Obama's Debt Plan- 3 Dollars in Taxes For Every Dollar Cut

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  1. lady_love158 profile image61
    lady_love158posted 13 years ago

    http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/ … increases/

    Really, and people think this guy is a genius? Why does he insist on making ideological proposals that even his own party wont support? This president is beyond inept and incompetent, he's moronic!

    1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
      Hollie Thomasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ladylove, where's the love?

    2. Quilligrapher profile image71
      Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey there, M'Lady.  I hope his finds you well.

      It seems to me that some forum posts are getting more humorous and are sounding more and more like Public Relations releases. It is hard to take them seriously when their constant din drowns out the really meaningful discussions taking place around here. I often wonder if some are being paid by the Republican National Committee to print this stuff?

      "People think this guy is a genius?" you ask. I don't really know if he is. He attended Occidental College, and received a degree in political science from Columbia University, an Ivy League member ranked 9th in the country. The President also graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Harvard Law School is ranked the second best Law School in America. Is he a genius?  I don't have those academic credentials. Do you?

      Citizens have the right to berate the President if it makes them feel better. But, a politician, regardless of his party affiliation, does not rise to the level of President of the United States and a leader of the free world by being inept, incompetent, and moronic. My tires may be worn and I may be a little slow on the upgrades, but even I know this. I call it common sense even though it is sometimes hard to find.

      It is obvious that the Republican Party will not do anything to improve new job creation while President Obama is in office. Their brinkmanship cost this country its S&P AAA credit rating and they continue to demonstrate an ideology of obstructionism that prevents them from helping their fellow Americans who really need help now. And I expect we will continue to endure thunderous criticism about how the President is the one not doing anything to help the economy.

      I am also amused that you support your rant with an article in the Washington Times that states, "Both Mr. Obama and House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, support broad tax reform with a goal of lowering tax rates for both individuals and corporations." So I guess if the Speaker of the House and the President agree on this issue then they both must be a tad "inept", "incompetent", and " moronic".

      I look forward to your rants, especially those that make me smile.

      1. lady_love158 profile image61
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well at least you acknowledged my free speech rights. First the president never published anything until he came out with his books, unusual for a person with his accedemic creditials, and there is evidence to support the view that at least one of those books wasn't written by him.

        As far as the aggreement between Obama and Bohener on the need for tax reform the parties couldn't be further apart in the way to achieve that. Obama wants to do so by increasing taxes 1.5 trillion dollars. Everyone from Kennedy, to Regan,  and even Obama himself has stated tax increases in a recession is not a good idea, yet that's Obama's plan! Obama said this isn't class warfare, it's math. I think math was not Obama's strongest subject.

  2. lovemychris profile image80
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    And what do Boner/Cantor/Ryan want?

    3 dollas in cuts for every one dollar in taxes!!!

    I'll take Obamas plan...he wants to tax the Uber wealthy FOR A CHANGE.

    Good idea.

    Coddling makes for Big Babies.

    1. Evan G Rogers profile image59
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      51% of the US don't pay taxes.

      You're literally demanding that our police force steal money from the wealthiest 1% to pay "charity" to the bottom 51%...

      ... and you're calling it fair.

      Theft is never fair, and this sure isn't charity.

      Obama's plan won't work -- again -- and our deficits will continue to soar.

      1. livelonger profile image92
        livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Not true.

        Look up "payroll taxes" please.

        And since payroll taxes are capped, they comprise a larger percentage of poorer people's income than richer people's.

        1. Doug Hughes profile image61
          Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Payroll tax & sales tax & gas tax & property tax.

          Everybody pays taxes - but the wealthy & some corporations pay less than their share.

          Correction - some don't pay in a big way. Look at these welfare queens.

          Profits: $4.9 billion
          Taxes: -$34 million

          *Fed Ex*
          Profits: $3 billion
          Taxes: -$23 million

          *Wells Fargo*
          Profits: $49.37 billion
          Taxes: -$681 million

          Profits: $9.7 billion
          Taxes: -$178 million

          *Verizon* Profits:
          $32.5 billion
          Taxes: -$951 million

          Profits: $2.1 billion
          Taxes -$72 million

          *American Electric Power* Profits: $5.89 billion
          Taxes -$545 million

          *General Electric*
          Profits: $7.7 billion
          Taxes: -$4.7 billion

          1. lady_love158 profile image61
            lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Corporations don't pay taxes their customers do.

            1. pisean282311 profile image62
              pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              that is why corporations dont need to worry...so it is pro republican plan...why worry?

