Rick Perry is done

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  1. I am DB Cooper profile image83
    I am DB Cooperposted 12 years ago

    Rick Perry is dropping out of the presidential race today. Just a few months ago there were a lot of people thinking he could beat Romney, but then he kept sticking his foot in his mouth in the debates. Is this the last we'll see of Rick Perry in national politics?

    1. Rock_nj profile image88
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Jeeze, I hope so.  Rick Perry added nothing to the political or intellectual discourse in this country.  What a dud he turned out to be.

    2. Josak profile image59
      Josakposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope we never hear of him again, such a stupid and homophobic man i have not seen in my life. It is an inditement of the whole state of Texas that he is their Governor, what a joke.

      1. manlypoetryman profile image80
        manlypoetrymanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Seriously...did ya' juz' diss on the whole state of Texas...over one politician? There is no hope for some posters on the internet...Seriously...No hope...at all.

        1. Josak profile image59
          Josakposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yup, he is elected, that means the majority of Texans voted for him and I understand he won quite comfortably, so this means most Texans are willing to vote for a man who cnat remember three main points and who insults soldiers risking their lives for the country just because they are gay. If most of Texas is willing to go along with that then screw Texas.

          1. Greek One profile image63
            Greek Oneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I understand that football is a very popular sport in Texas....

            and that sports-related concussions can have long-term consequences on one's mind

          2. manlypoetryman profile image80
            manlypoetrymanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Spoken like the wise person...you appeared to be in your first comment.

      2. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        An inditement huh? lol lol lol lol Do you possibly mean indictment?

    3. badpoet81 profile image59
      badpoet81posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think we've seen the last of him.  He's young and popular with certain constituencies that will overlook his poor performance because they are enamored with his core values and the overall image he projects.  I could easily see him sitting in a Senate soon.

    4. Deni Edwards profile image73
      Deni Edwardsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I often find myself wondering what the heck is wrong with Texas.  Bush had Perry beat in the intellectual department, and that is something I never thought I would say. 

      Perry is a space cadet.

      1. Stump Parrish profile image61
        Stump Parrishposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That has to be the first time Bush has ever been accused of being smarter than another human being.

      2. manlypoetryman profile image80
        manlypoetrymanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You would compare Texas to its politicians when you are from California...?

        "BAAAAAAAAA-HHHHAAAAAAAA-HHHHHAAAAA-HHHAAAAA"....Air...I need Air...Breathe again...Get back up from rolling on the floor...Dust myself off...Regain Composure.

  2. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 12 years ago

    wow... months ago I was pretty sure his nomination was going to be one of the signs of the Apocalypse

  3. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    I've never been a Perry supporter, but I did read something that made me like him better on a personal level. When the groups following the candidates - interviewers, cameramen, gophers, etc - were asked about the candidates, they said Perry was the "nicest guy" of all. He treated everyone with respect.

    1. Greek One profile image63
      Greek Oneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      come on,... Newt didn't win that vote!?!?!?

      1. habee profile image93
        habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I know - amazing, isn't it?? lol

    2. Deni Edwards profile image73
      Deni Edwardsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've always said that dumb people are very nice.

  4. Evan G Rogers profile image62
    Evan G Rogersposted 12 years ago



    Santorum is next.

  5. A Troubled Man profile image59
    A Troubled Manposted 12 years ago

    "He sure didn't tell me I was gonna win," Perry said at a campaign event in South Carolina, according to NBC News. "But I know I'm doing God's will for my life.”

    Funny how four candidates who claimed God told them to run have now dropped out.

    "God told him to run. But God didn't say he would win. God, as it turns out, was bored out of his omniscient mind last summer and, knowing that he would have precious little to do right about now other than decide the outcome of football games based on public displays of piety, thought he could at least have a little fun goading people into doomed runs for the presidency.

    I've noticed that the conservative version of God is really kind of a jerk. Which I guess explains why so many religious conservatives think "acting like a jerk" is the most godly thing you can do, and why they do so much of it." ~~ Dailykos


    1. manlypoetryman profile image80
      manlypoetrymanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ok...here I go again...(in response to one of your remarks...this time it is the quote you reference):

      And it never dawns on other people with opposing views that they come off sounding like a "jerk"..as well...and very often. hmm

      1. A Troubled Man profile image59
        A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, reality most certainly is the opposing view and I can understand how reality must really sound like a "jerk" in light of religious beliefs.

    2. Evan G Rogers profile image62
      Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's a symptom of Neo Conservatism: Doing things is pointless, so might as well demand that people do what we want.

  6. Paul Wingert profile image60
    Paul Wingertposted 12 years ago

    Good bye Perry! We don't need another Bush clone in the White House.

  7. Stump Parrish profile image61
    Stump Parrishposted 12 years ago

    Well in Josak's defense y'all did elect him. BTW how is Texas enjoying the Perry-quakes your state is  starting to experience? How exciting do you think it's going to get when they start happening under that nuclear reactor they are fracking around with? It sure sounds to me like this religious nut is bound and determined to singlehandedly start the Apocalypse 

    BTW, How did this moron convince y'all that during a really bad drought it was a good idea to divert a bunch of precious drinking water to the oil and gas industry? I would have thought that after your experience with Dubya, y'all would have had enough of yahoo governors but apparently not.

    1. manlypoetryman profile image80
      manlypoetrymanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hard to say...what to do during a drought...Texas has been having them for several years now...but I am pretty sure you still have to keep the economy going...during a drought...and if the water went to the oil and gas industry...that is a big part of our economy.

      But then maybe everyone is supposed to just sit around and look beat-up during a drought. Sit around with a handkerchief up against your brow...and look like some "Dust Bowl" Depression Era picture...and wonder when we are going to ever get help?

      Really...it is very easy to scrutinize every decision of every single politician. That is why politics is like a five ring circus.

      So drinking water was diverted to the oil and gas industry? Maybe, this is your talking point, Stump? Well...more power to ya'...go after any and all crazy politicians...because in my humble opinion...none of them have their ear to the needs of the everyday person. Every last one of them are highfalutin, power hungry, showboating, money grabbers. Show me one politician who is not rich and getting richer...and who doesn't like to showboat at every fancy ceremony that comes around. So go on and blame Texas for Rick Perry. Rick Perry is out of the race. No Tears for Texans...well maybe somehow Texas will manage to get by even with out the ones who want to blame Texas for Rick Perry.

      Shoot...Texas can play that game too...how many other states have needed ..no dare I say...required...federal assistance because their economy is in the tank?

  8. profile image0
    icountthetimesposted 12 years ago

    He has done weeks ago. There's still a tiny bit of life left in Gingrich yet though.

    1. Paul Wingert profile image60
      Paul Wingertposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't worry, he'll screw it up.

  9. Moderndayslave profile image61
    Moderndayslaveposted 12 years ago

    Perry should of waited another 5 minutes because so is Newt.

  10. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    Newt can't go away quickly enough for me.

    1. I am DB Cooper profile image83
      I am DB Cooperposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I bet he drops out just in time to make the annual Groundhog Day orgy at Herman Cain's house.

  11. JamesPoppell profile image72
    JamesPoppellposted 12 years ago

    Rick Perry should have quit a long time ago. I believe (and hope) this will be the last we see of him on the political stage.

  12. adjkp25 profile image83
    adjkp25posted 12 years ago

    Dropping out of the race was a formality; he has been done for a while.  Hopefully this is the last time we see him in the national political spotlight.


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