this.

      Now of course not all Liberals apologize to the world for all the "horrible" things America has done, but you see NO Conservatives, or "rites" sympathizing for this country's enemys. This is because we are Americans. You won't see many Jewish people sympathizing with the Third Reich.

      Lets see, what else is there....oh death does not have anything to do with abortion. Pro-Life is shared mostly by people who are Pro-Death. Pro-Death pertains to the death penalty.

      All in all, this is one of the most illogical and, for lack of better words, stupid posts I've seen. I have conflicting feelings because, it seems like you know more about the labeling of parties than the average 8 year old, but the way you formed sentances, has me thinking you either are very young, or very uneducated.

      It's clear you are from the north because of your stereotypical southern spelling and pathetic attempt to make fun of people who are probably much smarter than you even at the most uneducated corner down here.

      1. Stump Parrish profile image61
        Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        //Because of this, text books in schools today only teach one side of every major historical scene from our country's past and the majority of it is the sympathetic tree hugging side and the government, thanks to Carter, controls this.//

        I assume you are refering to the religious contention that we were founded as a christian nation. Right now it is the christian conservatives that are substituting their opinion as facts in our childrens text books. Historians everywhere claim what they are trying to teach has as no business being called history.

        They teach the theory of evolution as it is something that can be proven, not simply what someone wrote down 2000 years ago before they even knew there were dinosaurs, ect. If they want to teach creationist hogwash in schools they should be forced to teach the truth in churches.

        Lets see, what else is there....oh death does not have anything to do with abortion. It does when the right adopts the label of pro-life and the moral amjority assumes that means I an pro death because I sure isn't pro- life, ain't dat right Bubba?

        I agree with you that the words life and death dont belong in the labelling od the debate. It is pro choice and anti chioce, plain and simple. The problem with assuming that the right is on the side of life is made a little difficult when you remember that in 44 states in this country you can not be charged with a crime if you allow your child to die with lack of medical care. All you need to do is be a christian and claim you prayed extra hard for the little tyke but god said no. Are parents who kill their child with prayer to be considered pro life? They are christians and they are on the right, they are supposed to treasure the life of a child not kill it for, or sacrifice it to, god, remember they are pro-life.

        It's clear you are from the north because of your stereotypical southern spelling and pathetic attempt to make fun of people who are probably much smarter than you even at the most uneducated corner down here.

        I attended 5 years of schooling in the north and the the rest of my formative years were spent here below the mason/dummy line. I went to the public schools in SC and I saw the joke that education down here was and is. Dont preach to me about the level of intelligence that is common here in the south. I deal with it on a daily basis and no they ain't all that smart down here, in general.

        All in all, this is one of the most illogical and, for lack of better words, stupid posts I've seen. I have conflicting feelings because, it seems like you know more about the labeling of parties than the average 8 year old, but the way you formed sentances, has me thinking you either are very young, or very uneducated.

        I am 53 years old and the proud owner of a hish school diploma from the great state of stupidity, SC.

        Glad to prove you so right on so many of your guesses about me. Guess you most near as smart as you thunked you was. well, is you is or is you isn't?

        By the way, I'm  not being sarcastic here, I am being disrespectful and I will lend you a dictionary if you dont believe me.

        1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
          Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Again, I can't help but feel like I'm taking advantage of a person of lesser education.

          I'm assuming you didn't go any further than your HS Diploma. Probably a GED, but thats good enough either way, I suppose.

          I was not referring to any subject in particular. You just assumed that I was talking about Christianity and, to be fair, not all students have to go to a Christian church and listen to the things taught there, most children do however, have to go to public schools, and since you brought it up, its important to note that Christianity is severely disregarded in public schools. You say they should teach the truth in Church, but a public school house and a church are two completely different places. The church house is full of people talking of their own beliefs and opinions. A school house should not be biased toward one opinion or another. It should not avoid one part of history just because one group of people do not agree.

          I'm not sure what you mean by the 44 states comment, but it's common sense that tells me that if someone is suspected of murder, they'll be tried for murder. There will always be loop holes people try to take advantage of.

          Your arguments are weak and I really don't believe you are 53 years old.

          Last but not least, evolution cannot be proven. It's an opinion that is strong and a lot of scientists believe it, but the majority of the country does not. Most historians are indeed progressives and I'd like to ask that you give me a link or something, any hard evidence at all, that says historians everywhere are saying that what they (i guess by they you meant pastors and preists) are teaching has no business being called history. Everything is history you ignorant moron. That insult is now history.

          Grading an entire group of the country (south) based on a few people you may have met that were not smart is really immature itself.