              1. lady_love158 profile image61
                lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You really don't get it. Raising taxes on corporations hurts you and me because those "costs" are passed along as increases in prices for goods and services that we need especially for essentials like food energy and clothing but everything is affected housing banking and even medical services. When consumers have to pay more for things we need we have less to spend on anything else. Since the consumer is 2/3 of the economy spending less means lower sales and lower sales means lower profits unless you can lower costs by say, moving labor off shore or laying people off. Even JFK cut taxes to stimulate growth. If politicians are going to do right by the people and the country they'd cut taxes and shrink government but this president, these democrats don't care about people or the country, they care only about themselves and their power!

                1. Doug Hughes profile image61
                  Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  How is it that corporations are 'persons' in terms of unrestricted free speech (or the right to buy elections) but they aren't persons who should pay taxes.

                  In the health care debate 'my'  insurance company spent part of my premium to prevent reform - but ensure profits. How is that fair?

                  1. lady_love158 profile image61
                    lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    They didn't spend part of your premium to oppose reform, they spent it to shape reform to insure they remain profitable. Would you rather they go out of business? Well, obviously yes, you libs want the government to be the provider of all things. Sorry, ain't happening. All the libs will be kicked out of government in 2012.

            2. Quilligrapher profile image71
              Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Hi again, M’lady.  May I interject a few other observations?

              Your statement is not only absolutely true but it also reveals a glaring flaw in our system of taxation. Individual citizens can not avoid the burden of taxation by passing it on to someone else. After paying taxes, Americans are left with less for food, shelter, and other necessities. Wouldn’t be nice if they could pass their tax bills to their employers, for example, in the form of a wage adjustment?  But they can’t.

              Under our Constitution, corporations are recognized as entities with the rights protected by the First Amendment but without the privileges or immunities of citizens assured by the Fourteenth Amendment. They are “legal persons” who are not “citizens” of the United States yet they enjoy a unique status denied to normal people who are. They can pass the cost of taxes on their customers. As you can see in the examples Doug Hughes provided earlier, taxes are not a burden for corporations.  They have access to more tax avoidance strategies and loopholes then real people. The obvious advantages of this arrangement accrue to the benefit of the owners and management.

              But who are the owners and management who profit from this special status? When Edward Wolff, professor of economics at New York University and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, analyzed the total net worth of Americans in 2007, he discovered more than 1/3 of all privately held wealth was owned by the top 1% of households. The next 19% held about ½ of all wealth, leaving a measly 15% for the 80% of wage earners and the poverty-stricken at the bottom end. The importance of home ownership became remarkably more obvious when he examined the total net worth of Americans minus the value of their homes.  Then, the top 1% of households accounted for 42.7% of the wealth, the next 19% for 50.3%, leaving a paltry 7.0% of all marketable financial wealth in the wallets of the least fortunate 80%. (1)

              So here is a suggestion for settling what is fair by asking the wealthy to pay their proportional share of the nation’s overhead. Let’s examine the net worth of Americans. Add up what they own, subtract their debts and, subtract the cost of their primary residence. Then lets work for a tax code that collects 42.7% of all, not just federal, taxes from the top 1%. Let the next 19% of the wealthiest pay their share of 50.3% of all taxes. And the rest who just man the oars of the economy can pay their share of 7% of all taxes from their meager 7% share of the total wealth.

              There is one other fascinating aspect of this picture. The majority of all the conservatives who clamor for tax reduction legislation are not among the top 1% or even the top 20% of the wealthiest in the nation.  They are within the segment of society that stands to gain the least from lower tax rates. So, why are a sizable number of people pressing for reforms that will benefit those who are already far better off than themselves? Are they the champions or the lackeys of the wealthy?
              My thanks to you, Lady in Red, for enduring these echoes from an empty jar.

              (1)Edward N. Wolff, “Recent Trends in Household Wealth in the United States: Rising Debt and the Middle-Class Squeeze—an Update to 2007” http://www.levyinstitute.org/publications/?docid=1235

              1. Doug Hughes profile image61
                Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                1. lady_love158 profile image61
                  lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Wouldn't it be nice if no one paid taxes? I reject every one of your notions! First corporations not only pass their taxes onto their customers but all of their other costs as well because the very nature of a corporation is to return a profit to its owners. It's called capitalism and it embodies the freedom we all possess for us to engage in an exchange of goods and services. The fact that owners profit from their endeavor and the risk of their property is neither fair or unfair because without a profit incentive they wouldn't provide the things we want or need to survive! We all have the freedom to not engage in transactions with corporations, but we can't do the same with government when it comes to taxes.

