This is the third time I am asking this. The second time more people said, yes. With all polls showing his approval rate dropping fast,that must mean more Hubber's have turned sour on him also.
What do you have to say, and why do you approve/disapprove?
I have never been an Obama supporter, and I will also never admit that McCain would have been better. I sure as hell won't say that Palin would be the right choice.
The simple fact is that both parties are the same. We're not sorry we elected Obama, we're sorry that a Democrat is in office. We're not sorry we eleceted Bush, we're sorry we had a Republican in office.
The simple truth is that the parties aren't different, and our only hope is to get a third party so that the candidates don't sell out. Our only hope is to return to the Constitution and actually hold our elected officials responsible.
Let's get rid of this 'incumbents get it eas' nonsense - vote em out BECAUSE they're incumbents (of course, unless you really like them *cough cough * Ron Paul *cough cough*)
If you have a choice of voting for the same two choices (in many cases it will be); what then?
I am so disappointed in him. He was suppose to walk on water...WHY HASN'T HE DONE IT YET. I'm still waiting....
He did trip on his words many times.
Take a look at what Obama is dealing with: 1- Being the first black president, 2- economy crisis, 3- health care plan, 4- the war in iraq, 5- death threats, and many more issues. I don't see many people having success at this time. Once we get untangled from this mess, I think he'll be a good president. He's got a lot of characteristics going for him. Patience, America. Patience...
Other than being the first black President those other issues are no more or less important than issues any of his 40 some odd predecessors faced in the White House. I mean let's get some perspective, none of these issues even collectively come close to the problems facing FDR or Lincoln or Washington or Wilson. And before we look at the War in Iraq, it is nowhere on the level of the wars Wilson, FDR and especially Lincoln had to deal with.
Obama's plate is full, but he wanted the job and knew what it was going into it so you can't cry that those issues are holding him back.
And to answer the original topic, I was sorry he beat Hilary Clinton, I don't think he was the Dems best choice for the White House because he had little experience and I was sorry John McCain seemed relieved when he lost which scared me more than anything else and makes me kinda happy he didn't win. We didn't have any choice in the last election.
The Party of NO is holding him back as well as some blue donkey Democrats. Do you actually think it makes sense to sabotage his every proposal and then criticize him for lack of accomplishments?
Sabotage every proposal? What world are you living in? The Dems had total control over the White House, Senate and House. They could have passed anything they wanted, the didn't need Republican help. The problem hasn't been Republicans obstructing the President, the problem has been the President's own party obstructing him.
That is a quite simplistic and innacurate claim. Until the past few years the Republicans and the Democrats could nearly always count on a few votes from the other party and to have a few members of their own party vote against their proposals based on their conception of the public interest or their own particular political considerations from their state or congressional district. More recently the parties have become polarized to the point where in the Obama administration some members of Congress have voted along party lines against the interest of their own constituents. Thanks to the Constitution that provides two senators from each state regardless of population and the Senate filibuster rule Obama has not been in control of all the senators in his own party, and he has received zero cooperation from the Republicans. Many of the greatest senators in the past-Vandenberg from Michigan, Norris from Nebraska, Brooke from Massachusetts, Johnson, McCain, and many others had good relationships with senators in the opposite party and were able to work out compromises in the public interest. This is no longer true. The Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats are running scared of the Tea Partiers. Blaming Obama for this is unfair.
As you know I am not an American but I visit USA often for long periods. I am also indeed puzzled at how he and his team are handling things. Or are they handling at all? I remember once while in USA many years ago, one of my French friend was saying "Americans sing so much about their two parties but very few realize that they have just two copies of one party". Some times, (now quite often) you feel may be his sarcasm was right. A little bit of this phenomena seems to be developing in most democratic countries. But looks like time being USA has championship.
I dunno if I responded to the 2 previous threads or not.
Anyway, I'll respond to this one.
YES I'm sorry the sorry Obama got elected.
I was sorry that people even let him Campaign, considering he made his immoral, unpatriotic agenda known in the first place.
My impression of Obama suffered when I heard his campaign rhetoric on what he intended to do when elected to office. As a result, massive layoffs in industries un- related to the auto industry, banking, and housing, for fear of government sucking thier profits and "evening things out". Downsizing became the norm, and unemployment went from bad to unimaginable. I don't think things would have turned this ugly, this fast, if a Republican was elected. I am sorry that, out of all the politicians out there, there isn't one I would trust with my garbage.
i did not or would i ever support obama. i am a conservative. do not think i am a racist. if my 1st and 3rd wives thought i was a racist, they would find me and kick my ass. obama is everything i hate in a politician. he's a socialist which i have fought against a few times. he is a fraud and could not tell the truth if held at gunpoint. he is condisending to all who oppose him thinking he knows better than we do on how to live. he is immoral and surrounds himself with tax cheats, terrorist(self proclaimed ones at that) and people looking to destroy the constitution i swore to protect. he demeans our men and women in uniform and he can't even pronounce their job titles correct.