          I pitty you and hope that one day, soon if you are 53, you'll wake up and realize that this is, has always been, and will always be a country founded on Christian beliefs. If you don't like it, as I've said in the past, go to Europe.

      2. Pcunix profile image83
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ayup.  And that's exactly what the Right needs: ignorance.

    2. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ridiculous! The left doesnt care about education... just look what's happening in WI today! The left only cares about power and privlege and they want everybody else to pay for it!

      1. Pcunix profile image83
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Nope. Just you. We want everyone else to keep all their money, even Limbaugh. This is all a personal attack on YOUR money.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    Well, I've got my bones to pick, and axes to grind, with some things related to the Republican party (no doubt about it), but in general, I'm Conservative.

    I'm right of center, so I'm nowhere near far right; and as far as education goes, I don't know about anyone else on here, but I've devoted several years of my own life, and own free time, working to improve education for other people's kids (not just my own).

    Anyone who reads my Hubs may not agree with some things I say or think, but I'm fairly certain most people would guess that I have better than a sixth-grade education, and that I'm far from "The Bubba Type".

    Some Conservatives called Clinton, "Bubba", when they wanted to put him down.  Some Liberals (and some Conservatives, for that matter) call Sarah Palin a "Bubba Type" when they want to put her down (and, actually, I have to confess that I see her as a "Bubba Type" , myself; but that's not the point  lol ).

    It takes maturity and intelligence to see that sometimes there's merit to both sides of any argument.  Sometimes both sides have their valid points.  Sometimes neither side has it right.  Whatever side someone is on, there's always someone else he can call "a Bubba type" when he wants/needs to feel superior and/or is not able to come up with a more eloquent and reasoned debate.

    1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
      Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      great comment. I just like the debate. I like the arguments on here. This guy is obviously intelligent enough to use a computer, I'm not saying hes an idiot, lol. Obviously I don't agree with him, but hey...its still a free country, I think...ha

      Won't be long if we continue to implement this current administration's policies.

      1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
        Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Just the simple fact that he thinks that conservatives think they are right and compare that to the label "right" wing. He clearly has no idea of the history of the words themselves.

      2. Lisa HW profile image62
        Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I love debate, but I only like it when it remains debate.  Once it turns into "heated, unreasonable, argument and name-calling" I don't have patience for it, and it isn't fun any longer.  (I'm not talking about the OP here at all, but just in general...)  You can't reason with an unreasonable person, so that makes reasoned debate impossible.  I'd like to see more reasonable and reasoned debate/discussions - not just on here, but everywhere.    hmm

  3. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    "Grading an entire group of the country (south) based on a few people you may have met that were not smart is really immature itself."

    Sorry, Stump, I have to agree with this part. I'm a Southerner, and I'm not stupid, ignorant, or uneducated. Also, my pals from "up North" have assured me that stupidity and bigotry do not have exclusivity to the southern U.S.

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You ought to see some of the stupidity, ignorance, and lack of education that abounds up here in Massachusetts.   lol    We have our share of educated people and intelligent people (sometimes, but not always the same people), and we have our share of people who have lots of solid common sense.

      Maybe it's just my apparent peace-seeking mood tonight, but aggressiveness, hostility, and arrogance comes in people on both ends of the "smart"/"stupid" scale.  It'd just be nice if people could debate without attacking or being arrogant.  Sometimes when TV news people interview people on the streets, I kind of cringe at how "low brow" a lot of people come across as "the average Massachusetts resident".  The thing is, though, people who come across as "low brow" are so often thinking, and very caring, people who have a lot of sense and aren't at all stupid.

      I don't like to see/hear people being arrogant or insulting toward others, just because those others may come across as "low brow" or "Bubba's" (lol - sorry, that "Bubba thing" just makes laugh..).  I guess in the North, maybe, it's "Joe Six-Pack"?

  4. Stump Parrish profile image61
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    SM, Your weak attempts to insult me are a waste of time and please by all means take advantage of my lack of education any time you like. You are quite observant there Sm, I assumed that when I mentioned that I was a high school graduate I kind of figured you might be able to

    figure out that if I had attended college I would have sais so. Good powers of deduction, I commend you.

    If the government has no place in education than you would have to agree that religion has no place in it either. If the government is to protect us from crimes both forgeign and domestic, I would think that they have the authority to protect us from the crime that the curriculumn the right seeks to teach our children as fact, has become.