                  Now your numbers of wealth distribution are all nice and all but again fairness isn't even a concern or shouldn't be. Fairness is a judgement depending on perspective.  Do you think its fair to take from others just because they have more than you? That doesn't sound fair to me! Suppose government didn't exist, no countries, no borders, no private property, just us wandering in the woods. Suppose I worked all day gathering acorns to store for the coming winter while you slept layed in the sun and bathed in cool water. In the middle of winter when you have no food how much of my acorns are you entitled to?
                  You see Q, it's about personal responsibility about working for what you want because that's all you deserve and its not fair to punish others for their success. That's the difference between America and other countries. We're an aspirational society. We all have a chance to become rich if we work hard and take risks and never give up. We don't believe we're owed a living, at least those of us that believe in freedom do.

                  Now let's not ignore all the benefits that corporations provide like jobs that allow us the free time to have these debates when we should be out gathering acorns! smile

                  1. Quilligrapher profile image71
                    Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Good Evening, Lady.

                    I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

                    Thanks for your prompt reply. You reject every one of my notions without addressing any of them.  I think it’s called a “straw man argument” when you dodge my statements by creating an illusion that you’re responding but actually you only replace my facts with other superficial and irrelevant issues. It becomes difficult to have a meaningful discussion when the subject keeps shifting.

                    I commented about the burden of taxes on individuals and corporations, who benefits from corporate tax avoidance strategies and loopholes, and the unique ability of businesses to pass the burden of taxes on to customers. It really isn’t important that you agree with my conclusions. A counter-argument should not digress but should address the facts I submitted:

                    1. Individual citizens can not avoid the burden of taxation by passing it on to someone else. True or false?
                    2. Corporations can pass the cost of taxes on to their customers. True or false?
                    3. Corporations have access to more tax avoidance strategies and loopholes then real people. True or false?
                    4. The obvious advantages of this arrangement increase profits that accrue to the benefit of the owners and management. True or False?
                    5. The majority of corporate owners and managers are among the top 20% of US households who possess 93% of all marketable financial wealth. True or false?
                    6. The majority of all those who clamor for tax reduction legislation are not among the top 1% or even the top 20% of the wealthiest in the nation. True or False?

                    If you find one of my statements to be untrue then please set me straight. I stated facts I believe to be true and I hope you will correct me if they are not. I err more often then I like to admit. However, there is no need to lecture me, a former business owner and a devout capitalsist, about capitalism or the nature of a corporation. None of your remarks seem to relate to what I said. 

                    By the way, no one cares if you agree with my conclusions. It’s possible to agree on the facts and then draw different conclusions. That's just the way it is.

                    I do hope you are having a wonderful evening.  I am.

                    1. Repairguy47 profile image61
                      Repairguy47posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                      All of the answers are true, and? You want real tax reform? Flat tax across the board, no tax breaks because you have kids or a house. No tax breaks because you have a business etc. Flat tax or quit talking about people paying their fair share, the only people doing that are the rich.

                    2. lady_love158 profile image61
                      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                      Actually I did address everyone of your "arguments". You published a bunch of irelevant facts to support your view that the rich should pay more because the current amount they pay isn't "fair".

                      As I tried to explain the role of government and taxes is NOT to create economic "fairness" but to fund government to do that which the people have consented they do as documented in the constitution. Perhaps what I wrote was too much for you to read, or perhaps the liberal brain us wired to recognize opposing views.

        2. psycheskinner profile image76
          psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Taking every cent of money or assets from the 51% wouldn't match a 1% increase in the top group.  Because, y'know, 51% of Americans basically don't have any money left over once they have paid for rent and food.

    2. Moderndayslave profile image60
      Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago

      The republicans have no answers and if they want to save tax money,BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW.But they cant because who holds the keys to the Republicans,  the Military industrial complex,,,and corporations. If you are going to talk the talk,,walk the walk. No they rather take some indigents medicare.

      1. Evan G Rogers profile image59
        Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ron Paul's been saying this for 5 years now.

        ...not sure if I've heard any prominent Democrats say this in the last year or so...

        The D's aren't the peace party anymore (neither are the R's).

        The only anti-war candidate is Ron Paul.

      2. Repairguy47 profile image61
        Repairguy47posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No, they can't because they are not the Commander in Chief. Did you miss that? It happened in 2008, the election where Obama was elected to be the commander in chief?

    3. Ms Dee profile image78
      Ms Deeposted 13 years ago

      Instead of raising taxes, what is needed is a revision of the tax code so that the rich cannot hide their $ in investments and escape with paying less income tax than their secretaries. This in itself would raise more revenue than the raising of tax levels.

      1. Moderndayslave profile image60
        Moderndayslaveposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Think of the money that would be saved from a flat (type ) no loophole tax system along with the lay off of at least 50% of the IRS.

      2. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ron Insana said the same thing.