I am not a politician or a political analyst just an American who needs to speak his peace. America is scared and the politicians need to know!!!
The United States has always been and will always have people looking for Presidential failures.
This is not exclusive to President Obama; therefore I don’t think it’s a race issue, because this failure issue has always been in existence.
What happens is it becomes a blaming match, and yes we see that every day during the Health Care Reform and any other bill that needs to pass through Congress. If anyone needs to be blamed, it is the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative branches of government.
There are differences of opinions in Congress and what solutions would work best on problems here at home and abroad.
Core policy and party differences, every President has faced. This is not exclusive to President Obama either.
This country was not built on its people lacking awareness and following in a blind stupor to a single man, whether it is Congressmen, Congresswomen or the President.
What I feel that scares the American people, is the politician and/or politicians who have their own agenda’s, not for the state which he or she represents or even the people who voted them into their positions, all they want to do is upstage the President, and are looking for him to be a failure at what he has promised the people of America. Then after everything they do, they tell all the American people, not just their state but all of America, what a failure the President is and scare us into thinking the President is bad for the country. A simple way to explain or compare what they do is this, “the weatherman tells the American public on national television, to expect two feet of snow, and everyone goes out and spends money on supplies, towns and cities give overtime, schools close, businesses close and this puts everyone into panic mode, then it never happens”. You may not agree with me but I am just trying to explain this in the simplest way I can.
Well I am not going to fall for the Republican tactics any more, and here is why. After hearing the Republicans this week with the President, I have come to a conclusion that the Republicans are trying to make the President look like a failure.
The Republicans are strange, controlling, mean spirited and disrespectful people, not to say some Democrats are not, but Republicans stand out more at this time. I see the Republicans in Washington as “Hardcore Republicans “with their own agenda’s, and it seems to me that the Republicans, show more prejudice and disrespect towards the President, and I wonder if this is because they lost control of the country since President Obama has been voted in by the “American People”.
The President’s plan for better health care in America is to provide quality, affordable and portable coverage for all. He plans to make available a new national health plan to all U.S. citizens, which will include the self-employed and small businesses.
I have spoken my peace and I hope people will take time to think before they react, I respect everyone’s thoughts and I know some of you will not understand or even care for mine, however all I am trying to say is lets not make failure our only option in America, lets work together as one to do what is right for all Americans.
"America is scared and the politicians need to know!!!"
America is not scared. Many Americans are angry right now at the arrogant SOBs in Washington who think they know better and will therefore force us to 'take our medicine,' The "just sit down, shut up, and do what we tell you - you'll understand later," attitude does not sit well with Americans.
Yes... that mentality of George W (my way or the highway) is one of the reasons why Obama was elected into the office.
I'm not sorry, every once in a while you have to elect someone completely incompetent to show how much a bad idea it really was to vote for someone because the media told you too!
So true, you had Bush the incompetent and nonsense seamed like sense. Now sense seam like nonsense, it's so confusing, after having Bush as president, the fool that fool the fool. My head is starting to hurt
If someone is incompetent enough to get elected president, what does that say about your competence?
Being snookered has nothing to do with being incompetent Q. Incompetent people fool others all the time.
Where do you live? How are politics in your part of the world? Hopefully you are not having to deal with a bunch of mean, dumbass conservos who know nothing and pretend to know all.
I am a Centrist, but these days liberal's call me a conservative. Both Parties have moved left, check it out.
So, Mr. Chasing, you really only have the one thing to say on any subject, is that it? I think we get it by now: you don't like conservatives. Check. Move on.
I didn't vote for him so my opinion of him hasn't changed... well okay maybe I do think less of him now after learning more about him and seeing him in action. He's a disaster for this country, as I had expected, though the degree and speed with which he's destroying this nation is beyond what even I believed possible!
That's only because he has the House and the Senate. Without them he would be the nothing he is.
No, I'm only sorry I didn't vote for him. I will add my vote to his landslide victory over whichever teabagger runs against him in 2012.
When you look at the people he pisses off, you've gotta love him.
Uhhhh, you're the only one he hasn't pissed off.
