Guilty or Not.

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  1. American View profile image61
    American Viewposted 13 years ago

    So there is alot of evidence reported by the media about the Weiner incident. So what do you think? Is he guilty or not and why do you have that opinion.

    1. Doug Hughes profile image60
      Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      It was a hack job explained here. … but-i.html

      1. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I respect your view he is not. But it would have been better if you used facts as evidence instead of a far left blog.

    2. Ralph Deeds profile image63
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Guilty of what? Maybe he should get a Titter account. Looks to me like somebody played a dirty trick on him.

      1. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        He sure is being slick about all of this. Funny he got an attorney before going public with his non answers. He dodges the questions so good he must have excelled at dodgeball as a young man

        1. profile image0
          Texasbetaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I could care less actually. Who cares if he did? The girl was in college. Is he married? Not sure. Did it work for him? If so, nice work. Try the "naked man" too Wiener. I am curious if that one works.

          1. American View profile image61
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            US security, the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA, basically anyone in DC. I do not think they want our countries secrets out there. I thought you once told me you get mad and defend the country? So why are you not mad? WHile sending a picture is not a big dealto me, he only needs to answer to the ethics commitee and to his wife. My concern is the fact his computer was hacked. Does that not make you question how safe the computers and Black Berrys are in DC? I knowm it has me questioning it.

  2. profile image58
    C.J. Wrightposted 13 years ago

    What would he be guilty of? Sending a picture to a girl? If you read the article Doug posted you can see that no matter what, the guy has an out. If the hack that is described in the article is real. This could have been done by anyone. Even the Rep himself. Either way, who cares. We have bigger fish to fry.

    1. American View profile image61
      American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      And if a Repub did this like shall we say Christopher Lee. Now as then Dems would be looking for blood. Dems screamed from the rafters over Lee and he did not lie. He admitted he sent it but Dems threatened to start an investigation, he resigned. Where is the ethics commitee now? If he was hacked(bull@@@t) then he would be yelling he was violated. You know that is true, check Weiner out on youtube. All he does is yell. And how does he explain all the twitters Wolf Blitzer confronted him with. While denying he ever met the girl from seattle, Wolf showed him a twitter saying he was going to meet her and posted the address in the tweet. There are many other Wolf confronted him on, he insists it is a hoax, a right wing conspiracy to distract him from his job. First the picture was not him, now it might be. Admit it, it is Weiner, he sent the picture. If he did nothing wrong or illegal, why not come clean? And what happened to the other 10 pictures that suddenly disappeared when this story first broke?

      1. profile image0
        Texasbetaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        True, that guy got railed on. It would basically be the same thing, except one had the actual picture of the guy, face and all...while the other appears to show quite a few indications of being hacked, and unless you have seen the guy's ween, then you aren't sure it is his. In fact, you still might not. I am not sure I could recognize mine out of a lineup, and I know it well.

        1. profile image58
          C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That argument is childish. They tattled and ranted so I'm going too as well. Don't get me wrong, I think he's probably lying. I also think his "I've been Hacked" routine is going to be believable if not factual or even possible. The point to me is that He's the LEAST of our problems. Let the People of his district decide.

          1. DannyMaio profile image60
            DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            it is New York, Rangell was caught and his punishment was apologizing! he then ran and won! you want the crazy liberals to decide? He needs to be outed and resign!

            1. profile image58
              C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Understand your point. Most people are NOT his constituents. It's not that big of a deal and it's certainly not a National Issue. If people around the nation cared enough to sling mud over the affair, they should care enough to write their own congressman and let them know to vote against any Bill that would benefit this Clowns district. That's not going to happen. People are just so darn easily distracted.

              Charlie Rangle is a different issue he chaired a committee that effected the entire nation. He basically was writing tax code and yet he failed to pay taxes! In that case I did write my congressman.

          2. American View profile image61
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            You are partly right. If this was only about him sending a picture, I could care less. He has bigger people to answer to than me, like his wife. Not to change the subject but I saw a picture of his wife yesterday. She is very attractive. What was this nut thinking? Ok back on point. To me the bigger issue is was he actually hacked? Not to clear him of any wrong doing but I begs the question how safe are the computers and Black berrys they all use?. Think about it, we may say oh he has no secrets, but look who his wife works for. The Secretery of State. Now she has some secrets. To me the true issue is our security. I put this question out the to see the responses and the mindless arguments. I was looking to see if anyone had the same concern about security as I do.