      3. Quilligrapher profile image71
        Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi there, Ms. Dee.

        This is a really good suggestion for paring the national deficit. Now try to find support for such a plan in the current Republican controlled congress. Remember these loopholes and off shore tax shelters were designed by corporate America and enacted by Republicans in the Congress.

    4. profile image0
      lenzposted 13 years ago

      Do you want the debt to be controlled? Do you want social services to keep on functioning? Do you want the richest citizens to pay their share? If the answer to the questions is "yes" then you will encourage President Obama to go ahead with his economic plans. It's no good saying that the United States is a great country for those who want freedom to pursue happiness if you are not willing to work for the rights of all citizens to enjoy that freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. President Obama is acting responsibly to see that there is enough money in the national coffers to keep this freedom loving country strong.

    5. mathewshower profile image58
      mathewshowerposted 13 years ago

      A modern day Robbin' Hood.

    6. Hollie Thomas profile image61
      Hollie Thomasposted 13 years ago


      Although your rants are really amusing, and have no doubt provided much entertainment, this subject matter has been well researched. As a former student of comparative social research, yes that includes health care and how it is provided in countries other than the US and UK, I've learn't many things. Primarily, if I wanted to argue what I may think is a valid point, I'd try to qualify that argument with recent, scientific research. (from a credible source, believe it or not that excludes Fox news)  That's always a problem within the social sciences, because it's not an exact science.

      The WHO is but one source, there are many others. However, you may have to approach a university library for reliable, as reliable gets, empirical evidence. To question methodology is fine, but how so? Perhaps you need to expand on this? Do you have in depth knowledge of both qualitative and quantative methods? Where are the holes in their research?

      You'll also need a rather in depth knowledge of recent social policy in the countries of comparison. Stats of course and a reasonable understanding of that countries current and historical social and economic policies.

      You see, the thing is, I don't do any of the above and that's why I accept that my knowledge is limited. smile So, I listen instead.


      1. lady_love158 profile image61
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, that's why I haven't taken the argument further because you really gave to drill into the raw data and understand how WHO for example, qualified and defined health. There are many factors to consider when measuring the health of a population like the size, the age, the relative income etc. Then you have to assess the relative wealth and costs. Its a huge undertaking and the last time it was done by the WHO was.in 2000 when it scored the USA health system as 37 of 190 countries.
        Then there are other factors like medical research much of which is carried out here, paid for here and shared with the world. Are those "costs" included in the calculations?

        One need only look at the recent relevation of DOJ spending on food at several gatherings of 500,000 dollars, to understand a government manopoly can not possibly do anything for less.

    7. mikelong profile image59
      mikelongposted 13 years ago

      http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/06/ … SU20100623

      http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q … eRRjkvz5mw

      The poor Lady has to be spoon fed.... No matter, she won't read or rationally respond anyway..

      It is hard to talk sense with the deluded...

      1. livelonger profile image92
        livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I gave her a document before that she promptly ignored. And then 12 hours later, she indignantly asks for proof. hmm

        Well, I console myself with the fact that she's being paid to post here. Who knows what her actual thoughts are on this topic, assuming she has any.

        1. lady_love158 profile image61
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The google doc is even worse claiming an association between deaths and a lack of insurance on a single 20 year old study.

          Bottom line is you can not tie the health of the population to the health care system or to a lack of insurance. The best you can do is say these may be factors in contributing to the health of Americans. As for the costs per person, I'd like to see how it was calculated.

          So you've proved nothing except your inability to think on your own.

          1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
            Hollie Thomasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Bottom line is you can not tie the health of the population to the health care system or to a lack of insurance. The best you can do is say these may be factors in contributing to the health of Americans   

            Thats's not even spin, it's not even logical.

            1. lady_love158 profile image61
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I can always count on you for "enlightenment". Why don't you first try to define "health"? Then you might understand the discussion.

              1. pisean282311 profile image62
                pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                can u live with saying obama for a day?...guess u utter his name more often than his michelle ...

                1. Quilligrapher profile image71
                  Quilligrapherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Ladies and Gentlemen, Lady_Love158 has left the arena!

      2. lady_love158 profile image61
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The first article makes my point which you all have chosen to ignore:

        "Critics of reports that show Europeans or Australians are healthier than Americans point to the U.S. lifestyle as a bigger factor than healthcare. Americans have higher rates of obesity than other developed countries, for instance."

    8. mikelong profile image59
      mikelongposted 13 years ago

      Actually, Lady, one can tie all these things together... 

      You can try to deny studies, but all you'd have to fall back on are your failed talking points...(ranting points rather)..

      1. lady_love158 profile image61
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps one can but YOU haven't. When you do and you can provide proof let me know. Until then continue to spread your left wing lies.


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