Sorry Ron, he doesn't really piss me off, he is incompetent, even with total control he can't get anything done.
Obama has not pissed me off. I certainly voted for him, and would do it again. People are saying bad things about him without weighing the alternative, which would have been a McCain/Palin administration.
Hilary Clinton would not be our secretary of state, and we would probably lose some really good politians, to bring in more hardcore nutjobs, who would set our freedoms back several decades. Does this sound better to you? I would rather move to Canada.
Obama isn't the problem, it is a republican scheme to block everything he is trying to accomplish to make him, and the Democratic party look bad, setting aside the fact that we suffered for 8 years under their guy, who pretty much ruined this country for everyone, with their helping hands.
So, give the Obama bashing a rest.
Ditto, agree 100%. No regrets here voting for Obama.
" I would rather move to Canada."
I believe that anyone who ever says that, should. Now.
That sounds like the Dems and Bush and it sounds like the Reps and Clinton.....Hmmmm.
brim & like,
We will never know what would have been, but don't forget the Congress would still be Democratic. I hate when one party controls everything. Did you enjoy yesterdays meeting? The Dem's will now try to push their agenda through by themselves, to hell with the electorate.
Brimancandy, the Republicans can't block anything. You guys keep spouting the same line but the majority of us know its your own Democratic brothers that can't pass squat. What Obama wants is the cover of bipartisanship to hide behind when things go down the drain. That's what he's done his whole life. All this crap about compromise is a joke. To Obama and the Democrats, compromise is like a man going to a doctor with a stomach ache. The doctor wants to cut off his legs. Should Republicans compromise and only cut off one leg? No. Republicans aren't blocking anything. At least some elected officials are A: listening to the people (72% as of yesterday are against ObamaCare) and B: willing to say not just no but hell no.
He's pissed off everyone that wants an end to the Iraq war, the return to the Constitution, the closure of Guantanamo Bay, a balanced budget, reduced gov't spending...
If you want to piss off these kinds of people, then, boy - howdy. I dunno what to say.
I'm sorry he got elected, but on the other hand he is one of the best things to happen for the Republicans.
I'm especially annoyed with him today because I found out that he has committed an illegal act, which he will get away because it will not be brought up. … s-opponent
He tried bribing a Democratic politician to not run by offering him a political appointment, which is illegal according to:
18 U.S.C. § 210 : US Code - Section 210: Offer to procure appointive public office
Whoever pays or offers or promises any money or thing of value,
to any person, firm, or corporation in consideration of the use or
promise to use any influence to procure any appointive office or
place under the United States for any person, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
We who voted for him and would again in a heartbeat know that he is just way better at his job than anyone you have ever voted for. Case in point: the last two elections. We know you would like to distance yourselves from the absolute disaster the last bunch of conservos made, Lot's of luck with that! He has outmaneuvered you at every turn. Your own party is in shambles. It is time to stop gloating. It's rather embarassing and disheartening for people who still believe in a two-party system.
I've never voted for anyone for starters. I haven't been old enough to vote in any election. And who said that I would have voted for Bush twice or voted for McCain? And also, you have no idea what things would have been like if McCain were elected, it's impossible to know what would have happened.
How was I distancing myself from anything Bush? My party is not in shambles and neither is the Republican Party. The GOP is gaining more power everyday because of Obama and Congress.
How was I gloating. Two party systems are more effective than multi-party systems.
It was rather disheartening to read your response to my post, all you did was post a bunch of nonsense that had nothing to do with what I wrote.
There are many problems with what you say. The Republican's have never stopped anything, they don't have enough votes to do it. It's the Democrat's that have stopped Obama and are in shambles.
Republican's in shambles:
New Jersey
I agree with legendary hero, the election of this unqualified, inexperienced, naive, preogressive moron is one of the BEST thing to happen for/to the republican party in a long while. I hope we don't find a way to blow it!!
It depends on what he pushes through before November.
Not at all sorry I voted for Obama. I'm thinking on a more realistic note however...he has only had a year to fix what Bush did in takes time.
Incorrect about being a realist. In one year he has driven the debt up by trilliions. Bush didn't do that in eight years. The dollar is declining and countries don't want to by our paper. Inflation will sky-rocket, it hasbegun. What will happen when the dollar is no longer the international trading standard?
Obama is now and always has been a joke. There is no major secret to why he got elected and as far as legendary's link that just cinches it. I live in Pa. and the only bigger clown in politics than obama is Arlen Spectar.
I was sorry George Bush got elected. And the alternative was equally as bad. Imagine the destruction that Gore could have done to the economy with his selfish agenda.
