Democracy and Economics?

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  1. Ruchira profile image77
    Ruchiraposted 13 years ago

    Does Democracy suffocate Economic growth?

    1. lady_love158 profile image59
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lol! Ask Cuba or Venezuela!

      1. John Holden profile image60
        John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What, like the US democratically screwing them into the ground?

        1. lady_love158 profile image59
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Riiight... the USA just goes around the world screwing every country, we live for that!

          1. John Holden profile image60
            John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You said it, not me.

            But then you deny the USs economic sanctions on Cuba over the last how many decades?

  2. Cagsil profile image73
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago


    Uneducated people make Economic growth to suffer.

  3. TMMason profile image61
    TMMasonposted 13 years ago

    What suffocated Cuba and suffocates venezuela, is Leftist ideology.

    Same as every other nation it has ever infected.

    You all and your psuedo Democracies and then you wonder why they do not work.

    Democracy is doomed to failure anyways... so couple it with the poisin of leftism... and sure enough you're dead.

    And America is not a Democracy.

    Though we have become a psuedo Socialist, (European Style), welfare state.

    1. Cagsil profile image73
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. TMMason profile image61
        TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        How you been Cags?

        I hope well.

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I've been well. And hopefully you're the same.

    2. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So economic sanctions had no affect whatsoever!
      In that case don't you feel a bit silly for applying them for the last however many decades?

      1. TMMason profile image61
        TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        They were the consequence, John.

        You wanted the cause... I told you leftist Marxian ideology was that cause.

        Keep up.

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Which at anytime since applied, could have been reserved by the republicans/conservatives, but wasn't?

          Placing blame on one side only makes the other side look foolish and dumbfounded as well.

          1. TMMason profile image61
            TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Have you read the earlier posts Cags?

            Do you actually know what we are discussing?

            Poverty in Cuba... there are no American Conservatives in Cuba.

            Castro was not and has never been a Conservative.

            I think you think I am saying the Leftists imposed the embargos... have not. have nmot spoken to that issue... simply the ruling ideology in Cuba since Castro and Che slaughtered and rithlessly tortured their way into power.

            1. Cagsil profile image73
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Actually, I've been following the thread since it was started.
              Poverty was not mentioned once within this thread.

              1. TMMason profile image61
                TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The OP said... "Does Democracy suffocate Economic growth?"

                I am sorry for taking this for meaning more than a new store hasn't opened in the last 70 years. (as far as Cuba)

                I will try to be more specific next time.

        2. John Holden profile image60
          John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The consequences of what?

          Being a democracy!

          Wow look, another democracy, let's smash it.

          Mmm, noble.

          1. TMMason profile image61
            TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Castro's cuba was no democracy...

            That is a joke... do you really want to stand by that obvious false statement/

            Castro's cuba is not now nor has it ever been a democracy.

            Only a Leftist Socialist could call Castro's cuba a democracy and keep a straight face.

            What a laugh.

            1. John Holden profile image60
              John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              But you said that Cuba's problems were caused by it being a democracy!

              1. TMMason profile image61
                TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                No... I did not... go back and read the thread.

                I did not say Cuba was a democracy. I said it was a failure because of Leftist Marxian ideology.

                You and Lady wwere discussing Cuba and Venezuela.

    3. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hm, the implication is there, my bad for taking it the wrong way. But read your reply in the context of what had come before.


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