            1. profile image58
              C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              The idea that Government is getting involved with social networking sites is scary indeed. Only the top levels are allowed to do it, however that just means they can cause a greater leak.....

      2. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        I tried it and followed the directions for the yfrog account. It did not work. I tried it 4 times, it did not work. I am not going to say hacking is not possible, we all know with technology today, anything is possible. It just did not work for me. You might try it and get it to work. But all agree if he was on his account at the time of the hacking, as he was, hacking could not have happened till he got off. I cannot say if that is true or not. I am not a computer expert. To me what is important is if he was hacked, how safe are the computers on Black Berries that congress or the President use? Him sending a picture is an issue for him, the ethics committe, and his wife. Watch and see if he shows up with a slap mark on his face. LOL

        1. profile image58
          C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well, that may very well be. The site may have fixed the issue since it was posted on the NET. You may have not followed the instructions correctly. The instructions on the blog may have been incorrect. There are lot's of possibilities. The HACK described IS Technically possible. There have been many like it. Security is NOT the focus of social networking software. Availability and ease of use is. I warn all of my friends and family. You can put ANYTHING on the WEB. You CAN NOT take anything off the WEB.

          Keep in mind, I don't support this guy. I just don't think this is the argument American's need to be having right now. It's pure partisan crapola. If this guy's story teaches us anything, it should be that Social Media is DANGEROUS!

          1. American View profile image61
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I read that this morning that the picture option has been removed. I may have done that after the repair. I have always said it was plausable due to the tech of today I agree this should open Americas eyes on the issue of social networking. It should also open our eyes to security in DC. I guess Weiner was right about on thing, this story did create a distraction

    2. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

      Sending a picture of your junk to a woman is not very classy, but I don't really care whether he did it or not.

    3. KK Trainor profile image60
      KK Trainorposted 13 years ago

      If he were not guilty of sending the pic he would have the Capital Police all over it. The reason he doesn't is because he would be breaking the law if he reported something that he knew he had done himself. And he's exactly the type of Congressman who would be calling for a Republican accused of this resign immediately because he is a complete hypocrite. I don't care about him sending the pic, I care about him lying and being a weasel about it.

    4. DannyMaio profile image60
      DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

      Look how all these Far left hypocrites are! They believe him and post nonsense far left blogs as proof! what a f ing joke! please. You people need serious help. American if he was a republican they would be calling for his head! If you even read the articles from the left wing news it say rep weiner and then way down the page it mentions he is a dem. If that was a republican the Headline would have been Republican sent nasty pic to college woman. also why does he even have a pic of his weiner??? I guess you far left hypocrites refuse to even answer that? he is a newly married man and he has pics of himself on his computer? He hasn't denied it is him! fools

      1. psycheskinner profile image83
        psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Dude.  Chill.

        1. DannyMaio profile image60
          DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          of course chill one of your idols just made a weiner out of himself and you people want it to go away and claim it isn't a big deal. Well He is a big mouth piece of $hit. I live in NY and wish he has to resign like every republican did. He will not get the FBI involved because if a false statement that is a crime! even some democrats have said he needs to be honest here.

          1. psycheskinner profile image83
            psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I am not even American and certainly not a Democrat.  I just think froth-mouthed ranting is unseemly.

            1. DannyMaio profile image60
              DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Funny how you just direct it one way? Why not comment on the other side? It goes to show.

              1. psycheskinner profile image83
                psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I do.  But in this thread, up to the point you joined it, you were the only one frothing.  My stated position was not caring one way or the other.  The same goes for all politicians and all lewd but legal acts.

    5. Evan G Rogers profile image60
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

      It's amazing that one can be seen as guilty by simply saying "My cell phone got hacked. I don't want to talk about it anymore".

      I think this shows us that our media is just looking for a new scandal to post on headlines.

      (instead of reporting about some dude's junk, can we please debate why Gitmo is still open?)