It seems like it's always up to use to pick the lesser of 2 evils based on what we believe a candidate "Might" do.
Has there ever been a candidate that has "walked the walk"?
I am no Obama Fan anyone who reads my post clearly knows that.
But I wonder would we be any better off with McCain. I mean he was not much of a candidate in my opinion. He was part of the Savings and Loan Scandal years back.
What do you do when both parties just keep feeding us Puppets that do not have our interests at heart?
Yeah I think Obama sucks... but who doesn't suck?
Both parties have played a role in destroying the middle class. So we have Rich and Poor. And that's it.
This just out today: … et_bonuses
I guess we can blame Obama for this... but both parties are doing nothing to Address the real issue which is not Spending nor Taxes. It's fixing the very system of Banking that allows the corruption.
The accusation that Bush somehow single handedly destroyed the economy is ludicrous. The economy was on it's way down before Bush. The debt has been building and building. Bush did nothing but Tax and Spend and Obama is doing the EXACT SAME THING.
To me, it's abosolutely hiLARious that people are so upset that these CEOs are pocketing billions of dollars.
They were able to convince ALL of America that their companies were SO important that EVERYONE in the US IMMEDIATELY NEEDED to give up $2,700 or so (about one-tenth of the average YEARLY salary - aka more than one full month of employment for most Americans).
These CEOs were somehow able to convince Americans that their government needed to steal their money and give it to them, despite the fact that they made hundreds if not thousands or maybe even millions of improper business decisions and ignored the basic ideas of how to do banking.
Those CEOs deserve their bonuses, and we deserve to lose our money.
Don't get mad at the CEOs, get mad at your politicians. Get mad at Obama for arguing that the companies needed money, get mad at Bush for creating laws that screwed with the normal free-market regulations of banking et. al., get mad at your representatives and senators for voting to give them your money, and get mad at the supreme court for ignoring the constitution. Get mad at your mayor and state legislator for not nullifying the legislation.
Get mad at yourself for not fighting against the law.
Things would be better, one party wouldn't control everything.
i know, harvey, that at 6,800 words this is far beyond your attention span, but the article shows that it matters not who your president is:
maybe if you're able to finish reading it, you can post a fourth thread on whether we're happy with obama. as brimancandy posted, imagine the alternative.
"Imagine the alternative"
The alternative would have been a competent politician, but no one expects you to get that!
just as the alternative to your poetry would be, say, pablo neruda.
McCain and Palin: Now there's a joke I can believe in. McCain, the political hack who surfs the polls, can't even get reelected in his own state. And Palin? You have got to be kidding. She's the biggest joke of all. Go ahead and run that ticket again, We Democrats beg you.
It wont be them. You democrats are gonna get trounced something fierce! So keep talking about mandates and try shoving healthcare down our throats conservatives beg you! And they are stupid enough to keep doing it, "Obama got a mandate" that sucking sound you hear is the independents votes being siphoned off, mandate? Thats gotta be something Chris Matthews and Prez 0 have gone on!
McGovern and
Dukakis and
I forgot the Mass. Gov. and
I'm surprised a man who's icon is 'A Texan' isn't arguing for the most politically active Texan out there!
We need a proper, good, alternative to the idiotic parties in place today.
Ron Paul, at this point, is this country's only hope for any real Change - and he's a TRUE conservative!
I know he's from Pennsylvannia, but he's running Texas now!
He's running Texas?
How exactly is Ron Paul running Texas?
And just so you know, he isn't a Texan!
Didn't you know Ron Paul runs the world.
Ron Paul is a Libertarian, check the definition.
Thanks for the compliment. Presently I can't think (limited capacity) of distasteful words to describe an appropriate answer to describe you.
I'm very glad you count words in an article, I'll try to read it when I go to the bathroom.
Do Either Democrats or Republicans actually think that they are accomplishing anything anymore? Really? Put down the grenedes and start working for the people that put you in office.
I've been living in Japan for the past 4 years. All I hear each and every morning when i check the morning internet-news reports is 'the president is a moron'.
It was like that during Bush, it is like that with Obama. The only difference is which group is saying it and why they're saying it.
Everyone tries to pass Obama's failures off on Bush, which is utter nonsense - if you REALLY think that Bush is the reason why the economy went south, then you don't understand economics; Bush did have a hand in it, but so did Congress and the Supreme Court.
Everyone tries to act like Obama's awesome - why did he get that Nobel Prize again? for NOT being Bush?