    Which enemies are you refering to being symathized with, perhaps it's the ones the right helps create with every human rights violation it endorses in America's name? I assume that your definition of a true American is one who blindly kills any person their government tells them to with or with out a valid reason. Stealing the oil from Iraq is not a valid enough reason to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, in my opinion. You can try to justify it anyway you see fit to if that makes you feel better about all those dead kids. Kind of like the old indian saying in your opinion. Is "The only good Iraqi is a dead Iraqi" pretty close to how you feel?

    44 state comment is just what it says, the religious right has fought for and won the right to legally kill a child by with holding medical treatment if their god told them to. Mentally unstable people are permitted to make life and death decisions about a child. Makes sense to you doesn't it? They are also busy trying to get medical insurance companies to pay witch doctors who preform prayer healings at the same rate as the doctor would have received if they had treated the child. I'll bet the can't wait to get the call to treat someone who needs a heart transplant. $300K a pop is pretty good money for medicine show con artists.

    you said "Your arguments are weak and I really don't believe you are 53 years old." You are entitled to your opinions about my arguements and as far as your beliefs about my age go, I guess you aren't as sharp as you have convinced yourself you are.

    Evolution can't be proven you say and yet there is an awful lot of evidence that contradicts the scientific journals of 2000 year old sheep herders, correct?

    "Everything is history you ignorant moron. That insult is now history.

    Grading an entire group of the country (south) based on a few people you may have met that were not smart is really immature itself." my my just a little touchy aren't we. your ignorance is starting to peek thru, better cover it up.

    Those few people you are reffering to sure do have a lot of cousins here in Spartanburg SC. SC has consistantly ranked in the bottom 5 or 6 states having the worst education in the country. Now I assume you believe this means that the area is over run with geniuses, correct? Generation after generation of barely literate people do not add up to a smarter than average community, in the real world.

    "I pitty you and hope that one day, soon if you are 53, you'll wake up and realize that this is, has always been, and will always be a country founded on Christian beliefs. If you don't like it, as I've said in the past, go to Europe."

    I knew the holier than thouness would surface before to long. You act like you know what you are talking about and then you resort to the Wallbuilders manta. THis country was foundede by people and some of them were christians, no doubt. They had just lived thru an era od the kind of rule you feel America should have. religious rule and I people dont like it leave. So much for anyone but gods chosen people having been born with those right mentioned in the constitution. The fact that the uneducated are increasing and the majority of them are weak minded enough to need a super daddy in the sky, doesn't mean this country will ever be anything other than a secular nation, just like it was on the first day it was established. Your hoping and wishing it were different dont make it so.

  5. Stump Parrish profile image61
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Lisa, thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

    Sm, back to you I see, you posted "This guy is obviously intelligent enough to use a computer, I'm not saying hes an idiot, lol." right after posting this to me, "Everything is history you ignorant moron." Little problem with the memory there Sm?

    You also stated "Just the simple fact that he thinks that conservatives think they are right and compare that to the label "right" wing. He clearly has no idea of the history of the words themselves." I dont think those on the right who think they are right based on the label really care about the history of the words. They cant grasp that the history of the planet stretches back farther than 6000 years. I personally am more concerned with the presentr day use of the word. If you have such an interest in how words were used in the past, which of the numerous translations of the bible do you know to be 100% correct. Hint, it's a trick question.

    Lisa, I agree that unreasonable people are impossible to debate. I use humor in my hubs and if some dont enjoy my brand of humor it's not hard to avoid coming back. Some prefer to nit pick about spelling and grammar usage to avoid making a real contribution to a debate. Some like to sling insults they hope will wound the other so much he needs to see a shrink simply to be able to look at another computer. It seems I was right about Sm after all. look at all the judgements and statements based entirely on beliefs that differ from the truth.

    Habee, I know that you dont fit the mold of the typical southerner I poke fun at. You also know that you are not the morm in the south, at least in my area. I know that stupidit is found all across this nation but 7 out of the 10 worst educated states in America are in the bible belt. 8 of the least educated states in America are also in the top 10 most religious states. The more educated an area is the less likely that region is to be overly religious. Now I responded to a hub today where the author actually refered to Palin as a genius. This is a commonly held belief and that doesn't indicated a lot of intelligence. Intelligence that can be refudiated by someone living in the great country of Africa, anyway. Peace Habee, you know the disclaimer I post on my hubs, I always manage to offend people at some point, lol.

    1. habee profile image91
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe it's because so many of my friends and associates are high school teachers and college professors, Stump, but in my "group," I am the norm! lol

      Peace to you, too, Stump.

  6. Smkmdb11 profile image58
    Smkmdb11posted 13 years ago

    Loooong replies. Sorry if I don't read them all. I will address this though.