      1. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        OK Even, but first I did not say at first he was guity. But when I saw the interview by CNN Wolf Blitzaer and Fox Chris Baier, there is no doubt he did it and has said several lies about it. Like I said earlier, I am only concerned that our national secrets are safe. Hacking is a crime.

        Now what you asked for:

        To close or not to close, that is the question. This has been a hard decision for the President and the Justice department. Perhaps if it was not a political position as well as a campaign promise, maybe it could be examined properly. Why is there a detention center on this island to start with. It was formed under the Bush administration as a place to hold captured suspected terrorists and process them. In this facility the suspects were to be questioned, charged and tried under a military tribunal for there alleged crimes. Controversy surrounds the treatment of the suspects. Accusations of torture, religious persecution, improper feeding, and more. With this cloud over the facility, President Obama tried to close Gitmo down and more the suspects to the US and try them in federal court. He was not successful.

        The United States spent a lot of taxpayer dollars to build this facility and the cost continues in order to keep it operational. Is there a way to offset the cost but keep the objectives behind Gitmos formation? Here is a possible solution. Is terrorism a United States problem? No, it is a world wide problem. Some countries take it seriously, some do not. The countries that do not take it seriously say they do. They arrest, convict and send to jail these terrorists. Then they release them several weeks later to resume their ways. Perfect example was the Lockerbie bomber. He was convicted to a life sentence but was released. If these convicts were in a special facility, they would never get back in service. So why not make Gitmo a world terrorism court and detention facility. All countries would be required to supply Judges, Lawyers, guards and other required personnel as well as operational funding. This would ensure that every country is watching each other, fair trials can be given in a reasonable time, sentences can be carried out and no one can be released before their time
        A Gitmo International Judicial System would serve the world with honor as well as performing their mandate with professionalism and honor.

        1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
          Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Oh, i'm sorry, i wasn't aiming my comment at you.

          I just overheard this story on NPR and was quite disgusted. They were like "ZOMG!! he didn't outright deny the story!! He must be guilty!!!"

          And I was thinking "ZOMG!! You're NPR, I thought you were better than this crap!!"

          1. American View profile image61
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I agree there are those who jumped to conlusions, those who will stay on their side of the fence and not care what eveidence there is or not . What he says is plausable given technoledgy today. But First denying the picture was not him, then changed his story to it might be but I think its a doctored photo. And not answering the direct questions when shown actual tweets he wrote, saying it was done to distract him from work. Sorry, writing those tweets show you were already distracted from work. And thats what we know. I have to say it does not look good for him.

            1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
              Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              well if "a change in the story after the fact" makes the person a liar, then I guess Osama bin Laden is still alive and Obama is a liar.

              1. American View profile image61
                American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                I like to read your resonses. some are very insightful. But I am sorry, I am not following you on that last one. I mean the two stories are not even close. Weiner said it was not him. He changed his story and now it has a different outcome. In the Bin Laden story, it is true that the details of the raid chnged a lot. But I do not think that was lying. I believe some people wanted to get the story out so fast they did not check their facts. Now despite all the revisions in the story. the outcome was the same Bin Laden was dead. Noone came out and said differently

        2. John Holden profile image61
          John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You really are having a laugh aren't you?

          Though it might work if Americans were excluded from it, but not in Gitmo.

      2. profile image58
        C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Or the Debt Ceiling. Or why if Operations in Iraq are complete, why are there tens of thousands of US troops there? What about the President's complete disreguard of the War Powers Act? The media has be nothing more than a distraction from the real problems facing America.

    6. dutchman1951 profile image60
      dutchman1951posted 13 years ago

      Dirt Sells, just keep digging, there is plenty of it, truth or fiction it does not seem to matter anymore.

      1. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sad but true

    7. Disturbia profile image61
      Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

      Well if his twitter account was in fact hacked, I think it needs to be investigated.  But do I care if Weiner is dumb enough to send out pics of his weiner and then even dumber to lie about it?  Not really.  What I just don't get is why so many people want to take pics of their privates, put them somewhere in cyberspace, and then act all shocked when they get leaked to the public.  Duh, if you don't want people to see your junk, don't takes pics of it with your cell phone and for heaven's sake, don't put it on the internet.

      1. American View profile image61
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You are right, Why do they do that?


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