And everyone realizes that the parties really aren't that different. Differences include: One 'supports the troops' more, one doesn't want evolution taught in school, one doesn't like abortion in any cases, one doesn't want to give up on Iraq and Afghanistan, one likes guns a little more... ... ... wait, is that it?
The similarities are ASTONISHING: both want more government, both want to continue taxing your income, both want to further regulate the economy, both want to make you scared of one thing so they can take away some freedom of yours, both want you to think the other group is evil so that you'll be passionate about supporting them, both want a bigger federal government, both want to ignore the Constitution, both ... i could go on.
The fact is, that both parties are the same, they just disagree on a few unimportant issues.
Let's get a third party that knows what the heck this "Constitution" thing is.
I think it's great he got elected. He's the biggest lesson the sleeping dragon has ever had and that lesson has been long overdue
Barrack Obama's election was the first I've followed in years. I didn't vote, but I was hoping he'd be elected. When he was, I was happy. But my opinion of him has definitely changed. His campaign was a total lie. If not an exact "lie," at least an omitting of truth. Now I wish Hilary Clinton had been elected. Maybe I don't like HER, but Bill was a decent president and maybe she would have learned enough from him to return our country to "the good old days." If not, watching their family dramas would be, at least, amusing.
Your being able to finally see what Obama is, is wonderful. Hilary is not very far from B.O. She is also a Socialist, look back at her health-care plan.
Let's see who ends up running.
I do not think we should blame the candidates or persons, it is the parties and policies that we vote and that should be discussed.
It is entirely fair to blame the candidates and persons along with the parties and policies. The candidates are in control of what they do, why should they be above blame? And the people that voted all of these politicians in are as just as much to blame.
I am not sorry at all for voting for Barack Obama... For a first year, bit over that, in office....especially with all that has gone on over the past 3 years....I think he has exercised his role as chief executive well.
I've been sorry he got elected since long before he got elected. Knew if he did, it would mean disaster for my energy industry job, and it was.
On the flip side, my forced retirement from trucking has left me time to build our house and write on the Net, so hey, silver linings and all that...
Well Sab, for a variety of reasons...all of which I won't disclose here...
Obama opened up a large increase, 50% I believe, in Pell Grants....and as the U.C. system just raised rates by 30 plus percent...these are sorely needed...
Obama has backed some great legislation, from the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to the recent bill (argued today) concerning the gaining of governmental rights for indigenous Hawaiians...the Jobs Bill, while I have not read it per se, seems hopeful, and like a step further in the right direction.
In terms of national image, the previous administration did a great job to undermine both American confidence as well as our international image.....To have a man who can barely communicate is an embarrassment.....what a clown Bush was....
Obama, however, restores the image of intelligence to the Executive Branch that was lost...Youth are energized about public service in ways that were not visible during the Bush least not in my neck of the woods...
I am looking forward to the troop reductions in Iraq, as well....
So his accomplishments are 'supporting' things the legislature did, not being Bush, and you like his 'image'?
Make room on Mt. Rushmore!
Other nations think Obama is a fool; why do you think terrorists test us, and China calls for removalof the dollar as the standard.
You do list things, but what have they accomplished for the country?
You asked for accomplishments, and I provided them...
The President cannot make laws....the legislature I can't give the President direct credit....but you should know this..
Of course, when I wrote about what Obama has done in terms of restoring an image of competance and respect to the White House you simply make that "anti-Bush"...
Not reading again Sad....but I know your tactics I am not surprised...
Do you care to actually comment on one of my remarks with substance, or just one liners?
You asked the question, I answered, and your response is lacking....
"You asked for accomplishments, and I provided them..."
You provided indirect associations and 'image'
Nothing of substance, just like our president
"Of course, when I wrote about what Obama has done in terms of restoring an image of competance and respect to the White House you simply make that "anti-Bush"..."
YOU brought up Bush, not me
Which is very bad news for the GOP. They try to hide from their history as if it never happened, but those gosh-darn facts keep popping up like mushrooms in cow pies.
Look at all three major elections since Obama got in, and look at all the polls in upcoming election. The Dem's are in deep shi*!
There hasn't been even one "major" election in that time frame, so your point is well..............pointless. The one small victory the GOP was crowing about(in Massachesetts)turns out to be very short-lived. He won by distancing himself from the wingnuts and is voting like a centrist, much to the dismay of glennbecklimbaugh and his zombie followers. GOP RIP. They had their chance for 6 years, they won't have another.
I'm not sorry President Zero got elected, I didn't vote for him. There are many who have gotten buyer's remorse, unfortunately, we all have to deal with the crap that Zero and his minions over at the House and Senate are going to do and have done to us. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a whole slew of lawsuits against Zero and his cronies after his one term is done.