    The government has no place in schools. Religion has a place being taught in schools. If you by any means thinks that religion is controlling anything in schools today, I'd suggest attending a college.

    My weak attempts are fact-filled compared to your attempts at stand up comedy.

    The right don't control the text in the books published by the government, as a big majority of conservatives never supported the connection between the government and education. So you would have to agree that the people controling what our kids are taught are the people who wanted the connection in the first place.

    Face it, facts back me up. You can throw around insults at the south all you want and make friends with everyone but me to form a posse if you will.

    The only studies that have done anything on religion and education, also factored in the fact that in heavely religious areas, there are high concentrations of African Americans. Now I'm not being racist, but older African Americans sometimes never went to school and some of their children do not go to school now as the drop out rate is high.

    This is why people should do research themselves. I got this information from the huffingtonpost and I'm sure there is more. When a Liberal facts.

    1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
      Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "By consistantly referring to it as por-life and pro-death, Bubba and his klan come to this conclusion. I'se for babies bein borned and I dont wanna have no bidness wit no peoples that wants to kill dem babys . If I is pro life they must be pro death and that mean we gots to get some of out dumbest kin to go kill them evil doctors who is killin dem kids of ourn."

      "Lets see, what else is there....oh death does not have anything to do with abortion. Pro-Life is shared mostly by people who are Pro-Death. Pro-Death pertains to the death penalty"

      "I agree with you that the words life and death dont belong in the labelling od the debate. It is pro choice and anti chioce, plain and simple."

      You're still wrong. It's just pro-choice and pro-life. Those two pertain to each other. I wasn't talking about a moral issue here. Just pointing out that, since your a genuis, maybe your memory left you for a moment as it happens to us genuises often.

      1. junko profile image76
        junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        smkmdb: What is the right's plan in a nutshell?  Right or wrong what is the plan?  Nothing vague like making sure that the president has only one term or repealing Obamacare. What is the right's plan for jobs and the economy?

        1. junko profile image76
          junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          stump: I'm sorry I stop your thread.  I just asked a question.

          1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
            Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I'm not sure what the politicians plan on doing either way. I know that a Conservative would stop the useless spending and begin to reverse the process started by Obama. Repealing Obamacare didn't happen. It passed and there are federal judges who label it un-constitutional, but that doesn't matter in todays time.

            Either way, I never stated I knew the plan to fix the country. If I knew how to fix it all, I wouldn't be on here, I'd be in office now. "rights plan in a nutshell" was the term used by Stump.

            Stump - nice debate mate. I think I'm right and your wrong, and I'm sure you feel the same, lol. I'll give you the last word and leave this issue at that. Everyone says things in a debate and there isn't always censorship involved.

            Either way, have a good one. I'm sure we'll run into each other somewhere on here.

          2. John Holden profile image60
            John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Direct questions do have a habit of shutting them up. Takes them a bit of time to regroup and change the subject.

            1. Smkmdb11 profile image58
              Smkmdb11posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I believe he was mixing me and the author of the thread up as I did not use the term "right's plan in a nut shell".

              I'm not changing the subject, I just feel that this thread has gone on long enough, personally.

              Direct questions and facts, on the contrary, shut most liberals up. Facts tend to back up Conservative views. Either way, your late to this one John.


              1. John Holden profile image60
                John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Not in my experience!

                1. junko profile image76
                  junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  you might be late but you're right, John.

                  1. junko profile image76
                    junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    So, if one wants to shut down a good  liberal thread, boycott it. liberals are not together.  If want to extent a bad conservative thread, use it repeatedly to say anythink you want while attacking liberals. Interesting, by any means ...

        2. Jim Hunter profile image60
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "smkmdb: What is the right's plan in a nutshell?  Right or wrong what is the plan?  Nothing vague like making sure that the president has only one term or repealing Obamacare. What is the right's plan for jobs and the economy?"

          Limiting him to one term and repealing Obamacare is a good start to reviving the economy.

          1. junko profile image76
            junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Jim Hunter: are you paid a stipen or commission to write noise on hub pages?  I didn't ask you anything because you just can't make sense. All you do is agitate, in support of weak threads. Why use my post to make a paragraph, It's time for you to write another hub, jim hunter.

            1. Stump Parrish profile image61
              Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              junko, you wont get a str8 answer from jim about his purpose here in the forums. you will get an idea of his and lady loves convictions when you visit their profiles and find not one word supportting their forum statements.  Neither of them have the balls to stand behind their rantings and ravings.


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