Responding with non-answers...
You are at least consistent.....
If anyone wants to see how pathetic one can be come check out Sad's "arguments" on some of my articles....
What a waste of time you can be.....
Then why do you feel the need to resort to playground insults? You should be beyond that sort of thing by now.
A waste of space and air. Dont respond to him. He's has no real convictions; he just wants to play Karate mind games with anyone who will respond to him.
Take off the mask...and let's see the true face of Sad! The playground insult would be to take you at all seriously....
I am glad I voted for the President, and I would do it again...
(ignoring yet another insult)
"I am glad I voted for the President, and I would do it again..."
So, after seeing how he has done (to the extend he has 'done' anything) so far, you would not go back and vote for Hillary or another democrat if you could? (I think I can tell by now that you are so partisan that the notion of voting for anything other than a dem - or one of those ridiculous fringe parties - would be out of the question).
I would have voted for McCain before he lost his mind.
Hillary Clinton is a different person than Barack Obama. She was a supporter of the invasion of Iraq, while he was not. The difference between my vote, however, was based off the policies that were discussed..
I watched the debates, I did my reading, and I did not see any incentive in the Republican ticket, and felt even less confident in them when they picked Palin as McCain's running mate...
I saw bad decision-making followed by more bad decision-making on the part of the GOP...and watched as their increasingly divisive tones concerning Obama's religious and national background morphed the party into a nativist/extremist corner...and I did not like that at all....
Obama is an inspirational figure...and not because I say so...I think back to a specific train ride I was taking to Long Beach shortly after Obama's inauguration, and remember the conversing in the car between different people....I see it in the youth I tutor....
Our nation needed something positive, and he brought it...nothing is perfect, and he is only an individual, but I am glad that he is there, and not McCain/Palin or Clinton/Obama....
"Obama is an inspirational figure..."
And there you have it. That is about the only thing left for supporters to cling to. But even there, the bloom is surely off the rose by now.
Support him, encourage him, hope he does better, but don't pretend he has accomplished anything.
Harvey, if I may, do you see a viable candidate for the office of the Presidency? I, myself, do not. All of the choices differ very little. This President is just a variation on the same old tired theme. The Bi-Partisan bickering is crippling the very way of government, coupled with the influence of the Banks and Big Business, unless a fundamental shift in the affairs of governance is brought into play, we will merely be playing with words until the dying horse finally kicks the bucket.
It is very sad that I had to drop out of the race. If you look at my Hub you will see my Platform, and whyI can not run. It may sound funny but I've received a lot of praise for my Platform.
I'm not sorry - give him time - things don't change much for me no matter which party says they're in power - so I don't tend to believe much of all the bs-ing on either side.
Well, I did not vote for him. However, he has sure made a lot of my tax return customers happy. The majority of my customers are seeing a 40-60% increase in their federal returns. Mostly because of his work credit and re-education credits. I'm happy that I can help them ease their burdens during this tough economic down turn.
Therefore, as I see it, we need to work with what we have and pray for better in 2012!
No, I don't think he has done any worse than any of the other t presidents before him. It was already messed up before he took office, I don't see why everyone would think he could make a miracle happen, after all,he isn't God. Godspeed. creativone59
How is it the "only thing" Sad if I mentioned other things?
Others do as well.....your selective editing is your downfall...
And I guess you underestimate/weigh the importance of inspiration to both individuals and society...
The facts without the democrat talking points.
Candidate Obama promised hope and change will be coming to
Washington. The reform legislation that Obama and the majority
democrat party are pushing for have confirmed his intentions of
changing the ways in American government.
Let’s look back to what candidate Obama pledged to the American
people if elected. President Barak Obama pledged:
1.To bring back the jobs lost in 2007 and 2008
FOR THE RECORD the democrats controlled congress in jan 2007 up until today Today it is 9.7% plus
2.To fix the economic problems by passing the $787 billion Tarp
bill (congress passed the bill without reading or debating the bill
The tarp money has been paid back plus interest.. The law requires the money to go back to the treasury to pay back the loans.President Obama does not want to reduce the deficit with that money according to the law
3.To have fiscal responsibility and control spending, Barak Obama
promised to go line for line and strike out pork in the Tarp bill
4.To rid Washington of lobbyist and special interest groups
5.To surround himself with experienced and capable people
6.To have an open transparent government and to allow C-Span to
televise the debates and congressional hearings.
7 To close gitmo last year.
8.To end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
9.To give 95% of the people a tax break and not to tax anyone
below $250,000, by the way according to some officials the ceiling
has dropped down to$100,000 with a possibility to $85,000 due to
lack of money coming into the treasury.
10.To not allow no bid contracts in his administration.
A major news source reported that Obama gave a $25 million no
bid contract to a donor of his campaign. The contract recently was
cancelled after being exposed by the media..
11. To reduce the deficit by 50% in his first term.
The proposed budget for 2011($3.85 trillion )given to congress will
be the largest ever in our history if passed by congress..
UNEMPLOYMENT IN 2006 WAS 4.6% (the republicans controlled congress ) NOW 9.7%PLUS
An excellent, informative, realistic and true comment. The ones he has basically helped are Union Leader's and Gov't workers.
Harvey, I don't know what "other nations" think, but people within other nations have all kinds of views about the President...judging from his warm response when he visits other places, I don't know if I agree with your assessment...
I think more people outside the United States feel that the American people are largely tools of Halliburton and Neo Liberal economic policies that most of them don't understand and don't pay attention to...
I know that there are a lot of Coca Cola employees and other workers in Ecuador who love what Obama was able to do on their behalf.....and it's too bad our companies are busy killing/kidnapping/illegally imprisoning, and destroying lives in other nations.....but many Americans cannot look at their destructive actions with honesty...
As for China's response to U.S. dollars....wars cost money...and can destroy nations....Perhaps if we were not busy paying off sheiks or indirectly paying the Taliban we would have more cash.... … t-to-know/
Obama is not perfect, nor was he ever made out to be....he doesn't have all the support he needs, and it was known that he wouldn't.... When I look at the challenges he faces, or the roadblocks he's encountered I see more institutionalized flaws than his own....
By the way, there are far more conservative-minded Democrats than liberal donkeys crossing into the elephant's side of the aisle is not an unknown feat....birds of a feather flock together, regardless of party line...
Lincoln and Obama have so much in much, and Lincoln is considered one of our greatest national leaders....but he was demagogued during his time in office as well.....
You know who comprises the crowds that await him, all countries do it. You can even look at the Obama Town Hall meetings, it's the same. You being ex military should know what those who serve think of him. I get my info from the wife ofa Colonel.
He says they can't stand Obama and are told to smile during photo ops.
Here is a Lincoln quote "to remain silent is to be a coward ". watching this president telling the people untrue and half truth statements is far from what Lincoln did when he was president.
In today's business section an associated press article RECOIVERY IN DOUBT AS US GROWTH SLOWS
"as government stimulus wanes and Federal Reserve economic-support programs end, the economy could suffer.Economists say the odds of the economy sliding back into a recession this year are low, but they won't rule it out."
LET'S FACE IT without jobs in the private sector, businesses will close,people will continue to lose their healthcare benefits, healthcare premiums will rise and we will have more foreclosures.
THE $787 BILLION WAS TO PUT PEOPLE BACK TO WORK,the only people that got help was government union workers. hence the phrase '' saved jobs'' and state governments.As of today less than 50% of the money has been spent and unemployment is at 9.7% plus in many areas of the nation.
President Barak Obama and the inept democratic leadership have wasted the taxpayers time and money for the past year forgetting that jobs jobs should have been the first priority of this administration.
President Barak Obama on 2/25/10, in his closing argument essentially told the American people that he and the democratic congress will pass healthcare legislation by any means even if in violation of the constitution.
no, especially in light of who would be there in his place.
the mcpain duo.
"immoral" and "unpatriotic"....two of the most subjective and overly used terms I have heard launched against any President up to this point.....and then I read more about Abraham Lincoln...
His actions to end slavery were deemed so immoral and unpatriotic that states seceded from the Union...never has this every happened up to that point or since....Slavery was such a "moral" institution that it was worth dissolving the Union over....
Raping slave girls and lynching/burning men were both moral and patriotic not too long ago.....
Polk and are two examples of war criminals as well as presidents who broke both international law and violated the Constitution of the United States through deceit and corruption.....but why are there no complaints about them....and why did Bush get reelected?
I have my opinion on this....
"His actions to end slavery were deemed so immoral and unpatriotic that states seceded from the Union..."
States did not secede from the Union because Lincoln was trying to end slavery. Licoln was all for keeping slavery if he could keep the Union together at the same time. He had a balanced view of principles and practicality, unlike our current president.
And Bush is not a "war criminal." That is the kind of silly ranting one would expect of some unwashed college kid who reeks of dope and cookie dough and is not worthy of this venue.
You are correct about lincoln, and Bush is not a war criminal.
Bush is not a "war criminal." nor is Malosovich, but the should be in the same place
The terms are not subjective.
It wasn't anyone who had good morals who advocated raping slave girls, etc.
Were you there? I think not. Neither was I. But I can rightly say what's immoral and unpatriotic.
I AM here during Obama's hogwash. So I can speak definitively about it. I WAS here during the Bush Administration, and although I didn't know everything that went on, I can see by the results of it that it had no comparison to the immorality and unpatriotism of the current Obama Administration.
your kidding right? Please say you are, PLEASE!
I didn't have to be there.....the court cases and testimonials are published...they are part of our history....perhaps you just haven't read them yet...
Don't worry, I'll write articles about them...
"Celie; A Slave"---check it out.
"My Folks Don't Want Me to Talk About SLavery"---another...
Those terms are absolutely subjective.....which is proven in our democracy every day when differing sides wrangle over these concepts...which is why something deemed "patriotic and moral" like slavery can be made the reverse....
Which is why the moral and patriotic place for a woman was in the home and keeping silent to her man..regardless of whether he was "moral"....and why this also changed....
You can have your opinion....but your claims remain your own based on your do my own.
Of course Sad.....
I forgot how right you are....
You should teach a class....
Well am not an american and to be honest I was not thrilled he was elected but I guess you guys need to give him more time to fix the problems that dubya plagued on y'all...
Can anyone say that the televised meeting with the Republican's did anything. Obama spoke for more minutes than all Republican's combined.
After the meeting Obama said the Democrat's would have to push things through without the Republican's; is that bi-partisan? He was never able to get his own Party to fully back it before.
"I have no doubt you are an excellent student (although your spelling needs work)."
I see you edited this post after the fact....
My "spelling errors" regarding your name are intentional, as I'm sure you have discovered...
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones...your punctuation above is out of form..
I was in the military, which is why they all do not view him the same way.. A friend of mine just recently showed me pictures that his nephew took when the President and Vice President came to his base... Those weren't photo ops or disgruntled, anti-Obama soldiers..
I know that conservatives within the military, and those who are in the business of war do not particularly like Democrats or Obama in particular...I was in when Clinton was in office, and when that transitioned to Bush...I remember the rhetoric from the higher ups...and I look back on it now and see how ridiculous many of their views were...
My uncle is a former captain....and I get his ridiculous emails too...some of which I have written articles about...
Military service does not imply intellect....or unbiased thinking...
I do not look at uniforms and fall in line any longer......
"My "spelling errors" regarding your name are intentional"
Do you mean to say that you are engaged in infantile name calling?
Mike, IThe man I spoke of was #1in his class at West Point, and helped devise stratagy in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was called out of retirement to do these things. I consider him a good source. He is retired again.
Yes I'm glad Obama was elected. Why? He is the closest thing to an intelligent and reasonable person that Ive seen in office in a long time. Some have been intelligent, but they lacked reasonableness, and common sense.
Reasonable would mean listening to the other side and the people. He doesn't do either.
Considering the other side (like most democrats) are more concerned with catering to the thieves their party serves than they are their citizens, it's easy to understand why he would'nt listen to them. And the people, at least the majority, are either endoctrined by political parties or are led along like submisive sheep by the media. So to me, intelligent and reasonable would be attempting to govern to the best of ones ability without being swayed by doctrine, special interests, or the ignorance of the uninformed.
That's what the Tea party's are about.
I do notice a lack of keeping the promises he made,and deosn't really seem to be going anywhere...maybe he's watching MTV again.
Even his own Party will not support what he wants, more than 50% of the people don't agree with him. His current approval rating is at 46%.
by lady_love158 12 years ago … increases/Really, and people think this guy is a genius? Why does he insist on making ideological proposals that even his own party wont support? This president is beyond inept and incompetent, he's moronic!
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Have we elected a King?Our president should serve our country. After all we (the people) pay his salary. But has he become a king to do whatever he wishes?
by Harvey Stelman 15 years ago
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Is the Tea Party Destroying the Republican Party?Former U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett believes the tea party is destroying the Republican Party. The ex-Utah lawmaker, a victim of tea party politics when he lost his seat in 2010 to Mike Lee, gave his candid assessment to a conference of the Assoc.of Amer...
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Can you really have a relationship with someone you don't trust.You can love them and want your relationship to work but if you don't trust them can it? Do you give it time and hope for the best?
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Does Obama have a good chance of being re-elected? Why or why not?
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